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Author Topic: Sangaku no Hakaba for Bocchiere and no one else!!!!!  (Read 3953 times)


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Sangaku no Hakaba for Bocchiere and no one else!!!!!
« on: July 19, 2016, 12:39:09 AM »

Bitter cold and utter darkness permeated the Mountains Graveyard. Large bones jutting up angrily from the ground, protesting the very life that had left them scattered in this pit at the ends of the earth, cast pitch black shadows upon the gray of the moonlit night. No stench of their demise remained, only these distorted bones, relics of life forms that no one living could dare imagine. Forms that were more horrific even than that of their own colossal reality. Those who had chanced upon this land swore they had found the resting place of dragons, and were laughed out of obscurity in the dives and gambling dens in which they made their boasts. Others claimed that they had found the resting place of a race of giants long since erased from the memories of mankind, only to have their very own notions fail at even producing rumors. Only a handful of others dared to let science dictate their postulates, claiming in ages long since past giant reptiles had once ruled the world.

Despite the dreams of the fanciful and scientific alike, all would agree that something inexplicably sinister filled that land. Even so, there were but meager rumors of haunts and curses that would chance to catch the ears of very select individuals. Time wore on and other wonders and marvels replaced the old and worn out tales. All that remained was a general sense of unease to cause travelers, locals who even knew of this rift zone in the mountains, to give it quite the wide berth rather than to tread within that graveyard. Between fool and sage some wisdom would blossom, so it seemed, for this day that malevolence was primed for flight.

Deep within a cavernous void space, entity...made its abode. This abandoned lair, or more rightly termed oubliette, seethed with the oppressive weight of pent up passionate rage. Once the prized showpiece of megalomaniac ambition, one after the other, those ill conceived dreams had fallen by the wayside for one reason or another. Some had dreamed too small and were consumed by the very tool they wished to employ, others lost sight of their schemes to be duped and lured away into less ambitious, yet no less futile, endeavors. Time passed until entity was all but forgotten.

Afterall, fermentation took just the right conditions to achieve the metamorphosis of rebirth...
« Last Edit: July 21, 2016, 10:36:58 PM by KayentaMoenkopi »


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Re: Sangaku no Hakaba for Bocchiere and no one else!!!!!
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2016, 04:05:58 AM »

Bocchiere had been on the hunt for the Gedo Mazo for some time. Ever since he had Human Path'd Kamui Uchiha and learned of the contents of the Uchiha Clan's Naka Shrine (and more specifically the stone tablet hidden within it) he had known the Gedo Mazo was key to his plans. Of course by the time Bocchiere had gleaned this information the beast was already unsealed from its original resting place in the moon and he had never gotten so much as a whiff of it, until now.

Bocchiere had, through sheer coincidence, learned of the location of the creature by defeating the previous owner of it, a (now former) Shukaku Jinchuriki. He had spent some time tracking the man down who had been quite adept at covering his tracks. It came as no surprise to Bocchiere that the man went down without much of a fight once he did find him, in spite of claims that he was some sort of Sage of Six Paths Reincarnation. Anyone who puts that much effort into hiding cannot be adept in a fight.

So as it turned out, ironically enough, the beast was secreted away in the Mountain's Graveyard. A place that Bocchiere had called home for some time and was the location of one of Akatsuki's "main" bases. That being said the entire area was an impenetrable jungle and it was laced with series of underground caves and tunnels through out the entire area. Even Bocchiere did not know it all and it was quite possible that what he had been looking for had been hidden right under his nose all this time.

Following the information he had gained Bocchiere made his way to the jungle until he came to a large cave opening. He made his way inside and dropped down from the entrance tunnel into a larger chamber.

All he knew was that it was down here somewhere. Whether it was in this room or deeper below ground, sealed away or left to roam free, he did not know.


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Re: Sangaku no Hakaba for Bocchiere and no one else!!!!!
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2016, 05:29:41 AM »

Imprisonment, Freedom, Chained, or unchained; it was all the same to they, it...the entity. Existence was the ultimate in torment. Never ending torture. No identity, countless identities trapped within its being when everything that had been bright and vibrant had long since been ripped away leaving nothing but an empty shell and the memories. At least at first. Then the shell had been filled up with the fodder of used up millions. Filled to over flowing with their screams until the deafening roar coalesced into one thought, one emotion, one desire. The rage that would not be quenched, the unending desire to reeve, rend, and ravage the living world apart. Surely once every living thing was destroyed it too would cease to be?

Gedo Mazo. A name for the nameless. For the embodiment of the collective tortured of the old world brought into the new. It was as good a name as any. Having been summoned from the depth off its off world prison to come and serve the power struggles of a new and lustful generation of would be titans. That certainly had not gone as planned, but was that any concern to him? Not in the least.

No chains bound him any longer and he was free to be anywhere he chose. Who was to stop him? And so to this pit of despair he came to begin and went prowling through the darkness seeking his lost souls. He would take back what had been ripped from his breast and become whole once more. And then the world would perish. Then he would cease to be. Then it would find peace.



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Re: Sangaku no Hakaba for Bocchiere and no one else!!!!!
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2016, 02:21:02 AM »

Bocchiere's crimson oculars glanced about the darkness. The only light source was whatever could be funneled in from the mouth of the cave some distance away so the chamber could be described as dim at best. That being said Bocchiere decided on a much more efficient method of detection. A crimson flare of chakra would surround his body as he entered 9 Tails Chakra Mode, the glowing cloak throwing off light of its own. Using himself as a flashlight was not what he intended to do though. Upon entering the form Bocchiere gained an incredibly powerful ability to sense negative emotions from even an entire country away (if they were strong enough).

He thought that the creature he was looking for would not have much in the way of positive emotions, so this should let him hone in on it like a blood hound. That being said using this form would also allow anyone to feel the Kyuubi's chakra radiating from his body, which the Mazo may or may not be interested in...


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Re: Sangaku no Hakaba for Bocchiere and no one else!!!!!
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2016, 04:15:44 AM »

The presence of Kyuubi Chakra didn't waft its way to the Gedo Mazo as he meandered through the caverns. Nor did it simply appear as a background noise, nor odor, or seismic trembling within the stone it traversed. No, it came like a lightning spike to the brain. There was one desire that filled his being, seek and destroy. Retrieve a bit of its soul...

Opening its maw, a cavern in its own right, its stomach convulsed, its throat began to bulge, and a sea of sputum came pouring forth ejected upon the walls, ceiling, and floor of the corridor. These clinging loogies each began to transform and take on the humanoid forms for which they were known; that of a White Zetsu. As one they received their commands and sank into the stones traveling through the very stones of the cavern to corner their prey.


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Re: Sangaku no Hakaba for Bocchiere and no one else!!!!!
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2016, 03:04:31 AM »

Bocchiere would of course get a very large trigger on his Negative Emotions Sensing coming from the direction of the Mazo. Bocchiere actually did not realize at first that they were not alone, as he thought the negative emotions of the White Zetsu were just a wave of emotion coming from the Mazo. Only upon closer inspection did he see that the emotion radiated out from many points along the wave, indicating it had many many sources.

"This might be a little fun after all." Bocchiere thought to himself, a small smirk causing the corner of his mouth to rise. He'd dash off at high speeds, his Kyuubi Chakra Mode causing his speed to top out at higher than a full power usage of Raiton no Yoroi, and would aim to follow the wave of negative emotions back to their source.


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Re: Sangaku no Hakaba for Bocchiere and no one else!!!!!
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2016, 11:20:35 PM »

Speed. What was faster? Certainly the Mayfly, through which the White Zetsu traversed this cavern, was not as fast as the Kamui for it was not a space-time technique. But was it faster than a kyuubi enhanced Raiton no Yoroi? Probably so; certainly it would not matter for as Bocchiere moved at breakneck speeds through the cavern, so too did the White Zetsu. It was inevitable that each would encounter the other in a relatively short time. As indeed they had.

In what manner was this meeting to be manifest? With great stealth, to be sure. As the invader raced along the corridor, the White Zetsu released spores [Hōshi no Jutsu] into the tunnel through which Bocchiere was barreling. It was a curious thing, these spores, for they contained no chakra of their own and thus could not be detected by standard sensory abilities. With a hive-mind-like-will the vanguard of the White Zetsu, those who had outdistance the others from the cavern where the Gedo Mazo had spat them into existence, bathed the region with their minuscule hitch-hikers in the hopes of at least one attaching itself to the mad dashing Jashinist.

Meanwhile, the slower moving White Zetsu were busy setting up an obstacle through which the man would have to tread. This was why they had fallen behind the others for they had stopped to prepare a welcome for their guest. Taking advantage of their pirated DNA, namely that of Hashirama Senju, these lagging beings began to create a flowering forest in which to greet Bocchiere proper like. It was truly a labor of love, for with great care to detail they coaxed the trees into rapid growth so that in mere seconds the tiniest sprout had risen from the surface of the cavern to become a fully grown tree populated by buds. Perhaps they went a little bit over board, for these trees did not only sprout from the floor of the cavern but from the walls and ceiling too. Truly this soon created a very dense growth of trees whose buds were ripe for flowering. Even now those tight scales were parting, like cracks in a shell, to reveal the brightly colored yellow and orange flowers beneath. Pollen began to fill the air reminding one of a warm spring day [Mokuton: Kajukai Kōrin].
« Last Edit: August 06, 2016, 11:24:47 PM by KayentaMoenkopi »


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Re: Sangaku no Hakaba for Bocchiere and no one else!!!!!
« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2016, 12:58:06 AM »

Luckily for Bocchiere his cloak would take care of the errant pollen without him having to even know it was there. While Naruto's Nine Tails Chakra Mode was overflowing with life force, so much so that it caused trees and white zetsu to grow rapidly, Bocchiere's was overflowing with killing intent and was acidic to any organic matter (other than himself), similar to the V2 cloak. The pollen would dissolve into nothing upon contact with the cloak which covered Bocchiere's entire body.

The speed of their Mayfly jutsu may be faster than his Nine Tails Mode but they would have to emerge from the walls to attack and lose their high speed movement.

Bocchiere would extend both his hands to his sides as he came around a bend in the tunnel, saw the blockade the Zetsu had erected, and formed a rapidly spinning Rasenshuriken in each one. The one in his left hand would be imbued with Wind Release chakra and the one in his right hand would be imbued with his white hot Fire Release chakra. He'd throw both of them down the tunnel and they'd race at high speeds, crossing the distance between Bocchiere and the Zetsu's defenses in a moments time. The shuriken would easily dismember or bifurcate any Zetsu that got in their way, as well as cut through any wood they tried to summon. Once the Fire Release one reached the cloud of pollen the trees had begun to exude the highly flammable cloud would burst into flames, immediately followed by the detonation of the two Rasenshuriken.

The combined wind and fire explosions would combine into a roaring storm of blazing chakra blades that should handily obliterate the Zetsu and their blockade, assuming things all went to plan.


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Re: Sangaku no Hakaba for Bocchiere and no one else!!!!!
« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2016, 06:11:55 AM »

Certainly the failure of its minions to accomplish either of their goals in stopping this host's advance upon his chamber was noted, for communication between Zetsu and the Gedo Mazo was not an issue of difficulty. A perverse sense of delight filled the construct, if such a emotion could be identified amid its overwhelming thirst for death; indeed it seemed to understand a swift stroke of success ending the hunt would not nearly be as satisfying as an opponent who could prolong the battle and cause it to stretch the kill. a little like fishing, one could surmise. The fighters were always the most thrilling to land. Very well.

Would he wait for the man to find him? Why indeed not? There were numerous exits from his cavernous hold, but would he just lay out the welcome mat and provide no further obstacles along the way? That hardly seemed like the way to reclaim its rightful soul...what bits of it this one held hostage. Another eruption of sputum did it eject, but this time the morphing Zetsu did not just take on the androgynous identity without distinction one from the other. No, six distinct individuals that had been the last to try and claim his might, make of it their slave in their thirsty big for power...and two of which their DNA was just in storage.

Yumei, Kyu, Moenkopi, Hazama, Trev, and Warren; each looked at the other but a second before darting off through the tunnels to be the one that would bring down this prey and receive the praise of their god. Meanwhile, the Gedo Mazo made his move through the cavern and breached the surface. Let him come. Let the one who would hold his rightful life force from him come into his world and taste what true hell was like.

---> edit fixing typos only.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2016, 06:23:48 AM by KayentaMoenkopi »


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Re: Sangaku no Hakaba for Bocchiere and no one else!!!!!
« Reply #9 on: August 24, 2016, 02:10:54 AM »

Bocchiere could feel the chakra of the unique Zetsu appear. He recognized some of them, but not all. He smiled at the ones he did recognize, "Alright you have my attention." The chakra cloak surrounding would expand and billow out into a literal cloak of chakra the adorned his already chakra-clad form and the incredible high speeds he was moving at would double even further, making him an utterly incomprehensible blur to anyone without movement tracking Doujutsu, such as the Sharingan. This was his Demon Fox Chakra Mode, his highest level transformation, born from the synchronisation of his Killing Intent with the Kyuubi's.

He dashed further through the tunnel before coming to a stop and waiting for the enemy to approach him.


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Re: Sangaku no Hakaba for Bocchiere and no one else!!!!!
« Reply #10 on: August 25, 2016, 12:38:23 AM »

It was the redhead he would come upon first, or at the very least the sound he voiced. Such seething, draconic rage that kept him tense as if a volcano about to blow, Warren unhinged his jaw, A brief, quaking sensation spread outward from him by the air. How the cock did crow.

Now that the floodgates were open, slamming palm together, his frame flared up with green chakra. A ghostly looking spine shot up from the encasing aura about the would be coming of Hagoromo, followed further by additional bones and fleshy material, to form a quite sizable two halved susano'o. When sight was afforded to Bocchiere through the forward motion of the Zetsu, he would see one of these was before and the other to the rear. But where was Warren? Surely he would not be so hard to find...

Arms extended from both, claws prominently displayed while the individual they encased, nailed his ripple patterned eyes upon the target. His rinnegan would be without henge quite unmasked, both eyes heavily bloodshot as all of his mind and energies were being channeled toward the formation of black matter circling about his own hand; a sizable kokushinto. All the while he would remain safe within the susano'o's forehead gem under its hood.


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Re: Sangaku no Hakaba for Bocchiere and no one else!!!!!
« Reply #11 on: September 01, 2016, 02:54:02 AM »

As Warren formed his Susano'o and prepared to attack, Bocchiere would wonder, what would happen if he combined his already mind-numbing speed with the Body Flicker Technique? Nine Tails Chakra Mode, the form half as strong as the one he was currently in, was able to surpass the speed of Lightning Release Chakra Mode with the output at 100%. This was all without the use of the Body Flicker Technique, which is a fact, as Naruto is not even a user of said technique.

Thusly as Warren gripped his weapon, no doubt about to do something equal-parts long-winded and obtuse with it, a second Bocchiere would appear in mid-air some distance behind him and would land on the ground, his back to the Prophet of Ninshu. A small white orb of chakra hovered in front of one finger tip but it was in the process of dispersing.

The first Bocchiere would fade away to nothing as it was merely an afterimage of the high-speed movement he had just performed. He knew Warren would not be able to follow the movement with his Rinnegan because Bocchiere had not been able to follow his own movement with his Sharingan. As a matter of fact if he had amped it up just a little bit more he would have surely crashed straight into the roof of the cavern which would have been decidedly less cool looking. "Alright maybe put that on the back burner for now." Bocchiere thought to himself, it had worked out this time but that was because he had gotten lucky, and he decided he would not use the combo again till he could control it better.

Bocchiere would not turn around to face Warren and would instead merely beginning walking forward, paying no further heed to the man. Perhaps, in hindsight, transforming into someone Bocchiere had effortlessly defeated to make his way here had not been the best idea. 


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Re: Sangaku no Hakaba for Bocchiere and no one else!!!!!
« Reply #12 on: September 02, 2016, 06:57:44 AM »

One was often forced to employ what was at hand, making due as it were, when deprived of viable options to meet their ends; certainly the Gedo Mazo was no different in that it too had to scrape the bottom of its inner shell and spew forth Zetsu from the only imprints it had received since being called down from the moon. Certainly it might have drawn upon one other, but that was reaching in an unnecessary manner.   And so...

Though it was feasible that Warren was bordering on the fair possibility of enlightenment from the outset of the activation of his ocular marvels, lavender in hue, this author would show no mercy, in any case, due to the aforementioned equal-parts long-winded and obtuse tendencies, which indeed subject that ludicrously sized apparition and certainly did show a marvel of genetic mish-mashups which inevitably would be lacking in true revelations; thus it was Warren hit upon an inability to track Bocchiere's pace through the cavern by sighted means, strain through he would to grasp what had occurred. Fortunately for our would be Heroic Zetsu, for we must keep in mind who the villain was in this engagement and who the emasculate, the look of astonishment upon his pallid features due to underexposure to the light, by which means any normal person's melanin would cast a color indicative of anything but a corpse in a crypt, had other heightened and superior senses to employ for detection. Veritable eyes in the back of his cranium/head via means of the rear facing hemisphere of one big ass Susanoo. In other words when Bocchiere appeared behind him he in fact revealed himself in front of the back end of things. Enmass the Susanoo sprang forth, this gargantuan size disjointed construct brandishing arms that would certainly make short work of our villain, Kyuubi peajacket or no!

The weapon continuing to spill forth from Warren's hand, he raised and cast through the protective shield of the Susanoo, that was blessed with the peculiar nature that said projectiles could pierce from inside to out but certainly was impenetrable in reverse, would no doubt strike with a penile penetration embodied with enough force to drive a channel not only through the stone of this very cavern a good 300 meters long and of girth wide enough to hold a sand worm, but be near inescapable by any means conceivable the opponent could possibly bring to bear against...wait for it...

...a thrown spear.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2016, 07:15:44 AM by KayentaMoenkopi »


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Re: Sangaku no Hakaba for Bocchiere and no one else!!!!!
« Reply #13 on: September 07, 2016, 02:12:43 AM »

The thrown spear would just miss Bocchiere's head, the force of the throw buffeting him but not harming him due to his Demon Fox Chakra Mode. Warren would have found his aim thrown off by the fact that his body was bisected cleanly in two, the two vertical halves falling away from each other once Warren turned around and moved. This meant his Susano'o too was cut cleanly in twain, the construct fading away as it was destroyed.

The small white lighting fading from Bocchiere's finger tip when he had landed was his Dust Release: Death Beam. He had dashed up and over Warren, spinning in mid-air to lower the beam like a sword and cleave straight through Warren before landing as he previously had, it had just been too fast for Warren to notice.

Bocchiere swatted at his shoulder, swiping off some dust that had trickled down from the cave ceiling, never stopping to look back at Warren as he fell dead, again. Believe it or not this was actually the better of his performances, this time at least he had gotten an attack off at Bocchiere.



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Re: Sangaku no Hakaba for Bocchiere and no one else!!!!!
« Reply #14 on: September 07, 2016, 06:41:03 AM »

Be that as it may, the stellar performance has served it's purpose; the other Zetsu were setting up their posts during the delay, minor though it was, so that as Bocchiere continued through the cavern lured by the essence he could discern, he came upon a curious vision.

Winding tunnels ever inclining toward the surface opened at last upon a vista of the morning sun peeking through a field of stone columnar formations within a massive chamber of immense proportions, even greater than those through which he had already passed. One had to wonder how the surface managed not to cave in upon such grand karst topography as what he now beheld. This field was mostly below ground save for in the farthest distance where the exit teased the searcher with it proximity. While that was but a deceptively brighter point of amber light, the effect upon the dust strewn field was a rampant glow illuminating nearly clear across the underground expanse. It certainly played tricks with respect to distance upon the eye of the beholder, so that the roof of the cavern was scarcely visible at all. Eventually it would be noted upon the top of each one of these stone columns a small campfire did burn, about which indistinct figures did huddle round.

One thing he would notice, before the feminine voice called out to him, was that the weaves of chakra were thick within the field and yet beyond the glare of sunlight at its brightest point he could seemingly no longer detect a thing. The voice was curiously accented, as though the language was not her native tongue; but, from which specific campfire did it originate? It seemed to come from them all.

"Welcome weary traveler. Will you sit and dine with me? I promise the sand worm is fresh and will sustain you on your long trek toward failure."

edit------> sizing image
« Last Edit: September 07, 2016, 06:53:50 AM by KayentaMoenkopi »
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