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What should the name be?

Hunter's Guild
Hero's Guild

Author Topic: Future Changes to the Hunter's Guild  (Read 2002 times)


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Future Changes to the Hunter's Guild
« on: December 01, 2015, 12:15:15 AM »

I'm going to start this topic off by pointing out the poll that is here. I haven't been able to get a decision on which of these titles would be better fitting for the Guild, especially once the new changes are implemented. The things that you can come to expect from the Guild is all going to be listed below, so also expect this to be a long read.

Expansion is a big theme that is going to be addressed here.

For those of you that are Hunters, you know what it is we do here. For those of you that are new, it's simple. We usually take a team(four members usually) to go and hunt giant and over-sized monsters, and then through RP we plan out how we will attack, and then try our best to be the Hunters and not the Hunted.

I am planning on expanding from this initial idea, but not erasing it completely. Hunts will still very much be available for the people who will want to do them, but I wouldn't advise jumping into them with the new set up of things.

------------------Guild Registration(This will be the marker for each separate topic)-------------------------------

The first thing I want to make publicly known is that we are going to add a Guild Registration to the board. This will be a topic that will act as a Character Profile Holder for the Hunts only. I know the Forum has one already but the thing about the Guild Registration is that it will be different from the one that we have currently.

When one registers with the guild, they will essentially be filling out a form that let's the Guild Leader and Officials of what your character is capable of. OOCly, though, the form is going to act as a guideline and limiter.
For an example;,7738.0.html

Although I plan on making an original template for the Guild. But it will still limit the basic abilities of what your character can do, or what KG they have access to while you are RPing in anything guild related. The reason that I am doing this, with the expansion we'll be adding Missions(which I'll be going into details about later in this post), and if people go in with their character and all their abilities, someone could use Kamui, for example, to just slide through the ground and ruin the whole point of traveling underground(for lack of a better example).

Doing this will also stress the importance of teamwork and not charging into things without planning, or at least some type of game plan.

But like I said, it will be different from the template example that I gave, while also bearing a lot of similarities. One of the things that will be different about the registration is that it will include your equipment your character wears, which brings me to my next topic.

------------------------------------------Item Drops, Equipment, and Shops-------------------------------------------------

I had tossed the idea around before about adding equipment to the Hunts before, but it didn't seem to fit. But with us expanding from just the hunts, I think now would be the best time to implement this type of thing. For lack of a better way of phrasing it, Cannon Fodder enemies, upon defeat, will drop a shard of a crystal. These crystals will be used as currency, and the harder the monsters are, the more they will be dropping upon defeat.

But the monsters will not only be dropping just these crystals but stronger enemies actually have a chance to drop actual items that can be used, or perhaps a material that you can get smelted into a piece of armor, or a weapon, once you get back from your travels. Of course, monsters and their drops will be regulated and managed by whomever the GM of the event is, and not by the participants.
And if a GM is also a participant, it's also against the rules to give themselves drops at all, or large amounts of currency for no reason.

Now, for equipment and stores, seeing as they go hand in hand. There will be a topic made, similar to how there will be a separate topic for the Guild Registration, where people will be able to RP with their characters and purchase weapons or armor from the The Armory inside of the Guild's Headquarters. It'd be here where you would use your crystals to get better equipment, or try and get those drop of yours smelted  into something awesome!

When people join the Guild Initially, they will be given a 'Starter's Kit' or sorts for their character. This will consist of basic Guild Armor(there'll be a picture for it at a later point), and they will have the choice between various weapons. This will assure that people will be starting on the same levels as their peers, but it also lets other advance and new members can still join whenever, and then travel with experienced players, and so on and so forth.

The stores will also accept the trade in of weapons, but anything that comes with the Starter Kit won't be able to be sold back to the Guild, seeing it is given to the newest members.

-------------------------------------------------Missions and Dungeons-------------------------------------------------

This will be where most people are wondering 'Well, that's all cool and dandy... But how do I kill these monsters? Or get those shining things?!'.. The answer is simple enough; you do missions!

Missions will be listed on the Mission Board in Mission Headquarters(another topic will be made for this, like the shops and such), and it will act as a place where Hunters/Heroes can lick their wounds, have a drink, get some food, and choose a mission from the board.

Anyone will be able to approach the front desk via RP with their request, where it will be taken and made a mission, and then placed on the board. Rewards will be given at the completion of each quest, as well as whatever items may be found during said quests. Seeing as anyone can put up a request, it doesn't matter how small it may be, it'll be put up and hopefully someone will end up taking the mission.

Along with these missions, there will also be Dungeons. Dungeons will be special quests that Hunters/Heroes can go in with a group, whether it be random others wanting to go into the same dungeon, or a team of said person who wants in. More than one group can enter a dungeon, seeing as there will be more than one way to go once inside the dungeons, as well as a bunch of enemies throughout the cave. Each Dungeon will also be equipped with Mini-Bosses, that will be something similar to the Hunts, with large monsters that will take skill, teamwork, and not dying to beat! And, of course, the end of the Dungeon will have a 'Boss' fight that will be something similar to an actual hunt, but in a confined area.

I feel like now is a good time to note that on this same board of missions will be the options to do actual Hunts, as well. The same hunts we do now will still be available for doing, as well as the missions and dungeon exploring.

But the Dungeons will be separated into levels, and each level will have at least two different Mini-Bosses. Levels can be completely cleared out, and Missions to go into Dungeons will be done by the floor, and not the whole thing.
For example, let's say Team A clears out all of the first level by themselves. Team B goes to the board and now there is a quest requesting that a group starts to try to take out the second floor.
So progress does carry over, and people can clear dungeons out for others to follow in their steps. Although they will still have to make it through the first floor, the monsters won't be nearly as numerous and, obviously, the Mini-Bosses will be dead.

And accepting a mission is easy. You'd Rp taking the paper down if it's a mission, after reading it, and then take it to the front desk where further details would be released and such.

To add one last bit to all this, Kayenta suggested that there also be dark missions of sorts, where people can decided to do bad things for rewards instead. I will be using this idea, seeing as it works in with the Notoriety idea that is going to follow this topic. So all the missions won't be 'Go save the village' or 'Get a cat out of a tree!' Maybe you want to light the tree on fire with the cat in it, or even eat the cat. There'll be missions like that.


This is something that I'm adding just to add a more RP sense to all of this. For completing quests and missions, you'll gain a bit of fame. The fame will be decided on what actions it is you take during missions, and you'll just gain fame for completing missions. While there is no actual ranking in the Guild as of now, besides the Guild Leader, this acts as a loose replacement.

By completing things that are challenging and noteworthy, not only will you be able to get better equipment, but you'll also be more known throughout the guild. It's a way of gaining a name for yourself, and putting it in your own hands if people know you or not. This also can act as your experience, in a sense, seeing as the more well known you are, the more you are use to putting your life on the line.

Each new member would start out with no notoriety, seeing that are new to the clan, but will be known for their actions. People can also choose to be anonymous at the completion of a quest, if they wish to remain a shadow.

As a person's notoriety climbs, they can start to hold their own expeditions into dungeons, or their own hunts for monsters. Expeditions into dungeons are not meant for those that are unfamiliar with the fighting against monsters.

Expeditions will be held by chosen members, or the Guild Head, to take trips into dungeons. Whether it is runs to just get the feet wet or a full on raid is up to the person leading the Expedition.

It is also possible to have Good or Bad Notoriety. So anyone can be a part of the Guild!

-------------------------------------------Missions Headquarters---------------------------------------------------------

And last but not least, the Mission Headquarters. As we all know by now, the Mission Headquarters is a section on the forums where people can put missions and such for others to act out. Sound familiar to something I've talked about on this topic? Well, it should...

Ace has decided that the Mission Headquarters will be integrated into the Hunters/Heroes Guild, and so, I decided to make it a well added part of all this. So, as I mentioned before, Mission Headquarters will have it's own Topic where people can RPing putting their missions in at the desk, and then they are added to the board.

Of course, the first post of the Mission HQ is going to be a description of the place, ended with a list of all available missions. That being said, it will obviously be a long post, with how many missions can be added and taken, as well a short descriptions.

It will basically act as the hub for the Hunters/Heroes. Where people RP getting their missions, can just relax and get some food and drink, or even seek medical attention.

This is to smoothly bring the two together and hopefully bring activity to both the old board and ours!

And with that, my very, very, very, very long explanation of the changes that are to come is finally concluded.

Of course, these changes won't be applied to the hunts currently going on but are going to be implemented from here on out.
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: Future Changes to the Hunter's Guild
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2015, 12:21:29 AM »

This topic is not necessary. ;)
We need less talk, more action.
As said previously...

Hero's Guild = Mission Headquarters + Hunter's Guild

I might [will] actually do that in about a month. <---Dec. 20th
Merge the boards. =)

And the name change might encourage others to role play how *they* please.,8670.0.html

These two boards should be together, reasons are obvious...
« Last Edit: December 01, 2015, 12:23:10 AM by Ace »

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