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Author Topic: RP Mission Board  (Read 8243 times)


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RP Mission Board
« on: February 11, 2012, 08:59:42 PM »

Here will be an attempt to provide a place for people to take up missions to RP and earn DP or other things.

So...each mission will be listed as a reply to this thread. It  will contain the following information:

~ Mission Name, Rank and DP award
~ number of shinobi required for mission
~ details of mission will include: objectives, location RP is to occur, full description of foes that may be encountered, or items and intel that may be required for use during the mission.
~ Availability of mission.
~ Author of mission.
~ Additional reward if available, such as RP items or training sessions.

I will also be accepting missions that people wish to offer. This is an area where I will need TONS of assistance. So each mission will be bought at the price of 25 DP.

In order to receive payment for missions that are assigned, a pm should be sent to KayentaMoenkopi on SL when the mission is completed.

~Thank you. I hope this system for assigning missions will work out.  If anyone has ideas to see this system be improved, please send a pm to KayentaMoenkopi or post to the discussion thread on the forum here .

Please copy and paste the template code of the appropriate ranked mission into a new thread on the mission headquarters section of the forum. Then fill out the form and submit your post. Or if you have no problem with the coding then feel free to pm the mission specification to KayentaMoenkopi on SL and I will post it for you here. A pm to me on SL will suffice as notification that a new mission is up so that I can then send you the DP. PLEASE include your log in name because without that I cannot get the system to work for DP transference.

To request assignment of a mission, reply to that mission's specific thread within the Mission Headquarters.


Total Payout Including Jounin Exam Prizes:

17,025 DP

E Rank: 25 DP
D Rank: 50 DP
C Rank: 75 DP
B Rank: 100 DP
A Rank: 125 DP
S Rank: 150 DP

Various award for Random RP
Various award for Training RP
Various award for Random Event RP
Various award for Zone fight

DP Awarded to:

1] Leaf Sannin Nathan for submitting 'scroll hunt' = 25 DP
2] Kite for submitting 'Spy on my Daughter' = 25 DP
3] Silver Moonfire for submitting 'For Science' = 25 DP
4] Silver Moonfire for submitting 'More Experiments' = 25 DP
5] Kite for submitting 'Babysit My Children' = 25 DP
6] Kite for submitting 'Assasinate the Factory Owner' = 25 DP
7] Silver for submitting 'Still More Science to Do' = 25 DP
8] Silver for submitting 'Art is Everlasting' = 25 DP
9] Kite for submitting 'Cleaning Out The Bandit Den' = 25 DP
10] Kite for submitting 'Deliver This Flower' = 25 DP
11] Zenaku for submitting 'Caravan Bandit' = 25 DP
12] Zenaku for submitting 'Village Pride' = 25 DP
13] Zenaku for submitting 'Traveling Information Merchant Aoi' =25 DP
14] Miyuki Uchiha = 25 DP, E Rank Mission "babysit my Children"
15] Inu Hanyou for submitting 'The Tribute collecting; for those past!' = 25 DP
16] Nathan Stamper = 50 DP, D Rank Mission "Spy on my Daughter"
17] MiyukiUchiha = 125 DP, A Rank Mission, "Clear the Bandit's Cave"
18] Zetsu = 125 DP, A Rank Mission, "Clear the Bandit's Cave"
19] Miyuki Uchiha = 100 DP, B Rank Mission, "Bring the Raikage to Suna"
20] Koji = 100 DP, B Rank Mission, "Bring the Raikage ro Suna"
21] Eric = 125DP, A Rank Mission, "Scroll Hunt"
22] 25 DP awarded to Takuyo for training zone 1, 05-05-12
23] 25DP awarded to Sangetsu Hōzuki for being Konoha's Nightcrawler, 05-05-12
24] 25DP awarded to xxzeroninexx in Oto for his birthday, 05-05-12
25] 75DP awarded to Tenzo for Mission to Otogakure. 06-10-12
26] 75DP awarded to Lake for Mission to Otogakure. 06-11-12
27] 75DP awarded to Adrian for Mission to Otogakure. 06-10-12
28] 75DP awarded to Saki for Herb Mission. 06-10-12
29] 75DP awarded to Zojin for Herb Mission. 06-10-12
30] 50DP awarded to Ombre for Family Mission. 06-11-12
31] 50DP awarded to Anika for Family Mission pending receipt of log in name.
32] 25DP awarded to Isaribi for Kiri Staring Contest. 06-10-12
33] 25DP awarded to Kyu for Kiri Staring Contest. 06-10-12
34] 25DP awarded to Mioku for Kiri Staring Contest. 06-10-12
35] 100DP awarded to Trev for Otogakure Battle. 06-11-12
36] 100DP awarded to Shindō Seito~Masanori for Otogakure Battle. 06-10-12
37] 100DP awarded to Neku for Otogakure Battle. 06-10-12
38] 100DP awarded to Bocchiere for Otogakure Battle. 06-10-12
39] 100DP awarded to Koji for Otogakure Battle. 06-10-12
40] 100DP awarded to Hensō Goū for Otogakure Battle. 06-11-12
41] 100DP awarded to Rei Hazonko for Otogakure Battle pending receipt of log in name
42] 100DP awarded to Kimimaro Kaguya for Otogakure Battle. 06-11-12
43] 100DP awarded to Michio for Otogakure Battle. 06-11-12
44] 100DP awarded to Phantom for Otogakure Battle. 06-11-12
45] 50DP awarded to Zojin for training RP. 06-10-12
46] 50DP awarded to Raijin Hikari for training RP. 06-10-12
47] 50DP awarded to Menko for training RP. 06-10-12
48] 50DP awarded to Alucard for training RP. 06-10-12
49] 50DP awarded to JettHyouzaki for training RP. 06-10-12
50] 50DP awarded to Shindō Seito~Masanori for training RP. 06-10-12
51] 50DP awarded to KakashisLilGirl for training RP pending receipt of log in name
52] 50DP awarded to 上忍 Anika for Random RP pending receipt of log in name
53] 50DP awarded to 上忍 Uchiha Sasuke. for Random RP. 06-11-12
54] 50DP awarded to 上忍 Wauker for Random RP. 06-10-12
55] 50DP awarded to Amai for Random RP. 06-10-12
56] 50DP awarded to Seno for Random RP. 06-10-12
57] 50DP awarded to Aoki for Random RP. 06-10-12
58] 50DP awarded to Menko for Random RP. 06-10-12
59] 50DP awarded to Moonfire for Random RP. 06-10-12
60] 50DP awarded to Kinan for Random RP. 06-10-12
61] 50DP awarded to RazgrizRune for Random RP. 06-10-12
62] 50DP awarded to LightningX for Random RP. 06-10-12
63] 50DP awarded to Chusaki for Random RP. 06-10-12
64] 50DP awarded to Zojin for Random RP. 06-10-12
65] 50DP awarded to Mieko for Random RP. 06-10-12
66] 50DP awarded to KaoriDescender for Random RP. 06-10-12
67] 50DP awarded to Ranulf for Random RP. 06-10-12
68] 50DP awarded to Keitaro for Random RP. 06-10-12
69] 50DP awarded to [ 衝撃 Jolt ] Kai for Random RP. 06-10-12
70] 50DP awarded to Eric for Random RP. 06-10-12
71] 50DP awarded to Wauker for Training RP. 06-10-12
72] 50DP awarded to Tamekaze for Zone Fight. 06-10-12
73] 50DP awarded to Malukiller for Zone Fight. 06-10-12
74] 50DP awarded to Purple for Zone Fight. 06-10-12
75] 50DP awarded to Tenzo for Zone Fight. 06-10-12
76] 50DP awarded to Yamamori for Zone Fight. 06-10-12
77] 50DP awarded to Menko for Zone Fight. 06-10-12
78] 50DP awarded to GrayWolf for Zone Fight. 06-10-12
79] 50DP awarded to Lok for Zone Fight. 06-10-12
80] 50DP awarded to Eric for Zone Fight. 06-10-12
81] 50DP awarded to KalinkaWindalf for Zone Fight. 06-10-12
82] 50DP awarded to Matsuo for Zone Fight. 06-10-12
83] 50DP awarded to Alucard for Zone Fight. 06-10-12
84] 50DP awarded to Sunauto for Zone Fight. 06-10-12
85] 50DP awarded to SasukeUchiha for Zone Fight. 06-11-12
86] 50DP awarded to Zero pending receipt of log in name
87] 50DP awarded to Takeo Hyūga for Zone Fight. 06-11-12
88] 50DP awarded to Tenzo for training RP. 06-10-12
89] 50DP awarded to Reina for training RP. 06-10-12
90] 50DP awarded to AkirTheLEgendaryANBU for training RP. 06-10-12
91] 50DP awarded to Kobikishi for training RP. 06-11-12
92] 50DP awarded to Raishin for Random RP. 06-11-12
93] 50DP awarded to Mariko for Random RP. 06-11-12
94] 50DP awarded to FlamingChaos for Training RP. 06-15-12
95] 50DP awarded to ShuzetsuUchiha for Training RP. 06-15-12
96] Zojin for submitting 'The Raiders' = 25 DP
97] Zojin for submitting 'For knowledge!' = 25 DP
98] Zojin for submitting 'From the Jaws of Death' = 25 DP
99] Zojin for submitting 'Birds of a Feather Flock Together' = 25 DP
100] Zojin for submitting 'Yams Yams Yams' = 25 DP
101] Zojin for submitting 'Babysitting?' = 25 DP
102] Zojin for submitting 'False Honor' = 25 DP
103] [Jolt]Kai for submitting'Bounty Hunter Zaef' = 25DP
104] Isaribi awarded 100 DP for 'The Raiders Mission' 06-15-12
105] Yamamaro awarded 100 DP for 'The Raiders Mission' 06-15-12
106] HobbyGobby awarded 50 DP for 'Yams, Yams, Yams Mission' 06-19-12
107] Tenzo awarded 75DP for 'For Knowledge Mission' 06-20-12
108] Benihime awarded 75DP for 'False Honor Mission' 06-20-12
109] Eric awarded 125DP for 'From the Jaws of Death Mission' 06-23-12
110] Jestar awarded 125DP for 'From the Jaws of Death Mission' 06-23-12
111] Eric for submitting 'Delicate Crisis Mission' = 25DP.
112] 125DP awarded to Eric for random RP to slay missing nin. 06-24-12
113] 75DP awarded to Bishamontan for random RP to slay missin nin. 06-29-12
114] Renji Nakara for submitting 'A 'Tiny' Eel Problem' = 25DP.
115] Eric for submitting 'The Price of Power' = 25DP.
116] Eric for First Place Jounin Exam = 5000DP + Secret Weapon. 07-16-12
117] ShadowFire for Second Place Jounin Exam = 3000DP. 07-16-12
118] The Curse for submitting Cabbage woes! 25 DP 12-16-14
119] The Curse for submitting The Haunted Cabin! 25 DP 12-16-14
120] The Curse for submitting Strange Sightings! 25 DP 12-16-14
121] The Curse for submitting My Road to Being a Ninja! 25 DP 12-16-14
122] The Curse for submitting Cat Distress! 25 DP 12-16-14
123] The Curse for submitting Dance Fever! 25 DP 12-16-14
124] Lazy Oogakari, Steel for submitting DOTA(Defense of the Ancients) 25 DP 12-16-14
125] Lazy Oogakari, Steel for submitting Hunting the Hunter! 25 DP 12-17-14
126] Lazy Oogakari, Steel for submitting Assassinate the Assassin 25 DP 12-17-14
127] Lazy Oogakari, Steel for submitting Attack of the Dust! 25 DP 12-17-14
128] Lazy Oogakari, Steel for submitting Get some steel for Steel! 25 DP 12-17-14
129] Hyūga, Takeo for submitting Protect the Cargo! 25 DP 12-27-14
130] Hyūga, Takeo for submitting Capture the Traitor! 25 DP 12-27-14
131] Jolt/ Amite, Kai for submitting No Escape! 25 DP 01-02-15
« Last Edit: January 02, 2015, 11:34:08 PM by KayentaMoenkopi »


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Re: RP Mission Board
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2012, 09:07:11 PM »


Each mission should have a name in order to make requesting a mission or assigning one easier.

Rank as well as DP award for completed mission. These may then be listed upon your bio as completed missions for those who keep track of such things.

Mission Type:
Is the mission a search and rescue? Item retrieval? Assassination? Spy mission? Is the mission a self lead RP or will a game master/narrator be required?

What SL board(s) will this RP mission take place within?

Here will be the overview of each mission.

Items for the Mission:
Here will be an overview of special equipment or intel required to complete the mission.

This is where the goals of the mission are listed. Keep these in mind when RPing. It is so easy to get distracted and lose sight of what you set out to do in the first place.

Obstacles or Foes:
What natural features or enemies may be encountered during your mission?

Any special rewards other than the customary wage in DP listed for a mission of this rank.

Here is listed the name of the person who created the mission being offered.

Is the mission open assigned to someone or completed?

Rank E Template
Code: [Select]

[color=beige]Rank E, 25 DP[/color]

[b][color=purple]Mission Type:[/color][/b]



[b][color=purple]Items for the Mission:[/color][/b]


[b][color=purple]Obstacles or Foes:[/color][/b]




Rank D Template
Code: [Select]

[color=beige]Rank D, 50 DP[/color]

[b][color=indigo]Mission Type:[/color][/b]



[b][color=indigo]Items for the Mission:[/color][/b]


[b][color=indigo]Obstacles or Foes:[/color][/b]




Rank C Template
Code: [Select]

[color=beige]Rank C, 75 DP[/color]

[b][color=yellow]Mission Type:[/color][/b]



[b][color=yellow]Items for the Mission:[/color][/b]


[b][color=yellow]Obstacles or Foes:[/color][/b]




Rank B Template
Code: [Select]

[color=beige]Rank B, 100 DP[/color]

[b][color=brown]Mission Type:[/color][/b]



[b][color=brown]Items for the Mission:[/color][/b]


[b][color=brown]Obstacles or Foes:[/color][/b]




Rank A Template
Code: [Select]

[color=beige]Rank A, 125 DP[/color]

[b][color=limegreen]Mission Type:[/color][/b]



[b][color=limegreen]Items for the Mission:[/color][/b]


[b][color=limegreen]Obstacles or Foes:[/color][/b]




Rank S Template
Code: [Select]

[color=beige]Rank S, 150 DP[/color]

[b][color=red]Mission Type:[/color][/b]



[b][color=red]Items for the Mission:[/color][/b]


[b][color=red]Obstacles or Foes:[/color][/b]



« Last Edit: December 28, 2014, 04:53:25 AM by KayentaMoenkopi »


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Re: RP Mission Board
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2012, 10:23:58 PM »

Scroll Hunt

Rank A. 125 DP.

Mission Type:
Item retrival. Gamemaster required: Leaf Sannin Nathan will lead this mission.

Zone 5, Zone 6, Zone 5 again, and then Zone 9.

A group consisting of powerful rogue ninja have infiltrated Konoha and stolen one of our secret scrolls. Your mission is to track down these ninja and retrieve the scroll. If you choose not to kill them, then bring them back to the village so that they may be placed in prision. Nevertheless, we have located their hideout in an old abandoned town. To get there, you'll need to travel through the forest.

Retrieve the stolen scroll.
 Kill the rogue ninja or bring them back alive.

Obstacles or Foes:
One of the rogues in Zone 6. Mutated rabid animals after you renter the forest. The remaining rogues and their boss after entering Zone 9.


Assigned to Eric 03-27-12
Completed: 04-15-12

« Last Edit: December 17, 2014, 01:52:25 AM by KayentaMoenkopi »


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Re: RP Mission Board
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2012, 12:23:03 PM »

Spy on my daughter

Rank D. 50 DP

Mission Type:
Information Gathering. Self-narration.


Teuchi, the man who runs Ramen Ichiraku in Konoha, is worried about the large amount of time his daughter Ayame is spending out of the house and how late she has been coming back. He has asked us to follow her around covertly to find out what she has been doing.

Get into Konoha and tail Ayame around to determine what she is doing in her off hours from the Ramen shop and why she is getting home so late at night. Do not get caught and report back to her father Teuchi.

Obstacles or Foes:
Ayame will certainly be aggressive if she suspects you are following her and may call out the guards or attack you herself.


Taken by Nathan Stamper 03-07-12
Completed on 03-22-12

« Last Edit: December 17, 2014, 01:53:12 AM by KayentaMoenkopi »


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Re: RP Mission Board
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2012, 09:50:43 PM »

Babysit my children

E Rank. 25 DP

Mission Type:
Comedic Relief. Self Narrated RP


Kayenta Moenkopi has been very busy with work lately and can't take time off to spend with her children due to the war effort. She has asked us to look after and keep her children occupied for the day so she can get all her work done while not having to worry about her children.

Keep the children occupied, fed, safe and well entertained for one day.

Obstacles or Foes:
~The Demon spawn Twins: Orion who is 6 years old and his twin sister Reseda. They communicate with each other silently and are full of mischief.
~Suishou Hywel, human Uchiha son who is 2 years old. He always runs everywhere. Like his father Asadi, he prefers to do this without clothes on. His siblings also communicate with him silently and his verbal ability is fully functional.  Affecting an air of innocents, the twins are the master minds of all the mayhem the trio create.


Taken by Miyuki Uchiha03-02-12
Open multiple times to one person though three would give you the upper hand. One per kid!

« Last Edit: December 17, 2014, 01:54:28 AM by KayentaMoenkopi »


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Re: RP Mission Board
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2012, 02:46:24 AM »

Cleaning Out The Bandit Den

A Rank: 125 DP per person, 1-3 warriors to take on the mission.

Mission Type:
Seek and Destroy. Game Master Required

Otogakure and Empty Town, zone 9

Niseakashia [black locust] has been causing a lot of trouble in Rice Country for travelers and residents alike. They beat, rob, and kill people to get wealth and anything else they want. We have been asked to clear out their den and make sure that none survive.  It is rumored that some are remnants of Orochimaru's defunct band of warriors.

Locate the hideout of the Black Locusts and destroy them. Leave no survivors.

Obstacles or Foes:
~Leader Shiin, Sound user
~Bandit: Ahiko, Oro experiment, curse seal
~Bandit: Bauto, Oro experiment, curse seal
~Bandit: Takishi, Oro experiment, curse seal
~Bandit: Tetsuru, Oro experiment, curse seal
~Bandit: Tsukushi, Oro experiment, curse seal
~Bandit Base: the general are of the hideout will give the enemy advantages and add a hint of its own danger.


Taken by Miyuki Uchiha. Legit and Kimimaro Kaguya. Scheduled for 1pm (EST) Saturday, 03-03-12

« Last Edit: December 17, 2014, 01:58:14 AM by KayentaMoenkopi »


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Re: RP Mission Board
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2012, 01:12:09 PM »

Bring the Raikage to Sunagakure

B Rank: 100 DP

Mission Type:
Persuasion and Escourt

Kumogakure Clan hall, Sunagakure and anywhere else it may lead

After agreeing to babysit the Nidamie Kazekage's three smallest children, Miyuki Uchiha found himself prey to the Lady's mechanations. She refused to take receipt of her children instead charging him to take the demon twins and the youngest in the lineage of heirs of Suishou Asadi, King of Shinobi Kingdom,back to the Land of Lightning. He has been charged to turn over the children to the Godaime Raikage, Zenaku Mibu with the message that she wishes him to return her children in person.

Deliver the children into the hands of Raikage Zenaku. Convince him to bring them with him to Sunagakure. Do not get killed.

Obstacles or Foes:
Kayenta Moenkopi: Prior Kazekage, Suiton, Doton, Hyouton, and Doujtus Hizashingan
Zenaku Mibu: Reigning Raikage, Beast: skills too numerous to list, Kyuubi host
Demon Spawn: Reseda and Orion: mental communication, teleportation, mischief makers
Hwyel: Uchiha KG as yet unawakened
Overall purpose of mission: Who knows why Kayenta insists upon this course of action. Be wary of a greater scheme underlying the obvious

Private continuation of a prior mission due to unanticipated events. Take by Miyuki Uchiha.

« Last Edit: March 26, 2012, 12:10:17 AM by KayentaMoenkopi »


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Re: RP Mission Board
« Reply #7 on: June 16, 2012, 02:26:23 AM »

The Raiders

Rank B; Pays 100 DP per member of the team. Can be taken by a single warrior.

Mission Type:
Self narrative search and capture

Zone 1 & Zone 10

Lately there has been a string of local robberies and a few cases of caravan raids.  The small time criminal organization known as “The Raiders” has claimed to be responsible.  There has been an anonymous tip about the whereabouts of The Raider’s base.  Find it and bring all the thieves to justice.  They were last seen in the Lighting Plains where there may be more leads as to where their hidden base is.

-Locate The Raider’s base and take it out
-Capture the leader and bring them back to your village.

Obstacles or Foes:
-3 henchmen thieves (genin level)
- 1 leader (chuunin level)


 Isaribi and Yamamaro 06-15-12

« Last Edit: December 17, 2014, 02:01:54 AM by KayentaMoenkopi »


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Re: RP Mission Board
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2012, 02:30:44 AM »

For knowledge!

Rank C; Pays 75 DP per warrior.

Mission Type:
Self narrative; item retrieval & protection

Zone 4

A group of archeologists has made an interesting find in the ruins of an old temple within the Fire Valley. The Chief Archeologist has requested the aid of a ninja to help them uncover the relic and to provide protection for the small group from any who wish to make a score from their find.

-Search for and retrieve the treasure
-Make sure someone doesn't steal it at night

Obstacles or Foes:
- Temple is rigged with various booby traps
- Two genin level thieves


Completed by Tenzo 06-16-12
« Last Edit: December 17, 2014, 02:02:44 AM by KayentaMoenkopi »


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Re: RP Mission Board
« Reply #9 on: June 16, 2012, 02:30:56 AM »

From the Jaws of Death

Rank A; Pays 125 DP per warrior.

Mission Type:
Self narrative; retrieval

Zone 8

A recent shinobi team was sent out on a reinforcement mission to protect a town from a high threat fugitive. However, contact with this team was lost a while ago.  Track the team down, find out what happened, and bring them back.  It is very possible that the missing team is in critical condition.  They need to be brought back alive.

- Locate the missing team and bring them back
- Capture or kill the fugitive (optional)

Obstacles or Foes:
- Missing team is in critical condition and must be brought back for medical treatment before time runs out.
- Dangerous fugitive (Jounin Level)


Taken by Eric and potential team mates. 06-15-12
Completed Br Eric and Jestar 06-22-12

« Last Edit: December 17, 2014, 02:05:59 AM by KayentaMoenkopi »


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Re: RP Mission Board
« Reply #10 on: June 16, 2012, 02:31:19 AM »

Yams Yams Yams

Rank D; Pays 50 DP per warrior.

Mission Type:
Self narrative farming

Zone 6

There is a local farm requesting help from shinobi to plant their yams.  They are in a current competition with a neighboring farm on who can plant and harvest the most yams within a week.  To get a one-up on the competition, they would like to hire a shinobi who can prepare the land and plant an entire field of produce within two days.  Sleeping accommodations as well as food is provided as an extra perk for the job’s work.

- Prepare the land for planting within the first day
- Plant all the yams within the second

Obstacles or Foes:
- Land is considerably rocky and might be hard to prepare without the aid of ninjutsu
- Time limit of two days


Completed By Hobby Gobby 06-15-12
« Last Edit: December 17, 2014, 02:06:43 AM by KayentaMoenkopi »


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Re: RP Mission Board
« Reply #11 on: June 16, 2012, 02:32:00 AM »

False Honor

Rank A; Pays 125 DP per warrior.

Mission Type:
Self narrative; combat

Zone 5

The village has received word that a swordsman has been provoking others into dueling him then taking their property after he kills them in “honorable combat”.  Him and his small following have taken to the roads of the Green Lands, and have already killed several of the country’s moderately wealthy citizens in duels. Subdue him by any means necessary, but try not to make it public.

- Subdue the swordsman by defeating him in battle or by other means

Obstacles or Foes:
- Jounin level swords master
- Do not harm his civilian lackeys who might try and fight besides him


Completed by Quest/Benihime 06-15-12
« Last Edit: December 17, 2014, 02:08:42 AM by KayentaMoenkopi »


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Re: RP Mission Board
« Reply #12 on: July 01, 2012, 12:03:24 AM »

The Price of Power

S-ranked [ 300 DP per participant]

Mission Type:
Search and Destroy

Death Valley

Our country has produced some very incredible shinobi in the past; in fact, we personally believe that if we could have them all back, we would become invicible. Unfortunately, someone in our administration decided to overhear the wrong conversation and attempt to do just that! One of our village’s more infamous members has uncovered the secret of a re-animation technique that rivals that of the legendary Edo Tensei!
When we learned of this project, we decided to allow her to press on with it; after all, shinobi don’t die very often, but when they do, getting them back into the field is of utmost importance to us! As a result, the progression of this project went into stages and steps that were unprecedented, and soon, the jutsu came into fruition! So, we decided to re-animate first a former “Kage”, the title in the case of this man mostly self-appointed. Anyways, when we brought him back, we thought we had control.
Well, we didn’t, as we made the mistake of bringing back a shinobi skilled already in the arts of Juinjutsu, fuinjutsu, and apparently even genjutsu. We thought he had been an Uchiha, but instead he’s actually a former Holrew Clan Member! Well, anyways, with the ongoing conflict, we do not want this man to get to any of the competition. Your task is to hunt him down and take him out! The shinobi was a former village leader, even if not to a major country, and possesses a mortal body, meaning he can be killed. Once again, unfortunately, this man has most likely already begun augmenting himself with techniques, in order to make himself stronger. Stop him before he succeeds, or else we may have a potential threat on our hands!

Find and kill the revived shinobi with anything in your arsenal! Most importantly, do not let him finish the ritual for this re-animation technique, or else we could have a bigger problem than before!

Obstacles or Foes:
Terrain, weather, Village Leader ranked Shinobi from the Holrew Clan, any shinobi he gets the chance to re-animate.


Taken by Menko and Seno Team

Result: Despite hard-fought efforts, the target not only managed to escape, but esacape with his revived comrades. The only main success is that it seems no one else has taken notice of them... Yet. But now they are on the loose. Guess we have another mission now don't we!

Particpants Menko and Seno awarded 50DP each for their efforts and time during this near 8 hour struggle. Eventually migrated to Lightning Plains Zone after starting in Empty Town, original destination unavailable due to Bocc and Kamui fight.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2014, 02:10:54 AM by KayentaMoenkopi »
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.

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