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Author Topic: Missions  (Read 5147 times)


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« on: March 31, 2012, 12:00:19 AM »

I was planning on trying to come up with a foundation for this, but with little time, it's probably best to start topic.
Members generally like role playing mission scenarios, now why don't we actually have a shop or place where a member can be "hired" for certain missions?

What's needed is a shop name, where it should be, or any restrictions for a member to access it. That shop would house some person X who "hires" members to accomplish the missions he/she needs to be done. The rewards vary, just like any other event- no real need to go into detail into that.

General Examples:
Missions Type: Stealth
Under this category, there would be multiple missions available in which the difficulty level varies (being told so before you accept the mission).
Stealth missions can possible be to kill or find something. But in order to do so, you have to travel to say Kirigakure first, then Kohonagakure, and finally to Suna. And once at Suna, the object will be there in possible a shop. This type of stealth mission might give you a larger reward because precise movements are required. And of course hints will be given...

That was just one very general example.

Mission Type:Forest
Kill a certain creature in the forest (there will be many, many missions on easy- most probably very easy to do).

So, more mission types are required, and maybe one example of each (general example).
Once the base foundation is in place, and this *idea* has been accepted, then detailed missions can be made.
One major problem will be though will be not spoiling the missions. So possibility is to have a team or group of selected members who come up with missions.

Should that mean that only those members should have a say in what missions are added, of course not.
If a member not in that group has a very good mission, then it should be added.
Just that I assume that some members may be able to come up with good missions faster than others.

Again, this is just an incomplete idea, hopefully this can be implemented with due time.



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Re: Missions
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2012, 01:55:38 AM »

Only Kages from villages, in my opinion, should be allowed to give/post missions. It's a cool idea, though.
Also, adding an rp bounty feature would really increase rp, Ace. Maybe someone could add to this. 


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Re: Missions
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2012, 01:59:18 AM »

I cosign
Zenaku is a Godaime Raikage
Title: Grand Raikage
Gender: Male
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Born as Warlord of the Kaguya Ichizoku
Born as Child of Prophecy to the Toads of Myōbokuzan.
Born as Senji of the Forest
Born as Grand Master of the Uchiha Ichizoku
Orochimaru Kills: 234


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Re: Missions
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2012, 02:03:14 AM »

Only Kages from villages, in my opinion, should be allowed to give/post missions. It's a cool idea, though.
Also, adding an rp bounty feature would really increase rp, Ace. Maybe someone could add to this.

Anyone should be able to give their input into future missions.
Rank does not play a role when sharing ideas- your rank does not depict your knowledge.

In the end though, to make sure the missions are not spoiled for everyone, an exclusive group might have to be made (a few members).
Again, does not mean they are the only ones who get to decide what mission is accepted and what is not.
That group is there because they have the ability, the time, etc... to come up with good missions fast.

Uchiha, Rares

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Re: Missions
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2012, 03:53:22 AM »

Wonderful idea.
Personally, I think that if not added in every village under the x-kage office or such it should be located in ninja central, otherwise it would lack sense for someone to have to go to a foreign village to get a mission from them instead of his own. xP

As for the in-game missions, here could be one for each rank:
D: Rank-help a random villager with her gardening or shopping and have some extra option of doing such appear when you are in the village like:
Help villager(costs 4 turns)
C rank: Slay a specific lvl 3-7 creature or clear the path between village A and village B, upon traveling from one to another having a 50% chance of encountering several enemies in a row.
For B, A, and S just like C but higher levels with  the pvp mission added. I'm suggesting C should only limit to forest creatures and not pvp due to the fact that they are not supposed to include shinobi enemies. This, well the way a thought it anyway, would be attractive for sitters: B: Kill someone with 4-30 more dk than you, A: 40-80, S: 100+

For the S rank forest missions, I'm thinking only lvl 17 forest creatures, many would have problem with such and the fact that you need to at least be chuunin to even have the possibility to get to it supports the S-class characteristics.

The following will be complex and require some work but w/o a doubt be worth while:

Have the option:
Specify who can take on this mission: Everybody/only people from my village/only people from my clan/write the name of the shinobi

Have the ability to remain secret if you so wish, as the one that gave out the mission.

Choose the reward the mission you gave out will have.

I think that if this system is implemented it should also have the option "rp missions" for which the difference would be a describe mission and describe reward option instead of just selecting from a list or so. Actually getting a text box in which to write such. Rp missions should of course have either rp or dp rewards.

It would be pretty cool to have them like we have dk in our bio, for example:
D-Rank missions: 60
C-Rank missions: 40
You get the picture.

Last but not least, there should be a limitation of sorts.

I say kage in-game rank for the missions available to everyone or the village.
Clan ranks 25+ if not just 30 and 31 for missions restricted.
As for private missions we should lover the bar, perhaps to Jounin or clan rank 10 or so, considering that at that point you might have some students of sorts to which you'd want to give out missions to.

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Re: Missions
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2012, 01:45:17 PM »

Can I has mission?

I very much agree with the idea of having viable missions that could be used to... well, just about anything. The game needs something special about it to keep the old players from leaving. Or at least who are still remaining.

I also VERY MUCH agree with these being in someones Profile.

For my profile is nowhere near fancy or big enough.

Of course, there needs to be a limiter on how many missions a gameday you can do. Perhaps two? Three? Three sounds the most reasonable. Maybe we can use these missions to... oh Iunno...

Make Hoshigakure abit more useful and active than just a 'Okay Gimme Chakra' spot.


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Re: Missions
« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2012, 03:17:17 PM »

So is this thread about RP missions or in-game missions? Since both are mentioned, I guess I'll comment on both of them.

Is there really a need to add a module solely for the purpose of text-based RP? How many players are gonna bother with it? What's the reward for completing missions? DP, Gold, Gems, and Items put up by the player who set up the mission? How can we prevent abuse of its function? Someone can easily use it to "legally" transfer stuff to their alts. For RP, any location with a conversation box and a chat log should be sufficient. If you want to put up a list of RP missions, the forum is a good place to do so.

In-game missions has been rejected or simple placed on the list of possible new features since longer than I can remember. Most ideas that have been thrown into the open are by people who either can't write a single line of code or hasn't the slightest idea how to translate those words into codes. With Neji busy with work, I doubt any such ideas will be put into the game unless the person who made the suggestion at the very least post the codes for a prototype. Which can be tested on the beta server for bug fix and fixing any balance/performance issues.

When it comes to purely throwing some ideas out there, even I have some. 1st, a place to house these missions (duh). One in each village. Each listing a number of random missions for each gameday. The higher the rank, the fewer the choices. Setting a number of times (global) a mission can be performed before it's grey out is an option. The 2nd option would be to grey out the mission once a player has already attempted the mission (fail or success). Putting a "race" checker on certain missions can be used to create village restricted missions.

For layout, having scrolls with rank E-S on them which can be click to check for missions would be nice (Yes, that would be my field, making illustration for SL). Colored texts can be used to indicate what kind of mission the player is getting him/herself into. As for what color represents what, let's just let exploration and experience teach that to the players.

Since I'm planning to replace forest enemies (mobs) with characters that aren't in the anime/OVA/fillers/movies, we can use character from the series as mission targets. That would be the 1st type of mission. Then we can also have exploration missions that is pretty much like the Old House in Kirigakure, but more serious and intense. But it's still pretty much up to luck as to whether to successfully completes the exploration. 3rd, we can have interrogation missions. It's would pretty much play like a visual novel, reading the text (companied by illustration), and then choosing the right respond. We would need someone with some talent at storytelling for this one. The last one I can think of would be stat-base missions. Like, "I need someone to charm this person to get info out of him/her". Clearly that would be based on your character's charm points. Having below the require charm points (hidden and random) would mean that you will most certainly fail this mission. Other missions can be created for other stats as well, like "Please move this boulder/crate (or anything you can think of)" for strength missions.

Just in case any of you are still uninformed, linking a module to the forest or any other location is undoable or very troublesome to write. So for the missions above, it would be like; go to mission hosting page > click on rank > click on a mission > loses turns as payment for the mission > chosen mission module is injected into the player > success or failure (success gets recorded in player's profile) > player is link back to the mission hosting page.

Low ranking mission rewards could vary (randomly) between; EXP (1.5-2.0 times higher than what they would get from forest mobs of their level), a few hundred gold, 1-2 gems, 1 or 2 random items (limited to ninja tools and small healing items). Limited to 3 Oro kills and above (so that new players are limited to the forest for EXP). Use up 1-2 turns depending on mission.

For mid, high and highest ranking missions, I'll just leave the balancing to the more experienced.

I would gladly attempt to write a prototype if I happen to pick up from coding skills when I start working in a game company in July 2012, and just happens to have enough free time to do so. Because I would really like to see in-game missions added into SL.

For now, running my mouth seems to be the only thing I can do *feeling depressed from his lack of ability*  _| ̄|○
« Last Edit: March 31, 2012, 03:27:37 PM by Quest »

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Re: Missions
« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2012, 04:21:02 PM »

Originally, it was and in-game suggestion. As for my suggestion to add an rp mission option, it's simply to give them a more official aspect, that way they will be even more attractive and rp will possibly prosper.

As for the abusive bs, we can simply have a you can't reward your own accounts just like how one can't pvp his own alts.

And about the limitation on the missions, we can just have the system missions or even just the ones given by players but refer to in-game(such as the forest) if such will be an option, of course -- we can just have them cost a specific number of turns and give a reward that could be around what you'd get in the forest in gold and experience, potentially gems too for that number of turns in the forest.

Well if we implement this, actually having a system thing that counts your missions rather than just putting random numbers in your bio sounds pretty cool. Of course, it would be one of those things that should not be gone when you reset.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2012, 04:28:01 PM by fiftyuzumaki »

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Re: Missions
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2012, 10:28:32 PM »

We have an in-game mission distributor already; not saying he's as optimal or general as this idea, but I am saying he's there and has very good rewards.

As far as the whole anesthetic effect of how many missions you've done: that's just bragging rights. Is it really needed for people to know how many you've spammed? I mean, as it is, we have enough clutter on the lot of our bios as it is. What factor does finishing those missions play on your part? Certainly there's no boon aside from the cosmetics.

As for RP-based, well, why would we make a village [location] board for these? Sure, it can 'spark' up RP, but you can have all those things in your clan halls. What kind of rewards will you offer through RP? RP-gold? RP-weapons? RP-RP? And how would you claim them? C'mon, now.

Likewise, what sort of guidelines can one have for these things and why bother trying to hire some random person to try to do it? Let's say Academy Student A came in and saw a mission posted by Hunternin B. The mission was to kill Hunternin C because C stole B's cookies like an evil ninja. Here comes A trying to reclaim the oh-so valuable chocolate cookies through means of RP-fighting.. now we have drama. What if he god-mods? What if it's an assassination mission that requires killing C? Now C is dead; well, what if he still RP's? The quest is now void. As quest has said, from making a board you can have in your clan halls, to making a more complicated mission-system that rewards, also, a point on your bio page in that mission rank, it all comes down to: coding. I don't see a team of coders, neither. I see people who CAN code here and there, but that doesn't mean all of them are good. I see Neji whenever I think of coding, and he's got a life to live outside of SL.

Overall, I'm trying to promote a more sincere way of thought than just make this idea sound like a pinata has been broken and its free grabs on candy [requests*!].

One thing I've learned from my fields of philosophy, argumentation, law, business - you name it, is this: The best way to find a solution, is to make the problem everyone else's. Think of demand and think of the costs.

1. Ill
2. Blame
3. Cure
4. Cost
5. Profit.

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Re: Missions
« Reply #9 on: March 31, 2012, 10:32:55 PM »

*boos at the deleted Rai*
Well saying "well you can use a forum" or "well you can put it in your clans" is just like saying we don't need clans cause we could just make off site forums with such and put them in our bio. While all that is true, there is a huge difference.

And yeah, cosmetics is the thing, most if not all would want to boast about them or have the most and such so it would ensure activity and a rise in interest of your average SL player.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2012, 10:34:12 PM by Uchiha, Rares »

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Re: Missions
« Reply #10 on: March 31, 2012, 10:47:37 PM »

"This cereal tastes good, but the box is so boring! Make a better box so I can put my cereal inside - it'll make it taste better!"

All of this just kind of screams the quote above. You have something with access to already, yet you want more access to something through means of more complications. Changing the atmosphere of what you have won't make it any better; it's the same thing with a new look. A new look that's just hard work for the same product.

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Re: Missions
« Reply #11 on: March 31, 2012, 10:53:48 PM »

While a new, better look won't make the taste/quality rise, it will make the sales increase exponentially. So it pretty much is a big deal.

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Re: Missions
« Reply #12 on: March 31, 2012, 10:55:49 PM »

Just because Apple can do it, doesn't mean it works with everything else. Besides, the vast majority of apple users/purchasers I meet are pretty ignorant.

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Re: Missions
« Reply #13 on: March 31, 2012, 11:11:44 PM »

It works with the majority. >> The majority is pretty ignorant but the majority counts. <<;

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Re: Missions
« Reply #14 on: April 20, 2012, 02:12:30 PM »

Ok. That was...entertaining.

Now back to the topic.

I think a few extra missions for the game functions would be cool. And to have them counted in the bios would also be neat to see. But certainly that is not a requirement. Just a bragging rights boon. And for most people around here...for example, those two lovelies conversing in the above back and forth remarks...bragging rights are sort of svelte! Still, coding is a burden that I really wish more around here had the capability and desire to share in.

As for RP missions: Well there is an RP mission board listed here already. I have tried to encourage people to submit missions to that thread and award a person 25DP for every mission they submit. Then DP rewards are handed out for those who accept the mission to receive based on mission rank. It is not sufficiently advertised though.

I also feel that anyone should be able to post a mission for hire. And here is the link to what I have constructed along with the help of many talented souls who have contributed to this already [see below]. Should a place similar to the library be constructed that would better suit this type of formatting, perhaps in Ninja Central? Is having the missions board here on the forum too obscure for most players?

Or, how could it be better advertised so more players would know it even existed and to come here? I contacted nearly all the clan heads and there were several who declined my offer to include the link to the missions board in their MoTD. Though I think that is a great way to get the word around. The gypsy tent has those two clan head rooms for discussions. Perhaps a library-like place could exist in Mission Headquarters so that it is accessible to all the realm for more than spending DP and the account meat market? You know, like for missions? >.>

Mission Board


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