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Author Topic: Alternate accounts and bijuu fights  (Read 10427 times)


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Alternate accounts and bijuu fights
« on: October 18, 2016, 01:39:19 AM »

I spoke with a few fellow players and few of the gamemasters about a similarity that I've seen in the recent bijuu fights. Now I am not 'putting anyone on blast' but this type of behavior is something that I cannot condone, since all of us went through a fair process in order to gain a chance at earning a bijou; wanting a bijuu that bad doesn't constitute to deliberately breaking the rules that we set as a community.

"Who? What are talking about Camel?"

 I am talking about a fellow player that I happen to caught with an alternate account trying to either secure a bijuu through illegitimate means or make it so if one characters loses, they have a back-up. Which isn't cool and real scummy in this case.

Now you're asking, "Who are you talking about? And stop with the suspense, man!"

Sorry about this. Like I said before, I am not trying to put anyone on blast; I just want an explanation for these actions and want to know why no one spoke up before.

Terumi Dato. I actually caught you registering for the bijuu fights under an alternate account. I wouldn't been able to catch this, had I not misclicked your IP during the validation process of Yuki Zera. Now I don't know if this was you or someone else that you happen to introduce to this game and they decided to register an forum account, while they were at your house. I just don't know. Believe me, man. I'll gladly drop this, if an explanation is given. 

What I do know is this isn't the only instance. I spoke with Shadow and we had a suspicion that maybe someone else was doing this too. Arashi Nanashi was someone that I was initially suspicious of, and so was Shadow. I can't be drawing conclusion based on gut feeling alone, so if this is your account. I actually did an investigation and I found out that both me and Shadow were right all along. If you can give me an explanation to why this was condone and I'll drop my suspicions, along with Shadow. This is totally not cool at all, considering that we agreed upon no alternate accounts. I just want an explanation for this behavior that I happen to catch.

"Don't you have alternate accounts, Camel? What if you're doing this to cover your tracks, huh?!"

My alternate accounts are pretty much well-known, if you ever see me editing a character that you haven't seen before; then that happens to be my account that I use. If asked, I'll gladly list which character that I have that is active and which is collecting dust. (I may sell you that dusty account, if the offer is good.)

Now I ask only this, please no flaming or hate-mongering. I simply want a discussion and/or explanation about how this issue can be prevented and also spotted in the future.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2016, 02:02:28 AM by Camel »


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Re: Alternate accounts and bijuu fights
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2016, 02:29:20 AM »

Sorry about this. Like I said before, I am not trying to put anyone on blast; I just want an explanation for these actions and want to know why no one spoke up before...

Possibly because nobody else knew is why no one spoke up before. I mean, you had to go through IP's in order to make a suspicion a little bit more than that. I personally think talking to the people in PM's to try to clear things first would have been the best option, and then if you didn't believe them or whatever, we get to this point.

Other than recognizing zoning and RPing styles (which can be quite hard) there is not much of a way of identifying alternate accounts by more than hunch or suspicion without special privelages, unless someone knows that the alt is an alt and comes forward (which may have been the audience you meant when you wondered why this hadn't come up before).

And technically, we agreed that players can only challenge for one beast, we never said that the challenger couldn't be the alt. Now how you found out about the not so conventional underhanded stuff is up to the imagination I guess, but I do have to ask, does this revelation affect any of the current biju awards/matches? I ask that question as a Biju Council Member.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: Alternate accounts and bijuu fights
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2016, 02:34:54 AM »

Sorry about this. Like I said before, I am not trying to put anyone on blast; I just want an explanation for these actions and want to know why no one spoke up before...

Possibly because nobody else knew is why no one spoke up before. I mean, you had to go through IP's in order to make a suspicion a little bit more than that. I personally think talking to the people in PM's to try to clear things first would have been the best option, and then if you didn't believe them or whatever, we get to this point.

Other than recognizing zoning and RPing styles (which can be quite hard) there is not much of a way of identifying alternate accounts by more than hunch or suspicion without special privelages, unless someone knows that the alt is an alt and comes forward (which may have been the audience you meant when you wondered why this hadn't come up before).

And technically, we agreed that players can only challenge for one beast, we never said that the challenger couldn't be the alt. Now how you found out about the not so conventional underhanded stuff is up to the imagination I guess, but I do have to ask, does this revelation affect any of the current biju awards/matches? I ask that question as a Biju Council Member.

It affects the Sanbi, and maybe one other, pending if Nanashi's alt won a biju. If the claims turn out to be true, the council could decide to strip the Sanbi and maybe another beast. Not because using an alt won them said beast, but because they broke the rules. Up to you guys if the charges are accurate.
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Re: Alternate accounts and bijuu fights
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2016, 02:45:10 AM »

Didn't we go through an IP verification process when we had votes on a specific thing awhile back? I don't remember on what it was. Something bijuu there wasn't 4 votes from one person.

I was going to bring up my suspicion of Nanashi being an alt to the powers that be, but thought against it. For those of you who I talked to I knew Nanashi was an alt I just couldn't pinpoint as to who. For the most part I just wanted my curiosity killed.

-------------------------Topic relevant-

I personally think we shouldn't have to IP track in instances like this, cause at the end of the day I don't really care if someone has 23 bijuu. (That's not to say that you dropped out and wasted my time) But to those that are more inclined to a fair field of play I can see your point of view as well. So while I'm IDC if it was put in as mandatory I wouldn't mind IP cross-checking.
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

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Re: Alternate accounts and bijuu fights
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2016, 02:47:17 AM »

And technically, we agreed that players can only challenge for one beast, we never said that the challenger couldn't be the alt. Now how you found out about the not so conventional underhanded stuff is up to the imagination I guess, but I do have to ask, does this revelation affect any of the current biju awards/matches? I ask that question as a Biju Council Member.

I never said that players were barred from using their alternate accounts to challenge for bijuu. What I don't like is players registering for a bijuu fight with an account they specify, but secretly registered for another fight under a different persona. You have two accounts at this point registering for two separate bijuu fights.

Now does this disqualify anyone or strip anyone of any bijuu they won? I don't know. I am not bijuu council and this is a matter, if serious enough; I assume it will be spoken between all of the council.

Tobias/Vail won his match fairly and didn't break any rules. I can't say for the others, because I don't know if maybe they had a sibling or a significant other play on their internet, which will explain the similarities between accounts.

However since we are already so far into these matches, I won't call for a strip. Instead I want an explanation on why this was done and what were *you* planning to get out it anyway. If these player wanted a bijuu that bad, other routes could've been taken. These players could've waited until everything was distributed then attempt to get the bijuu of your choice, but then again patience is somewhat of a virtue on here. 


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Re: Alternate accounts and bijuu fights
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2016, 02:54:54 AM »

Pending a good explanation. I think said fighters should be stripped/ dq'd. If you were dishonest in getting the biju, you can't be trusted to keep it and follow other rules in my opinion. But it's not up to me.

But as Camel says, we should wait for an explanation. No need to start a witch hunt just yet.
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Re: Alternate accounts and bijuu fights
« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2016, 02:57:44 AM »

Pending a good explanation. I think said fighters should be stripped/ dq'd. If you were dishonest in getting the biju, you can't be trusted to keep it and follow other rules in my opinion. But it's not up to me.

But as Camel says, we should wait for an explanation. No need to start a witch hunt just yet.

Is basically foaming at the mouth.
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Re: Alternate accounts and bijuu fights
« Reply #7 on: October 18, 2016, 05:05:51 AM »

Yeah, I'm Nanashi. I don't feel like waiting to be outed, or for some kind IP witch hunter to happen. I know a bunch of people already guessed it was me, and I mean c'mon, who starts off good at this site?

Want an explanation? Uhh, I didn't like the reputation I had when I was Rusaku/Ryoji, and wanted to see how things would differ if I was someone else. Guess what? Most of you treated me very differently. Though that is not at all the point here. I wanted a stress free environment to play my decade old hobby, and I got exactly that. Now here I am, with red ass hands. The only reason I brought Ryoji back at all was because I saw the influx of people who joined back after Bocc was banned. Figured he was one of my biggest complaints, and I could enjoy the game that much more with him gone and my first character back in action. 

The only consolation I have for you is that I pulled Nanashi from the Shadow fight because I didn't feel like being a cheater.

My reasons for doing it had nothing to do with cheating the system and getting Biju, but so I could enjoy this game without stigma. I have a feeling it was the same for Dart. I mean look at how we have strung out Kiri and everyone associated with it. He probably just wanted to play the game again without being poo poo'ed on for just being Dart. Then when he found out no one was doing that on his main, he dropped Zera. This is just speculation of course, but whatever.

Am I sorry? Not really, I had a good time doing it all. Should I be D'Q'ed? Obviously I'm gonna say no. I still won my fight, and trying to win the current one, but I dropped the alt out of the race so I wasn't being a cheater. If you wanna punish me for that then I don't honestly know what to say xD. 
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Re: Alternate accounts and bijuu fights
« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2016, 07:04:03 AM »

Am I sorry? Not really...

Well, I think I know where I stand on this issue:

~ Kneejerk Gif, check.
~ Proclamation of innocennce intent, check.
~ Confession to entry coupled with correction of rule-breaking act, check.
~ Unapologetic conclusion without a hint of understanding of the actual problem, check.

You don't think you should be DQ'd for messing with the system? Now what kind of example would that set for future events like this? I don't know about the others but if you don't get that the violation of the principle behind the ban in the first place is the problem and not the ultimate outcome of the violation, then I don't know what else to say other than:

From my current point of view, good intentions pretty much always lead to bad outcomes when the "greater good" is achieved with the "lesser evil".
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.

Dart Terumī

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Re: Alternate accounts and bijuu fights
« Reply #9 on: October 18, 2016, 07:51:13 AM »

Zera Yuki was an account used by current fling. Well, I guess ex-fling now that she ended it. That would be why she's been inactive. Trying to wrestle back for control of the account as we speak so I can keep the character alive because I helped shaped the character. Did I play it for RP? No, I logged on to level it and show her how to level it. She decided to enter the bijū contest on her own, against my strong aversion, for this very same lame speculation.

Did I try to cheat the system? Hell no! Eff that. My honor is one of the only things I got left in this world and I sure as hell ain't going to have my integrity questioned and blasphemed without even being asked what that situation was. Kamui, I thought I knew you better than that.

All I was simply just trying to do is get another dorky person into SL and what I like so I could have someone to talk to about the happenings within this realm I so vastly enjoy. If I am going to get crucifed for that, then that's some straight up bs


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Re: Alternate accounts and bijuu fights
« Reply #10 on: October 18, 2016, 01:36:25 PM »

On that note I'm out of this topic. My curiosity was sated and as said I don't care enough to get my pitchfork. There's usually a lot of ad hominem in topics, especially the ones that call people out. 


Have fun all.  :roll:
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

Something that can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.


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Re: Alternate accounts and bijuu fights
« Reply #11 on: October 18, 2016, 02:43:43 PM »

On that note I'm out of this topic. My curiosity was sated and as said I don't care enough to get my pitchfork. There's usually a lot of ad hominem in topics, especially the ones that call people out. 


Have fun all.  :roll:



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Re: Alternate accounts and bijuu fights
« Reply #12 on: October 18, 2016, 02:45:55 PM »

All I was simply just trying to do is get another dorky person into SL and what I like so I could have someone to talk to about the happenings within this realm I so vastly enjoy. If I am going to get crucifed for that, then that's some straight up bs

Well, there is the burial option.

Just kidding. I find this scenario a little more forgivable, I mean, you didn't intentionally break the one challenge per player rule. Truth be told it can be said that you didn't break it at all, except to my knowledge your word is pretty much the only thing we have to go on here.

It feels weird advocating for punishing Rusaku for the prinicple and then advocating for letting Dato off because of an explanation that his now ex-fling maybe gone friendzone hopped onto the account and entered the match of her own volition.

I mean, Dato, why not say something sooner just to cover yourself? You've been here awhile, you know how these things go, why leave it to chance? I understand none of us can think of everything, but it seems that her going on without telling you bothered you at least somewhat before this point.

I guess staying on my soapbox without other folks' commentary on this matter is a waste of good wood, as my usual "baby with the bathwater to control disease" approach really conflicts with my sense of fairness here. And that's a really weird thing for me.

Of course, if nothing new is going to be added to the thread, then I guess bringing up a Biju Council discussion would be the most logical course of action. See how that goes.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.

Dart Terumī

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Re: Alternate accounts and bijuu fights
« Reply #13 on: October 18, 2016, 04:16:46 PM »

All I was simply just trying to do is get another dorky person into SL and what I like so I could have someone to talk to about the happenings within this realm I so vastly enjoy. If I am going to get crucifed for that, then that's some straight up bs

I mean, Dato, why not say something sooner just to cover yourself? You've been here awhile, you know how these things go, why leave it to chance? I understand none of us can think of everything, but it seems that her going on without telling you bothered you at least somewhat before this point.

I guess staying on my soapbox without other folks' commentary on this matter is a waste of good wood, as my usual "baby with the bathwater to control disease" approach really conflicts with my sense of fairness here. And that's a really weird thing for me.

Of course, if nothing new is going to be added to the thread, then I guess bringing up a Biju Council discussion would be the most logical course of action. See how that goes.

I didn't say anything because I thought I would have been asked about it, privately at first, before being sent to the executioner. That thought as well as I didn't want to jeopardize her interactions with the other players (outside of bijū stuff) in case they didn't like that she was associated with me.

But now, I don't care. Will I get a hold of the Zera account? I should, yes, should she finally just tell me the damn password. So will it be mine? Yes, eventually. But did I intentionally enter into the bijū contest with the account? No. I didn't even know she had created a forum account until I saw the sticky topic for the fight.


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Re: Alternate accounts and bijuu fights
« Reply #14 on: October 18, 2016, 05:05:35 PM »

I just wanted an explanation to why this was done, both of you provided a explanation for the actions that were taken by you or someone else. (Different player, Same IP.)

I'll repeat myself, I don't want anyone being stripped of their beast or disqualified from their respective bracket. If bijuu council wants to discuss it or bring it up, so that this sort of thing can prevented; that is up to them to decide.

Had this occur with someone participating in a bijuu fight and they picked an alternate account for a judge, you would think that the other party would be somewhat disappointed. If not, downright furious that this occurred and why nothing was done to prevent it. And this situation shouldn't be any different, since the outcome of a bijuu match can be easily decided through either methods.

I could've kept my mouth shut and let this slide, but what would that put me at? Absolutely nowhere. I'll still have the guilt knowing that someone did this and I did nothing to point it out until it was too late.

The way I look at it, if you're responsible enough to have a bijuu or had one in the past, you should know that if a challenger abides by your void list; you should at least abide by the bijuu rules. Shouldn't be that hard, right?

PS: If no one else is going to interject some commentary or give their thought on this issue, I'll go ahead a wrap this thread up by this evening or tomorrow.   
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