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Author Topic: Test Fight With Die Rolls  (Read 6226 times)


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Test Fight With Die Rolls
« on: November 15, 2016, 06:45:42 AM »

Moenkopi was hard pressed to leave her nice warm fire and make her way out into the cold misty world of Kirigakure. But this Hiro Toranaga needed to be drug into the world of the living. She if she had to go pick a fight, indeed she would. Leaving the brats with the clone babysitter, she left her sister's Otogakure estate in the Rice Fields, and set out for the hunt.

It was a goodly amount of time before she neared his old stomping grounds, a thankfully uneventful trek. But would she be able to catch sight of this old enemy? Only time would tell. A known coastal hugger, she would spend time searching the port once she disembarked from her ship before going anywhere near the hidden village.

Searching for Hiro in a crowd: wits + composure = 4d10; 5+8+6+9 = 2 successes

Link to rolz room in use for this fight
« Last Edit: November 17, 2016, 03:34:47 AM by KayentaMoenkopi »


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Re: Test Fight With Die Rolls
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2016, 07:17:02 AM »

Hiro was indeed at the same port picking up a package of tea leaves he ordered a while back. They came from a land far away and were said to have great healing properties, but one was never quite sure with the merchants in Kiri these days. Still the pain in his joints protested often enough he was willing to take the chance.

It had been some time since Hiro had been back to these islands and did not want to take the chance of being caught unaware by whatever gang might be running about these days. Ducking into what used to be less trafficked alleyways he attempted to avoid the bulk of the citizens and sneak his way back to his small boat at the docks, occasionally looking over his shoulder as he went. It crossed his mind along the way that meeting someone he did know might actually be worse than someone he didn't.

Looking for hostiles Wits+Composure=6d10=5+5+2+7+7+2=0 Successes
Traveling undetected Dexterity+Stealth=4d10=8+5+6+1= 1 Success
« Last Edit: November 15, 2016, 07:19:31 AM by HiroToranaga »


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Re: Test Fight With Die Rolls
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2016, 07:34:45 AM »

While Hiro may not have been able to detect her as a hostile in the crowd, she did manage to catch sight of the old geizer shambling into a backalley. 'Oh, how typical', she thought as she shook her head. He seriously needed to step up his game. Clearly, old age was not for sissies.

Moenkopi decided to do a little wall climbing and take to the high ground. Hopefully he wouldn't be alerted by the small amount of chakra she used to perform the technique.

Looking for Hiro netted me 1 more success than his traveling undetected, so I was allowed to spot him.
Climbing wall undetected: Dexterity + Stealth = 5d10; 6+7+5+1+2...well successes and a 1 = botch. >.<
Chakra use wall climbing: free, I'm a ninja.

Unfortunately upon reaching the roof, hoisting her form over the edge to lie upon her stomach, her hand went right through the old clay tiles causing one to dislodge and fall to the street. She cringed as she heard it shatter on the pavement below.


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Re: Test Fight With Die Rolls
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2016, 07:51:04 AM »

The shattering of the roof tile did not go unnoticed by Hiro or indeed to the few people that were walking down this way. The old ninja tried to focus more on the roof tile than the roof itself, feigning that he did not figure out someone was on the roof. Turning to walk away he would make for a more crowded street and try to lose himself in the mass of people as he became closer to the docks. There was no signs of how many people might be following him by rooftop let alone who so it was best for him not to start a confrontation just yet. If it came to that the waterfront would be more suitable a battle ground than this narrow alleyway.

Feigning attempt Manipulation+Subterfuge=4d10=3+9+6+2= 1 Success
Blending in a crowed Wits+Stealth=6d10=1+2+3+4+10+8 (1d10 again=6)= 2 Successes


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Re: Test Fight With Die Rolls
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2016, 08:28:29 AM »

Countering his feigning attempt: I don't want to use empathy, cause that would be at a penalty...I don't have dots in empathy. He is also not hiding emotion or speaking at this point. I need to know if I can notice anything by his actions, so I will roll this time before my text.

Wits + Composure is used to notice my surroundings. 4d10 = 8+4+7+3; 1 success. he had 1 success. So...I am unsure. he might have made me, he might not have! I have no definite OH SHIT HE SAW ME, nor the relief of knowing he failed to spot me.

Trailing him while he blends into the crowd: wits + composure again. 4d10 = 10+6+4+6 (1d10 again = 4); 1 success. he beats me by 1.

And I don't have access to my sensory ability/merit...yet. MWahahahaha.

Moenkopi was unsure if he had detected her or not, as he didn't give any overt sign of looking up at her and just studied the tile on the ground a moment before taking off into the crowd. The precarious nature of the roof forced her to take her eyes off him long enough to shift to a more stable section. She felt it would be a fool's game to trail him upon the rooftops in this seedy section of town and so dropped down to the alley below.

By the time she got to the pavement and poked her head out of the alleyway, he was no where to be seen. She called out in a loud voice full of frustration.
"Hiro Toranaga, you old water dog! Too skittish to stand and fight in your old age?"

taunt: manipulation + subterfuge = 4d10 = 4+6+3+7; no successes


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Re: Test Fight With Die Rolls
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2016, 08:53:13 AM »

It was not so much that the taunt was all that impressive, Hiro knew very well he was no spring chicken, but the person who said it made him turn and face her, confirming his suspicions. "It would seem this water dog still has yet to shake off the last of his sand fleas." The short Suna nin seemed bent on causing trouble for him, which should have been expected from the way their last encounter ended. The boat was still a ways off and drawing water from the docks would be a costly and time consuming venture so Hiro would undo the lid of one of the water canteens on his side. The crowd was starting to give the pair some room after hearing both parties exchanging loud words. If making a hasty retreat down the road became necessary at least he had more of a clear path now.
Hiro could have made a Composure+Resolve to not react to the taunt but he responded anyway. With 0 successes I would not be required to defend against it yet it is more in character if he does.  After all we need to start fighting at some point right?
« Last Edit: November 15, 2016, 09:02:12 AM by HiroToranaga »


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Re: Test Fight With Die Rolls
« Reply #6 on: November 15, 2016, 09:11:13 AM »

Moenkopi laughed softly upon hearing the old man's words. Perhaps today would not be a total loss afterward. But how to go about bringing him to his knees? Well keeping him from running off would be the first item of business. She recalled that day in the zones when she and six other guys failed to pin him down until way into the next day. Slippery bastard. She called out across the distance as she took her place in the street before him stopping approximately 20 yard distant, "I am glad that you still have some honor left old man. I believe you and I have some unfinished trading to do. and I don't mean of insults."

Moenkopi would form kata then, calling upon her suiton jutsu and ejecting a water jet at the man from her previously very vocal mouth. Suiton: Mizurappa [Water Release: Violent Water Wave] Rank: C

Suiton Jutsu: Intelligence + Ninjutsu = 5d10 = 2+4+6+4+5; failed. no botch. The jutsu is gonna happen. Suiton is my second affinity, and I'm a Kage. It's up to Hiro to say how it misses.


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Re: Test Fight With Die Rolls
« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2016, 10:37:49 AM »

The kage before him was a formidable in the ways of ninjutsu but she made a fatal mistake in manifesting a water attack. Hiro was after all a master of Suiton and was quite grateful to have a source so readily gifted to him. Chakra would pool around his hands allowing him to touch the water and insert his own chakra. Afterwards the blast would wrap around him ready for use. Forming kata the water would finally be deposited next to him in the form of a water clone. "Perhaps you should stick to hurling insults. At least then you would not have been worse off than when you started."

Taking control of a rank C Elemental jutsu Ninjutsu+Intelligence=7d10=5+5+6+3+5+7+8= 2 Successes. Taking control of another ninja's jutsu is a difficult task so the number of successes needed is higher than creating one of my own. Also the minimum skill to complete this maneuver is one dot of ninjutsu higher than the jutsu taken over, in this case ninjutsu 3. Moreover being an elemental jutsu I have to have that affinity. Fortunately Suiton is my primary affinity, my ninjutsu rank is 4, and I got 2 successes so I was able to pull it off if barely.
Forming a water clone (Rank C jutsu) Ninjutsu+Intelligence=7d10=2+1+9+1+10+6+10 (2d10 again=9+8)= 5 Successes That is considered an extraordinary success. Too bad I don't know what that means for a water clone at the moment.


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Re: Test Fight With Die Rolls
« Reply #8 on: November 15, 2016, 09:17:43 PM »

Moenkopi was not a bit pleased by the way her day was going. Clutzing around on rooftops, failure to locate her target, and now the insult to add injury, having her water jutsu wrested from her control. Perhaps she should have just thrown another log on the fire and finished eating her burnt vegetables in peace. Oh well, it was too late to undue her less than stellar decision to come after the old man, so she had best commit and bull her way through. Keeping in mind her goal to not let him turn this encounter into a chase scene, she flashed through kata preparing to enclose the man in a enclosure of rock pillars. That she refrained from making any clever remarks was just a sign of her pique. Doton: Supi-do no Hashira [Earth Release: Speed Pillars] Rank: C

The 30 foot pillars would sprout from the earth with incredible speed, as they were designed to do, but she hoped to topple them inward to form a teepee once she had him enclosed. Hopefully he would not be able to escape her 'pen' in time.

Note: could not use earth dome as it was a B Rank Jutsu.
Speed pillars: Ninjutsu + Dexterity = 5d10 = 6+8+1+3+8; 2 successes.


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Re: Test Fight With Die Rolls
« Reply #9 on: November 17, 2016, 12:31:02 AM »

Hiro was not nearly as adept at Doton as he was Suiton, but he knew enough to know he wanted off the ground once the earth around him began to move. Jumping onto the newly made clones shoulders he performed the hand seals needed to transform it into a rising pillar of water. Unfortunately the earth just kept rising with him, making it a mater of which jutsu would out last the other.
Suiton: Nami Tsuki [Water Release: Wave Thrust] Rank C Intelligence+Ninjutsu 6d10 (rolled too many last post sorry...)=10+3+6+6+8+5 (1d10 again=2)=2 Successes, not that definitive of a result when compared to Kayenta's 2 successes

As it turned out Hiro looked like he would almost clear the pillars, until they started falling inward. The top of the teepee caught his left ankle just as he was nearly free, holding him in place 30 feet off the ground. The ninja would draw a kunai and toss it at his attacker hoping to buy enough time to figure out how to escape completely.

Throwing Kunai Dexterity+Athletics (An argument could be made for ranged, for my current character stats they would be the same roll) 3d10=7+9+3= 1 Success, Kayenta's Defense is 2 so this attack is going to fail


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Re: Test Fight With Die Rolls
« Reply #10 on: November 17, 2016, 01:52:16 AM »

Moenkopi was watching as the skillful ninja made his attempt sure that he would clear her pillars of earth, but at the last minute he was snagged by the closing together of her jutsu. Were she a bit younger she might have enough jumped for joy. However, she had this pesky kunai coming right for her and better put her movements into something useful for a change. Darting forward would put her well under the incoming weapon and sure enough it sailed right over her head.

When she came to the base of her earthly structure, she pointed up to him and said,
"You are late for your medical procedure and still have to pay me for my services. Or did your aging mind make you forget our deal?"

No rolls required


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Re: Test Fight With Die Rolls
« Reply #11 on: November 17, 2016, 03:22:28 AM »

It was clear that his tea time would have to be canceled, though the pain in his joints still persisted, not to mention what the pillars of stone were doing to his ankle. "A man can't be expected to wait around on doctors all day long, let alone witch doctors with hero complexes" Truth was he was not sure  what she was talking about. The last thing he would do would be to make a deal with a Suna ninja, yet something in his mind was tugging at him. She did not seem to be lying, not that he could really tell or make the situation less perilous, and he did not remember how he got back to Water country. Still better to act like you knew what was going on. "It seems like there is little chance of you getting paid with me trapped up here, not that I am in the mood to pay for something I did not receive in any case."


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Re: Test Fight With Die Rolls
« Reply #12 on: November 17, 2016, 03:34:28 AM »

Moenkopi was not aware that Hiro was having difficulty in remembering their deal, despite her taunting to the fact. She just liked to take verbal jabs at him. She did however see his point about being stuck up in the air, so releasing her jutsu the pillars would retract back down into the ground."Well get down here then. I don't want you dying before you can make good on your bargain.

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Re: Test Fight With Die Rolls
« Reply #13 on: November 17, 2016, 04:40:54 AM »

The relief of his ankle being freed was quickly replaced by the sudden sensation of falling as his support was taken out from under him. Hiro tried to twist his body around for a softer landing but old age had a way of making things harder.

lessening damage from a fall Dexterity+Athletics=3d10=6+2+7= 0 Successes, A character takes 1 point of bashing damage per 3 yards...lets just say 10 ft. 0 Successes means I mitigate nothing and take the full 3 points.
Current health
[/][/][/][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

The only thing harder than getting old it seems is hitting the ground after falling 30 feet. The ninja landed roughly, bruising his right side. Slowly standing up Hiro still managed to make a quip. "I'll be taking that out of what I owe you."
« Last Edit: November 17, 2016, 04:42:45 AM by HiroToranaga »


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Re: Test Fight With Die Rolls
« Reply #14 on: November 17, 2016, 05:07:06 AM »

Moenkopi would shake her head and sigh."Well, how about I just heal you and we add that to your debt?"

Haggling: manipulation + persuasion = 2 + 1 = 3d10; 6+8+6
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