So...none of these merits really fit your character? I left Sensor off, for starters. Would like to add that in after the test fight rounds. So that is already set to be changed. thinking of calling them Jutsu
But here are a list of other merits a person could take besides those listed. Now these merits listed come from the New World of Darkness Player's Handbook. No credit to me. disclaimer and all that stuff...
Unless otherwise stated, you buy these merits one time for the listed point fee and cannot be improved. Some may only be purchased at character creation.
Mental Merits
Danger Sense: 2 points
Description: Your character has a well-developed survival instinct that warns him of impending danger. Perhaps he's adept at reading subtle clues in his environment or he possesses an uncanny 'sixth sense' when it comes to avoiding trouble.
Effect: You gain a +2 modifier on reflexive Wits + Composure rolls for your character to detect an impending ambush. This kind of roll is typically made prior to the first turn of a surprise attack.
Eidetic Memory: 2 points
Description: Your character has a near-photographic memory, being able to recall vast amounts of observed detail with astonishing accuracy. You do not normally need to make a roll for your character to remember an obscure fact or past experience, unless he is under stress (such as in combat).
Effect: Under stress, there is a +2 modifier on any Intelligence + Composure or other Skillbased roll (say, Academics, to remember a fact)
for memory recall.
Available at character creation only.Encyclopedic Knowledge: 4 points
Description: Your character is a veritable font of useful (and sometimes useless) information on a wide variety of topics. Chances are he can come up with an anecdote pertaining to any situation based on something he's read, witnessed or seen on TV.
Effects: You can make an Intelligence + Wits roll any time your character is confronted with a situation or phenomenon outside his normal realm of experience. If the roll is successful, he may recall a 'factoid' that he's heard at some point that may shed light on matters.
Available at character creation only. Your character has either been soaking up trivia all his life or he hasn't.Dramatic Failure: Your character 'remembers' something about the situation that is completely inaccurate. 'Wait! Wait! I saw something like this in a movie once!'
The player can opt to make an Intelligence + Wits rolls to later realize just how stupid that sounds. [uhm..wait a minute...duh]
Failure: Your character wracks his brain but comes up empty.
Success: Your character remembers a detail or fact that sheds some light on the situation. 'You said there was an almond odor? Seems to me I read somewhere that's a sign of cyanide poisoning.'
Exceptional Success: Your character recalls a number of useful details that provide extensive insight. 'Hey, cool -- a little candy skull. They make these in Mexico for the Day of the Dead. It's an offering for a loved one who's died. And they say you can't learn anything on TV.'
Holistic Awareness: 3 points
Description: Your character is skilled in the arts of whole-body healing, promoting health and recovery by keeping a person's entire physiology balanced and strong. The result is that he is able to treat sickness and some injuries (those not requiring surgery, and ones suffered to bashing or lethal damage but not aggravated) with a collection of natural remedies rather than resorting to a doctor or hospital.
Effect: Make an Intelligence + Medicine roll once per day when your character spends an hour treating a patient. If the roll is successful, the patient's healing times that day are halved. The worst of a patient's injuries must be treated first. So, if he has suffered a lethal wound and a successful roll is made, the wound heals that day rather than in two days. If the patient has suffered nothing but bashing damage, all wounds are healed in mere minutes (about eight each).
Dramatic Failure: Your character misdiagnoses or mistreats the problem, making it worse. The patient does not heal more quickly (he maintains normal healing times). He does, however, suffer an additional point of bashing damage. Your character cannot try to heal the patient again for his current injuries.
Failure: The treatment has no effect and normal healing times apply to any bashing wounds or to a single lethal wound. Your character can make a successive attempt to try again that day. If still no successes are gained to heal a single lethal wound or one or more bashing wounds, those must be allowed to heal naturally before another effort can be made. Thus, if no successes are rolled to heal one of a patient's lethal wounds, that wound must heal naturally over two days before your character can try to heal another lethal wound.
Success: Your character's treatment is rewarding and the patient's healing time that day is halved.
Exceptional Success: The patient responds remarkably well to treatment. You can skip tomorrow's roll altogether. It's automatically assumed to succeed. In that case, two lethal wounds can be healed in two days.
Suggested Equipment: Holistic medicines (+1), healing-touch manuals (+1), body-purifying foods and liquids (+1)
Possible Penalties: Lack of remedies (-1 to -4), noisy environment (-1), imminent danger(-3), improvised facilities (-1)
Language: 1, 2, or 3 points (can be improved up to 3 dots. Can be purchased again for a different language.)
Description: Your character knows an additional language besides his own.
Effect: One dot in this Merit means that he can read, write and speak an extra language with minimal fluency. Two dots indicate that he is literate and conversationally fluent. Three dots indicate that he can speak the language like a native and is well-read in it. You must specify which language your character is familiar with when purchasing this Merit.
Meditative Mind: 1 point
Description: Your character can effortlessly enter a meditative state when she chooses, and can remain in it for as long as she wishes.
Effect: All environmental penalties imposed to Wits + Composure rolls to meditate are ignored. Not even wound penalties apply to your character's efforts to focus.