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Author Topic: Maybe not a big deal for the less homicidal of us...  (Read 2499 times)


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Maybe not a big deal for the less homicidal of us...
« on: March 19, 2012, 02:16:47 AM »

One thing I thought of one day whilst killing some Oto nin was that the villages always seem to be able to call upon ANBU NPC and such to defend. Well that is fine and dandy but when I wiped out half the village last week and then come back to still find full teams waiting for me it looks a little silly. What I was thinking is that, maybe here, the villages could post something along the lines of a population. How many civilians and ninja there are. I haven't done much to anyone else but Oto again is a good example. I have destroyed that place completely on more then one occasion and wiped out it's civilian population. I would think people might be a tad leery about living somewhere that receives apocalyptic punishment on a bi-monthly basis. Ideas?
« Last Edit: March 19, 2012, 02:23:03 AM by bocchiere »


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Re: Maybe not a big deal for the less homicidal of us...
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2012, 12:59:14 PM »

The purpose of this board...the village for RP.

A discussion about the game play is  probably more fitting to the board called  Game Related Discussions.

Maybe Kamui or someone can move it for us later.


It is a legitimate complaint though. I know that Konoha has been destroyed several times with the same outcome you describe. There might be some 'wave of your hand' post to clear it all up but basically there are no repercussions of any length in RP.

However, assuming that your action has to be accepted by every RP storyline going on in every village throughout the realm, is kind of unreasonable.

First...the site does not have one single storyline. If you destroy Oto today and I come visiting my family there I obligated to look back 3 page to find out you have destroyed the village? Well, I do that sort of thing anyway but...

What if I feel that your powers are not legit? I am not obligated to RP with people I don't think fit into my world view or rule set. I obligated to walk into Oto and act like it is not there anymore?

But lets assume that the RP group involved in the destruction of Oto, for instance, was of a sufficiently large enough group of RPers to be considered a site wide story line.  Exactly how many of this body of people agreed to have the extermination of an entire village a part of the story line? How many people were defending it at the time? This is a huge story line arc. This is not just you and a couple people duking it out and you burn their house down or a farming village somewhere gets destroyed. What you are doing takes away one entire board of the site and locks into place what the rp there shall be. How many academy student players are supposed to say they are dead now because they were burned in their sleep? Certainly they are not strong enough to defend themselves against someone who is, by his own claim, strong enough to destroy a single village in one session of RPing...singlehandedly...on a bi-monthly basis...

So...if you propose making things more realistic as to how a village will survive a disaster called down upon it, then how far do we go with the realism? WE assume they have a large enough population to be a village. A ninja village. With plenty of Orochimaru experiments, fresh recruits, Season warriors, ANBU, elite criminals etc...You would first have to...

1] keep track of how many people you killed. So a census has to occur of all players who claim Oto as a home, plus a reasonable amount of NPC warrior and villagers for a village that size. Plus any visitors who stay over night. On a daily basis...

2] These NPC have to take reasonable action to defend themselves. After all, they are not straw men just waiting around to be mowed down by a sickle.

3] At some point, once the kill count gets so high, the village ANBU are going to be called out. If a riot breaks out in a city they send in SWAT, and while it is annoying to have player kage or other high ranking people put the village on full alert when a couple of foreign ninja start busting up the place in town, it is clear they you're not here to exact revenge on a shop keeper or two. This of course would not go by as a non incident, but wouldn't require the attention of the kage or calling out the ANBU in full force.

4] Some idea of the power level of the NPC warriors and ANBU would have to be determined. what ratio of Acad/ genin/ chuunin/ jounin/ med nins/ hunter nins-ANBU/ sanin-kage level warrior does the village have? How does that realte to the number of npc villagers? In a village of 10,000 you are not going to have an ABU of 5000. Also, in a hidden village what is the ratio of shinobi to civilians? Even Ichiraku had ninjutsu.

5] And then we need to examine you. Forgive me for making this personal but as the 'destroyer' your ability to do so, in the manner you claim, must come under scrutiny eventually. right? Even Orochimaru failed to destroy Konoha. And he was assisted by another village, Suna, and a small squad of elite shinobi under his own allegiance, after infiltrating and months of planning and huge resources to draw from. 

6] Then assuming all conditions of fair play have been met: No attack on an entry post, no auto hitting of the village, waiting for the enemy to reply before successful demolition and escape is achieved and other such things...then you have to consider what is reasonable for a recovery time. Who is left to perform such a measure? What resources are at their disposal.

There is a whole lot more going on than just powerhousing destruction on your pet whipping boy.


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Re: Maybe not a big deal for the less homicidal of us...
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2012, 05:47:16 PM »

Here's the problem with that argument. The story-lines part. This implies that many things that happen in IC RP on SL can be either canon or not-canon, depending on the opinion of those who are willing to take it as fact.

To put it simply on how SL seems to be when concerning RP, there is no fact, only opinions. There are not really any general rules or guidelines that are delcared to be followed, except for having certain resets to use certain things. But other than that, there are none. People only follow certain guidelines because they choose to do so.

I believe we need something bigger than what Bocc is suggesting. We need some general established RP guidelines. I know it may be a secondary thing in SL, but the secondary is what drives people to excel in the primary, gameplay. When some friends on SL ask where to start when it comes to the RP perspective, I explain to them the importance of having an established bio, and direct them to the Profile Wiki's guidelines.

I know it will be difficult to establish solid guidelines for everyone to follow, when it comes to RP, but it would help solve some of the problems we have right now concerning RP.

@Bocc: Concerning the villages and stuff, I think it would be a great idea for the village pages on the Profile Wiki to have a status update, and listing of past battles/wars and their outcomes, which could include gains and losses. Though, the village pages should only be edited by their kages and other active higher-ups. Just an idea, though.


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Re: Maybe not a big deal for the less homicidal of us...
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2012, 02:56:09 AM »

Most people don't go around destroying villages for a living, so yeah, not a big deal for the less homicidal (crazy) of us. ;P

More on topic though, if any "rules" or anything is going to be established, always keep in mind that whatever it is it needs to be:

1) Posted in a public place that is easy to find.

2) Consistent, clear, and at times flexible.

3) Not just some stuff some of the better RPers come up with. Some of us "scrubs" wanna be able to say whether we want to have whatever rules become official or not.

4)Agreed upon by the general RP populatino. I know, hard since even Neji has a hard time getting people to vote on MoTD stuff at times, but neccessary.

5) An administration to enforce, interpret, and create new rules.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: Maybe not a big deal for the less homicidal of us...
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2012, 03:07:14 AM »

I forgot all about this >> why was mine moved when Rare has one asking about Mangekyo though? Odd.  Oh well, just an idea.
Trev's was moved from game related to here. This makes no sense.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2012, 03:18:21 AM by bocchiere »


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Re: Maybe not a big deal for the less homicidal of us...
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2012, 04:37:12 AM »

Would so love to make some rules  :D



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Re: Maybe not a big deal for the less homicidal of us...
« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2012, 05:51:08 PM »

I think I would much have to agree with Kay in the idea's of destroying a village. Considering the multitude of people, and the massive basis for which a village would have to be destroyed, the RP would have to fall under strict scrutiny, not only of the defenders, but of the attacks as well, as Kay so eloquently put.

As to the rules. It is a great Idea. However. With the creation of these rules, we would face the problem of people  'interpreting' the rules in a way which suits them.

For example:
Rule: No auto-hitting...

Interpretation: no auto-hitting unless the hasn't responded after so much time, or type an attack that basically leaves no opening to dodge or counter-strike.

It all depends on the person, and how they view things. As Kage said, we have no way to corral the opinions of the people and bend them in a specific way. Any rules that are created would be subject to being shifted all the time.

As for the enforcement administration, We would need, i think, to come up with a way for 'election' by the regular shinobi population. There would  need to be enough, and the names quite public in case somebody has a question, or an argument over whatever RP situation . the people would have to range in time zones for the purpose of keeping somebody on nearly all the time. Furthermore, the officials would need to be perpetually active ALL the time, not just at random intervals when they please. Granted the time for when they have emergencies, or some other reason to need a hiatus for a little while. We would also need 'back-up' admins in order to fill in the places should we loose one or more of the starting Administrators.

Furthermore, the rules created would need to be subject to scrutiny, and change, or deletion, should it be found that the rule is unneeded, or containing some kind of bug, so to speak. Continually, the rules should not only be able to be challenged by the officials, but by the 'common' Rpers as well. Following that, say should a rule come under challenge five times, the rule should need to be reworked or fixed because there is something wrong with it for so many people to challenge it.

There should be, however, a set number of (say 10) rules that cannot be changed... these would be the baselines for other rules.

No other rules can be created by one person alone. It would need to go through all the Administrators, and then finally through the public before it can be approved.

So basically, if we set up a rule system, we would need to set up a governing system for that guideline system. It would be a long and complicated process...

I think it would be a good idea to set up guidelines that everyone follows, for that would make it simpler to RP, but also, I think it would cut down on all the OOC arguments over this and that. If a move breaks a rule, it is voided, and whatnot.

Of course, there will be problems with any system set up, so I guess it all depends on the RPer's will to be subjugated to the will of the rules. So before a rule system is set up, I think it should be put to a vote to decide weather or not to set up a rule system...
"Where would light exist, if Darkness didn't? One cannot exist without the other, and if one vanishes, so does the next. So by that logic, Good and Evil are the same way and if one vanished, so would the other. Thus it must be good, to be evil sometimes."

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