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Author Topic: Picking a fight with Everyone While SL is Down!!!!  (Read 2392 times)


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Picking a fight with Everyone While SL is Down!!!!
« on: October 27, 2014, 09:02:05 PM »

She walks out into the plains, the wind blowing steadily from the east over her left shoulder streams her hair forward obscuring her filed of vision to the left. As she gathers the unruly locks together, she await a combatant or two or three or four...


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Re: Picking a fight with Everyone While SL is Down!!!!
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2014, 09:16:26 PM »

Real or not, such carelessness wasn't all too characteristic from her. While preoccupied with her hair, a lone red prowler would attempt creeping up from behind, sticking to the blind angle with whatever proficiency could be managed.

Bringing a set of three shuriken to each hand, linked to fingers with chakra strings, he'd launch both volleys whizzing her way.


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Re: Picking a fight with Everyone While SL is Down!!!!
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2014, 09:34:34 PM »

Ah but it was something, her sense of smell. No no no...she was not saying he was stinky, no not in the slightest. But her mother had refined her sense of smell when she taught her all about herbs and the perfumer's arts long long ago. With the wind blowing in the direction it was, his scent was washed quite effectively over her.

Making a great show of forming a braid of her long locks, she would hide certain senbon within those braids for future use. Gently she began to hum a melody of death whose tones were considered to be quite hypnotic.


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Re: Picking a fight with Everyone While SL is Down!!!!
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2014, 09:43:08 PM »

Had he been a mind reader Warren would have thought her indeed crazy at this point, but seeing as he lacked such abilities (at least over distance, hehe) he'd proceed with the attack; hands and fingers flying in concert not unlike a conductor, he'd guide the shuriken along with the threads, seeking to trap her by wrapping the strings around her form in one swift strike.


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Re: Picking a fight with Everyone While SL is Down!!!!
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2014, 09:53:51 PM »

Crazy was perhaps the correct word. Her mind had been slipping for years. Yet her body remained true and would be enough to carry her through this encounter...

With a melody all her own she set herself into motion end over end as she did when at the celebratory feasts to the gods on her island nation. Her robes fanned out from her body as first bare feet pushed off then finger tips end to end volting her into the air over and over. Not away for him but toward. With one last push from the ground, her leg muscles bunching to shoot her up into the air. She hovered at the apex of her arc to face him even as her hair and garments spread in suspension about her like sworls of different colored paint combining. Her hands had collected shurken of their own to hurl upon him, six in number, that would necessitate a relocation of his own lest he be struck. One for his head, one for each limb and leaving the sixth to fly a foot over his height in case he decided to leap.


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Re: Picking a fight with Everyone While SL is Down!!!!
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2014, 10:07:05 PM »

Well wasn't that just grand? He had never enjoyed picking between multiple things that could have potentially juicy outcomes.

No surprise then that he'd try combine both the counter-attack and defense, rather than just do one or the other; with a quick, mirrored swing of the arms he'd draw the shuriken he had thrown swooshing back like a set of yo-yo's, coupling with the briefest flash of the curse seal too as he'd channel handful of red sparks along by the wires. This didn't just burn out the chakra threads, but exploded the shuriken too, turning the set into a small shower of metal shrapnel.

For defense he'd have far less time, nothing too fancy.  A simple crack of fingers for a one-handed earth seal, then the most hasty of stomps on the ground to bring up a small pillar of earth barely his width and height, just before he'd have been peppered by the throwing stars.

Lest she managed to change direction mid-fall, she'd find herself directly in line with the incoming shrapnel rain upon landing.


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Re: Picking a fight with Everyone While SL is Down!!!!
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2014, 10:21:40 PM »

Eyes fixated upon her foe, she saw him drawing back hastily with his arms and knew he was about to make landing a very dangerous prospect for her. This wasn't the first time she has faced off against the man so it was no surprise they knew each other's moves as well as this. For sure the beginning steps of their bout would no doubt me mainly exhausting old tried and true move till the latest and bestest they had to offer would surface and be debuted.

hands flashing through kata, she vowed not to land just yet and do her best to avoid his plans of mayhem for her personage.
"Doton: Supi-do no Hashira [Earth Release: Speed Pillars]" Columns of compressed earth rose in succession to meet her needs as first one foot then the other would light down. Each one staggered to meet the length of her stride with timing unparalled by few. As each foot would strike down, the earth rose to meet her providing the meager platform she needed to make the next leap. her progress continues forward but began to veer toward his left slightly with the aim of carrying her beyond the suddenly risen earthen barrier he used to shield himself from her volley of blades.

Preferring to face her foe, she let the pillars grow shorter until she stepped off onto the ground. The sound of his explosions and shrapnel striking her pillars made her glad she had opted for the high ground. Even as she landed she planned her next assault.


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Re: Picking a fight with Everyone While SL is Down!!!!
« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2014, 10:41:00 PM »

Considering continuing on such a path would either be sending up sky-high with a pillar, or land her behind him, there was no way he'd let her continue. Striking the pillar he had made himself on the side with a quick chopping motion, he'd then follow up with a wider stance and one-inch-punch.

This would break off the lower section from the ground and bit above where he struck, sending it rocketing towards her pillars with the aim to try crush their bases and bring them down.

Should this be successful, he'd snatch the upper part that had been left behind of his before it could fall, then after a spin send it rocketing her way with quite a mighty throw.

Suishou Koji

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Re: Picking a fight with Everyone While SL is Down!!!!
« Reply #8 on: October 27, 2014, 10:53:09 PM »

Koji, who arrives a distance away, watches the fight take place with the aid of his Byakugan.
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Re: Picking a fight with Everyone While SL is Down!!!!
« Reply #9 on: October 27, 2014, 10:56:41 PM »

It was spectacular to see the pillars go crashing down one after the other after the other. But as is likely to happen with blunt force as it contacts obstructions, less and less of that force travels on beyond the point of contact as the next obstacle is then struck with less force and so on down the line until there would not be enough left to break the last few pillars from their bases. That was ok. They had served their purpose in letting her travel above the elevation of the exploding shuriken and subsequent shrapnel barrage.

She sure could not stand around doing nothing though for they were rapidly toppling toward her and even as he grabbed his choice of weapon to hurl at her, she was stomping the ground and letting loose with a wealth of force through her foot to cause the ground to warp. It was like cracking a whip. Down sunk the ground from her stomp causing her to sink down with it and then up heaved the earth in a wave of motion that would travel up and down between she and himself. When the wave effect would reach him it was likely to toss him up into the air and alter his plans considerably. In short, she created a seismic upheaval of transverse waves that moved perpendicular to the direction from which the force was created.

She was unaware that another had entered the field of battle.


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Re: Picking a fight with Everyone While SL is Down!!!!
« Reply #10 on: October 27, 2014, 11:02:49 PM »

Sabu had no idea who was where or what was going on because reading is hard, but he enters the fray holding a basic short-sword. On his back was a bigass two-hand claymore, but that was for later. He was only going to use simple fighting methods today if he ever figured out what was going on. He saw Koji and decided he'd beat up a Raikage today, and ran towards him at a breakneck pace. Even normal, Sabu was fast.

Trying to set a new record for number of toddlers fought off simultaneously


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Re: Picking a fight with Everyone While SL is Down!!!!
« Reply #11 on: October 27, 2014, 11:05:39 PM »

Now what, the ground hard turned into waves of the sea? There wasn't a chance he was getting off a good throw with such terrible footing, especially when he had already spun once for more momentum into it, so rather than relenting his grip he'd continue for another spin with an aim upwards this time.

This 'earth waves' force added to the spin, he in turn would be propelled decently high up himself, and by no means idle while it occurred. Utilizing a bit of doton too, the chunk of earth in his grip would compress together with a few audible crunches, as if imploding several times over.

With a far smaller and notably sturdier projectile at his hands now, he'd nail eyes so hard on her the pupils at the center of his tomoe'd ripple pattern shrunk to tiny dots, then fire the sphere like a makeshift cannonball her way with a focused application of Shinra Tensei.

It wasn't metal, not bearing much stone matter either, but bore enough inertia anyway to hurt like hell should it collide directly.

What came to the cannibal and raikage, he paid them no mind for the time being, if aware they were there at all to begin with.

Suishou Koji

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Re: Picking a fight with Everyone While SL is Down!!!!
« Reply #12 on: October 27, 2014, 11:12:40 PM »

Koji's vision already picked up on Sabu's presence and kept him pinged as he approached rather quickly. Once he came into attack range or about arm's length, Koji whipped around with a regular sized Rasengan formed in his palm and another one forming in his other. The one that was formed would swing at Sabu while the other would lie in wait and would strike when the male dodged (if he dodged).
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Re: Picking a fight with Everyone While SL is Down!!!!
« Reply #13 on: October 27, 2014, 11:23:01 PM »

Curses! The monster was wily and not susceptible to her shapely ankles either. She would have to rely on skills today rather than wiles. Her eyes glinted for she thought that was perfect and about time! It was time to get down and dirty. And nothing was dirtier than mud!

Her left arm came up, her cloak falling away from her shoulder to bare her dragon tattoo. It writhed upon her skin eager to be released. Now was not the time for such overkill maneuvers. She simply  opened her clenched fist and spewed a powerful jettison of water at the incoming dirt clod. Should her aim be precise the force with which the two would collide would force them to suspend in the air about half the distance between the two doton users. Though eventually her continued blast would erode the compacted clod away. Unless she missed. >.>

The ground though would soon become a mess of slick grass and churned up mud the more they moved about. The earth still objected to the minor quake but was slowly heaving less and less.


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Re: Picking a fight with Everyone While SL is Down!!!!
« Reply #14 on: October 27, 2014, 11:29:31 PM »

What a silly she was, forgetting one of his signature tricks...or was that just the fleeting sanity and less common lucid states? Who knew.

Without any time for ankle peeking, not that he could have seen much due to her skirt anyway, he'd bite a thumb for a drop of blood and swipe it by his curse seal, the liquid evaporating in a whiff of crimson steam before the hand erupted in quite a mass of electricity of the same color.

Even as he fell and she was still busy halting his earthen assault, he'd focus the lot of it to the index fingertip with a number of quick seals, then with a roar not unlike thunder fired it at the stream of water she was expelling.

Skitter along now she should, lest welcome quite a nasty shock therapy.
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