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Author Topic: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]  (Read 8000 times)


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Re: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]
« Reply #15 on: January 18, 2016, 08:52:44 AM »

Momentarily unaware of the danger the female dragon was in, the Nara took his time in gathering the Nature Energy. The gathered energy would glow a tad as it formed the Nature Armor once again. The man contemplated on whether or not he should form his Nature Bubble as well, getting an idea as to his plan of action. He waited a few more moments before his Armor was completely reformed.

He figured that would be enough and he'd be able to tap into Sage Mode if he needed to. He stood to God's feet, cutting his connection to the N.E off and he would focus his chakra towards the lone seal on his back, hidden by his hair.

Resting in the midst of his shoulder blades, a seal could be noted, the Kanji reading 'Protection' and a bramble like circle would wrap around it, to keep it from activating accidently. The Kanji would give off a glow before it began to spark to life. Activating this seal took a bit of time, which he was thankful to have at this moment. He would need to practice with this to shorten it up, you never know when you might need it.

The seal would continue to spark, the pulses of energy coming from it would cause the muscle under the seal to throb from the activity. Jay waited patiently as the pulses increased until it spontaneously activated.

In dramatic fashion, akin to the Guyver, black threads of chakra would burst from his back. The tendrils would wrap around the entirety of his body. After the energy rested for a moment, it shattered like glass and physical armor was in it's place.

The mask was a last minute addition to the over aspect of the armor. Having crafted it some few weeks ago, incorporating the same sealing "technology" to allow him to see through the material. His Manji had the same Fuinjutsu design for their masks, which meant that it wouldn't feel all too alien to the Nara. Behind him, his hair had been wrapped in the black threads as well and had been tied in a metallic braid.

He stretched his frame, moving every which way possible. This would be second time he's worn the armor, the first being when it was first made some odd month ago. It was a tight, yet loose fit. He clenched and opened his hand, walking around for a moment. Like last time, everything felt perfect, almost like a second skin. Of course it was heavy and it may seem excessive, but he could handle it perfectly. As the Manji Leader, he needed a set of armor that set him apart from the others, at least in his mind. He did obtain this set of armor before he had revived the black ops group.

He smiled behind the metal of the mask and made his way back towards the battlefield in a shadowy vortex, reappearing in the same place he vanished.

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Re: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]
« Reply #16 on: January 25, 2016, 03:23:32 PM »

Pyro by now flew over the scene of the temporary hostage-taking; Rita, there on the ground in the grasp of wooden structures, and the likely cuprit being the deer with the glowing antlers.

Something was very wrong in the natural order of things, Pyro determined.

"I warned her not to take at my herd, but she snapped at me like some madman; I presume you care for her well-being, so I will present an offer-" Cervis gave a small frown as he continued, noticing the return of the other individual. He had intended on having them vacate the premises with thier pride intact, but there was still this intruder, who had not only tried to kill him but had severely damaged the forest as well, that needed to be dealt with.

Thus, Cervis mid-sentence switched deals, never showing that he had conidered letting them off relatively easily.
" - Help me be rid of this man here, who has the gall to meddle and destroy much of this forest without regard for the creatures in it. Help me kill him and she will be all yours, safe and sound."

Though still dazed, Rita managed to catch the offer itself. Granted, the newcomer had inadvertny led to her downfall, but Rita could determine from the chakra nature that whatever hybrid the man was, Nara was in his blood. Which meant he may have come for the antlers.

Not that she was in a position to contest that, she hardly could fight for her own life at this point, but after all of the trouble she had went through she very much intended on having those antlers mounted on a wall somewhere. Maybe her good friend had finally found some residency and would summon her in a timely fashion?

Rita would not count on that, and instead begin focusing her chakra into her body. She didn't quite place her chakra where she wanted it yet, sshe didn't want to tip Cervis off to her sleigh because she needed him a little closer for quick execution. The rain had literally put a damper on some of the remaining fires of the forest, but hers grew a bit stronger.

Pyro was no mind reader nor was he a sensor. Truthfully the man's arrival on the ground several feet away from where they were had gone somewhat unnoticed by Pyro until Cervis had proposed his deal. Now seeing him, Pyro turned to face him, his options rather limited and his attachment to Rita far greater than that of a mere stranger. Of course, would the deer uphold the bargain? There was no telling, but it was his best chance. 

"Uphold your end of the deal when this is finished, buck. What's the plan?"

You go in and roast him of course is what Cervis wanted to say, but he suspected that such a frontal assault would be easily dodged. After all, the man had dodged that earlier explosion with hardly a scratch on him. Arguably he had become even tougher since then, if his appearance and chakra were anything to go by.

"He has the ability to use a strange jutsu that allows him to teleport; if your dragon friend here were still in good shape I would have her use genjutsu. Unfortunately that is not an option, so for now, we wait a moment; see what move he makes."
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Re: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]
« Reply #17 on: January 27, 2016, 01:33:53 AM »

Upon his reappearance he noticed, amongst other things, the ever growing presence of the falling water droplets. He smiled behind the mask, his single visible eye gleamed through the only hole in the mask. He remained quiet throughout their scheming and just as still. Any thoughts that had passed through his mind at the sight of the captured dragon, while didn't go away, changed. With this in mind, he once again pulled the Natural Energy inside of him, his features once again undergoing the effects of his Sage Mode. While they were hidden, his sclera had returned to its black color. The energy around him, seeping from his very armor, was icy cold. So much so that every droplet of water that hit the metal, froze and shattered, in nearly the same instance.

Like them, he watched, but his patience had worn thin with all the targeting he was receiving. The scent of blood would be picked up by those with such sharp senses, marking the activation of a technique. Though what followed would surely be surprising(1), as the Nara's voice would be muffled by the rain, spoken in a whisper and further hushed from behind the mask. "Coward." Like the technique he used before, Flash Flood, the wood holding Rita captive would explode as the water rushed out of it. Though the tough scales of her frame would protect her from the various wooden shrapnel that launched out in every direction. Even so, the wood wouldn't have much force to it since it was so close, but that still might present a small problem to her under belly, but nothing too serious.

The Nara formed a seal, in that same instance, the water moved to attack the mystical buck in five separate streams. The attacking streams, hydrokinetically controlled by the Mangekyou technique, were an easy 4 feet long with the first foot developing a frozen and rather sharp point to it(2). The Nara wasted no time as his chakra released rapid pulses. With the pulses, the first two streams would turn completely into ice and attempt to pierce the buck's side. The next two would dip down and attempt to jab itself into the buck's back legs, if successful the water behind it would act as thread and would freeze and shoot down towards the ground with surprising force. The last stream would instead form a crescent like shape, the very edge becoming sharp ice in an attempt to remove the buck's very large antlers. While he did wish for a trophy and sought to embarrass the buck, as a Nara, he couldn't help but wonder how rare such antlers were and just had to synthesize some special medicines from it. He was vastly aware of how the clan helped in create the Akimichi pills from normal antlers. These might just be what he was looking for.

This entire event would happen with such ferocity and speed that it would surely come as a surprise. Pyro would find no real reason to collaborate with the buck. Rita, while hurt, would be freed from the capture. Cervis would find that his wood techniques, made from water just as much as earth, would be rather useless in the presence of the ruthless Nara.

1-Ryujin (Dragon God of the Sea)

2-Hyoton: Gokkan no Makihige (Ice Release: Frigid Tendrils)

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Re: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]
« Reply #18 on: February 20, 2016, 09:41:13 PM »

Cervis would indeed notice the chakra flow and the activation of the jutsu that targetted the water near and within the plants; by flowing natural energy and mokuton chakra into the wood, Cervis would be capable of prolonging any problems caused by the rogue water manipulation.

What was the purpose of this delaying action? Well, it was two-folded: it would allow Cervis to coordinate an attack on the man, increase the pressure within the plants themselves, and layer his wood release with more, how one might would say, wood, though of the dead variety that had little to no water in it to start. This would make Rita's restraints somewhat more bulky for the time being, but it would prevent the bursting of the wood, at least for now.

"Water release, and explosive release hm!"

Pyro did not see nor really sense much of any change, save for the transformation of the water drops to ice upon the man's armor. This ruled out a physical attack on the individual, and so Pyro called forth several balls of scorch release chakra. Pyro would then direct a volley (6) towards Jay. Each ball of scorch release chakra had the capability of mummifying the average man, with temperatures so great that the drops of water around it merely evaporated before coming into direct contact with the balls.

Shakuton: Kajōsatsu – Scorch Release: Extremely Steaming Murder

Expecting his quarry to dodge the first volley, Pyro readied another volley, already combining it into a much larger scorch release ball than before.

Light. Light had never been so welcoming, so warming, than when Pyro readied his scorch release balls. Rita, unlike Pyro, could sense the chakras of her restraints, and then, having used her small down time to regain her wits and assess the situation, she ascertained that the man indeed had intentions on freeing her, or at the least using the water in the wood for a sneak attack. What with Cervis attempting to resist only increasing the danger and imminent threat to her, Rita funnelled her built up chakra into her mind and shadow; the moment that Pyro's lights directed Cervis' shadow within reach, Rita's own shadow would snap at the connection like a predator would its attempting to flee prey.

The intent was to subject Cervis to a genjutsu that would bind him in a tree made entirely of shadow tendrils; much like its parent technique, it would bind the user in a genjutsu with aforementioned visuals, but it would also bind the target physically via shadow imitation. If Jay were much of a sensor he would likely notice Cervis' chakra signature alteration and that the conjoined shadows seemed to defy the light of the fireballs, albeit, his focus may have been more on dodging those than anything else.

Dragon Illusion: Shadow Tree Binding Death; Ryūgen:Kage Jubaku Satsu

More importantly, this restraint would be intended on leaving an opening, for as long as Rita kept up the shadow connection the alpha deer would be trapped, both body and mind, and be unable to sustain jutsu nor dodge the man's next attack, presuming it did not involve breaking the connection between the shadows.

Cervis would not be caught entirely off guard by Rita's attack, but between trying to keep the wood from bursting (so that Pyro would not assume he had renegaded on the deal and try to kill him) and staying alert for the man's retaliation, his options were tied; he would be bound by a tree of shadowy tendrils, but also release his hold on the aforementioned jutsu, causing the wooden restraints to, at this point, burst with greater force than before. The wood shrapnel would now likely have the force to get through some of Rita's scale armor, but not quite enough to go completely through her; large and painful splinters would be her reward for her disregard for Cervis' cause.
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Re: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]
« Reply #19 on: February 22, 2016, 09:59:40 AM »

Jay couldn't help but be a tad annoyed by the buck's prowess in controlling Nature Energy. Even in Sage Mode, and using one of his Mangekyou's abilities, he hadn't been fast enough to succeed in his plan. The water from the wood having been the basis for his entire assault. He could use the water droplets falling from the sky, but chose not to. One side of his lips lifted in a devilish smirk behind the hardened mask. Even if he was able to get the buck to look through the only eyehole in the mask and slip it into a powerful Genjutsu of his own, he would still have the fiery dragon above him to deal with.

Speaking of which, said dragon spewed a small multitude of fire balls at him. He knew from chakra composition alone, that they were similar to the wall of immense heat he encountered on his way into his current situation. Not to mention he's dealt with Scorch Release before and it was never pretty. He didn't have to come up with a solid plan as his instincts took hold of his muscles and forced him into action.

His body lurched forward, towards the buck, as blackened lightning(1) surged around him from the sudden pulse of his Nature enhanced chakra. The burst of lightning enhanced speed would allow him to close the distance between him and his target while also providing a speedy evasion from the scorching hot fireballs that rained from the mouth of the dragon. He knew that if he'd had went any other way, it'd only give his target an extra second or so of providing a way out of it's shadowy bonds.

In that same instance, while Cervis was immobile from the captive dragon's shadow illusion, he had pressed for his attack. He aimed to use the high frequency cutting power of his own armored plated hand to slice the buck's head clean off. Considering the conditions in which the buck found itself in, his attack had a very high probability of finding it's mark.

In concern for the airborne dragon, Pyro, he would/should realize by now that he was attempting to release his mate from her bonds, even though he was partially the reason she was in said wooden bonds.

1- Senjutsu: Raiton no Yoroi

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Re: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]
« Reply #20 on: February 22, 2016, 12:36:12 PM »

As with all revolutions of the Natural Order, heads must roll before order is restored. Cervis of course would not be consciously aware of his head being removed from his body; rather, his final thoughts perhaps included the slight humor in the manner of his own capture. Though he was not aware of it, Jay's attack would not only hit its mark, but meet fairly little resistance; the head would gracefully dismount before ungracefully plopping into the muddy ground, some spurts of blood adding some gore for effect as Cervis' body realized that a piece was missing.

With Cervis' death Rita released her jutsu so that the body could drop fairly unceremoniously to the ground with the same amount of fanfare as the head; only the pitter patter of the rain and the cackling of the lightning release armor. Presuming Jay stopped his jutsu when he did not immediately succeed, Rita would now be left wwith the still intact wooden bonds to deal with. Not too much to worry about, Rita used her chakra to slightly decrease her overall size; not a grand amount mind you, but just enough to slip one of her forelegs out of the restraints.

"Pyro! Put that scorch release ball away and come help me get out of this!"

Pyro, seeing the death of the buck and the fact that his target had dodged his attack, frowned. He would dispel the larger scorch release ball and fly over to Rita, if uninterrupted or not beaten to the punch, he would physically pry the remaining wood release restraints from her body, the high water content of the wood making it much bendier than normal. Regardless though of her or Jay's reaction Pyro would ask,

"So what about this man? Do you know him?"
« Last Edit: February 22, 2016, 12:36:42 PM by Eric »
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Re: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]
« Reply #21 on: February 25, 2016, 07:37:20 AM »

Jay's crimson hues watched as his lightning coated hand sever the buck's head from his body. A smirk broke his face as the lightning around his left hand vanished as it swiftly reached out to grab at one of the many antlers that proudly stood up on the head. In the same process, his body turned and his left foot stomped down on the muddied ground, stopping his motion on a dime. Like a marionette without it's strings, the body of the buck fell to the ground, blood mixing with the rainwater.

Jay paid little mind to the buck's body and looked at the head in his grasp. The smirk turned to a smile and a deep sigh escaped his lips. At that moment, he lifted his right hand up to look at it. It was still coated in lightning chakra and he put an end to that, along with the rest of his body. As his chakra calmed down, his hand formed a fist for a moment, this time his armor began to shine white. As he slowly, quite dramatically in fact, opened his hand the material of his armor began to burn away, the 'ashes' whooshing away with the wet winds around him. This burning affect traveled up his arm and spread throughout his entire frame, his hair breaking away from its bindings like a small explosion.

All the pieces of his deactivating armor pushed into his back, between his shoulders blades and reformed the Protector Seal that resided in his skin. Speaking of which, the man was only wearing a pair of karate styled pants, black in color with a crimson belt to keep them secure around his lower frame. His feet were left bare as well, his hair, now wet, cascaded down his back in black waves. "Well... that was fun." He commented as the black streaks running down his cheeks and the black in his sclera melted away, his Sage Mode fading from his features as well. He turned his attention towards the two dragons, hearing them talking amidst his detransformation. "We do not know each other." He tightened his grip around the antler and hefted the head up a bit more, letting a bit more of the blood fall from the severed head before he sealed it in one of the seals that decorated his fingers. "But I would like to apologize to you, for getting you captured... My name is Jay Nara." He lifted his hand towards the heavens and, with his Ryujin still active, sent a powerful pulse of his chakra towards the dark clouds above to will the water in the clouds to completely disperse. Warranted he wasn't interrupted, the sun would once again shine down on them from above. Once this was finished, his chakra would completely calm down as the technique was deactivated as well. "You can have the body for lunch though." He smiled brightly, his crimson hues even fading from view as well, revealing golden orbs on par with the sun above. He had to play things carefully now. The next few moments would determine whether he gained allies or foes.

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Re: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]
« Reply #22 on: February 25, 2016, 12:50:11 PM »

"A Nara huh?"

Well that would explain why the man was trying to make off with her prize, then. With Pyro helping her up, Rita flapped at her wings in irritation, though did not immediately protest the seizure of the antlers. Judging by his action from earlier, she was not in the greatest of shape to engage him if it came to a fight over the antlers; reasoning with this Nara Jay would likely be her best route.

"Well then, Nara Jay, my name is Rita. This is Pyro. If you have ever lived in Konohagakure I am sure you have heard of me, though if not that is quite fine too. I believe you are quite mistaken, I am not interested in the body, as it was not the body that nearly led to my death a few moments ago. No, the prize here are the antlers, which as a Nara I am sure you are aware have various applications and uses."

Pyro would follow along, sizing up the now not as impressive visually man. A Nara? More than just a Nara, Pyro deduced, as the man didn't even seem to use shadow imitation from what he had seen of him. Nonetheless he would flank Rita with wings opened wide, awaiting either a call to action or a place to input his own thoughts. When Rita mentioned that her prize was the antlers, Pyro halfway scoffed.

"All of that for some antlers? Tch."

Rita did not pay Pyro too much mind, her stoic face downturning somewhat in a frown. "So tell me Jay; what are those antlers worth to you?"
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Re: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]
« Reply #23 on: February 26, 2016, 01:43:06 AM »

Worth? Quite a lot if the proved the vital catalyst to the breakthrough. Still though, the process was still experimenting with ingredients to form a stimulating synthesis that would have the proper effect. Would it be right to inform a dragon of such scientific experiments in this situation? He shrugged, his thumbs slipping below his belt as he looked into Rita's eyes, first glancing towards Pyro's direction as he spoke. "I've not come here for the antlers, they merely prove to be a bonus to some scientific efforts back home. I've never resided within Konoha, but I'm not exactly far off. Uzushiogakure is where I currently call home, but back to the subject at hand."

He began to pace, not one of nervousness, but merely an adopted habit he picked up from his grandfather when in the process of explaining things. "As I mentioned, back home I'm heading some valuable research in hopes of creating something a tad similar to the Akimichi's special pills... minus such a devastating drawback of course..." Also something that wouldn't be in stages like the three pills, more like capacity, but he didn't feel the need to verbally add this note. But he knew that he was simply rambling without cutting straight to the point, this thought caused him to chuckle softly, it being just like his gramps. "I want it to be used by those that can. I'm attempting to create a Nature Pill, if you will. A rapid and near immediate infusion of Nature Energy in one's chakra system. Of course, I tried just simply pouring in Nature Energy into a pill, but without anything to keep it 'Naturally Sealed' it kept bursting apart. Further research pointed me towards the binding process towards pills of power, i.e, Soldier Pills, as they're so widely referred."

He took a short break, bringing his arms up and crossed them in front of his chest. He didn't know if he was revealing too much about this, or if this feat had already been achieved. If so, then it was dead as he hadn't heard anything about it. His brow furrowed in thought as thought about that possibility, which in any case he'd be reviving it. He shook his head, to return his attentions to the dragons, his mind also returning to his original objective, which was to get a dragon egg. Did he make the right decision after all? Even that he wasn't sure of.

"Knowing about the properties of dear antlers, though being widely used for medicinal purposes, these mythical antlers might prove more than capable." His attention went towards the downed body at that moment, noting that she had no interest in it, but a study of it might prove useful as well. Otherwise, how else would he figure out how it came to be? But he kept it where it was, maybe they'd have a change of heart and decide they wanted it. The blood in the head would be just enough for any study, not to mention the brain.

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Re: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]
« Reply #24 on: February 26, 2016, 04:38:49 AM »

Though one might would think that Rita would have glazed over, as him simply stating that he wanted a "Nature Pill" had been enough for Rita to get the jist. From her companion and from her experiences, such a thing already existed in nature, in the form of special bloodlines, bodily enhancements, and of course, with the tailed beasts. Rita had no intentions on spoiling anything however, especially since she had motivation of acquiring the antlers.

"A pill that stores enough natural energy to allow you to enter sage mode could be a very dangerous, but convenient, tool. If you don't do it right, you could end up poisoning yourself, as natural energy is not something you simply ingest-"

While Pyro had checked out at the mention of Nature Pill, his eyes seemed to become less shiny at the word ingest.

"- I think both of you are missing the point here. Rita, you want the antlers. If that deer took in natural energy it was probably the same way a living thing would take it in. I don't see how the antlers are going to be of any use to this guy's research."

After all, the two of them had left it completely unguarded, albeit, the eggs were not simply just sitting out in the open. Still, they were unable to defend themselves, and the quagmire that had delayed Pyro's assisting Rita now tugged at his instincts to return, and promptly. Of course, again, Pyro was speaking mostly with Rita, and though he did not ignore Jay, he noticeably did not seem to be addressing him.

Pyro's interruption, while it did slightly irritate Rita, did remind her of part of the reason she had been out in the forest in the first place. Part of the reason she was out here. Of course, Jay would likely notice Rita's habitual avoiding of direct eye contact, a courtesy of Rares Uchiha.

"Pyro may have a point. The Akimichi pills, if I recall correctly, grant chakra by converting natural reserves of fat; if that is the case, then the issue is likely that you are using the wrong templates. Even the military rations pills have drawbacks, its stimulants invigorating the mind and the nutrients the body, but leaving one near death-exhausted at the end of the tenure. Natural energy is a foreign component for most human bodies-"

Pyro coughed, interrupting Rita again. Rita stayed stopped this time, and Pyro directly looked toward Jay with an expectant look. For the first time he would directly address Jay since his arrival.

"The antlers if you will?"

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Re: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]
« Reply #25 on: February 26, 2016, 06:23:16 AM »

The Nara's attitude didn't change a bit from the male dragon's constant pestering about the antlers. His golden hues glanced towards the male for a moment as he spoke for a moment. "Haven't you heard of, 'keep what you kill' it's only fair if I keep it~" He playfully teased the dragon, as it was for every being that had short tempers. From what he could gather, from this entire ordeal, Rita was either the strongest or ruthless... maybe one in the same. Why else would she be hunting and he be on guard duty? But with his jest, he might still invoke the wrath of a dragon, so he kept his chakra warm like a small ember just waiting for the moment to burst into a wildfire.

In the meantime he turned to Rita, if Pyro hadn't decided to charge at him like a wild boar. What she was saying, he already knew. It was merely the concept of their ways of going about it. As the pills fed off the fat reserves and the soldier pills literally forced it's effects on the mind and body, the nature pills will indeed release the stored natural energy, depending on the reserves of the user. He chuckled softly at this. "I guess I should have mentioned the capacity portion of the research. I've already had a solution for that in mind. I call it the Limiter Seal. Much like how it sounds, it would work in conjunction with the client. The client would first gather nature energy, if able, slip into a comfortable stage of Sage Mode and with a few adjustments to the formula... each of their pills would be limited to that specific amount."

He lifted a hand to his chin, softly scratching the tuff of hair decorating the location. He already knew his own limit and since he was the only client at the moment, he was at the basis for the current formula template. "I'm not a stranger to Natural Energy... but mix a constant flow of Nature Energy into something special like antlers and you might just be surprised at the changes." Here's to hoping obviously. But it led him to thinking of why they would want the antlers, if not for the same reason... not the exact same reason, but along the lines of it. But seeing as how they obviously didn't want the body, then he'd take it... and eat it later after it was studied. He sealed it the next moment, with the same method.

As he returned to his full height, he returned his attention back to Pyro, his golden hues leering right into the dragon's, but he was obviously addressing Rita with his question. "Pray tell, what do you wish to do with the antlers?"

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Re: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]
« Reply #26 on: February 27, 2016, 01:19:15 AM »

What DID Rita want to do with the antlers? Well, she knew what she could do with them, but what her endgame intentions were were not quite as clear at the moment. Noticing Jay taking the body of the deer, she began to feel apprehensive as it seemed her own efforts were in grave danger of being whisked away.

"If the antlers are merely a bonus and not worth much to you, then you should be quite willing to part with them, even if I were to tell you that I would mount the antlers for decoration."

Pyro would have chuckled had that not been his own thoughts on what to do with the antlers. The way she put it though it seemed like that was a lesser idea than grinding them up. Where were these two's sense of sportmanship and goading? Pyro could already imagine the conversation:

"Where did you get those antlers?"

"Some buck who thought he could buck with us. His antlers' hang as a testament to the natural order of predator and prey staying in tact."

"But why mounted above your sleeping place?"

"A nightly call for good hunting."

Yes, yes that would do nicely. Pyro actually smiled at this thought and puffed out his chest some, ignoring the obvious detail that without Jay's help the two of them might not have had any antlers to claim anyways. Albeit, the man had did some harm as much as he had done good, so it was more a balancing than anything else.
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Re: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]
« Reply #27 on: February 27, 2016, 02:44:15 AM »

That very notion of it being simply as a state of decoration had rung through his mind. Perhaps a sense of diplomacy would be a good idea at this moment, as he did wish to part with a dragon's egg in hand. But still, the thought of them going to waste irked him. He didn't let this show on his features however as his hands returned to his belt. "Well... it would seem my way would provide a fair use to them... He paused for a moment as an idea crashed in his mind. He turned his golden hues up towards the bright sky. This was the opportune time to barter, haggle, compromise for a way for him to get a positive outcome from this entire situation."..but as a gesture of good faith I shall give to you."

When his gaze dropped back down to earth, they were crimson, his Choku Tomoe Sharingan reactivated. He lifted his left hand and released the head of Cervis from it's pocket prison, his grasp once again holding onto one of the many antlers. "I do though have a proposition for you, the both of you, if willing. I wish to prove myself worthy in an ordeal." He turned his gaze towards the leaking head of the deceased buck and sent a sliver of his chakra into the blood to grab control over it. At that moment, the blood seemed to stop dropping onto the ground and suspend itself in the air as if a magnetic force was keeping it from the ground.

He used the following silence to work, willing the blood to return itself into the head of the buck. For a moment, nothing visibly happened, until more blood began to gush down from the head, the remainder of the blood actually. The blood formed a ball the size of a watermelon and the Nara slipped a finger into the ball and sealed it up in said finger. After he did that he slipped his hand in the head and used the same finger to seal the brain when it reached it.

When he was finished, he set the head down in the puddle of blood and mud and returned his attention towards the dragons. "That might be the only way I can get a dragon companion of my own." Something had been tugging at the back of his mind about the female dragon. Something that was at the very tip of his tongue, that just seemed a bit further from reach than he liked.

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Re: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]
« Reply #28 on: February 27, 2016, 05:20:41 AM »

Pyro was quite confused. Yes, he saw that the man had sealed off the blood and such of the deer, but what exactly did he mean? He seemed to go off on a tangent, from proving himself worthy of an ordeal to talking about having a dragon companion. The connection seemed lost to him, and perhaps in impatience he flared out his wings and levelled his head.

"Enough gidderish and ribbles, are you giving us the antlers or not?"

Rita was not dense, but she too was somewhat confused as to the angle that Jay was coming at. He said that he would give the antlers as a gesture of good faith, but he also claimed to have a proposition. Without stating said proposition, it seemed he either was not wholly confident that he would get it, or wanted to see their reaction to the head.

That finger sealing ability probably would have came in handy much earlier against the wooden constructs, but perhaps there were limits to its usage? Rita would not press; what was important was the antlers.

Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]
« Reply #29 on: March 01, 2016, 03:43:19 AM »

The crimson eyes of his Choku Tomoe Sharingan glanced over towards Pyro with a hint of annoyance in his own gaze. Bright white chakra seeped out of him in waves, said chakra pulsed half a dozen times before a small whirlwind surrounded the Cervis' head and lifted it from the ground. This didn't last long before he launched the head at the snout of the dragon, lashing out in a short lapse of his patience. Of course he knew as much as to make sure it was severed neck first. An attack now would be dishonorable to him and his cause. "I've already agreed to give you the antlers... The wind calmed down at this point, but the crimson in his eyes brightened as he turned his gaze towards Rita.

Judging by her silence she may have had an inkling as to what he saying. He smiled softly as he turned his gaze towards where he knew the cave resided. "As straight as I can be, I came here for a dragon. There was to be no more ribbles, as Pyro had stated so. He had made his choice to give out his identify as what not. now that he had thought about it, another dragon suddenly appearing in the lands and one disappearing from their nest would have clearly warranted a visit from her and Eric.

Of course it made sense now. He'd heard of a dragon named Rita and her companion Eric Nara from his sensei Athos. He knew not of any personal history between the two men other than the Nara teaching the Raikon shadow manipulation. It could be bad or good, until he knew more, he would refrain from mentioning anything about either relationship to the man's dragon. Even so, he was surprised to know of the second dragon and that they had been breeding. It all came as a surprise, including the information that led him into the forest in the first place. "I'm glad the buck was so hellbent on attacking the way it had. Things could've turned out differently." Speaking of which, the way he had been treating the head was a tad disrespectful.

He turned his attention back towards Rita, his fingers slipping into his raven locks. "This ordeal I'm speaking of is a fight to prove I'm worthy in caring for a dragon." It was obvious that he went all in with the request. In his mind, this would permanently bind them into a family/ally mixture between him, the dragons and Eric, him and Eric already sharing blood from the Nara bloodline, no matter how deluded his was. Plus, he already knew there was some sort of test and they wouldn't simply agree.

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