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Author Topic: A comprehensive guide to SL Roleplay.  (Read 2656 times)


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A comprehensive guide to SL Roleplay.
« on: April 25, 2016, 09:46:33 PM »

After reading over the "Quantifying SL" topic, I decided to give the same thing a shot. I liked Eric's basic system, so I'll be quoting him directly. The rest of this comes from a website I frequented years ago known as Bleach Gotei, I just edited it a bit for it to make sense here. It'll cover an attempt to create a numbering system for not just Chakra, but other aspects of SL like Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, and Weapon prowess, chakra control, combat distances, and advantages/disadvantages based on skill-set.

In order for this to work effectively, we'd need to come up with a "currency" system of some sort that can be used to upgrade different aspects of our characters. I'm thinking this can be earned based on the number of words in each post on the forums or in serious roleplays on public boards on SL. This would also give people an incentive to improve their writing.

The Guide:

Chakra Capacity

"E  28-49
D  56-105
C  112-217
B  224-441
A  448-1016
S  896-1792
SS 1792-OO (infinity, only for tailed beasts and Edo Tensei zombies)

Jutsu Costs

E  7
D  14
C  28
B  56
A  112
S  224
SS  448" - Courtesy of Eric, albeit modified a bit to fit the scheme of the guide.

This would have have people of said chakra ranks performing approximately 4 jutsu of their chakra rank but none of a rank higher than. This is completely and utterly base: no enhancements, no reductions due to specialties or "great chakra control" (whatever that means in SL language), just a Kakashi-esque character who has no chakra boosting capabilities but is efficient enough in chakra control not to waste a great amount of chakra performing moves.

Chakra is not technically a stat so much as it is an aggregate of all stats—the total energetic pressure a character exerts upon the world around them. The higher this number, generally the more powerful the character.

Strength is a representation of a character’s physical power, how potent their muscles are when performing strenuous activities such as punching or swinging a sword. Strength is offensive in nature.

Defense is a representation of a character’s durability, how resistant their body is to damage. Defense is defensive in nature.

Speed is a representation of a character’s maneuverability, how well they are able to dodge blows and navigate the battlefield. Speed is defensive in nature.

Spirit is a representation of a character’s spiritual potency, how powerful their jutsu or other nonphysical attacks might be. Spirit is offensive in nature.

Common misconceptions include Defense being used to block, or that Speed governs the speed of one’s attacks. Defense is a measure of how tough a character’s body is, not how well they block—blocking is done with either Strength or Spirit. Speed is a measure of how quickly they can move from point A to point B, not how fast they can swing a sword or fire an energy beam. Other common misconceptions are that Spirit, due to its nebulous nature, can do “everything”, or that Strength is limited to melee attacks. Neither of these are true—Spirit (much like Strength) cannot be used as a substitute for other stats, and Strength can just as easily be used to attack from range using e.g. a javelin or other physical projectile.

Stat Caps

Stat caps exist in order to prevent rampant overspecialization in a character, and impose both upper and lower limits on how Chakra may be allocated across the four stats.

The lowest any one stat can be is 10% of your character’s Chakra (rounded up to the nearest integer). For example, this means that if your character has 150 Chakra, they cannot have any stat lower than 15. If they have 151 Chakra, they cannot have any stat lower than 16.

The highest any one stat can be is limited by what is termed the Base Stat Cap. The Base Stat Cap grows by 10 for every 25 Chakra a character has. For example, this means that at 100 Chakra, a character cannot have any one stat above 40. At 150 Chakra, they cannot have any one stat above 60, and so on.


What are Skills?

Skills are the qualitative representation of character power on Shinobi Legends and serve as a natural extension to stats. They show a character’s understanding of how to translate the power in their muscles or the chakra potency within them into action, and have several ranks which govern how well this is achieved. A popular way to phrase it is that stats represent raw power, and skills are the lens through which this power is focused. A character may be very strong physically, but without the knowledge of how to put that strength to good use, they will often find themselves at the mercy of those who are more well versed in the martial arts.

Every skill on Shinobi Legends has seven ranks (eight, if you count not having the skill as a separate rank!), each with an associated __ cost. These ranks and prices are as follows:
Rank 0: None
Rank 1: Beginner ()
Rank 2: Novice ()
Rank 3: Journeyman ()
Rank 4: Expert ()
Rank 5: Master ()
Rank 6: Grandmaster ()
Rank 7: Transcendent ()
The prices listed are the total __ necessary to reach that level, which is to say an Expert-rank skill costs __, and raising that skill to Master costs only __ .
Ranks 5 and above are referred to as Masteries on Shinobi Legends and are not available by default; they must be requested by showing a character’s development in that field.

Universal Skills

All characters (save for non-combatants) on SL have a core set of skills no matter which occupation they belong to. These skills may differ in superficial aspects, but they represent the same things. The four core skills, termed Universal Skills, are Weapon Proficiency, Taijutsu, Ninjutsu and Chakra Control.

Weapon Proficiency

Weapon Proficiency is the skill that governs the user's martial prowess with the weapon they choose to wield. For  example, for Samurai this governs their prowess in wielding both their sword of choice, while for Puppeteers it governs the puppeteers and the weapons weapons they employ.

At Beginner rank, most users have only just begun to use their weapon and have a cursory familiarity with it. The user will find it tiring to fight with this weapon for long periods of time. It isn’t until they advance to Novice rank that they will have a tangible grasp of the fundamentals.
By Journeyman rank the user is quite formidable with their weapon. Not only is basic use a triviality for them but they’ve begun to use their weapon in more advanced ways, such as aim for their opponent's vital organs and gaps where their armor is thinnest.
When Expert rank is achieved not only the user has learned all that can be taught about how to use their weapon, but they have also come to understand it on a fundamental level. They understand the precise nature of how its weighted and balanced, where its center of gravity lies, and precisely how it will react when they wield it against an enemy.
At Master Rank, the user has deepned their connection to their weapon that it has become an extension of their being. A master's use of their weapon is not a conscious application, but an unconscious one. This allows them to strike with their weapon as a matter of instinct, allowing them to simply act without having to think of where and how they want to strike.


Taijutsu is the skill that govern's the user's martial prowess with their physical body. Characters on Shinobi Legends are capable of possessing a wide array of physical appendages beyond the conventional two arms and two legs that most humanoids possess, but as long as it is a part of the user's own body that is being utilized, it falls under Taijutsu.

At Beginner rank, the user is an amateur in fighting with their body and they'll find it to be an exceptionally taxing process in prolonged encounters. They understand the raw basics, such as how to throw a punch, but their style is riddled with flaws for an expert to exploit.
At Novice rank, the user has begun to master the fundamental basics of hand-to-hand combat, and are capable of using basic techniques and strikes with consistency and with far less wasted movement.
At Journeyman rank, the user finds long term combat with Hakuda to no longer be an exceptionally taxing task, allowing them to engage in long martial encounters without succumbing purely to fatigue generated by their own movements. The user's personal plethora of techniques has expanded, allowing them to utilize a variety of striking, throwing, and grabbling styles. It is usually at this rank that the user picks a specific martial art or style of fighting to specialize in.
At Expert rank, the user has learned almost everything they can about fighting with their body, and they have come to understand how to wield their body as a weapon on a fundamental level. They understand the specifics of both their own force and that of their opponents, how to weaponize that force, and can move and strike fluidly and with deadly precision.
At Master rank, the user has mastered their techniques to such an extent that they have become instictual. They no longer have to think or concentrate on the specific mechanics of combat, and are instead able to strike and block on instinct alone, allowing them to simply act without having to think of where and how they want to strike.
------more to come----


Checks are how interaction in combat functions on SL and they exist in multiple types: stat checks, stat-and-skill ("hybrid") checks, and skill-only checks.

Stat checks are just that; checks that involve solely the characters stats, with no skills coming into the picture in any way. Think of this as a wild haymaker thrown in a bar brawl; there might be a lot of power behind it, but absolutely no skill involved.

Skill-only checks do not include stats in their results, and are decidedly less common than either of the two other examples. Think of these as like a samurai cutting a bullet in half, or a Xiaolin Monk floating in the air with nothing but his mind; it has nothing to do with the characters physical/spiritual abilities, but rather is just a measure of how much better they are than their opponent (or gravity).

Stat-and-skill checks (or “Hybrid” checks) are much more common and are a stat check modified by a governing skill in some way; think of this as more of precisely timed jab; there’s power (and speed) behind it, sure, but there is also skill involved in throwing the punch in just the right manner so that it impacts against your opponent's face. Hybrid Checks initially use stats to determine a rank. After that is done any differences in skill rank come into play to affect the result. You and your partner are free to interpret this as you wish, however a common choice is to shift the results of the check by one tier for each difference in rank.

Comparison Tiers

There are four different Comparison Tiers on SL that govern the results of these checks. Many techniques have requirements based on the result of checks involving them. The tiers are listed with the conditions for each. The range of each tier is identical in both ranks and stats.

Equivalent, –20 or +20 stats/equal skill ranks. The result is effectively equal.
Advantaged, +20 to +49 stats/a skill rank difference of one. The result is decidedly in the favor of one side.
Superior, +50 to +99 stats/a skill rank difference of two. The result strongly favors one side.
Dominant, +100 or more stats/a skill rank difference of three or more. The result extremely favors one side and could potentially obliterate the opponent entirely if something extraordinary is not done to prevent it.
-100 or More | Dominant Defender
-49 - -100 | Superior Defender
-20 - -49 | Advantaged Defender
-19 - +19 | Equivalent
+20 - +49 | Advantaged Attacker
+50 - +99 | Superior Attacker
100+ | Dominant Attacker

All of this exists purely as reference material for interpreting combat. Above all else, you should write what feels right.

Damage Determination

Superficial Damage - Direct hit at Dominant Defender | Glancing hit at Superior Defender
Menial Damage - Direct hit at Superior Defender | Glancing hit at Advantaged Defender
Minor Damage - Direct hit at Advantaged Defender | Glancing hit at Equivalent
Moderate Damage - Direct hit at Equivalent | Glancing hit at Advantaged Attacker
Major Damage - Direct hit at Advantaged Attacker | Glancing hit at Superior Attacker
Severe Damage - Direct hit at Superior Attacker | Glancing hit at Dominant Attacker
Fatal Damage - Direct hit at Dominant Attacker

 A wound level is determined first by damage and then by modification, if an ability reduces or negates wound levels/wound level changes then compare them for a net effect and then apply it to the damage check for a final wound level.

Wound calculations occur after any failed block or dodge attempt, and are purely determined by Strength/Spirit vs Defense, with no associated skill check. Wound Locations, while important thematically, have no bearing on actual combat itself; A Fatal wound inflicted on a person’s foot is just as deadly as one inflicted on their head (because at that tier, you’d likely have your entire lower torso ripped off by the attack in question.)

Two wounds of the same severity are equal to one wound of the next rank higher. That means that two Moderate wounds are roughly equivalent to a single Major wound.

Superficial: Stinging sensations, barely breaking skin (like a scratch). Equivalent to touching boiling water, leaving a burning sensation but no lasting damage. Inflicted by a direct hit at Dominant Defender.
Menial: Wounds like scrapes, shallow cuts, and bruises. Sunburns. Inflicted by a direct hit at Superior Defender.
Minor: Slightly deeper cuts, shallow stab wounds, and severe bruising. First-degree burns; a bad sunburn. Inflicted by a direct hit at Advantaged Defender.
Moderate: Deep cuts, slightly deeper stab wounds, fractured bones. Second-degree burns; severe damage to the skin that has caused it to be partially burnt away.Inflicted by a direct hit at Equivalent Combatants.
Major: Deep stab wounds, broken bones, torn muscle. Third-degree burns; incredibly severe burn damage that can burn through even muscle and expose bone. . Inflicted by a direct hit at Advantaged Attacker.
Severe: Gaping holes in your body and severed limbs. Parts of your body have been burnt completely away. Inflicted by a direct hit at Superior Attacker.
Fatal: Vital organs are entirely destroyed and, likely, the rest of your body with them. Blows of such magnitude can reduce you to dust just by the air pressure surrounding them. You, or vital parts of you, have been reduced to dust by extreme heat. This is a deathblow for most characters, though some may have convenient methods of surviving. Inflicted by a direct hit at Dominant Attacker.


Note: Dodges below Equivalent are considered 'Failed Dodges' while Equivalent or higher are considered 'Successful Dodges'.

Dominant Attacker - Impossible to dodge, damage uneffected
Superior Attacker - Challenging to dodge, damage reduced by one wound level
Advantaged Attacker - Difficult to dodge, damage reduced by two wound levels
Equivalent - Minor strain to dodge
Advantaged Dodger - Annoying to dodge
Superior Dodger - Simple to dodge
Dominant Dodger - Trivial to dodge


Note: Requires your counter technique (or attack) to have Equivalent or greater attack speed to attempt.

Countering occurs when an offensive technique (or attack) is used to respond to another offensive technique (or attack.) For every rank of skill difference, modify by 1 tier (ex. Grandmaster Taijutsu vs. Advanced Weapon Proficiency would mean a punch would be +2 tiers against a blade-based counter attack or technique.) Damage is reduced by the amount of damage the counter attack deals after being modified by tiers.
Blocking with a Weapon

Dominant Attacker - Impossible to defend, damage uneffected
Superior Attacker - Challenging to defend, damage reduced by one wound level
Advantaged Attacker - Difficult to defend, damage reduced by two wound levels
Equivalent - Minor strain to defend
Advantaged Defender - Annoying to defend
Superior Defender - Simple to defend
Dominant Defender - Trivial to defend

Combat Ranges

Note: Moving one range only requires standard movement, advanced movement (Ex. Shunshin) may move up to two ranges. Both of these require a combat action.

Short (Melee) Range | 0 - 10 Meters
Intermediate Range | 11 - 50 Meters
Long Range | 51 - 250 Meters
Extreme Range | 251 - 1250 Meters
Non-Combat | 1250+ Meters

Technique Ranges

Note: Only techniques which specify that they function at ranges further than Long Range may do so.

All Techniques | Close/Short/Melee Range
Ranged Techniques | Short Range + Intermediate Range
Ranged Techniques (150+ Power) | Short Range + Intermediate Range + Long Range
Special Techniques (see Note) | Short Range + Intermediate Range + Long Range + Extreme Range


Note: These rules apply only to attacks or techniques which do not specify this information. Otherwise, follow the technique's specifications. (Ex. an explosive tech that does 100 damage but has a 30m radius does not have it radius reduced.)
Explosive Effects with 149 damage or less (Short Range Explosives)
Explosion consumes all within Short Range (0 - 10m) of the epicenter.
Explosive Effects with 150 damage or greater (Long Range Explosives)
Explosion consumes all within Intermediate Range (11 - 50m) of the epicenter.


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Re: A comprehensive guide to SL Roleplay.
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2016, 02:40:55 PM »

Seeing as no one else has commented on your work, I suppose I'lll be the first.

It's pretty comprehensive already, but I think you would benefit from adding a HP system of sorts. Yes, that does sound weird, but hitpoints would only be lost if an attack is higher leveled than the defense; therefore, individuals with more vitality would have higher hitpoint count. Let's take a Senju vs an Uchiha for a sec:

Uchiha Powerhouse: 100 HP

Senju Powerhouse: 150 HP.

Certain enhancements could add HP or restore HP. For example, resting could add +20 HP while healing jutsu for a certain amount of turns restores the number of HP equivalent to the chakra cost of the jutsu times efficiency (something takes 200 chakra to use per turn and restores 50 HP is less efficient than a 200 chakra medical technique that restores 150 HP per turn, even though both require the same amount of chakra).

To handle dismemberment, HP's could be reduced (for still bleeding out wounds it would continuously subtract HP until the wound heals or the HP reach zero, where the victim dies). To poisoning can cause HP drain, paralysis would only affect ability to defend and not directly impact HP (what caused the paralysis might though).

I'm short on time, but I felt the need to give some input. Additionally, I think "Ninjutsu" should be replaced with "jutsu" in general, since there are so many types of jutsu in the narutoverse at this point.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: A comprehensive guide to SL Roleplay.
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2016, 06:17:52 PM »

This is a good concept and would work if we were *strictly* a RP-based Forum. Sadly we are not that type of server and everything here is a little mixture of both.

Some people may like this concept, while others may feel that this is infringing on their creativity. I used stat-based systems before, but it was because the forum was made like that. We didn't have another LotGD server where we also dedicated our time too.

The only issue I have with this concept is this: SS 1792-OO (infinity, only for tailed beasts and Edo Tensei zombies)

Tailed Beasts don't have an endless supply of chakra. Kurama even stated during the final battle between Naruto and Sasuke, that he was running out of chakras and gave Naruto what little he had in his fight against Sasuke.



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Re: A comprehensive guide to SL Roleplay.
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2016, 08:50:14 PM »

Seeing as no one else has commented on your work, I suppose I'lll be the first.

It's pretty comprehensive already, but I think you would benefit from adding a HP system of sorts. Yes, that does sound weird, but hitpoints would only be lost if an attack is higher leveled than the defense; therefore, individuals with more vitality would have higher hitpoint count. Let's take a Senju vs an Uchiha for a sec:

Uchiha Powerhouse: 100 HP

Senju Powerhouse: 150 HP.

Certain enhancements could add HP or restore HP. For example, resting could add +20 HP while healing jutsu for a certain amount of turns restores the number of HP equivalent to the chakra cost of the jutsu times efficiency (something takes 200 chakra to use per turn and restores 50 HP is less efficient than a 200 chakra medical technique that restores 150 HP per turn, even though both require the same amount of chakra).

To handle dismemberment, HP's could be reduced (for still bleeding out wounds it would continuously subtract HP until the wound heals or the HP reach zero, where the victim dies). To poisoning can cause HP drain, paralysis would only affect ability to defend and not directly impact HP (what caused the paralysis might though).

I'm short on time, but I felt the need to give some input. Additionally, I think "Ninjutsu" should be replaced with "jutsu" in general, since there are so many types of jutsu in the narutoverse at this point.

Yeah you're right. I wasn't entirely sure what to put in the Ninjutsu position, but changing it to Jutsu is a better idea. As for the hit points and healing, the way I imagined it we could just have techniques move a person's wounds up a damage tier. Like a severe can be healed to a major, a major to moderate, and so on.


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Re: A comprehensive guide to SL Roleplay.
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2016, 08:55:09 PM »

This is a good concept and would work if we were *strictly* a RP-based Forum. Sadly we are not that type of server and everything here is a little mixture of both.

Some people may like this concept, while others may feel that this is infringing on their creativity. I used stat-based systems before, but it was because the forum was made like that. We didn't have another LotGD server where we also dedicated our time too.

The only issue I have with this concept is this: SS 1792-OO (infinity, only for tailed beasts and Edo Tensei zombies)

Tailed Beasts don't have an endless supply of chakra. Kurama even stated during the final battle between Naruto and Sasuke, that he was running out of chakras and gave Naruto what little he had in his fight against Sasuke.

That's a good point. In fact, us having a LotGD server is why I added the provision that it would need to be a serious roleplay in a village board or somewhere else that everyone could see and verify the number of words they have for a particular roleplay when they claim their "points". I could see how this would restrict people, though, so I'm willing to cut this part out or work with people to make it better.

At the end of the day though, I'm willing to be very flexible with this. Everything doesn't have to be passed, but I would like to see some of the less restricting aspects implemented by a lot of people on SL.


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Re: A comprehensive guide to SL Roleplay.
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2016, 06:15:28 AM »

Wow this is a lot of work. I'm impressed.
Sorry that I will never use it and doubt it will catch on. Not trying to be rude or anything. Just... Not that kinda place around here.

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Re: A comprehensive guide to SL Roleplay.
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2016, 07:25:25 AM »

Be wary of jugglers, end up taking 60% of your hp and you'd just have to sit there and cry... may even throw your remote or turn your xbox off... #youknowwhoyouare

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