The Price of Power
S-ranked [ 300 DP per participant]
Mission Type:
Search and Destroy
Death Valley
Our country has produced some very incredible shinobi in the past; in fact, we personally believe that if we could have them all back, we would become invicible. Unfortunately, someone in our administration decided to overhear the wrong conversation and attempt to do just that! One of our village’s more infamous members has uncovered the secret of a re-animation technique that rivals that of the legendary Edo Tensei!
When we learned of this project, we decided to allow her to press on with it; after all, shinobi don’t die very often, but when they do, getting them back into the field is of utmost importance to us! As a result, the progression of this project went into stages and steps that were unprecedented, and soon, the jutsu came into fruition! So, we decided to re-animate first a former “Kage”, the title in the case of this man mostly self-appointed. Anyways, when we brought him back, we thought we had control.
Well, we didn’t, as we made the mistake of bringing back a shinobi skilled already in the arts of Juinjutsu, fuinjutsu, and apparently even genjutsu. We thought he had been an Uchiha, but instead he’s actually a former Holrew Clan Member! Well, anyways, with the ongoing conflict, we do not want this man to get to any of the competition. Your task is to hunt him down and take him out! The shinobi was a former village leader, even if not to a major country, and possesses a mortal body, meaning he can be killed. Once again, unfortunately, this man has most likely already begun augmenting himself with techniques, in order to make himself stronger. Stop him before he succeeds, or else we may have a potential threat on our hands!
Find and kill the revived shinobi with anything in your arsenal! Most importantly, do not let him finish the ritual for this re-animation technique, or else we could have a bigger problem than before!
Obstacles or Foes:
Terrain, weather, Village Leader ranked Shinobi from the Holrew Clan, any shinobi he gets the chance to re-animate.
Taken by Menko and Seno Team
Result: Despite hard-fought efforts, the target not only managed to escape, but esacape with his revived comrades. The only main success is that it seems no one else has taken notice of them... Yet. But now they are on the loose. Guess we have another mission now don't we!
Particpants Menko and Seno awarded 50DP each for their efforts and time during this near 8 hour struggle. Eventually migrated to Lightning Plains Zone after starting in Empty Town, original destination unavailable due to Bocc and Kamui fight.