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Author Topic: All Cards on the Table  (Read 13532 times)


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All Cards on the Table
« on: May 01, 2017, 08:37:44 AM »

Wasn't really sure where else to put this topic, so here for now.

And it doesn't look like I am going to post here tonight but this is the placeholder for tomorrow, to show I wasn't just blowing smoke up people's butts :p

It's 2:40 AM here, basically, and I've been at work since 1 PM x.x And I haven't showered or anything, yet. So I am going to do this and then post here tomorrow.

Hope that doesn't bother anybody too much!
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: All Cards on the Table
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2017, 11:21:14 AM »

Hm...go fish.
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

Something that can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

Iburi Ray

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Re: All Cards on the Table
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2017, 12:28:55 PM »

“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all."


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All Cards on the Table
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2017, 09:04:50 PM »

Love you guys too <3

Alright, here it foes, this is going... to be really weird, coming out in the open with everything because for awhile I was dedicated to keeping it quiet from the eyes of the public. But recently some friends have helped me notice that while I need to be the one to do something, to make change if I want change, that I can't do it alone. And this community gets smaller and smaller almost every day, so even with the differences that I have with people, or whatever problems people have with me, we need to put them aside. Not to sound cheesy, SL is our home, and no one is going to clean it up and take care of it except us.

That being said, the truth is, when Bocchiere had the beasts it left a bad taste in people's mouths. And then he was gone. When that happened, I saw it as my chance, to finally collect the beasts and to give them to whoever I wanted. My goal didn't start out as 'noble', let's call it, but just to get the beasts into the hands of capable people, of even OP people, so that no one could ever take them. Then after the Bijuu tourney, I had none.  I lost to Rusaku and I went a bit mad, it stopped being about the redistribution and more about me trying to get all the beasts, to prove to people that goddammit, I can do it. I'm fucking Athos!

Well, anyway, a few bad cases later, I did start getting the beasts. But that was when the questions started coming, what was I going to do with them? Easy, give them out. But to who? If you just go handing them out, won't history just keep repeating itself? And yeah, it will. So that was when I knew I had to change why I was getting the beasts, it couldn't be about me or even about giving the beasts to people who couldn't lose them. It was attitudes like that which put us in this bad place to begin with. So I ran through so many ideas as to what to do.

What could I do to make the Bijuu great again? Or have the Jinchuuriki mean something again, because they were nothing anymore. There was a time they were something, something that drove RP and helped out around. How could I do that? Well, obviously it had to be done through IC means, but there was nothing limiting what people could do. It was literally asking for a shit show, so what could I do? Well, this is when I approached Tobi with my problem and asked him for his help, because what can I do? Well, the IC rules, of course. If there was a structure that could actually control what happened in actual IC events, where we could implement the Bijuu fully through IC and remove the OOC parts. Alright, so I know what I need to do, but then came handing out the actual Bijuu.

My original idea was to just give it to people like Tobi, Keito, Jay, Bec(He didn't want one, though), and other people like that. Veterans and strong people but, again, it was Tobi who pointed out the flaw in that way of thinking. If I go handing the beasts out to people who are just strong, perhaps even overwhelmingly so, then even with IC rules we are back in the loop that 'The people who have Bijuu don't even need them' and so on. And, again, he was right. I didn't need a bunch of OP people taking care of the beasts, if anything, I needed to give it to someone who could actually struggle with the beast. Have to struggle during the mastery stages, people who hadn't already progressed to their full potential and had room to grow, or even people that were the faces of the new generation. I had to leave my comfort zone and go out on several limbs.

So I did, and I created a Bijuu list of all the people I was going to give beasts to. And I actually had to think about why I would give any one of these people a Bijuu. And truth be told, even with all of these goals in mind, I don't think the list I came up with is all that great. And I think it still needs work, so I want you all to know that. I want to start changing SL for the better, to start cleaning it up, and I think a good starting point for that is with one of the most 'corrupt' and ugly parts of the SL; The Bijuu and the conflict over them. While this wasn't my original goal, it has been for some good time now.

My Bijuu Redistribution plan was going to be the big event to celebrate getting IC Rules approved and as the first RP done under those rules, I was going to go around and seal the beasts/give them to the villages I thought best. But that's why no one has heard anything about me doing these RPs, because the IC Rules keep hitting a standstill, and even I'm partly to blame for that. I was going to ask all the hosts to use the IC rules as I gave them the beasts, because I really do think that it is the way to start making the Bijuu better again. I know that I've exploded and spazzed, kicked and screamed on the forum, and it's because so many times I've come close to having this plan ruined. Months and months of hard work just ruined because of a rule, or because of a person who doesn't like me, and so on. And that is maddening, especially on top of everyone and their mother being convinced that I was one of the people I hated the most(Bocchiere). I've never been good at controlling my anger, so I'm sorry if that scared people away, but my whole career on SL has been almost completing my goal then failing at the last second. So in fear of that happening again, I started to act like an animal in a corner.

That being said, as a community, we all need to take a step together, forward... With that being said, here is the Bijuu List that people have only heard about;

1. My alt Bel but once mastery is done, it was going to Sunagakure.
2. Jay Nara, which is why I ended up never going for his beast, since I wasn't after the 'I collected all nine beasts' thing, anymore.
3. While this was originally going to be either Kiri or Kirk, Nekomaru ended up being one of the people I was looking for. Someone who wanted things to change and who believe Bijuu aren't just power crutches.
4. Miyuu/Iwagakure.
5. Eric Nara/Rogue Ninja
6. Maybe it is my personal connection to the Six Tails but I couldn't decide on someone to be a host.
7. Koji/Kumogakure.
8. Tommi.
9. Me.
Mazo - Me.

Now on that list, it leaves me with three beasts, two once I also hand up the One Tails. But like I said, I don't think that list is accurate enough for my goals. I'd like more people like Nekomaru on that list but I'm not sure, so I was going to leave it up to the Kage/Villages but I hate that idea because I wanted to choose the hosts, as arrogant and self centered as that sounds. So I need help with the list still, so if anyone does want to directly help or has suggestions as to who may be a good choice, I'd rather you message me on SL about that >> Because having public debates/discussions about people in detail can be super awkward and weird.


Now I said all my cards were going on the table and I mentioned in one post somewhere, to Tobi, that I/Athos were going to be weaker soon and I'd like to explain why. And the reason is pretty straightforward, I am done being unstoppable, as people put it. It isn't fun, despite what people like to say, and it does take the 'ommph' out of RP. And while handing out the beasts, the IC Rules, and all of that stuff is also a good step towards a better community, that is only one step and that alone isn't going to be enough. This time, it was actually Bec that had gotten me to think about changing what I do with Athos.

So I decided to make him weaker, but how? It wouldn't make sense to just have him stop using stuff, he'd have to be forced to change. Anyone who has seen Case Closed, the older anime/manga, will know where I am about to go with this idea.

But for those of you with no idea about what that is, or what happens, basically the main character gets drugged at like 15-18yrs, or something >> You know how anime is with their young/old main characters. The drug doesn't kill him, of course, but instead turns him into a kid. So I was going to do something like that but Athos isn't that young, he's 54, so instead of getting turned into a child he'd instead be reverted back to around 21 or so. Before Strongest Shield, before gaining limitless strong, and so on. He'd still have knowledge of all the fighting styles and things he could do before, but he'd literally be in a body that couldn't keep up with the strain that some of those things put him through o.o It'd put me down to a lower tier and give me something fun to do.

Of course, I'm not just fully giving up the 'older Athos' but instead, there is going to be a medicine(only about ten pills) at first that let Athos revert back into his 'adult' body and access that power. But that Athos is a lot more brutal and violent and every time he's forced to turn into that form, it happens more and more, and leads to him not wanting to resort to going back into his old form and therefore giving him a driving reason to start training again as a young person.

So for people who have been giving me grief over being too strong, the reason it always irks me is because I've also been trying to put this plan in motion for months, but Keito is busy with IRL stuff and it was suppose to happen at an official event for me becoming Daimyo. The event never happened and now here we are >_< But these are the two things, the Bijuu Redistribution and the Character Reformat, that I feel like I can do in making SL a better place in the future.

Anyway, that's my cards, guys. I don't really know what to expect when I post this, but I promised I'd spill the beans and I'm a man of my word.
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: All Cards on the Table
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2017, 10:20:18 PM »

54? You old man. You never told me your plan... well you're whole plan. Ass. I thought I was your bestie :cry: BESTIES DON'T KEEP SECRETS FROM EACH OTHER!!! Except that one secret that I wont disclose about what happened in Ninja Vegas... >.> It stays in Ninja Vegas.

But for real, don't you think the Mazo should go back into the moon... where it can do moon things. Or Rusaku... since he lives on the moon... since he's an alien... you know... technically.

And the card game is obviously Poker/Texas Hold'em. Or I Declare War... or 52 Pickup......Speed? Damn, I think I forgot how to play that.

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Re: All Cards on the Table
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2017, 10:39:40 PM »

Then I'd have to kick him off my couch. Last I checked you people still have that 'everybody has to be challengeable/findable' shtick, doesn't really work when he hangs up there with me, unless Bec builds somebody a rocket and space suit.


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Re: All Cards on the Table
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2017, 10:47:52 PM »

Then I'd have to kick him off my couch. Last I checked you people still have that 'everybody has to be challengeable/findable' shtick, doesn't really work when he hangs up there with me, unless Bec builds somebody a rocket and space suit.

If the fight is OOC what does it matter, it's not like the OOC stuff is going away when the IC stuff is brought in.

Right? Right guys? Im not gonna have to find Athos mid-fight inside a giant whirlpool with teeth that guards the way to Kirigakure right? Cause Id need a ride.

And you know, you could put me on the list, be easier than thinking about the fight. Eh? Eh? If I trade you a dark magician for a labrynth tank would you mount'n dew it?
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Re: All Cards on the Table
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2017, 10:54:33 PM »

Then I'd have to kick him off my couch. Last I checked you people still have that 'everybody has to be challengeable/findable' shtick, doesn't really work when he hangs up there with me, unless Bec builds somebody a rocket and space suit.

If the fight is OOC what does it matter, it's not like the OOC stuff is going away when the IC stuff is brought in.

Right? Right guys? Im not gonna have to find Athos mid-fight inside a giant whirlpool with teeth that guards the way to Kirigakure right? Cause Id need a ride.

And you know, you could put me on the list, be easier than thinking about the fight. Eh? Eh? If I trade you a dark magician for a labrynth tank would you mount'n dew it?

Message me on SL, we'll talk >> Like with Nekomaru, it would all really depend.
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: All Cards on the Table
« Reply #8 on: May 02, 2017, 12:43:20 AM »

I still motion for an official Takoyaki festival in Athos' plans.
Every life has meaning, never lose sight of that.

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Re: All Cards on the Table
« Reply #9 on: May 02, 2017, 06:59:38 AM »

So....basically, you're now suddenly wanting to do the eerie similar idea that I gave as a new path for us to walk on......yet still want to retain the whole jinchūriki aspect and thus continue to allow the negative dogma surrounding bijū to exist? How exactly would that "fix" anything?

And what use would you need for the Statue if you can't even utilize it?


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Re: All Cards on the Table
« Reply #10 on: May 02, 2017, 07:08:51 AM »

So....basically, you're now suddenly wanting to do the eerie similar idea that I gave as a new path for us to walk on......yet still want to retain the whole jinchūriki aspect and thus continue to allow the negative dogma surrounding bijū to exist? How exactly would that "fix" anything?

And what use would you need for the Statue if you can't even utilize it?

Eerily similar how? >_> My whole point is the Jinchuuriki aspect when yours is trying to remove it. I'm trying to fix the problem instead of just removing it entirely and ignoring it. If you aren't going to be open minded enough to give it a try, that's alright, I can't force you to do anything. But clinging onto the fact that bad stuff has happened, won't get you, or us as a community, anywhere.

I can use it but I don't really see what that has to do with anything at all.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2017, 07:11:05 AM by Athos »
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.

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Re: All Cards on the Table
« Reply #11 on: May 02, 2017, 07:45:28 AM »

So....basically, you're now suddenly wanting to do the eerie similar idea that I gave as a new path for us to walk on......yet still want to retain the whole jinchūriki aspect and thus continue to allow the negative dogma surrounding bijū to exist? How exactly would that "fix" anything?

And what use would you need for the Statue if you can't even utilize it?

Bijuu don't need fixing. The players I.E. us, are the ones that need to be fixed. The bijuu were never broken. We became broken because we all have this thought about some intense fight scenes after watching or reading too much action manga/anime/movie/novel and thus you have what we have now.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2017, 07:46:08 AM by Iburi Ray »
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Re: All Cards on the Table
« Reply #12 on: May 02, 2017, 08:11:45 AM »

So....basically, you're now suddenly wanting to do the eerie similar idea that I gave as a new path for us to walk on......yet still want to retain the whole jinchūriki aspect and thus continue to allow the negative dogma surrounding bijū to exist? How exactly would that "fix" anything?

And what use would you need for the Statue if you can't even utilize it?

Eerily similar how? >_> My whole point is the Jinchuuriki aspect when yours is trying to remove it. I'm trying to fix the problem instead of just removing it entirely and ignoring it. If you aren't going to be open minded enough to give it a try, that's alright, I can't force you to do anything. But clinging onto the fact that bad stuff has happened, won't get you, or us as a community, anywhere.

I can use it but I don't really see what that has to do with anything at all.

Seriously?'re giving them to the leaders of main villages, high-tier officers of main villages, or just the main village itself. <<

You can't fix the problem by continuing to walk along the same path.
By continuing to allow jinchūriki to exist, there will always be someone who will spring up and have the desire to gather all the bijū again. Someone will fill the void of being the "big bad". And there isn't anything that can be done, rules or guidelines, to stop that from occurring....:

Unless you completely get rid of the jinchūriki aspect.
To quote you so elegantly, "If you aren't going to be open-minded enough to give it a try, that's alright, I can't force you to do anything."

The IC rules would only be able to facilitate that goal of hoarding the bijū by allowing a "Neutral" to sit idle, watch the fight, then step up and take the beast from the winner.

Let me ask you this....what does a doctor do when a cancerous tumor (one that is operable) is found within the body? Do they remove it? Or just continue to bombard it with medication and treatments, hoping it'll cure it?

So....basically, you're now suddenly wanting to do the eerie similar idea that I gave as a new path for us to walk on......yet still want to retain the whole jinchūriki aspect and thus continue to allow the negative dogma surrounding bijū to exist? How exactly would that "fix" anything?

And what use would you need for the Statue if you can't even utilize it?

Bijuu don't need fixing. The players I.E. us, are the ones that need to be fixed. The bijuu were never broken. We became broken because we all have this thought about some intense fight scenes after watching or reading too much action manga/anime/movie/novel and thus you have what we have now.

You're right, the bijū don't need fixing as they are a fictional trophy. The bijū system is what is broken and needs a complete overhaul. A fresh start.

And the bijū scene didn't become broken because of the combat, it became broken because people allowed personal slights to surface, grew ungodly personal attachment to a fictional aspect in a RP game, allow ignorant and wrongful behavior to persist in arguments, and outright express hateful and evil things all because one cannot get over their own damnable pride.

Literally has nothing to do with other anime/manga fights or thoughts of fights, it all boils down to ego and pride and inexplicable personal attachment.

We get rid of those acts by getting rid of the jinchūriki aspect, thus preventing an individual from gaining attachment of that life and succumbing to pride and egocentric behavior.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2017, 08:13:39 AM by Dāto Terumī »

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Re: All Cards on the Table
« Reply #13 on: May 02, 2017, 09:58:16 AM »

As stated. We, the system need fixing, all of us are that sustain and as You said Dart personal feelings about a fictional game got intertwined with RL feelings creating this mess that we have. But I stand by my statement that influnces from other things has made our own selves into kaguya tier gods with our powers. When 8th gate was finally shown what it was capable of there was an influx of 8 gate users on the site for a small bit. As more power was shown, more power was listed hence we create moves and stuff based around something that wouldn't be normally accepted then becomes actually accepted.
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Re: All Cards on the Table
« Reply #14 on: May 02, 2017, 10:30:55 AM »

Then I'd have to kick him off my couch. Last I checked you people still have that 'everybody has to be challengeable/findable' shtick, doesn't really work when he hangs up there with me, unless Bec builds somebody a rocket and space suit.

Just so you know, my space adventures have been pretty limited :) And no one ever asked to go on any trips either.
100 push ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and 10km running every single day.
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