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Author Topic: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]  (Read 7981 times)


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Re: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]
« Reply #45 on: April 15, 2016, 09:42:24 AM »

Surprise was printed on the Nara's expression at Pyro, seeing as he answered him in a seemingly friendly manner. Maybe he was rubbing off on the big ol dragon. He knew Pyro was a big ol softy inside. Before he could mentally tease the male dragon any further, his knowing grin turned towards Rita as she spoke.

His golden hues followed her shadow as he picked up a huge egg from the makeshift nest of Cervis' head. He refrained from commenting on the size, finding it just a tad smaller than he had imagined. He accepted the egg, respectfully bowing towards the female dragon. "I- I can't even tell you how happy this makes me." He barely contained his happiness, feeling as if he was having another child of his own, which he would half to wait for until it actually hatched.

Speaking of which... "Do I need to do anything special to make it hatch?" Like, ride around on a bicycle checking on it every few minutes to make sure it was getting closer to hatching like some Pokémon. Or some... digital... stuff like it was some sort of Digimon?

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Re: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]
« Reply #46 on: April 15, 2016, 01:58:23 PM »

Rita opened her mouth to speak a moment, but then she closed it again. To anwer this question, she really had to think a moment.

Stepping in for his more domestic partner, Pyro would explain:

"Wind dragons would need high elevations, consistent heat, and wind release chakra to stimulate hatching. Desert, scorch release dragons like myself moreso need that chakra nature, water, and mud. The eggs are about as large as they are going to get; since the eggs can remain dormant for months if not years depending on the species, you will notice that in optimal condition the eggs will begin to soften and turn a very noticeable color; that color will match the scales of the newborn dragon.

Dragon eggs will not usually hatch outside of its optimal conditions, so a few weeks more in a warm, dry, and high elevation with the sound of running water audible should hatch it. Have some gently cooked and tenderized meat nearby; the young one will be quite hungry, and if he was anything like Rita supposedly was, he could go wandering off into the forest-"

Rita would slightly blush at Pyro's teasing. It was not her fault that her egg sitters were so slow and lumbering, and the had left so many small places for her to slip through. Granted, she managed to fend for herself in the forest fairly well; even without full dragon breath she had been a rather bold one.

She hoped her children would not pick up that early habit; sure they might meet some wandering Nara in the forest who catches him or her when he or she was supposed to try to catch said individual, but then again, they might run into an Uchiha; and the implications were bad enough just at the thought.

"One last thing, runt. Chakras of similar natures, origins, and blood resonate together, and there needs to be a resonation before a dragon starts to follow you around without the intent on having a part of you for lunch and the rest for breakfast tomorrow. Normally that would take years to build up, but because baby dragons quickly learn where they can find food and secure shelter, their signatures more quickly adapt to the signatures of individuals consistntly at meal times and sleeping. Eat with the dragon every day that you can and, after a few weeks or even if you're brave enough on day five, have the dragon sleep with you. Parents would do this no doubt, but you are of the... fleshier make-up so the dragon might try to have a midnight snack of your arm."

Now why Pyro consistnly returned to a caution about being tasted might would seem a mystery until, realizing that he was bringing up the warning without bringing up the warning, explained this bit as well.

"A dragon loves the taste of things that it consitently eats in its early days. Rita growing up in the Nara world fell in love with deer; Sandworm was much more common in my neck of the world. As long as no traumatic experience accompanies it, then the most frequent three meals tend to be what a dragon like to eat for the rest of his life-"

"Not to interrupt, but why do you keep saying he? It could be a she-"

Pyro rolled his eyes. Even in natural speech it was so much more convenient to just assign a talking gender and call it a day; constantly referring to he or she would be burdensome.

"- Also, female dragons are somewhat different. Our tastes are more centered around chakra retention in the muscles. Deer tended by Nara tend to hold more stored reserves in their muscles and have less fat, making them quite delectable. They taste better raw because you don't lose half the energy from cooking or excessive handling."

"... right. Well, being human, I imagine a dragon might would give you issues in trying to eat you-"

"Only if you don't teach the young dragon to dissociate humans with a food source. Unless humans are even easier than food that you can catch and deliver yourself, a young dragon's first taste of human might be more experimental than predatory. To keep that from being you or any of your smaller compatriots, you need to have some yourself and puke in front of the dragon; the young dragon will quickly come to believe, at least for the time being, that human is poisonous. They might try it anyways at a later date, but it's all about not making it an appealing option.

As Pyro said, if they eat it more frequently than other things then you will have a village predator problem, and since human ninjas can have fairly large chakra reserves, avoid letting that become a meal. She'll fall in love with it though she can't have it nearly as often as diet requires. That goes for ninja beasts too.

One more very important village dragon forewarning. Once a dragon starts becoming old enough to mold chakra, she may want to go about playing with the chakra natures available to her; scorch release obviously is very hot and thus very hazardous to buildings and organic life alike. She might even play some tricks on individuals with Yin release or alter her size with yang release; the overall experience is likely best experienced outside of the village setting. Teaching her early some of your specialty techniques can be a very rewarding-"

"Now YOUR doing it."

"Doing what?"

"Calling the unborn hatcling a she when she could be a he."

Rita blinked.

Pyro cackled.

"Opposites attract, but sames stick together. I hope you got all that; there is much more that you'll find out when the dragon hatches. Every hatchling is a little different."

A pause would follow before Rita would frown somewhat. It was not an angry sort of frown, nor a terribly distressed one; it was melancholic. Sheltering her eggs from the pilfering insects of Iwagakure, the likes of Cervis, mother nature, and of course from the occasional ninja wanderer, and here she was parting with one. A few tears welled in her eyes at the thought.
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Re: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]
« Reply #47 on: April 16, 2016, 05:22:40 AM »

It was like the man was hit by just a taste of an encyclopedia of dragons. Sure, the thing about not getting them hooked on human at an early age was a given, but there was a world of things that he hadn't even considered when he first thought about this desire. Fortunately, it wasn't hard for him to make mental notes of the conditions for their hybrid youngling. The environment would be easily adjustable for him, he could even farm and raise cattle solely for the dragon. He didn't have any doubt that he could go out and hunt when he needed to, he's done it before.

Wandering. That could pose a problem when the dragon gets to that age. In a controlled environment, sure that would be alright and quite better instead of it being tethered to a certain area. His kids, oh boy, like to walk everywhere. Thankfully, unlike Rita's old sitters, he was overly protective of them, and still is, and always will be. He wasn't sure if the good ol paper test would work on the dragon. Honestly, he'd forgotten the reactions of certain elements, but some quick research would nip that in the bud.

Back to the ol, human eatery topic, he knew he would be able to stop a young dragon from eating him, but protecting his children? Raising the dragon elsewhere would have to happen, while of course still raising his human children. He had the Hiraishin marker on them, and has since their birth, so it wasn't like he couldn't rush to their side if need be. But that possibility was a no-no. Kirara would have to continue watching them when he couldn't. But once it was drilled into the dragon's mind that eating humans were bad, he could bring them together, get it familiar with his children.

All in all, as he looked at the precious egg, it was a lot to take in and a huge load of responsibilities even more so than raising a child. Speaking of which, if he wanted to prevent any of his own from becoming something he didn't approve of he would have to tread carefully in training them, cause simply raising them wouldn't be enough.

Of course, he wasn't sure what the gender would be, but it was obvious what they wanted it to be, something that brought a smile to his face. It reminded him of his deceased marriage, those were the good days. "I'll make sure to train your child proudly, so that when he...He would look towards Pyro as he said this. or she... His gaze would turn towards Rita, the large smile would growing even more so, before once again speaking to the both of them equally. makes their journey to your Homeland, they'll exhibit qualities that would make you proud... enough to raise another dragon." He smiled brightly with an innocent expression that showed that he was both joking in the moment to cheer Rita up, but also show that he was confident that they'll be proud of the both of them. Plus another dragon would be cool, just saying xD

"But seriously, I'll take care of your young and protect them with my life. And protect myself from not getting eaten as well." He gave them a serious look, to show that he was in fact not taking this likely. Preventing the young dragon from going on village wide hunts for human flesh was dangerous because of the presence of chakra, but making sure that it could protect itself from chakra wielding individuals was crucial as well. Quite a conundrum, but thank goodness the dragon would be able to communicate... eventually. He wasn't sure how long that'd take, but it'd be worth the wait.

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Re: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]
« Reply #48 on: April 16, 2016, 05:37:36 AM »

A few tears rolled down Rita's face, and while normally she might would wipe them away, given the circumstances, she let them be.

"You mean protect yourself from getting eaten? If you protect yourself from NOT getting eaten then you might as well feed yourself to Pyro now and save our hatchling the chewing."

Rita laughed. Pyro snickered.

"Take good care of him-" Pyro cast a glance towards Rita. "- Or her. We should get going; that deer herd is not going to eat itself."

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Re: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]
« Reply #49 on: April 16, 2016, 06:33:05 AM »

He went back through his words, catching what he said. "Oh, right." He laughed along with them, looking up towards the sky, noting the rain was finally letting up, as if signaling that they too were parting ways.

He understood Rita's emotions and refrained from what he was thinking because he had the egg in his arms. Instead, his shadow pulsed to life from the reappearance of the sun above. It grew darker, distinguishing itself from the surrounding mud and lifted from the ground as it approached Rita at it's casual pace. It split apart, forming two human-like arms, that were just long enough to show that it was going in for a hug. It wouldn't be a good show of faith to sit the egg down to hug a dragon, and kissing her forehead would be a bad move with Pyro like... right there. So a friendly shadow hug would have to do.

If allowed to it's full ten seconds. He would retract his shadow and will two large raven wings to burst from his back, blackened feathers flittering free and falling with the breeze in a show of dramatic flair. "I'll try not to get eaten. I'll see you again, just to show you that I'm still alive and kicking." He grinned as he gave the egg a kiss, his wings casually flapping behind him. Using just a bit of wind chakra under his wings, he began to ascend with controlled beats of his wings.

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Re: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]
« Reply #50 on: April 17, 2016, 06:36:07 PM »

Pyro outstretched his wings and licked his lips.

"Haven't had me some Raven in a long time."

The large dragon would chortle before offering the deer head back to Rita.

"I'll go get dinner; you rest up, you've had quite the day."

Rita accepted, taking the head with her talons before lifting off into the air.

And so the dragons would go their way and Jay his; to meet again, perhaps, or perhaps to never see each other again. The exchange, however, would undoubtly change their lives, if not for the better, then for the worse, and if not for either of those, then the change would be neither good nor bad.

Once upon a time a young man and a dragon met in a forest and became friends. Now, a young man and took dragons have met in a forest, with a young dragon gifted into the care of said young man.

Certainly not a cyclic history is it?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Re: A Dragon's Treasure [ Jay and Eric RP]
« Reply #51 on: April 17, 2016, 11:58:45 PM »

"No eating!" He exclaimed before flying away with the egg in tow. Off to raise him/her, unsure of the series of events he would be presented with.

That was beautiful XD


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