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Author Topic: The Castle in the Cold  (Read 2665 times)

Garō, Ichirou

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The Castle in the Cold
« on: January 03, 2016, 03:38:54 AM »

Somewhere deep within the Land of Snow, it seemed as though the sun never kissed the reached of this castle anymore, Ice covered everything. Snow fell endlessly. And no human being survived here. The spires of the castle reached high, an the bridges were tremendous. The castle itself loomed over the Great villages of the nation, and the threats inside were worse that nearly anything else.

The sound of swords clashing could be heard throughout the halls of the castle. Heavy thuds continued over and over as opponents charged at one another, aiming to rip the life from the body of the fallen. Ichirou huffed as he did his best to keep up. These things were outrageous. The halls of the castle up to the point were Ichirou was currently fighting were littered with the bodies of fallen enemies. Blood spattered across walls, broken swords littering the floors. Scorch marks and craters adorning everything.

The bodies that littered the halls all bore the same likeness, a stoic knight armor, concealing all the skin upon the body, removing personalities an faces. Turning all inhabited by the armor into the same being.

Ichirou was engaged with two of these knights simultaneously at the moment. And even though he had been handling himself adequately up until this point, things were beginning to wear on him. Even with the enhanced capabilities of his partial transformation. He begrudgingly admitted he was being bested. Blood dripped from the sleeves of his overcoat, that stopped abruptly at the wrist. The crimson fluid coating the black glove that gripped the handle of his beaten Katana. The blade was going to break soon, and if he didn't find another weapon he'd be at the mercy of these things. The three fighters stood in a triangular formation, Ichirou being the tip and the two knights being at either corner of the hypothetical shape. Ichirou had been here for a long time now, the feeling getting closer and closer to months. He had sent word out for help long ago, only assuming that his attempt to make contact had gone unheard. Or perhaps it reached an unexpected ally. Either way if help didn't arrive soon he was done for.

His clothes were tattered, slash marks tearing through the fabric here and there. His Gelel energy had allowed him to recover from most of the older wounds, but the fresh ones still bled as fatigue set in upon his body. His face bore more feral features than usual, courtesy of his partial wolf transformation. He couldn't maintain his Byakugan anymore, relying solely on primal instinct to maintain him in this combat. He would have to rest for awhile after this conflict, assuming he survived at all.

Simultaneously, he and the two knights burst forth at one another. The furious clashing of blades nearly impossible to track and the dust kicked up from the old halls of the castle blocking view. Ichirou could only do the best he could to survive until help arrived. If help was even coming. Anyone who arrived at the castle would have to take the extensive time to cross the many bridges to the main gate, before maneuvering their way through the labyrinth like halls of the castle before making it to Ichirou's location. However Ichirou was smart, and left a trail of bodies behind him to help anyone that came to help find their way to his location. Of course this meant that anyone tracking him to kill would be able to make their way too, how long would it be before back up arrived for these knights?


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Re: The Castle in the Cold
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2016, 04:06:34 AM »

Jay would touch down at the edge of the Land of Snow. The wings he had used to traverse the distance from his home to this country. He had to admit that he had never really came to this country, only the land of frost, and the comparison between the two felt mildly similar. Of course, this was where his father was born, or at least his fore fathers. He turned his gaze forward and thought about why he was here.

He pushed himself forward, the feathers of his large raven wings would fall down to the snow and shatter as he sped forward. He had been surprised to intercept a distressing Message from Ichirou, from all people. He hadn't seen that man in quite some time and felt like this would be an intense reuinion, seeing as the man had surely been in mid fight. Though the note hadn't had any blood on it, it did have the scent, which made him drop everything and make his way to this unknown, to him, country.

Fortunately, the cold didn't bother him one bit, otherwise he would have a bit of frostbite right now. His attire seemed to consist of a pair of ashen cargo pants and an unzipped crimson vest, styled similar to a Konoha Jonin and a pair of black boots.

His crimson eyes gleamed as he reached the first bridge, and cursed inaudibly as those crimson eyes became inverted as his Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan activated an ability of both of his eyes. By this time his raven wings had vanished behind him, two distinctive slits present on the back of his vest. He jumped in the air and began flying across the bridges towards the castle in the distance,  though he wasn't sure, he thought he could hear the sound of clashing swords through the piercing whistling of the rushing winds and freezing cold snow.
"Hold on tight Ichi, I'm coming."

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Re: The Castle in the Cold
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2016, 04:50:53 AM »

The girl had also received a messege  of distress  from her brother. It was rare that she ever came to snow smothered lands but the time called for it.
Her ever active Eternal Mangekyou scanned the land before her as she barreled through the snow on all fours. With the use of the  Shikyaku no jutsu, her chakra enhanced body would be more durable with increased reflexes. A trail of melted snow lay in her wake due to the layer of Katon chakra that lined her figure.

Being vulnerable to the cold, Masane had to take steps to not die. She stopped  after detecting the scent of blood. She had no problem following the smell. She knew the smell and knew who's blood it was. She dashed through the snow at full speed rushing toward her brothers location.

With her chakra enhanced speed she would be able to cover large distances quickly. She only hoped that she would reach him in time. As she moved she was beginning to feel his chakra. Her eyes narrowed as she pushed her body harder. The fact that she was getting closer drove her to push harder and harder to reach him.

When you smell like you can do anything, there is nothing you smell like you can't do.

Dart Terumī

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Re: The Castle in the Cold
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2016, 04:59:45 AM »

A substantial explosion would cause a section of the wall to fly towards Ichirou and his opponents. Although it was by pure coincidence alone that it would miss the lad entirely and crash into the two armored knights. A barely discernible figure would emerge from the new hole, coated in dust and debris that had been stirred up by the wall shattering. Even if Ichirou didn't at first recognize the newcomer to the battle, he would certainly feel the heat emanating from the person.

The dust and debris couldn't hide the distinct flare of light as the figure emerged completely through. It was the Dai-Gensui of the Mist, the one and only Dāto Terumī. But why the large, auburn-haired brute here? Was he an ally? Was he another obstacle for the young Ichirou to overcome?

Chances are, the lad would find his answer shortly as a severely melted helmet would clatter on the ground. “Damn Imperial Knights and their arrogance. Damn this mission. And damn this infernal cold,” the Terumī would mutter as he looked through the newfound entrance. His body was coated in his Yōton Chakura Mōdo, hence the heat and light that surrounded his body.

His mismatched oculars would scan between Ichi and the several bodies of other knights lying about. “Having a rough day too, huh kid?” the fiery entity would ask the boy.

Garō, Ichirou

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Re: The Castle in the Cold
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2016, 05:18:29 AM »

Yeah you could say that Ichirou replied, picking himself up off the ground after narrowly dodging the section of wall that had come his way via Dato's well timed entrance. Unfortunately however, Dato would begin to understand a bit more of the severity of what they were getting into as the wall seemed to rebuild itself behind him. Ichirou used a nearby wall to support his weight as he gathered himself, recovering a vitality pill and a chakra pill from a pouch on his wait, downing them both quickly just in case things got hairy again.

Ichirou and his newfound ally, as well as the duo approaching the castle, would hear a voice ring out, it encompassed the entire castle. And seemed to be coming from nowhere. Well well well, Ichirou. the voice chuckled. Looks like the cavalry has arrived, yeah? I honestly thought I had intercepted your little cry for help. But I guess you were a little slicker than I thought. No matter, you're already aware of what i'm capable of. What you were fighting through is only the beginning, and now with all your little friends coming. It seems i'll have to turn things up a bit? the voice faded out with a maniacal laugh before a red wave of energy spread throughout the entire compound. Altering it extensively.

Masane and Jay would have no doubt met one another at the main door to the castle by now, the huge door taking both of their strength if not more to push open, the size of the door much too large for standard beings, more befitting giants and things of the like. It would be once they had stepped into the main hall that the wave of energy would pass over, and they too would realize the severity of the situation.

All doors and windows would vanish, replaced with just the wall of the construct, any form of contact to the outside was now gone. The entire structure now altered, Stair wells were removed, new rooms were added, old rooms were changed. The hallway that Ichirou and Dato inhabited turned now into a large and empty room. Looking much like the chapel of a church, though it lacked pews or an elevated stage and podium, it was merely empty. Whoever was running this show had taken careful notice of Dato's entrance, and as such strengthened the walls beyond that of Shinobi jutsu, shattering them would be next to impossible.

Ichirou fell upon the floor, the wall behind him having vanished. He cursed under his breath as he sat up, looking around the room for a moment before speaking. Well... it seems like we're safe for now, maybe I can go ahead and fill you in on what we're dealing with.. though this would have to wait. As the words left his mouth the entire castle became unsafe. Both within the large chapel that Dato and Ichirou inhabited, and the large lobby that Masane and Jay inhabited. Huge knights would crawl from the floors and the walls, Carrying gigantic tower shields and massive greatswords. Grumbles and moans left their motionless lips as they locked onto their targets, 5 of them appearing before both duo's, ready to fight to the death.

Ichirou pulled himself off the floor, looking behind him to see an exit from the room. Dato.. We have two options, we can try to take these things on in my debilitated state.. or we can try to rendezvous with whoever else it was that answered my calls. They can't follow us through this doorway, course that doesn't mean more wont come after us.. your choice.. Ichirou spoke as he grabbed hold of his right rib cage. He had been fighting endlessly for so long, only to have this happen at the first sign of help. Of course he couldn't expect anything else from this...thing he was here to kill. He dropped his Katana to the floor, already aware that the nearly broken blade would be useless against these constructs.

The large room that Masane and Jay inhabited were much more accommodating to the massive warriors that had spawned before them, huge doorways fit for them to move through, and as far as either of the duo could see, there was no doorway for them to escape through. Of course with further investigation it was possible that there was a way out, but with the Five giants before them it may be a difficult task. The constructs all moved slow at first.. but Ichirou knew in his soul that this wasn't the limit to their capability.. he couldn't lie. At this point, he found himself worried for the lives of himself and those who came to his rescue.

Welcome to the party, friends! the voice rang out once again, laughing as if it was enjoying the little game it had laid out for the intruders.


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Re: The Castle in the Cold
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2016, 05:42:29 AM »

Would no doubt feel the chakra from the feral Uchiha and looked down to see Masane running on all fours like a bat out of hell. He knew she was way out of her element and chuckled softly at the irony. He descended down to her and let out a loud ish whistle. "You're the last person I would have thought would be here. I guess you'd do anything to help your brother huh." He dropped down and kept up with her in a brisk run to the main entrance.

Obviously he noted the pure size of the door and reeled back his arm, a large amount of Bakuton chakra cooked up in his arm and as his fist connected with the door, he pushed his chakra into it and gave the immediate command to explode. Even without the chakra his strength would be insane because of his Ant Seal increasing his overall strength in accordance to his weight, which his level 10 from his Gravity Seals made it quite high. This would be just before the wave of red chakra and this would heighten his senses even more so.

He walked into the area with a quizzical look, finding the voice quite interesting. This was when he noticed the giants, the thudding and clanking if their armors giving away their size even before they were actually seen, his blackened Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan looking at them in intrigue as well.
"I can see why Ichi would call for help."

These constructs were monstrous in size and his dark hues gleamed in anticipation.

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Re: The Castle in the Cold
« Reply #6 on: January 03, 2016, 06:00:41 AM »

"He is my brother. It don't matter where he is. What kind of sister would not answer a distress call from her brother?
The stated as she cast a glance toward Ray. She had been so focused on her brother that she had not noticed the other two chakra signatures. One she was unfamiliar with and the other she knew quite well.
Masane was surprised to see that the door needed to be blown open. She rushed in and took note of the immediate changes. The voice was one thing but the large knights rising from the ground was another.
She did not need to be told to attack. The girl acted with great haste hoping to land a successful preemptive strike.
Holding up the seal of confrontation, Masane focused her chakra causing five sheets of paper to rise from her body.
Each contained her chakra and immediately flew at the Knights.  Each sheet aiming to attach to their targets and explode upon contact should contact be made.

When you smell like you can do anything, there is nothing you smell like you can't do.

Dart Terumī

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Re: The Castle in the Cold
« Reply #7 on: January 03, 2016, 08:17:29 AM »

“What fresh hell is this?” Dāto would stated with agitation edging into the tone. His own mission had been to infiltrate the structure and secure a powerful gemstone said to be contained within and for the most part, his infiltration had been successful. Until the sounds of struggle had rang out upon the courtyard. Clearly those sounds were this lad's own infiltration. Though he did not know him, the Mist denizen would chance siding with him, if only for momentarily, to endure this new trial.

When he was able to see clearly again from the sudden red flash that had pierced through stone and wood alike, his mismatched oculars would be met with a new change in scenery. This sudden changing had been the irritant that had prevented him from finishing this job already. And once more, the castle sought to hinder his progress. “At this point, I'm heavily considering collapsing this entire damn structure,” he would mumble to his new ally. And that's when the larger knights would appear.

The Terumī would size up the 5 that stood before himself and the injured lad. He would crack his knuckles and crack his neck thereafter. “I will cover your retreat. Begin the escape route,” he commanded with a strong authority. Already, he had plan formulated to prevent this fresh opposition from pursing them. But in their retreat, they would lose valuable ground. On the contrary, with the castle having completely renewed itself, perhaps it would be wise to retreat.

His Eien no Mangekyō Sharingan would watch the slow movements of the approaching enemy but he would not be fooled into thinking they were lumbering beasts. He was certain that they would be strong but also nimble and quick despite their size. It seems that most lumbering giants tend to be agile nowadays... Regardless, he would focus his chakra within his mouth, mix in a very strong acid by pulling from his own body's natural wares, and spew forth a large wave of an acidic muddy liquid that would be strong enough to sweep the giant knights. But should they be able to resist the flow from overtaking their position, then the strength alone would be more than enough to halt their advance, forcing them to drop their tower shields to protect themselves.

Though, not much protection would be had as whatever the muddy liquid would touch and surge against would begin to break down chemically and literally crumble away into nothing as it was being dissolved. The knights would find that their shields would disintegrate, their armor erode, swords melt, and skin burn as his technique would consume all that was not he. Ichi would have enough time to escape via the exit door before the backwash would be forced back towards their position. To aide their retreat and due to the nature of the technique, a large amount of steam would also erupt and obscure their beings from their opposition as the intensity of the acid would melt even the water vapor in the air. Essentially, this mud flow would erode the entirety of the room by the time the two nin escaped the room. Because how can one alter the chemical composition of a substance when never exposed to such a technique before?

Yōton: Yōkai no Jutsu (Lava Release: Melting Apparition Technique)
Yōton Chakura Mōdo (Lava Release Chakra Mode) still active.

Garō, Ichirou

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Re: The Castle in the Cold
« Reply #8 on: January 03, 2016, 08:34:12 AM »

The paper that attacked the large knights would impact, detonating and creating a large cloud of smoke, which would immediately be dissipating as one of the knights rushed through it. It's speed immense for it's size. It was on top of them now, literally. Towering over the duo that had just entered the castle, it would aim to crush the both of them beneath it's shield, smashing it into the floor before grinding it to make sure they were dead, should they have been crushed.

If not two more knights -one for each of them- would rush in on their location, slashing down with their shields in an attempt to crush them to a bloody puddle. Though it could be noticed that even under the force of these huge constructs the floor of the castle was unaffected, not cracked or broken. Only dust was thrown about by their attacks.

Meanwhile, Ichirou made his way from the room containing the knights, releasing more of his Gelel transformation in order to further activate the passive healing that came along with it. Closing up his freshest wounds as he was quickly getting his footing in the area again, he looked back through the doorway to see Dato release his steam into the room in an attempt to melt the giants that approached them.

First and foremost, Dato would notice that his attack did not melt the infrastructure of the room, though he could notice that the armor of the knights seemed to begin to melt, though at a rate much slower than he would imagine. The first knight in the group would place it's shield down upon the ground in front of it, a large circle in the middle of the shield opening, before a massive vacuum could be felt.

This suction threatened to suck Dato in as well, if he wasn't careful. And even possessed the ability to suck the lava literally off of his form. Because it attacked chakra, in fact the shield actually fed off the chakra. Sucking all of the vapor he had released into the room inside of the shield, before charging a bright orange blast, releasing the chakra once again in the form of a blast that threatened to strike Dato with intense force. Though it was possible that the shielding effects of his Chakra Mode could protect him from fatal damage should he be hit.

No Dato! Jutsu wont work on these bastards, i've fought plenty of them. You better have some Taijutsu that pack a real punch, cause I haven't seen another way to break this stone than that.. Ichirou called out as he rushed back into the room, the effects of further transforming almost completely eliminated his fatigue, allowing him to jump back into the game with the enhanced physical state of the transformation.

A huge thud could be heard by the pair by the front gate as Ichirou burst forth off the ground, channeling his chakra into his claw like fists to enhance his strength further as he punched through the things shield, landing upon it's shoulder and delivering a strong strike to the side of it's head before leaping off, this caused the creation to topple over, but unfortunately Ichirou was caught before he could touch another surface to jump off of. In his moment of offense he had forgotten the agility that came with these beasts.

One of the knights rushed forth, it swung it's blade, connecting with Ichirou's crossed arms as he attempted to brace the attack, throwing him into the nearby wall with enough force that he bounced off before hitting the floor and rolling. He cursed under his breath as he rolled to stand, before bounding across the room once again to come to a sliding stop at Dato's side. The durability of his Gelel transformation was what allowed him to withstand such a hefty blow, though he was currently out of breath, the strike against the wall saw to that.

These things aren't like normal enemies, it's like they all have special conditions.. special vulnerabilities. It varies from enemy to enemy, and with these things being able to do what they can, I can't imagine what the bastard who summoned them has up his sleeve. Ichirou assumed an almost feral Taijutsu stance as the first knight began to stand once more, and the rest braced their shields, placing their swords along the side of the shield for easy stabbing motions.

Things were starting to get interesting.


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Re: The Castle in the Cold
« Reply #9 on: January 03, 2016, 11:25:52 AM »

Unlike his current partner, Jay used his free time to study the material these constructs seemed to be composed of. Like Dato above him, he didn't believe for one second that they were anything like lumbering creatures toting around a ton of pounds. While they did seem to have the appearance of such, he didn't give them any exceptions. He was corrected when the first knight rushed ahead with surprising speed and attempted to squash them like a pair of grapes.

Not wanting to turn into any kind of juice, the Nara made a swift escape backwards, towards the repaired door. He had no doubt about Masane making her own escape and watched intently as the second knight made its way towards him. As it tried to do the same attack, down to a literal T, he performed an evasive back flip onto he door and springboard down to the knight and delivered a powerful punch on it's neck that would surely destroy it in a similar fashion to the previous door behind him.

If it managed to survive, than the Nara would very well enjoy this particular rescue mission.

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Re: The Castle in the Cold
« Reply #10 on: January 03, 2016, 09:52:07 PM »

Of course her paper was useless. Just her luck. She had no idea what these things were capable of though she knew she soon learn.
As the knight jumped up aiming to flatten her and Jay, a large orange arm emerged from her shoulder. This would be the ethereal limb of her Bakuton Susano'o. Once the knight was in range, Masane used the large hand to grab it.
Her plan was to detonate as soon as she grabbed it but she was not given the chance. The other knight moved it and Masane used the knight within her grasp as a rock.
She aimed to slam one Knight into the other. Of course if she failed to grab the knight she would have to react quickly or else be crushed.

When you smell like you can do anything, there is nothing you smell like you can't do.

Dart Terumī

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Re: The Castle in the Cold
« Reply #11 on: January 06, 2016, 06:12:02 AM »

The Mist Elder frowned as apparently he attack had been nullified despite the fact the ACIDIC LIQUID MUD had been an extremely powerful force to even be able to stand against, let alone void the chemical reactions that would occur from being subjected to the potency of the acid. Either way, his Sharingan would allow him to perceive the absorption of the technique and predict the subsequent retaliatory strike. He would simply leap to the side to avoid the blast and appear at te knight's right side. His Yōton Chakura Mōdo having been slightly absorbed, he would cut off the flow that kept it alive. Thus, his speed would increase but his defense value would decrease. He pondered on the lad's words for a moment but made no other effort to attack their opposition. He would simply wait to react and gauge their abilities for himself, his gaze aiming to pierce their veil of mystery and discover their "hidden vulnerabilities".

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