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Author Topic: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]  (Read 7997 times)


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Re: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]
« Reply #30 on: March 01, 2016, 01:56:34 PM »

As if having flashback to Rares, Rita seemed to tense and steel her mind in preparation for defense against genjustu, a slight build-up of chakra evident to the skilled sensor. Had come for a dragon? CARING for a dragon?

Was he seriously asking if she would part with even one piece of her treasure this relatively easily? Rita would have laughed had it not been clear that the man was quite serious. She steeled her gaze and stared Jay dead in the eye.

"It would seem that you are very confused, a dragon of Pyro's age hardly needs caring for at all unless you keep him close by at all times; and I don't intend on giving a red eyed Uchiha a young slave, especially not of my brood."

Harsh judgement perhaps, but Rita had noticed the glance towards the cave and the accursed eyes that looked that way, however subtle it may have been; he knew that they were there, but at this stage he didn't seem excessively forceful. For that reason she would not press for an attack of the physical kind.

"I challenge you to disprove my claim that that is all you really want out of this: a slave to order about like a tailed beast."

Pyro of course caught the intended morsel betwixt his jaws, antlers to the sides of his mouth of course, an audible crunch signalling the forceful bite that had been necessarily to guard his snout. Pyro looked towards Rita as she spoke, and then back to Jay. He dropped the antlered head to his feet and, at the end of Rita's commentary, added derisively,

"Some Nara, tossing about deer parts like they're raccoons, running around in cackling chakra armor and not once utilizing shadow imitation. Tsk tsk tsk."

The last part was added as a sort of tease, a sort of remembrance of Jay's earlier teasing about hunters keeping their game; a shame that the man had went through all of these efforts for a dragon.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2016, 01:58:31 PM by Eric »
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Re: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]
« Reply #31 on: March 02, 2016, 01:46:55 AM »

Slave was such a harsh term, something he never believed in. To even insinuate of that being his intentions were unforgivable in of itself. He would indeed remember it and hope that it wouldn't dwell within his heart. For now, he would try to push the word to the back of his mind, banishing it was impossible at this point. Pyro's taunting would be ignored as well, as only focusing on it wouldn't help his case in the slightest.

Occupying his attention with the rest of her words were more than necessary as his hand reached up to cover his right ear, as if attempting to hush the echoes of his inner mind. "She's not wrong you know. What is a beast, if not a tool for the humans. Just like the humans are tools for the Gods. Do what you want young Nara and TAKE IT! Destroy these dragons and take their hatchlings." The words of the God echoed in the man's mind, accompanied by an inner surge of blackened chakra. Jay fought the deity for a moment, before exerting his free will back into his being. 'S-stop interfering... we agreed that I would do it my way.' The voice remained quiet after this inner battle. A peaceful solution would be the only way to keep things from blowing up in his face.

On the outside, it would only appear as if the man was staring sternly at Rita, through the dragon as his crimson eyes seemed a bit glazed. Though this would only last for two minutes, as light returned to the man's hues and he cleared his throat. " that how you see yourself?" He spoke softly as he continued to stare at her with the softer look on his face.

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Re: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]
« Reply #32 on: March 02, 2016, 01:26:22 PM »

"Far from it. I come and go as I please, I am not under the constant chains of genjutsu or fuinjutsu, and I by and large do as I want. Do you see a master tugging at my tail?"

The shift in chakra had put Rita on guard, but it did not manifest itself into an attack, so she did not lash out. It was strange, that Jay would consider that as his response. Perhaps he thought that one of her own personal experiences had brought her to this?

Well no, Rares had been Eric's teacher, somewhat, and her staredown with him had left a mark. But her companion had not called on her for some time, not even for a fair chat, which did leave her wondering at this moment what he was up to.

Pyro did not entirely have the same sentiments, as he had had a somewhat different experience, but he kept his mind focused on the obvious, in that the man was trying to fish for something to use to get Rita to agree. He would have to do far better than that if he intended on going with that approach.
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Re: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]
« Reply #33 on: March 03, 2016, 07:56:11 AM »

The phrase, 'Slow and steady, wins the race' appeared in his mind for some apparent reason. He ignored the phrase and raised his attention to the clouds above. Her admittance to not being chained down, unbound by some external manner, to better enjoy her freedom should have been more than reason enough to prove that it was possible for one to have a dragon without these means. But, it was a mystery as to how the elder Nara had managed this feat.

Even so, he had been expecting this sort of resistance and knew from parental experience how protective one can get to their offspring. If someone had tried to take one of his children, he'd rip their heart out and wear their entrails as sweatpants. But he wouldn't mention his own children as they wouldn't help his case at the moment. He groaned softly as he crossed his arms again, his eyes falling back onto the female dragon. He had dug himself into a hole, and no extent of Earth Release could get him out of it. "In that case, it shouldn't be too farfetched to defend that it is possible for me to have a young hatchling as a companion. And back to your tailed beast comment... I have witnessed containers becoming friends with their tailed beast. "

His eyes swung around towards Pyro, for only a moment before looking back towards Rita. From a beastly standpoint, she could easily argue that it was only to gain their power more easily, which, in essence, was true. "A friendship, relationship, and even a partnership is all about give and take. Of course, I want the power of a dragon, who doesn't? They're all badasses. But, I also need it's protection, not just for me, but for those I care about." In his mind, it was alright to be greedy, if it was for the right reasons. His arms loosened and his hands returned to his pockets, and the crimson in his eyes faded away, bringing the golden color back.

It was obvious to him that the Sharingan was hurting his chances, her mention of Genjutsu. Even if he tried such a thing, Rita was prepared for it, and Pyro seemed a bit out of the loop, if you will. Plus, killing them would only cause Eric to get on his case, someone who was even better at manipulating shadows than Athos, who he was barely on par with(He liked to think so at this point). "I don't want a conflict to ensue between us. Despite how things seem, I want us to be allies, if only for the sake of building a foundation of trust and understanding. Boooooo!" Still though, he wanted to prove to her that he'd be able to protect the young dragon until it matured and could protect itself. How did she and Eric meet? What would it take to convince her? How is he gonna get this egg without conflict? So many questions raided his mind. How long have they been talking? The egg was still unguarded, unless there was a third dragon he didn't know about. Though he knew this was only because Pyro didn't want to leave Rita alone with him, and Rita didn't want to lead him to her egg with the way he's been talking. On some wavelength, he knew they were aware of this.

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Re: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]
« Reply #34 on: March 03, 2016, 01:11:55 PM »

The deactivation of the sharingan caused Rita to sigh, releasing some of her physical tension (but not mental preparedness).

"It is not the jinchurikii who are the most disagreeable, but I would like to consider my companion the exception rather than the rule. He is no Uchiha, and to be frank, a third of the time I tell HIM what to do. We met when we were both relatively young, and bonded over a lifetime. Needless to be said you seem a bit old to go that route."

Rita chuckled, reminiscing for only a moment before the amount of idle time had begun to bear down on her mind. They had been talking here for at least a good ten minutes, if not more; she could see that Pyro had not brought any of the clutch with him, so what condition had he left them in? Using her sensory she knew that nothing right now wandered about the cave, but she was in no condition to make the several kilometer trek in a hurry if push came to shove.

"You don't seem like the type that requires extra protection. Pyro, what is the current state of the nest?"

Though rather surprised by the forwardness, Pyro promptly responded,"They should be fine, too far in the cavern for some random passerbier to snatch them. You are not seriously considering this guy's proposal are you?"

"I am thinking about it. Come, we should get back to the cave; I would feel better about this whole thing if we were in much closer proximity."

Of course due to her injuries Rita was not exactly going to be flying back, so she started walking, expecting the other two to follow or, in Pyro's case, lead the way.

Pyro hesitated, picked up the antler's head in his jaws, and with a slightly audible huff, flapped at his wings and began to gain air, lifting himself off in order to ensure that he would be the first back to the cavern while at the same time keeping visual on Rita.
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Re: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]
« Reply #35 on: March 04, 2016, 04:31:11 AM »

A seed of contemplation had been sown in her mind, from what she told the male dragon. But as he looked at her, he knew something was still bugging her about him. A big part of it must have been his ties with the Uchiha bloodline. It made sense, a lot of people had animosity towards the eyes of the Sharingan, even more so towards a higher level of them. But, he couldn't be tied to the hate because he was born the way he was. Perhaps he could become the exception, rather than the rule to this as well. Sort of a, two birds one stone type of thing. "I don't consider myself an Uchiha. Even though I have more than enough of the clan's blood flowing through my veins, I was raised by my Nara grandfather..." 'Even though he chose a life of piracy before meeting grams... and she chose a life of a bandit before meeting gramps...'

Thinking of his grandparents made him replay her words. They made it seem as if they were each other's mentor and protector, like his gramps was solely to him. A lifetime seemed a stretch though... unless Eric was in his sixties, which would explain it. Though shinobi didn't have that long of a lifespan considering the line of work. Only the lucky could grow so old. This didn't stop him from thinking that he was still a child in the eyes of the former generation. Tentatively, he began to follow, glancing towards the male as he took to the skies. Speaking of which, he hadn't cleared all the clouds in the sky and in another quarter kilometer, they would be walking into the rains again. He didn't know how powerful the male dragon was to effect such a large area with his scorch release, but it was only a reminder to look out and remain cautious of him and users of it.

He looked towards the grounded dragon and looked at her in concern. She was injured because he meddled in her fight, even if it was unintentionally his fault, he was glad he had gotten involved. But still, unnecessary pain was something he didn't want her to feel. "How are the injuries? Is there something I can do to help?" He didn't know a lot of medical techniques, just the Shosen and Scalpel techniques. They seemed to be key elements in fixing something so he felt it was a priority. Looking back on it now, it seems a shortcut was not the right choice concerning this specific topic. He would have to fix that when the next opportunity presented itself to him.

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Re: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]
« Reply #36 on: March 11, 2016, 09:16:51 AM »

Very little gave more satisfaction to Pyro than to take the carcass off the ground; at his height the rain would be accompanied by an unblocked wind, a mere nuisance for a dragon of his strength and condition. Indeed, the thought of rain and possible flooding had long slipped Pyro's mind until this point, to which end he rushed on ahead to the cavern. Once there he would dropped the head and swiftly moved to the nest. Though the dull clutch remained mostly undisturbed, parts of the nest had begun to get wet from the slowly rising waters; Pyro curled about the eggs and breathed fire in the general vicinity, both lighting up the cave and drying parts of it with his fire.

Though somewhat perturbed by Pyro's decision to rush on ahead, Rita did not complain. Walking on the ground instead of flying was, for a Wind Dragon, a bit of an inconvenience. Still, Rita remained in thought as the rain ran about her body, but at Jay's suggestion she came to a stop.

She could heal herself, but she had not wanted to leave herself vulnerable to attack in the process; what with Jay being here that was not much of a concern now, and in truth, it seemed fairy pertinent that she get on it. She estimated that the stiffness in her limbs may have been a sprain or two, the now dull ache accompanied by occasionally sharp spikes a suggestion she might have had a damage if not broken rib, and she had likely suffered some level of a concussion from the explosion.

Had to be the concussive talking when Rita conceded,
"In truth, this rain cooling at my body is not doing my bones any favors, and I may very well have a concussion. Let's stop moving." As declared Rita would stop some distancing, bringing her wings in closer to her body as the rain began to make a nuisance of itself.

"What do you know in terms of healing techniques? If you're going to half-kill your dragon companion you should at the least be able to heal him or her afterwards for alll the trouble."
« Last Edit: March 11, 2016, 09:17:16 AM by Eric »
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Re: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]
« Reply #37 on: March 12, 2016, 06:33:21 AM »

He shrugged his shoulders in uncertainty. He knew nothing of a dragon's anatomy and only asked out of a courtesy, though now he was more than curious. He and his eldest brother, wherever he may be, knew just about everything about the anatomy of every single animal because of the bloodline they now share. Hiki Toucho is incredible and just maybe, now seeing as how mythical animals could just simply be labeled as extremely rare but all the more real, he could find out. "I don't know much, but finding out might prove more simple than finding out the hard way."

Though he said this, his posture and demeanor didn't change as he stopped his movements to mirror her own. He didn't know what she meant, but if he was correct the dragon infant might indeed get out of control at some point. That made a bit of sense, instincts are hard to fight no matter the age. He pulled his hands from his once again drenched pockets and gathered his wet hair in a low ponytail fashion and tied it together with a tight ring of ice. "I'm a quick learner, so as long as you don't try to eat me... 'Like Charybdis tried to.' Then I should be able to peer inside you and mentally document your... everything really." Thinking back to the mystical creature in the depths of Uzushio's waters made him wonder if it was behaving back at home.

He had kind of forgotten about that particular bloodline ability, it could have given him more of an understanding towards Cervis. He pinched the bridge of his nose as he thought about this and gritted his teeth. Sometimes, he hates himself for things like that. With a few claps to his wet cheeks, his chakra surged to his eyes once more, this time instead of glowing crimson, they lightened considerably. They lost the dark shades that made up the golden color and turned pure yellow, a bright yellow the same color as a healthy banana.

Once his Hiki Toucho had activated, the dragon ahead of him went through changes from his point of view. Several degrees of X-ray vision ensued as he noted the damage the shrapnel did to her muscle tissue and the other systems that made up her body. "I should be drawing what I'm seeing in my brother's encyclopedia, but I dare not bring it out in this rain. I just hope I remember everything when I get home. Are all dragons the same, or are they all unique?" If this was true than it'd be hard to get a definite idea, but her child wouldn't be all that different from her and Pyro, it'd be too weird if it was so.

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Re: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]
« Reply #38 on: March 12, 2016, 03:07:05 PM »

"What do you mean finding out?" Rita sounded concerned, as the meaning of "finding out might prove more simple than finding out the hard way" was somewhat ambigious, especially now that the man was watching her with a new set of eyes. Granted, Rita had been watched by the byakugan before, anyone living in Konoha had at some point, but it had been some time since she had really been examined by one or a dojutsu with similar X-ray vision; if an animal that wore no clothes could feel naked, Rita certainly felt uncomfortably nude at this point.

"Dragons come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but there are 'types' if you will. Long, serpentine ones, bulky lizard like ones, some that look more like dinosaurs than reptiles. Once you've seen one type though you have an idea on what the rest of that type look like."

With the eggs secured from the elements, Pyro would now turn his attention back to the Head. Rita wanted the antlers, that was fine, but the objective of food was still presesnt. Tearing the antlers from the head seemed llike an easy task; clasp antler one with jaws, place foot on head, and pull. Such things normally worked, Pyro's incredible strength more than enough to shatter the skull if he really wanted to.

Not surprisingly, with the head having been hollowed out by Jay's actions, that is exactly what occured when Pyro attempted this maneuver. The antlers stayed in place, the foot support cracked and gave way, and then the somewhat slippery head caused Pyro to fall to the side, snapping off half of antler one with him.

Spitting out antler number 1'ss first half, Pyro narrowed his eyes at the deformed Head, that now resembled a horribly disfigured deer after a bad accident (if he were still alive no doubt this would be an appropriate metaphor in the literal sense). Oozing out of the broken portion of the stem, however, was a strange white substance that tasted of chakra.

Smacking his lips in wonder, Pyro realized what he just concluded to be strange; he was not the kind of dragon to absorb chakra, so the only way he would know the taste of chakra was either by suggestion or from the taste or smell from a jutsu. Fearing that he had been poisoned, Pyro rapidly called up the contents of his stomach, regurgitating a corrosive substance onto the ground. The taste went away, but the vomit, which normally would steam a little, now violently seemed to go through the rock floor of the cavern.

Pyro could only watch in alarm, and wonder, as the vomit kept going, even going through the dirt with a ferocious speed. Pyro took a few steps back as the antler injury stopped oozing, and looked at the other antler in alarm. It was decided at that moment that he would wait for Rita to show before going after the next one; something was very wrong with this deer, and perhaps the origins of its earlier power literally rested in its antlers.
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Re: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]
« Reply #39 on: March 13, 2016, 09:31:37 AM »

The Nara remained quiet for the time being, choosing only to memorize the structure of the dragon in front of him. He listened to what she was saying about the different types of dragons, but he wouldn't have to worry too much on the other kinds at the moment. Learning what he knew about her specific kind was all he needed to do at the moment to keep her child from dying because he didn't know what connected to what.

He found the pitter patter of the falling rain soothing and his relaxed demeanor only portrayed this. Though he wouldn't remain so for long as the golden shade returned to his orbs, signifying the completion of his diagnostics scan of her. "You took a rather sporadic amount of damage from blunt force... The trench back there was obviously you being shot out of the sky. Cervis had a trick up his sleeve to counter my explosion, no wonder it wasn't as deep as it should have been."

The Nara lifted a hand and rubbed his chin as he took a few steps towards the dragon, thinking about her comment of the water not helping her bones. They didn't appear to be broken... but hairline fractures could have been possible from the explosive force she suffered. Of course the water wasn't actually touching her bones, but her scales could have been damaged to the point of providing a way. A technique idea came to mind, as they always did, and he filed it away for later.

"Is there a special healing technique dragons can use to heal themselves. If I'm to base a technique capable of healing a dragon completely, it'd be best to learn it from a dragon. Human techniques might not be as useful in that regard." Still natural plants would still be useful, no matter the species. That's what he thought at least.

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Re: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]
« Reply #40 on: March 13, 2016, 04:10:38 PM »

Well of course dragon sages had methods of healing themselves and others entirely, but if Rita were to just perform that technique, that would defeat the purpose of the entire conversation, nay, the whole exercise of walking back to the cave instead of patching herself up and flying. Not to mention none of her hatchlings were exactly going to hatch as dragon sages.

Not wanting this to show in her body language, Rita merely drooped somewhat, her wings touching the ground and her head slightly looking down (albeit to jay it might would look as if she were looking directly at his feet). After a few moments she would raise back to look Jay in the eye, still ever prepared for funny business.

"You are overcomplicating this healing procedure, the mystical palm technique, or any other technique for healing humans, albeit applied carefully, would be sufficient for these kind of injuries."

Some of the stiffness would attempt to take permanent root what with the rain cooling the area around her, and in response Rita would  start walking again. She could sense Pyro's distress, but more importantly, she could sense the strange energy still radiating from the head. This was not something to eat, but rather, something that needed to be taken back home home, to her father.

"Dragons have a natural healing rate that is greater than the average human, so the mystical palm technique does not need to be applied as fiercely nor for as long; unless the injury is grievous no more than a minute should be given to any injury regardless of its type. Practice here on one of my limbs."

She stopped walking and outstretched one of her forward legs (assuming Jay walked as well and would thus still be in front or to the side). Why not just go straight to her bothersome rib area? Rita was not stupid, she had learned the mystical palm technique well enough to know that when dealing with medics (and pseudo-medics) of varying degrees of skill, it was always better to be safe than sorry. The Leaf practiced on fish for a reason, after all, and Rita was unsure of just how skilled Jay was in any healing technique of any sort. Should he overdo it, injuring one of her limbs was preferable to injuring her vitals.
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Re: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]
« Reply #41 on: March 16, 2016, 09:00:23 PM »

Sometimes, overcomplicating something called for a deeper understanding of it. But it was no longer necessary as she gave the answer he needed. Knowing that the Mystical Palm was a good technique to use on her sentient species he approached her leg. "Sorry, this'll only take a moment."

He pressed his hands against her leg, admiring the feeling of her scales. His hands began to hum with white chakra, the white simply being the color of his chakra. His eyes closed, but his senses were wired on a hair trigger, the qualities of a combat medic. Any quick movements anywhere around him and he'd know about it. He took a deep breath as his chakra turned into the medicinal qualities of the Mystical Palm. Normally this would be used on himself, or when his kids fell at the park, not really having teammates to use it on.

So imagining the dragon was one of his children would focus his mind even  more to find the amount of chakra necessary to provide the healing the leg under his hands needed. His chakra was sent out and the mending began. The tissues began repairing themselves and the stiffness loosened up before feeling like new, or at least to how it was feeling before her fight.

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Re: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]
« Reply #42 on: March 27, 2016, 01:58:15 PM »

Rita tensed, but released the tension when it became apparent that Jay would not be numbing her entire limb. This, for the time being, would do, as upon this healing being done she would begin flowing regenerative chakra through her body, her scales visibly glowing with the energy of the dragon reincarnation technique's restorative nature.

As if by magic the senjutsu would return her body back to normal. During this time she would noticeably be in some sort of peace, her extrasensory temporarily shut down for the sole purpose of diverting her energies towards restoration. As a result, if Jay were to stalk off Rita would be probably not notice, and certainly did not notice when a shadow came over the duo.

Having either grown impatient or restless one, Pyro had arrived at the scene, using the now warmed deer head as a makeshift basket for the clutch of eggs. His arrival to see Rita glowing would somewhat confuse him, as he had not seen this particular technique before, and prompt him to lower to the ground next to her. Regardless of whether Jay moved to keep from being swept up from the wind or not Pyro's wings would go from flapping to closed just before his feet touched the ground.

He would set the cerebral nest next to Rita, the gentle gleam of the milky white eggs barely visible from the head's bottom (that was now its top). One of the missing antlers would cause the head to sit rather unevenly on the other antler, so Pyro propped it with his foot, using his scorch release chakra to gently warm the head and as a subtle remoinder for Jay not to make any sudden moves towards the clutch.

"Rita, there is something off about this deer's antlers. Damn near poisoned me earlier when I was going for the antlers. I left the other one intact, since it seems that the vile substance is relegated to the antlers and not to the rest of the head. What do you think of it?"

Rita's scales would stop glowing after minute or so. Rita would breath deeply, only catching the last part of Pyro's revelation.

"Think of what?"

*Sorry for the really long posting time this time, got really busy. For real this time, I'm wrapping up (just went ahead and patched Rita up) we probably only have 1-3 rounds left in this RP. Again, apologies for taking so long.
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Re: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]
« Reply #43 on: March 29, 2016, 02:45:18 AM »

That's alright, I'm not worrying about the time. Just as long as it's not completely abandoned, which I wouldn't allow.

Jay noticed the light Rita's scales seemed to be emitting along with the sensational presence of Nature Energy flowing into her. He remained quiet as he watched over her, keeping the peace until he looked up towards the signature of Pyro moments before the shadow cast over them. He watched the dragon for a moment as the winds picked up around him as he landed.

He cast his gaze back to Rita's leg, as if checking on the status of her leg before cutting off his flow of chakra and removing his hands from the drenched scales. She should be feeling much better now, even though she did most of the work, he had helped her heal. His hands slipped into his pockets as he looked back towards Pyro, only now noticing the clutch of eggs in the deer's head. "Poison antlers?" He muttered softly as he looked closer at the head, noticing the broken antler partially behind the dragon's foot.

Though he couldn't see the ooze that the dragon was referring to, he could sense of bit of chakra lingering around the area. He tilted his head a bit in thought, what could it be? The buck was more unique then he even realized.

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Re: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]
« Reply #44 on: April 15, 2016, 08:32:46 AM »

Pyro knitted a place roughly above his eyes. For those with eyebrows this is where said hair pieces would be brought together. For once, Pyro decided to address Jay directly.

"It's poisonous, but I don't think that was the use of the stuff."

Rita, having finished healing at this point, seemed to stare at the deer as she digested the information that she just heard.

"We will worry more about that later. Right now, it is time to part with a piece of my treasure."

Gingerly, carefully, and meticulously, Rita reached her shadow into the deer head basket, wrapped it about one of the tanish colored eggs, and presented it to Jay. The egg was roughly the size of a man's head, a testament to the size of the beast that laid it and a testament to the size of the deer head. The total number of eggs remained unclear, but seeing the size of one Jay could probably make a guesstimate of between 3-4 total.

"Dragon eggs slightly grow in size after being lain; I am entrusting you with one of my children. Raise him or her in the jutsu and ways of your people, and when he or she is ready, they will find their way to the Homeland. If you are deemed successful in this endeavor, then you will be rewarded with a place on the dragon summoning scroll."

Or rather,a version; the absolute original's division had been split as there were specialty contracts that different races of dragons sometimes made. The General Contract covered them all, and on its own had a story that would take some hours to fully explain to Jay. This was unecessary, at least at this time, so Rita merely left it at dragon summoning scroll.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.
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