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Author Topic: scary stories  (Read 3343 times)


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scary stories
« on: September 02, 2006, 12:54:45 AM »

there was a boy named jimmy who's mother asked him to get some liver at the store so he walked to the store and he met up with his friend todd and so they talked and talked and soon afterwards the store closed then he looked at his friend at ate him and brought his liver home for his mom to cook, that night when he fell asleep voices started to be heard inside the house"jimmy i want my liver" then the voice started to go upstairs and inside jimmys room"jimmy i want my liver" jimmy looked at the voice as it was his friend and after that it was silent...
the next morning his mom woke up and went to get breakfest and she called jimmy to come down but jimmy didnt answer so she went upstairs and saw her son skeleton like on his bed and she screamed. the day afterwards she was on her front porch sobbing and there she saw passing bye todd riding his bike across the street singing"jimmy i want my liver"...the end


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Re: scary stories
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2006, 07:38:19 AM »

One late afternoon, John was jogging in the forest. And as the daylight fades away, he began to lose his way. As he wanders around in the darkness, he notice a well-lit hut deep inside the forest. Thinking of how lucky he must be to find shelter in a place like this, he runs towards the hut.

As he walks towards the hut, the door suddenly swung open and an old lady was standing in front of him to greet him. "Come on in, you must be lost. I get visitors like yourself all the time." She smiles as she waves at him to come into the hut.

After John had stepped into the hut, the old lady quickly locks the door & chains it. "Why are you putting chains on the door?" John asked nervously.
"Oh, it's nothing you should worry about. I do that to keep the theives from breaking in," the old lady explains. "Now why don't you go take a bath while I prepare dinner." she grins as she walks towards the kitchen.

Feeling kidda sweaty anyway, John went & took a bath. Dinner was prepared the moment he got out from the bath. "Come here young man. I can bet that you have never taste anything like these before." the old lady smiles as she put a spoonful of red flesh into her mouth. John had no choice but to eat what the old lady has to offer because he was dead hungry.

While he was eating, he notice the old man sitting in front of the TV. "Isn't your husband going to eat with us?" John ask curiously. "He doesn't like to be disturbed when he is watching TV." the old lady replied.

After dinner, John went into the guest room to get some rest. He noticed that there was already someone sleeping the room. John quietly goes to an empty bed & tries to get some sleep. But as he laid there, his nose began to pick up a very bad smell coming from the other guest. It was so bad that John couldn't just ignore it so he got out of bed and asked the guy to get a bath or something. But the guy remained silence. Angered, John grabs the guy's shoulder & turn him over.

To his horror, the guy had no face & his internal organs have been ripped out. John runs out of the room panting heavily. He tries to get out of the house but the front door was locked & chained so he went towards the living room hoping to get a key from the old man. But only to find out that the old man was also another eaten victim.

John makes a mad dash towards the back door & as he run passed the kitchen, he could see the "ingredients" that the old lady used to make tonight's dinner, making him sick to his stomach.

Luckily, the back door wasn't lock. But as John pushed the door open, he found himself standing in a valley with no way to escape. In fornt of him was hundreds of already-eaten-corpses. Behind him was the old lady with a butcher knife aimed at the back of his head...
« Last Edit: September 02, 2006, 07:47:05 AM by Gyu~ru~ru »


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Re: scary stories
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2006, 07:47:13 AM »

*applauds* yes this is awesome


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Re: scary stories
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2006, 05:21:55 PM »

bravo that was awesome
I'm like the Doctor. I'm always bouncing around time and space.


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Re: scary stories
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2006, 05:24:11 PM »

one afterschool evening where kids were still playing baseball, their  was a boy named little ed who was the best in the hole league had 2 get the ball from the bushes because one of his teamates threw the ball to far. So he went over the bushes and stumpled apon a old abandoned and creeky house, and as he stared at the house he saw the ball in the front of the door but the ball just rolled inside and he followed...once he grabbed  the ball from the ground he looked up and saw traces of blood on the floor and he followed it towards a kitchen were he saw  2 fat couples eating the flesh off of little baseball leagures whos bodys are all around them like wasted leftovers, and little ed saw a familiar face on the table named bobby who was reported missing for 3 days,now laying on the table lifeless and being torn apart by the couple. traumitized little ed was and as he started to take a step back the couple smelled the life of new flesh and stared into his eys and began to get up from there seat and approach him... little ed ran from the kitchen to the front door but it was closed shut and he had no were to go...and no where to hide.. the couple stood upon him with a knife in one hand a a fork in the other and they approached and as they did little ed screamed but wasnt heard, and they just torn him apart until he screamed no more......


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Re: scary stories
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2006, 06:11:11 PM »

i want to be a crazy person in the next story
I'm like the Doctor. I'm always bouncing around time and space.


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Re: scary stories
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2006, 11:14:17 PM »

>> << >>
Where are you all getting these stories from? Tell me so then I can tell the creators of Super Natural...
*shudders at the thought of the stories told*
~~ The Epic Moments on AIM ~~
Me: You're the bigger one. You should be making me less bored.
Shikki: Just because I'm big doesn't mean I have to entertain you. ... Wait. That sounded wrong.
>> Gotta love little big sis and big lil' bro moments.


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Re: scary stories
« Reply #7 on: September 04, 2006, 12:10:14 AM »

we just came up with these stories ^^


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Re: scary stories
« Reply #8 on: September 04, 2006, 12:17:48 AM »

Super Natural is a awesome show
I'm like the Doctor. I'm always bouncing around time and space.


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Re: scary stories
« Reply #9 on: September 04, 2006, 12:41:53 AM »

Sunday March, 23 2006, just like a regular day, their was a couple,Mr. and Mrs.Johnson who in which went camping for the weekend in the deserts of Mexico

seeking to get some suvenirs, family pictures to send to people, and even haveing a good time. they parked their car on the sandy desert they unpacked their

belongs and headed up to the rocky hills to gaze at the area of excitement, after they took

a look or to they started to set up camp on the top of the hill and by that time day break came, and Mr. johnson made some fire from some wood that he bought at a

hardware store Ms.johnson thought she brought water for the soup but forgot it in the car so she climbed down and went back to get it. As she got to the car she

found the cantine of water and walked back up to the hill but suddenly she heard strange noises coming from some bushes not to far from her, *crackle* *snap* so

she hesitated and grabed the flash light and pointed at the bushes and jus as she did she saw a distinct figure ripping the flesh off of a baby sheep, then the figure

looked at her with big snake like eyes and slurped the last remaining piece of flesh that it jus ate and started to crawl towards her like she was next on his menu>

In horror she ran for her life and tried to climb up the hill but just as she did the creature lunged at her and started to bite her legs and then came another creature from

another bush, ran and lunged at her backside and there she tried to scream in agony and in pain:AHHHh.. she was then dragged to the bushes and was soon torn part

body part by body part.... nobody heard her scream...not even her husband for he already went to bed. Morning struck and he started to worry that his wife did not

come to sleep or come back for that matter, after he packed he went back down to discover blood and guts alround the place of the starting point to climb, he followed

the traces of the guts towards the bush and as he came to the bushes his eyes widen in terror for they see the dead body of his wife riped and torn....


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Re: scary stories
« Reply #10 on: September 06, 2006, 07:19:25 AM »

Alice & her younger sister Emily both live together in a very old apartment that they rented for a very low price. A lot of strange things happened while they were living there. Things get moved, strange sound during the night, mysterious figure standing in the hallway, but the sisters decides to live with them because of the low rent. Until that terrifying event changed their minds.

It was during the hungry ghost festival (a month where the chinese believe that the gates of hell are opened & the spirits of the dead are released into the world of the living), Alice & Emily had to stay up late to study for the upcoming test. While they were studying, the girls suddenly hear knocking on the door. They tried to ignore it, but as the knocking continued, Alice got up & opened the door. She looked around but there was no one standing outside or along the hallway. So she closes the door & returns to the living room & then they heard the knocking again. This time Emily went to check, but still there was nobody outside.

Alice knew it was the work of spirits playing a prank on them so she decided to play along. "How many of you are there? Please knock on the door once for each one of you that are out there," she yelled. And then they began to hear single knocks on the door. As minutes went by, the knocking turned into banging. The sisters screamed in fear and they cuddle together & shiver in bed.

Minutes turn into hours, the banging continued all through the night until the sun rise. The sisters moved out a few days later and the entire building has been empty ever since.


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Re: scary stories
« Reply #11 on: September 06, 2006, 03:48:55 PM »

swt! very spooky ^^


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Re: scary stories
« Reply #12 on: September 07, 2006, 03:47:53 AM »

NO THE HORROR!! I read these at like 10:00 pm lol


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Re: scary stories
« Reply #13 on: September 16, 2006, 10:34:09 AM »

One day there was a boy, who went trick or treating with his friends and they rhode there bike in the night going to the town's festival to celebrate holloween...

getting ready with his costum he dressed up as a ghost and rhode off on the freeway, seeing there was so much traffic he spoted to his left a secret passage way

and there he spotted a little girl going in.. so he followed her in and stumbled upon two paths, 1 on the left and one on the right not knowing which lead to the

town he spotted the little girl again going to the left and so he followed but little did he know that he made the most badest decision of his entire life....

once the left passage was clear of darkness he discovered a regular black cement road and there stood the little girl cuddling and crying. So he went to her to see

what was wrong"hello little girl are you ok..?" little girl:"*sob* i-i lost my bike..." the boy looks at her"do you want me to help you find it?" little girl shakes her

head" no.....i want yours" little boy looks at her confused" im srry i cant give you mine its my bike " the girl looks at him angrly with a deep dark voice..."give it

to" boy looks at her in horror" no get away from me" *he rides to the other direction and just then he spots her..right infront of her*"omg...." the moon

started to shine and it the little girl started to look pale with a decaying face, zombie like"gimme the bike"*she goes near* *then a bunch of the undead surround

him from the ground"RAHG.... *surrounded and horrified he lays on the ground looking everywhere then there was the little girl looking straight at him opening

her mouth, about to devour him... and so as the others... with a savage and dying look of hunger..."" al you see now is the zombies

ripping him and eating every last part of his body.... the next day the little boys parents filed for a case of a "missing child" 2 weeks later they found the remains of

him but nobody could tell what was the cause of death, and as you see the boys mother crying in sorrow.. there was the little girl riding the bike happily and lively

on the side walk....


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Re: scary stories
« Reply #14 on: September 16, 2006, 11:46:48 AM »

One day, a family had an outing. The father was on the driver's seat. The mother and child was on the back seat. After a few moment, it started to rain. The father just turned on the wiper of the car and kept going. However, the rain got stonger and the father could hardly see what's in front. He slowed down the car so there won't be an accident.

A few minutes later, the father saw a silhouette out in the storm in front of them. He drove beside the figure and opened the window, only to see nothing outside. The father shrugged and just continued driving. The father glances at the rear view mirror and to his surprise, he saw his child, wife, both with scared faces and a woman with a very pale face, long hair and wide eyes between them. He suddenly shifted his sights back to the road. The father stuttered as he asked his wife and child who the woman between them was and how she got there. The wife answered.
"T-there's no w-woman between us. T-the woman sat beside you."

The father looked at the rear view mirror once again and found only his child and his wife there. He then shifted his sights to the seat beside him and finds the woman he saw earlier looking directly at him.
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