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Author Topic: Madara vs Madara (Shadow) Pssst, i bet my money on Madara.  (Read 2784 times)

Uchiha Madara

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Madara vs Madara (Shadow) Pssst, i bet my money on Madara.
« on: December 09, 2015, 02:53:16 PM »

The current match is IC.


-A decision on whether or not the battle is IC or OOC by both parties.

-A judge may be picked before or during the battle, if the chosen judge makes a ruling that is deemed ridiculous by either party, a new judge may be chosen ONCE by either side. If the matter still can't be settled, it must be brought to the forums for a final decision.

-If you are gone a week without posting, without prior notice to the opponent(s), you forfiet the match
(Same consequences as the above for team battles and one on one). If the match lasts more than a period of 30 days,
a week of no replies will be an automatic loss, prior notice or not. A week afterwards, the fight will stop and a judge will determine the winner (same rules apply as the above). In case of a draw, the match, if IC the fight will become OOC. The challenger then moves to the bottom of the list to await his/her next try.

-Each fighter must direct their opponent(s) to a page where their entire history, weapons, and abilities are clearly laid out. (If the fight has already started and you forgot to mention your wikia page mentions your ability disintegrate things on touch and NOT the fourm page YOU directed me to, thats too bad
you can't use it now.) Jutsu and ninja tools are an execption.

- One elemental Kekkie Genkai (aside from Mokuton and Hyōton) may be used if you have no resets, otherwise no KG can be used unless both parties agree upon it. Unless working on conjunction with a separate character, Rinnegan and Sage Mode abilities cannot be combined.

- Only two repost allowed by each person. (If a multi-fight is intiated and a person has reached their two repost limit, they are no longer allowed to post and their fate is left to the actions of thier comrades or enemies.)

-Only use skills and abilities acquired IC that are reasonable to have obtained before the match starts.

-Both sides may have a maximum of 3 people for a team. Each member must be known before the fight starts and it cannot be undone (Ex. If Sally, Tommy, and Kyle are the team, they cannot be switched out for Mike during the fight)

-If the battle has another Jinchuriki, they will be putting their Bijuu on the line as well and it will go to winner, IC or OOC.

-Escaping during the battle is prohibited unless the opposing party allows it.

-Summons are allowed (as long as they are reasonable) They are not allowed have any KG aside from Sage Mode (summoner must also have said ability, unless they are summoning an Edo Tensei that has it) and only two Sage Mode summons at once may be used. Rinnegan's Animal Path summons are acceptable. If a person or reanimated corpse is summoned, they count towards the rules previously mentioned.

-All problems regarding characters or posts will be directed to the offenders and judge via PM

The following are voided:

*Body Revival Technique
*Body Replacement Technique
*Swift Release
*Liquifying Ototon
*Any Custom KG that has not been given the okay by me, or a decent portion of the SL community.
*Anime/Movie Exclusive KG  that has not been given the okay by me, or a decent portion of the SL community.
*Abilities that go beyond the scope of the Naruto Universe (eg. Claiming to have demon, alien, magic etc. powers from a different
*Custom Space-Time Jutsu
*Any Six Path Chakra Abilities, Rinne Sharingan Abilities, (STC based on reasonability of your character having them, such as being the Ten Tails Jinchuriki)
*Secret Technique: Mist Rain
*Yamanaka Clan Jutsu
*If you have Kamui with other MS Jutsu. Its either Kamui or the other techniques.

***All of this is subject to change***


As the defender, I will be posting first. (The Zone is 5)

Madara would be traversing a large forest, mentally communicating with his Bijuu as he makes his way from branch to branch swiftly,"Hmmm, you suggest combining a Bijudama with a Chibaku Tensei? How would that work exactly?" Madara sighs before giving back a reply,"Like I said, Zetsu and I are still ironing out the details." The Beast would put his hand to his chin within Madara's mental pysche,"Hows about combining the Bijuudama with something like...the Rasengan?" Chiming in, another voice in the Uchiha's head (Zetsu) would reply,"I dunno, kinda feels like thats been done before."


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Re: Madara vs Madara (Shadow) Pssst, i bet my money on Madara.
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2015, 11:21:34 PM »

Acuna would walk slowly into the wood, the hem of his maroon robe trailing the ground as did. Nothing but the man's bespectacled face could be seen peeking out from the hooded garment, though his three tomoe Sharingan would be clear as day. As he moved he was constantly and passively gathering Natural Energy, the effect of his Senninka cells. Just as Madara himself seemed to be a small crowd of voices Acuna too had a companion. A black malleable substance, a materialization of his will wrapped around his waist that would go by the name of Tenebris.

The creature had powerful sensory abilities and would be able to direct Acuna to just where his opponent lay. Following the creature's telepathic instructions Acuna would soon appear in the sight-line of the moving Uchiha. He made no attempt to speak to him but would instead merely continue to walk toward the man at an average pace.
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Uchiha Madara

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Re: Madara vs Madara (Shadow) Pssst, i bet my money on Madara.
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2015, 11:48:57 PM »

His own sensory abilities would come into play as he detects Acuna and Tenebris approaching. Madara would continue on towards the figures, having activated his own three tomoe Sharingan by the time they come within eachother's line of sight. Wary of random figures he meets in the woods, he would meet with man with immediate aggression, "You'd best have a good reason for stepping in my path boy. Speak quick or prepare for a journey down the River Styx..." Mental communication between the three would sure Kurama remains on standby, ready to give chakra and Zetsu (from the confines of Madara's armor) would ooze out from his back, stealthily removing two marked kunai from his weapon pouch. The pliable humanoid would toss them to Madara's left and right, making them land 50 feet away from him on both sides. Zetsu would remain hidden behind the Uchiha's back, though most likely still would be detected by Tenebris anyhow.


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Re: Madara vs Madara (Shadow) Pssst, i bet my money on Madara.
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2015, 07:07:00 AM »

Tenebris did have the ability to sense Madara as well as the man's own Zetsu, and he'd inform Acuna of the creature's existence through their mental link.

From the Natural Energy constantly flowing into his body he'd enter his Sage Mode. His pink skin would turn white and scaly, four horns would raise from his head, the pupils of his Sharingan would become slits like a snake, and a white snake would expel itself from his navel and wrap around his belly, forcing Tenebris to move onto Acuna's upper back. He'd continue to walk toward Madara.

He'd of course see the thrown kunai and upon their landing he'd simply tap his foot on the ground and cause two rock hands to rise up under the weapons and attempt to crush them into shrapnel, rendering them useless for any sort of trickery. From the way he through the weapons away he could assume that were to be used for Hiraishin, a jutsu he had seen before.

"You speak boldly for a man who plans a retreat before all else. I think you're nothing but a paper tiger."

Now within 20 feet of the man Acuna would punch his right hand forward and unleash a swarm of black anaconda-sized snakes from his sleeve.

Senpo: Sen'ei Tajashu

The several dozen large snakes would race toward Madara, covering the distance between them in a mere moment. Some would charge straight at him while others curved to hit him from the sides as well as striking from behind. The snakes would all snap their jaws at the Uchiha and attempt to bite him. Aiming for the face, neck, hands, anywhere that wasn't armored.
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Uchiha Madara

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Re: Madara vs Madara (Shadow) Pssst, i bet my money on Madara.
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2015, 04:57:59 AM »

With the use of his potent eyes the elder Doujutsu user would see the slightest muscle twitch from his opponent with great clarity, allowing him in a sense to "predict" the incoming attack. This in conjunction with his sensory abilities, feeling the build up of chakra within his foe, would prompt the man to form a handseal as he jumps up rather quickly, evading the strike of the snakes.

Utilizing his Mokuton Bloodline Limit, Madara would spew from his mouth a condensed jet of pollen strong enough to slice through bedrock. Aimed towards Acuna and his allies, the pollen would threaten not only tear them asunder, but drain them of their chakra. Due to the small size of the pollen, it is capable of entering the pores of his victims, reacting only to chakra signatures not belonging to the proprietor of the jutsu. If contact is made with opposing chakra, the pollen would absorb it, developing into small spiked trees. This makes it deadly if touched, threatening to grow either ontop or inside his opponents, draining and/or killing them. The massive amounts of pollen would also act as a smokescreen for the man as he once again would have Zetsu attempt the same tactic but with a single kunai, while he keeps anotheron hand.

The speed of the jet mimics the quickness of the snake attack. Considering chakra-based defences and attacks may prove futile and the Uchiha's continual spraying (having the stream follow Acuna and crew if need be), the fellow Sharingan user may find himself hopelessly trapped in a pollen-mist of death,
"Perish plebeians under the weight of power manifested in form." Zetsu says aloud absorbing the Hiraishin kunai he had in hand into his being. If left undisturbed for a few seconds, the Wood Release cloud would cover 300 meters in a few seconds and the man would ascend higher into the air.

Though mostly a boon for Madara, the smokescreen of chakra would block his field of vision as well as his combatant's if successful, relying on his heightened senses to have a mental map of locations and movements of Acuna as well as Tenebris.


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Re: Madara vs Madara (Shadow) Pssst, i bet my money on Madara.
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2015, 02:05:53 AM »

The snakes would turn on a dime and dart upward to continue their pursuit of Madara as the man jumped in the air. The smoke cloud might block Madara from Acuna's sights but one of the snakes was able to see the kunai that had been thrown, and would inform Acuna of this through their mental connection. They would continue to try and restrain Madara.

Acuna himself would copy the same hand sign Madara had made and use the exact same jutsu, utilizing a continuous stream just as Madara did. Normally the Sharingan cannot copy Kekkei Genkai but that is only because it does not give the user an ability to use Kekkei Genkai they do not possess themselves. Acuna does have Mokuton so logically there is no reason he could not copy Madara's jutsu. However his would be empowered by Sage chakra and would be much stronger than Madara's, cutting through the man's blast of pollen before it could damage anyone.

Since they are both chakra absorbing techniques then one would assume that if they clashed the stronger one would win. So Acuna's should absorb Madara's as his cloud of pollen spread through out the area and threatened to kill Madara with his own technique while protecting Acuna and his snakes at the same time.

He'd tap his foot again and use the same earth jutsu as before to destroy the kunai the Zetsu had thrown, that his snake had informed him about.

The sound of loud hissing would audibly exude from Acuna's cloak.
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Uchiha Madara

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Re: Madara vs Madara (Shadow) Pssst, i bet my money on Madara.
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2015, 12:51:19 AM »

Sensing the nature composition of Acuna's attack, which began to rapidly absorb the pollen, the Uchiha would suspect him of the same jutsu, especially since he would detect the chakra spread out like a cloud. Drawing upon some of Kurama's chakra, Madara would enhance his attack's strength. Considering the man was once the Jinchuriki of the Seven Tails and currently of the Nine, his natural prowess as well as Tailed Beast strength should give him the boost to easily overpower his foe's attack.

Whether successful or not, the jet would propel the shinobi further, increasing his distance from the snake's reach, or destroying them due their proximity to his own pollen. Forming a handseal and stopping his attack, he would create a
Kage Bunshin that appears on his shoulders. If for some reason Madara's jutsu failed, the doppelganger would perform a swift upward spin kick, quickly becoming a tornado in the shape of a dragon which would head towards Acuna and company. The technique, Leaf Dragon God, would barrel through the pollen clearing from the area unfazed by it's abilities due it's pure Taijutsu origins. It would attempt to swallow Madara's opponents, subjecting them to a torrent of razor sharp wind strong enough to slice through solid rock with ease.

However, if the Jinchuriki's assault wins out, the copy instead would form a set of handseals behind his back (having surmized his jutsu was copied before) creating clouds above that release dense rain. This jutsu would work in similar manner to Ukojizai no Jutsu and his pollen as the rain would be connected to Madara's senses, but it would also act as a powerful adhesive in reaction to foreign chakra. Stronger than concrete, in moments the rain threatens to pin down Acuna so tight that trying to move through it would feel attempting to swim through a sea of solid asphalt. The rain would bring visibility to zero, allowing Zetsu (who is a mass of Madara's chakra) to slip from the original and lightly fall to the forest floor undetected through the rainfall.
Pollen Attack
Kage Bunshin no Jutsu
Konoha Ryūjin or Adhesive Rain



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Re: Madara vs Madara (Shadow) Pssst, i bet my money on Madara.
« Reply #7 on: December 29, 2015, 01:43:59 AM »

Thankfully for Acuna, Madara seems to have forgotten that his own jutsu was capable of slicing through bedrock, and that was before it was enhanced with Sage Mode. Let's get back to that later though.

Madara had attempted to combat the technique by tapping into Kurama's chakra, but that would not be enough. He had not described any outward visual changes (Chakra cloak, changed facial features like elongated canines or nails) and even the weakest Jinchuriki form, the Initial State, has changes visible to anyone. One must assume that Madara, guided by his misplaced pride, has used a psuedo-transformation that taps into such a minute amount of the bijuu chakra that there are no visible changes to his body. Such a state would of course be even weaker than the Initial Jinchuriki State. Most people would consider it foolish to combat a Perfect Sage Mode user with such a small amount of power but, considering Madara's arrogance, he most likely actually believes that if he so much as lifts a finger he could wipe out anyone. Time to shatter that delusion and bring him back to reality.

This particular beam struggle would be a no-contest. They were using the exact same jutsu, Acuna's empowered by Perfect Sage Mode and Madara's empowered by his sub-jinchuriki transformation (and other irrelevant information). They would not even be in the same league. Acuna's attack would continue to pierce through Madara's as if he had not empowered it at all. The piercing beam would enter Madara's mouth and continue until it exited at the back of his neck. This would sever the man's spinal cord just below the base of the skull and should instantly kill him. This is called a legal auto-hit as Madara had provided no relevant defense against Acuna's attack.

The propulsion from his own jutsu would certainly not be enough as previously Madara had been ascending upwards while firing the jutsu, which meant the momentum from his jump was stronger than the force of the jet of pollen, and only once that had ebbed did the jutsu start pushing him. Either that or Madara can turn the recoil of his jutsu on and off at will, but that would be silly. Regardless that would not overcome the speed of the Sage Mode enhanced technique.

Additionally, Madara had not removed himself from the AoE of the pollen either. When he described it he said the cloud would cover 300 meters in a matter of seconds. Assuming it is moving at a speed of 100 meters per second this would mean it is moving upwards of 200 mile per hour. So if Madara was somehow not killed from having his spine severed he would still be surrounded by the pollen when he stopped to make the shadow clone. The pollen would drain his chakra and cause spiked trees to grow around his body, impaling and binding him as well as continuing to drain his chakra. The pollen was also small enough to sink into the man’s pores, causing more woodwork to grow inside the man’s body, likely tearing him apart and killing him… again. If he managed to make his shadow clone at this point than the same thing should happen to the clone as it would appear completely surrounded by the pollen.

If Madara somehow survived even that he would find out that the audible hissing coming from Acuna’s cloak was not innocuous. It was in fact the snake’s version of Magen: Gama Rinshō; Senpo: Magen: Hebi Rinshō. With the addition of Sage Mode chakra the snake fused with Acuna’s abdomen was able to perform the technique by itself, and although the bijuu inside Madara could snap him out of the Genjutsu, he would be immediately placed back into it, as the snake would keep the chant going for as long as it could. All it needed to do was reach Madara’s ears to completely paralyze his mind and body. Since it has been going on since last turn than arguably it already has, and it goes without saying this would affect the black Zetsu of Madara’s as well.

Should Madara be inexplicably alive after being killed twice in the same turn the snakes that had been pursuing would catch up to him as he was being placed perpetually into the snake’s Genjutsu. Still extending from Acuna’s sleeve, they would bite Madara’s body at any place they could reach and Acuna, through his connection with them, would flow his chakra through the snakes and cause them to channel a Senpo: Bakuton: Jiraiken into Madara’s body. Should it connect the resultant explosion would completely obliterate the Uchiha from the inside out and the snakes would coil back in toward Acuna, Madara’s blood on their fangs.

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Uchiha Madara

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Re: Madara vs Madara (Shadow) Pssst, i bet my money on Madara.
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2016, 07:13:07 PM »

Posts on hold till judge declares decision.

Keito Uzumaki

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Re: Madara vs Madara (Shadow) Pssst, i bet my money on Madara.
« Reply #9 on: February 10, 2016, 06:45:17 AM »

Alright, well originally I was called in to make a call about the Pollen vs Pollen attack. After much conversing I settled it down to a rough 80/20 favor towards Shadow in both their attempts to overpower the other. Originally it was to be they cancelled each other out, but through further investigation would I deem that wrong due to the precautionary methods taken by Shadow and vagueness set by Madara with his 'simply better than yours' attempt.

Of course, though I would allow Madara to continue defending himself 'verbally' in a way that may have changed my thought, but for the sake of time spent waiting on this decision an overall judgement call was request. So I will incorporate a mix of both into this one.

It was interesting to see that this was just the second round-about of turns within the match, as this pollen was only introduced to counteract the incoming snakes. Of course, Madara furthermore attempted to kill 2 birds with one stone as he continued the process to make pollen/fog consume Shadow's person. On the contrary, through Sharingan, would Shadow mimic the same technique and would both jet out at each other. The claim is, that whosever breaches first would become the 'victor' in some sense of overpowering the other. Now I must stress that prior to this technique even being put at play, Shadow has already been in a state of Perfect Sage mode where as Madara didn't exercise a similar power-up like so. 'Twas only after Shadow used the same technique would Madara choose to amp himself up with biju power in a sense to combat and furthermore overpower the attempt to copy his technique. This alone would leave me to believe that Shadow's had the ability and time to overcome Madara's before the biju chakra could help retain control. Regardless, once the breach was allowed, I believe the actual technique's effect would pull through, acting as the chakra absorbing assault against the very same chakra absorbing assault. This would leave Shadow's assault the dominant one in the field and something for Madara to have to deal with now going on with whatever else was involved. In theory this power struggle would halt/delay/alter any actions afterwards as well due to its severity.


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Re: Madara vs Madara (Shadow) Pssst, i bet my money on Madara.
« Reply #10 on: February 17, 2016, 06:57:16 AM »

In accordance with the rules we agreed to if the fight has gone on longer than 30 days and a party does not reply for a week they will automatically lose. It has been a week since Keito made his decision. So this match is concluded.

Acuna would gather Madara's blood from the fangs of his snakes and seal it away in a vial for later. One of the snakes would have gone to finish off Madara's black Zetsu with another Bakuton bite, which would have annihilated the creature. Acuna then makes his way out of the area with the 9 tails sealed in a pot that he gets for winning the fight.
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Uchiha Madara

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Re: Madara vs Madara (Shadow) Pssst, i bet my money on Madara.
« Reply #11 on: February 17, 2016, 03:23:54 PM »

According to the rules this fight was suppose to be over a long time ago. It was over 50 something days by the time Keito decided that the pollen wins out. So its actually the judge's decision.


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Re: Madara vs Madara (Shadow) Pssst, i bet my money on Madara.
« Reply #12 on: February 17, 2016, 07:52:07 PM »

I think I misunderstood your rule so let me clarify it. You're telling me that it's been 50 days since Keito made a decision. You have not posted in this time and you want a judge to possibly award you the win anyway? Where does the automatic loss after not posting for a week come in then? To my knowledge the longest time frame people have ever had to post in a bijuu fight was 1 month. You have exceeded that as well. So I don't think anyone's going to take issue with me claiming the win.
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Keito Uzumaki

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Re: Madara vs Madara (Shadow) Pssst, i bet my money on Madara.
« Reply #13 on: February 19, 2016, 06:02:11 AM »

Just 'cause I love to type...

Given another decision should be made to determine the winner. Even with my previous decision accounting for basically 50% of the match itself, lead into Shadow's favor. The same goes with this decision in the overall-scheme of things. Based off how it was played, Shadow came into the match prepared with Sage Mode ready with the anticipation of one's biju advantage. Despite my hate for the Sharingan, using such resourcefully to pin the assault back onto Madara does indeed grant him points as well. Although last minute notice the Leaf Dragon God might have hindered it but I believe the technique wouldn't remove all the chakra absorptive gasses, leaving the attempt to falter. With such and other factors, Shadow would find himself the victor in this ever long debacle.

Thankfully, I rest my case on this one. If anything, the power struggle was surreal.


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Re: Madara vs Madara (Shadow) Pssst, i bet my money on Madara.
« Reply #14 on: February 19, 2016, 06:09:44 AM »

As far as the Leaf Dragon God is concerned I was framing my post in such a way that he'd be dead before he could make the clone to use it, if my attempt to kill him had failed then I'd have dealt with it, even though the jutsu is just incredibly god mod taijutsu that's as strong as something like Morning Peacock (which requires 6 Gates to use) but for free. That aside I think this topic can be un-stickied and locked. Thanks for putting up with us Keito.  :D
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

Something that can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.


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