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Author Topic: Final Match for Kurama begins!!! A bout amidst blood; Athos vs Rikudou!!  (Read 3333 times)


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Ryoji, Athos

Match type:
OOC Bijuu Battle Death match

Zone type:

Exactly midnight

-[14 day fight time]-
3 actions per person including any clones. Summons get 1 action per post.

-[Judge has been discussed, we are just waiting for a response]-

Swift Release
Any of the recent Rikudou powered abilities
Body Revival Technique (If used to survive opening the 8th Gate. That was made before we knew what the 8th Gate does, regeneration does not let you tank disintegrating into ash.)
Uchiha Return
Hijutsu: Kirisame
Anything that we talked about in Pms that I or you are not allowed to use in the fight.

In the Center of this marble arena erupted a pillar of black fire, scorching the immediate tiles before dying down to a smoulder. In the center stood a man garbed in minimalist clothing, which served to mask his appearance, while his arms were folded behind his back and his posture was straight. Looking upward Ryoji admired the site of a full moon with his evolved crimsion hues, reaching out with one hand as if to caress it, but alas it was so far away. A voice rang in his head, whispering dastardly premonitions of a world engulfed by fire and brimstone, a world Ryoji was unsure if he wanted. Had he the need to breath, he might have sighed heavily as he contemplated his destiny. Unfortunetly, those ill tidings would need to be addressed later, for now his opportunity to begin amassing the power he needed was right in front of him.   
If you can't beat them, eat them.

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Re: Final Match for Kurama begins!!! A bout amidst blood; Athos vs Rikudou!!
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2016, 09:34:59 PM »

Athos hadn't the need or means, really, to make a flashy entrance like Ryoji had done. Instead, directly across from where Ryoji was standing, would come Athos walking seemingly from no where. The man was dressed in a simple enough attire, a sleeveless black shirt and pants to match, with his crimson hair tired in a few places to be a long ponytail and prepared for battle. He carried a large variety of weapons, knowing damn well he was going to need everything he had to beat Ryoji.

On his right hip rested two weapons, the family blade known as Kamin and the blade known as Oken, a gift from an old friend of his that Athos had been using for quite some time now. On his back rested a long broadsword, Akarui, a quiver, and a bow, both weapons having once belonged to Shinko at some time or another. The only other piece of equipment to mark on Athos was the pieces of technology on his elbows and knees, his Tutumen, which basically acted as advanced pieces of the armor a Gobi Jinch use to wear.

As his bare feet pressed against the marble floor of the arena, he would stop about 2 yards from Ryoji, letting his golden hues watch his child as he let out a long breath,"Ready to make up, yet?"
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: Final Match for Kurama begins!!! A bout amidst blood; Athos vs Rikudou!!
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2016, 09:53:25 PM »

Ryoji looked upon his father as he entered the arena, a smile forming under the Yokai mask that hid his face. “Make up?” Noticeably, Ryoji’s voice sounded mechanical, seeming to reverberate from his entire being opposed to his mouth. “I have lost all interest in revenge… those emotions were my shackles, holding me back from transcending into legend. I have opened my eyes, Athos. The time of Shinobi is over, and you are the first of many that will oppose me.” Reaching outward, Ryoji extended his open hand to Athos, as if pleading with him. “For once father, I need you to believe me. As your eldest. As your blood. I need you to understand that I have been chosen as the herald of a new age, and as such I am willing to exercise forgiveness. I have forgiven you, Dad. Can you forgive me, and join my cause?”
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Re: Final Match for Kurama begins!!! A bout amidst blood; Athos vs Rikudou!!
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2016, 10:20:38 PM »

That caused Athos to fall silent for a few moments as he listened to his firstborn child speak. How long had he waited for his son to say those words? Surely, over the years it was Ryoji who had been doing the wrong doing but it had all stemmed from a neglectful father. His golden hues watched Ryoji as his right hand came to rest on the hilt of Oken, though showing no signs of drawing the weapon or being tense,"Just like that? After all this time, it's suppose to just be that easy?" He'd wanted this for so long and yet, why couldn't he bring himself to accept it?

It was a lot harder than Athos had thought it was going to be as he looked upon his child, though the mask that he wore stopped him from looking upon his face. He let out a long breath as he glanced over the whole figure of his child,"Shin, I want nothing more for us to be on the same side..."It was a bit awkward, seeing that his right hand was on his weapon, but Athos would offer Ryoji his left hand instead, seemingly in agreement to his plea,"But what do you mean the end of Shinobi? You couldn't possibly mean that."
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: Final Match for Kurama begins!!! A bout amidst blood; Athos vs Rikudou!!
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2016, 12:24:00 AM »

Ryoji looked at Athos as he raised his hand, the smile leaving his lips. With his own hand already extended, Ryoji cast the Ephemeral technique upon his father in attempts to place him within a genjutsu. Despite the Raikon lineage being a powerful trait that allowed for high speed tracking, it failed to aid in the detection of genjutsu like the Sharingan. With that in mind, alongside Athos’ lack of sensory abilities or Bijuu to break him free, the activation of the genjutsu would likely go unnoticed until it was too late.

In the Genjutsu world, should he be caught in such, Athos would see exactly what Ryoji believed he wanted to see. The two would lock hands, Ryoji accommodating for Athos’ use of the left hand opposed to the right like usual. Reaching up Ryoji removed the mask that hid his face to reveal a smiling man, happy to have made a connection with his father. “Don’t you see, father? What causes this world's strife? What causes all of the wars, death, deception? The cowering behind village barriers like cattle waiting for slaughter? It’s Chakra. It’s Shinobi. The root of all evil comes from the power we were given so many centuries before. Because of that gift, people like Bocchiere came to be, who indiscriminately took the lives of thousands. People like me, who killed his own brother for power, who attacked his family and loved ones with passion, destroying all that reside in his path. People like Yujo, who used his gifts to kill the ones whom dedicated their lives to protecting the innocent, and plotted to kill village officials across the globe. Yes Chakra is what lead us and them to lead the lives we do, using it as a weapon of mass destruction. I’ve been born anew by the divine to save this world from itself. To save the innocent from those who wish to destroy them. Sure I have made my own mistakes, but despite that I was chosen. If the divine can forgive me...I would hope you can too.”

Athos would notice, upon uttering that final sentence, a familiar chakra appeared behind Ryoji. An opaque figure took shape, his features impossible to misinterpret. He appeared as he did before his untimely death, but his smile was charismatic as ever; the raikon genes truly shining through. Shinko, in all his boyish glory, stood behind Ryoji with his hand resting upon the shaking hands of his brother and father. Without speaking, he gave Athos an approving nod, letting him know that it was going to be all right.

In the real world, as this illusion was unfolding in real time, Ryoji moved to grab the wrist of Athos’ left hand. Considering they were only about 6 feet apart and both hand their hands extended (assuming they each had about a 3 foot arm length) there would be only inches of distance between them. If successful, Ryoji would place a chakra chains seal upon his father, causing a fuinjutsu formula to spread across his body and bind his movements.  Simultaneously, Ryoji moved to force eye contact with his father and bury him deeper into the inceptive world of genjutsu, pushing him into unconsciousness with the Sharingan.

Ryoji had no desire to harm Athos anymore. He was a tired man who sought to redeem himself. A man who wanted to save his sons and daughters, to train a new generation. It was an honorable goal, and for that Ryoji wanted him to live. “I want you to see the world I create...father. I’ll do it for you, and for Shinko.”           

« Last Edit: October 16, 2016, 12:27:02 AM by Rusaku »
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Re: Final Match for Kurama begins!!! A bout amidst blood; Athos vs Rikudou!!
« Reply #5 on: October 16, 2016, 09:55:58 PM »

Athos was not a sensor, nor did he have anything but his golden hues, but he was a warrior trained in more ways of combat than most, something his son knew. And as the genjutsu was cast, Athos felt something off, yes... But he had let his guard down.

Was this truly happening? His firstborn son was before him, able to move forward together like they had many years before... But this... Athos had been trapped in the genjutsu, there was no denying that, but as Ryoji moved to take the mask off his face to reveal a smile... Well, perhaps this was a twisted thing for a father to say, but it immediately began to rub him the wrong way. No, that wasn't right. This wasn't right. None of this was how things would go, not after all these years, where was the battle? The dramatic resolve? The betrayal?!

It was true that Athos no longer had the help of a Bijuu to help him break out of the genjutsu, and even the golden eyes of the Raikon Clan didn't allow him to actually see chakra, but he didn't need any of that. Athos had gone against Bocchiere, who had broken his mind through Tsukuyomi, and through the literally torture of his children in front of him. Athos Raikon had watched as his first child slaughtered his siblings endlessly, for no other reason than spite and hatred. He has died and tortured by the Shinigami relentlessly, only to be brought back time and time again. This didn't give him some sort of immunity from genjutsu, but it gave him indomitable willpower. Willpower that has been responsible for saving Ryoji's life, despite whatever befell Athos before they split apart. This was too perfect, from the moment his child took off his mask. He was no fool, not when it came to Shin Raikon, his son.

But even as he came to the realization that he had been duped, Ryoji just about to begin his speech, he felt chakra surge into his body. You see, Athos had extended his left hand for several reasons, all of them being connected to the tattoo on his arm, though beneath the ink were long and complicated formulas for fuinjutsu intertwined together. The chakra chains seal was indeed a seal capable of binding Bijuu, but it was a seal that required very little chakra to actually be used. The Fuinjutsu on Athos' arm allowed him to absorb chakra directly from a person, or in this case, from the chakra that the seal was going to be/is made of. And with this, Athos would also be broken from the Genjutsu, as Ryoji's chakra would be absorbed into his form and disrupt his chakra flow, though not in a negative way, it was still a disruption. So even though Athos had/would have come to the realization himself that he was duped, Ryoji would have unknowingly broken Athos out of the Genjutsu himself by placing the seal/touching him.

But there was another reason that Athos had chosen his left arm to extend towards his son, another one that stemmed from that same Fuinjutsu on his arm. See, Athos had planned to be the one doing the duping this time around but like father, like son, it seems. So as the Genjutsu was broken, Athos had simply planned to use his previous plan, seeing as it was the quickest route. Ryoji had already willing been touching Athos, so the next parts of his plan would be easy. Athos' left hand had been right next to Ryoji's own left wrist, the two being less than inches apart(tested it out IRL to make sure), so using that he moved to grab his wrist as well, an action that would happen so fast, considering Athos' master of fighting styles like Iado and other quick striking methods, it would take maybe the tenth of a second, if even that, considering that the two of them were already touching one another.  Even with the Sharigan, Ryoji had made a point of trying to lean forward and peer into Athos' face, meaning that he wouldn't be able to pick up on the faint gesture by Athos until it was too late.

Usually touching him like that would be meaningless without some type of handsign or flare of chakra but on the palm of Athos' hand, attached to the rest of the Fuinjutsu that was on his arm, were three previously marked down seals that formed an Uzumaki Triangle Sealing technique, which was the more advanced and efficient version of the Uzumaki Sealing Technique. If one of these seals can instantly seal away one person by touching them with it, see a specific previous fight, then the advanced version that is comprised of three seals and meant for sealing much larger areas with much larger success would have no problem absorbing a man just as fast, if not faster(if that's even possible), than the generic Uzumaki Sealing Technique.

But if the fact that Ryoji and Athos were already touching by Ryoji's consent for this to be effective wasn't enough, Athos hadn't stopped there. Seeing as they were, again, already touching, he would use that to connect their shadows. Now, Athos wouldn't actually control Ryoji's shadow but attach them so that the moment he tried to physically move away from the attack he would find himself unable to do so, though one could wonder how he would even notice any of this seeing as it happened all in a single moment, if that. Athos made sure not to physically affect Ryoji's motions with his shadow as they connected but even if Athos did move Ryoji, again, it was such a small and faint movement it would be noticed much too late to do anything for his son.

That being said, if Ryoji, with his eyes directly trying to meet Athos', did manage to see the extremely faint and swift gesture by Athos to grab his wrist and tried to escape via, let's say, Kamui, it would be unsuccessful as well, since the two of them would still be touching and it would do nothing to stop Athos from doing so. And even the long range version of Kamui wouldn't be activated fast enough before Athos could grab Ryoji and seal him away.

All of this happened in a single moment, seeing as Ryoji would be unaware of the newest upgrades done to Athos' Fuinjutsu to take it into its 'Perfect' form, and the Genjutsu being broken without the knowledge of the man who cast it, seeing there would be no physical or obvious indicators that Athos would have been broken out of it. But even if for some god awful reason Ryoji managed to survive this attempt to be sealed, Athos made sure to activate his Sharingan only after he tried to seal Ryoji away, just as the man had begun trying to push Athos further into a genjutsu, an attempt that would fail seeing as he had broken out of the one he was trying to further succumb him to. And with how fast Athos' motion worked, even if Athos were to somehow fall victim to the Sharingan, it would be after Ryoji was sealed, if that was even possible.

[Uzumaki Triangle Seal]
[Shadow Possession, same time as above]
[Activate Sharingan, less than a moment after the hopeful sealing, as to not give away that he was broken out of the Genjutsu]
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: Final Match for Kurama begins!!! A bout amidst blood; Athos vs Rikudou!!
« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2016, 12:40:52 AM »

According to Athos, he only begins to notice the influx of chakra after the Genjutsu version of Ryoji had removed his mask, meaning two things had happened to give the Real version time to react. Such as accommodating for Athos’ use of his left arm, and reaching up for his mask in order to remove it, giving Ryoji a scarce few seconds.

While Ryoji has never been one to say he was the “best” at anything, unlike some people who have recently gotten bijuu, he has always believed that he was probably one of the most prolific sensory types in the world. Be it through his Mind’s eye, regular sensing, Sage sensing, or Negative emotion sensing Ryoji has always had some method of detecting an attack.

The very moment Athos’ arm began to absorb the chakra ,(Another art Ryoji was pretty darn familiar with) Ryoji was alerted to such by the fluctuation in Athos’ pool, however slight it may be. Knowing very well that if Athos was aware of the contact Ryoji was making, he would attempt to seal him away. Uzumaki types are very predictable like that.

Immediately Ryoji detached his hand at the wrist via his Parousia technique, allowing him to rear back before any sealing could happen, and causing Athos’ hand to grab at nothing. Though not before he converted the chakra that was being absorbed into Dokuton, causing any chakra that flowed into Athos’ system to begin corroding his Chakra network at an alarming rate.

Though this wouldn’t help with the Shadow technique Athos was attempting to employ. From Ryoji’s body, a purple dual layered barrier of spiked Magnetic chakra sprouted which performs two things simultaneously. The first of such was to magnetise anything that touched it, and the second was to repel anything magnetized that came within it’s boundaries. The barrier itself would span 10 feet in all directions around Ryoji at the same speed as the sealing attempt Athos just used, placing him well within the danger zone, hopefully repelling him away from the area violently and breaking his control over the shadows if even for a moment. Due to the Spiked nature of the barrier, it would cause not only blunt force damage from the intense repulsion, but also piercing damage.

Once free Ryoji allowed his hand to reform, his scowl deepening. “Stop resisting, Athos. I don’t want to kill you anymore, but if you intend on standing between me and the Kyuubi, I will end your suffering.” As an obligatory note, if Athos tries to interrupt, Ryoji is very ready to stop talking at any moment and react.                   

Dokuton chakra conversion
Magnetic Force field. 
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Re: Final Match for Kurama begins!!! A bout amidst blood; Athos vs Rikudou!!
« Reply #7 on: October 18, 2016, 05:08:46 AM »

There was nothing like the fresh smell of Dokuton in the morning, that feeling the instant the deathly chakra entered his body unmistakable, the man having been an Edo Tensei to Trev for quite some time and having fought Ryoji countless times, the man having clung to the ability for dear life since getting it. But that was fine, he didn't expect anything less of Ryoji, as well as his ability to stop Athos from grabbing his hand as he came out of his genjutsu, but that wouldn't have stopped Athos from claiming the life of Ryoji. Athos' right hand had been resting on Oken the whole time, meaning that it gave him the passive buff of a weaker RNY, toppled on top of his EMS that had been activated, meaning his comprehension time was working wonders.

The moment that Athos was back in reality, he took action, the redheaded Uzumaki making sure to activate Izanagi as he noticed the Dokuton in his system, the Izanagi being activated when the poison had spread to just before his elbow joint. At the exact same time, his right hand never leaving Oken as it formed three quick handseals that made it look as though he had only formed a single handseal instead. From those handseals came forth the Space-Time Cancellation barrier that Athos had personally created to ensure that Ryoji couldn't get away from him seeing as Athos already had the man bound physically. The barrier would cover the entirety of the arena they stood on currently, spreading between Ryoji and Athos at the pace a barrier should, let's say the same speed of Ryoji's barrier for the sake of Athos' speed and current reaction time.

Now, Athos was immune for a maximum of one whole minute, which was more than enough time to end this. As Ryoji stated before, there was nothing to do about the fact that Athos and Ryoji's shadows would be attached, but there was a matter of distance to consider between the two. Ryoji had simple detached his hand from Athos' and had made little attempt to actually create a distance between the two of them, seeing as rearing back is basically being started and doesn't actually pertain to stepping backwards or creating a distance from another person/item. So Ryoji's arm was still so very close to Athos', though faintly retracted to some level, perhaps.. But they had been, in what was suppose to be, a casual greeting and in only a second or so Ryoji's arm wouldn't had been able to fully retract, especially seeing his only attempt to part them was to break away his hand.

See, in Real Time that keeps being brought up so often, Athos' Shadow possession was an instantaneous connection and the moment that he didn't have Ryoji in his grasp, he changed that. Again, Athos' speed and strength were of some of the highest caliber in this realm, and Ryoji himself was among the caliber as well. Both men had been able to cross football field lengths in a moment, maybe two. So since nothing had been done to immediately to sever the link with their shadows, using both of their incredible strengths and speeds, Athos literally would have launched the both of them forward with no warning in the slightlest, just a blind run forward that would end with the two of them comically running into one another.

As stated before, the max distance that could possibly be between them was only six feet, and their arms were already across that distance for the most part, even with Ryoji's movement to separate the two of them sealed. In real time, Athos' handseals, barrier formation, and charge forward would happen simultaneously. Now, before it would take a tenth of a second for Athos' to have gripped Ryoji's arm and sealed him but now the two colossi were essentially thrown at one another at point blank range, so it would take perhaps a tenth of a tenth of a second for this to happen with both of their speeds taken into consideration. Athos' arm would have gone to grab Ryoji's as he flung himself  forward, Ryoji's arm being suddenly forced to move forward to grab Athos' as well and connect the two of them once again so that Ryoji would be sealed away. That gesture, again given their speed, would happen so swiftly that it would hopefully occur before their bodies slammed full force into once another. But even if by some magical chance that Ryoji had avoided giving Athos his arm through the already accepted Shadow Possession, when they slammed into one another in that .01 second, Athos' left palm would find itself slammed against the chest area of Ryoji where it would also seal him away and end this fight. This all happening the instant their shadows were connected.

Now, this wouldn't make Ryoji's attack null and void, Athos just didn't give a damn about avoiding it. Even though he could see the chakra and such of Ryoji preparing for a jutsu, having no need to avoid the jutsu, not that Ryoji had any legit way to know Athos had activated Izanagi. But with the speed at which Athos moved and had hoped to throw the two of them together with, Ryoji's dual-dokuton-barrier would expand just as their bodies met, if their bodies met. Hopefully Ryoji would be sealed away but that wouldn't stop the jutsu, which would hit Athos full force. His Strongest Shield protected him from any of the spikes that tried to pierce his skin, something Ryoji could've seen coming, but that wouldn't stop the Dokuton chakra from entering his body(assuming that was the whole point of Dokuton being involved in the jutsu), or from the effects of the jutsu landing on him.

Even if for some reason the barrier had beaten Athos and Ryoji's collision, the barrier wouldn't be able to throw him to the side like some lightweight, especially when moving forward at the max speed he could muster from this position. Not right away, at least. Athos had the physical strength to go toe to toe with a Bijuu and claim victory, to shatter mountains, sure this technique would use forces outside of his control but they wouldn't rob him of the forward momentum that he had. That wasn't how magnets worked. With Athos moving at his speeds, it would take at least a moment or so for the attack to steal all of Athos' forward momentum, given his strength/speed and weight/height, and there would be nothing that was stopping Ryoji's forward momentum and his collision with Athos. Meaning that with, or without, the attack Athos would be connecting with Ryoji.

His weapons would be torn from his body and scattered among the area and Athos would be launched back to the end of the ring, but not out of it, his tanned and toned skin turning purple as the poison would begin to claim his life quickly as he came to a sliding stop with his golden hues up at the sky. Hopefully filled with regret for having sealed away his firstborn child and having never even uttered the word 'stop'.
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: Final Match for Kurama begins!!! A bout amidst blood; Athos vs Rikudou!!
« Reply #8 on: October 20, 2016, 06:45:06 AM »

It was certainly unexpected that Athos attempted such a bold maneuver, but he had always been the type to throw caution to the wind when it came to fights. Luckily, despite the extraordinarily short span of time in which Athos’ attack was initiated, Ryoji had a technique that could respond to his beck and call within 1/1000 of a second. (This close quarters shizz is getting out of hand.)

As Athos’ hand was nearing its mark, despite Ryoji’s movements being manipulated by the Shadows, a surge of golden chakra suddenly exploded from every tenketsu, expanding outwards as a means to deflect the incoming strike. This would be the early stages of Susanoo, but before it could advance past it’s Rib Cage, would be sealed away by the fuinjutsu, leaving Ryoji unharmed while the Magnetic barrier performed its duty of repelling Athos as he stated in the end of his actions, allowing Ryoji to begin delivering his previously attempted warning.

Though now that the barrier somehow had Dokuton in it, Athos would be suffering from incredibly fatal damage to his body. This of course would cause the Izanagi he had activated at the beginning of his post to come full circle and cause him to disappear automatically with or without his consent. This would break Athos’ control over the shadows, and more than likely his space time barrier, as he was no longer there to maintain them. At least until he returned to reality and took form once again. 

Witnessing this, Ryoji paused mid sentence and cursed internally. From his sleeves, and palms (air tunnels) large quantities of iron sand poured out and began to orbit Ryoji, manipulated by his own magnetic field.

Finally, as he waited for Athos to either Re-appear and speak, or outright attack, Ryoji held a single hand seal. Tiger. Within the night sky, purple clouds began to take shape.  Within seconds these clouds would begin to produce a precipitation most foul; purple in color, the technique’s origin was obviously from the heartland of Otogakure. Should the clouds reach maturity they would progress from a light drizzle to a grand monsoon, aiming to deluge the land with it’s insidious plague. Unique was this storm in that contrary to soaking the land upon contact, it would mutate rapidly, shifting from a liquid state into a gaseous one with intentions of permeating the breathable air with a horrid smog.

Should any of the techniques states of matter come into contact with Madara or his techniques on an internal or external level, they would be subject to deterioration upon their very structure. Appearing to the naked eye as “Eating” chakra, those with eyes able to comprehend such things would notice the difference immediately. This rain causes chakra to rot away in a much more unpleasant and barbaric fashion. This technique represented Ryoji fundamentally, showcasing the blight that he is upon the 5 great nations. A blight he wished to be rid of. Though he must bare with his own sickness until he has attained the power to leave this behind.

While waiting for the rain to begin, Ryoji was on high alert waiting for his father to strike
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Re: Final Match for Kurama begins!!! A bout amidst blood; Athos vs Rikudou!!
« Reply #9 on: October 26, 2016, 05:04:08 AM »

That had all been a twist and turn of mishaps, to say the least. Though Athos' life would have ended and Izanagi would've done it's thing in only a moment. The thing about Izanagi is that it doesn't restore your body to a previous condition, exactly, nor does it let you manipulate the actual state of your body. The Sharingan technique worked to let the caster turn any injuries turned were inflicted during the time of it's activation to be turned into illusions. That meant, overall, that the Space-Time Barrier that was still an active factor on the field. Even though it was run off Athos' chakra, the man was gone for only a moment or so, the barrier containing enough chakra to last at least a moment or so without disappearing.

But the fact that Izanagi only let the person remove injuries after it is activated was also a drawback to the Raikon Warrior, seeing as he had used the technique after Ryoji had infected him with Dokuton. It had been just below his elbow as he came back into reality, only a moment after disappearing and as the clouds began to take form above. When Athos appeared once again, his right eye closing shut, three things happened within that moment. Though numbered, they would happen at the same time, as he appeared. He had already known what he wanted to do.

The first thing that he had to deal with was the Dokuton that was going to kill him, though he already accepted that lose... Using his chakra solidification ability, he would dissect his arm at the middle of his bicep, though attacks to the outside of his skin would've proved useless. Using his mastery over his chakra network, the chakra within his system within his arm had exploded outward in a highly condensed and sharp force that would remove his arm from the inside out. This would save him from being killed by the poisonous chakra, also spraying his blood across the white marble of the arena but it wouldn't really affect him in any way, for several reasons.

The second thing to note would be the fact that using the shadows created by the clouds Ryoji cast overhead, Athos would utilize the Shadow Possession Technique again. Seeing as their shadows were already technically connected beneath the giant clouds, it would hopefully be an instant action. By connecting their shadows, Athos' only current objective was to keep Ryoji from being able to physical move, for only a moment or so, a feat that should be easy for the man to pull on his child.

The third, and last, thing that occurred would be the physical barrier that spread out from Athos, known as his Sealing Barrier. Thankfully this required no handseals to complete, which is why it was activated the moment he appeared as well, expanding quickly to match the size of the Space-Time Cancellation Barrier just as the rain would start to fall from the sky to plague the lands. The Sealing Barrier would stop any physical forces from leaving, or entering, the small arena that was allotted to the two of them. So even though the rain would smack against the barrier, it would eat away at it, though Athos would make sure to feed it the chakra it would need to stay active. Even though it wasn't exactly a large barrier, it was now a drain on his chakra, though it would stop him from having to worry about the rain for now. And it would also stop Ryoji from being able to physical escape the arena, as well as any Space-Time Techniques.

When he appeared, only his left eye looking upon Ryoji, he had cut off his arm, hopefully trapped his son, and thrown up a barrier to protect himself from the rain. And remembered, though numbered, all three actions had happened in the same moments. After all that had been done, his arm already beginning to regrow now, from the bone structure, then the muscle, and then the skin. Almost like a Hommunculus from FMAB. With Ryoji hopefully caught for a moment and now within the dual-barrier containment, Athos spoke,"Give up, Shin, or I'll make this arena your grave."
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: Final Match for Kurama begins!!! A bout amidst blood; Athos vs Rikudou!!
« Reply #10 on: October 26, 2016, 06:02:31 AM »

Rikudou was getting real tired of the Shadow Manipulation techniques that came from his father. Thus, they would have to be dealt with. Just as Athos had performed numerous actions simultaneously, Riku also performed actions of his own while maintaining the Tiger hand seal, but for a different reason now. Just as Athos' chakra was infecting the Shadow’s below, the light around Riku’s body suddenly warped and shifted, causing his outward appearance to become invisible to the naked eye. Of course Athos would have no issue keeping sight on his son due to the Sharingan that still remained, but this would not stop Riku’s shadow from disappearing entirely, meaning there was nothing for Athos to latch onto.

Now free from the Shadow’s grip, he watched as the fuinjutsu formula spread across the ground, carrying the barrier that was once used to counter this rain before. “Not this time,” muttered Riku as he raised his hand in defiance to the incoming barrier. Upon reaching his location, his chakra fluctuated, activating the Barrier Shatter Technique, causing Athos’ only defence against the coming storm to shatter like glass all around, allowing the rain to fall freely upon the unprotected Uzumaki.

Finally, kneeling down, Riku formed the seal of confrontation with one hand while placing the other on the arena’s surface. From the point of contact and 180 degrees in front of him, a massive tidal wave of Iron sand was summoned that almost instantly grew into massive proportions, arcing over itself like water crashing over the land in attempts to occupy Athos and stop him from defending against the storm. Of course as the wave traveled, it was coming in contact with the falling rain, causing the metamorphosis into a smog, giving the tidal wave the ominous appearance of a dense cloud looming overhead to crash down upon him with hundreds of tons of force. “You’re beyond hope, Athos. Perhaps you will better serve as a zombie in my new world order.”      


Hiding with Camouflage
Barrier Shatter Technique
Iron Sand Tsunami 

If you can't beat them, eat them.

-Jeffrey dahmer


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Re: Final Match for Kurama begins!!! A bout amidst blood; Athos vs Rikudou!!
« Reply #11 on: October 26, 2016, 08:18:37 AM »

This was quick the pickle, but it wasn't the first time that Athos had his back against the wall. Though it was in moments like this that he wished he still had his old friend, Sai-kun, so that he wasn't forced to such limits. But he had to admit, his son had become quite the formidable foe over the years, and moments like that proved this.. This wasn't where it was going to end, it couldn't be.

His chakra fluxed as his right hand came up towards his chest, his thumb outwards with lightning swirling around the tip as it jabbed into the gate that was the Eighth Gate, essentially meaning suicide. Of course, the small burst of chakra that would easily go unnoticed by the coming events, was the activation of Izanagi again. There was such little time left, with nothing to stop the rain, and the incoming barrage of Iron Sand... But when the Eighth Gate was open, and Athos' crimson hair seemed to catch fire, none of what was coming next would matter, his already overpowering speed and strength now increased by one hundred.

With the wave between the two of them in this small time as the red power exploded from Athos, Ryoji would be visually unaware of what was happening until it was too late and when his basic sensing abilities would pick up on the aura of the Red Beast of Uzushiogakure, there would already be an unstoppable force that would punch a whole through the wave of Iron Sand as though it was a rock going through wet paper. Before the time that any shinobi should be able to react would come the force of an Elephant's foot, that spread about thirty or so feet, would aim to smack into the front of Ryoji and do unimaginable things to the male. The first strike alone would have torn across the Stadium and through the Iron Sand swiftly, the force enough to cause bleeding and blunt force damage to Ryoji's internal organs.

He would hopefully be ripped off his feet, seeing as even the Ten Tails Jinchuuriki could fall victim to such a powerful and overwhelming attack. But it wouldn't stop there, each of the strikes coming faster and stronger the last. Before Ryoji would even be able to be smacked out of the Space-Time Cancellation Barrier, Athos would be launching the second attack that would come with enough force to erupt, or severely bloody and bruise Ryoji's internal organs, and sending him back in the directly opposite direction.

Then would come the third strike, even faster than the last. By this point, any organs remaining in Ryoji's body would have been splattered from the force of these combined strikes. Including his multitude of hearts. But even still, Athos continued on with the other two strikes, coming from different angles. By the end of the assault, Athos had planned on leaving Ryoji dead before the Fifth strike even hit, but making sure to hit him with all five to make sure the man was dead. The fifth blow would come from above, driving Ryoji directly downwards and into the center of the arena like a comet, causing the ground to erupt and explode outwards, completely annihilating the arena in the process. The force of the blow would also come from the head towards the feet, meaning if his organs were still somehow working, the force from the strongest blow of the Five feet would be enough to force all his organs downwards from the sudden force, if not completely obliterate Ryoji's body entirely.

Ryoji would be dead before his rain struck the marble arena and Athos as well, though with how much force had come off Athos and his attacks, the rain would have been flung back, giving the man a few more moments of freedom, though that wasn't a lot. Ryoji had no access to Izanagi without handseals, which he would have no time for before Athos threw his first attack, and all his Space-Time techniques were taken from him. Hopefully this would end the fight for good.
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: Final Match for Kurama begins!!! A bout amidst blood; Athos vs Rikudou!!
« Reply #12 on: November 02, 2016, 11:46:35 PM »

Per the decision of the Judge, I was declared the winner. GG to all involved. 
If you can't beat them, eat them.

-Jeffrey dahmer

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