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Author Topic: | Rising Tides | Eastern Expedition [Redux] *READ STARTING POST FOR UPDATES*  (Read 9975 times)


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Jay made his way to the ship, like the rest of the appointed crew, though his method seemed a bit... unorthodox. Laying atop a cloud of what appeared like, snow, he floated down to the docks. On his back, his head would be facing the direction he was going, but his attention was on the clouds above him. Between his lips, a lit cigarette rested, and a light trail of smoke lingered in the air. The snow particles nearest to the ground seemed to swirl more rapidly than the top of the cloud like fluff of snow.

A mass of chakra could obviously be felt from the usage, though it didn't feel like all that much was being used. The Nara sighed out a particularly thick stream of smoke, his golden orbs blinking in what could be felt as exhaustion. Of course the Manji Leader wasn't fully used to the duties that position held and felt that this expedition would be a much needed vacation for him.
"I don't want to see a single piece of paper." He muttered to himself as he neared the ship. He sensed a lot of familiar signatures and some he didn't know. It was weird that his sensei would be here, but from what he heard, he and this Shadow, were supposed to run away together. It was something that made him chuckle, as he rolled off the cloud, landing on the ramp that led up to it.

His grandfather had been a pirate, so choosing what to wear for the ruse was easy. While, he wished to wear something extravagant, like a swashbuckler's outfit, his gramps kept it simple and so would he. Wearing a simple white, loose shirt, he would have a dark vest over it, spread wide open, and he would be wearing dark shorts as well. His feet were bare, a state in which they were nearly always in. Over this, would be a large coat that covered his even six foot frame, also wide open and the handle of a sword rested above his belt. While the sword wasn't entirely visible, the scent of blood would linger around the Nara.

His aforementioned cloud of snow would fall, melting into water before it hit the deck. His eyes gazed upon the crew and smiled at them: Ichi, Masa, Shadow, Dart,  Kayenta and finally his sensei.
"What the heck are you wearing?" His surprise nearly caused him to lose his cigarette.

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Shadow pointed Ichirou towards the deckhouse at the front of the ship with a slight movement of his head in the same direction. This area was not for storage, but the stairs that led to the crew quarters were inside all the same. He had assumed Ichirou would come to figure that out on his own, but the ship tour was scheduled later in the day.

Even though Shadow was not a sensory type he had what seemed like a preternatural knowledge of everyone within a mile of him. Regardless of the means he used to acquire this ability he used this knowledge to start his welcoming speech of this expedition as the remaining few closed their distance from the ship. This welcoming speech he had planned to be short and sweet. His monologue was saved for when they had set sail.

As Shadow started to speak one could easily note the influence of a sound based technique being used on his voice to overpower any background noises. "Welcome everyone." Now thinking back to a few moments before when he sensed the Uzumaki he should have waited until greetings were finished, but as he already had started he opted to do a mixture of a normal wave and a peace sign towards Athos before returning his attention to the whole group. "It seems that most of us are here with the exception of a few maybes that never got back to me with a solid yes." Shadow walked towards the deckhouse from his previous position between the two siblings and Kayenta. "We will wait awhile longer for these maybes to show up. It would be imprudent for them to waste time getting here..."

He had trailed off on the ending of the sentence as he made his way towards Athos greeting him with a slight shake of his head and a half smile. As he did from the corner of his eye he could see Jay and the others towards the ramp and gave them the same odd wave he had Athos. "I thought we'd take a little side trek before we retire and run off together." Now in front of the Uzumaki he took hold of Athos's hands and held them tightly, an overly sarcastic smile plastered upon his face. "Then...we can live together in the mountains. Even if we have to....break our backs to get there." With that he turned his head towards the tune of Jay's voice.

--Check the thread starter post every time you reply--
« Last Edit: January 06, 2016, 08:09:40 PM by Madara (Shadow) »
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

Something that can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.


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   Moenkopi's cheeks flushed as Shadow made such a spectacle of her before the strangers. There was not much time to retort as she next heard a familiar voice hailing her from further back on the gang plank. Sticking her tongue out at Shadow, she turned round to see the man. It had been ages since last they had met and the wave of memories washed over her, her assassination of the Hokage, the replacement of her chakra system by Murcielago, her own murder at the hands of her husband. Death had been...well it had been rather nice compared to the wrenching torment her resurrection had put her through. And all at the behest of the man before her. Her accent would no doubt color the pronunciation of his name, but it had been ever how she addressed him and that would never change. "Hello Dart. I trust the years have treated you well?"

   But had they? The years were hard on everyone she knew. The leap of Athos was hard to miss, her eyes tracking him even as he sailed over the railing to catch sight of yet another descending from the clouds. She had procrastinated enough and set her first step upon the ship and so cleared the way for Dart to board. Before he could answer her greeting Shadow would begin his speech and she turned to face him. She smiled slightly in thought after his words. So, there would be others. But who? She dared not hope that this time...


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Boarding the ship in the dark hours of the morning, Asadi sat quietly up in the crows nest, enjoying a bottle of rum while one by one people began to board the ship.

Up top, he sports a burnt umber sleeveless hooded coat with a golden brown trim; this clothe is a durable mixture of leather, for support and padding for defense, and a strong mixture of cotton and russet for breath ability with the added open form that shows off his sculpted physique.  Upon his arms, he has strands of cloth tied just at the elbow for added support and an impromptu medical device. On his hands, he has bandages with fine layers of sands and soil for doton use; wrapped halfway up his lower arm for added support while performing in battle.

Below the belt he wears chocolate brown shorts a dragon shrouded in smoke upon the left pant leg. The shorts  rest just below the knee,  leaving little of the sculpted body to the imagination. For missions or battle, he usually has  combat packs on either hips, along with a kunai holster thigh on his right hip. Unlike most shinobi, he doesn't wear footwear or shinguards as he uses the elements to his advantage . His weapon of choice, a elongate katana, is strapped to his back in a brown sheath with slight gold trim. Sat next to him was a large scroll that held his supplies for the journey ahead.

He sat up and looked over the railing and gave a loud wolf call at Moenkopi.
"Oooow! Look at those sea legs!" His chuckle echoed into the bottle as he took a small drink.


Dart Terumī

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He had been about to answer her question when the man in the admiral trenchcoat spoke. He spoke with such poise and elegancy that the Mist denizen was all but entirely convinced he was the one in charge for this voyage. After the man finished his speech, Dāto would secure his own passage on the ship by walking up the gangplank and landing on the bridge. He smiled and went to open his mouth the reply again when another voice cat called from from above. Lifting his head up so his own visible eye would be able to perceive the owner of th voice and a grin erupted on his face. So, the husband of the Lady Kazekage was present for this trip as well. This was going to be interesting. Before another could interrupt him, he would answer her question with a wolfish grin, “I have shared a few trials of my own. But overall, things have been well. How have things been for you?”


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The man gave a small nod, releasing a sigh,"One last adventure, eh?" He nodded his head calming, thumbs stroking the man's hands,"Well, how could I say no to you, K-" He paused, furrowing his brow, almost having a slip of the tongue, as if forgetting they were in public, playing his role well, despite Shadow's smile,"Shadow, my dear."

As he heard Jay's voice, he would manage the most content grin he could manage before glancing his way,"I'm sorry, what was that, pupil o' mine?" He perked a brow at the man but then he heard another voice from up above? What is a god beckoning from the heavens?.. Of course, this thought had almost caused Athos to break his act with a chuckle, a more sincere grin on his lips now,"Huh, didn't think he was going to show." He said in a mutter, tossing his gaze back to Shadow, which were still covered by sunglasses,"Oi, do you have someone to steer this thing?"
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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The man chuckled softly, seeing his sensei in a new light. He decided to remain quite for the moment as the man began responding to the others. He looked up to see a man in the crow's nest, immediately getting salty at being beat to the best place on a ship. He took another drag of his cigarette and turned his attention back to Athos and Shadow for a moment. "Speaking of adventures..." His stomach would growl quite loudly at that point, the color draining from his face, before it returned a second later.

"I'm hungry." He chuckled lightly as he rubbed the back of his head.

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Garō, Ichirou

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Ichirou vanished as soon as he was directed to the crew quarters, storing his various works of art and listening in upon the words shared between the varying crew members that boarded the ship.  At least the best to his ability. The only words that were pertinent at the moment were the captains, which could be heard clearly due to his enhancement of his own voice. Once Ichirou had stored everything away in a manner he saw fit he would return to the deck, laying eyes upon all those who had joined the crusade. Glad to see that it wasn't merely Shadow and Ichirou that were going to be operating such a large ship. 


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Moenkopi's eyes snapped upward to the crow's nest to spy Asadi, her heart pounding in elation to know he had indeed joined the expedition. In all their years, this would be the first time they had gone a wandering together; how could an event of that magnitude fail to delight? Stretching out her left arm to grasp the edge of her great coat, she would extend her left leg forward, pointing the toe of her boot even as she touched it to the deck before her. Her right leg would bear the bulk of her weight as she bent the knee and sank into a bow to place her right hand flat against her chest. "Greetings, my Sovereign Liege." Even as she rose to her full height again her eyes did sparkle with mischief as she gazed upon the Shinobi Kingdom's king. Further words were directed, however, toward Dart, and she would turn to face him as she began to speak.

So many changes had occurred in the intervening years. There had been her retirement as active Kazekage, and a succession of 5 since that time. It was daunting to think of how swiftly the world could turn when you were not looking. A shadow crossed her features as she thought of the death of their eldest son, Masaaki, who perished in her arms despite all her medical prowess. She had stayed her hand, however, refraining from resurrecting the 14 year old boy; that was something she could not bring herself to do to him. That she had never even tried was a secret she had not shared with his father, Asadi. Her fingers uncurled to release the edge of her coat and she smiled. She had done so to her daughter, appellates such as 'adopted' or 'in-law' were not something she used, and the results had been less than favorable. Somehow Maya had never been the same. No, cheating Shinigami was best left to those who were indeed divine.
"Ah things are looking up!"


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Shadow lightly shrugged his shoulders at Athos's question before withdrawing his hands and walking back towards the deckhouse, trailing his right hand on Athos's shoulder with a loving pat. "It's going to steer itself mostly, though if you want..." He then glanced over to Jay and pointed to the sea and to the deckhouse. "You can either catch what you eat or if you prefer to skip that the galley is below as is everything else."

His own eyes looked to the crow's nest as Asadi had made his presence known to everyone else. It had been years since he had seen the King and even longer since he had thought of the kingdom itself. Despite having preached his allegiance, the years had added on a new mindset to Shadow and as Kayenta kneeled down it would show that her loyalty had long outlasted his own for the great kingdom. The gathering of all these faces started to fill Shadow with nostalgia as history unfolded itself upon them. Definitely not good for the crew before they set sail.

Interjecting once again he would monologue. "Sorry to interrupt your greetings once more, but all parties that are accompanying us seem to be present. As such that signifies the time to set sail." His hands gestured towards the East to where their destination lay. "This will be a long trip. Be sure anything that you want with you is already on your person. However I'm sure most of you are using a summoning scroll." He gave a minor head nod to Athos. "As for what position you'll be doing. That's entirely up to you. Though it seems lookout, explosives, steer-er, and cook have already been decided." Only Ichirou and Athos had expressed what jobs they had wanted, but with Asadi already in the crow's nest and Jay being hungry that seemed like the perfect place for them to be.

"We set sail!" Shadow meandered around the ship and started to undo all the ropes that kept the ship in place as well as motioning for others to help him. "All the details will be filled in on the way there. We'll have plenty of time to go over everything."

I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

Something that can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.


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The Nara flashed a grin, every single one of his teeth were big and sharp, showing how pleased he was about catching his own food. It had been many months since he enjoyed the thrill of the hunt. The man didn't wait much longer as he made the short distance to the main mast.

As he did, he began removing his clothing, so as to not get them drenched. He was soon left in only a pair of near skin tight boxer briefs. He stretched his arms and bent backwards to relax his muscles, for the swim. His bloodied katana, Ragnarok, was soon stabbed into the deck, but only an inch at the most. He slapped his hand against the mast, sending a bit of his chakra into it to mark it with his Hiraishin formula, though the small dot would merely blend into the bark of the mast.

The grin never left his face as he gathered up his long hair and formed a ring of ice around it to keep it under control, looking towards the gathered crew as he did.
"Seafood is the main cuisine, so ye best get used to it." It didn't take a genius to realize the Nara had fully agreed to the position in the kitchen. He grinned widely as his golden hues seemed to brighten a shade as a pair of large and black raven wings burst from his back. A half dozen feathers kicked off from the motion, as the 15 foot wingspan flared open.

"Anything specific before I head out?" He asked the entirety of the crew, their suggestions would give him a hint to what they preferred and it would prepare him for any future meals.

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Garō, Ichirou

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I'm down for whatever get's cooked, food is food! Ichirou chuckled, lighting another cigarette. His position as demo-unit was something he was much more than comfortable with. In fact he found it rather fitting considering his passive nature to blow things up.

He tugged on his pirate clothing, making sure it was all fitting snug. Making slight adjustments here and there via the paper that created the clothing whenever he spotted a slight defect in his craftsmanship. He wasn't particularly use to creating pirate clothing, so his margin for error was a bit larger than usual. 


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Athos would felt his body shudder at the loving tap that had been placed in his shoulder. Then Shadow started to give another speech and Athos made sure to show off the large scroll on the back of his waist when he was gestured to, almost like a showcase girl. His hands moved to take off the sunglasses on his face, golden hues falling onto his student,"Anything less than fatty tuna or a shark and you better look for tutelage from someone else." A grin was on his lips, though, an obvious sign that he was jesting. Seeing that, along with physical and mental training, Athos and Jay had also practiced cooking... Because they were men and it could sometimes be as hard as a long, strung-out jutsu, it was important to practice.

But now with his sunglasses off his face, he would take on his official pirate look. He undid the buttons of his blue flowered shirt to expose the chiseled and detailed form beneath. He slid the shirt off and then slammed the sunglasses and shirt against his scroll, the items disappearing in a poof of smoke. Someone had to be the shirtless pirate of the ship and who better than the ma[man who was both steering and seemingly allergic to shirts,"Alright, I'll be up at the wheel if anyone wants to talk to me!" And with that, he would give the people a wave and move up to start steering and set sail!

I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.

Dart Terumī

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The auburn-haired male smiled and nodded to her. “That is absolutely wonderful to hear. Looks like this will be one interesting trip then, huh?” he said to her with a smile on his face and a slight nod to their company. There were many a person here that he did not know. Soon though, he would need to make their acquaintance, after all, they were on the same expedition together. Before he could speak with any of them, truly, they scattered to different corners of the ship. One even completely shaped form. It would have been eerie if Dāto didn't possess an ability akin to his.


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Asadi shook his head as Moenkopi gave him a greeting of heraldry, but a smile danced upon his lips. "As I've told you many a time over all the years we've been together, just use my name. Besides, none of that certainly applies on another man's vessel."

Eyeing the people below, new faces and old seemed to be mixed together. All he hoped was that this would truly be a good cohesive group; Having his wife and brother would make this trip easier.

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