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Author Topic: The Liberator  (Read 2730 times)


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The Liberator
« on: January 18, 2016, 12:01:59 AM »

A small town sat idle in the cold, still night just on the border of the land of fire. The peaceful little town seemed to shut down during the hours of the night. Only a lone street light stood, lighting up one of the few intersections the town had, providing a small amount of light within the surrounding darkness.
The seemingly infinite shroud of darkness was pierced by the light of flames. The silence cut by the barbaric cries of Viking like men who had come to pilfer and rape. A sadistic band of ninja had used the stillness and dark of the night to launch a surprise raid.
Over twenty units moved in setting houses on fire in order to flush out the citizens. The raiding ninja did not need the use of ninjutsu to lay waste to their prey.
The people scattered about the area terrified.  No fighters resided here. Only merchants and small noodle shop owners. The town made their money by being along one of the main routes leading to the larger villages. Many travelers passed through seeking food and shelter. This town provided such.
As the chaos insued, the men began killing the elderly and gathering children. One mother clung to her six year old son pleading with the Raiders to spare her child. The boys father fought back only to be dragged into the street and beaten relentlessly. Finally the boy was peeled from his mother's clutches and placed with the other children. The mother was shanked for her resistance and left to die.
Out in the streets, other parents suffered the same fate. It became clear that these men were after kids.

"How many?"Said one of the men. He seemed to be their leader. The man rode upon a horse that pulled a large cage. The children were being lead into the cage as the man was briefed on the situation. "Sixteen sir." "Very well. Let's move."
The man whistled and lead his horse away from the chaos. The children screaming for their freshly murdered parents. Orders were given to burn everything and leave none alive. The ninja did what they were told. Circling the town they formed a ring around the burning homes and proceeded to clense the area with fire. Each using their most powerful fire jutsu, the men focused the attack inward killing any remaining people.
They left the town in ashes as they vanished into the night. Not a single soul was left alive and the children were placed under a genjutsu that put them to sleep. A large target was draped over the cage so none could see what the group hauled. It was a simple, lazy method but it was effective. As the men traveled, the children were unable to raise suspicion by calling out and wailing about seeing their families slain. No one had a reason to look twice. The men had long since dumped any bloody articles of clothing. Some had even broke off in other directions making the group smaller.
As they moved and the cover of darkness faded, the transport party ended up being only five guys traveling the land heading toward the coast. Nothing suspicious about that. They were organized and calculated in their methods. Nothing was left to chance and no outcome was not planned for. For now, they seemed to have gotten away and not for the first time.

About sixteen miles east of the Ash turned village, Masane would be sitting among the roots of a large tree resting from her journey from Amegakure. With her was her travel companion and Ninken, Bankotsu. A large black Wolf who lay at her feet digging into the earth. Masane glared at him as he flung dirt up in various directions. Her lips parted to ask what was after butshe was cut short by the scent of smoke and blood that had been carried out by the breeze.
She shot to her feet causing Bankotsu to snap to attention.
"Wha? What did I miss?" He rambled as his fur stood up. Her sudden movement alerted him in a way that he thought they were under attack. Then he realized he was smelling blood. "Wanna check it out?" He asked. But his question was answered by her dashing toward the scent. He followed after her in silence. As the scent grew stronger, she would activate her Sharingan. She moved on all fours like a dog in order to move as fast as possible without any other enhancements other than her Shikyaku no jutsu.
Once there pair reached the ruins the sun had begun to rise. Masane activated her Mind's Eye and focused trying to detect any chakra signatures. There were none. She entered the ruined town and studied the scene carefully. It seemed she was too late.

"From the looks of things, whomever did this is long gone. Go on ahead and follow the scents leaving the village." Bonkotsu began sniffing around as Masane studied the area. She detected the hoove prints and the tracks of the cart.
"Start with this." She said as she moved to some of the remains of the houses. It was impossible for her to tell if anything valuable was taken. From what she saw it was a common raid. Bonkotsu darted off after the many scents that lead away from the area. One scent that stuck with that of the horses was blood. It did not take him long to theorize that the attackers could have prisoners. Masane was able to smell the same. Sending Bonkotsu ahead was a way for her to work two angles. After some time she was unable to find any survivors hiding anywhere or anything that could help lead to the assailants.
Upon searching the final remain of what use to be a restaurant, Masane found a large chest that survived the blaze for the most part. Inside the chest was a few bricks of gold and some coins. No doubt it was the owners savings. The chest was not particularly hidden and had melted in a way that forced  some of the coins and bars out onto the floor. That was the only reason she was able to spot it.
She darted off after her Ninken who had followed the scent for a long way before halting at the point where the men began splitting up. She caught up to him and noticed that he had called upon her other Ninken Renkotsu, Genkotsu, Kuikotsu and Jakotsu. The pack of wolves waited for her orders.

"The hell you waiting for? You don't need me to tell you to split up. Bankotsu you're with me"
With that Masane and her Ninken darted after the scent as it grew weaker. They raced forward only to get closer to a larger town. The scent was getting lost and overpowered. As they got closer to the coast the salty air made it even harder. She reached the larger town and sighed. "Looks like more detective work." She said as she slowly entered the village. It was impossible to get a lock on the Trail from here. She would need to gather info from the patrons of the area. The girl made her way to a small restaurant while Bankotsu trotted through the streets listening to various conversations. Masane ordered a small meal and listened in to the people around her as she ate, hoping to get a lead.

When you smell like you can do anything, there is nothing you smell like you can't do.

Garō, Ichirou

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Re: The Liberator
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2016, 04:59:12 AM »

(Rping as Senshi Uchiha)

The Restaurant that Masane had chosen to inhabit would be fitted with a small bar, several customers littered the tables and booths that scattered the main room, murmuring to one another about various things. But there would be one occupant who wasn't talking to anyone, in fact he was just sitting alone in a booth, watching the bartender. This was Senshi.

The Young Uchiha had coincidentally been following the exact same lead that Masane had, and the trail had lead them both here. This little restaurant within the village that rested upon the border between Hoshigakure and The Land of Fire.

However Senshi had a bit more information on the happenings that of the sadistic vikings than Masane had gathered up, he knew that the bartender of this very establishment was actually using his business as a front for a base of the Vikings. At least that's what all of his intel had suggested.

Senshi had his Sharingan active, though it was hidden beneath a Henge, causing his eyes to appear their usual color. He also changed his attire with this Henge, instead of it being his usual combat vest, long sleeve shirt and long pants, it was the clothes of a minor civilian, a poor one at that. To make him stand out less than a combat ready shinobi.

Senshi waited for all the customers to disband before he made his way up the bar alone, "Yo, Barkeep." he spouted to get his attention, causing the man to turn on his heels and look him in the eye. This was the mans first and final mistake, as senshi's Henge fell from his eyes alone and the man was face to face with the Three Tomoe Sharingan.

Senshi hit him with a Genjutsu, subduing him to Senshi's will easily. The mans eye changing to the color of Senshi's own, allowing it to be noticed that he was afflicted with the Genjutsu:Sharingan. The man leaned in, and he and Senshi exchanged a whispered conversation, Senshi nodding every now and then as the man continued to divulge information, almost without end.

Eventually Senshi sighed, leaning away from the man and reaching into the pocket of his rags. Withdrawing a kunai and firing it into the mans chest before leaving the establishment. It was safe to say that all inside, including Masane. Would now be aware of Senshi as the crowd began to panic, screaming and ducking under tables in fear as Senshi left the building.


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Re: The Liberator
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2016, 06:43:45 AM »

Meanwhile on the coast of Hoshigakure, the band of men had taken the children to a series of underground tunnels. The entrance was just a short swim, or walk depending on the person, from the beach. Inside the caves, the Viking like ninja tossed the children into a large iron cage. The Vikings began to gather as the ones evolved withe the most recent raid began to return. The children stared in horror after awaking to other kids locked in identical cells.
All of them were starved and beaten. It became painfully clear that these children were meant to be slaves. Other much older kids were seen doing laboring tasks. 

"When is the Dr. coming back. I'm ready to see his new serum. You think it will beef us up? One man muttered to another. "Maybe. But I don't think I really want that stuff. That guy is sick man. And did you see the last kid he tested the G2 compound on? Poor thing."
The other man cringed as he thought back. The G2 compound was a serum designed to make the user multiple times stronger with accelerated cellular regrowth.  It was tested on a 17 year old girl and once her body rejected it, her body went through a dramatic experience before her horrible death.
The girls body began to swell beyond reasonable sizes. Her insides liquified slowly while her skin ripped and tore reaching it limit of elasticity. Boils formed upon her flesh and only two hours after injection the girls upper half exploded. The two men sat in silence trying to shake the thought.

Their pondering was halted by the sounds of alarms. Several men screaming about Subject 23 escaping. Soon the one they spoke of barreled through a dozen men tearing them to bits. Eyes turned to the mayhem taking in the image of a bear? One of the many experiments gone wrong Subject 23 was the product of DNA splicing and unthinkable transplants. 23 was a child who was essential fused with a large bear. The primitive trails hoped to give the subject the bears physical power as well as the ability to manage nature energy.
The disformed humanoid bear roared and darted from the caves and into a small surrounding forest. 

Masane had not paid too much attention to the poor looking man. That is until she felt the smallest of changes within his chakra. Upon looking at him she studied the flow of his chakra. Once he murdered the bartender, she kept her eyes on him as her paper shifted and reformed into rags similar to the bums in the street. Her Sharingan deactivated as her Mind's Eye opened. She slipped through the crowd krepping up on the killer. "So you wanna explain that? She asked sarcastically. Bankotsu had been sitting just across the street waiting for Masane to emerge. He noticed the commotion and bared his teeth at the killer. He knew not of his crime but his scent, it was tied to one he recognized. "Masa! He  is one of them! I can smell it. No...he knows them?" "You are saying that one of the kidnappers scent is on him?

Paper began to rise from her body and float around her as she spoke. "Why don't you tell me where they took the kids? That way I don't have to make a scene killing you." She stared him down as did her Ninken. If he were one of them, she would need to be fast though she never expected it to be easy.

Subject 23 soon moved inland killing travelers and anything else on site. Several of Hoshigakure ANBU fell responding to reports of merchant convoys being slain yet nothing was stolen. The beas, in constant pain, continued move closer to the edge of hoshigakure. All the while being tailed by Jakotsu Who had tailed a few men back to the site. He tried his best to stay as far away as possible as he stalked the beast. He had no way of alerting  Masane. His only option was to trail it until he caught her scent

When you smell like you can do anything, there is nothing you smell like you can't do.

Garō, Ichirou

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Re: The Liberator
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2016, 06:51:11 AM »

Senshi was quick to notice that he had been followed out, only to soon after be confronted and threatened. He looked the woman up and down, as well as her ninken before responding. "Trust me, killing me wont be as easy as you think." he grumbled in response. She hadn't the slightest bit of respect it seemed, but oh well.

"And what that was doesn't concern you, lets just say he wasn't a very good person. And he gave me all the information I needed. Now if you'll excuse me i've got somewhere to be quickly." he finished his response by placing a hand to his stomach and jumping into the air, activating the lightweight rock technique upon his body and gifting him the ability of flight. He immediately began making his way deeper into Hoshigakure. The bartender didn't have as much information as Senshi would have liked, but it was definitely something to go on. Apparently the group of men had a lab of some sort within Hoshigakure, it was safe to assume that the children they had been kidnapping were subjects or slaves of some kind. Either way Senshi knew he had to make his way there and didn't have time to deal with petty distractions.

His flight speed was fairly fast, given the lightened weight of his body at the current point, his sharingan warily scanned the area beneath him, looking for any clues as to an extact location. If only the bartender had known more... he didn't know if he would make it anywhere in time to save anyone, but all he could do was hope. 


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Re: The Liberator
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2016, 09:50:43 AM »

The girl watched him as he took flight considering his words carefully. Bankotsu sniffed some more and grumbled. "There was not much of the horses scent left but it was definitely on him." He moved around getting closer to the murder scene. After a few seconds he realized that the scent was coming from the dead bartender. "It's the dead guy. It seems like he barely had enough time to fall into his routine. He said as Masane noticed the officials beginning to converge on the scene.
"Go keep him in your site."
She held up the seal of confrontation and from her back sprouted a pair of paper wings. She gave a mighty flap launching herself into the air. Her eyes locked on him as she gave chase.

Just 12 miles from Shenshi and Masane, subject 23 stood cornered by 5 Hoshigakure ANBU. The beast was surrounded and after hours of pure rampaging it was showing no signs of slowing down. Two ANBU launched an attack. Stringing together several kata, they spewed a thick white mist from their mouths. The water vapor spread quickly and with this they would rob the beast of its sight, though they were sure it could still hear and smell them.

One ninja made use of electro magnetic murder to send a shocking jolt of electricity into the mist with the hopes of tasing it. The final two focused their chakra into a powerful earth jutsu. Two thick stone walls much larger than the 11 foot beast. They emerged on either side on it and began to compress it with amazing force. The assault continued as the first two weaved seals. They targeted the ground beneath subject 23 creating a large sink hole attempting to sing and crush the beast.

 These fools underestimated this beast. The  "taser" attack had literally zero effect. As the large stone walls emerged and pressed against it, the beast just stood there. A low rumble emerged from the mist that began to clear. Once it did, they stood in awe. The beast was halfway in the ground but it held an expression of boredom. As it sank, it led out a terrible roar that shattered the earth that threatened to swallow it. Debris was launched at the ninja. The subject stood in a large crater created by the hellish  scream.

The ANBU scattered like roaches all taking position in the trees. All but one. The rocks had been launched like tiny bullets. One ninja was not fast enough to react and was peppered with the shards. His body was swiss cheese as a result. The men wasted no time in playing out another attack however the speed of Subject 23 was far beyond anything they had ever seen. In a black blur the beast moved to the two trees that held the remaining four. Side by side the trees mad for a poor place to be. The beast swung it's arm slashing it's claws leveling the area in front of it for about 7 yards. A large burst of wind was released in the form of crescent blades that diced the ground and trees to bits.

The ninja were able to jump frome the trees before they fell to the ground, but now being airborne the men were screwed. The beast leaped into the air cracking the ground as it did so. With the same attack, two more died at this monsters hand. The final two weaved seals as they landed and as their target descended they unleashed a wave of fire upon the beast. The flames had little effects and once the the bear landed, the last two would die. The beast his the ground like it weighed a ton. Earthen spires shot from the ground and battered the two men. Their bodied were bashed off into the distance like rag dolls. Subject 23 gave yet another roar that shattered the earthen spikes. The beast turned back to its path eager to kill even more.


When you smell like you can do anything, there is nothing you smell like you can't do.

Garō, Ichirou

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Re: The Liberator
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2016, 08:48:23 AM »

With his Sharingan Senshi was able to spot a massive wave of chakra from a particular area, roughly 12 miles out from their location. Judging by the bursts of chakra it seemed that several individuals were releasing jutsu of varying strength. This worried Senshi, were the vikings attacking hoshigakure? Or perhaps something else had come up? At the risk of jeopardizing his mission, he changed his flight path and flew directly toward the source of the outbursts.

He would cover the ground in about 15 minutes, assuming that his tail was close behind him. Though he didn't know what to expect upon arriving at the scene. Had there been some sort of engagement here? Was the culprit still in the area? only time would tell


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Re: The Liberator
« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2016, 04:28:01 AM »

Jakotsu trailed behind the beast, finally reaching the area where the ANBU were slain. The small grey Wolf sniffed the air as he trotted trough the destruction caused by the beast. Darting off after the monsters scent Jakotsu decided to see just how close.

Masane was able to feel the chakra of the beast as well as the ANBU. With the disappearance of all five signatures she landed in a crouched position and activated her Sharingan. The paper wings receded and she focused in the massive pool of chakra noticing that Senshi had noticed the same thing she had. Masane dashed off on all fours toward the source. She kept up with him as he flew and as the pair drew closer she picked up the foul smell of Subject 23.

The horrible scent almost made her gag but instead she increased her pace. The conglomerate of smells made it impossible to tell just what was causing it. Her Sharingan swirled into its eternal state as she raced forward.

Dashing out of the tree line, Subject 23 rushed over the grassy plains searching for its next victim. As time passed, its body grew the once eleven foot beast was now a seventeen foot behemoth. It barreled toward the two Uchiha unaware of them for the moment. His next victim turned out to be a wild bore. It was too busy grazing to notice that it had been targeted and when it did it was too late although it would not have mattered.

Subject 23 made a mad leap toward the animal and landed right on it. The boar was crushed beneath the monster and pieces of the body were scattered about the area. In a fit of rage the beast pounded the stain upon the earth that was once the boar. No longer having a subject to release it's rage upon the beast darted across the fields.

Jakotsu had also increased his pace. He closed the gap between him and the beast careful to go unnoticed. The wolf was now dangerously close to Subject 23 having reached the splattered remains of the boar. It would only be a matter of time before the beast reached the incoming Uchiha. Hopefully Jakotsu would not be spotted and killed before he could tell Masane what he learned.

When you smell like you can do anything, there is nothing you smell like you can't do.

Garō, Ichirou

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Re: The Liberator
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2016, 12:41:23 AM »

Senshi narrowed his eyes as he spotted the behemoth, some seventeen feet at least in height.. No telling how much it weighed. The beast seemed devoid of advanced thought processes, terrorizing about the area with no aim other than to kill, this would make it easier to take down by utilizing it's rage against it.

Senshi veered closer to the tree tops, concentrating a small ball of Shakuton chakra within his palm as a means of preliminary attack, though he would be patient. increasing the strength of his technique with time as well as paying close attention to whatever it was this lady was going to do to this thing. He had locked on to her chakra signature, being able to notice her from afar now as he closed distance to the behemoth.


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Re: The Liberator
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2016, 02:16:50 AM »

Seeing the beast Masane decided to attack immediately. She held up the seal of confrontation and from her body several dozens sheets of paper rose and formed shuriken. The swirling paper blades rushed toward the monster. It just noticed the Uchiha pair as her paper made impact.

The sheets exploded as Masane land just 20 yards from Subject 23. Jakotsu darted through  the clearing seconds later. She noticed him and motioned for him to come closer to her. He did so and as the smoke cleared the beast remained.
It's fur began to rustle as a low growl escaped from it's chest. The tips of the fur hardened resembling stone. Soon it spread to cover it's entire coat. Masane stepped back as Jakotsu slid behind her.
"I know where they are!"
He shouted as the bear rushed forward. The pair of wolves scattered as Subject 23 targeted the young Uchiha. She quickly weaved a set of kata and slammed her hands to the ground.  In that moment a huge surge of lightning raged forward slicing through the earth like a hot knife through butter.

The Raiton danced and lashed toward the bear making contact in less than a second. It sliced into the bears "armor" though it seemed as though she only inflicted minor damage. Subject 23 crouched on all fours as the sections of its earthen armor began to reform. Masane narrowed her eyes as she focused on the beast and Senshi.

Masane knew that she needed to hit harder so she focused a mass of Raiton into her palm and stood her ground as the bear rushed again. His size made him easy to hit and she would exploit this creatures size. A lone sheet of paper rose from her free hand as the beast got closer. The sheet was marked with a specific seal and floated upward about 23 feet above her.

Subject 23 reached his target and aimed to Hulk smash her with both paws. Just before being killing Masa used Hiraishin to move to the paper above her target. With its back to her, Masane would take this advantage to land her blow. Her paper wings emerged as she began to drop and she gave a mighty flap launching herself downward upon the beast. She slammed her Chidori into its back hoping to slay it. The attack had little effect and Masane was forced back into the air to avoid a massive swat of the beasts paw. She floated above it thinking of a new angle. This thing was proving to be tough.

When you smell like you can do anything, there is nothing you smell like you can't do.

Garō, Ichirou

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Re: The Liberator
« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2016, 06:11:22 PM »

As she would recoil from her Chidori she could take note of the small condensed Shakuton ball whizing through the air, it was close to the ground. And made impact with the stomach of the bear at the moment that Masane removed herself from it's radius.

The Shakuton would expand quickly, violently hot flames would span out an encompass the entirety of the bears body and further. Not only would The fire singe the earth but the force released from the condensed explosion would crack and shatter the ground as well, leaving the possibility of extensive concussive damage to the beast as well as the burns it should sustain.

Senshi hovered as he examined his work, waiting to see how the thing would react to the strike, if it too held little chance of damaging the beast.. It was possible that Senshi would have to unleash a power that couldn't be blocked with something like armor.

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