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Author Topic: Worst surgery ever?  (Read 3976 times)

Old Man Xia

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Worst surgery ever?
« on: May 02, 2016, 04:09:14 AM »

So I underwent a surgery 5 days ago and it sucks..... I don't really want to post what it was because its more of a personal and common birth defect with males. What was your worst surgery if you had one?
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Re: Worst surgery ever?
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2016, 06:48:27 AM »

Hope all heals well down there. :P

The only surgery I've had was on my tongue. Apparently they needed to clip it. (Just Googled it and it's called tongue-tied.) I don't remember it ever happening. I guess they do it when you're still a baby. Also up until now I never researched into it. .-.

While I've only had that, the worst thing in life that has happened to me body-wise; I associate it with pain. A kidney stone. Week of bed rest and was overdosed on narcotics. (Not as serious as it sounds. The pills just made me sick and I couldn't stand at all or I'd end up puking) That mixed in with eating a total of three meals the whole week made it overall a shitty experience.
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

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Re: Worst surgery ever?
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2016, 08:16:33 AM »

Thankfully, I've never had to go through surgery even though I've probably needed it once or twice. So, I'll just put the worst one that I've dealt with as a provider to a patient besides the obvious amputations and whatnot.

So I had this one patient who had a hemorrhoid removal surgery done about a week or so prior to coming in to see us. He had been in immense pain and his narcotic pain meds weren't helping. The pain was coming from a combination of rectal pain and constipation. Apparently, last time he used the bathroom was once a day or two after the surgery.

He had been taking his pain meds religiously, but we found out that he never took any of his stool softeners because he felt he didn't need it. Too bad for him, he didn't realize narcotics clog you up and makes your bowels not work 100%. So he was doubled over, sweating and groaning in pain (he wanted to scream, but didn't want everyone to think he was a baby), telling me that he just wanted to poop. He also said that he tried taking the stool softeners (too late), tried digital disimpaction, and didn't want to tell his wife where some of the spoons/butter knives went off to (he was REALLY desperate).

So we give him IV fluids and pain meds, and that only helps a little bit. An enema didn't make a dent in the impaction. After staying with us for several hours, I think he finally went up to the MSU. Dunno if he had to go to the OR afterwards, because I rarely follow my patients when they leave us unless it's something really unusual/life-threatening.

So yeah, moral of the story, take all the meds the doc tells you to take after a procedure or else you might end up being butthurt.
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Re: Worst surgery ever?
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2016, 11:31:51 AM »

Not exactly a surgery, plus it was gross so I'll spare the details, but lets just say I had an infection in the lower back once. It needed opening to get cleaned and treated, and infected areas numb poorly if at all, so I basically took a scalpel to the back with no numbing.

Not a pleasant experience I can tell you.


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Re: Worst surgery ever?
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2016, 11:40:09 AM »

I've done plenty of pilonidal cysts on patients. And yes, they don't numb easy but I've always tried my best to make the patients comfortable. Also, the smell is pretty bad.
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Old Man Xia

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Re: Worst surgery ever?
« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2016, 04:53:52 PM »

Not exactly a surgery, plus it was gross so I'll spare the details, but lets just say I had an infection in the lower back once. It needed opening to get cleaned and treated, and infected areas numb poorly if at all, so I basically took a scalpel to the back with no numbing.

Not a pleasant experience I can tell you.

Yea ouch.... I though having jaw surgery twice was bad, this nearly tops all of my experience and puts my tolerance for pain to the test every day for now..... I'm glad I will never have to go through this ever again.
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Re: Worst surgery ever?
« Reply #6 on: May 02, 2016, 06:44:03 PM »

I think the worst surgery I ever had was when I was about 5-6 years old and I was constantly in pain when ever I tried to urinate.

One doctor trip later and I was admitted into the hospital on what the doctor thought was appendicitis, but after few *painful* tests later followed by a exploratory surgery, I was left without my appendix.  (At first the Doctor thought it was kidney stones and even performed a test that extended a small balloon through my urethral cavity and straight into bladder. Very uncomfortable experience for someone my age and something that I can never forget)

Come to find out, I had a bad kidney infection and the removal of my appendix wasn't necessary.

I wouldn't call this worst in my experience, but the time I was admitted into the hospital was about six months. Which was in my experience the worst amount of time that I ever spent in a bed. (I had celebrated Thanksgiving and Christmas in my hospital room.)

I have another story when I was about 12-13 years old and I was experiencing constant migraines and icepick headaches. First doctor I saw told me it was nothing but stress and I was nervous about attending school. Second Doctor said the same thing but put emphasis that I was nervous about attendance. Finally a third doctor listened to my story, ran some tests along with some MRIs and the diagnosis was that I had a tumor/cyst in my head that was causing all of this.

My Doctor ordered a biopsy to remove what they could from my brain, since the cyst/tumor had embedded itself into a part of my brain that control my precognitive skills. Only about seventy-percent was removed and I woke up two days later with some slight memory problems. This continue for about a month until I slowly regained any memory that I had lost, such as family and what-not. (I was told when I first came to that I was treating everyone like strangers and was very angry at the world.)

I noticed that after this surgery, it had really effected my memory to a point that I slowly started failing in school. And I was once an A-B honor roll student. So that really tells you something.

The medicines that I was also prescribed just made my life even more miserable, since the side-effects outweighed the beneficial effects; I was left with deteriorating eyesight and weight problems for a few years.  Thankfully the cyst/tumor hasn't decided to regenerate the lost tissue from the biopsy and went into remission about twelve years ago.

Although every now and then, I will get a headache but it is not as bad as I had experienced back then; it's something that is easily remedied these days.

« Last Edit: May 02, 2016, 06:44:27 PM by Camel »

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Re: Worst surgery ever?
« Reply #7 on: May 02, 2016, 07:35:13 PM »

Never had surgery myself, but I am in them as part of my job.

I've seen someone undergo a scoliosis surgery -- holy shit. It's fucking intense. Here's a video as words cannot accurately describe what I witnessed beyond "a man in a white coat aiming to turn a human into a railroad".

Warning, pretty graphic (but, c'mon, it's SL)

There was one instance where the doctor (in a video I watched) had to hammer some of these things in there.


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Re: Worst surgery ever?
« Reply #8 on: May 03, 2016, 01:01:53 AM »

Come to find out, I had a bad kidney infection and the removal of my appendix wasn't necessary.

Lots of people don't know this, but sometimes we just remove the appendix as a precautionary measure. Honestly, it's a bit hard to detect appendicitis unless the thing is extremely swollen. Usually, the patient gets sent out for an Ultrasound or a Cat Scan, and even then it's a bit hard to detect the dang thing. So, if there's a few indicators (sharp lower-right abd pain, increased WBC, nausea/vomiting) then surgery may be done as a precautionary measure.

Of course, you might find out that nothing was wrong with the appendix at all, but it's better safe than sorry in those cases. Just goes to show, even in this day an age, sometimes doctors still gotta do some guesswork lol
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Old Man Xia

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Re: Worst surgery ever?
« Reply #9 on: May 03, 2016, 01:42:50 AM »

Never had surgery myself, but I am in them as part of my job.

I've seen someone undergo a scoliosis surgery -- holy shit. It's fucking intense. Here's a video as words cannot accurately describe what I witnessed beyond "a man in a white coat aiming to turn a human into a railroad".

Warning, pretty graphic (but, c'mon, it's SL)

There was one instance where the doctor (in a video I watched) had to hammer some of these things in there.

I watched a little bit of the video and couldn't get through much. I'll check it out later though to see how they do this kind of surgery when i'm not in pain.
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Re: Worst surgery ever?
« Reply #10 on: May 03, 2016, 02:51:38 AM »

Never had surgery myself, but I am in them as part of my job.

I've seen someone undergo a scoliosis surgery -- holy shit. It's fucking intense. Here's a video as words cannot accurately describe what I witnessed beyond "a man in a white coat aiming to turn a human into a railroad".

Warning, pretty graphic (but, c'mon, it's SL)

There was one instance where the doctor (in a video I watched) had to hammer some of these things in there.

I watched a little bit of the video and couldn't get through much. I'll check it out later though to see how they do this kind of surgery when i'm not in pain.

Think "braces for your spine instead of teeth". They place rods on either side of your spine, and then a metallic line down the spine that'll gradually be tightened in order to slowly put your spine into place as you recover.

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Re: Worst surgery ever?
« Reply #11 on: May 03, 2016, 04:50:22 AM »

Yea I could imagine that, and to think we use metal in place of bone. Well good to know you help people when they really need it though.
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Re: Worst surgery ever?
« Reply #12 on: May 04, 2016, 07:22:38 AM »

Had some sort of gland deformation/ cancer start up removed from my bottom lip back in high school. I don't recall exactly what it was just it could or was forming into cancer going by what they were saying.

Anyways most people ask to be put to sleep for it but I don't believe in that. Go to sleep never wake up.... Fear of mine.

The basically had a nurse pull my lip out with some clamp thing so they guy could do his thing. Gave me a shot like the dentist do, which didn't work on me really. The ythe guy used some small pliars snapped like scissors that clamped to tear the thing from my lip. Apparently just cutting it out wouldnt solve it as it would return back. So they had to rip out the flesh to create scar tissue or some shit if I recall.

I just sit there and took the pain without moving watching this guy rip my lip half off lol and blood go everywhere.

When he was done I asked him of I was good to go to football practice that evening. My lip stitched and swallon like crazy. His words, "Son, you just left me rip your lip apparent... You can do whatever you want." Apperantly no body had ever just sit their and took it before.

It hurt worse about two hours later in class though. Like ythe worse plain ever. I told my Spanish teacher (exact words) "Fuck this class..." Got up walked out went to field house ate a bottle of pain killers and passed out.

Woke up suited up went to practice and busted my stitches open lol.

I remember when I showed my couch he said good it'd make me shed my twat.

But that was back when they pumped our heads up with how we were machines and our bodies could take any kind of beaten thrown at us.

" Your body is a machine. And if it is not a machine we will turn it into one. Your mind is what is weak. Your body has no breaking point ." got that lecture so many times. Or "come on Schilling!!! You aren't tired. Your brain is tricking you into thinking you are tired!!!"

Plus my dad didn't allow me to back down because of pain either. This being the guy I watched pull his own tooth. We would be logging and he ridding the skidder with a bad tooth spraying starter fluid in his mouth on the tooth to kill the pain. So one day he said fuck it grabbed some needle nose and just ripped the damn thing out.

Now I'm rambling.

Anyways that was probably the most painful thing I been threw. I've pulled my toenails off before and it wasnt even as bad as that.


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Re: Worst surgery ever?
« Reply #13 on: May 04, 2016, 08:32:45 AM »

And somehow people are surprised when high school kids die playing football. Everyone goes, "Oh what a tragedy!" and then goes back to ramming their children together at high speeds. Totally off topic I know but I really hate that shit. Might as well offer bullfighting classes while they're at it.

Old Man Xia

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Re: Worst surgery ever?
« Reply #14 on: May 04, 2016, 03:36:02 PM »

And somehow people are surprised when high school kids die playing football. Everyone goes, "Oh what a tragedy!" and then goes back to ramming their children together at high speeds. Totally off topic I know but I really hate that shit. Might as well offer bullfighting classes while they're at it.

This is true..... If one kid dying wasn't enough, what does it take to get through their thick headed skulls? Completely disregarding that shows they don't even care.
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