So say you're a bijuu holder and have always followed the rules as they are, but suddenly your dog gets married and his wife is having puppies. You cannot miss this time of his life for the world, yet you can't post a wonderful one liner in any zone. Well this is where this modification will come into play. Excusable absence. As in someone dies, you're getting married. Basically emotional/rl issues are too much to deal with.
So I want to propose that you can extend the posting from every two weeks to once that month in which you pick the day. No you cannot do this every month. Just once in the case of said things.
Hm... Sounds abusable. If this is permitted on the basis that real life happens, then for some folks, real life just might happen, like, every month or so.
You did say that it can't happen every month, but if an emergency legitimately pops up after a break has already taken, then on the basis of courtesy, what are we to do then? Another extension or stripping then?
As much as I want folks to abide by the rules and be fair at the same time, giving an inch might grant a foot in the process. If everybody "gets one every two months" or something like that, we would need someone to keep track of that.
And I do not volunteer anyone for that particular task, as I do not think anyone has that kind of time on their hands.
I would Shadow, you know, but my dog has a bi-monthly AA retreat. They go into the mountains and camp and such. So I don't know if once a month is fair. Maybe once every 5 years.
Bi-monthly retreat? Easy. Post prior to that trip. Do not wait till the deadline.
Problem solved.

No you cannot do this every month. Just once in the case of said things.
It won't be a once a month thing. They can do it once a year.
As I said earlier, or at least hinted at, RL happens more than just once a year. Making people pick and choose which to take a break from is sketchy, and I think it would be easier to just strip folks who have RL issues going on consistently.