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Author Topic: 5-tails IC hunt Setup (Eric v Sabumaru)  (Read 20962 times)


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5-tails IC hunt Setup (Eric v Sabumaru)
« on: September 16, 2017, 06:54:07 AM »

Recently Sabumaru formally challenged me for the 5-tails, IC hunt style. Keeping in mind with the rules, there are many things that need to be sorted out. Since it will definitely include more than just me and Sabumaru, I felt that making a thread was the easiest way to keep everything sorted. Plus:

The general flow of the RP will be charted out by the Hunter, the Hunted, a BGM, a backup BGM, and a Judge. The goal is to create a reasonable RP scenario where the Hunted and the Hunter at some point confront each other in some shape or fashion (it does not have to be a battle, but that is the most common direction for "confrontation"). The RP should take into consideration the desires of Support, and the discussion should take place on the forums and in public. The group has 2 weeks to setup and agree to the terms of the RP.

Without further ado, let's get started with listing what we already have set in stone and what we still need:

Hunter - Sabumaru
Hunted - Eric
BGM - Kamui
Back-up BGM - <Unknown>
Judge - Athos
Support -  <Hunted> Soya, <Hunter> Dart

Hunter preferences also listed below:

Preferred BGM: Shadow, Athos, Kamui, Kirk, Kayenta, Tomi, Asadi, Gyururu, Kage, Rusaku, Rikudo, Becquerel

Preferred Scenario: Eric is a missing ninja who leads the Nara Order organization. Knowledge of him being a summoner/host would come from him practicing/training with Kokuo out in the field. The BGM would most likely have a random witness, be it some bird randomly interrogated or a civilian watching from a guard post.  They can also learn directly from Athos Uzumaki, who gifted Eric the biju in the first place.

Whether the summoned biju engages in battle or not, the beast cannot be transported by anyone other than the summoner via space-time ninjutsu unless the contract is broken via contract seal. The beast does not have to be fought for, however, as Eric is not above handing over his latest tool in exchange for something valuable, or in exchange for a favor (to be done IC).

If a fight though is preferred, then the first 4 points of my OOC list apply, with the inclusion that the fight itself should take place in biju arena, not on SL. Once the fight concludes the RP then can move back to the zone.

Like the OOC stuff, this is all of course negotiable, but I would rather not stray from this. Also, any arguments need to be settled in between the parties, in public, so no RPing party is left out of the loop here.

Since I am not sure where Sabumaru is in RP right now, I can't really propose anything more concrete regarding the RP scenario at the moment.

Preferences aside, any volunteers for the positions of BGM, Backup BGM, or Judge are welcome.


*Space reserved for agreed upon Elements of the RP scenario*

- Sabu, via his network of informants, knows that Eric is the 5-tails summoner.

Eric and Soya arrive in the Graveyard because of rumors of some of Bocchiere's items (his scythe, amulet, cloak, the Akatsuki rings, etc.) are up for sale. The large presence of merchants, bandits, and the like supports this ultimately false rumor started by none other than some NPC guy named Hizaan. Said character intends on making a fortune pawning off fake, but well gilded, articles from the infamous The Akatsuki member and former Mist Ninja.
As Bocchiere had also run off with an article or two from Kirigakure (if we are going by Bocchiere's old character history) Dart initially arrives to try to ascertain the truth and maybe even get one of these articles back when he is approached by a familiar face, Sabu. Sabu and Dart exchange formalities and, through one sentence or another, the matter of a debt unpaid comes up and the two pair up to look for Eric Nara.

By this point all of the 4 principle characters will either be on their way to or already at the main auction. Bounty hunters, missing ninja, and even a few regular village nin are among the crowd, along with non-combatants like shady business-people, art collectors, religious scholars (jashinist and other), etc. The BGM has a good bit of freedom in who to choose and who to put, but the most powerful characters should be the 4 principle ones, Hunter, Hunted, and the 2 Support. BGM also has a lot of freedom in the characterization of Hazaan, but it should fit the motif of a successful scam artist of some caliber pretty well.

Once all 4 characters are at the auction location, the auction begins, starting with a warm-up item of an old, worn cloak with the characteristic Akatsuki pattern claimed to have been the last thing worn by the former ninja, possessing cursed powers that would make one just short of immortal for wearing it along with the other items. It then proceeds to a ring set that has a striking resemblance to the authentic Akatsuki rings. Then a scythe that looks much like Bocchiere's, but functionality is decreased due to "wear from battle". This sort of thing can go on for awhile, but ultimately ends with the presentation of a jar containing the "immortality fluids", a mixture of Bocchiere's own bodily fluids and the very chemicals needed to make one a jashinist immortal. The cream of the crop is actually the entrails of some animal placed in goo, with some blood red dye thrown in for effect, but since the true nature of the chemicals would be unknown to everyone in the audience, this particular item would be wildly contested.
While all of this is going on, among the crowd are the 4 principle characters. Sabu and/or Dart, whichever is a sensor, at some point senses the residue 5-tails chakra coming from Eric's tattoo. Now how they approach is entirely up to them, be it outright interrupting the auction with an attack, attempting to more subtly maneuver, or attempt to bid on an item that Eric bids on, that is more or less up to them.
As the Hunted of the group, Eric and Soya would have reasonable reason to have a lookout in case of attack; this is a pretty shady location, after all. They, however, initially do not know who would attack, when, or for that matter where until the attack materializes. Only if given a reason (as decided by a judge if necessary) should they specifically suspect Dart and Sabu.
From there, if the Hunters wait for the auction to close out, then as the crowd disperses, Eric and Soya will be leaving with the general crowd, it thinning out as they get farther from the auction area. On the other hand, if they interrupt the auction, then the BGM decides how the crowd reacts and how Hizaan reacts, though in general while Hizann and the patrons will not be happy that the auction is being interrupted, a great enough show of strength (as decided between judge and BGM) will be more than enough to disperse them.
Since the rules forbid the Hunted from just leaving the area, it is reasonable to say that if it comes down to a fight, the participants must either kill/capture each other or convince the other party to stop fighting. Sabu's character, from what I read up on, does not seem the reasoning type, but as I have said before, Eric is a pretty low-key guy, and has no shame giving up a tailed beast if it means his life.


*Other agree upon terms*

3 second rule: If it takes less than 3 seconds to prepare, execute, and reach the intended target, then the target has at least 3 seconds to react to that move before being threatened with the full extent of that move's damage. That, along with BGM posts, should keep moments in the fight from dragging on into eternity.

Once the BGM makes the entry post stating that certain events happen (IE, they state the outcome of dodge attempts, etc.) no player is allowed to post anything that contradicts those events without a judge ruling.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2017, 04:04:11 PM by Eric »
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: 5-tails IC hunt Setup (Eric v Sabumaru)
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2017, 08:55:46 AM »

Okay so I'm a little drunk but here goes.

Recently Sabumaru formally challenged me for the 5-tails, IC hunt style. Keeping in mind with the rules, there are many things that need to be sorted out. Since it will definitely include more than just me and Sabumaru, I felt that making a thread was the easiest way to keep everything sorted. Plus:

The general flow of the RP will be charted out by the Hunter, the Hunted, a BGM, a backup BGM, and a Judge. The goal is to create a reasonable RP scenario where the Hunted and the Hunter at some point confront each other in some shape or fashion (it does not have to be a battle, but that is the most common direction for "confrontation"). The RP should take into consideration the desires of Support, and the discussion should take place on the forums and in public. The group has 2 weeks to setup and agree to the terms of the RP.

Basically as far as I understand this, here's what's happening: Sabumaru (to be called Sabu from now on) is a very world-wise man with an intelligence network built out of his shitty small clan. He knows where the Gobi is, and wants it so he can manipulate steam and take another step towards becoming a Water Deity. So therefore Sabu is actively hunting Eric for the Gobi.

Without further ado, let's get started with listing what we already have set in stone and what we still need:

Hunter - Sabumaru
Hunted - Eric
BGM - <Unknown>
Back-up BGM - <Unknown>
Judge - <Unknown>
Support - <Undeclared>

Hunter preferences also listed below:

Preferred BGM: Shadow, Athos, Kamui, Kirk, Kayenta, Tomi, Asadi, Gyururu, Kage, Rusaku, Rikudo, Becquerel

We agreed on Rusaku if he's open to the idea, but Asadi/Tomi/Athos/Kamui would also be acceptable for me.

Preferred Scenario: Eric is a missing ninja who leads the Nara Order organization. Knowledge of him being a summoner/host would come from him practicing/training with Kokuo out in the field. The BGM would most likely have a random witness, be it some bird randomly interrogated or a civilian watching from a guard post.  They can also learn directly from Athos Uzumaki, who gifted Eric the biju in the first place.

So yeah like my drunk ass said above, Sabu has a network of people running around to watch stuff. Eric if you don't like this logic then PM me my dude so we can work something more natural out. :)
But like seriously my clan does have informants so this is not unrealistic to assume that Sabu would have been told where the Gobi was.

Whether the summoned biju engages in battle or not, the beast cannot be transported by anyone other than the summoner via space-time ninjutsu unless the contract is broken via contract seal. The beast does not have to be fought for, however, as Eric is not above handing over his latest tool in exchange for something valuable, or in exchange for a favor (to be done IC).

Cool lol

If a fight though is preferred, then the first 4 points of my OOC list apply, with the inclusion that the fight itself should take place in biju arena, not on SL. Once the fight concludes the RP then can move back to the zone.

Like the OOC stuff, this is all of course negotiable, but I would rather not stray from this. Also, any arguments need to be settled in between the parties, in public, so no RPing party is left out of the loop here.[/i]

I'd prefer to do it on the forum too. This is all good.

Since I am not sure where Sabumaru is in RP right now, I can't really propose anything more concrete regarding the RP scenario at the moment.

Preferences aside, any volunteers for the positions of BGM, Backup BGM, or Judge are welcome.

Basically Sabu is in his clan halls right now, but his informants are kicking around and being sneaky about who they are, so that would basically boil down to Sabu having the information (who the host of the "Steam Beast" is) and just abandoning what he's doing to pursue that goal. This is pretty common behaviour for this character.
Also yeah if anyone who I didn't list as preferred volunteers then that's probably Gucci with me (save for Kirk. Not for any reason besides I'm drunk and fuck you Kirk.)

Okay so if I need to do anything else let me know?
I should really know this system better. I just get so bored of all the words. That's why I'm on the council, ya'll need someone who can digest the excessive typing and regurgitate it in a way that is accessible to the community.

Anyways, let me know what I'm missing and I'll fill out those forms too.

God bless, and watch out for snakes because they're legless bitches.

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Re: 5-tails IC hunt Setup (Eric v Sabumaru)
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2017, 12:29:30 AM »

Yeah I can do it if you guys want. I just need details on what I'll be expected to do.
If you can't beat them, eat them.

-Jeffrey dahmer


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Re: 5-tails IC hunt Setup (Eric v Sabumaru)
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2017, 04:15:41 AM »

Just to be clear, Rusaku cannot be a judge (he is a Council member), but he can be a BGM. His responsibilities would be, as quoted from the IC rules:

Biju RP Game-Master: A player or set of players that control the non-player elements of the roleplay (NPC's, natural weather, rogue tailed beasts, etc.) and are responsible for keeping the roleplay focused and in order. Shortnamed "BGM", this role is not to be confused with the staff Game-Masters, whose RP responsibilities encompass all of the realm's RP and are expected to take punitive action towards players violating game rules and disrupting the peace of the site. Staff Game-Masters may take on this role and thus perform both their normal duties and the biju RP GM duties.

With that said, the job for the judge is:

Judge: A player or group of players agreed upon by the participants in the RP to preside over the entire RP in order to settle disputes and make decisions about the outcome of the roleplay, usually when called upon by at least one player. These decisions are non-negotiable, and support the GM in making the battlefield status update.

Athos has messaged me saying that he is interested in back-up BGM, so that's confirmed, and Rusaku has I think volunteered to be the BGM. All we need then is a judge and we will have our officials sorted out. I will have to get around to messaging some of the other names and asking if they're up for judge.

I currently have a "support" player, Soya.

... Okay so if I need to do anything else let me know?
I should really know this system better. I just get so bored of all the words. That's why I'm on the council, ya'll need someone who can digest the excessive typing and regurgitate it in a way that is accessible to the community...

Well, continue discussing the structure of the RP is a must (the BGM needs some idea on what to set up, what kind of  NPC's he can think about creating, etc.), but I also offer that you get a support character to help your character out during the RP, as otherwise it would be a 1v2 situation.

As for the scenario, I can accept that Sabu knows about Eric being the 5-tails "host" through these informants of his. I want to keep this as relatively simple as possible because there is already alot going on.

Also, make sure to read over the "Order and Flow of the Biju Hunt" as it pretty much lines up how the RP itself is going to play out. For convenience I will go ahead and post some of the pertinent parts here:

------- Player characters may use up to 3 actions, all clones of a single character share a 1 action limit, and all summons share a 2 action limit. Special rules such as the Edo and Biju summoning rules trump the action limit rule when applicable (for example, a biju summoner can only do 1 action according to the Biju Rules, and the biju can only do 2 actions).

------- BGM's will always make the first post establishing the environment, while all other players will take turn posting in the order in which they made an entry post into the area or zone. Participant characters (including rogue biju and NPC elements) are not allowed to attack on the entry post, nor are they allowed to permanently leave the RP nor fight by any means. Any time spent in pocket dimensions and other such places must be kept to a maximum of 5 non-consecutive turns ( 1 action entering and 1 action leaving) for the entirety of a RP.

-------- Each round consists of each player's turn, which consists of a specific player's actions in the RP. At the beginning of each round, the BGM will post an "update" to the environment in order to facilitate a unified image of the battlefield. If required the judge and the BGM may work together to make sure that the intended post is accurate and, if judge rulings were made, that the consequences of said ruling are incorporated into the post.

--------- Discussions regarding the RP should take place in an OOC board (on SL) or in a separate thread from the fight (SL forum). It is every players' responsibility to maintain order and decency in the thread. Insults should not be present, even passive aggressively, and all players are encouraged to report any behavior that he or she considers disruptive to Staff (even if it is one of the Staff doing the action).

As for the time period this would take place, I would say after the new home for the 5-tails has been found, the remote island/whatever that was to be the new home for the physical tailed beast (it was kind of in a really big basement area prior to that) but the RP itself probably won't be taking place there.

Instead we might can have it take place at the Mountain's Graveyard or something of that sort, which, since Bocchiere's departure from the place, has become overrun with wannabe Akatsuki's, bandits, black market merchants, etc. Eric and Soya might can be visiting the placle for some reason, and Sabu would arrive on the scene having been following the trail from The Land of Waves (where they would have returned after dropping Kokuo off on the remote location). Kind of making it up as I go, all participants are free to chip in on this whole scenario thing.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: 5-tails IC hunt Setup (Eric v Sabumaru)
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2017, 06:18:12 AM »

Judge: A player or group of players agreed upon by the participants in the RP to preside over the entire RP in order to settle disputes and make decisions about the outcome of the roleplay, usually when called upon by at least one player. These decisions are non-negotiable, and support the GM in making the battlefield status update.

Cool. Whoever you can get to judge is fine with me honestly.

I currently have a "support" player, Soya.

Well, continue discussing the structure of the RP is a must (the BGM needs some idea on what to set up, what kind of  NPC's he can think about creating, etc.), but I also offer that you get a support character to help your character out during the RP, as otherwise it would be a 1v2 situation.

Dart said he'll join me, so I guess I have one too.

As for the scenario, I can accept that Sabu knows about Eric being the 5-tails "host" through these informants of his. I want to keep this as relatively simple as possible because there is already alot going on.

Also, make sure to read over the "Order and Flow of the Biju Hunt" as it pretty much lines up how the RP itself is going to play out.

Sure sure.

As for the time period this would take place, I would say after the new home for the 5-tails has been found, the remote island/whatever that was to be the new home for the physical tailed beast (it was kind of in a really big basement area prior to that) but the RP itself probably won't be taking place there.

Instead we might can have it take place at the Mountain's Graveyard or something of that sort, which, since Bocchiere's departure from the place, has become overrun with wannabe Akatsuki's, bandits, black market merchants, etc. Eric and Soya might can be visiting the placle for some reason, and Sabu would arrive on the scene having been following the trail from The Land of Waves (where they would have returned after dropping Kokuo off on the remote location). Kind of making it up as I go, all participants are free to chip in on this whole scenario thing.

Okay, this sounds fine to me.
Just thinking off the cuff: Sabu has been after Kokuo and assumed Eric was it's host after getting his info (regardless of the truth) so he deliberately set up some sort of thing in Mountains Graveyard to lure Eric there, maybe via Dart or something, planning to kill him off once he showed up.
Idk what would motivate Eric to go there, maybe some sort of deal/purchase or something.

Trying to set a new record for number of toddlers fought off simultaneously

Dart Terumī

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Re: 5-tails IC hunt Setup (Eric v Sabumaru)
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2017, 08:00:59 AM »

Okay, this sounds fine to me.
Just thinking off the cuff: Sabu has been after Kokuo and assumed Eric was it's host after getting his info (regardless of the truth) so he deliberately set up some sort of thing in Mountains Graveyard to lure Eric there, maybe via Dart or something, planning to kill him off once he showed up.
Idk what would motivate Eric to go there, maybe some sort of deal/purchase or something.

Dart could have extended an offer for training in Boil Release (as that's what Kokuō officially, canonically uses) to Eric so he can better understand the nature and how it functions as well as build up a tolerance while the beast is a summoning. However, because of Dart's reclusiveness in teaching Boil Release, that would be why he wants to meet at the secluded Graveyard. This training could be in exchange for Eric teaching Dart about the Nara abilities so both clan's abilities can be kept secretive and no innocent bystanders are injured because the Boil Release techs are indiscriminate.

Then Sabu springs the trap. Dart apologizes for the treachery but he owes Sabu a life debt and a Terumī always pays his debts.



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Re: 5-tails IC hunt Setup (Eric v Sabumaru)
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2017, 09:37:24 PM »

O hai

It seems uncharacteristic for Sabu to request help, especially from someone like Dart. I once witnessed him attempt to take on Kiri by himself.

Dart Terumī

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Re: 5-tails IC hunt Setup (Eric v Sabumaru)
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2017, 09:51:31 PM »

O hai

It seems uncharacteristic for Sabu to request help, especially from someone like Dart. I once witnessed him attempt to take on Kiri by himself.

Well that's just hurtful.

What do you mean "especially someone like me"? T.T


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Re: 5-tails IC hunt Setup (Eric v Sabumaru)
« Reply #8 on: September 22, 2017, 10:01:33 PM »

... Okay, this sounds fine to me.
Just thinking off the cuff: Sabu has been after Kokuo and assumed Eric was it's host after getting his info (regardless of the truth) so he deliberately set up some sort of thing in Mountains Graveyard to lure Eric there, maybe via Dart or something, planning to kill him off once he showed up.
Idk what would motivate Eric to go there, maybe some sort of deal/purchase or something.

I would actually prefer there not be any ambushing involved from either side right off the bat. If faced with a lethal trap that he does not believe that he can get out of alive, then Eric would hand over Kokuo before he would face certain death, so getting caught in an ambush would make for a very short RP if it's the kind of ambush I am thinking that it is. I would rather our teams/characters arrive separate, maybe run into a few warm-up NPC's that the BGM controls so that we are all on the same page about how this whole thing works, and then, if necessary at that point, we have a confrontation.

Dart could have extended an offer for training in Boil Release (as that's what Kokuō officially, canonically uses) to Eric so he can better understand the nature and how it functions as well as build up a tolerance while the beast is a summoning. However, because of Dart's reclusiveness in teaching Boil Release, that would be why he wants to meet at the secluded Graveyard. This training could be in exchange for Eric teaching Dart about the Nara abilities so both clan's abilities can be kept secretive and no innocent bystanders are injured because the Boil Release techs are indiscriminate.

Then Sabu springs the trap. Dart apologizes for the treachery but he owes Sabu a life debt and a Terumī always pays his debts.


That is not an offer Eric would accept; Boil release =/= Nara release techniques, especially if it is a Mist ninja going to benefit from this. In truth, being a former member of The Akatsuki as well, it is more likely that Eric would trust Sabu before he would trust Dart, character-wise, and even then, as stated, Eric is not going to trade his Nara techniques for Boil Release. This is the same guy who turned down learning Hiraishin and instead made his own variant of it in shadow imitation, and who still actively dislikes Mist ninja (due to the war).

How about this scenario:

Eric and Soya arrive in the Graveyard because of rumors of some of Bocchiere's items (his scythe, amulet, cloak, the Akatsuki rings, etc.) are up for sale. The large presence of merchants, bandits, and the like supports this ultimately false rumor started by none other than some NPC guy named Hizaan. Said character intends on making a fortune pawning off fake, but well gilded, articles from the infamous The Akatsuki member and former Mist Ninja.
As Bocchiere had also run off with an article or two from Kirigakure (if we are going by Bocchiere's old character history) Dart initially arrives to try to ascertain the truth and maybe even get one of these articles back when he is approached by a familiar face, Sabu. Sabu and Dart exchange formalities and, through one sentence or another, the matter of a debt unpaid comes up and the two pair up to look for Eric Nara.

By this point all of the 4 principle characters will either be on their way to or already at the main auction. Bounty hunters, missing ninja, and even a few regular village nin are among the crowd, along with non-combatants like shady business-people, art collectors, religious scholars (jashinist and other), etc. The BGM has a good bit of freedom in who to choose and who to put, but the most powerful characters should be the 4 principle ones, Hunter, Hunted, and the 2 Support. BGM also has a lot of freedom in the characterization of Hazaan, but it should fit the motif of a successful scam artist of some caliber pretty well.

Once all 4 characters are at the auction location, the auction begins, starting with a warm-up item of an old, worn cloak with the characteristic Akatsuki pattern claimed to have been the last thing worn by the former ninja, possessing cursed powers that would make one just short of immortal for wearing it along with the other items. It then proceeds to a ring set that has a striking resemblance to the authentic Akatsuki rings. Then a scythe that looks much like Bocchiere's, but functionality is decreased due to "wear from battle". This sort of thing can go on for awhile, but ultimately ends with the presentation of a jar containing the "immortality fluids", a mixture of Bocchiere's own bodily fluids and the very chemicals needed to make one a jashinist immortal. The cream of the crop is actually the entrails of some animal placed in goo, with some blood red dye thrown in for effect, but since the true nature of the chemicals would be unknown to everyone in the audience, this particular item would be wildly contested.
While all of this is going on, among the crowd are the 4 principle characters. Sabu and/or Dart, whichever is a sensor, at some point senses the residue 5-tails chakra coming from Eric's tattoo. Now how they approach is entirely up to them, be it outright interrupting the auction with an attack, attempting to more subtly maneuver, or attempt to bid on an item that Eric bids on, that is more or less up to them.
As the Hunted of the group, Eric and Soya would have reasonable reason to have a lookout in case of attack; this is a pretty shady location, after all. They, however, initially do not know who would attack, when, or for that matter where until the attack materializes. Only if given a reason (as decided by a judge if necessary) should they specifically suspect Dart and Sabu.
From there, if the Hunters wait for the auction to close out, then as the crowd disperses, Eric and Soya will be leaving with the general crowd, it thinning out as they get farther from the auction area. On the other hand, if they interrupt the auction, then the BGM decides how the crowd reacts and how Hizaan reacts, though in general while Hizann and the patrons will not be happy that the auction is being interrupted, a great enough show of strength (as decided between judge and BGM) will be more than enough to disperse them.
Since the rules forbid the Hunted from just leaving the area, it is reasonable to say that if it comes down to a fight, the participants must either kill/capture each other or convince the other party to stop fighting. Sabu's character, from what I read up on, does not seem the reasoning type, but as I have said before, Eric is a pretty low-key guy, and has no shame giving up a tailed beast if it means his life.


Taking into consideration the "agreed upon terms" for what our characters can do and all is a part of the definitions for god-modding and character controlling, I propose that we post what our characters can do and such in this thread to make sure we are all cool with abilities and stamina and all that stuff before we begin. It would make the judge's life easier if they do not have to search through profiles looking for what our respective characters can do in the case of conflict. A link to jutsu lists is fine, but what I'm saying is above SL average speed, reflexes, etc. being declared OOCly before the fight starts.

I also propose a sort of 3 second rule, where if it takes less than 3 seconds to prepare, execute, and reach the intended target, then the target has at least 3 seconds to react to that move before being threatened with the full extent of that move's damage. That, along with BGM posts, should keep moments in the fight from dragging on into eternity.

Additionally, once the BGM makes the entry post stating that certain events happen (IE, they state the outcome of dodge attempts, etc.) no player is allowed to post anything that contradicts those events without a judge ruling.

Finally, I'd like to switch Athos from back-up BGM to Judge, if that's alright with everyone.

* @ Dart, I think Soya is referencing the fact that Dart is a mist ninja, and Sabu once attempted to solo attack your village at some point in the past *
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: 5-tails IC hunt Setup (Eric v Sabumaru)
« Reply #9 on: September 23, 2017, 03:27:27 AM »

O hai

It seems uncharacteristic for Sabu to request help, especially from someone like Dart. I once witnessed him attempt to take on Kiri by himself.

However, Sabu also would love it if he got Dart killed during this little adventure, as it would essentially be a 2-for-1 in his eyes. Taking a biju, and killing a Kiri idiot? Hilarious.
Even if Dart lives, Sabu would love using Dart's honor in order to make him do bad things to good people, especially when Sabu believes he can destroy big chunks of the world with this Biju.
In Sabu's eyes, Dart's conscious will forever be subject to the obliteration of Kirigakure if he lives, he'll die just by sheer luck, or Sabu will kill him personally at some point during the RP even though that would basically turn it into a 3v1 which honestly he would like even better.

This is all conjecture obviously, but it's why I'm accepting Dart for this part despite how weird it does look.

How about this scenario:

Eric and Soya arrive in the Graveyard because of rumors of some of Bocchiere's items (his scythe, amulet, cloak, the Akatsuki rings, etc.) are up for sale. The large presence of merchants, bandits, and the like supports this ultimately false rumor started by none other than some NPC guy named Hizaan. Said character intends on making a fortune pawning off fake, but well gilded, articles from the infamous The Akatsuki member and former Mist Ninja.
As Bocchiere had also run off with an article or two from Kirigakure (if we are going by Bocchiere's old character history) Dart initially arrives to try to ascertain the truth and maybe even get one of these articles back when he is approached by a familiar face, Sabu. Sabu and Dart exchange formalities and, through one sentence or another, the matter of a debt unpaid comes up and the two pair up to look for Eric Nara.

So far so good.

By this point all of the 4 principle characters will either be on their way to or already at the main auction. Bounty hunters, missing ninja, and even a few regular village nin are among the crowd, along with non-combatants like shady business-people, art collectors, religious scholars (jashinist and other), etc. The BGM has a good bit of freedom in who to choose and who to put, but the most powerful characters should be the 4 principle ones, Hunter, Hunted, and the 2 Support. BGM also has a lot of freedom in the characterization of Hazaan, but it should fit the motif of a successful scam artist of some caliber pretty well.

Like the potential for creativity from the BGM. Don't worry, Sabu will be the most powerful person there. ;)

Once all 4 characters are at the auction location, the auction begins, starting with a warm-up item of an old, worn cloak with the characteristic Akatsuki pattern claimed to have been the last thing worn by the former ninja, possessing cursed powers that would make one just short of immortal for wearing it along with the other items. It then proceeds to a ring set that has a striking resemblance to the authentic Akatsuki rings. Then a scythe that looks much like Bocchiere's, but functionality is decreased due to "wear from battle". This sort of thing can go on for awhile, but ultimately ends with the presentation of a jar containing the "immortality fluids", a mixture of Bocchiere's own bodily fluids and the very chemicals needed to make one a jashinist immortal. The cream of the crop is actually the entrails of some animal placed in goo, with some blood red dye thrown in for effect, but since the true nature of the chemicals would be unknown to everyone in the audience, this particular item would be wildly contested.
While all of this is going on, among the crowd are the 4 principle characters. Sabu and/or Dart, whichever is a sensor, at some point senses the residue 5-tails chakra coming from Eric's tattoo. Now how they approach is entirely up to them, be it outright interrupting the auction with an attack, attempting to more subtly maneuver, or attempt to bid on an item that Eric bids on, that is more or less up to them.
As the Hunted of the group, Eric and Soya would have reasonable reason to have a lookout in case of attack; this is a pretty shady location, after all. They, however, initially do not know who would attack, when, or for that matter where until the attack materializes. Only if given a reason (as decided by a judge if necessary) should they specifically suspect Dart and Sabu.
From there, if the Hunters wait for the auction to close out, then as the crowd disperses, Eric and Soya will be leaving with the general crowd, it thinning out as they get farther from the auction area. On the other hand, if they interrupt the auction, then the BGM decides how the crowd reacts and how Hizaan reacts, though in general while Hizann and the patrons will not be happy that the auction is being interrupted, a great enough show of strength (as decided between judge and BGM) will be more than enough to disperse them.
Since the rules forbid the Hunted from just leaving the area, it is reasonable to say that if it comes down to a fight, the participants must either kill/capture each other or convince the other party to stop fighting. Sabu's character, from what I read up on, does not seem the reasoning type, but as I have said before, Eric is a pretty low-key guy, and has no shame giving up a tailed beast if it means his life.

Well why don't you just do the damn RP yourself?
Just kidding around, I like this. Seems like a fun setting, kind of reminds me of the Hunter x Hunter auction scene. Well done.

Taking into consideration the "agreed upon terms" for what our characters can do and all is a part of the definitions for god-modding and character controlling, I propose that we post what our characters can do and such in this thread to make sure we are all cool with abilities and stamina and all that stuff before we begin. It would make the judge's life easier if they do not have to search through profiles looking for what our respective characters can do in the case of conflict. A link to jutsu lists is fine, but what I'm saying is above SL average speed, reflexes, etc. being declared OOCly before the fight starts.

I also propose a sort of 3 second rule, where if it takes less than 3 seconds to prepare, execute, and reach the intended target, then the target has at least 3 seconds to react to that move before being threatened with the full extent of that move's damage. That, along with BGM posts, should keep moments in the fight from dragging on into eternity.

Additionally, once the BGM makes the entry post stating that certain events happen (IE, they state the outcome of dodge attempts, etc.) no player is allowed to post anything that contradicts those events without a judge ruling.

Finally, I'd like to switch Athos from back-up BGM to Judge, if that's alright with everyone.

* @ Dart, I think Soya is referencing the fact that Dart is a mist ninja, and Sabu once attempted to solo attack your village at some point in the past *

Athos is fine with me

If you give me a more specific template of what you mean (by for example writing out one for Eric) then I will likely follow suit, unless I feel it's redundant to type any of it. I didn't make my wikia page just to sum it up here.

This all seems clean cut to me though, we should get this ball rolling soon.

Trying to set a new record for number of toddlers fought off simultaneously


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Re: 5-tails IC hunt Setup (Eric v Sabumaru)
« Reply #10 on: September 23, 2017, 05:38:42 AM »

Someone say template?
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

Something that can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.


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Re: 5-tails IC hunt Setup (Eric v Sabumaru)
« Reply #11 on: September 23, 2017, 07:10:01 AM »

Someone say template?

No but I did say Beetlejuice.

Trying to set a new record for number of toddlers fought off simultaneously


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Re: 5-tails IC hunt Setup (Eric v Sabumaru)
« Reply #12 on: September 24, 2017, 05:56:19 PM »

Someone say template?

Hey Shadow, are you interested in being a back-up GM by any chance? We still need one of those.

... If you give me a more specific template of what you mean (by for example writing out one for Eric) then I will likely follow suit, unless I feel it's redundant to type any of it. I didn't make my wikia page just to sum it up here...

Name: Eric Nara

Affiliation: Nara Order, Missing Ninja from Konoha

Personality: Cautious individual who rarely starts trouble, and cares for his friends and family. Towards his tailed beast, he does not consider the 5-tails a friend, but rather, a tool that he is willing to surrender given the proper circumstances, such as being faced with the prospect of death otherwise. Is very attached to his dragon companions Rita and Pyro. Normally rather shrewd, reserved, and easy-going, it is only when his flight-or-fight is triggered in some shape or form that he becomes much more aggressive and much more volatile. Usually keeps a cool head in combat, preferring to retreat or draw back form a circumstance that he deems unfavorable to him and/or his allies than to bull his way through it.

Special Abilities:

* Shadow Imitation Master. In the context of this fight (since there are no other shadow imitation users) this means that control over shadows is far superior to that of any of his opponents, and should be regarded as unchallengeable unless resisted in a non-shadow imitation way (brute strength to free from standard shadow imitation for example). Can utilize even light shadows extensively and with the same strength as darker shadows. Has touch-based sensory through shadows.

* Dragon Sage Mode Master. Has the ability to use perfect sage mode and combine it with his inner beast spirit transformation in order to enhance his overall capabilities. While in sage mode he also has standard chakra sensory and the ability to sense and utilize natural energy.

* Can summon the 5-tails without the use of handsigns and have a connection to it mentally thanks to the summoning tatoo. Has marked the beast with both of his shadow curses in order to make it more compliant to his will (and as a safeguard) and is aware of the 5-tails' chakra natures.

Full Biography and Technique Listings:,2144.msg26863.html


The basic idea is to, again, declare upfront pertinent information so that any claims to players having their characters act out of character or using abilities not agreed upon in the context of the RP can be handled swiftly. If a player has their character do something that is not in line with their personality (IE, Eric attacking Sabu on sight being the opposite of his claimed reserved demeanor) the judge does not have far to go in order to find this information. Additionally, if there are any greater than usual custom or canon claims that the characters have (being faster than the speed of light or sound without enhancement for an extreme example) this is the place to list them in order to make sure everyone is cool with them before the RPing begins.

Aside from needing a back-up BGM, we will be ready to start once this last bit of paperwork is dealt with. I would like it if all 4 participants do this, but especially us two, Hunter and Hunted.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: 5-tails IC hunt Setup (Eric v Sabumaru)
« Reply #13 on: September 24, 2017, 06:44:25 PM »

Contact me on SL whenever you want to get started with the RP.
If you can't beat them, eat them.

-Jeffrey dahmer

Dart Terumī

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Re: 5-tails IC hunt Setup (Eric v Sabumaru)
« Reply #14 on: September 25, 2017, 08:14:50 AM »

Name: Dart Terumī

Affiliation: Kirigakure

Personality: Honorable, Loyal, Chivalrous, Reserved, Calculating, Open-Minded, Confident, Stubborn, Cautious, Wary, Blunt, and Honest.

Does not believe in wanton destruction and does not like involving more people than is necessary in a conflict. Does not easily rattle with his emotions. Fights his opposition with same level of power that they exhibit. Finds it hard to trust everyone, unless trust has been first earned.

Despite the kill on sight order on Sabu in Kirigakure, Sabu was one of Dart's first friends. Dart believes that there is still good left in Sabu and has never forgotten that Dart owes his very life to Sabu. Even with that said, Dart cannot ever fully 100% trust Sabu and is wary of emotions and his outbursts. Plus, it never hurts to have a strong ally if and/or when Kiri turns on Dart.

Dart's loyalties lie in order:
1st: Ranketsu
2nd: Friends
3rd: Kirigakure

Special Abilities:

*Lava Release Master: Being a natural born Terumī puts him as having the most superior Lava Release abilities as it's a natural born trait in the bloodline as well as extensive training. His techs will supersede the other's.

*Boil Release Master: Being a natural born Terumī puts him as having superior Boil Release abilities as it's a natural born trait in the bloodline as well as extensive training. His techs will supersede the other's.

*Master Swordsmen: A current Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, his kenjutsu will supersede most of the others involved. Sabu may be able to match his ability without Sabu resorting to his Blade Release.
-Wields the Hiramekarei
-Possesses the Weaknessless Soaring Shortswords

*Eien no Mangekyō Sharingan Master: Awakening this Sharingan in both eyes and having his younger brother's implanted eyes and with excessive training has allowed him access to Kamui and Complete Body - Susanoo.

*Jellyfish Sage Mode Master: Has symbiotic companion at all times unless a chakra mode is used. Can employ Shadow Clones to gather nature energy. Perfect Sage Mode had been attained, using Blu makes it quicker to get into the mode.


*Strength of a Hundred Seal (Yin Seal) and all of its abilities.

*Can absorb chakra

« Last Edit: September 25, 2017, 07:14:50 PM by Dart Terumī »
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