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Author Topic: First pirates, now dinosaurs? Bocch defends the 5 tails against Iburi Ray.  (Read 3336 times)


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Special Conditions

-The match is IC unless otherwise agreed upon.

-The match will be what I refer to as "staggered IC". That meaning we can rp whilst the match happens, but the end result of the match will still occur IC. Once a victor is decided the Jinchuriki and Challenger then finish whatever rp they are in and immediately post going to begin the fight, so that is when it happens chronologically. If you manage to get yourself killed before the fight happens it will be voided, but I'm not forcing you to rp elsewhere during the fight.

-Once a judge is agreed upon, either before the fight starts or the first time a decision is needed, they are the judge for the rest of the fight.

-The Challenger and Jinchuriki each have a one time ability to boot a judge. If the agreed upon judge makes a decision just so despicable that you need to get a new one you can say that after this decision you are requesting a new judge. Each participant can do this ONCE, and NOT while a decision is being made. Once a new judge is picked they are the set judge for the rest of the fight, or until the remaining boot is used on them.

-You cannot borrow techniques from your friends like Dust Release or Hirashin. You can only use what abilities and tools you have In-Character during the fight, even if it's OOC.

-If you take 7 days to post, the fight will be called off and you will be declared the loser. If the fight was OOC that means you just lose. If it was IC that means the opposition gets to legally auto-hit you, likely meaning you die or are sealed. Note that the timer does not reset if you posted once and then have to repost. I.e. You waited 6 days to post, but your post was all godmodding and autohitting, and then waited 3 days to repost, then you still lose.

-Everyone gets ONE repost only.

Non-Negotiable Voids

-Swift Release
- Izanami
- Body Revival Technique (If used to survive opening the 8th Gate. That was made before we knew what the 8th Gate does, regeneration does not let you tank disintegrating into ash.)
- Uchiha Return
- Hijutsu: Kirisame
- Custom Bijuu Transformations
- Tenseigan
- Nonsense

**Rules and Void list subject to change**

Match is 1v1 OOC for the 5 tails.
Zone is Zone 10
Judge is Shadow
Bocch makes first post


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A space time distortion would spiral out from a few feet off the ground, quickly depositing Bocchiere into the area with his Eternal Mangekyo active. He wore his now common topless attire a pair of burgundy pants and long tabi boots, in addition to his amulet of Jashin and Akatsuki ring. He had no visible weapons or tools but his arms were branded with a vast array of fuinjutsu and other markings. For now the man would simply await the arrival of his opponent, kicking a knife out of the trunk of a blood-seeping tree so he could more comfortably lean against it.

Iburi Ray

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Ray's body began to materialize in the surrounding area. He went from being nothing but a smoke version of himself to being a fleshed out human in a matter of seconds. He wore his normal attire of cargo shorts and a black hoodie sporting an orange outline of a Tyrannosaurs Rex. He began his walk and felt the air. Stagnant. That was good for Ray along with the fact there was no wind in the area was also a major plus. He stopped 50 meters away from his Opponent, who if he had good eyesight could see the seals that decorated his body, except of course the one that lay hidden on his tongue. Ray's purple eyes, indicating his affiliation to the byakugan, focused on the man his byakugan activating.

"Nice of you to show mate."He grinned as he held a defensive stance.
“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all."


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Pushed himself out of his leaning position to stand 20 feet from Ray, "I don't turn down invites, not my style, even it turns out I may be slumming a bit." The smoke transformation caught his eye as one of his former ring bearers, Hades, also possessed the same ability. Would be good to find out if it possessed the same weaknesses as well. With a quick flurry of slashes of his hand Bocch would launch a series of 6 Wind Release blades at Ray. They were quite large, each one 20 feet long, and criss-crossed over each other to make dodging them more difficult. They'd cross the short distance between them almost immediately. He didn't expect this to kill the man but he did want to see his reaction.

Iburi Ray

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Was caught a little off guard, but in the defensive stance Ray had, the palms of his hands open and spray out smoke, but of a different nature, one that fed upon wind and fire. The smoke would barely have enough time to react to the incoming air slashes, only slowing the attack slightly but enough for Ray to dodge to an extent, gaining a few scrapes as he lept to the right of his initial position. Being an Iburi, he had the ability to turn to smoke, but wind of any measure is dangerous. The smoke released by Ray took in a little of the wind that came through it, giving it a bit more strength. This was primarily a smoke screen and covered 30 feet in every direction, but Ray decided to use the cover to attack Bocchiere. Inhaling quickly he formed the needed kata in quick succession, and exhaled, not air, but fire, as a massive stream of fire spewed forth towards Bocchiere covering the smoke screen quickly and easily as it's sized dwarfed it. He was sure Bocchiere had a plan to dodge it, but Ray needed to be on his toes.

[Katon: Gōka Mekkyaku]
« Last Edit: June 09, 2016, 08:52:29 AM by Iburi Ray »
“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all."


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Bocchiere would leap backwards away from the cloud of smoke as Ray expelled it, landing outside of it's 30 foot reach. He'd notice that his wind blades slowed as they parted the cloud, the detail of the speed easily noted by his Sharingan. "That's not the same smoke power." He thought to himself, Hades' was weak to wind the way Hozuki are weak to lightning. "But he was composed of smoke when he appeared." Bocch continued. However he just expelled the smoke cloud through the openings in his hands, why do that when he could instantly convert his body to smoke and expel it that way? The last piece clicked into place, "Because they're two different abilities." If his whole body smoke transformation had the same wind resistant properties as the cloud he had expelled than he would have just turned to smoke and allowed the wind blades to pass through his body without taking damage. Bocchiere deemed it likely that his body could be damaged by wind and so he used the other smoke ability to compensate for the weakness.

As the massive wave of fire suddenly erupted Bocchiere would smile wide and weave a kata of his own.

Katon: Gōka Mekkyaku!

Bocchiere would expel an equally sized inferno but the flames of his burnt bright white with licks of blue within them. This is because fire is Bocchiere's most proficient element and the one he has utterly mastered. The heat produced by his flames were the highest anyone could hope to muster without the power of Amaterasu on their side and were roughly 9,000 degrees Fahrenheit (appropriately just shy of the sun's, and Amaterasu's, 10,000 degrees). Due to the nature of Fire Release techniques Bocchiere's inferno would swallow Ray's and continue onward, threatening to reduce the young man to ash if he did not respond promptly. As a secondary gain the rushing force of the flames would also blast the cloud of smoke away.

Iburi Ray

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Thanks to his byakugan, which he would activate as he expelled his fireball to keep his eyes on Bocchiere and any movement he made, which he would soon notice the bigger fireball beginning to engulf his. He knew from the fact his fire was being eaten, that the incoming fire would be hotter. Cutting off the stream, he would immediately enact his next jutsu, which would sink Ray into ground avoiding the raging inferno. Ray's first nature was Earth which he mastered beyond anything else. He would use this time to build chakra into his palms, but slowly release it into the ground until it surrounded Bocchiere's feet and everything in a 30 foot radius. Should Bocchiere step on the ground beneath him he would be engulfed in a giant explosion which would certainly hurt the man, kill however he was not sure, as he did know oh Bocchiere being an immortal Jashin.

Doton: Dochu Eigyo no Jutsu
Bakuton: Rajiusu Bakuha
“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all."


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Luckily for Bocchiere the Sharingan does have some penetrative vision, though no where near as much as the Byakugan. It is able to see through several feet of rock, and he'd be able to see the chakra rising up beneath his feet before it was ready to activate.

Stopping his own gout of fire Bocchiere would leap into the air, 20 feet high, and begin to hover with the Light-Weight Rock Technique. He'd quickly make a kata of his own,

Doton: Yomi Numa!

Using an extra bit of chakra Bocchiere would turn all of the earth in a 100 foot radius around himself into a 50 foot deep chakra-infused swamp of adhesive mud. Since Ray did not say how deep into the earth he descended let's say he is under 20 feet of earth. Due to the sticky nature of the mud and the fact that all of the earth around Ray would instantly change it seemed likely he would likely become trapped in it. 

Iburi Ray

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Indeed he did become trapped, but Ray didn't fret, as he turned his body into somke via the Iburi bloodline.since he was nothing but particles, he evaded through the swamp of death that Bocch had created. Popping out of the ground 200 feet away from Bocch's location he'd flesh himself out again quickly, something he has practiced constantly. in e few mere seconds he would be back in full flesh and blood. Luckily since there was no pressure from Bocch's attack, the bakuton chakra remained in it's location undisturbed, but not for long. Using a small kata string Earth, about a 50 foot radius would encompass the bakuton chakra, and not disturb it. Shooting forth from the Earth, a earthen claw, resembling a wolf's claw, carrying the bakuton, would fly into the air aimed at Bocch, in order to slam it into him. Lastly Ray grabbed a small pill from his front pocket and shoved it in his mouth to top off his chakra back to 85% full again. He only had 6 more pills and he had to think wisely about it.

Doton: Ōkami Ken
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Ray would have to get a little more creative than that to escape. Smoke is simply particles (usually carbon) floating visibly in the air. These particles would get as stuck to the sticky mud as Ray's body would have, except he is now arguably in a worse position than before. Mud would flow into the space once occupied by Ray's solid body, giving him no space to reform. If he was even physically capable of turning solid again under such conditions he'd do so with mud filling up his organs, body cavities, etc, which would almost certainly render his body non-functional, as ones heart likes to pump adhesive mud a lot less than it does blood. One would assume Ray would be limited to smoke jutsu while in his smoke mode, so it would be interesting to see if he would be able to escape his predicament.

To further exacerbate the situation Bocchiere would ascend his eyes to their Rinnegan form and make a single kata, still hovering above the swamp. The muddy swamp would turn a pitch black color, looking more like a tar pit now, and that is because Bocchiere infused it with his Six Paths Chakra to combine the Yomi Numa technique with the Blocking Technique Absorption Seal of the Preta Path. What this meant was that the mud now also exhibited all of the characteristics of the the titular Preta Path technique. It would begin to drain the chakra out of Ray at an expedient rate (10% a turn) and would also absorb any techniques that Ray launched that made contact with the mud of the swamp.

Iburi Ray

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Would indeed be stuck, and felt his chakra drain, but he didn't fret, instead, since he is a sage, he would simply use this time to gather senjutsu chakra. Pulling from the natural energy, he would begin to absorb it, also knowing that Bocch, would absorb this as well, he wanted to overload Bocch's absorption to break it momentarily if possible. If he couldn't he did have a back up plan. Fleshing his right hand, he would take only a few second to shoot out a pulse. This pulse would be from his KT which began to vibrate. This broke his concentration on absorbing natural energy, but he'd resume it. The pulses however would split, until there were nothing but multiplying pulses vibrating around Ray's smoke person. This would incur heat, because when something vibrates enough it generates heat and with them splitting constantly to make up for the absrobed pulses Bocch may take, the heat generated would thus expand the area around Ray, by of course science. Should this work, Ray's body would return to a fleshed out form and immediately open the 7th gate, which in itself makes Ray a giant ball of heat, enough to melt away the mud in Ray's way as he would climb out the swamp and land safely 50 meters away.
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His swamp, much like other chakra absorbing jutsu of a similar nature (Think Giant Water Shark Bomb), did not funnel the chakra back to the owner, it merely absorbed the chakra into itself. So the swamp would get stickier? Regardless, 10% would be drained off the top of Ray's pool before he escaped by opening the 7th Gate.

Bocchiere would cancel his swamp jutsu, returning the ground to its normal solid state, before he descended and landed on it. Bocchiere was very familiar with the 8 Gates as his associate Saejima was an avid user of them. That was clearly the 7th Gate, and was not to be underestimated.

Bocchiere would change his eyes back from Rinnegan to Mangekyo Sharingan and would quickly release one of the seals on his arms, unleashing a flock of hundreds of crows that would scatter up into the air.

Sanzengarasu no Jutsu

The crows would fly up high into the sky while a gaggle of them would fly toward to Ray to peck and scratch at him. On each crows skin, under its feathers, was a Hiraishin mark. They would also continuously multiply themselves, each grow splitting into another crow every other second.

Iburi Ray

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Ray, the aura around him blue, skin red and eyes white, simply stared at Bocch. At his eye change, He made the sign for Tiger. In the time Bocch removed his first seal, Ray had pulled back his right fist and as the small murder of crows formed and began their decent towards the man, he unleashed his punch.

The air pressure alone from the punch would be enough to crush the crows, but the punch was aimed at Bocch, the crows were cannon fodder. When Ray unleashed the punch, a White tiger formed and raced towards Bocch at high speeds, that would make it difficult to evade if he didn't have Kamui, but Ray wasn't looking for a direct hit. When the punch reached only 10 meters away from Bocch's position he would detonate the attack, creating a massive explosion, one that dwarfed turtle island, which was sure to kill the crows, even the multiplying ones, and hopefully injure their owner.

Ray too would be blown back a few meters, but received little backlash. While he awaited to see if he caught the man in the explosion, he would switch off his gates and return to normal, his byakugan automatically starting up. As a result. Ray was of course in pain, his right arm was more shredded than the rest of his body, but he would power through it for a few moments more as he tried to find Bocch's chakra signature again.

« Last Edit: June 15, 2016, 08:43:29 AM by Iburi Ray »
“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all."


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Bocchiere knew what move Ray had planned for him when he saw the hand sign. As Ray unleashed his massive attack Bocchiere formed a hand sign of his own.

Hiraishin: Dōrai

As the compressed air attack aimed to crush the crows flying at Ray a barrier ninjutsu would be erected around one of them, via the Hiraishin seal on the bird. When the Hirudora struck the barrier it would be warped from the barrier to another Hiraishin seal. This would simply be another one of the near by birds but more importantly, since Bocchiere had control of its reappearance, he had it appear facing the opposite direction, aiming to crash down directly on Ray.


Iburi Ray

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Bocch, would have to try harder. Even though the course of his attack changed to be right above him, the explosion wouldn't occur, since Ray still presumed control over it, but being he was without his gate mode, he would simply turn to smoke, and walk away before the attack struck him, as it struck the ground, Ray flesh himself, as the attack burrowed itself into the ground, which the small shock wave would only send Ray a few meters, where he landed on his feet.

From here, Ray jumped into a tree creating two shadow clones. The real Ray stood next to one while the other swung down to the ground and then behind the tree, where it would begin meditating, gathering nature chakra. The real Ray and his clone stared at Bocch still, though, he would pluck a small short sword from the tree's truck and hurl it towards the floating man.
“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all."

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