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Author Topic: 2012 Jounin Exam Final Round  (Read 10600 times)


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Re: 2012 Jounin Exam Final Round [Read Only]
« Reply #15 on: June 08, 2012, 08:48:16 PM »

The speed of their opponents, capable of crossing the entire lake in such a short time, would be the first concern on the team's list; the energy slashes would be next. Eric could feel his chakra beginning to balance out, meaning he was in the clear to begin using stronger techniques, much the rest of his team probably feeling the same way. While he could easily block the energy attack with kenjutsu, if one of them was attacking, then it was probable the others were either preparing for a long term affair. Although he regretted the notion, they needed to get some serious distance from these guys. Naturally, this meant that they needed...

Makata could tell that Eric was in the midst of thinking... So she decided to direct the team.
"Wind bullet!" Makata exclaimed, prompting Raisan to perform a set of handsigns. Prior to their landind, an earthen plateau would rise beneath, bringing the team to a stop prematurely. From There Makata would channel a set of raiton to her hand, then raise her hand towards the sky. A bolt of raiton would suddenly fire into the sky, quickly spreading through the clouds.

Renna, with the barrier particularly still under her visage, used her Futon abilities to raise them from the plateau, as to ensure that they wouldn't be countered... Again. As the enemy's attacks wracked the plateau, the raiton sending it crumbling to the ground. Their rapid descent would end with their landing upon the ground eight feet from Shadow. Thunder would begin to be heard in the skies above as a lightning storm slowly began forming above, Makata's chakra influencing it's creation.

Eric, by the time much of this was done, had thought of their next plan of attack.


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Re: 2012 Jounin Exam Final Round [Read Only]
« Reply #16 on: June 08, 2012, 09:08:46 PM »

Immortal Guardian Shadowfire 's lightning would follow the enemies, thus charging at their new landing position. However, Shadowfire himself would rotate, and form the necessary handseals for the next technique he wished to use. Whilst he did this, Lathasa cursed his missed attack, and pivoted on his heel. He caught sight of the charging lightning as he searched for the opponents. Following said beast's trajectory, he spotted the new landing zone of the opposing force.

Lathasa acted as quickly as he could. Swinging his blade down, Lathasa channeled chakra into the blade itself. twisting it so the the flat of the blade ran parallel to the ground, the blade would begin to glow red; directly following that action he would right the blade, so the edge was parallel, and the point was facing the opponents. He gripped his wrist, and released his chakra in a burst. However, unlike his other attacks, the blade reacted differently as a new symbol blazed at the center. The red chakra would become tangible, and seem to extend the blade into indefinite amounts, however Lathasa limited it to the distance between him, and five feet behind his opponents. The blade would launch forth with incredible velocity at the point where the opponents landed and the bubble of energy dispersed' it would effectively cover the distance in a matter of two seconds. Continually, the extended blade would vibrate at extreme speeds, increasing it's cutting and destructive potentials nearly fifteen-fold.

As Lathasa unleashed his blade, Thorn would dart off the water. Knowing she had little time to act, she positioned herself to the left of the opponents, drew back her arm, focused chakra into her fist, and slammed it forcefully into the ground. As she did this, the earth before her would seem to shatter spontaneously, creating cracks and odd chunks in the earth. The radiating damage would surge forth, hitting the ground under the opponents, and causing it to crumble in a twelve meter radius around them, effectively creating a crater to which the opponents would most likely fall into. This in no way would effect Lathasa's attack as it was part of the plan Shadow had initiated not too long ago.

Either way, Thorn would withdraw her hand from the ground, and hop back. Shunshining into the woods, she would meet up with Kara at it's edge. Thorn surveyed the area, and her team members. Some had a few cuts and bruises, and the chakra was draining in a steady amount. It was going to be dangerous. She hoped Shadow had his plan worked out to it's fullest extent. If they went on too much longer, they would have to use their chakra pills, and thus be out of their chakra 'trump cards' so to speak.

Thorn gauged the situation with a practiced eye, keyed her com, and spoke to Shadow.
"if we're initiating plan Two-thirty-six now would be the best time. If we wait too much longer it could get dangerous. The rain, though it's not chakra draining, still gives us the advantage when it comes to the water style attacks you can employ. The lake also gives us an advantage. From what I can see, it is slowly draining into the Earth, and down the trails. The water will be gone in thirty minutes, so we have about that much time to either end this, or choose a more effective plan."

Shadow's voice would come back. "Let's see what damage we can do in that time. If the earth becomes waterlogged we'll have another fifteen minutes, give or take before the water drain away down the mountain trails. That will still leave us with the rain and the water in the earth. Let's get done what we can, and see if we can't end this battle now. I don't want to be here too much longer, and this team is good. Initiate the second phase of the plan now..." Thorn nodded.

Lathasa's attack would strike at the team, and with a deft move he would slash the blade to the left, causing the red chakra to gouge the earth and create a trench as it sliced at the opponents. He would release the attack, and then congregate next to Shadow.

Kara, after hearing Lathasa begin his attack, approached the edge of the forest with deliberate steps. The shaking, caused by Thorn's assault would cause her to give pause, and monitor the situation. Seconds later Thorn would appear by her side, as they gazed at the opponents. Thorn's and Shadow's interaction would give her enough time to draw up the plan in her mind, and figure out the best way to initiate her part of the actions. Checking her chakra amount, she gauged she had enough for this, and one other jutsu before she would be unduly forced to take the pill. She only hoped Shadow's plan would work.

Forming the necessary handseals, she would slam her palms into the ground, and mutter under her breath
"Doton: Doryuheki..." A moment later, the Earth would tremor a bit, before a three sided, roofed box would grow from the earth, covering an approximate area of about fifty-two meters. The open side would face the lake, while the other three sides would block off the escape routes into the forest, or further along the newly create 'shore.' Kara paused for a moment after creating the jutsu to enclose the opponents. The earth underneath, about six feet below the crumbled and broken earth created by Thorn, would be specially reinforced to, hopefully' prevent escape underground once more. Exhaling slowly, Kara would launch herself to the top, or roof, or her three sided box, and close her eyes, monitoring the opponents.

Thorn would step back, and watch the box form, before she shunshined once more to the water's surface. There she waited outside the mouth, seemingly guarding the left corner of the open end. Lathasa would appear at precisely the same point as Thorn, however on the opposite side of the box, Guarding the right corner.

A moment later, Shadowfire appeared upon the shore, his white blade held in his hand. It was pointed in a forty-five degree slope, aimed at the ground. He held it loosely in his right hand as he smirked.
"Suiton: Suiryudan no Jutsu." As he spoke, the water behind him would seem to boil, before a massive serpentine creature exploded from it's depths. It circled Shadow once, before launching into the three-sided box, and at the opponents. The creature, made of pure water, would only be the first step to Shadow's attack. As the dragon circled, he would form a handseal. Lightning would crackle upon his hands, and down his blade. He would point the blade at the dragon as it's tail whipped by, and in that instant, the lightning would charge off and impact the dragon.

The dragon, being made of water alone, would create the perfect conductor, intensifying the lightning attack, known as
Raiton: Kangekiha, into a deadly assault. As soon as the dragon neared the opponents, it would rush at them, and upon impact, detonate. The resulting wave of water would crash forward, carrying with it the high powered lightning assault. The lightning would spread dangerously about, and if the attack connected with any of the opponents, it carried a lethal possibility.

When the attack is finished, Shadow would swing the white blade up in front of his face, seemingly in a defensive manner, and peer around it at his opponents. The white blade would gleam in the sunlight as the three members of Shadow's team, Shadow, Lathasa, and Thorn guarded the only exit from the box.

Kara keyed her com.
"A good attack, but we have much to worry about. this is only phase two. Are we ready for three?" Shadow would key back, speaking while he watched his opponents. ="Yes, but we must be careful. Kara is nearly depleted of chakra, and Lathasa isn't far behind. Thorn you are relatively okay, considering you haven't used much of your chakra or major moves. I am pretty full on chakra as well since we never completed our barrier, and the clone did most of this. plus the rain rejuvenated me any spent chakra. If needs arise, I shall call it again, and distribute the chakra the rain does not use to the team. But let us hope we need not rely upon the opponents chakra to sustain us, eh?" Shadow chuckled. "We'll initiate phase three on my mark, so be prepared." The other three responded quickly. "SIR!"


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Re: 2012 Jounin Exam Final Round [Read Only]
« Reply #17 on: June 08, 2012, 09:28:11 PM »

"Change of plans!" Eric exclaimed with urgency, "Get ready to strike!" As the team descended, several things began almost simultaneously happen at once. Eric withdrew his blade and channelled chakra through it. Makata channelled ration chakra first through her body, then in coordination with the ration she had earlier shot into the sky. The lightning storm that had begun brewing earlier suddenly alit in the sky, announcing its response to Makata's earlier urging. While this was an unplanned change of venue, Eric redirecting the team was sensible, since he was such a key part to their wind bullet formation anyways. Trusting Eric's next move, Renna turned out the Futon barrier and began syncing with Makata.

The moment the team landed, Eric slammed his sword into the ground, a black barrier of sorts surrounding the team, full 360 degrees, including below the ground, at least a few feet from their now formed line. Eric in the face of the oncoming sword attack, as the suiton technique had yet to be sent against them, then behind him Makata and Renna side by side, forming a "bulge" in the line, and on the other side Raisan, his two hands upon the black barrier as the sword attack came.

The Blade of Shadows, as it was dubbed, suddenly rang slightly at the hilt as the sword seemingly struck the barrier. However, rather than either piercing through or hitting the actual barrier, ripples formed as it seemed the sword strike was in fact being absorbed into the barrier. What was really happening was that Eric's gate of shadows had been applied to the barrier, making the barrier a space-time ninjutsu barrier that transported the blade's tip and attack into the alternate dimension, where it would be cut off from its command and, if left unchecked, the energy from the attack would disperse and be Eric's to manipulate later.

As this was going on, Makata noted the fact that they were in a rather large crater, and that (Gate of Shadows, earlier attack) the area by this point was beginning to resemble the wetlands, just a bit. That worked for Makata, as the water would make this all the easier. With Renna as her "mind's eye", Makata located the quarry via their chakra signature. Raising her raiton sparked hands upwards, she silently declared,
"I hope this at least works as planned." Makata then used her skybound Raiton to direct thick bolts of pure lightning towards each of her quarry. Renna, by connecting her conscious via chakra to Makata's, could in essence "share" the information gathered from her chakra sensing abilities, helping in guiding the bolts of lightning towards the ground.

Unlike the traditional Kirin, this technique's main purpose was to focus on striking areas at a time. In a dry environment, this technique's quantity would be much, much larger; however, with this wet environment, Makata could direct larger and thus more powerful bolts of lightning with the same ease as before, as long as she followed Lightning's rule of towards the ground. With all of the water, the issues of path of least resistance wasn't as big of an issue, and if their opponents tried to shunshin away, it would do them little good, as their movements would intimately be detected and adjust for. Also, since they each wore a sort of electronic device (Eric and his team are not fully aware of this) to communicate, it would be yet harder for their quarry to dodge the attack, which ran at the speed of natural lightning.
(Kirin [Split and altered]) The power would almost be that of an ordinary Kirin, save for the fact that the Kirin's strength would be spread out over the distance Shadow's team would be at this point, although since they will strike at about the same time, then the overall force will be near the same.

Raisan, prior to all of this, had an important task; stabilize. Although Renna's technique's dispersion slowed the team's descent to the point where shock wasn't much of an issue, Raisan still had considered the slight problem that they might fall off balance. Just in case, as the lightning formed and the barrier was soon to be formed, Raisan used his shadows to soften and even balance the team upon the ground.
(Kageyose no Jutsu; Shadow Engame Technique) Once that was done, he threw his hands upon the barrier, to help sustain and maintain it as both creating and changing the barrier to a large gate of shadows technique would probably take quite the concentration, eased if someone else took the other end of the barrier and sustained it.

Now Eric faced his next issue; the water dragon creature thing. He reasoned that the barrier would either take the creature into the alternate dimension, or, the more likely and hopeful of the two, be indirectly used in Makata's attack to increase the electrical potency of each lightning strike, presuming the one who summoned it still was connected to it in some way. Either way, he felt that at the very least, they could take a breath without worrying about being attacked... But that was wishful thinking, for he had a feeling that the opposing team, with their skill, would find some way to thwart their latest attempt to end the battle.

*The gate of shadows effect on the barrier is only in use in specific areas of the barrier
Nara Eric Shadow barrier original:
(Shadow Field: Tate Kage)


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Re: 2012 Jounin Exam Final Round [Read Only]
« Reply #18 on: June 08, 2012, 10:00:22 PM »

Immortal Guardian Shadowfire frowned at his failed team attack. Finding it rendered useless quite irritated him. However, a flash of chakra would grab his attention, as he looked skyward. Being a master of Raiton ninjutsu himself, he easily spotted the signs of a jutsu he had learned not three months ago. He cursed softly. "Damn it. They are using the kirin... Kara, Thorn. Converge with Lathasa... Now. Lathasa I need you to throw up a wind barrier defense.." "And you, sir?" Shadow smirked. "I'm going to split the lightning bolt..."

As Thorn heard the warning, her eyes flashed up, before She twisted, and 'flashed' herself to Lathasa's position. When she arrived, She grabbed Lathasa, and hopped to land. If they were caught on water, it would be far more dangerous to them. As they landed, She would release Lathasa to finish his seals. She would, as a first line of defense, drop her heel into the ground with enough force to crack, and launch chunks of the earth into the air. She would pivot and send a flurry of kicks at the descending chunks to send them high into the air.

Kara, having noticed the clouds during their last assault, noticed the lightning before the words even came over the com system. She had already begun preparing for the incoming lightning attack. She was probably one of the most prepared. With a deft flick, two small rods fell into her hands. As the order came, she would shunshin over to the other two, as they landed on the earth. She would swing up the two rods, and press the button at the hilt. A half-second later the rods would elongate into a long staff like weapon, though it was far to thin to be used as such. Instead, she would toss them to the sides of her. Each of them would strike the ground, point down, then stand straight up, as if they had a mind of their own. Pressing her hands together, she would focus her chakra, into the earth, and create two small pillars underneath the rods, and cause them to rise into the air about twelve meters total. The truth? The two thin rods were lightning rods, and each emitted a special chakra signal that would attract any and all electricity or lightning assaults to the rods. At that moment,

Lathasa would finish his seals. With a deft flick of his wrists, he would extend his hands out, and the wind would pick up around Lathasa and the two team members that congregated on his position. The wind would whip until it created a visible barrier about the team members that had congregated on his position. The wind would encircle around the team, lifting them slightly off the ground to hover a few feet before becoming a solid grey color as it swirled about them. This, of course, was the famed
Fuuton: Kaze Bariasufia that Lathasa himself had created, and perfected.

Not a second after the sphere was formed, the lightning bolts would strike. The earth in the air from Thorn would do little to slow the bolts down, however, the lightning rods would do their jobs to perfection, drawing two of the incoming bolts to them, and sending the lightning deep into the earth where it would disperse harmlessly as it was grounded. The last bolt would land a direct strike upon the wind barrier with enough force to cause the barrier to dip slightly. It would not be enough, however, to disrupt the wind. It was known that the wind was the weakness of lightning, and thus The technique was employed perfectly, causing the lightning to whip away harmlessly.

Shadow's voice would crackle over the com with a lot of static.
"Pull back. Meet me at the coordinates previously deigned. Move!" Kara would be the one first to remember, then fill in the others. It was time to rethink the strategy, so She told Lathasa's who lowered the shield. The earth was scorched and torn by the lightning and wind, and as they touched, static sparked lightly against their footwear. A moment later, the lot of them turned and dashed off towards the surrounding forest, disappearing into the depths not long after.

At first light of the lightning, Shadow had warned the team, while sheathing his blade. When they had vanished, he had just enough time to do two things. First, he would form a string of handseals, ending by gripping his right wrist with his left hand. A that point, chakra would coalesce upon his palm, as well as focus into his eyes. Suddenly the chakra on his palm would shift, and release a high pitched chirp. Lightning would swirl about him violently, as it created a coating over his hand. A moment later, he would raise his head to the sky. His eyes would be different at the same time. No longer were they the bright vibrant gold that was the norm for Shadowfire. Instead they were a pale, listless, almost white gold. Around his eyes the veins were excessively prominent, webbing out from the corner of his eyes to vanish behind his jaw, and into his hairline. This was his Kekkei Genkai, which flowed with his Hyuugan Blood.

Shadow would straighten out, and swing back his arm, as he studied the chakra within the clouds. Just as it coalesced into four main points, Shadow crouched, and with a burst of chakra, launched himself high into the air. He met his lightning bolt head on, so to speak. As it came towards him, he had enough time to pinpoint the main chakra stream within the bolt, assess it's strength, and slam the Raikiri he had created into it. Shadow's Raikiri, whose chakra would be more intense, more focused, and containing a stronger electric field would literally splice the lightning in half, sending the two sides careening by him at the earth below.

Shadow also focused his chakra into a pointed strike to split the chakra controlling the attack. With this combined strike, he was able to literally split the technique in half. He would not escape unscathed, however, as electric burns would form on his arms, legs, and across his body. When the bolt was done, Shadow would flip end over end back towards the ground, before he laid his body parallel to the ground, swung his legs in an arc, brought them close, and spun his body at high velocity towards the ground. When he neared the ground close enough, he would unfurl, and complete his spin to land on the ground. Looking up, he would spot his opponents field, and, presuming it didn't block the sight of his dojutsu, the chakra circulatory networks of his opponents.

Noting what he could in a brief glance, he would backpedal, then shunshin multiple times until he reached the point his opponents were at, well out of range of the opposing team's sensory shinobi. As he appeared in the defensive zone his team set up, Thorn came forth forming a set of seals. A moment later, her hand would glow green as she focused healing the many electrical burns Shadow has sustained in his stunt.

"Report..." "Let's see, after the attack we all dashed to this point. That about sums it up." Kara's voice dripped with sarcasm as she gave the 'report' Shadow had requested. Shadow yawned softly. "Then nobody was hurt. Good. So here's what I picked up. Eric is a Shadow manipulation artist. The barrier he threw up seems to absorb any attacks thrown at it. I would say it would be a good guess to say it could suck up people as well. It doesn't seem as if the opponents can attack when this absorption technique is going, but if it is let down, they seem to be able to. Hence the split Kirin attack... Either way, they are congregated within that defense, so our best bet is to move on to our next plan."

Shadow pauses as Thorn finished her work and stepped back. Shadow would lean back against a tree as he thought.
"They also seem to each have chakra pills, which they have taken of already. It is a safe bet to guess they have more. We need to be careful on our expenditures of chakra." Shadow nodded in agreement, as he tapped his chin. "They have a bit of chakra left from their last boost, but it seems Eric is the one doing most of the work for the opposing team. He is their leader, so it would make sense, but he is also blowing through chakra like crazy."

"Should we target him directly then, and knock him out of it?" Shadow paused at the idea, then sighed. "I'd rather we hit each of their team out at the same time..." Kara crouched to place her hands against the ground, presumably to monitor the opposing team. Shadow released his Byakugan after a moment as he passed off the monitoring duties to Kara. "Do you think we should use three-thirty-one then?" Shadow blinks, and quirks a brow at Kara.

It was an odd suggestion of a plan, and Lathasa seemed to have the same ideas.
"But that would mean we'd...." He trailed off as he thought about it, and turned to shadow. "It could work." Shadow was nodding, as was Thorn. "it may work, granted we follow it precisely. I'll need to call the rain again, and use the lake. But yes. it should work fine."

The team nodded, and Shadow turned to finish preparations, as Kara kept tabs on the opposing team. She would give them warning when it was time to move.


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Re: 2012 Jounin Exam Final Round [Read Only]
« Reply #19 on: June 08, 2012, 10:19:17 PM »

While much of the team had been anticipating the end of the battle, the team jounin had other thoughts, and already was beginning to formulate the needed position. He by now had figured that his opponents were, as expected, well versed in the arts of Suiton and, based on that watery-raiton dragon, Raiton too. Doton seemed to also be an art in their arsenal. So far the only thing he lacked a surprising absence in was the use of Futon.

Makata, still under Renna's guidance, surged her raiton chakra into the ground, this time redirecting the efforts of the dispersing lightning within the ground. Eric opened a single gap within the barrier, a gap just large enough for Makata to go through. Renna stopped her guidance of Makata just long enough for her to nearly vanish, sparks following after her. Within seconds, Makata had already bypassed the crumbling earthen walls, greatly weakened by the thunder that followed the technique and finished by her electrified shunshin. She stopped promptly at a point where the path seemed to nearly fade, probably almost washed away by the torrential rains. However, this far from the lake and far from the view range of the gate, even by a trained  byakugan user.

Makata's movements would only be obvious at the point where the earthen walls first shattered, the remaining walls crumbling and falling in, as the raiton still travelling through the ground would disrupt any earthen-based techniques. As Makata reached her destination, relatively dry considering all that had happened, she performed a set of handsigns. The boom from the thunder would have been practically deafening, but the second Makata had left the barrier Eric closed it back, reducing greatly the damage anyone would have taken from the thunder.

The enemy team would probably be subjected to this, as when Shadow split the technique he merely sent it towards the ground, where it would still cause considerable and noteable damage to the ground. Since the lightning would have went around him, then it would be likely that the resulting thunder would deafen him almost entirely, particularly if he had sensitive hearing. His teamates, who were farther from the impact zone, would likely not be as affected. As Makata finished her handsigns, the enemy team would be shunshining away from their location of retreat, where Makata's teamates would suddenly appear in a poof in a triangle around her.

The barrier technique had been let down, and Eric had sheathed his sword again.
(Kuchiyose Idō; Summoned Migration). At this point, the teams would be at such a distance from each other that it would take time for either team to detect each other again. "Status report?" Eric inquires, panting, "Raisan, you know what I'm about to request." While he had not expended all of his chakra, he knew that he would need another burst for the remaining plan to come to fruition.

"I think a recap is much more valuable at this point," Renna intervened, "first off, we started with a combination technique that the enemy managed to actually deflect; before long, a chain of events occurred that brought the enemy to using their chakra draining rain, which really screwed us over for awhile. After tunneling and going through various causes, we eventually were almost trapped inside a barrier technique. We managed to escape using your Space-Time ninjutsu. In our attempt to make landfall, our enemies attacked and made things complicated. We managed to make landfall, only to be further attacked; your barrier and jutsu was the only reason we didn't sustain any serious injuries from the attacks. Finally, we launched a combined kirin attack that, according to the detection I had prior to us getting out of that crater, our enemy was headed towards the forest. My bet is that they were injured..."

"If they were injured like we wanted them to be injured, they wouldn't be going anywhere now would they?"
Eric commented, taking the second to last chakra pill from Raisan. "That is a valid point, but you have to remember that there are four of them. If even two or one of them have been seriously injured to the point that their abilities have been hindered, then they would logically fall back and attempt to remedy the situation. They are Mist ninja, not gods." "That's funny ," Makata mockingly laughed "I thought they were monsters from the deep out to get Jounin Eric!"

Everyone except Eric laughed at the joke, Eric not finding the comment amusing. "For you're information, I'd like to discuss our plan and how we're going to finally win this or bust." "What do you mean by bust?" "What I mean is, we either win with this technique, or we get out of here. It's considered forfeiting, I know, but I'd rather take three chunin back with me instead of two... Or one... Or none." "Thanks Master, I'm glad we're the ones who had to get whacked off..." "Don't take it that away! What's the plan?"

Eric would begin discussing the plan with them, being mindful to include possibilities of enemy counters based on what they had already encountered and what they already knew, which would cover a wide range. The circle would be made in the fashion that they would be able to collectively see every part of the circle and its surroundings, meaning that there would be no "blind" spot area as far as view range.


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Re: 2012 Jounin Exam Final Round [Read Only]
« Reply #20 on: June 08, 2012, 10:43:54 PM »

Thorn darted from team member to team member repairing any damage they had sustained thus far in the battle. Her knowledge in Medical ninjutsu was hidden from the opposing team for a purpose. Shadow would rather they not target her for the moment. Either way, she would finish repairing the remaining damage to Shadow, before she turned, and sat on a downed tree. Not far beyond the fields of trees the water was visible, swallowing most of the forest closest to them. She knew the plan Shadow had chosen, and really had no worries or questions about her part. Kara frowned at her dwindling chakra supply. The electricity in the earth made her tracking 'fuzzy' but she was able to pinpoint where the opponents were located. It was enough for her report to Shadow, as he understood. However she found the lightning to be a great nuisance. It also interfered with any major jutsu she wished to do. It might however offer her an advantage and help power up her attacks in the earth, should she be able to figure out the right ones, and the best earth. Either way, she knew she needed to take her chakra pill. She reached into her pouch and pulled out the pill to pop it into her mouth, then crunch it. As she waited for it to take effect, she turned her attention to Shadow.

Shadow yawned, as he looked to Lathasa.
"Why don't you give us a sit-rep?" Lathasa would nod slowly as he composed his response. "Okay. So far we know they have fire, lightning, earth, wind, and shadow manipulation. It can be a safe bet they know most, if not all of our `chakra affinities as well. Well, except yours, Shadow. You have a 'trump card' so to speak. I can't guess if they know of your Kekkei Genkai yet, sir, but it would be a safer bet to say yes. They have a near perfect defense with that Shadow jutsu, but I am betting it takes a lot of chakra to maintain. Of us, Thorn healed all injuries, and Kara is the only one to have taken a chakra pill. I don't think we are going to require the rest of them for a bit. It is also safe to say the other team is ready, and have a plan of action, since we've given them enough time because of their attack." Lathasa stands there, and fiddles with his sword.

They were ready for their plan, but awaiting Shadow's orders. This would be a complicated plan, and it required precision. He knew they could pull it off. They did before in their last battle. They were ready for it... But he wondered if it would be enough. They were all weary of this exam, and they merely wanted their jounin status endowed upon them. However, if they got careless, it would spell disaster. Shadow sighed as he mulled over the last part of the information. He needed just a moment to rest, as did his team, so he was giving it to them before he initiated the next assault.
Finally her pill would take effect, and Kara would rise up to stand straight. Cracking her knuckles, she would prepare herself, then bounce on her heels.
"is everyone ready? If we wait too much longer, it will be invitation for them to attack us..." Thorn bit her lip, and rose from her position to hover beside Kara. She would reach out to place her hand on the female and close her eyes to bring her thoughts back to focus. It was time to go. After the short preparation, She nodded. "Ready." Lathasa twirled his blade around, then sheathed it, before rising to stand with the others. "I was born ready." Shadow rolled his eyes at the total cliche. He would reach up and click the com system once, sending a burst out to the others. It was the signal. Absolute silence.

Kara smiled, then formed the seals for her jutsu A moment later she would be utterly encased in Earth. This, of course, was her favorite jutsu to do. It was the
Doton no Yoroi. This would offer her a decent amount of protection. The earth that encased her for about a half inch was enhanced, and thus more powerful then the overlaying half inch of earth that was encasing that. Kara smirked as her suit took on the physical likeness of Shadow. "How do I look?" Shadow laughs softly, as he fixes his shirt. "Why Kara. You look utterly handsome. What did you do?"His team laughs softly, before they all finish preparations. At a sign from Shadow, the team would scatter.

Lathasa ran the same direction as Thorn forming the seal to create a clone of himself. The water would coalesce into a second Lathasa would continue on over the water, coming into the visible spectrum of the opponents. Since none of them contained the Sharingan, or Byakugan, this would appear to be the real Lathasa, as the original positioned himself in the forest at the edge where, presumably, he would be out of 'sight' and the range of the opposing team's sensory nin. He would remain stoic as the clone slid to a stop directly in front of Eric, though with more than twenty-eight meters between the two. The clone would begin to throw forth a variety of shuriken and Kunai, aimed only for Eric.

Thorn, following the same idea as Lathasa, had created a clone near the beginning of the trek. She would reach her position, and slide to a halt, before climbing to a predetermined position in the tree. Her clone would continue on to come to the direct opposite side of Lathasa. The clone would rain down dozens upon dozens of Senbon. Of course, these two attacks were merely meant to distract this team. Shadow, using the distraction of the two clones, would appear high above the opponents, directly over their head. Presuming none of them were paying attention to this point, he would go unnoticed. More than that, the two clones would hopefully grab their attention and hold it for a minute. It would also be presumed that the sensory wasn't monitoring the air, for what purpose was there? Either way, Shadow, holding the tiger seal before him, would inhale, then mold the chakra to exhale a heavy mist.

The mist, nearly invisible, would settle in the air above the opposing team. Not half a second after Shadow finished that, He was already finishing the seals for the next jutsu. Reaching the zenith of his initial vertical Shunshin, he would form a ring with his forefinger and thumb before exhaling a stream of chakra. That stream would immediately burst into flames, and form a large ball of fire. The ball of fire, known as the
Katon: Gokakyuu no Jutsu, Would descend at the opponents with a rapid pace. The heat would obviously make the opposing team notice, but by then it would be too late as the ball would hit the mist surrounding the opponents. This wasn't regular mist, however, as it was highly flammable. it was the Katon: Kasumi Enbu no Jutsu.

The moment the two techniques collided, a massive explosion would fill the air up to thirteen meters around the point the opponents were in. The heat, and flames would be intense, and enough to cause exponential damage tot he opposing team. Just before the explosion, Kara would take her spot across from one of the opponents. However, she would appear to be Shadowfire due to her using the Doton no Yoroi and altering her outward appearance with it. She would block the exit that would allow any other escape except directly into the forest. Shadow's visage would be guarded by the explosion. He would descend back to the ground, and land safely in the forest at the predestined location.

He would turn, completing the point of the formation. He, now ready, waited for the signal to come from his team members, as he watched the opposing team.


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Re: 2012 Jounin Exam Final Round [Read Only]
« Reply #21 on: June 08, 2012, 10:57:15 PM »

Nara Eric nodded, saying to his team, "Alright, time for rising phoenix. You all know your parts!" Every member of the team nodded, then spaced out slightly. Makata once again began channeling raiton chakra, using some of the remaining electrical energy in the ground near her to built a ring of electricity around her.

Meanwhile, Raisan performed a set of handsigns, then slammed his palms onto the ground.
"Doton: Doryūheki; Earth Release: Earth Style Wall!" Suddenly from the ground emerged a large earthen set of walls, four in all, formed into the shape of a perfect square. The wall resembled that of man-made fortress walls, save for the four spires at each corner. The walls extended almost to where the previous earthen wall technique had been, a twenty meter distance each wall was from the center. Basically, a 20 x 20 meter square with an area of 400 meters squared within. The walls rose to a near towering eleven feet, their thickness practically three feet. It would become blatantly obvious that these walls were meant for more than a temporary defense.

Renna sensed the ascending foe and the various tools that had been heading their way, blocked by the sudden rising of the walls.
"We have an enemy target moving into the air..." Renna said in a worrisome tone. Eric clasped his hands together, spacing out his feet, and began gathering the wind around him. "Makata!" "On it Cap," Makata reported as she sighted the ascending ninja.
Projecting that he would soon enough try to attack, she channeled the remaining electricity from the lightning towards her ring, and as the shinobi got directly overhead them, Makata aimed with a single arm towards their quarry with her right arm (Correction from previous post) and declared,
"Firing." Within seconds a powerful stream of electricity would go from the circle around her, to her right fist, to a striking burst into the sky in the shape of two thunderbolts, firing into the sky, to reach Shadow within four seconds. However, at the point that she had fired the technique, Shadow had begun expounding the flammable gas. (Raiton: Gian; Lightning Release: False Darkness).

Upon the two techniques colliding, a great explosion would break out, more likely than not travelling up the stream and badly damaging Shadow. However, even if that wasn't the case, the shinobi was in the air, making it much more difficult for him to dodge the explosion, which would most likely completely engulf him.

Eric, as the explosion sounded, grimaced,
"So they have Katon too... That's going to make things complicated." After all, he knew what raiton and the mist blaze style interactions tended to result in. With an enemy above them, possibly injured, he knew that they needed to most likely speed up the process a tad bit. A cloak of blue was beginning to surround him.

In the occasion that their enemy had gotten into their head that they could continue to attack them from above, Renna performed a set of handsigns and exhaled a powerful gust of wind upwards, momentarily breaking her chakra extension used in her sensing.
(Fūton: Kamikaze; Wind Release: Divine Wind) to sent a giant wave of slicing wave upwards towards the explosion zone. The cutting wind would decimate any caught into it, and would better even prevent any ninja tools from reaching their direct vicinity of an area 5x5 with them the center.

Eric, seeing the wind style go into the air, did not want to lose it, so would begin extending his own chakra outwards to soon incorporate the wind technique into his arsenal if it was either unneeded or added to. The second the technique was released from her gullet, she would resume her sensing duties vigilantly.

As the wind release was released, Raisan stood up, having taken the moments to regain his composure after the large earth style that he had done to notice that the walls had indeed created a sort of shadow zone within the square they were in, the sun's rays by this point evident to all within the zone, as the Kirin earlier had dissipated the earlier clouds. After this observation he would resume his previous position on the ground, keeping his hold on the earthen barrier in case it needed extension or advancements. The earthen walls would surround the team prior to your kunoichi getting there, meaning she is outside the earthen wall.



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Re: 2012 Jounin Exam Final Round [Read Only]
« Reply #22 on: June 21, 2012, 04:45:12 PM »

Thorn cursed at the sight of the wall rising. It would make things harder for the team to finish their attack system. It would mean she, or so she thought, had to push up the plans a bit. Not that she was wrong. It was true. This little setback would cost them some time, and might force them to change tactics. However, she had an idea. Knowing they had a sensory nin, she decided to play 'dirty' so to speak. The sensory nin would be able to sense chakra, but she would be unable, or so Thorn assumed, to tell which were clones, and which were not. Forming the set of seals, Thorn created three more clones. The three clones would dash from the forest to meet up with the other clone. The four of them, together, would begin to rush towards the wall. Unbeknownst to them, the lightning would be shot. Just as they reached five meters of the wall, the wind would begin to be expelled. The four clones would separate, and each Shunshin to one side of the box. They, of course, would have no knowledge of the fact the Sensory Nin's attack would divert her attention, and thus, they would only take advantage by luck.

At about the same moment the sensory shinobi would regain her abilities, the four Thorns would strike the walls with their chakra fists. They would force their chakra into the wall after they made contact with their fists, and then cause it to 'detonate' in a way that would crack the wall and send the shards and broken blocks flying inwards towards the opposing team from all four directions. A moment after that, if the technique worked, they would vanish. If not, they would release themselves, and the chakra would return to Thorn... or what was left of it.

Meanwhile, ~

Lathasa dropped down into a crouch to examine the wall. The wall would offer some protection, but he was much more worried about what the team within would be doing. His fears would come to fruition a moment later when the attacks were released into the air at Shadowfire. His eyes snapped up to look at his team leader. A flash of white chakra would be all he could see, but he hoped to high heaven his boss would be fine. His eyes dropped back down to the wall as Thorn's attack struck. Taking advantage of that, he would target one area of the wall, and that beyond it. Using an attack he saw not a moment ago, he would form the seals, and let his chakra surge. Inhaling, he would build up, and as he exhaled, release a massive blast of cutting wind. This was the
Futon: Kamikaze technique. The wind would surge forth for the targeted zone. If the wall would fall in the area, even for a second, the attack would blast through at the opponents. If not, it would target the wall with the brunt of it's force to rip open a hole for a smaller, less destructive wind to whip through and possibly hit one of the opposing team with it's cutting power.

Regardless of the outcome of that attack, Lathasa's clone would draw its sword, and jump into the air. Using the correct symbol, he would focus his chakra into a dense wave> With a sweep from left to right, the blade would ring an octave below human hearing. As it did this, a small, but excessively powerful wave would blast off in a rather wide wave at the opponents position. Them being trapped within their own barrier would make it improbable that they could escape without harm. This attack would come before Thorn's, and the original Lathasa's, Which also means it would come about the time the Gian was released. The attack, being pure chakra based, would cut through almost any substance. It also vibrated at a specific octave so that when it struck, it would detonate into a massive spherical explosion of chakra. If it struck an opponent, it could cause a rather large amount of damage.

Kara, at the creation of the earth wall and whilst still in the guise of Shadow, due to her Doton no Yoroi, would slide backwards. She was the closest, and thus the rumbling would knock her off balance. In a show of reflex, she would kick herself off the ground, and throw herself into a few flips. When she finished the last, Kara would slide to a stop with her legs shoulder width apart and her left hand dragging on the ground. the result would be a dust cloud obscuring her position. She would take advantage of the cover to back into the forest. Once out of eyesight of her opponents, she would drop down under brush cover to touch the earth. This time, however, she was not so focused on her opponents, as she was to locate the previously laid chains and wires.

Finding them, she would make a note of their locations, and then rise to hop into the trees. She knew not being connected to the earth would cut her off from her main power source, but she knew exactly what was planned by Shadow... So it would be best for her not to be there at the moment.

Shadowfire was aghast at his being spotted. He had thought himself to be out of range when he launched himself into the air, and the fact that the opponent could sense his vicinity from the distance was astounding. At least that meant there was something to be said about strength of perception. As the Gian came into contact with his attack, he had already released the chakra flow, and instead redirected it. His eyes would shift once more, becoming the pale, listless, almost white gold. The veins about his eyes would become much more prominent and web out from the corner of his eyes.

With less than four seconds to react, Shadow would pivot in the air and expel chakra from all three-hundred-sixty-one tenketsu within his body. A sphere of pure white chakra would surround him the moment the explosion reached him. He would continue to spin as the fire and wind blasted him up at an angle away from the opposing group. The technique, obviously had to be the famed Hyuuga defense, the Kaiten. The kaiten would effectively divert the attacks about Shadow and take all the damage. However, the result would be Shadow being blasted away. He would break the spinning as his body exited the blast zone, and he would cross his arms.

Touching the wrist-guards that held the summoning symbols. As he descended, he would whip his arms in seemingly random directions. Finally, he would pull taut the wires that he had released on a multitude of Kunai, and he would stop six meters before he impacted the ground. He would take just a moment to examine the battlefield. His team was seemingly scattered, but in their correct positions. He was the only one whose position was compromised far too early. He knew he would need to make up for that. Either way... He was the many jutsu being traded, and the chakra being expelled. With a bit of focus, he located the opposing team's circulatory networks.

He picked out Eric from the others, just for a moment, so he could examine the opposing team leader.
"Tch. Figures. I'll probably have to fight him direct on to finish this..." He would huff in a rather indignant tone before he released the wires to drop lithely to the ground. Moving with unnatural grace, something he was known for, he would seem to dance through the woods, heading north. His team being under the cover of the trees, it would make his next technique less effective on them... So Shadow took advantage of the situation to form seals as he darted about. "Suiton: Chakra Hakai Ame."

Reactivation his destruction rain technique was the first step to the plan he hoped would end the battle easily enough. After a few moments, and the initial burst of chakra, the rain would begin pouring down once more, except this time harder than before. The drops would drain a bit of chakra per each that touched all but Shadowfire.

Kara, seeing the rain fall, dropped back into her sheltered cove, hoping the rain would be enough to weaken their opponents a good amount. Otherwise, it would be another flush out session. She sighed, and settled down, brushing off the few drops that did touch her.

Lathasa pressed himself closer to the tree to escape the drops that were falling through the spaces in the leaves. He had weaved the branches together to create a better shelter, but it was still far from infallible.

Thorn yawned, as if bored, as the rain fall. She stuck out her tongue to catch a couple drops, before falling back into her spot. She let out a sigh. She knew the rain was necessary, but she was in no mood to deal with the rain at this moment. Hunkering down, she rubbed her hands together to banish the chill from her fingers. It would soon be night if the battle raged on ever longer, and she was not looking forward to fighting during the nighttime. Either way, she had her purpose set and knew what to do.

Shadow stopped at his position in the small field. He knew that his technique would cause problems, but it was needed. He fixed his hair, as the rain fell ineffectually against him. Tapping a rythym against his leg, he would monitor his team and his opponent's circulatory networks. So far everything  seemed to be going according to plan... But it was to be decided by the opponents if this would pass or fail. His team was ready, he was ready. All that remained was fate.


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Re: 2012 Jounin Exam Final Round [Read Only]
« Reply #23 on: June 21, 2012, 04:54:48 PM »

Nara Eric began gathering the remnents of the Renna's wind style, as only the frontal burst was really needed. His technique now formed a blue dragon of sorts, the shape distorted largely due to his own preference. Within little time, the three were suddenly sinking into the ground underneath a conjoined shadow. They didn't want to be around for what was next. (Gate of Shadows). With Raisan having teleported his allies, temporarily at least, to safety, Eric prepared to ascend, expelling a small amount of a flammable gas, similar to the one used against them ealier.

His wind dragon-cloak wavered slightly as he did this, the gas becoming add-ons to the outer portion of the Futon "armor". It was at this time that he noticed the attacks barraging at the earthen walls. The jounin realized that that was going to require him to change his plans, since after all he couldn't lose placement of that sword, or worse have it knocked into the water. So, with an idea in mind, the shinobi changed the plans. The enemy would probably just dodge the superheated fireball air bullets anyways... Oh well, save that for another day! The shinobi gathered the dilutted air once more, this time a few inches from his person.
An addition of Katon chakra, and before long the entire technique was ablaze in blue fire, practically enshrouding the shinobi. Now that this had been accomplished, the shinobi released the technique outward in a gigantic heat wave. The wave would spread quickly outwards, the firestorm leaving the epicenter with rapid speed. The wind-fire storm technique would practically explode out, covering an impressive dome-like radius. The fire would consume the air that it came by increasing its already impressive temperatures as it also used the Futon as fuel.

The blue flame would reduce nigh everything, to ashes, the techniques(Both Eric's and opposing team's) crumbling the earthen wall from ealier and sending the crumbled complilation outward along with it. Water would evaporate within seconds of being near the technique, and the ground three feet underneath would be scorched and torn. At the explosion impact zone, where the chakra wave had been, the depth at which the technique touched would be near six feet. The explosion would be added into the wave, as it spread throughout the battlefield, reaching well over half the lake in circumference and nearly as high as where the techniques from earlier had clashed within the area of the earthen walls. The sound from the technique would be much like a bird's screech mixed with the many sounds of clashing kunai. Essentially, to someone capable of seeing the technique from outside the boundaries of the explored battle or from the outer edge of the forest, it would appear as if a large explosion had occured, with a wave of cutting energy and flames being the shockwave and the lack of a mushroom cloud easing nuclear conscious minds. The cutting wind, along with the fire, would extend outward greatly, weakening once it got as far as the half-lake mark in circumference.

Meanwhile in the epicenter, the ground was churned, the only clear space being the one Eric was at. That would explain why Eric had his team temporarily leave the battlefield via the gate of shadows earlier. Eric would kneel, panting heavily. He was just about to smile when suddenly a piercing pain struck him on the neck.
"Damn that chakra rain..."Eric grimaced. His sword was practically wrapped around his legs at this point; he didn't want Renna or Raisan... He couldn't remember for the second... To bring everyone back between his legs. Or in to this rain. He continued to pant as he looked at the devestated battlfield, the chakra rain's start far from music to his ears.

He had outdone himself, with the speed of the technique, augumented by his propelling of it with Futon, would have certainly overran his vaccum spheres, which were just below the speed of a non-sniper bullet, would have made it near impossible for the enemy team to merely outrun it. The heat and cutting power of the wind should have churned the ground to the point where anyone relatively close to the earthen walls would have had not near enough time time burrow before being reduced to nothingness. In short, he didn't expect anyone attacking the wall physically to even know what hit them. Suddenly Eric grimaces as he gets back to his feet. The chakra rain was pouring harder... And he was already weakened from the massive attack. It was probably a mistake making the technique go faster with Futon expulsion, but at the very least his opponents would be hard pressed to dodge the attack.

He chuckled, whispering,
"Now to summon the team back." He would place his right hand over his sword's hilt in preparation to give the signal to return...


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Re: 2012 Jounin Exam Final Round [Read Only]
« Reply #24 on: June 21, 2012, 05:11:41 PM »

[Kara] Let out a fierce shout as she saw the explosion. It was far too close to her position. Her doton no Yoroi would offer protection, but not enough. She needed much more distance. and that distance she would be hard pressed to reach. She would spin about on her heel, and with a deft flick of chakra into her legs, she sped off. She would not, however, make it far enough. As she reached the edge of the firestorms power, it would strike her back, sending her flying. She would let out a scream of utter torment as the flames gouged her body.

"Kara!" Shadow would shout as her intercom registered the damage and her scream. Too far away to really assist, he would find Thorn's position, and key her, telling her to move to Kara with the utmost haste.

Thorn obeyed. Her own clones would be obliterated within seconds of the detonation, but Lathasa, Shadow, and herself were out of the blast radius. Kara was the only one who would be hurt. Focusing on her job, she would reach Kara, grab her, and drag her from the damaged zone, towards Lathasa's position. When she got there, she would duck down, and form a complex set of seals. Kara's breathing was ragged, as the burns covered ninety percent of her back. But more than that, the damage was made even more substantial because of the winds that increased the power. If she hadn't had her Doton no Yoroi on at this point, She would no longer be a part of this world. Thorn grimly touched her hands, which were now aglow with a deep green aura, to Kara's back. Injecting her chakra, she would spend the time healing the wounds, however the damage would be done. Kara, weak, would only be able to sit for the time being, as Thorn finished. 

Lathasa, uncharacteristically let out a curse as he saw Thorn and Kara appear. The damage done to Kara made him want to choke, however, he turned his attention to Shadow.
"Sir, what do we do now? None of us were hurt but Kara, and such damage will put her all but out of this fight." Lathasa remained standing with his sword ready as he awaited Shadow's reply. They were safe from the oncoming downpour under the shelter he had hastily constructed earlier, as only a few drops fell through to hit the ground about them.

Shadow, after issuing his command to Thorn remained stoic. He had to think. His eyes examined the field with a practiced eye, and spotted only one of the opposing team's chakra networks. It was severly weakened. Shadow's brow furrowed. Then he realized. The massive technique was far too much for a chuunin to expel, so their Jounin must have been the one to attack. And, in order to protect his team, he would have had to send them somewhere  within an instant. Perhaps even into another dimension. Which would mean for just a moment, he would be alone.

Shadow decided he had to take advantage of this. If he could strike the opposing teams captain out of the match in one blow, before he resummoned his team mates, they would win without any other team members being hurt. Kara was already out, which threw out plans that involved earth. Shadow, within the course of a few seconds, crouched, and in an explosive burst of chakra expelled from his feet, sent himself flying nearly thirty-six meters in the air. The dust from the flame technique Eric just used, and the smoke from the fires, along with the pouring rain of his own technique would provide near perfect cover, blocking him from the sights of his opponents, and his own team. He would pull back his hand, and gather chakra upon his palm. With a high speed palm thrust, he would send forth a
"vacuum shell" aimed directly for Eric's abdomen, at excessively high speeds.

This, without a doubt, had to be the
Hakke Kūshō. The shell would travel at the high speeds through the rain, straight at Eric.The only indication of the attack would be the slight parting of the water, and perhaps a "splishing" sound as some of the drops were blasted out of the way. This, presumably, would only be noticeable to Eric at close range, which would make it excessively harder for him to see the attack coming and dodge it. Furthermore, Shadow shot the attack from above, and to the right side of Eric. This would, invariably increase the probability that Eric would not notice the attack until it had already struck him, or was too late to dodge completely.

The attack would act much like the gentle fist. It would knock the opponent off their feet, as well as strike and lock the tenketsu of the opponent in the targeted area. Immediately after the attack was launched, Shadow would fall back to the Earth, landing first on a tree, then hopping to the ground to monitor the opponents while he spoke to Kara, Thorn, and Lathasa.
"Kara. I'm sorry you got hurt. you may rest for now.... Find a place, and stay out of sight.... Lathasa, Thorn. We have lost a member of our team. I will not stand to let anyone get away with hurting a member of my team, nor will I allow you two to get hurt as well. I want you to converge to my position. I have a simple plan... but a very destructive one..."

Thorn, after hearing Shadow, looked to Latahasa. her com off, she spoke to him quietly.
"His tone... He's not playing games anymore.... Do you think...?" "It's not like that time, Thorn... Let's move." Thorn nodded, and followed Lathasa towards Shadow's position. Once they arrived, Shadow turned to them.

"Lathasa. I need your wind... I want a kamikaze, now... Thorn. I suggest your step back." Thorn Complied, stepping into the trees opposite the way Lathasa was aiming the technique. Lathasa, following Shadow's direction, Formed the necessary seals. Expelling the massive amount of chakra, he created a massive tornado of wind. "Fūton: Kamikaze!"

The massive tornado would surge towards Eric's position, and move from Shadow about twenty feet,  before Shadow began his part. Forming the necessary set of seals, He would inhale, and expel chakra from his throat. It would ignite into a massive stream. This technique was the
Katon: Hibashiri Technique. It would strike Lathasa's tornado with a force to push it a bit forward. At precisely that moment, however, it would catch the wind on fire, and cause a massive flaming tornado to rip the ground up, and head towards the opponents. It would reach the opponent's position within a few seconds, though the rain would begin sapping chakra from the technique almost immediate after it's creation. However, it would still be a massive, and powerful technique as it reached the opponents position.

Lathasa panted from expelling most of his remaining chakra. He would reach into his pouch and pull out a pill, popping it into his mouth. Crunching it, he would wait for the chakra restoration effects to take hold, As Shadow watched the surging technique's and the opponents  with an emotionless face. Lathasa Shivered at the sight. it wasn't often Shadow turned like this, and in truth? It scared the hell out of him. He preferred the fun loving, rather relaxed leader. However this happened when Shadow's team got hurt. He didn't stand for it.

Kara, finiding a hiding spot, eased herself onto the ground. Though the burns were healed, and the damage and pain reduced, she still couldn't do much. She never suspected that the opponents would use such a technique. She was lucky she was alive at this point in time. She would be eternally grateful to Thorn's healing skills. Thorn watched Shadow with apprehension. She, though she loved her leader in a platonic way, was scared when he turned this serious. It meant that play time was over, and he was going to be fighting with everything he had. Every scrap of power, ever tiny bit of knowledge. And considering his rather extensive age, he had quite a bit at his disposal for knowledge. She could only hope it would be okay, and he wouldn't go too far this time.

Shadow watched the flames with a thoughtful expression. Eric, he presumed, would be the one that this would most threaten. However, he knew that he was also down one team member. Lathasa had taken his chakra pill, and Shadow was running low and would have to take his soon as well. Thorn, surprisingly, still had more chakra at her disposal than what would be thought. However, that could be expected since she hasn't done much. Shadow watched the sheeting Chakra Destruction rain, and his opponent's chakra circulatory network with a thoughtful expression, trying to think of a way to pull a victory out of this seemingly hopeless situation.


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Re: 2012 Jounin Exam Final Round [Read Only]
« Reply #25 on: June 23, 2012, 11:14:44 PM »

Nara Eric would channel a tidbit of chakra into the Blade. Less than a second later, a response in the form of the remainder of his team appearing in a triangle around him. Renna immediately returned to her sensing duties after fully emerging. With a touch of anger, Raisan performed a few handsigns, then slammed his palms upon the ground, an earthen roof held up by four pillars emerging from the ground beneath them, covering and concealing them from the chakra rain. Becuase Raisan used strictly the earth already within the ground, the chakra draining rain would have little effect on the covering, minor as it was. It wasn't much, but he reasoned that the last thing they needed was to be completely exposed to the rain.

With a hopeful expression, Makata dared to ask,
"Alright Renna... What's it look like out there?" "Desolate..." Renna started with a glimmer of hope in her voice, "I think we may have... Not beaten them." The group was about to groan when Renna shouted, "Incoming!" Renna had forgotten, in her rush, to specifiy who was in danger of what and where; so the entire team assumed that the earthen shelter was the target and ducked from it, save for Renna, once again.

The Blade of shadows resonated as the ground around it suddenly became churned, as if an invisible wave of chakra had come at it. Swiftly returning to their shelter upon seeing Renna calmly standing there, the group prepared to discuss a counter when a frantic Renna quickly began performing handsigns. She had detected the wind tornado. The next thing to assume was that fire and then maybe Raiton would be added; either way, Renna knew that they had little time to react to such a threat. She would exhale her own gust of wind; however, the spiralling wind would, much rather, begin taking up the rain, the motion of the wind naturally spinning the technique. Since the rain absorbed chakra and such, the accumulation of it within the rapidly forming tornado, the watery tornado would rapidly lose speed. However, what it lacked in speed it made up for in effeciency, as the water would not only counter-act the flames, the chakra absorbing nature of it would sap the Futon reducing the wind-enhanced flames to ordinary flames that, with the excessive rain and water, would be cancelled out.

The steam opened up a rare opportunity. Despite the fact that it would threaten their ability to escape, Makata knew that she needed to take advantage of this moment. Knowing Eric would protest later, Makata rushed forward and, at the edge of their cover, streamed electricty through the ground [Earlier wind attack btw: Fūton: Kamikaze; Wind Release: Divine Wind]. so that it wouldn't be sapped too quickly, and then surge it upwards through the newly heated air into the clouds, once again starting up the makings of a lightning storm to be under Makata's control. The easy part would be directing the electricty from the clouds of the chakra rain; the hard part would be actually hitting their opponent, who probably would be prepared for round 2 of the Kirin if she decided to go that route again.

Eric, panting, watched this with slight amazement, somewhat dazzled that his team had such fight left in them. Then again, he was the one who had just devestated the battlfield, not them. Also, that earlier attack had clearly been directed at him. Despite his earlier worries, his enemy clearly was now beginning to target him.
"Raisan, our last chakra pill," he ordered. Taking three in one battle was going to have none to great effects by the time he got home, IF he got home, and he might even start feeling the effects after expelling the energy in the form of chakra. Makata seemed to be preparing for another Kirin. Their enemy had already seen that once; it was not likely that they would actually fall for it. But maybe Makata had a different idea in mind than what he was thinking. Not to mention he couldn't stop her, nor would he dare. They were on the same side.

Raisan complied, but warned,
"The dangers of taking three pills in such a short time..." "I know Raisan, but if Makata plans on coordinating another attack, then we can't warp to her if she's right in the air when crap hits the fan," Eric grumbled with a hint of joviality, taking the last pill.

Renna would not completely stop her chakra sensing when performing this wind style, but her range would be limited to the point of intereaction between the two techniques.


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Re: 2012 Jounin Exam Final Round [Read Only]
« Reply #26 on: June 24, 2012, 02:12:12 AM »

The shifting in chakra within his rain technique's clouds alerted him to the enemy's planned assault. Lightning would flash across the sky, providing him with an idea. Smirking, he would reach into his pouch, and retrieve his chakra pill. Popping it into his mouth, he would turn to his team and speak while he waited for the kick in effects. "Thorn, I need you to cause a distraction. Something to draw their attention from the sky for just a moment..." Thorn quirked a brow at his request. She knew not to question Shadow, but that didn't mean she was without trepidation. "Don't kill em, okay?" Shadow chuckles at her comment, as he turns to watch a second watery tornado begin to take form.

He turns to examine Lathasa, before he signals the numbers three, seven, and four. Lathasa's eyes bulge, then he turns, and dashes to the right, far into the forest. Knowing the enemy, they would have found a way to counter Shadow's Vacuum Palm technique. Continually, he had no doubt they would have countered the flame tornado technique, as it was nothing more than a diversion. He hopped it would hold the opposing teams attention for the moment. The big issue he would have would be their sensory Shinobi. However, he had an idea. Reaching his destination, he would watch as the two techniques hit each other. Completing his handseals a moment after the two techniques connect, Lathasa inhales, then exhales a gust of wind downwards, sending himself ever higher into the air. When he reached the correct altitude, he would fly through the clouds, and into the clear air above. The strong winds here would fuel his next technique. It was a technique that had taken him years to master under the guidance of a wind trainer. He still couldn't do it without some wind to bolster his technique, and considering the size he needed, nothing less than what he had now would be enough. By the time he finishes the handseals, the two tornadoes would have cancelled each other out, and Thorn will have completed her distraction.
"Futon: Kyūkyoku no Kaze torappu: Katto-fū no tatsumaki!"

Channeling the winds around him which gusted at high speeds, he would cause a massive spiraling wind formation. With a thrust,. it would breach the clouds above the opponents, and hit the ground with a roar. The clouds would circulate above the opponents, however they also remained within the tornado, lashing the chakra sapping in every direction. The tornado, covering a small radius of about seven and a half meters at its base, would circulate about the opponents, the winds gusting with enough power to rip the ground up, and for any unfortunate soul to get trapped within the winds, it would rip them apart, quite literally. The winds, reactive to Lathasa's chakra, would follow his whim. More than that, within the winds Lathasa's chakra surged, making sure that no lesser wind technique would easily overpower this one. The technique would hit when the other techniques cancelled, and swirl about the opponents, leaving minimal chance the opposing sensory nin saw it coming. It would also move with, well, the speed of the wind, thus making dodging, or escaping before it struck nigh on impossible. They would have a very short window of time. Lathasa would be seen hurtling towards the ground, a moment before a shadow caught him, and disappeared into the woods.

The shadow was a clone of Shadowfire himself. Thorn's part was simple. Distract the opponents. And she would do just that. Watching Shadow as he motioned to Lathasa, it was easy to see that they had a major move planned. She feared Shadow might take it too far. However, she also knew Shadow wouldn't harm someone extensively unless it was necessary. So, putting her trust in the team leader, She would dash forth. Two clones would appear beside her, both of Shadow's creation. One looked like Shadowfire, the other with a likeness of Lathasa. The three of them would exit the forest, directly in the line of sight of the opponents. The clones would separate, headed towards the sides of the opponent, while Thorn was left to run towards their head.

Before she breached six meters of the opponent, she would jump into the air, and arc slightly, bringing her fist back. A moment later, she would slam her fist into the ground, causing it to break up, and send multiple good sized rocks into the air. She would rotate, and with a flurry of palm strikes, she would send a multitude of the rocks barreling at the opponents. This would, hopefully, blind their sights to what was going on above, and presumably far above the sensory shinobi's range,  as well as what the two clones were doing. Both would slide to a halt on opposing sides of the opponents, and begin flicking a large number of Senbon at the team in the center of.

Shadow, after having the pill take effect, inhales deeply the scent of the battle. He had sent a clone to catch Lathasa, and two others to assist Thorn. Now all that was left was his part. (If the team was caught in the tornado) Shadow would pump his chakra into the clouds, once more overriding the opposing member's chakra. This made the lightning now a part of his jutsu, and thus an extension of his chakra. Shadow would look towards the op[posing team.
"You're not the only ones who can utilize lightning like a pro..." Shadow would raise his hand towards the sky, "Raiton: Kirin." Shadow would drop his hand, and within an instant, a bolt of lightning would drop from the sky, striking the ground. The bolt would be massive, and containing enough power to glass the ground with a depth of six feet and a diameter of seven and a half meters. Shadow would hold back most of the electrical damage, however, as it would not be his intention to kill his opponent. If it did strike, however, the lightning would certainly, and nearly instantly, knock out, and shut down the opponents body, except the brain and heart. Then the opponents would go through a sort of 'reboot' phase, which would take a few moments, allowing Shadow to trap them, surround them, or do any other action he so desired.

(If the opponents managed to escape the trapping Tornado) Shadow would follow much the same actions, except take the opposing teams Ideas. He would utilize the split kirin, and strike at the four opposing chakra networks that he was still monitoring with his Byakugan. After the completion of either technique, the wind tornado would slowly come to a stop, as all of Shadow's team converged back at his position. Lathasa was panting, his chakra nearly depleted due to the jutsu he utilized. Thorn was eyeing her chakra pill, wondering if she should take it, or perhaps hand it to Lathasa. Shadow remained watching the opponents, wondering what to do next.

Keying his communication system, he would speak to Kara.
"Come to my position. But do so carefully. I do not want the opponents finding you." Kara looked out at the battlefield, watching the mayhem take place. It was unlike anything she had seen before. After receiving Shadow's orders, she would depress the button, and return with a "Sir." Her orders acknowledged, she would make her way slowly down from her perch, and take a wide, and diverging path to throw off any possible followers, back to her team.

Shadow watched the opposing team, wondering what would happen next, and weather or not this would be enough to end this seemingly endless battle. He was a bit sad at the devastation about his favored Shrine, be he would live. he just wondered weather or not this group of opponents would fight to the end, or simply forfeit like all the others.

Immortal Guardian Shadowfire edits: The chakra dump, and overriding, as well as the kirin occur after the collision of the fire and water tornadoes. The rest of the turn occurs before, and during the collision.


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Re: 2012 Jounin Exam Final Round [Read Only]
« Reply #27 on: June 24, 2012, 03:12:07 AM »

Renna, as the two techniques would collide, would notice, on the outskirts of her re-expending sensory area, that their enemy was once again preparing to follow up. Again with earth it seemed. "Now would be a good time to formulate a plan!" Renna shouted. It was hard to miss earthen projectiles, even for people with only average sight, so Renna didn't bother elaborating any further on that. Eric, growing somewhat tired of all of this, now knew that he needed to wrap this up. He also was forced to acknowledge that whether he liked it or not, he would need to borrow some of the enemy's strength. After all, it seemed as if they were not wearing down anytime soon (as he cannot judge their chakra levels himself) while they were.

Eric would grab the hilt of his sword and channel chakra through it, once again emitting a black barrier of energy around the earthen structure and his team, shielding them effectively as the rocks either broke up and fell down along the barrier or were entirely deflected, as the standard barrier was well versed in defence against attacks of that nature.
(Shadow Field: Tate Kage) Again it would take the shape of a dome on the surface and below, shielding them from attacks from above and below in a 360 degree fashion of a sphere. Renna, somewhat surprised that Eric would resort back to this barrier, who's composition would make it ineffective against the rain, was about to question the action when the spiralling vortex of wind and water came down towards them in the form of a tornado.

With not enough time to down the barrier and to make a run for it, Renna warned,
"Brace yourselves!" The wind attack surrounded the team promptly began whacking at the barrier; the ground was churned, but the barrier held strong. However, Eric could feel that the barrier was weakening; this was due to the rain within the fallen cloud's wind that would sap at the chakra of the barrier. In order to counter this, Eric was forced to once again augument his barrier with the Gate of Shadows. This would give the barrier the properties of the gate of shadows, the entirity of the attack seemingly falling right into the barrier.

The second this is over, Makata, and the barrier drops along with the wind...
"I ORDER you to run," Eric ordered firmly, not wanting Makata to get anymore "ideas". Makata opened her mouth to protest, herself preparing to kirin when control of the electricity was stripped from her. She realized quickly that the enemy had predicted her next move, and was not making the motion to turn it against them. "Can this thing survive being struck by lightning?" Makata would ask. "Why do you ask?" Eric inquired, "They didn't get control of your lightning did they?" As if in response, suddenly a powerful bolt of lightning would strike downwards at the team; however it, too, would "fall" inside the barrier. By this point it was becoming clear to the group that they needed to attempt something different.

"Belay that order. Delay on running!" Eric shouted, "Raisan, take Makata via underground out of here. Renna... you're with me." As the dust cleared  out, Eric temporarily disabled the gate of shadows effect for the barrier and lowering the barrier portion 20 degrees below them, Raisan, using his earth style, would "guide" Makata and both would disappear into the ground without a trace. With great speed and diligence, the two fled the battlfield. "So if things gets hairy..." Renna started as she now detected the enemy team's location, "We leave too right?" "That's the plan," Eric firmly stated.

During this entire time, due to the clouds of the chakra rain being used largely in the attack, the few clouds remaining in the sky would be ordinary thunder clouds, the cooled temperatures from the previous attack threatening to have them recede, regardless of the amount of electrical energy left in the atmosphere. It would either be loosed off as ordidnary lightning to strike a random location, or the charge would be "lost" as the thunderstorm died. A crack in the clouds revealed a starry, half mooned night. However, this was a relatively small crack, as much of the thunderstorm would still be attempting to stay alive. Nevertrheless, Eric restored the entirity of his barrier's range (not the gate of shadows effect unless Shadow attacked with kirin again) so that the two remaining combatants were fully encompassed again.


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Re: 2012 Jounin Exam Final Round [Read Only]
« Reply #28 on: June 24, 2012, 07:06:45 AM »

Immortal Guardian Shadowfire stood with his team, and cursed as he saw his attack absorbed. He had counted on that being the final strike. He watched the Chakra as two figures ran from the field, leaving but two left to finish the battle. Shadow arched a brow at that, wondering what his opponent had planned. Without much time to think, he looked at his team. "Two retreated... Fan out, and stay hidden..." he looked at Kara who had arrived a little while ago, and smiled. [/color=blue]"You gonna be okay?" Kara looked at Shadow and gave a nod, before vanishing with Thorn. Lathasa knew Shadow planned the final assault, or perhaps even a final showdown face to face with the opponent. He flew off to follow orders.

Shadow Cracked his knuckles before he formed a set of seals. A half second after he finished, lightning would crackle violently about him, before settling into a well known jutsu. It was the
Raiton no Yoroi. Synchronizing with his neural neural synapses, The jutsu would speed  up his processing abilities, and gift his being with raw speed and power. His Hakai Ame finally ending, Shadow would seemingly vanish. Utilizing the shunshin, he would move at incomprehensible speeds due to the lightning armor he wore. It was even said that with the two techniques combined, the person can move at speeds equal to that of the Hirashin. Shadow would appear, within but a second, six meters before the opponents.

"Well, Nara Eric. I know that two of your team members have departed, which begs the question of why you're still here. Do you plan to forfeit?" Shadow quirked a brow, as he watches the chakra fields about his opponents. The rest of his team waited with baited breath to see what would occur.


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Re: 2012 Jounin Exam Final Round [Read Only]
« Reply #29 on: June 24, 2012, 08:18:43 AM »

Renna flinched the moment Shadow activated the raiton no yoroi; this was Eric's signal, to which he re-activated his gate of shadows attribute to his barrier. Then Shadow came up; it was only slightly dissapointing that they didn't attack. while Eric could fire up his Futon based equivalent, he acknowledged defeat in that sense when he saw it; he could maybe match his opponent's speed through the air, but because of his lack of a doujutsu, his visual awareness and connected reflexes as a result would not be on par, and he would, as such, be overwhelmed with time. He would need to find a way around that that didn't include eye transplants. "Well, as good shinobi knows when to stop fighting; a better shinobi know as even more important it is... Bleh, let me start over. A good shinobi knows when to stop fighting. But a better one knows how to stop fighting. I'm... not giving up. Yet. If you beat me once again, then yeah, I'll surrender, but not with my  hands up."

Eric laughed at his own joke, gripping the hilt of his sword tightly. If his enemy charged him... He would need to be in the utmost of prepared. He channelled chakra into his sword, his barrier radiating slightly in response. This was his ultimate defense, yes it was, and as long as he had both it and chakra remaining, it would remain his ultimate defense.
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