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Author Topic: Seiya as Moderator  (Read 5837 times)


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Seiya as Moderator
« on: May 12, 2013, 12:10:36 AM »

I don't know whether or not if Neji is looking for any moderators at the moment, but I am going to apply for the moderator position just in case if he is looking for any moderators at the moment.

About Myself

My name is David Anthony Gabriel, but I am more commonly known as Seiya or Uchiha Meikai on Shinobi Legends. I may or may not have the same experience as the official moderators of Shinobi Legends nor the potential like the others who applied for the moderator position, but I am certainly doing my best to stay active here on SL in the middle of my spare time. I started playing Shinobi Legends back in the year of 2005, and since then I got myself hooked on the game.

Reasons why I should be a Moderator

Like I said above, I've been here on Shinobi Legends since 2005, and I think I know lots of secrets about the game, and the basic rules of what people should do in the realm of Shinobi Legends and what they shouldn't. (i.e, harassment, spamming, and mature content images.) I believe I am also very knowledgeable of how to moderate a website seeing as I've taken various of IT courses during my early High School years to present and can provide some insightful answers.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2013, 12:17:09 AM by Seiya »


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Re: Seiya as Moderator
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2013, 09:57:21 AM »

Please revise your application to fit the current one that we now abide to when the selection process is initiated.
I also want to know what position you are also applying for as well. (Gamemaster, Moderator, Forum Moderator, ETC )

1.) If you caught somebody spamming excessively, what would you do? (Must be completed in 30 words or more.)

2.) Do you think Moderators should have a specific age level? If so, give specific reasons as to why you support it. (Must be completed in 60 words or more.)

3.) What would you consider to be a banning situation and why? (Must be completed in 60 words or more.)

4.) If you see a newbie, obviously confused and bugging other players, what would you do? (Must be completed in 30 words or more.)

5.) You find a higher ranked character that is your friend bullying another character. What do you do in this situation? (Must be completed in 30 words or more.)

6.) A fellow moderator sees you doing something they don't approve of. And they have been a moderator much longer before you have. They demand an explanation. Once they question you, how do you reply? (Must be completed in 50 words or more.)

7.) You have discovered a fight in the gardens! You ask them to stop, but they don't listen. Now what? (Must be completed in 30 words or more.)

8.) You find an advertisement for another LotGD game. Is this alright?

9.) You're being swarmed with private messages and complaints about other players. You're beginning to become annoyed and stressed out at the fact of the activity. What do you do in this situation? (Must be completed in 25 words or more.)

10.) There's clan advertisement in unnecessary areas. Do you ignore it and just simply delete the comment?

11.) You find some frisky behavior going on in a private dwelling... What would you do and why? (Must be completed in 40 words or more.)

12.) A fellow player comes up to you for advice. This person happens to be a VERY good friend of yours. This advice is what mount they should get, and what they should start out with when they get another dragon kill. What do you tell them? (Must be completed in 30 words or more.)

13.) You find some severe harassment. And the one being harassed is your friend. You: (Must be completed in 25 words or more.)

14.) Somebody has been begging for points constantly. Out of your kindness, you send him some. Now he wants more from other players and you again. However, you don't know how many players he's asking. You: (Must be completed in 15 words or more.)

15.) You get into a scramble with a moderator. Another moderator comes by and asks you both to stop. Are you prepared to face the consequences on what you may receive? And what do you think they will be? (Must be completed in 50 words or more.)

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