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Author Topic: to clarify a little more  (Read 4513 times)


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to clarify a little more
« on: November 28, 2015, 08:23:22 AM »

Okay. I FTG my dead body and DNA to the SGT. Where I had previously arranged for this to happen at some point. I had it set up to where Uetto could return as his life force lives on in the tree and there are plenty of white zetsu like clones to use as vessels for a new body.

One of these clones was merged with Uetto's body (what was left) and the life force passed on to it from the tree with the aid of my alt Phantom and his Rinnegan. So simply put Uetto is alive once more with a very low life force keeping him such.

Yujo wanted to play ninja by using trick tactics so I figured why not flip that idea when forming my compromise. So to ensure Kite's safety I allowed him to believe he would have killed Uetto when in reality he merely destroyed the current vessel Uetto was using. Yes, I do pull an oro and switch vessels about every two years rl time.

Regardless it seemed Yujo was offended by Nathan who would not grant him rp rights to enter the SGT and snatch my body. Thus he claimed that the tree was in Uzu and protected behind a space-time barrier.

I informed him this is not true. The tree itself is merely a portal to the actual dwelling aspect. I revealed a major secret of the tree to him. Than also the true way to kill my character in OOC means. My character was sent to another dimension. Much like how Uchiha have their Kamui places to go to. My tree host a portal to a self made one. An improvement I did when becoming the leader. It is also the reason no one can detect inside the tree from the outside or enter it in anyway from outside. Only those who have marked it and been allowed to do so with their own space-time can get around the front door portal. (i can provide some rp in the past to back this up if wished in pm)

So to put it frank I did not have the body FTG to Uzu but to another dimension. Now I know some may argue that but I built this dimension on the basis of being able to enter it via FTG back before kamui was so well known to have its own dimension. So yeah...

In the end I told Yujo something along these lines. I have spent years prepare a loophole system to my character's death. (and no I do not place it out there on a silver platter for everyone to be able to find so easily) AS of such I will rp as I wish and he can do as he wishes. He can void me and so can others if they wish to. I will simply rp by my own accords. And if he edo me or claims my stuff I will void it. Simple as that. Done deal. No argueing. No this or that; tit or tat. The END.

I simply returned his aspect of playing ninja on him. The art of deceit. When making a compromise with him I accepted his trickery while playing some of my own. I in no fashion planed to allow Uetto to die off. I simply allowed him to destroy the current vessel all along planning to revive him after such. The main goal to save Kite hands down and myself. It was tricking the trickster I suppose you could say.

Now, I just post this here so you all can know and make your choice of what you accept and do not. It hurts my feelings not if I am to be voided by some. I don't care. I mean really people no one stays dead at SL. This is a place we can do crazy Oro stunts and all.

I'm no locking the topic as I always feel if a person has something to say they should be allowed to say it. I will say this though no arguing or fussing will be allowed. Nor any slandering... I have already been called a liar (which is the worst thing in the world to me I'd rather be called a dumb ass a god-mod or sob or some curse word). Therefor, no you can't argue anything here. You can voice yeah we accept it or no we void it or who cares or right on blahblahblah. Get off topic for all I care.


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Re: to clarify a little more
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2015, 03:01:47 PM »


... I don't believe you people deserve to have another issue like that thrown upon you. I don't believe you all want that nor would even wish to read it.

Thus I proposed another compromise to Yujo. One that he accepted.

In order to reframe from the arguing and whining that would result I am allowing Uetto to be killed by his auto-hit in a repost I will be making...

Make up your mind Kirk, has your character croaked or is he still singing like a bullfrog in some science lab somewhere?
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: to clarify a little more
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2015, 06:10:03 PM »

Kirk isn't going to lie over this there's no way. by that I mean I don't believe he made any of the ic things up to survive. Yujo had no problem lying oocly to kill the twins so he should take no issue with the same thing being done to him. You can only play the same trick so many times before people have a counter to it.


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Re: to clarify a little more
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2015, 06:35:31 PM »


... I don't believe you people deserve to have another issue like that thrown upon you. I don't believe you all want that nor would even wish to read it.

Thus I proposed another compromise to Yujo. One that he accepted.

In order to reframe from the arguing and whining that would result I am allowing Uetto to be killed by his auto-hit in a repost I will be making...

Make up your mind Kirk, has your character croaked or is he still singing like a bullfrog in some science lab somewhere?

He was. But now isn't. 

And Bocc it matters not who believes me or not. I know what I did. In the end that's all that matters. But thanks for the input.


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Re: to clarify a little more
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2015, 06:48:33 PM »

Kirk isn't going to lie over this there's no way. by that I mean I don't believe he made any of the ic things up to survive. Yujo had no problem lying oocly to kill the twins so he should take no issue with the same thing being done to him. You can only play the same trick so many times before people have a counter to it.

I am not saying he is making things up, but if he already had this IC ring in the hoop, why go through the pains to tell us "Uetto's dead, have a nice funeral, I want nothing bad happening, etc.". Essentially, why even bother with most of the content of his last "update" thread?

I"m just confused and all. After all, Kirk is the only character from Konoha to bother tracking down Eric and trying to convince him to come back in a meaningful way (even if my character did respond more with quip than anything else) so I kind of want him to tell us a story and stick with it for consistency sake.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: to clarify a little more
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2015, 09:12:32 PM »

I'll give my two cents here, after speaking with Kirk for the better part of last night, here are my findings:

"Sense you want take the compromise of use accepting your attack if you'd accept our counters then I guess we have two options left.

Sense the judge thing didn't work out as it was basically tried to be forced. We can take this to the forums.

Or you and I can compromise. This being a 100% guarantee of a compromise and if you should ever break it or back out at any point then the whole rp would be void. I will accept my character's death. I will repost him dying at the hands of your auto-hit one-shot (because that is what it is and the majority I have talked to feel the same about it only you and Zen thought otherwise) with no questions asked. On one condition... Kite is to be harmed in no way and allowed a full escape. I don't care if you have to Kamui away in your next post he is to have no harm brought upon him at this point in time nor any attempted."

This is the accepted compromise presented by Kirk, if Kirk wishes to dispute that these are his words, he may do so but I doubt he will.

I'm not sure what part about '100%', or 'I will accept my characters death no question asked', means the complete opposite in this case. Of course one could say, yes I did the same as Yujo did and deceived him with ninja magic, but the next few things I will post will make light of the truth.

"Actually the tree was on the move when I did such to kiri I do believe. Furthermore it matters not where the trees physical components where. The inside is rped as being a different deminsion. Like that of a kumai world.

This is why those within can not be detected and such on and such forth. So no I did not space-time into Uzu. I space-time into another dimension.

The door to the SGT is simply a portal to this dimension that can be used by those the tree allows. This is also why the rooms in the tree are so large and numerous.

I mean literally there is an entire zone size fighting arena in the thing. Uetto's lab is the highest level room in the dimension which only he and one other can enter strictly by using a means of space-time.

You can ask Nathan about it if you so wish."

He sends me this in response to my last post in zone 5, stating a bunch of stuff, so as per usual, I check with the Wikia page to do some fact checking. I find that not a single thing he noted about the tree and it's contents were written down or even hinted to on the page, and that it was written by Nathan, the exact person Kirk referred me to for information on the tree. Not only that, but if we look at some timestamps of when Nathan posted himself moving the tree and cross reference that to the time of when Kirk died, and when he [Nathan] and I spoke about the whole kirk thing on skype [the next morning], we will see it was blatant Meta-game to have the tree begin moving ONLY after I asked to retrieve the body from the tree.

(4d13h) <炎> Kirk head would he blown up

(4d1h) [Senpai 玉][Master 主君]<未来> Grand Hokage Nathan had decided on a trip to Kiri in order to enact some Senju matters there such as creating a tree similar to the SGT in Kiri for the members of the Senju there to use. As such, Nathan, who was already en-route to Kiri, summoned the Senju Grand Tree from its place in Uzu's Forbidden Forest via +
(4d1h) [Senpai 玉][Master 主君]<未来> Grand Hokage Nathan + its Mayfly technique. The tree had already began its travel to Kiri via the technique and, as such, was inaccessible to all during the process. Nathan posted this because he thought that people would like to know he moved the massive chakra absorber. He's such a good person.

And even so, Nathan had never actually posted leaving the village, only now choosing to 'inform' us of his departure, and making the usually irrelevant detail, that it was inaccessible to all, which of course could be extrapolated on if they choose to argue. Nathan indeed had the tree moving before Kirk had died, and since Nathan made the effort to post that it was 'Inaccessible to all' then that would surely mean kirk, but that kind of arguing is not what I am here to do.

"I am telling you how my tree works. Nathan knows not a half of how the tree works. Just cause he took my place as the leader of the Senju Clan, note the clan, doesn't mean he understands my, MY, rp items.

The log he made is probably based on the knowledge he had the time or something. I have no idea. I would presume he understands it was crafted in such a way as to prevent chakra singnitures from being noted. Also why is it you think that Senju members could summon themselves to the tree and such when it was in Konoha? Which at the time had a seal that prevented anyone from using space-time.

The top floor as I said is a completely different ball game itself. It is as you could say Uetto's personal Kamui dimension, not saying it is one, just his own personal one. Which is why only he can enter it.

That floor of the place a can assure you Nathan knows nothing about. It is my lab only I know the experiments I have up there.

Yet here we can see that Nathan knows not a half of what goes on in the tree or how it works, or anything, but was supposed to be my reference, and Kirk even noted that Nathan would have no idea how the tree works, after telling me to refer back to him for information regarding the tree. Again, moving on.

"I am only presenting you with what is relevant to our rp. As far as Edo goes you couldn't even do that if you so wished. For one Uetto's soul is bound to the monks and doesn't go to the afterlife. Bluntly is has already been signed away as to say. Secondly, you killed Uetto yes but a portion of his life force still lived one. That which was stored in the tree just as it host a portions of Tomi and Nathan's as well.

I like to put it kinda like the case of Oro. He was killed yes but his life force carried on in the curse seal.

Uetto himself sheds bodies from time to time you know. Moving from one vessel to another. I always liked how Oro did that. I was ahead of the game in the aspect of the CS holding his life force though.

Remember that time he looked like the first Hokage? He moved to a new vessel. That time he looked like that giant fox? That time he was in a white zetsu clone like stage?"

Here I will point out a snippet of Kirk's message regarding edo; here he states that there was no way in hell that I could ever Edo him regardless of whether I got DNA or his body or not, because of the reasons he pointed out here, and yet...

"(4d13h) <炎> Kirk head would he blown up as blood and brain flew everywhere in the near by area. A seal would activate as all the man's body and entirety would be warped away to the SGT leaving no trace of any sort behind. A precaution to protect from the likes of Edo users who may be lurking. Regardless of all +

In his 'death' post his seal was specifically stated to have been there was a precaution for Edo users, but why would it even matter if that body was captured if he had no reason to fear Edo in the first place? I'm not here to bash on Kirk, or Nathan for that matter, but if you are going to claim to have 'planned' your entire RP around not dying then why would you make some huge post stating all of this,

"In order to reframe from the arguing and whining that would result I am allowing Uetto to be killed by his auto-hit in a repost I will be making. On the condition Kite is allowed to dodge and can not have any harm brought to him or be perused after. If such happens the rp is to be void. Kite in return can not engage Yujo.

I felt it needed to be made public what was happening as no questions arose from it later or issues.

I take pride in the fact that it took a cheap shot to take me out. A simple little ol Konoha knuckle head who had no talent couldn't be faced like a man. It just shows how cowardly those plotting against me are I suppose.

In the end of it all I will say it has been an honor to have rped that character with all of you over these 10 years. This does not mean I am leaving SL. I simply must start a new chapter is all.

And to Yujo... I once spared your life in Iwa voiding my killing you so your character could life on. I thank you for repaying that kindness in allowing Kite to walk out of this free of harm and without argue. I do not know is why you targeted us and I don't care in the end. I just hope that you reflect upon the incidents you keep getting into with claims of auto-hitting and attempt to find a way to fix it from causing you issues in the future.

Who knows now that you have freed me from my ties to Uetto perhaps I will be granted the GM spot and able to pure 100% into it.

P.s. I'm sorry this ruined our fight Bocc. I was enjoying it."


"I was going to make it aware there may be a funeral as well. I believe all should be invited and it should be done in a party type ordeal. My character would have it no other way.

I'm requesting if it is that no fighting be permitted at the funeral events.

Allow my character one last chance to promote rp so to say. His final wishes."

Once again, I am not here to argue, just inform the masses of both sides of this story.
They say there is a strength in numbers, well, tell that to 6 Million Jews.


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Re: to clarify a little more
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2015, 10:06:58 PM »

If you're going to use sneaky tactics, at least do it correctly and you most certainly did not do that here.

All of the information presented leads me to believe that details are in fact being fabricated in this situation and I am incredibly disappointed to see this is even happening.

I have read all of the messages presented, and they all either contradict with one another, or just don't make sense.

If you can perhaps present us with some proof of these RP's and facts, you could clear your name of this terrible blunder. Though as of right now, I won't be accepting anything Nathan presents unless they are provided with explicit time stamps putting them some time before this interaction. He has already proven that he is willing to meta game so Kirk is safe, so right now his word means literally nothing. It has no credibility at all.
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Re: to clarify a little more
« Reply #7 on: November 28, 2015, 11:02:51 PM »

[11/24 06:38pm] <未来> Grand Hokage Nathan had decided on a trip to Kiri in order to enact some Senju matters there such as creating a tree similar to the SGT in Kiri for the members of the Senju there to use. As such, Nathan, who was already en-route to Kiri, summoned the Senju Grand Tree from its place in Uzu's Forbidden Forest via + [11/24 06:40pm] <未来> Grand Hokage Nathan
[11/24 06:16am] <炎>  Kirk  head would he blown up as blood and brain flew everywhere in the near by area. A seal would activate as all the man's body and entirety would be warped away to the SGT leaving no trace of any sort behind. A precaution to protect from the likes of Edo users who may be lurking. Regardless of all + [11/28 01:58am] <未来> 預言者, Uzumaki Yūjō | Quite anti-climatically the brute fell,

Let's break this down by timestamp and date, Kirk posted at this date and time: 11/24 06:16am
Nathan posted at this date and time: 11/24 06:38pm

Now let's note the time difference between their posting, it was exactly twelve hours and fifteen minutes apart. Now what I don't get is why is Kirk debating this when he generally *accepted* his character's death and even posted in his fight with Bocchiere that this 'terrible' fate would fall upon his character.

Another confusing thing is why is Yujo going through metagaming and retroposting to ensure that he has Kirk's genetic material for what I assume will be used for Edo Tensei.

Yujo posted his response at this time and date: ][11/28 01:58am] <未来> 預言者, Uzumaki Yūjō | Quite anti-climatically. Now keep this in mind that this four days after a general repost was done from Kirk's behalf. Now the question is why wait so long to post your official outcome when Kirk posted his own version prior to your own?

Both of you guys are being sneaky with the outcomes and are trying to ensure you each benefit it. One doesn't want their character bastardized by having it revived into a zombie slave, the other is just one-upping your escape via fuinjutsu and space-time jutsu.

« Last Edit: November 29, 2015, 12:34:03 AM by Camel »


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Re: to clarify a little more
« Reply #8 on: November 28, 2015, 11:44:00 PM »

[11/24 06:38pm] <未来> Grand Hokage Nathan had decided on a trip to Kiri in order to enact some Senju matters there such as creating a tree similar to the SGT in Kiri for the members of the Senju there to use. As such, Nathan, who was already en-route to Kiri, summoned the Senju Grand Tree from its place in Uzu's Forbidden Forest via + [11/24 06:40pm] <未来> Grand Hokage Nathan
[11/24 06:16am] <炎>  Kirk  head would he blown up as blood and brain flew everywhere in the near by area. A seal would activate as all the man's body and entirety would be warped away to the SGT leaving no trace of any sort behind. A precaution to protect from the likes of Edo users who may be lurking. Regardless of all + [11/28 01:58am] <未来> 預言者, Uzumaki Yūjō | Quite anti-climatically the brute fell,

Let's break this down by timestamp and date, Kirk posted at this date and time: 11/24 06:16am
Nathan posted at this date and time: 11/24 06:38pm

Now let's note the time difference between their posting, it was exactly fifteen minutes apart. Now what I don't get is why is Kirk debating this when he generally *accepted* his character's death and even posted in his fight with Bocchiere that this 'terrible' fate would fall upon his character.

Another confusing thing is why is Yujo going through metagaming and retroposting to ensure that he has Kirk's genetic material for what I assume will be used for Edo Tensei.

Yujo posted his response at this time and date: ][11/28 01:58am] <未来> 預言者, Uzumaki Yūjō | Quite anti-climatically. Now keep this in mind that this four days after a general repost was done from Kirk's behalf. Now the question is why wait so long to post your official outcome when Kirk posted his own version prior to your own?

Both of you guys are being sneaky with the outcomes and are trying to ensure you each benefit it. One doesn't want their character bastardized by having it revived into a zombie slave, the other is just one-upping your escape via fuinjutsu and space-time jutsu.

I'm confused by this post. Like, I actually have no idea what you are saying here.

Are you saying Yujo retro/meta gamed?  Because no?

I am also fairly certain Nathan posted 12 hours after Kirk, not 15 minutes. Seeing as Nathan posted in the village 4d4h according to my time stamps, while kirk posted 4d16h ago in the zone. So no it was not 15 minutes. Please try again.

What exactly does waiting 4 days to post the outcome have to do with it? Maybe he was checking his facts? Maybe he has a life outside SL? All very likely, yet still make no difference when it comes to the validity of an RP.

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Re: to clarify a little more
« Reply #9 on: November 28, 2015, 11:51:37 PM »

[11/24 06:38pm] <未来> Grand Hokage Nathan had decided on a trip to Kiri in order to enact some Senju matters there such as creating a tree similar to the SGT in Kiri for the members of the Senju there to use. As such, Nathan, who was already en-route to Kiri, summoned the Senju Grand Tree from its place in Uzu's Forbidden Forest via + [11/24 06:40pm] <未来> Grand Hokage Nathan
[11/24 06:16am] <炎>  Kirk  head would he blown up as blood and brain flew everywhere in the near by area. A seal would activate as all the man's body and entirety would be warped away to the SGT leaving no trace of any sort behind. A precaution to protect from the likes of Edo users who may be lurking. Regardless of all + [11/28 01:58am] <未来> 預言者, Uzumaki Yūjō | Quite anti-climatically the brute fell,

Let's break this down by timestamp and date, Kirk posted at this date and time: 11/24 06:16am
Nathan posted at this date and time: 11/24 06:38pm

Now let's note the time difference between their posting, it was exactly fifteen minutes apart. Now what I don't get is why is Kirk debating this when he generally *accepted* his character's death and even posted in his fight with Bocchiere that this 'terrible' fate would fall upon his character.

Another confusing thing is why is Yujo going through metagaming and retroposting to ensure that he has Kirk's genetic material for what I assume will be used for Edo Tensei.

Yujo posted his response at this time and date: ][11/28 01:58am] <未来> 預言者, Uzumaki Yūjō | Quite anti-climatically. Now keep this in mind that this four days after a general repost was done from Kirk's behalf. Now the question is why wait so long to post your official outcome when Kirk posted his own version prior to your own?

Both of you guys are being sneaky with the outcomes and are trying to ensure you each benefit it. One doesn't want their character bastardized by having it revived into a zombie slave, the other is just one-upping your escape via fuinjutsu and space-time jutsu.

I'm confused by this post. Like, I actually have no idea what you are saying here.

Are you saying Yujo retro/meta gamed?  Because no?

I am also fairly certain Nathan posted 12 hours after Kirk, not 15 minutes. Seeing as Nathan posted in the village 4d4h according to my time stamps, while kirk posted 4d16h ago in the zone. So no it was not 15 minutes. Please try again.

What exactly does waiting 4 days to post the outcome have to do with it? Maybe he was checking his facts? Maybe he has a life outside SL? All very likely, yet still make no difference when it comes to the validity of an RP.

Did you not bother to even re-read my edit or my conclusion to this whole thing?

Both of you guys are being sneaky with the outcomes and are trying to ensure you each benefit it. One doesn't want their character bastardized by having it revived into a zombie slave, the other is just one-upping your escape via fuinjutsu and space-time jutsu.

No need to get snarky about it.

Are you saying Yujo retro/meta gamed?  Because no?

Yes. If I had to manipulate the entire outcome to my favor then wouldn't that be considered metagaming? Retroposting just to say, "Hey, no. My seal overpowers your seal. Tough luck."

I understand if you're coming to defense of Yujo but look at the facts that were presented in front of you and actually try not to be biased.

Kirk doesn't want to transfer character rights to Yujo and Yujo wants his character's genetic material for his own dastardly plans. Both are at wrong for trying to be sneaky about it.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2015, 11:55:27 PM by Camel »


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Re: to clarify a little more
« Reply #10 on: November 29, 2015, 12:09:14 AM »

[11/24 06:38pm] <未来> Grand Hokage Nathan had decided on a trip to Kiri in order to enact some Senju matters there such as creating a tree similar to the SGT in Kiri for the members of the Senju there to use. As such, Nathan, who was already en-route to Kiri, summoned the Senju Grand Tree from its place in Uzu's Forbidden Forest via + [11/24 06:40pm] <未来> Grand Hokage Nathan
[11/24 06:16am] <炎>  Kirk  head would he blown up as blood and brain flew everywhere in the near by area. A seal would activate as all the man's body and entirety would be warped away to the SGT leaving no trace of any sort behind. A precaution to protect from the likes of Edo users who may be lurking. Regardless of all + [11/28 01:58am] <未来> 預言者, Uzumaki Yūjō | Quite anti-climatically the brute fell,

Let's break this down by timestamp and date, Kirk posted at this date and time: 11/24 06:16am
Nathan posted at this date and time: 11/24 06:38pm

Now let's note the time difference between their posting, it was exactly fifteen minutes apart. Now what I don't get is why is Kirk debating this when he generally *accepted* his character's death and even posted in his fight with Bocchiere that this 'terrible' fate would fall upon his character.

Another confusing thing is why is Yujo going through metagaming and retroposting to ensure that he has Kirk's genetic material for what I assume will be used for Edo Tensei.

Yujo posted his response at this time and date: ][11/28 01:58am] <未来> 預言者, Uzumaki Yūjō | Quite anti-climatically. Now keep this in mind that this four days after a general repost was done from Kirk's behalf. Now the question is why wait so long to post your official outcome when Kirk posted his own version prior to your own?

Both of you guys are being sneaky with the outcomes and are trying to ensure you each benefit it. One doesn't want their character bastardized by having it revived into a zombie slave, the other is just one-upping your escape via fuinjutsu and space-time jutsu.

I'm confused by this post. Like, I actually have no idea what you are saying here.

Are you saying Yujo retro/meta gamed?  Because no?

I am also fairly certain Nathan posted 12 hours after Kirk, not 15 minutes. Seeing as Nathan posted in the village 4d4h according to my time stamps, while kirk posted 4d16h ago in the zone. So no it was not 15 minutes. Please try again.

What exactly does waiting 4 days to post the outcome have to do with it? Maybe he was checking his facts? Maybe he has a life outside SL? All very likely, yet still make no difference when it comes to the validity of an RP.

Did you not bother to even re-read my edit or my conclusion to this whole thing?

Both of you guys are being sneaky with the outcomes and are trying to ensure you each benefit it. One doesn't want their character bastardized by having it revived into a zombie slave, the other is just one-upping your escape via fuinjutsu and space-time jutsu.

No need to get snarky about it.

Are you saying Yujo retro/meta gamed?  Because no?

Yes. If I had to manipulate the entire outcome to my favor then wouldn't that be considered metagaming? Retroposting just to say, "Hey, no. My seal overpowers your seal. Tough luck."

I understand if you're coming to defense of Yujo but look at the facts that were presented in front of you and actually try not to be biased.

Kirk doesn't want to transfer character rights to Yujo and Yujo wants his character's genetic material for his own dastardly plans. Both are at wrong for trying to be sneaky about it.

How is that meta gaming? He said that there was a space time barrier around the tree, and there is, and that his FTG would not work because of it. Please elaborate on how you came to the conclusion that he was using OOC information to manipulate the battle? Especially considering he is a high ranking member of Uzu, and would have that kind of information readily available?

I love how you say not to be snarky, then in the same post point fingers for bias in a very snarky manor. I would go so far as to call you on hypocrisy, but I don't want to delineate from what the topic is about.

I still need to see proof that kirk is not making up literally every contingency in order to stay alive despite what he told literally everyone not 3 days ago.
If you can't beat them, eat them.

-Jeffrey dahmer

Keito Uzumaki

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Re: to clarify a little more
« Reply #11 on: November 29, 2015, 12:29:32 AM »

Face it, we're all terrible at story telling and RPing through SL is the only means in which we think we've got a shot. Truly. xD

I'm only posting because that other active topic about stripping bijuu doesn't seem worth it by now. But seriously, can't we all just agree that this whole 'SL' is just a show? We are the screenwriters here, and terrible ones at that matter where we can't even find plausible solutions to situations, we just throw void paint to cover up the mess. I really don't think this topic, the one before or this whole predicament is healthy or even productive towards RP. If RP has to be dictated by forum posts and decisions and events afterwards then I certainly don't wish to be apart of whatever RP has become. At this point, its just like the law system and whoever has the best attorney and case wins, furthermore if you can keep the judge in your pocket well damn you'll surely win just about any disupte here. <<; >>; <<;

Why can't we be more optimistic in what happens? I really wish people would use the 1:6 die roll in instances like this. Leave it up to chance to let you slide through or pushed back, because this hearsay that just gets thrown around is sometimes ridiculous. And the whole idea of 'just void me' doesn't work out. Because then what is the point of RPing? Sure you write your own roleplays for fun, but I believe most of the idea of roleplaying here on SL is to interact with likeminded people to pan our stories you couldn't have typed on your own. If we can't even RP with one another peacefully then we certainly can't discuss peacefully as well. :P

I honestly suggest we all come together and brainstorm some sort of 'script' we could follow through the course of a few months and see how well we can improv from such. Have a generalized idea of what events are to go down in the shinobi world and how each nation and shinobi either helps or adds to the cause. From there we would have a general goal OOCly as story writters in what to do, instead of the usual macho-man mentality to just kill everyone because why not. Unless of course you guys are okay with the way things have been going on, because we just running in circles here.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2015, 12:38:53 AM by Keito Uzumaki »


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Re: to clarify a little more
« Reply #12 on: November 29, 2015, 12:33:08 AM »

How is that meta gaming? He said that there was a space time barrier around the tree, and there is, and that his FTG would not work because of it. Please elaborate on how you came to the conclusion that he was using OOC information to manipulate the battle? Especially considering he is a high ranking member of Uzu, and would have that kind of information readily available.

Where does it say within the tree's description that a 'space-time' barrier is in place? I don't see it. If it was placed during the fight then wouldn't that been brought up earlier? Now from my perspective, I noticed that both were a fault. I know its hard to accept it but why go through the discussion that Kirk was already dead and had his outcome written out to only have Yujo sweep in and change that outcome to his favor.  It's like I said Kirk doesn't want his character bastardized by Yujo and Yujo wants the right to claim that he can do what he wishes with Kirk's own character or genetic material, whatever it may be.

I love how you say not to be snarky, then in the same post point fingers for bias in a very snarky manor. I would go so far as to call you on hypocrisy, but I don't want to delineate from what the topic is about.

I wasn't being snarky but maybe you misread my testimony on this whole thing. I'll go bold it and highlight it so just case someone misses it.

I still need to see proof that kirk is not making up literally every contingency in order to stay alive despite what he told literally everyone not 3 days ago.

Didn't I mention this? No. Let me clarify myself: Now what I don't get is why is Kirk debating this when he generally *accepted* his character's death and even posted in his fight with Bocchiere that this 'terrible' fate would fall upon his character.

That is up to Kirk to clear this all up. That is why I viewed this from a neutral standpoint but I assume some users think I am defending one over the other. Which is not the case.

Edit: Fixed coding and +1 karma for Keito's suggestion. :D
« Last Edit: November 29, 2015, 01:12:45 AM by Camel »


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Re: to clarify a little more
« Reply #13 on: November 29, 2015, 01:49:56 AM »

How is that meta gaming? He said that there was a space time barrier around the tree, and there is, and that his FTG would not work because of it. Please elaborate on how you came to the conclusion that he was using OOC information to manipulate the battle? Especially considering he is a high ranking member of Uzu, and would have that kind of information readily available.

Where does it say within the tree's description that a 'space-time' barrier is in place? I don't see it. If it was placed during the fight then wouldn't that been brought up earlier? Now from my perspective, I noticed that both were a fault. I know its hard to accept it but why go through the discussion that Kirk was already dead and had his outcome written out to only have Yujo sweep in and change that outcome to his favor.  It's like I said Kirk doesn't want his character bastardized by Yujo and Yujo wants the right to claim that he can do what he wishes with Kirk's own character or genetic material, whatever it may be.

I love how you say not to be snarky, then in the same post point fingers for bias in a very snarky manor. I would go so far as to call you on hypocrisy, but I don't want to delineate from what the topic is about.

I wasn't being snarky but maybe you misread my testimony on this whole thing. I'll go bold it and highlight it so just case someone misses it.

I still need to see proof that kirk is not making up literally every contingency in order to stay alive despite what he told literally everyone not 3 days ago.

Didn't I mention this? No. Let me clarify myself: Now what I don't get is why is Kirk debating this when he generally *accepted* his character's death and even posted in his fight with Bocchiere that this 'terrible' fate would fall upon his character.

That is up to Kirk to clear this all up. That is why I viewed this from a neutral standpoint but I assume some users think I am defending one over the other. Which is not the case.

Edit: Fixed coding and +1 karma for Keito's suggestion. :D

The barrier is a village defense dog. It was within the area of Uzushio's space time barrier during the time the fight was happening. So no, this isn't just some randomly generated defense to Kirk's FTG. Though Yujo could have probably pulled the barrier out of his ass considering everything that the opposition is doing. It would have been just as "Fair"

Face it, we're all terrible at story telling and RPing through SL is the only means in which we think we've got a shot. Truly. xD

I'm only posting because that other active topic about stripping bijuu doesn't seem worth it by now. But seriously, can't we all just agree that this whole 'SL' is just a show? We are the screenwriters here, and terrible ones at that matter where we can't even find plausible solutions to situations, we just throw void paint to cover up the mess. I really don't think this topic, the one before or this whole predicament is healthy or even productive towards RP. If RP has to be dictated by forum posts and decisions and events afterwards then I certainly don't wish to be apart of whatever RP has become. At this point, its just like the law system and whoever has the best attorney and case wins, furthermore if you can keep the judge in your pocket well damn you'll surely win just about any disupte here. <<; >>; <<;

Why can't we be more optimistic in what happens? I really wish people would use the 1:6 die roll in instances like this. Leave it up to chance to let you slide through or pushed back, because this hearsay that just gets thrown around is sometimes ridiculous. And the whole idea of 'just void me' doesn't work out. Because then what is the point of RPing? Sure you write your own roleplays for fun, but I believe most of the idea of roleplaying here on SL is to interact with likeminded people to pan our stories you couldn't have typed on your own. If we can't even RP with one another peacefully then we certainly can't discuss peacefully as well. :P

I honestly suggest we all come together and brainstorm some sort of 'script' we could follow through the course of a few months and see how well we can improv from such. Have a generalized idea of what events are to go down in the shinobi world and how each nation and shinobi either helps or adds to the cause. From there we would have a general goal OOCly as story writters in what to do, instead of the usual macho-man mentality to just kill everyone because why not. Unless of course you guys are okay with the way things have been going on, because we just running in circles here.

You're very optimistic for a game that is basically ruined. If you wanna put forth that kind of effort for the people who gladly give you the middle finger in return, I wish you the best of luck in your practice of futility.

*Rubs temples* I have never related with white girls so much in my life, because I cannot even right now. This is just silly. I'll be back once some actually valid arguments are made on the behalf of the accused.
If you can't beat them, eat them.

-Jeffrey dahmer


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Re: to clarify a little more
« Reply #14 on: November 29, 2015, 03:02:47 AM »

The barrier is a village defense dog. It was within the area of Uzushio's space time barrier during the time the fight was happening. So no, this isn't just some randomly generated defense to Kirk's FTG. Though Yujo could have probably pulled the barrier out of his ass considering everything that the opposition is doing. It would have been just as "Fair"

I'm well-aware of the barrier that encompasses the village. This battle is taken place in the Forest of Wonders, if I am not mistaken. This is a snippet from Yujo's post and you weigh everything for yourself: SGT was set in the Forest of Wonders, which resided within Uzushiogakure
And if I am correct then this barrier shouldn't extend that far as stated in the description from the wikipedia: This barrier maintains an invisible orb around the village which acts to negate the usage of space-time manipulation.

Forest of Wonders is located outside the village itself. Yujo made a mistake and I am sure Kirk made his own. So back to my original point that I stated previously:
Both of you guys are being sneaky with the outcomes and are trying to ensure you each benefit it. One doesn't want their character bastardized by having it revived into a zombie slave, the other is just one-upping your escape via fuinjutsu and space-time jutsu.

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