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Should the list be fixed?


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Author Topic: Claimed list restructuring  (Read 11756 times)


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Re: Claimed list restructuring
« Reply #15 on: August 23, 2016, 05:40:29 PM »

Mioku is the current leader of the ssm if you'll remember and he was the one who agreed to settle the issue in the manner that we did. The matter is over and the swords owners have been decided.

Where are your ever present calls to just do an rp? You said that constantly when I was trying to settle this matter why aren't you just telling Kiri to rp getting their swords back? Perhaps they are as cognizant of the fact as I am that all their efforts being summarily voided would be well deserved just desserts?

Kiri makes the claims list, bijuu battles, village attacks, and everything else they interact with broken because they are incapable of utilizing anything properly unless it is geared to support only them. Any fair system would indeed seem broken when they are involved because there is a chance for them not to get their way, which renders much the same reaction from them as holy water does from a vampire.

The situation is resolved, the claims list is not broken. Kiri is the only thing involved with all of these issues, these same issues occurred with the bijuu fights and I wasn't even on the site at that time. As soon as they accept this and improve the way they interact with the community and how the handle the rules and systems we have we will stop having these problems.


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Re: Claimed list restructuring
« Reply #16 on: August 23, 2016, 05:58:13 PM »

Mioku was not here during this situation, as I recall. So he may not have been aware of how things have evolved. How this inconsistency between how bijuu are handled and how the swords have been viewed even exists.

I believe this to be a huge mistake on both your parts and will do nothing to resolve the turmoil that has gone on before nor shall stem from this action if permitted to proceed.

Keeping the swords separate, forcing guidelines to be created will in turn trickle down to the RP of Kiri that you site as broken.

But to continue bashing and berating will do nothing but propagate the inevitable demise of relations evern further.

This organization is about the only thing worth a damn in Kiri. One of the main goals of young members to train and work toward. You do this and it is dead.

I do not wish to see another dead village Bocchiere. I have witnessed that too many times and it is just another nail in the coffin to this site.

I strongly advocate that a true healing solution occur, that correction be implemented rather than a public canning from which I believe they will, as I fear, never recover.

« Last Edit: August 23, 2016, 06:06:55 PM by KayentaMoenkopi »


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Re: Claimed list restructuring
« Reply #17 on: August 23, 2016, 06:14:31 PM »

I agree with most of what you said. Mioku did educate himself on the situation he wasn't going in blind and other than that, the implication that Kiri isn't already dead. They may not be clinically dead but they are a vegetable on life support and you're absolutely right the only thing keeping them going is their canon claims.

The thing is this isn't news. Kiri has been sick since I got to this site and nothing has been done to change the course away from this inevitable conclusion.

How many years do you look at that plug before pulling it seems less like a murder and more like a mercy? It's been near a decade Kay.

They are part of the community yes but when flesh turns gangrenous you amputate. It's never anyone's first course of action but when it's that or death the choice is pretty easy. I say if they lose their swords and die out because of it they can't blame anyone but themselves.


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Re: Claimed list restructuring
« Reply #18 on: August 23, 2016, 06:21:47 PM »

I remember when I first came to Sl. The big war between Suna and Kiri was going on. Shout outs to Konoha and Oto as well. >.>

After Suna lost, Suna was literally dead. Kay would sit in the sands, round her camp fire, and sing to herself. I was so lonely i thought I would die. Days and days with not a soul posting, not even chit chat.

GaraSandBurial aka Kurasuna was full of rage that I...this noob, this inferior entity...this suiton user...should be in Suna. Assassins were sent, I would be trolled in the zone when Chinote [using a different name back then IC] was teaching me to zone by the veteran gang of hers. She ranted at me that it would be better that Suna should remain dead than that I would befoul its lands.

I did not go away. I suffered and rp'd on my own. but people began to come and interact with me. And the rest is history. Suna did not die. And This enmity did not go away but rose again strong when i became Nidaime Kazekage through the creation of her Black Rose Cult. They tried to destroy Suna, in conjunction with the Shodai Mizukage. [yes, i have reasons to dislike Kiri over the actions of a few. but I cannot] My own former husband was sent to assassinate me and he succeeded. Then after Dart's alt died to resurrect me, the  EX-hubby actually railed at me for not staying dead so that he might have that upon his accomplishments and what...gain perks in the cult he joined?

And now Suna's 7th Kazekage leads them strong.

it hurts to watch...but it is not up to us to determine when death comes to another. What may not seem like good to you or others, sometimes even to worth while to them.

I can not, must not forget what I endured when I first came here...especially now when I look around this place.

It is worth nurturing and healing. It has to be.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2016, 07:15:53 PM by KayentaMoenkopi »


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Re: Claimed list restructuring
« Reply #19 on: August 23, 2016, 07:13:24 PM »

Well if you did it then they can too. I'm certainly not going to be coming around telling them not to rp or trying to kill them.


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Re: Claimed list restructuring
« Reply #20 on: August 23, 2016, 10:25:36 PM »

Though the Kiri sitting might have been a bit of a catalyst for this thread, it is not the only problem. I think Kay made some good points and I also don't get why there was an issue with Gitsune being considered inactive. I don't even know her and I know that she's basically been keeping Kiri pretty lively lately.
Is that to say that Kiri is perfect? No. Of course it can be improved. But so can every place. It kind of seems like if it's not up to your standards, Bocc, then it should go on the chopping block. And just because other places do things differently doesn't mean we have to be the same as them. If you like their model more, then go play that game.

But I digress, let's try and get back to the topic at hand on potential methods for fixing the claimed list. I'm still not seeing any negatives to having multiple items beside people saying 'it won't work'. And I know having people give up their items might be a bit hard to ask...But do they really need every single item, especially if one or two of them might be so dusty that you might confuse it with the contents of an urn?

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Re: Claimed list restructuring
« Reply #21 on: August 23, 2016, 10:50:31 PM »

Teostra you're smart, I like you, but you're clearly out of the loop insofar as what Kiri has been up to or you'd know they've fallen short of any reasonable standards for some time now.

The point against having multiple copies of each item is that then there is no point to having the claims list. If that's what you want to do fine. Just say that anyone can have anything they want. There's no need to officiate that and in fact anyone can already do that. Most people don't because the community at large does not accept that, most people don't want anyone who wants Samehada to have one and most people don't want everyone who wants Hiriashin to know it.


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Re: Claimed list restructuring
« Reply #22 on: August 23, 2016, 10:55:46 PM »

That's why I'm saying to put the GMs to work. Have them be the only people who could 'give out' items through rp. That way they should be the only ones who are able to update the claims list so people can't just have free range over everything. At least, if option 2 were to be put into effect.

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Re: Claimed list restructuring
« Reply #23 on: August 23, 2016, 11:03:33 PM »

That's why I'm saying to put the GMs to work. Have them be the only people who could 'give out' items through rp. That way they should be the only ones who are able to update the claims list so people can't just have free range over everything. At least, if option 2 were to be put into effect.

Ok that just means it delays everyone getting a copy of everything they want though, it will still happen unless the rp's are brutally hard to complete.


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Re: Claimed list restructuring
« Reply #24 on: August 24, 2016, 12:11:11 AM »

Delays but does not prohibit.
Lets use the Kiba as an example. If I wanted it right now, I would have to challenge Shadow.
If he's active, great, that just means I have to send him a PM and set up a fight. But what if he has made his character so overpowered that he's impossible to beat without resorting to his level? Oh well, just give up and let him have it or wait for him to slip up and fault him on a clause.
If he's inactive? Well, I have to wait the 60/90 days in order to fault him and claim it by default. That's a lot of waiting. Plus, if you don't call dibs first, you wasted all that time waiting.
If copies are allowed then all you got to do is contact a gm and, considering how often they're on, expect a one/two day response. They can start an rp in the zones or somewhere and get the ball rolling.

Sure, you may lose out on the fun of tracking down another player and challenge them for a unique item, but how often do you really see people use those items as anything more than a status symbol? Loads of people opted for the custom items and crazy jutsu route because a lot of these items are underwhelming in comparison. Personally, I'd love to see someone that builds their character around a certain items or weapon, but that seems to be something that died out sometime around the Twilight days of this place >_> That's why I'm trying to think of solutions on how to fix these things.

Also, I just used you as an example Shadow because Kiba was the shortest to spell and I'm lazy <_<
« Last Edit: August 24, 2016, 12:18:31 AM by Teostra »

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Re: Claimed list restructuring
« Reply #25 on: August 24, 2016, 12:19:32 AM »

I understand that your heart is in the right place Teostra, but consider this. If we made claims/tools/etc one per character, a lot of the powerhouses that you see here today on the server would be severely nerf down. (Example: Bocchiere would have to give up nearly ninety-percent of what makes up his character.)

Gamemaster(s) could get involved and hand out these items in question through roleplay, but as a gamemaster myself, I wouldn't feel comfortable messing with items/claims/weapon/etc without the copyright holder's permission. Gamemaster(s) are there to promote roleplay, but we are not there to instigate nor disrupt anything by taking something away from a player that worked so hard to claim it. And if even if me and the team did this, tracking every single copy that we gave out would be a pain in the you-know-what and would lead into a mess with nearly everyone that is Uchiha having a copy of the Sword of Totsuka.

I don't know where 'custom' techniques, items, weapons and summons fall into the category of this conversation, but I like the claim's list for keeping track of the custom techniques, items and summons that I have for my character(s) and NPC(s).


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Re: Claimed list restructuring
« Reply #26 on: August 24, 2016, 12:25:25 AM »

Customs stay where they are. I'm only talking about canon items. Any custom stuff that someone wants to claim, well, they'd have to challenge the owner. Like, if I wanted the Shinra Tensei Armor (literally clicked random page til I got a custom), I would have to have Teo go fight Yomi and beat her to get it as an example.

Or wait for her to give up and go ghost, like Masane and all her stuff. Since she's gone for good, that means pretty much anything on the wiki that's hers is up for grabs.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2016, 12:31:31 AM by Teostra »

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Re: Claimed list restructuring
« Reply #27 on: August 24, 2016, 12:31:08 AM »

I've got no problem with everyone having a copy of everything they want as long as the caveat is you can void items and techniques gained in that fashion at any time, including bijuu fights.


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Re: Claimed list restructuring
« Reply #28 on: August 24, 2016, 01:00:39 AM »

People can already do what you recommend Teostra. For an example, I can claim the Kiba swords right now and use them in all my normal rp. Can walk around with them, can train, etc. Not a damn thing anyone can do about it.

The issues occur, when casual rp stops and battle rp begins. Like if I were to use them in my fight with Bocc, that would be a big no no. Else people would start using these duplicated items to gain an advantage they otherwise didn't posses.

Anyone on SL can rp whatever they wish till their hearts desire. They can join and claim to use hiraishin and be the 3 tails jinch if they want. Problems arise when they interact with another player.

Even if we were to use your system of duplicates. I imagine the original owner of Kiba would get pretty irked if he had to fight a death match rp and his opponent also had kiba, which only he should have had.

People can rp whatever they want, and nobody should stop them. However, their is a difference in rp that only involves yourself and roleplaying with others/ a community.

Only other solution I could see besides challenging (which I don't advocate for) is to make the inactivity window smaller (30-45) days.

But I also don't think there is that big of an issue with the claimed list. While some players do have a large amount of items, there are still many things left to claim for players without. Filler episodes often introduce new stuff, and if you look at the claimed list now, many of the people are inactive and the claims are free to grab (Notably summons).
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Re: Claimed list restructuring
« Reply #29 on: August 24, 2016, 01:12:52 AM »

I'm gonna add my opinion here because I have watched over many topics over the past while, and a lot seem to target specific few to include the SSM swords, bijuu, and other important things I could care less about. I've been very inactive with how pathetic others have made this site mostly unplayable and no longer entertaining because you always attack others.

However I stand with Kay on the issue because you didn't challenge anyone else who has a claimed item that is inactive.... I could also care less if I lose the Hawk Summon scroll honestly because that is how much trust I have lost in this community, but there are very few I can still trust(no names mentioned). I'll post my opinion how I want without a care, and I will not attack anyone. Act like civilized people for once.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2016, 01:14:57 AM by Xiarawst »
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