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Author Topic: Discussion: Number of tail manifestations before mastery is achieved  (Read 1952 times)


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This is a red letter item from the rough draft of the bijuu rules.
How many tails can a host manifest before mastery is achieved?

It may conflict with the step process for bijuu mastery laid out there which states:

Mastery will occur in five stages consisting of 3 weeks each, with a mid rage evolution stage to access partial transformations.
  • 25% - grants access to C ranked jutsu in the beast's passive ability. The host has access to the Initial Jinchūriki Form.
  • 50% - grants access to B ranked jutsu in the beast's passive ability. The host has access to the Version 1 Cloak.
  • Partial Transformation - Although no additional access to the beast's passive ability have been acquired, control over the transformative stages now includes the finesse to perform partial transformations.
  • 75% - grants access to A ranked jutsu in the beast's passive ability. The host has access to the Version 2 Cloak.
  • 100% - grants access to S ranked jutsu in the beast's passive ability. The host has access to Tailed Beast Mode.
If it does contradict this level of mastery chart, then should it be thrown out?

During the previous discussions, it was talked about how using tails to decide how long a host had to train before mastery was achieved was lopsided due to the number of tails each beast has.

Truthfully I am not sure why this is still a red letter item. Hopefully someone will divine this out and share it.


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Re: Discussion: Number of tail manifestations before mastery is achieved
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2016, 01:45:37 AM »

How many tails can a host manifest before mastery is achieved...

We could just keep the old system.

Or, I guess we could complicate it because some of the tailed beasts don't feel like being compared by the # of tails regarding strength and mastery.

Here are the things that need to be mastered:

~ Elemental natures of the beast

The 1 tails has magnetic release, for example, a KG of 2 elements. Someone who does not have the pre-req elements will take more time to train than a beast that only has a single affinity to master.

~ Chakra Cloak V2

It offers more protection than the initial form, but it's actual strength tends to depend on the tails.

~ Initial Form

Pretty easy, this one should practically be automatic granted.

~  Tailed beast Transformation

The highest level of mastery no matter the system. It should be the last thing that is mastered.

~ # of tails manifested corresponding to the amount of chakra drawn out

This is clearly going to be tier ranked, with the 1 tails having fewer tails to master and the nine-tails having the most tails to master.

So, we'll have to split this up Congress style again I guess:

Tailed Beast Mastery divided into two parts:

Chakra Capacity Access                                    Chakra Control

1) Chakra Capacity Access - A host will gain access to the next level of the tailed beast's chakra gradually, regardless of the seal in place. Originally, the host will have access to just enough of the beast's chakra to use passive abilities (like nightmares for 1-tails or healing for 9-tails).

Next tier, the jinchurikii gains access to enough chakra to enter the initial state. The user will continue to unlock tails until they gain access to enough chakra to use 1/2 of their beast's total tails. At that point, they unlock the v2 state, which can only be access from 1/2 tail power and up.

2) Chakra Control - A host gains control over the chakra initially just enough to suppress it when emotions get slightly heated. The next tier allows the host to begin calling upon the chakra at whim up to the tail chakra capacity that they are permitted at the time.

Next, depending on the elements possessed by the beast, at this stage the host must either learn the new elements from scratch or become accustomed to combining them together; hosts who share a KG with a tailed beast automatically gain control over the beast's elemental affinities, but cannot use more of the beast's chakra for said affinity than they are allowed through chakra capacity.

Next the user gains the ability to control the v2 form cloak without going berserk. Then the user gains the ability to perform partial transformations. Finally, the user is able to fully transform into the tailed beast without losing control, but as an additional prerequiste, the beast must either be compliant or properly subdued for this stage to be achievable.

Things that can augument and/or speed up these stages:

~ Having a chakra nature that is the same as the beast.

~ Sharingan (for "convincing" the beast to help you)

The times for each stage I'm drawing blanks on, so I"ll just leave that up for now for commentary.

Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: Discussion: Number of tail manifestations before mastery is achieved
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2016, 08:31:18 AM »

That sounds nice and simple to me Eric. Time is the real issue here, as a host can literally wait out until they master the beast. I say, RP interactions between you and the beast, appropriately establishing the beast's personality. An instant connection shouldn't fly, if even a connection happens at all.

The number of tails shouldn't present a problem, but it does when you compare one to nine. So, I am going to wait for other peeps to chime in.

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Re: Discussion: Number of tail manifestations before mastery is achieved
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2016, 12:29:02 PM »

Keep in mind that a new host has only a 14 day grace period in which to commune/train with his beast before he is obligated to start accepting challenges.

Which means he accepts the challenges on day 15...has 7 days to then set up and begin the match.
So at best...3 weeks in which to train...assuming he receives any challenges immediately after his grace period expires. Once the match begins the character would be locked in to whatever power level he had obtained for the duration of the match.

Did we agree somewhere there were no power ups during a match? Not because it is not possible to have a break through while in combat, but rather because any new ability would then throw the match back into pre-fight negotiation status?


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Re: Discussion: Number of tail manifestations before mastery is achieved
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2016, 01:28:43 AM »

Keep in mind that a new host has only a 14 day grace period in which to commune/train

Once the match begins the character would be locked in to whatever power level he had obtained for the duration of the match.

Did we agree somewhere there were no power ups during a match? Not because it is not possible to have a break through while in combat, but rather because any new ability would then throw the match back into pre-fight negotiation status?

Of course, wherever you were when the match started, that's it, in match. If the whole match takes two months, GOD forbid, but you started with two and outside of the match you have like five, then you shouldn't be able to use five. In fight, you're in a separate time location, in which you can't escape. That should apply throughout the entirety of SL though, not just for Bijuu fights... at least, that's how I do things.

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Re: Discussion: Number of tail manifestations before mastery is achieved
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2016, 06:32:08 AM »


The tails bit I was going to post in the mastery talk.

The number of tails should start being tacked on at 50% mastery and then progress from there. For example, the 9-tails host at 50% mastery can go up to 4-tails in the Initial form, and masters 6.75 tails (round up to 7) at 75% (because (3/4) * 9 is 6.75) while the 1 tails host would not master a tail until 75% or 100%. This is a bit problematic as it suggests that hosts with greater amounts of tails would have access to more power at earlier stages of development, without any time compensation for the lower tailed jinchurikii.

Be that as it may, it is strongly implied that the number of tails corresponds with power (Kurama's tailed beast ball besting several other tailed beast balls during the Naruto vs Obito puppets fight). There is a concern for fairness, though, since that "lesser" amounts of chakra should not take as long to master, and there is no incentive to go for a beast with fewer tails except maybe fighting weaker opponents (maybe being the keyword there).

Looking back at my earlier proposal, Mastery as it is covers the aspects of chakra control, but accessible chakra should come before mastery of that chakra amount. So if the mastery is 3 weeks, I propose that the chakra capacity (I.E tails available, not necessarily mastered nor controllable forms) be 2 weeks, or if the Mastery were to be reduced to 2 weeks, Capacity be 1 week or something of that sort. The more Capacity, the easier it is to sense the user's tailed beast chakra from a distance, a preclude to the RP biju hunting rules to eventually be worked out in detail.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.

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