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Author Topic: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]  (Read 7965 times)


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A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]
« on: December 28, 2015, 04:31:09 AM »

Some forests are renown for their wildlife. Others are renown for their dead.

This one was known for its deer. At the very edges of Fire Country, a large cavern housed a large, twenty foot long (from nose to tip) crimson scaled dragon with a wingspan of about 22 feet. His arms folded and his wings tightly brought close to him, Pyro Hito watched over home base. While one hunted the other watched over the nest, and as much as Pyro hated the forest, he hated guard duty even more.

He huffed a small spout of fire before glancing backwards towards the belly of the cavern. He would gaze forward again, grumbling to himself about the impossibility for a dragon even close to his size to have any good hunting in this forest; Rita clearly had had that intentioned and in mind when she chose this place.

Indeed, Rita had had her reasons, but not for the obvious. Her scale pattern again blending into the forest environment, and her serpentine neck slowly craned towards a river. Oblivious, for now, to the impending danger was a lone though frightened buck. Rita had used shadow imitation to scare off his herd and isolate this particular individual, as venison was a guilty pleasure of hers that never failed to deliver. It reminded her of home, of better times.

The buck, perhaps having accepted its fate and merely waiting for it to be over, stayed frozen in spot next to the riverbank, the pristine waters reflecting the predator looming just overhead. In a flash, the wind dragon moved, snapping at air as the buck narrowly avoided her sizable jaws, large enough to crush his entire body in a single bite. A rear kick to the nose added more insult to the misaimed strike, but like a serpent locked onto its prey, Rita pursued.

Her primary body moved in a calculated fashion as to avoid crashing about through the forest, itself a momentous task considering her size rivaled that of her dragon companion back at the cave. Her neck and head moved with a similar grace, but with noteably greater speed, snapping at the four legged creature with audible ferocity. After a few seconds of successful dodges, the buck's luck gave out; one hoof in the river and another between Rita's teeth, and his last cry sounded as he was lifted into the air and snapped up between mighty jaws.

Chewing, Rita quickly titled her morsel to its second to final destination as a deer. Her eyes steeled towards the general direction of a small commotion.

The rest of the heard had heard her, and was on the move. If she was going to bring back enough venison for herself and for Pyro, she would need to be more efficient. Like a chameleon she blended into her environment, only the sound of flapping and the billowing of trees any indication that she remained in existence.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2015, 05:08:25 PM by Eric »
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Re: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay Jay and Eric RP]
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2015, 10:38:30 AM »

The Nara had been wandering around the lush forest once again, this time he entered a part of the forest he'd only been to once, with his late grandfather. While he seemed to be in some sort of weird trance, he couldn't help but feel at home in the forest of deer. He remembered the stories the old man had told him about this place mere months ago when they saw each other for the final time.

While he was sure he was referring to the forest of deer nearest to Konoha where the Nara clan cares for the antlered creatures. He still felt at ease being surrounded by nature, unobstructed by man made buildings.

There was also one more thing he heard about this area. It was but a rumor, but he trusted the judgment of his Manji Agents. He sent a few units out with the sole purpose of locating either a dragon summoner or a dragon itself. So far, since their creation, or rather recreation, some odd months prior they had no particular fruit to harvest. Not even a full day had passed before they directed him towards this particular section of the forest. Evidence of large grooves along a few trees, large pools of dried blood and clawed footprints covered certain parts of the forest. Being a shifter of animals, Jay knew not of any land animals that could cause such damage in the forest.

So here he was, keeping a steady pace, just as the dragon Rita was camouflaging with the surrounding forest, he had to make sure his scent was blending in perfectly with said forest. If it was indeed a dragon, he didn't want to encounter one capable of such damage. He dreaded to think of joining the deer in its position on the food chain.

Having an idea, he jumped in the air and landed on a branch. He made sure he was in the shadow of the tree, sitting with his legs crossed, and blurred through a set of seals. The shadow of the tree wrapped around the outline of his body and caused him to become transparent(1), no light reflecting from his body. He remained both silent and still as he became one with nature. The naked eye would be hard pressed to find the man as he was camouflaged nearly perfectly. The senses would have similar difficulty as the nature energy gathering around him, masked his own. If he was to move, the chakra would become his own.

The taking culmination of nature energy would heighten his senses and spread them out in the forest. He didn't need seals for this technique(2), just concentration and time. If there was a dragon in this forest, he would like to know where, first and foremost. All living things had blood, even the trees though he didn't think sap counted. In any case, nothing was capable of fooling this scan, for as long as their heart badumped in their chest.

1- Kageton: Kagegakure no Jutsu  (Shadow Release: Hiding in the Shadows Technique)

2- Chiton: Ryūketsu no Chōsa (Blood Release: Bloody Survey)

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Re: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2015, 05:42:40 PM »

The herd continued its flight down the river, seemingly running a pre-determined location. Rita was not a fan of playing with her food, but as tempted as she was to use genjutus on them, something did not feel right. It was only for a moment, but it was if something had disturbed her chakra sensory for a few moments.

It was a forest, so for now she would think nothing of it. She slinked about towards the deer only to pick up on a particular chakra spike. They were gathering around it... So that's why they were following the river in such a linear fashion. Rita maintained her camoflague when the source of the chakra spike became clear.

A very large buck, one that dwarfed all the others, with antlers the size of trees and a body rivaling Rita's own in size, staring upstream towards what it believed to be the source of the herd's scattering. Its eyes scanned the deer as if counting heads, and finding that several were missing, it snorted. Green rings around its eyes and the sudden locking of eyesight directly onto Rita gave her all the indication that she needed that she was no longer as well hidden as she thought she had been.

Re-appearing, her disguise no longer effective, Rita smirked, flaring her wings wide in challenge.

"These are yours hm? I have a friend to feed and a nest to return to. I will not be returning empty."

"You greedy lizard, must you take the whole herd? I am Cervis, and I shall bring an end to you!"

Rita was taken aback when the deer actually spoke back. His words, predictable, but the fact that he spoke back completely surprised her. Yes, some animals could talk, but she didn't actually expect-

Her thoughts would be interrupted by the Buck rearing up and slamming its hooves to the ground. At once, the forest seemed to come alive, quite literally, with wood surging out in an attempt to bind and restrain Rita.

Wood release. No time to curse, Rita gathered wind chakra around herself, at the same time leaping into the air. The effect would be her launching herself into the air, with an aura of blue around her form.

Jūha Reppū Shō no Yoroi; Beast Tearing Gale Palm Armor

The wind armor would form in the general shape of her body, granting her extended reach, increased defense, and greater aerodynamics. A filter to airborne toxins and a base for quicker execution of wind style jutsu as well, the wind dragon roared as she flew higher and higher. The wood was not shattered with her roar, though the deer herd certainly scattered about their immediate area (save for the leader). The wood, however, did not shatter, nor even buckle for that matter.

Sage mode. Rita began to legitimately get somewhat nervous at this point, focusing her razor sharp vision on one objective. She needed to seriously kill this, Cervis, before he started hitting her with something a little more difficult to dodge. Flying higher and using her chakra sensory to lock onto her quarry and his continued attempts at trapping her with wood, she would take a quick breath, and then shoot a volley of wind bullets at her quarry down below, with the intent on ripping through his flesh like fire lead bullets through cloth.

Fūton: Shinkūgyoku; Wind Release: Vaccum Sphere

No doubt Jay would hear the commotion from the moment the wood surged and Rita roared. Though roughly a mile away from the beginning of the battle, he would likely sense the origin of the struggle. Not quite as far, more like half a mile away in the complete opposite direction, he would sense another presence stirring at the sound of combat.

That roar sounded distinctly like Rita. Pyro fidgeted and temporarily retreated back into the cavern, standing atop of the small, sheltered nest with some anxiety. Rita had instructed him to stay here unless she explicitly called for him, which he had to assume she was capable of doing, and the last time he had deviated she had taken a few scales off of him.

Still, if she was in danger, he would rather risk her wrath than the fury of her human companion, or worse, her father. Pyro shuttered at the idea of what her father would do to him; getting his blessing had been easy, but that was only because getting together with Rita had been his job. Protecting her had been another, and to fail at the more important one, Pyro would need to find a desert temple very deep in the sand to escape Drago.

But... Rita was a powerful dragon. She had various skills at her disposal, she was no pushover. Unless she were dealing with an actual shinobi, she could probably handle it. Wandering back to the mouth of the cave with his wings half-extended, Pyro could see the faint sign of Rita's wind armor in the distance. Wood attempted to reach up and grab at her, and though it seemed as if the attacker was reaching in vain, Pyro still half shot into the air.

Ultimately, he decided to wait, for now. He paced about the mouth of the cavern, half an eye to the inner and half to the Outer.
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Re: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2015, 02:24:30 AM »

Jay had to admit that his senses had been rocked upon hearing the roar from a mile away, his blood scan had only confirmed the rumors. There was a dragon around these parts. Or dragons, he should correct himself, as he also managed to reach the male dragon Pyro inside the cavern. Though this peaked his interest, so did the monstrous deer in the direction of the roar. His senses paid little mind to the chakra being thrown around in that general direction as the fact that a deer could become that took priority in his curiosity. A soft chuckle would slip passed his lips as he thought of an old fashion saying, 'Curiosity killed the cat' which resulted in a sort of decision mode that had two separate progressions into the crafty story that was his life.

In one direction was the lone dragon, awake, from what it's blood told him, and not helping it's companion for unknown reasons. While this direction seemed plausible and the way he saw it, it could only mean that the mythical creature was guarding a new generation. If he went this way, the dragon guarding the egg would no doubt try to eat him and if it garnered the attention of the other dragon, he'd be hard pressed to stay alive againstthem both. But if he was successful and managed to get the egg, he would forever be hunted by the other dragon for taking the egg and injuring/killing the Guardian.

The Nara stood to his feet and turned his crimson hues, the ever present Choku Tomoe Sharingan gleaming in excitement, towards the direction of the fight. Because he stood, the technique canceled and the gathered Nature Energy converged on him and strengthened his Nature Armor.

In that direction was a dragon fighting a deer, which he would have to give the win to the predator, but he was sensing Senjutsu chakra being used as well, which meant the deer was a wildcard that could turn the tide with one wrong move on the dragon's part. There was the possibility that, his involvement in the fight had a 50/50 split as well. The dragon could very well appreciate his help and offer an egg to him as thanks, or take a blow to her pride and try to eat him as well.

The Nara had never been faced with such a decision and knew, from the fact that they were in opposite directions, that he could only pick on. Feeling as if the fork in the road, had extra forks alongside each fork, only one thought passed through his mind.
"Sh**..." The cons far outweighed the pros, but the pro outcome was highly desirable.

With an extra minute to weigh the options, the Nara let a silent curse slip pass his lips and sped off towards the fight between the two beasts. He hoped everything stayed in his favor after this. At least this way, he didn't have the possibility of fighting two dragons, less they want to leave an egg unguarded.

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Re: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2016, 12:20:30 AM »

The wind bullets that Rita had let loose found themselves buried into wooden trunks. The skybound wooden constructs began to taper off and curl, small branches beginning to emerge from them. Cervis spoke some language unintelligible and sent his herd scattering, their movements covered by the winding woods.

Mokuton: Kajukai Kōrin; Wood Release: Advent of a World of Flowering Trees

Rita would have thought this whole situation funny, except by this point she was using more energy than she would have acquired just eating the deer that now seemed to flee from the battle.  Now angered with that thought in mind, Rita resolved that she would have those impressive antlers for herself by the end of the day, dinner or no dinner. Indeed, she could return to Iwagakure and get some nice armor for it, perhaps even one made her look like a creature of the night.

She would have to set Neala up for that task, presuming she still remained in the village upon her return from her lengthy hiatus from civilization. While building up together a special draconian solution, and adding katon chakra to the mix, Rita dispelled her wind armor with a strong flap of her wings, sending a powerful gust that temporarily formed three small tornadoes, their power great enough to rip at the wooden barricade that Cervis had attempted to use to shelter himself.

Fūton: Kamikaze; Wind Release: Divine Wind

Rita's tornadoes were destructive, but also fairly constructive. As the buds became flowers and the flowers released their special brand of pollen, the forest soon became a windstorm of wood, debris, and sleeping pollen. He and his deer herd immune to the effects of the pollen at least, the pollen storm would deter Rita from swooping down and harassing the herd in its escape.

However, Cervis was no fool. He knew that the pollen was also very flammable, and the winds themselves could cause great concussive damage to himself and his retreating herd. To block off their escape route with a physical barrier as to protect them from this, Cervis once again stomped at the ground, his antlers glowing bright as a mighty wooden constructed seemed to emerge from the earth.

Mokuton: Mokujin no Jutsu; Wood Style: Wood Golem Jutsu

The creature of wood had no legs, but a serpentine-bodied dragon for a left arm and a large round shield for a right arm, in this manner only contrasting from its canonical counterpart. The shield dropped down to the ground, for a few seconds shaking the earth as if it were a rattle in a startled baby's hand, causing the natural trees to shake and in some cases tumble to the ground, a few of this sort even threatening to crush Jay. The shield then was swept along the landscape to redirect the winds, sending them and much of the forest flying in the general direction of Jay and Pyro and the opposite direction of the fleeing deer herd.

The dragon arm, however, shot up into the sky towards the lone flyer with great speed.

Rita's eyes widened as she began flying away from the construct and witnessed the general trajectory of the attack. She lowered her altitude and spat out the burning solution towards the pollen windstorm below just a second before being wrapped in the wooden dragon's embrace. Though tight, its constrictive strength having an odd chakra draining effect on her, Rita managed to use her own physical strength to keep from being completely crushed, along with the general resilience of her skeletal structure.

She was not entirely banking on that alone to save her; the napalm-like mixture dropped towards the flammable windstorm was her primary plan. Its ignition would most likely turn the windstorm into a giant firestorm; something Pyro could much more easily deal with in sheltering their far too humble abode.

Ryūkan: Nento Endan; Dragon Fire Release: Sticking Spit Fire Bullet

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Re: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2016, 06:48:03 AM »

Jay remained in the trees, movingly cautiously ahead as the quantity of chakra spiked dramatically. It wasn't long before the Earth began to tremble over the power the beast's were exerting and as dozens of trees began to topple over, a dense wall of chakra covered encompassed his vision. The next branch he landed on, cracked under his weight and he barely managed to push himself backwards as the wall of flames approached him like a derailed freight train.

The ignited pollen and surrounding trees only empowered the rapidly spreading conflagration.
"Holy crap. Holy crap. Fire hot. Fire hot." He repeated quickly as he continued to hop backwards, no worries about running into a tree trunk as he hadn't had to maneuver out the way of any for a good 200 meters behind him. But as he made his impromptu backpeddle, he weaved through a series of hand seals, spreading his chakra in front of him. As he finished, he remained on the branch and grew a bit serious, half a dozen trees exploded in front of him, a rush of water shot out of each of the trees and collided with the rushing flames(1).

A sudden rush of steam would fill the area as the water seemed to immediately evaporate upon contact with the fire. It also served the purpose of stopping the spreading of the fire as well. After he did that, he panicked knowing that his chakra spike would most surely bring their attention towards him. He hoped they didn't turn on him at the same time.

1- Suiton: Teppōmizu (Water Release: Flash Flood)

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Re: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2016, 07:36:58 PM »

Pyro flinched, as the wooden constructs gave way to a large wall of fire. However, while he prepared his chakra for a defense, much of the fiery wave coming his way turned to steam. Rita was not a water style user; there was someone else in this forest. Pyro took a deep breath, and then began exuding his scorch release chakra; before long, the entire air began to dry, the steam diminishing more quickly than usual.

Shakuton: Sabaku Kyū- Scorch Release: Desert Coffin

The intent was to dry out the surrounding area, making it more difficult to perform wood release and water release. Of course, the arid conditions would not instantly kill off the trees, but it would have a marked effect on the environment as time passes on.

Not that Rita was surprised that the flames did not continue unabated, but she was surprised by the generation of steam. Of course, it would be around this time that Pyro's attack would begin to have its effect. Rita no longer had to worry about her family, but she did have to deal with the wooden dragon's bite and its squeeze sapping at her chakra. Once again calling upon the liquid, Rita spat the liquid fire all over the head of the wooden dragon. This time, she did not ignite it, instead leaving the fairly corrosive fluid to burn through the dragon.

Ryūkan: Nento; Dragon Fire Release: Sticking Spit

Since chakra was not the primary component, the dragon's bite would do little to diminish its effects. Although it would take a few minutes, the liquid would wear enough for dragon to force her way through the head, thankfully in part because Cervis' attention had been diverted. Now freed, she rapidly spread her wings and flew upwards.

With his herd sheltered, Cervis now needed to focus on himself. The flames, the wind, the temporary flame, the various chakra spikes. Cervis' antlers once again glowed as a tri-layer wooden dome sheltered him from the various debris. However, the wooden dragon was not through yet; though Rita had broken free, this battle was far from over. The dragon now split into two, one to continue pursuing her and the other to head after the newcomer.
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Re: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]
« Reply #7 on: January 03, 2016, 01:31:25 AM »

Rest came and went in what seemed like a blink of an eye. Just as the various creatures felt his addition of chakra spikes, he felt theirs turn to purpose. While he hoped against them sending their attacks towards him, he knew deep down it'd happen. What surprised him though was the wave of chakra coming from behind him, though at this point it was still a few dozen meters away. He acted fast and shedded his Gravity Seals, alleviating the effects of the extra weight and giving him the speed he needed.

He couldn't have done it at a better time, cause when he turned his attention back forward, his crimson eyes met the open maw of the wooden dragon.

He had to keep himself from throwing a punch, since his Ant Seal was no longer increasing the power it granted him from the Gravity Seal. Even though it still have his uninhabited form a strength increase, he didn't want to put it to the test against the wooden dragon.

Because he was so close to the trunk of the tree, he was able to perform a bit of acrobatics. He slipped off the back of the branch and caught the branch as he fell, as his body fell he kicked his feet and swung his body forward to create a fluid momentum for his motion to carry out. As he did this first section of his maneuver his eyes stayed on the dragon's, this entire event was figuratively moving in slow motion as every detail was recorded.

To continue his escape, he perform an olympic corkscrew flip, moving to his left, towards the trunk. Whilst in the midst of his airborne twisting, the dragon would chomp on the tree branch and release a small wave of wooden shrapnel in every direction. Fortunately, this only served as annoying debris to the Nara as he finished his twisting flip to find his feet planted on the side of the trunk, leveled with the branch he was previously on, already in a crouching position.

By this time the wave of scorch release was close enough to where he could feel it's effects. He could already feel himself becoming slightly dehydrated and pushed himself off a split second later. His speed would allow him to cover the rest of the distance between him and the battling creatures in a matter of seconds. The wooden construct behind him would no doubt suffer from the full effects of the scorch release and he would only find the river a place he wouldn't want to be in if the wave continued this far.

Though upon seeing the full size of the buck he couldn't help but exclaim.
"Holy sh**, that's a big a** f****** buck!" Because of his eldest brother had bestowed upon him the bloodline, Hiki Toucho, he had developed an intimate relation with animals of every possible species and he had never seen a creature as Mystical as this buck in front of him. Surprise, seemed to be the only plausible reaction anybody could have. Of course he knew it was this size from the irregular amount of blood pumping through its veins, but seeing was far better than sensing.

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Re: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]
« Reply #8 on: January 03, 2016, 08:57:29 PM »

Cervis was the first to consider his options. Yes, Rita had earlier ignited the pollen and caused a significant amount of the forest to burn away; however, that had been a problem before when his herd was still threatened. With Rita building up chakra, seemingly to her neck it seemed, Cervis had to assume that she was either preparing to use another fire or wind attack, or she intended on using sound.

An empowered roar would be tricky to deal with. With the drying conditions beginning to cause cracks even in his wood releases, and the sky beginning to cloud up from the condensing water (evaporated from below) it was becoming clear that his best bet now was to retreat someplace the dragon had so far not displayed an affinity for.

More or less sheltered by the dome, Cervis would be surprised to find that he had apparently been spotted; no doubt the work of some sort of special dojutsu, Cervis was unsure of whether to consider the individual friend or foe. However, instinct told him to, for now, go with foe; ending the pursuit of the various wooden dragons, Cervis seemed to sink into the ground, using Doton to soften the tunneling portions of the ground as he retreated into the recesses of the earth. Where he retreated there would not even be left a hole nor a soft spot, using Doton to re-harden the ground in order to make it more difficult to track.

Doton: Moguragakure no Jutsu; Earth Release: Hiding Like a Mole Technique

Rita, her preparations finished, was partially relieved to see that the wooden dragon had stopped its pursuit; having to dodge it and use her next technique would leave her, how one might would say, very challenged for oxygen. Nonetheless, now only needing to flap her wings, Rita let loose a chakra-laced song that, upon hearing, would cause extreme drowsiness, to the point of falling asleep where one stood.

Dragon Illusion: Temple of Nirvana; Ryūgen: Nehan Shōja

While normally Rita would belt to the point of being able to be heard all across the landscape (especially when flying above it) she refrained this time due to Pyro's vulnerability to genjutsu; she did not want him falling asleep on her while there still remained opposing pieces on the chessboard. As a result, its reach would only go about a mile out from the start of the encounter, the airwaves up to about Rita's altitude of some 200 feet in the air.

Of course, due to Rita holding back, Cervis swiftly tunneling some distance into the ground, several dozen feet he had mustered by the time the song had begun would keep him from succumbing to the effects of the jutsu. In fact, he would hardly even feel the vibrations of the song at all at his depth, and it would be here where Cervis would begin maneuvering (but maintaining his depth) towards Jay.

Pyro would continue to maintain the jutsu, ever alert to his surroundings.
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Re: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]
« Reply #9 on: January 05, 2016, 04:16:36 AM »

Jay had to admit that things were getting pretty dicey with the retreating signature of the burrowing buck, leaving the dome even more hollow than it already was. (Forgot about the dome and edits the previous exclamation for a simple context change. While he didn't see it, the size comparison between him and the dome of wood, coupled with the lingering sensation from the "blood survey" would give an astute estimation of the size. Then he would compare it to the dragon's size and make his statement, this all happening in the span of a few seconds.) The dragon seemed to be doing the same thing, until he felt the subtle sensation of an auditory Genjutsu creeping on his senses. His danger senses seemed blurred by the drowsy effect of the technique and to escape it, he had to play back and forth with the Nature Energy he was using for his Nature Armor. The constant disruption of his chakra system would keep him from succumbing to the effects of the dragon's song, but would hinder the usage of his chakra. His EMS could barely remain active from this unnecessary defense, but he didn't rely too heavily on his chakra, but he was faced with a problem.

Now that he was here, what should he do? He obviously didn't think this decision through enough as he felt the scorching temperature behind him, still approaching, the wood dragons biting the dust as they seemed to back off. Though he was still concerned about creeping scorch chakra, the buck that now seemed to be approaching him from below ground, and the dragon above. It was like he was stuck between a rock and a hard place, as well as a hungry dragon.

Though these thoughts flowed through his mind, a grin seemed plastered on his face at the excitement of the situation. This was way better than doing paperwork. His muscles tensed as he prepared himself for whatever he needed to do.

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Re: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]
« Reply #10 on: January 13, 2016, 02:34:15 AM »

As a sensor, Rita would be able to determine the effectiveness of her song. Of course, it seemed to have relatively little effect; both Cervis and the recent arrival more or less had chakras reminscent of not wavering. Not wasting chakra, then, on continuing the song, Rita would fly higher, using her sensory to relocate the fleeing herd. They could get far on hoof, but she could easily catch them in flight, esspecially if the individual below distracted Cervis for her.

When Rita ceased her song and began flying higher, Cervis reconsidered his approach and came to a halt several feet (horizontally, true distance is much greater because of depth) before being directly beneath the new individual.

He was underground, and the dragon likely knew that. So what move would she make? If she intended on pursuing his herd he needed to deal with that; if she intended on attacking the individual, then an opportunity for 2v1 would make itself apparent. Nonetheless, as preparation, he would remain still, for now, gathering natural energy in preparation for retaliating against Rita.

Though unaffected by the ground above beginning to crack and plants beginning to die off from the intense, desert like heat, the skies above began clouding. This, in itself, would also provide an opportunity, but the source of the heat was another dragon some distance off.

One that had not made the effort to come help. The chakra signature was unfamiliar, so Cervis had to assume another newcomer; the association with Rita was unclear, but without a doubt the source of this desertification-worthy heat. At this rate the entire forest would wither and die, leaving his herd without food nor shelter.

With that in mind, Cervis switched prerogatives, but continued to gather natural energy. An exchange, perhaps, would be necessary.

Pyro kept up the jutsu, seeing Rita flying in the air a comforting sight. Indeed, at this point water release would take a signfiicant amount of work to amount to, and wood releasse would be quite difficult to execute. Of course, Pyro gently flapped his wings backwards in ordert to cool the cave, not wanting the nest to get too warm. Not that the eggs would complain, nor be in any serious danger thanks to their heritage, but Pyro was not looking for a premature hatching neither.

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Re: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]
« Reply #11 on: January 14, 2016, 02:18:34 AM »

Jay calmed himself down, the proceedings happening around him slowing to a crawl as he tapped into his reserves. He immediately sensed the halting buck below him, directly it seemed and the dragon above him reneged on her illusion. Things began looking up for him, because he slipped into his Sage Mode, using the Nature Energy from his Armor, while his stillness had slowly began gathering a miniscule amount of the Energy around him, the buck taking a great deal of it, while the dragon's scorching heat killed off more. An idea formed in his mind, he would need to be quick because he felt it was about time to go on the offensive.

In Sage Mode, he would be able to execute his plan with ease. Before he began weaving through a series of hand seals, he released a sliver of his chakra to prepare himself. His frame exploded in a surge of chakra as he weaved through his hand seals, manipulating a great deal of his chakra, his warm up moments ago had served it's purpose.

He completed his series of hand seals and pulled every sliver of his chakra around him, back to his person. When every atom of chakra was stored within the snake seal, his eyes developed a crazed look as he pulled his hands from the seal and slammed them on the ground with a strong tremor.

When his hands impacted the ground a pulse of his Senjutsu Explosive Chakra would seep into the ground, rushing down 250 meters and spreading outwards in the same distance in every direction(1).

After the chakra had fully fused to the Earth below, the Nara would make his escape. Obviously he couldn't really vanish in a white flash towards one of the many Hiraishin markers he laid in his journey over her, so he chose the next best thing. He formed a single hand seal and his shadow grew much darker below him as he took control over it. He would then proceed to sink into it(2), at the last moment, before he fully disappeared into the pitch black material he formed a new hand seal, priming his chakra for detonation.

A total of five seconds after he completely disappeared, the chakra acting as sort of a countdown, the Earth would explode. The blast radius would be unknown to the Nara but it would spread out a little over half a mile, the shockwave would continue for another quarter. Pyro, being the furthest away, would only feel a buffering wind impact the cave, the trees in the shockwave would only topple over, completely ripped from their roots.

Any wildlife in the immediate area would be destroyed without a trace left of them, further away, about 650 meters would just become charred as fire replaced the forest. And a very deep crater would scar the Earth below, it seeming to be a pitch black hole in the ground.

The Nara would be completely exhausted in the Shadow Dimension, panting as he could feel the loss of a quarter of his reserves. Not to mention using the technique had only been so effective because he poured so much chakra into it to make sure that it bore the desired fruit... something he didn't even know himself.
["Perfect. Destroy. Bring Chaos to this forest. Next time, target one of your precious human settlements."]

The voice would echo in the man's mind, immediately identifying the owner as Amatsu-Mikaboshi's. He rolled onto his stomach and staggered to his feet. "Damn, I did not want to use that much chakra." He already had been using Senjutsu Chakra, he didn't need anymore. He only prayed that his objective hadn't been destroyed in the blast, neither of then.

1- Bakuton: Wakusei Shometsu (Explosive Release: Planetary Annihilation)

2- Kageton: Kuraku Shikichi (Shadow Release: Darkened Threshold)

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Re: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]
« Reply #12 on: January 14, 2016, 04:02:57 AM »

Upon sensing Jay's great release/preparation of chakra, Cervis ceased gathering natural energy and molded what he had gathered into senjutsu. Needless to be stated, this would greatly increase the power of his techniques, his sensory, and his physical abilities.

All three would be important as Jay performed his handsigns and slammed his palms onto the ground. Sensing the chakra surging towards him, Cervis released Doton chakra throughout the earth, using his chakra to surround the chakra sinking downwards. His chakra surging upwards, from beneath Jay the ground would seem to erupt rock, shooting it (and possibly him) upwards akin to a minature volcano. Now, the purpose would be to get the rock "infected" with Jay's chakra into the air, dramatically reducing the depth of which his charges would potentially go off, presuming the interruption from the eruption did not rupture his plan bubble.

Doton: Kaido Shōkutsu; Earth Style: Erupt

Much of the chakra was focused on sending the rock and such skywards towards Rita. Were Jay to still detonate the rocks, not only would Cervis be fairly safe (not perfectly, but far better than before) but Rita would have to be greatly concerned by the explosion. In trading for depth range the explosion would then reach further skyward and outward, with relatively minimal impact on the ground below.

To protect himself from what explosion would remain, however, Cervis hardened his body to a point rivaling diamond, greatly enhancing his general defense.

Doton: Domu; Earth Style: Earth Spear

Some miles away from the fighting, however, several deer, mostly the antlered bucks, would suddenly drop to the ground, their antler glowing a bright white glow. Though they were several miles out, if there was an explosion, they would be forced to once again retreat and find some relative cover from the fiery hail. Some would be luckier than others in that regard, but more on that if the explosion even still occurs.

The amount of chakra being used below concerned Rita, but it seemed as if the newcomer was directing his/her energies towards Cervis. That seemed like a good sign, until the eruption of rock and such. While she could sense the explosive release chakra within it, the initial danger were the sharp, shrapnel-like projectiles that threatened to pierce through her body. Using her chakra, she would once again form wind armor around herself, and rapidly begin flying higher. More on her reaction, again, once the outcome of the attack(s) is fully determined, since if the rocks were to be detonated that would likely cause enough trouble to force a landing, while their lack of detonation would permit her to proceed with flying.

Jūha Reppū Shō no Yoroi; Beast Tearing Gale Palm Armor

As for Pyro, well, if the detonation were to occur, he would be forced to not just take shelter deeper in the cave, but also curl his body about the nest and shelter himself from the brimestone in that fashion. Being at such a distance would prevent him from being in any truly life threatening danger, but paternal instincts would rule at that point. If the explosion did not occur then Pyro would simply remain in place.  By now, however, he would see that his quarry had far more than wood and water to use, and would stop the earlier scorch release technique. This would cause the darkened skies to begin to, at first anyways, gently begin to sprinkle, proceeding to a full downpour within about 2-3 turns worth.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]
« Reply #13 on: January 17, 2016, 06:02:44 AM »

In the process of reaching it's intended depth, the Nara's Senjutsu chakra would meet the Senjutsu chakra from the mythical buck that was Cervis. This would be the only cause of it halting, the resulting battle for dominance between the two Senjutsu chakras. "Oh crap." The Nara, clearly understanding the danger of the situation, would make his escape sooner with much haste. The volatile Senjutsu chakra would erupt very shortly after the buck's technique took effect. As every square inch of the ground, the volcano still in the midst of rising, and the rocks it erupted from its large maw, would explode.

Instead of the single explosion, dozens upon dozens of explosions, ranging from large to small would fill the area. Of course, this depended on the amount of earth that had been available prior to the explosions. Though the buck had intended to protect himself from the full dangers of the explosion, he greatly heightened the danger the forest was in. The Nara had attempted to keep the explosion contained, to an extent. Though, with the raised earth, the explosion had more than just a shockwave of fire, but now molten slag would join the force as it attacked every single direction with extreme prejudice, tearing into the burning trees like a hot knife in butter.

Though the blast radius was lessened by a quarter of its original radius, the damage was extensively greater than intended. Cervis, would be the closest to the blast and it may have backfired on him depending on how much earth was between him and the explosion. The dragons, Rita more importantly, would be in immediate danger as the erupting rocks would be in her vicinity as Cervis had devised an opportunity to turn his attack towards the airborne dragon. Pyro would still see the explosion, but would only feel a slight breeze.

The Nara, in the separate dimension, would groan as he stood to his feet. This was not how he wanted to spend his day... but he was enjoying himself. At this point in time, he just needed to get himself ready, first things first would be for him to gather more nature energy in the lush environment of the shadow dimension. He hadn't been here since he learned how to manipulate Nature Energy and enter Sage Mode, as well as earn his Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan. A soft sigh would escape his lips as he sat with his legs crossed, he would be safe from interruption as he gathered the energy.

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Re: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]
« Reply #14 on: January 18, 2016, 04:02:32 AM »

The intended missive would be to spout out the rocks with explosive chakra. There wouldn't be a molten component except for perhaps near the base, due to the intense heat of the explosive chakra building up (as it was originally ssupposed to be spread out more). Indeed, though Cervis had avoided the brunt of the attack, he managed to tank a significant amount of it thanks to the Earth Spear technique. However, the apocalyptic attack would have devastating effects on the forest, and even though his herd was quite far from the danger, he could still sense them fleeing even further.

Of course, the farther they went the harder it would be to get chakra from them. But you know, self-preservation isn't just for the head right?

Rita merely had a few years to look upon her life; for it seemed to be flashing before her very eyes, very much in synchronization with the flash caused by the detonation of the rocks below. Wait, was that her life, or was that her wind armor catching aflame?

Rita shed her wind armor, but already she was spiralling towards the ground. When had she went from flying to falling? Had she temporarily blacked out? Too many questions and not enough self-preserving action going on Rita reasoned. She opened her wings and flapped, howling out as pain shot through those limbs. As if adding insult to injury her body was pummeled by earth and fire, only hastening her descent to the scarred earth below.

The ground gave her a warm kiss, a trench made from her skid/slide along the ground. Her body was in pain indescribable not because of its severity, but because of the dimming coherence. The force of the explosion had done much of the initial damage; the fall and the debris had by and large done the rest. Rita tried to shake herself of it, knowing that to lose consciousness fully would be the death of her at this point.

Pyro felt it. He had seen it. And he had heard it. The debris plinked at the cave and the shockwaves revebrated its halls, but Rita's pained cries rang far louder. Without a moment more delay he took off from the cavern. Finding her wouldn't be too hard; most of the green had been stripped from the land, so she would stand out nicely among the charred earth.

Cervis emerged from the ground several feet from Rita, a sizeable smile on his face. Seeing her this beaten put a bit of accomplishment in his breast, but at the same time sadness. He was not fond of what came next, but the beast had been warned.

Well, had she been warned? It did not matter at this point; kill or be killed, that was the nature of fight-or-flight. Sensing that he had taken a tad too much chakra from some of his bucks, Cervis opted to drop his earth spear technique, softening his body back to its more natural, fleshy state; while that other dragon might would make haste towards them, if Cervis had Rita in his clutches, he might could bargain so that he would not have to fight yet another dragon.

Rain began to fall at this point, strangely enough, as if the moisture of the area had finally deemed it time to return. As if invigorated by this drizzle, the ground sprouted several trees that snaked about and restricted Rita all about her limbs, torso, and neck, lifting her a few feet into the air for effect.

Cervis turned towards the approaching Pyro, his eyes gleaming murderously.

Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.
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