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Author Topic: Hunters Guild: Tango in the Tundra.  (Read 6518 times)


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Hunters Guild: Tango in the Tundra.
« on: August 13, 2015, 09:49:23 PM »

The ground was covered with thick layers of snow, that seemed to only be slowly adding thanks to the light snowfall that was happening. Athos wasn't exactly a fan of the cold but thanks to his time that he spent with family in Yukigakure, at least he wasn't completely out of his element. The mission notices that had been sent out went to several people, and the mission also warned the members to prepare for harsh weathers.

Athos stood at six feet and seven inches tall, at the mouth of the ice cavern where camp was set up. The ANBU and shinobi that were inside, and hidden around, the cave were in thicker clothes and armor than usual, so that they could also be prepared for the cold environments. The Red Haired male wore only a long sleeved black shirt and pants, his hair tied several times down it's extreme length to keep it controlled. On his elbows and knees, on the outside of his clothing, were his Tutumen, the steam devices that allowed him to create Steam chakra like a suit of armor with a furnace would have.

The man's golden hues looked out onto the Winder Wonderland before him as he waited for everyone to show up.

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« Last Edit: December 01, 2015, 12:57:32 AM by Athos »
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Re: Hunters Guild: Tango in the Tundra.
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2015, 10:23:36 PM »

Yoshi Chikitada arrived at the appointed location in good spirits this day. It had been years since he had hunted anything but Sand Worms and he was itching to branch out in other directions. Having been notified that a hunt was scheduled, he neither knew what the beast might be nor what offenses, if any, the creature had committed. Not all beast were slain to protect the world but often times were just being hunted to harvest as resources. Upon arriving, he would notice the figure of Athos at the mouth of the ice cavern. Chikitada lifted one of his gauntlet covered hands, the heavy gloves protected him from the claws of his hunting birds, Accipiter and Aquila who scouted the upper reaches of the area from the sky. His garments included a grass hat to provide ample shade and protection from the elements, long robes that hid his long underwear, a padded tunic, and a russet cloak. Dark trousers were tucked into the top of knee high leather boots and permitted to blouse out slightly for comfort. Upon his sides were his matched katana, blades that he was never without, and a small pack for possibles.

He would pause near the cave entrance and announce himself.
"Yoshi Chikitada reporting in as requested."


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Re: Hunters Guild: Tango in the Tundra.
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2015, 10:31:59 PM »

Becquerel was walking up to the cave while reading a map that lead to the location. Considering that this was a place that he had never been, a map was necessary. He arrived at the cave dressed in his usual battle attire, a yellow jumpsuit with red gloves and boots. As well as a heavy cape as white as the snow around them that waved in the wind. Beneath his cape were his pair of shields, connected to each other and fastened to his body with a guige. He also had a fanny pack and two side pouches attached to the belt that helped complete his ensemble.

He wasn't exactly dressed for warm weather, but it didn't seem to bother him at all as he arrived and saw the other two men.
"Hi there, I'm Becquerel. I'm guessing you all got the same request that I did." He talked with a smile, but there was something that could still be a little off about him. It was subtle, but still there. His voice made it seem like he was meeting up with some old friends despite the fact that this would be their first meeting. Nor did it seem to carry the weight of the hunt they were about to go out on.
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Re: Hunters Guild: Tango in the Tundra.
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2015, 12:33:49 AM »

Upon the horizon, the outline of Rusaku could be seen approaching, with some minor difficulty as his feet would sink into the snow with each step. After what seemed like ages, the man would reach the cave entrance where the others had conglomerated. “Sorry I’m late, I got lost on the way here. There was an old lady, and the bag that had all her groceries tore open -” He would stop mid sentence, the gears almost visibly churning within his mind, before he would dismiss the story with a wave of his hand “Never mind, I’m sure you don’t care.”  Quickly he would step inside to and lean himself against one of the icy walls, allowing himself a moment's breath before they would continue on  with their mission.
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Re: Hunters Guild: Tango in the Tundra.
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2015, 01:13:24 AM »

Once everyone was in the room, Athos would uncross his arms and look at the people in the room as he spoke,"My name is Athos, and it's pleasure to see that all of you have come." As so further save time, he would continue with,"That it Yoshi, Becquerel, and this is Rusaku." He wanted to gt introductions out the way the best he could, and seeing as he knew Rusaku, he tossed his name in and hoped it wasn't suppose to be a secret. With that handled, the man would move to pull a scroll out from within his pocket and open it out towards them;

, letting them take in the beast as she spoke,"This is the Monster we are hunting today, Hunters. There are small villages in these lands and the Monster almost picks on them for fun. We need to hit it hard, and hit it fast, like with any beast. We'll need to work as a team, any questions?" The man asked as he would roll the scroll up again and slide it into his pocket, crossing his arms over his chest as he'd raise a brow towards them, waiting for their responses.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2015, 01:19:57 AM by Athos »
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Re: Hunters Guild: Tango in the Tundra.
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2015, 01:29:41 AM »

Chikitada would eye the other men as they gathered, but hold off on extending a greeting until after they were introduced. One peculiarity within his facial movements did occur at mention of Athos' name; his left eyebrow twitched before becoming still once more. He examined the man's features, the unusual height, the hair coloring, and surmised this must be Kyte's father. Seeing no need to upset the apple cart, as it were, he held his peace taking advantage of this opportunity to evaluate the man without pretenses getting in the way.

He would move over to get a look at the beast in question, the thing was huge, a real colossus. Nodding thoughtfully he asked simply,
"Does this beast have any reported abilities other than size and strength?"


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Re: Hunters Guild: Tango in the Tundra.
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2015, 01:49:07 AM »

Took a look at the beast pictured on the scroll. He hadn't seen anything like it before and, from a scientific point of view, that made him very curious. "Man, that thing looks pretty big." It wouldn't be the first time he's come across a giant foe, and it surely wouldn't be the last. Chikitada made a good point, it'd be hard if they ran in blind. He gave his head a rub as he thought. "Considering its hominid-like features, it's probably pretty smart. We'll definitely need to work together to trick it."
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Re: Hunters Guild: Tango in the Tundra.
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2015, 02:00:36 AM »

Rusaku would walk over casually to the scroll before examining its contents with his fellow hunters. His mind would race with a series of scenarios of the battle to come, all of which he could come out on top. While it’s humanoid form did in fact suggest some sort of intelligence, he doubted greatly that it was anything miraculous. It’s potential strength was undeniable, but it might lack speed in return for such brutality. Unfortunately, these things were just speculation for he knew not what it could do for certain. For all he knew it would turn out to have swift release and breath fire. “It looks a bit top heavy if I do say so myself." He would chime in, trying to contribute to the group dynamic instead of becoming lost within his own thoughts. "Do you know if any of it’s abilities are chakra based?” His specialty was largely chakra absorption, so if this beast fought with anything but chakra, he could prove to be at a disadvantage.   
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Re: Hunters Guild: Tango in the Tundra.
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2015, 02:14:41 AM »

As they asked their questions, Athos would take in a deep breath as he thought of answers and by the time he was about to let the breath out, he had them,"From what has been seen, it's got... Well, Ice Breath. I've seen it mimic a snow storm in a single breath, to freezing over a village in a coat of ice. So to say, it'd be bad to be hit with this. And it's not chakra, no, but it can still blind the hell out of Dojutsu... Or at least the Sharingan." He addressed Bec's comment after he answered the other questions,"It does seem to be smarter than you would think, but there's still got to be way to beat it."
Athos would look at them as he would cross his arms and take in a deep breath, releasing it in a sigh, his breath showing in the cold weather,"I hate to sound cliche, but we may have to split into two teams of two. If we're going to trick it, perhaps we can make it think that we can alone... Or even, three men to distract and one to try to catch if from behind." As he would say that though, there'd be a small frown that formed on his lips for only a fleeting second before he dismissed that plan,"No, that's got too many risks."
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: Hunters Guild: Tango in the Tundra.
« Reply #9 on: August 14, 2015, 02:27:36 AM »

Chikitada would stroke his face leading down into the length of his long beard in thought. Splitting into teams of two could prove to be useful. "Rather than one lone warrior, teams of two could be advantageous to us. The team in front would provide a lure to the beast, so would have to be able to withstand the focus of his attack long enough for the team behind to strike. Determining a potential weakness to exploit could prove problematic."


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Re: Hunters Guild: Tango in the Tundra.
« Reply #10 on: August 14, 2015, 02:33:53 AM »

He pointed to the shields on his back, but this was meant as a distraction for what he meant. "If anything, I don't mind volunteering myself as a distraction. Out of all of us here, I'm probably the least likely to die from cold. Plus, I would have an easy time trying to annoy it."
Least likely to die was a bit of a lie, but he couldn't really die in the first place. But that was just because of his nature. And if the monster was too busy being focused on him, maybe the others would be able to get a few pot-shots in before it attacked them too.

color-coding edit lol
« Last Edit: August 14, 2015, 02:36:12 AM by Becquerel »
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Re: Hunters Guild: Tango in the Tundra.
« Reply #11 on: August 14, 2015, 02:47:33 AM »

While he had no inclination of the abilities that his fellow hunters used, aside from Athos, he already had a plan formulated. “I would like to partner with him.” He would point a thumb at Becquerel. “Seeing as the beast does not use chakra, I think I would be more effective in distracting it. I can create avatars that should be able to rival this beast in size, and possibly strength. Without proper knowledge of the beasts ability, that is only speculation.” He would grin goofily at the team “I am fairly confident in my ability to take on that challenge.” He would then turn his head to Athos. “While I cannot formulate proper strategies without full knowledge of my allies abilities, I have come up with an idea. If brute force is not enough to take this on, I suggest we take full advantage of your sealing prowess. As previous leader of the Uzumaki clan, it should be no issue to conjure up a few chakra chain seals to capture the beast. Or if capture is out of the question, then sealing it outright with the Uzumaki sealing formulas.”
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Re: Hunters Guild: Tango in the Tundra.
« Reply #12 on: August 14, 2015, 03:09:11 AM »

Athos would listen to the suggestions of those around him and give a nod of his head,"Alright, that's how it will be then. As for the seal... It'd take me some time to conjure a seal that big, especially as a last resort. The seal could be instant if I was, per say, sealing you. But do you see the size of that thing. If anything... We could use the Triangle Formula. Which is to place three Uzumaki Seals around the monster, obviously in a triangle, and it will seal the whole area. But even that would take time, given it's size."

After that long winded sentence, the man would catch his breath. It was an idea, surely, but that wouldn't solve the problem completely. Seals could eventually be broken, which could even be the reason this beast rose from the ground. But he didn't get to share that information because the ground would softly begin to shake, and the gentle snowfall outside would start to increase steadily. Front the entrance of the cave would come an ANBU,"It's close. Over the mountain side side to our left." Athos nodded at this, turning to address the people in the cave,"You've all done a great job, thank you. But it's time to close up camp and to evacuate."

They didn't argue, either. The people started to pack and and prepare to leave. Athos would then turn back to his comrades, letting a smirk cross his handsome features,"Looks like the hunt is finally about to start."

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Re: Hunters Guild: Tango in the Tundra.
« Reply #13 on: August 14, 2015, 03:47:45 AM »

Smiled slightly when he felt the earth begin to rumble. Making plans was all well and good, something he highly approved of, but he was itching to get in on some action today. He stepped outside and whistled quite shrilly. His two hunting birds would fly down from the heights to land on his outstretched arms. "We've got a huge beast, ladies. Shouldn't be too hard to spot. Scout ahead and send little Accipiter back with word." The two birds flew off in order to attempt and locate the creature. It couldn't be that far away due to the tremors of the ground, unless of course it was much larger than he assumed.


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Re: Hunters Guild: Tango in the Tundra.
« Reply #14 on: August 14, 2015, 04:01:40 AM »

Becquerel looked towards Rusaku and smiled. "Man, you could make something as big as that? That's pretty impressive." Ninja really are amazing is what he thought. He's seen them do crazy things, stuff that seemed impossible. If he wasn't a witness to them he wouldn't have believed them. "But sure, we can team up. Don't bother trying to defend me if something's coming my way though. Use that moment to strike instead." He stepped outside the cave to just get a good look at the surroundings as he waited. He could have likely seen where the monster was in relation to their group, but where would be the fun in that? Instead, he waited to Chikitada's birds to come back.
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