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Author Topic: Hero's Guild: Thief Trouble  (Read 8590 times)


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Re: Hunter's Guild: Thief Trouble
« Reply #15 on: December 15, 2015, 04:30:11 AM »

As predicted, instead of making a turn for the right, the purple stone in the amulet would glow and the person ran straight through the wall, the signature of the person becoming barely noticeable.

Jay had also prepared the right course of action before, without anything stopping the person, they would have ran easily through any obstacle. The figure had went into a straight line completely, actually coming out of a wall and trying to run straight into the crowd once out in the open again.
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: Hunter's Guild: Thief Trouble
« Reply #16 on: December 15, 2015, 04:49:14 AM »

With his sudden drop from the sky, he had landed in the middle of a crowd of people. He still took his action from before, only now would he add a quick, "Clear the way." to give some direction to the hysterical group of civilians. As the thief burst from the building, the Nara had a split second to decide on his course of action. If the amulet was still glowing, he would refrain from releasing his arrow, but if it was dull and inactive, the arrow would shoot towards the right thigh of the thief, the speed of it would hope to catch the man off guard, while keeping the attack nonlethal.

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Re: Hunter's Guild: Thief Trouble
« Reply #17 on: December 15, 2015, 04:54:06 AM »

The necklace would still be glowing but the color was quickly fading. But, as it faded, the person seemed to be almost fading as well. They were running straight towards Jay, as if unaware of all the people screaming and the man with a bow and arrow drawn. As the person approached, if Jay released his arrow, it would just pass through the figure.

The figure, after only five steps towards Jay, would almost completely disappear. Though, beneath the hood, he would be able to see beautiful eyes the color of emeralds. But then, once the amulet stopped glowing, the person would disappear. And there'd be no trace left of the energy coming from the figure.
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: Hunter's Guild: Thief Trouble
« Reply #18 on: December 15, 2015, 05:10:09 AM »

Jay would refrain from releasing his arrow because the amulet was still glowing. But as the man disappeared completely, the Nara stood baffled in the crowd of screaming civilians. His grip on the string of his bow lessened as he narrowed his eyes. This didn't make much sense but he guessed that that was the whole point. Perhaps the amulet was cursed and caused the wearer to forever be intangible with extended use. But if that was the case, the amulet would have clattered to the ground after its curse was in full effect. If not, then invisibility would be another ability the amulet held. Regardless, the Nara would return his arrow to his quiver and fail and relocating the energy signature of the thief. "Great, that's a thing. I need to find him again."

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Re: Hunter's Guild: Thief Trouble
« Reply #19 on: December 15, 2015, 05:13:30 AM »

The one lead the man had was now gone, and the thief would try something so soon after almost getting caught. It'd be, at the least, a few hours before something happened again. The hero could take this to try and find out some leads from the information he had from a pub to ask about the person, the people in the area to see if they saw anything, or the library to try and follow up more on the amulet itself. Sadly, he'd only have time to do one of them, though. So whatever he did would be the only thing he did.
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: Hunter's Guild: Thief Trouble
« Reply #20 on: December 15, 2015, 05:52:41 AM »

Of course the Nara didn't find any fallen amulet and thus decided he should wait things out until the thief made his reappearance. Everybody was still panicking from his appearance, so he spent a few minutes calming them down, explaining the situation. After he did that, he informed them to be on the lookout and spread the word. That amulet was the source of this entire phenomenon and he trusted the old man to have told him the full truth about what he knew about his heirloom.

In the meantime between now and the next time the thief made his next move he'd make his way towards the library and check if that amulet had a more illuminated history to it.

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Re: Hunter's Guild: Thief Trouble
« Reply #21 on: December 15, 2015, 06:05:26 AM »

Once getting to the library, Jay could look into a few things about the necklace. He could look up necklaces with weird abilities, or he could also try and look necklaces matching the physical design of the amulet. The choice was his and the man had roughly five and a half hours before something would happen.
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: Hunter's Guild: Thief Trouble
« Reply #22 on: December 15, 2015, 06:52:30 AM »

The raven haired man would indeed inquire the receptionist about necklaces that held weird powers and would be directed to such a small section. He was surprised there was an entire section for necklaces alone, but in this monstrous world, he shouldn't have been. He didn't join the guild for nothing. He smiled as he skimmed through a few books, but doing nothing concerning his current amulet of interest. He would lose track of time, a few hours passing before low and behold, in one of the books a picture of the amulet popped into sight. "Holy crap, I found it." He'd exclaimed in surprise, immediately getting a shush from one of the librarians. He blushed, looking towards the woman, before returning his gaze back to the book to read up on the amulet to learn everything that was documented about it. Something that was surely needed when a hero found an item from one of them many monsters that were killed.

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Re: Hunter's Guild: Thief Trouble
« Reply #23 on: December 15, 2015, 07:01:59 AM »

At the time of finding the information, there would only 45 minutes until the next event would happen. It seemed the necklace didn't let the user become invisible, or even intangible. The necklace was an item that was dropped when a Shapeshifting Dragon was killed, and the amulet was filled with the Magic from the beast. The name of the Amulet was, blandly named, The Amulet of Illusions. It allows the caster to create illusions of their will, though only those with strong enough wills can use the amulet. People driven by their emotions have been known to be great users of the amulet, especially those of anger. But it usually leads to the person seeing things that aren't actually there.

Others have seemingly used the necklace in sheer fear or panic, and those people usually come off without any side effects.

And there is only one record of a person using it for good, and that was the first Hero who got the item, before it was passed down to his child, and then stolen, being lost for some time. The man who used it to help others had been a great warrior and known as the '1000 Man Army', due to his illusions.
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: Hunter's Guild: Thief Trouble
« Reply #24 on: December 15, 2015, 07:30:30 AM »

"Illusions..." The word would roll off of the Nara's tongue, his crimson hues would darken in realization, slamming his fists on the table. "That sum b**** sent an illusion into the wall and took a right!" The librarian closest to him would grow annoyed at the use of profanity and blatant disruption of those around then hero and would approach him, grabbing at his ear like a mother would to her child. "I will not tolerate such actions and words in this library. Get out, and next time you come in here, you better bring some manners." She scolded the Nara, who naturally couldn't break free from such a dangerous hold and could only struggle as he was escorted out of the building. "Sorry, sorry, it won't happen again. Promise." He exclaimed as he felt the cool breeze of the day turning into the evening around him. "See to it that it doesn't." She cast one more look towards the raven haired hero, a faint blush crossed her cheeks at the gaze he was giving her. She closed her eyes and humphed, before walking back inside the library. This left the Nara to recover some lost dignity, which in sue made him once again take to the roofs, speeding towards the tallest building in the village, which quite possibly might be a church.

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Re: Hunter's Guild: Thief Trouble
« Reply #25 on: December 15, 2015, 07:42:50 AM »

The tallest building was not a church, though that was a close second. The tallest building the famous Carne Village Hotel, one of their many attractions.

Nearly an hour later, the day having calmed down some and the sun almost fully past the horizon, that something would happen. In the darkness, a jewelry store owner was shutting down for the night... A perfect target. There would be a loud scream, followed by the sound of breaking glass as the thief started to fill countless bags with the jewels. The shop owner was screaming in a corner, a large tiger growling at her and prowling back and forth in front of her.
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: Hero's Guild: Thief Trouble
« Reply #26 on: December 15, 2015, 08:22:56 AM »

Jay wasn't discouraged about being on top of a hotel, but determined to find this thief. While he didn't wish to cause a commotion, he knew any sounds would be heard if he concentrated hard enough. At such a high peak, both his eyes and ears were trained to find any significant disturbance in the village. He kept his gaze towards the market district, the hot zone for thieves to strike, the falling sun proving to be a natural cloak for those nocturnal creatures.

An hour would pass before he heard the scream, he perked up and stood to his feet, having been sitting down with his legs crossed. He formed a small series of hand seals and slowly inhaled, his belly growing from the amount of water that was being created inside of it. He had to be perfect with his timing. After another few seconds he released a stream of water(1) that shot towards the sound of the scream that seemed to resonate throughout the entirety of Carne Village from his position. The water would move quickly towards the ground and in that process the Nara would form another, smaller set of seals. His chakra rushed down the fountain of water and before the water could hit the ground the very tip of the water formed spikes and stabbed into the ground, but to keep the rest of the water from crashing and spreading, it proceeded to freeze as well(2) backtracking all the way to the Nara who closed his mouth and let the last quart or so of water to freeze at the edge of the roof.

He smirked at his handy work and jumped atop the slide of ice and used chakra to control how fast he was sliding down, not at all sure of what he'd expect when he reached the bottom.

1- Suiton: Funsui no Nagara  (Water Release: Fountain Stream)

2- Hyoton: Kesshō Chōkoku (Ice Release: Crystalline Sculpture)
« Last Edit: December 15, 2015, 08:23:49 AM by JayJay »

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Re: Hero's Guild: Thief Trouble
« Reply #27 on: December 15, 2015, 08:28:57 AM »

By the time his display was done, the quick thief had the goods and was running through the opened door of the building. Then the person's attention was pulled towards the ice slide and the man that was sliding down it. Her necklace was already glowing a light purple but he would throw his right hand towards Jay, fire streaming out of the hand suddenly in a cone that aimed to burn Jay to a crisp... Or would it? Although it looked real, it was actually an illusion and the person in the cloak, two large bags of jewels in each hand, turning quickly to stay running swiftly down the street and trying to turn left down the street at the corner of the block.
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: Hero's Guild: Thief Trouble
« Reply #28 on: December 15, 2015, 08:47:30 AM »

Jay would prove a lot more determined now that he knew that things were mere illusions. His crimson hues gleamed in excitement as he noticed the glowing amulet. Not wasting a single moment, he removed his bow from his back and quickly notched an arrow. As he was consumed by the flames of illusion, he released his arrow, towards left calf of the thief as he fixed to attempt to escape. A second after that he'd use a bit more chakra to shoot off the slide towards the thief, attempting land a few feet to the thief's right, just in case his arrow didn't land he was ready to give chase.

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Re: Hero's Guild: Thief Trouble
« Reply #29 on: December 15, 2015, 08:52:20 AM »

There was a yelp of pain as the arrow struck the leg of the thief, the arrow having hit it's mark. But now the thief knew that this person knew the amulet's true purpose. There was a grumble curse as the thief would have dropped the bags of jewels and turned deftly on their feels. A half face mask hid the person's details beneath black cloth, though shining emerald eyes burned with anger as they would lock onto Jay as he came to land so close to the person.

In a motion of someone trained in the art of duel wielding, suddenly the daggers from the person's hips were in their hands and, even with the injured leg, they aimed to close in on Jay. The first strike brought one blade quickly towards his right arm, aiming to cut into the bicep. The following strike was with the other hand, hoping to drive the dagger's edge across his left rib cage. She was going to try and carve him up, obviously the amulet wasn't the only thing the person was good at using.
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.

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