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Author Topic: I'm out of clever names! Bocchiere defends the 3 tails against T'Challa!  (Read 2023 times)


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-Once a judge is agreed upon, either before the fight starts or the first time a decision is needed, they are the judge for the rest of the fight.

-The Challenger and Jinchuriki each have a one time ability to boot a judge. If the agreed upon judge makes a decision just so despicable that you need to get a new one you can say that after this decision you are requesting a new judge. Each participant can do this ONCE, and NOT while a decision is being made. Once a new judge is picked they are the set judge for the rest of the fight, or until the remaining boot is used on them.

-You cannot borrow techniques from your friends like Dust Release or Hirashin. You can only use what abilities and tools you have In-Character during the fight, even if it's OOC.

-If you take 7 days to post, the fight will be called off and you will be declared the loser. If the fight was OOC that means you just lose. If it was IC that means the opposition gets to legally auto-hit you, likely meaning you die or are sealed. Note that the timer does not reset if you posted once and then have to repost. I.e. You waited 6 days to post, but your post was all godmodding and autohitting, and then waited 3 days to repost, then you still lose.

-Everyone gets ONE repost only.

Non-Negotiable Voids

-Swift Release
- Izanami
- Body Revival Technique (If used to survive opening the 8th Gate. That was made before we knew what the 8th Gate does, regeneration does not let you tank disintegrating into ash.)
- Uchiha Return
- Hijutsu: Kirisame
- Custom Bijuu Transformations
- Tenseigan
- Nonsense

**Rules and Void list subject to change**

The fight is for the ownership of the 3 tails
The fight is 1v1 OOC
The fight takes place in zone 8 Death Valley
The judge for the fight is Shadow
First post by Bocchiere is incoming

Special Conditions:
"Anti-Space Time" abilities are banned.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2016, 05:29:07 AM by Bocchiere »


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As the sun stood high in the sky over the bleak features of the area known as Death Valley the Jashinist known as Bocchiere would appear, spiraling out a space-time portal via his Kamui technique, his Eternal Mangekyo active. As usual he wore his shirtless attire and bore no weapons, but his arms were crossed by many summoning and fuinjutsu tattoos. 


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Presumably via Kamui portal, a massive stone throne would fall from the sky and land with an abrupt crash 20 feet from Bocch. Moment’s later, a young Uchiha followed in it’s wake, landing softly within its seat. Looking around in a bit of confusion, he came to gaze upon the Jashinist and a smile twisted his visage. Folding his leg and resting his palm within a posted arm T’challa inquired, “Hey guy, wanna fight?” Having used Kamui to enter, just as Bocc had done, T’challa’s own Mangekyo was active and scanning his features. Seeing as his implants had healed, he no longer needed the bandages to hide the body modification to his hands. Looking as if there were slits within his palms.
"This is the way the world ends, not with a whimper but with a bang..."
― T.S. Eliot


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Bocchiere smiles and unseals a particular sword from one of the marks on his arms, "Sure, why not?" This was his blade, Kaiju, a living blade that, to all outward appearances seemed to be a normal sword. T'Challa may be tipped off by the fact that his Doujutsu would see the blade glowing with a chakra different than Bocchiere's but maybe he would just think chakra was sealed in the blade, who knew?

The sword, eager for bloodshed, would use its Earth Release abilities to manipulate the stone throne on which T'Challa sat, which would cause an earthen spike to rise from the back of the chair and attempt to impale the man straight through his chest.


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With his Sharingan active, T’challa would indeed notice the chakra flowing throughout the sword, but was almost unprepared for the sneak attack that came from his very seat. Feeling a vibration within the stone itself before the spike could protrude, T’challa would utilize his Kamui intangibility to phase himself through the spike and out of harm's way. With wide eyes, T’challa would cause the slits within his palms to open slightly, revealing two Rinnegan eyes implanted within. Using the spikes protrusion to his advantage, T’challa would fake a “flinch” allowing him to angle his hands away from Bocc, now incredibly unlikely that the Jashinist even noticed them opening at all, probably more focused on the spike attack failing and the words soon to come from T’challa’s mouth. With the Rinnegan active, T’challa would suddenly spawn 5 clones within the realm of Limbo on each side of the throne. Upon the very moment of their conception, each dashed at the stationary opponent with incredible speed. Undetectably covering the measly 20 foot distance in a fraction of a second, the Limbo clones aimed to appear with one placed directly in front, on both sides, behind and finally one in the air above him. Immediately the group would initiate a flurry of strikes to bombard the Jashinist with high speed, super powered punches and kicks all over his body. Without enhancements these clones were able to send full sized tailed beasts soaring with a single punch, so the damage they could deal was immeasurable. Utilizing their training in hand to hand combat, the clones would focus normally wild strikes to Bocc’s vitals such as the eyes, brain, heart(s), lungs, spine and so on. Though it should be duly noted that the initial strikes would be two fingers aimed for his eyes, hoping to take them out of the equation for the remainder of the assault, a horizontal chop to remove Bocch’s head from his shoulders, an open palmed thrust to his spine to shatter it, a windmill kick to send the potentially severed head off into the distance and a sweep kick to break his kneecaps. Should Bocch simply move out of the way, the clones would predict his movements and reposition accordingly.

T’challa, not looking to give Bocc any indication that he had activated this technique at all, began to speak in reaction to the spike that had emerged from the chair. “Well now, that was quite rude sir!” Though in reality by the time he had reached the word “Was” Boccheire would have become mashed potatoes. Considering he currently lacked the Rinnegan to see the clones, or the Sage mode to sense them it was probable Bocc would have no clue this attack had even been initiated before it was too late. Though just in case the fight was not over, T’challa would stand from his seated position before taking a step in Bocc’s Direction; a black, ethereal mandala appearing in the center of his back that resonated with energy taking shape.                                             
« Last Edit: June 18, 2016, 09:22:01 AM by GooshGoosh »
"This is the way the world ends, not with a whimper but with a bang..."
― T.S. Eliot


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Bocchiere's body took on a flickering white and blue form, his blade dropping from his hand, "I'm a rude dude." he'd attempt to say, before his flaming body received a flurry of blows from nothing. He had turned to fire in an attempt to begin his own attack strategy but apparently T'Challa had no chill. That's ok though, nothing is going to remain chill for much longer. Quickly coalescing the fire would say, "Though you're one to talk." Using his Incineration Technique his body was made entirely of fire that was white with licks of blue due to the extreme heat it possessed. It was second only to Amaterasu in power, the temperature slightly over 9000 degrees Fahrenheit.

Following this up would be a flowing crimson chakra cloak that sprung to life around Bocchiere's flaming form, and a transparent orange aura that enveloped him.

The first of these was his Kurama Mode, if T'Challa was not holding back that Bocchiere would similarly indulge him. The chakra cloak was crimson red and clung skin-tight to Bocchiere's body, and atop it was a more literal cloak made of chakra, not unlike Bocchiere's old Akatsuki cloak in shape. Bocchiere's chakra would noticeably change to T'Challa's eyes upon entering this form.

The second was the active version of the Flame King's Raiment Technique, another technique of Bocchiere's design. This would allow Bocchiere to be the cause of a significant rise in the temperature of the battlefield. T'Challa would feel like he had just opened a massive oven and gotten a blast of heat to the face as soon as the jutsu took effect. Since it was under the effect of Kurama Mode (a x6 multiplier) the jutsu would raise the temperature exponentially faster than normal. If T'Challa had any way to precisely know the temperature he would see that it had almost immediately risen over 600 degrees Fahrenhiet and showed no signs of slowing down. Though T'Challa would likely be too concerned with the fact he was being cooked alive to check his thermometer.

Bocchiere did not perceive in any way what had hit him first, which on its own made it obvious what had hit him, Limbo clones, likely the full compliment of them. It might seem foolish to ignore them, powerful as they were, but he knew all they could do was strike at him physically, and regardless of how strong those strikes were they could not damage him in his current form.

He'd simply watch T'Challa for further responses, the temperature rapidly rising.


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Seems like the cat is out of the frying pan and thrown into the oven. Bocch had somehow picked the exact move he would need to block this undetectable assault and that was unfortunate, but T’challa did not give up hope just yet! Within the realm of Limbo, one of the clones simply walked into the amalgam of fire that had become Bocc’s body, standing in that very spot. Seeing as it currently lacked Rikudou chakra, the flames would cause him no harm whatsoever. In doing this, the Clone aimed to displace the matter within the flames, disrupting Bocc’s entire body. The other 4 clones would also take action, huddling around the first like a flock of penguins while using their cloaks to pat out the flames in a way to not feed them more air, instead snuffing them out. Fire is fire, no matter how hot.  Simultaneously, T’challa would utilize his Six paths power in order to combine two techniques into one, creating something entirely new. Joining the Universal Pull and Preta path’s chakra absorbing barrier, the youth created a long distance variant of the preta path that also drew in surrounding chakra to absorb at a much faster rate. Normally preta path would be trumped by the heat produced by katon based techniques, for it lacked chakra to absorb, phasing right through the seal and cooking the user. Though T’challa figured this would be different, considering the technique in question actually created the heat through chakra, opposed to the heat being a byproduct of some other jutsu.  Concurrently, the preta based move aimed to counter both the Flame king thingy and affect Bocc directly, attempting to strip him of his cloak and potentially disrupted flame form to fuel T’challa’s own pool. Should this work Bocc’s body would be suddenly reverted back to a solid form, only to be met with another man inside of his loins, rendering his own form disgustingly transformed as the atoms composing his body would be unable to retain their original shape.

Tenderly the clone kissed Bocc’s now horrifyingly disfigured neck, before whispering
“Ravioli Ravioli, give me the formuoli.”
"This is the way the world ends, not with a whimper but with a bang..."
― T.S. Eliot


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As Bocchiere was wearing his full-body chakra cloak this would not allow the clones to simply walk into him.

Weird how it came up simultaneously in both fights but, "Much like Bakuton, which expends chakra to create explosions, the force of which is not actually made of chakra, this technique of Bocchiere's expended chakra to create heat, but that heat was not made of chakra. The rise in temperature was not something Tobias/T'Challa could absorb."

Feeling a little crowded and seeing T'Challa raise his hand toward him for what would have been his Universal Pull attempt Bocchiere would simply move out of the way. A, when using not even his full power Raiton no Yoroi, was fading away leaving after-images when he moved because he was so fast. Kurama Mode is such a higher buff that it is faster than 9 Tails Chakra Mode, which by itself is already faster than full power Raiton no Yoroi, which is stated to be so fast it is difficult for even the Sharingan to follow. So being faster than the thing faster than that would mean his movements were borderline impossible to follow, even for the Sharingan.

Once T'Challa finished pointing his hand toward Bocchiere he would probably be confused as to why it was absorbing nothing at all, and at that time the afterimage he was pointing his hand at would fade away. Bocchiere himself was now standing on T'Challa's throne, balanced atop the back of the chair. He did not say anything but merely continued to watch T'Challa, the exponentially increasing temperatures now over 1000 degrees Fahrenheit. Unless he was in some way resistant to heat there's no reason why the man wouldn't start burning.


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So, this fight is probably over. Kurama + this flame king this is OP OP. Not sure how I am supposed to fight it exactly. So, I burn up and stuff, like this guy;

"This is the way the world ends, not with a whimper but with a bang..."
― T.S. Eliot


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So, this fight is probably over. Kurama + this flame king this is OP OP. Not sure how I am supposed to fight it exactly. So, I burn up and stuff, like this guy;

That's for me to know and for you to find out. ^^


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