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Author Topic: An actual guide on how to rp or roleplay.  (Read 5039 times)

Lazy Oogakari, Steel

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An actual guide on how to rp or roleplay.
« on: December 28, 2014, 10:18:29 PM »

There should be a good guide on how to rp since there are a lot of players who do not rp since they don't know how to.
So I say that there should be guide written by a couple of roleplayers detailing how to rp on SL.


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Re: An actual guide on how to rp or roleplay.
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2014, 11:06:21 PM »

I am guessing that in this guide there would be a sort of "basics" kind of thing? Some of the things that are universal to the many different RP styles present on SL?

I imagine such a collab mission could be considered, well, a mission lol.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: An actual guide on how to rp or roleplay.
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2014, 11:18:33 PM »

Step one to RPing: Start typing......


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Re: An actual guide on how to rp or roleplay.
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2014, 02:59:47 AM »

My personal quirk is trying to first imagine the ongoing situation as a scene from a movie or tv series, anime in Naruto's case.

Only after that do I get to typing.


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Re: An actual guide on how to rp or roleplay.
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2014, 03:29:16 AM »

Here's the problem though. Because RP is a secondary thing on the site, but a bigger attraction to many, there are people who are going to RP as they want. Either it be in an educated way or not. Like, I've seen people who claim to be certain things that would completely contradict things that exist in the Naruto world.

While there are others who claim to be of a certain position or authority, which contradicts and conflicts with what's been claimed here on SL already. Like Nathan is the current Hokage we all know and love, but somebody else trying to roll around and say they're the Hokage. Same can go for former kages and stuff. This one really bothers me, since there are people who claim to be a Sannin or Sannin-level. If we're going by canonical standards, I've never gotten into a conflict where I battled three Konoha people and then decided to let them live and granted that title to anybody ever. But here on SL, Nathan himself can appoint Sannin since he's a person of notable authority. He doesn't need my permission to do that. (Although that would be cool.) Same thing for the other villages. While they may not grant the title of "Sannin", I'm sure that they have their own equivalent of specially-ranked high-authority and power nin. Like Oto's Sound Five, or my Mahō Shōjo (/shamelessplug).

I've also noticed some incidences where people just plain claim to have knowledge of certain techniques that have already been claimed in SL's history. And when someone calls them out on it, they just rename it as their own variation of the technique that they apparently learned without knowing or interacting with users of the technique in the first place. I'm not talking about Bocc's Body Flame thing that he based on research and observation of the Hozuki's Hydrification Technique. I'm talking about people who instead of having the Flying Thunder God Technique, they have the Flying Lightning God Technique. Same thing, different name.

(Not calling anybody out here. But you know who you are, even if I don't know who you are.)

In essence, it's pretty open-ended RP here. But we can set some guidelines on edict and manners in RPing. Like the whole "Acad using Rasendori" thing being a no-no. Instead, explain to them why they can't do that. Hopefully they'll have an open-enough mind to try and understand. I can name a few people who started out bad, but have gotten (unexpectedly) better. And if those people who have gotten better are active, then those are just more numbers to add to our community.


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Re: An actual guide on how to rp or roleplay.
« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2014, 03:38:31 AM »

Let me know if any help from our side is needed. =)


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Re: An actual guide on how to rp or roleplay.
« Reply #6 on: December 29, 2014, 06:32:43 AM »

I think we should break it down for 'em:

To get started:

1) Read the game rules, first and foremost.

2) Why are you even here? Do you want to RP as a shinobi, a samurai, some dude with a talking sword? If you can't answer this, then at least answer what kind of RP you are looking for:

- Totally fun, always a party

- Super serial (no pun intended) where things are quite real most of the time

- Yolo troll, kind of doing whatever you want no matter what? Is your idea to post some random stuff and see who joins in your way of finding the community niche?

- Not a freaking clue? Well, then I advise you start reading the village boards for inspiration, or just playing the game itself.

2) Please, for the love of Santa Neji, use reasonable grammar. Seriously, text talk is not acceptable here nor will it ever. You don't have to write a novel, and you don't need to have perfect grammar, but it should be readable. If you can't read your own sentence back to youself, you did something very wrong. Reading aloud what you wrote can help too, but mind the timeout, which is about 10 or so minutes.

3) Find another newbie to team up with. It can be hard making friends with the established elite, so maybe one of the newer or lower levelled peoples will be out looking just as much as you are.

4) Learn the "when in Rome" expression. Though there are many basics, each clan/village has some traits about their RP that are sometimes inflexible. They may even outright have their own rules, some of which can be found on narutoprofile wikia or right here on the forum. They can also be found in the clan hall description or MoTD if present.

5) Visit the forum at least twice. Believe it or not, unless you try to from day one declare a revolution and state that all must bow or be beheaded (metaphorically or literally), you will generally not be flamed for questions and the likes.

6) If you can't spell even half as good as American middle schoolers, then please abuse spellcheck. Abuse it to death, get 100 favor with good practice, and revive it, rinse and repeat.

7) The difference between RPing Naruto and writing fanfiction for Naruto, is that in RP, there are generally two or more "authors" who determine the rules of the universe that will be followed and the outcomes of events. As a result, by the time you get to this step, you should have a decent idea on what kind of RP from the site that you like and what kind of RP you don't. Just like with a collab fanfiction, RP flows smoother when the authors can agree on a wide variety of basics.

8) Once you feel confident enough, check out the zones. Remember that fellow comrade you scoped out earlier? Well, the two of you can attempt to spar each other in the zones, and either get feedback, or just build off of each other. Once you feel confident enough with zoning, try challenging someone a little tougher. Once you hit your "bar" (someone who roflstomps you when they are serious) then try to learn and acquire new skills and tactics from them if possible. Get a teacher if possible.

9) Play the game. Believe it or not, the forest, and what some have deemed "clicking", can actually be enjoyable passers of time when you are waiting for people who are still online to post, or just for leveling up your in-game character. Experiencing everything for the first time can be very exciting.

10) Last but not least, if you throw feces around here, feces will get thrown back at you. Twofold if you mess with the wrong bunch.   ;)
« Last Edit: December 29, 2014, 06:34:04 AM by Eric »
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: An actual guide on how to rp or roleplay.
« Reply #7 on: December 29, 2014, 07:34:13 AM »

Nice rant Eric but seriously?
If I were new to SL and read this...I would quit.

IT needs to be a friendly welcoming guide, not a sarcastic intimidating diatribe.

... It is not a rant. Yes, it is VERY rough around the edges now that I think about it, and the last one was a bit sarcastic, but overall, I was being quite serious. I must have turned my self censor down a little bit when I decided to compose that, but overall, I think you understand my points:

1) Read the rules

2) Put some thought into what you want to be

2b) Use decent grammar

3) Make at least one friend on your level so you can grow together

4) Find the niche that is right for you

5) Check out the forum, once to get a feel for the place, a second time to maybe post a question or two.

6) Spellcheck is good

7) You will know what niche you fit in with best when you can RP with other players with similar ideas about how RP should be conducted and can get along with them as people too.

8) Only after getting the basics of RP should you start picking serious zone fights.

9) Don't forget to play the game, the primary function of the site! It's much more exciting before you get used to the events.

10) As you will see on the forum if you followed the above instructions, what goes around comes around. Act nasty, and people will generally act nasty right back with you. You pick on the wrong one though, and you might get your feelings hurt.

... Number 10 still feels a little jagged... How about:

10) Treat others as you want to be treated.

There we go. Better Kay?  :oops:
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: An actual guide on how to rp or roleplay.
« Reply #8 on: December 29, 2014, 07:51:07 PM »

Step Two: hit the enter key...

Really I don't see why this is so hard. Rp is simple. It's as simple as tying your shoes. Watch a few others do it and start practicing. Sure your gonna mess up big deal. I don't think the problem is people can't rp but rather they fear the thought of failing.


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Re: An actual guide on how to rp or roleplay.
« Reply #9 on: December 29, 2014, 11:02:12 PM »

Step Two: hit the enter key...

Really I don't see why this is so hard. Rp is simple. It's as simple as tying your shoes. Watch a few others do it and start practicing. Sure your gonna mess up big deal. I don't think the problem is people can't rp but rather they fear the thought of failing.

Roleplaying is simple when you know what the expectations are, what the rules are, how things are set up, etc. Here on SL, first starting out, all you know is, there are some people who RP, some people who don't (after all, you can't see ALL of the clan halls at the first start) and you are kind of lost. Just jumping into RP is not as fluent as you would think.

Acads post randomly often, but often they are ignored, either because folks are in the middle of their RP, or just don't wanna RP with 'em. At the end of the day, RP on SL is a little more intricate than "just post".
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: An actual guide on how to rp or roleplay.
« Reply #10 on: December 30, 2014, 12:37:04 AM »

May be a bit off topic, but...
Here's the problem though. Because RP is a secondary thing on the site, but a bigger attraction to many, there are people who are going to RP as they want. Either it be in an educated way or not. Like, I've seen people who claim to be certain things that would completely contradict things that exist in the Naruto world.

While there are others who claim to be of a certain position or authority, which contradicts and conflicts with what's been claimed here on SL already. Like Nathan is the current Hokage we all know and love, but somebody else trying to roll around and say they're the Hokage. Same can go for former kages and stuff. This one really bothers me, since there are people who claim to be a Sannin or Sannin-level. If we're going by canonical standards, I've never gotten into a conflict where I battled three Konoha people and then decided to let them live and granted that title to anybody ever. But here on SL, Nathan himself can appoint Sannin since he's a person of notable authority. He doesn't need my permission to do that. (Although that would be cool.) Same thing for the other villages. While they may not grant the title of "Sannin", I'm sure that they have their own equivalent of specially-ranked high-authority and power nin. Like Oto's Sound Five, or my Mahō Shōjo (/shamelessplug).

I've also noticed some incidences where people just plain claim to have knowledge of certain techniques that have already been claimed in SL's history. And when someone calls them out on it, they just rename it as their own variation of the technique that they apparently learned without knowing or interacting with users of the technique in the first place. I'm not talking about Bocc's Body Flame thing that he based on research and observation of the Hozuki's Hydrification Technique. I'm talking about people who instead of having the Flying Thunder God Technique, they have the Flying Lightning God Technique. Same thing, different name.

(Not calling anybody out here. But you know who you are, even if I don't know who you are.)

In essence, it's pretty open-ended RP here. But we can set some guidelines on edict and manners in RPing. Like the whole "Acad using Rasendori" thing being a no-no. Instead, explain to them why they can't do that. Hopefully they'll have an open-enough mind to try and understand. I can name a few people who started out bad, but have gotten (unexpectedly) better. And if those people who have gotten better are active, then those are just more numbers to add to our community.
I'd actually be cool with that. It's much better than someone just asking it for the rank and I give it to them because they're active. >>
« Last Edit: December 30, 2014, 12:37:36 AM by Nathan »


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Re: An actual guide on how to rp or roleplay.
« Reply #11 on: December 30, 2014, 10:12:27 PM »

May be a bit off topic, but...
Here's the problem though. Because RP is a secondary thing on the site, but a bigger attraction to many, there are people who are going to RP as they want. Either it be in an educated way or not. Like, I've seen people who claim to be certain things that would completely contradict things that exist in the Naruto world.

While there are others who claim to be of a certain position or authority, which contradicts and conflicts with what's been claimed here on SL already. Like Nathan is the current Hokage we all know and love, but somebody else trying to roll around and say they're the Hokage. Same can go for former kages and stuff. This one really bothers me, since there are people who claim to be a Sannin or Sannin-level. If we're going by canonical standards, I've never gotten into a conflict where I battled three Konoha people and then decided to let them live and granted that title to anybody ever. But here on SL, Nathan himself can appoint Sannin since he's a person of notable authority. He doesn't need my permission to do that. (Although that would be cool.) Same thing for the other villages. While they may not grant the title of "Sannin", I'm sure that they have their own equivalent of specially-ranked high-authority and power nin. Like Oto's Sound Five, or my Mahō Shōjo (/shamelessplug).

I've also noticed some incidences where people just plain claim to have knowledge of certain techniques that have already been claimed in SL's history. And when someone calls them out on it, they just rename it as their own variation of the technique that they apparently learned without knowing or interacting with users of the technique in the first place. I'm not talking about Bocc's Body Flame thing that he based on research and observation of the Hozuki's Hydrification Technique. I'm talking about people who instead of having the Flying Thunder God Technique, they have the Flying Lightning God Technique. Same thing, different name.

(Not calling anybody out here. But you know who you are, even if I don't know who you are.)

In essence, it's pretty open-ended RP here. But we can set some guidelines on edict and manners in RPing. Like the whole "Acad using Rasendori" thing being a no-no. Instead, explain to them why they can't do that. Hopefully they'll have an open-enough mind to try and understand. I can name a few people who started out bad, but have gotten (unexpectedly) better. And if those people who have gotten better are active, then those are just more numbers to add to our community.
I'd actually be cool with that. It's much better than someone just asking it for the rank and I give it to them because they're active. >>
Then just send me whoever and I'll let you know if they're scrubs or not.

Also, I want to add in that people should not start out as being of a very notable position in an already-established organization. Whether it be a village or a clan. Like, it would not be okay for somebody to state that their custom clan is one of Konoha's highest noble clans. Instead, they should state that their clan is of Konoha. It would be pretty weird for someone to be of "high nobility and recognition" if there's only one of them. But this is taking into consideration, if they're actually never asked to be a recognized noble clan of Konoha.

It would also help if people were a bit more elaborative if they're from such an important or noble foreign clan. I think a bit of humility is what people should keep in mind when describing their custom/foreign origins. But the Uchiha, Senju, Hyuuga, Otsutsuki, Uzumaki, Kaguya, Yuki and Nara clans are different. This is because there is either whole butt-load of them running around, or they have organized themselves in some sort. Especially of the first five mentioned. Though the only ones that I've seen the most organization of in SL is the Senju Clan. The Uchiha just do whatever the heck they want, and it would probably be kinda awkward to organize with all the eye-snatching antics that are within it.

But in short, people should really work on their origins more before entering. Like, so what if you're so great in your pre-RP history? Until you make something of yourself here through interaction with others, you're just on the same significance-level of NPCs. (If you're slow on that, it means that you're always fading in and out of existence, being only needed or seen when others decide.)


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Re: An actual guide on how to rp or roleplay.
« Reply #12 on: January 06, 2015, 04:16:13 AM »

I think basic things to consider are helpful to an RP. I get lots of questions about how to RP.

I try to be as open ended in my replies as possible and reply as follows:

Imagine what you want your character to be.
-Who is this person you will be playing and making run through the world of SL?
-What do they look like?
-How do they feel about certain things like their village or war or crime? This is useful in determining if you will be a villain type, or good aligned or maybe a bit of both.
-What are their goals going to be?
-What thoughts might be running through their head?

Then imagine the world around you.
-What are you doing?
-What does the land look like?
-Is the weather affecting your actions or character?

Then just try to describe these things as best you can imagine when you make a post, even something so simple as walking down the street.
-Who do you see around you?
-What can you hear?
-How does your character react to these things?

Then I remind them to keep things semi-believable.
-Are you close enough to over hear what those people said?
-Can you really see inside the shop what that person is wearing?
-Is it likely that you are fast enough to catch that runner before he gets away?

And always keep in mind the don'ts of RP
-No godmodding
-No metagaming
-No character control
-No attacks on an entry post

These are just some things to get a person thinking. I am sure there is much much more that could be said.

This sums up how I feel personally.


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Re: An actual guide on how to rp or roleplay.
« Reply #13 on: January 13, 2015, 03:04:52 PM »

The guide should explain what is:
- god-modding
- retro posting
- meta gaming


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Re: An actual guide on how to rp or roleplay.
« Reply #14 on: January 13, 2015, 04:29:39 PM »

The guide should explain what is:
- god-modding
- retro posting
- meta gaming

Things that are legal in rp, apparently.
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