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Author Topic: Rough Draft of Adopted Rules  (Read 2572 times)


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Rough Draft of Adopted Rules
« on: January 06, 2016, 05:52:04 PM »

Bijuu Rules and Guidelines

1] Forum Account Clause:
  • A host must have/create an SL forum account.
  • Create a thread with the name of his bijuu in the title to the Bijuu Arena board.
  • Use this thread for the purpose of stating their preference for battle.
  • Keep a list of challengers in this thread.
  • Indicate when your grace period will be over, if you are a new host to this bijuu.
  • Post any notices of absence to this thread.
  • Challengers will also have/create an SL forum account.
  • After a host's grace period has been met, a challenger posts/issues a challenge to the host of preference as a reply to the thread of that particular beast for which they are interested in competing.
  • After arrangements have been made between the host and challenger, a post to indicate what terms have been accepted will be made to the host's thread.
  • Challengers must also post a notice of absence in the thread of the host they are currently combating.
2] Challenging a Host
  • You cannot challenge any host until after their 14 day grace period is over.
  • You must check forum host preference threads to stay informed.
  • You must post to the host's preference thread to make a valid challenge. Notify the host through a pm on SL that you have issued a formal challenge.
  • You and the Host have 1 week to set up and begin the match.
  • You are bound by the activity rules too. Notify host of inactivity in pm and his preference thread or forum match if applicable. After 14 days in a notified inactivity you will bow out gracefully and may challenge this host for this bijuu again after 3 months.
  • You must post to match every 7 days. After 7 days from a non-notified inactivity, you will bow out gracefully and may challenge this host for this bijuu again after 3 months.
  • After losing a challenge, you may not challenge the same host for the same beast for 3 months. However, you may challenge this same host for a different beast in his possession without waiting.
  • OOC matches are 1v1. Preferences can alter this upon agreement of all parties involved.
  • You may have more than one OOC match going at the same time.
3] Activity Clause
  • Participants must commit to activity.
  • Hosts must make an RP post in public once every 14 days while not engaged in an active challenge.
  • Hosts who do not make an RP post, while not engaged in an active challenge, once every 14 days will have their bijuu stripped by the council.
  • During a match, hosts and challengers must make a post to the RP once every 7 days.
  • A Host or Challenger who fails to make a post to the RP match once every 7 days, without posting a notice of absence to the forum host thread in question, will forfeit the match. During this forfeit, the bijuu will either remain with the host, in the event of challenger inactivity, or be transferred to the challenger, in the event of host inactivity.
  • Cool down periods are an optional break from back to back fighting in order to permit the host to heal and train with his beast. As such, a cool down period can only be announced after the successful conclusion of a match, and is not intended to serve as a general leave of absence. Should a host opt to take a cool down period, this may last no more than 7 days and must be announced with dates of duration to the host's forum thread for each beast that player may host. A cool down period from one beast a player hosts cannot be applied as a cool down period for all beasts under his control but must be bijuu specific.
  • The purpose of making a notification of absence post is to permit life to happen without wrecking your participation in the bijuu activity, while making it clear that there will be punishments for those who abuse this leave of absence, like forfeit of match, loss of biju, and bans pending a review by the council.
  • Extenuating circumstances during an active match: Here the activity clause is 7 days, in order to keep the fight moving along to a conclusion. Posting for a leave of absence is essential to holding your slot in the match. Should this not be possible, the council will determine how to handle the situation at the time of your return upon request dependent upon a challenger waiting list, if the beast has already been transferred, or how it impacts current RP. All decisions of the council will be binding.
  • Extenuating circumstances during the 'idle phase' of a host: Most events occur so as to permit making a post at some time during your 14 days to alert the community that 'something' is going on. Your leave of absence notice will reset the clock to a 14 day absence max. Should you need more time than that...which adds up to possibly a whole month if your notice occurs on day 14...then you will step down as a host and try again later when your life will permit participation again. You will not be banned from challenging someone for another bijuu. But the SL community will be permitted to move on. The council will handle requests for concessions on a case by case basis and their decision will be binding.

4] Mastering a Biju Clause
  • The beast must be completely mastered before the Jinchuriki can access Tailed Beast Mode.
  • The Bijuu Bomb can only be used while in Tailed Beast Mode.
  • The Bijuu’s passive ability can be accessed immediately upon being sealed with the beast, but the power will be weaker than someone who has mastered the beast. It takes time to master the passive abilities of a bijuu.
  • Number of tail manifestations before mastery is achieved--> under discussion.
  • Mastery will occur in five stages consisting of 3 weeks each, with a mid rage evolution stage to access partial transformations.
  • 25% - grants access to C ranked jutsu in the beast's passive ability. The host has access to the Initial Jinchūriki Form.
  • 50% - grants access to B ranked jutsu in the beast's passive ability. The host has access to the Version 1 Cloak.
  • Partial Transformation - Although no additional access to the beast's passive ability have been acquired, control over the transformative stages now includes the finesse to perform partial transformations.
  • 75% - grants access to A ranked jutsu in the beast's passive ability. The host has access to the Version 2 Cloak.
  • 100% - grants access to S ranked jutsu in the beast's passive ability. The host has access to Tailed Beast Mode.
  • Consequences of going over mastery: If a host goes over their mastery for any reason at any time during a biju match, it results in a forfeit.

5] Summons Bijū Clause
  • Summoning Tattoo: The Summoner will be sealed with a tattoo through which they call forth the bijū for use. This Tattoo counts as a bijū chakra signature which can be detected through the sames means as if the beast were sealed within a host and is subject to the same restrictions against metagaming during a hunting event.
  • Chakra Cost: Bijū cost 20% of the user's total (not current) chakra to summon, even in succession.
  • Controlling Mechanism: Bijū must be under the influence of genjutsu at all times while used as a summon. Regardless of the genjutsu's potency, it will tax 5% of the summoner's total (not current) chakra while it's actively being used as a summon, the taxation only ceasing when the bijū has been removed from the field. Techniques capable of transferring chakra from the bijū to the summoner are strictly prohibited from being used in this context. Mastery of the beast is not possible considering the hostile relationship between summoner and beast.
  • Severing the Summoner's Control: Acceptable means for attempting to sever ties between the Bijū and summoner include dismantling through means of a contract seal via touch attack or dispelling the genjutsu [cost is 20% of your chakra]. For Bijū controlled by means of  Rinnegan users, the chakra rods have to be extracted in addition to dispelling the controlling genjutsu. Success results in a rogue Bijū situation and will yet need to be subdued.
  • Restrictions: Summoners are restricted to one action per post, be it offensive or defensive so long as the bijū is summoned.
  • There are no prohibitions to enhancing a summons bijuu.
  • Drawbacks: Bijū utilized in this manner will always possess a hateful disposition towards their summoner, this is static. Should a chance ever arise and they gain the ability to act of their own volition, they will prioritize slaying their ex-summoner first, regardless of the presence of any other actors.
  • Death of Summoner: If the summoner dies while the bijū is unsummoned the challenger/hunter will transfer the summoning tattoo to themselves.  However, if the summoner dies while the bijū is summoned then the challenger/hunter can attempt to capture and subdue it, in the event that the beast has not already been captured prior to the death of the summoner. The rogue summons bijū will be GM'd by the defeated summoner. <--- Under discussion.
    Now, if the summoner is also a host, and dies, the hosted bijū will respawn in 7 days at the location of the host's demise: the bijū will be GM'd by someone of the council's choosing.
6] Judging a Match
  • Both parties choose a judge and abide by their decision.
  • In the unlikely event of the gross incompetence of the judge, both parties must agree upon a new judge and this second ruling shall be the final word for good or for ill.
  • After agreeing upon a judge, if he then gives a ruling that you find to be in error, the participants can agree upon another judge to settle the issue. If a second judge is requested his word will be final. No additional replacements of the judge will be possible and the new judge will be responsible for settling disputes for the remainder of the match.
  • No unresolved issues will be tolerated... As such:
  • Compromises must be made in the event of a deadlock. Failure to come to terms after every option has been exhausted will result in stripping, challenger denied, and the bijuu handled according to the Stripping Rules. Both challenger and host will be denied access to all things bijuu for 3 months due to gross incompetence.
  • Council members are ineligible to be chosen as judges.
  • Attempts to commit fraud by providing a judge who is an alt [for your own match] by either party will result in a perma-ban of all things bijuu.
  • Judges will acquaint themselves with the rules of all things bijuu, the preference list of the host, the terms agreed upon by the participants, and commit to activity.
  • Judges may have to play crowd control in the event of a public verbal abusive fight. In the event of such an issue, the judge should make one post requesting that this behavior cease, to arrange to mediate between the parties in private, and place the match on hold. Should this warning/request be ignored, the judge should refer the matter to a site Mod/staff and not be drawn into participating in such behaviors.
7] Stripping a Host
  • Breaking the activity clause constitutes stripping. You may participate again once your life permits the time commitment SL requires of their hosts. No ban is issued and when to try again is up to the participant.
  • Attempting to commit fraud by providing an alt as a judge to your own match results in a perma-ban from all things bijuu.
  • Breaking any of the other rules results in one warning to be issued by the council. A second violation of the same rule will result in stripping.
  • Hosts who are stripped will be on a 3 month cool down period in which they may not participate in bijuu matters, but can serve on the council. During this time it is hoped they will train and refine their RP/participation in order to become a host in the future. This cool down period does not apply to breaking the activity clause.
  • 14 days after stripping a new host must be chosen.
  • 7 days after host is chosen an RP to seal must be completed. OOC sealing must be completed within 2 days of being chosen. If the RP exceeds the 14 days, the host must default to OOC sealing and post his grace period dates immediately.
  • In the event that a host/summoner is stripped during a match, the beast goes to the current challenger.
  • In the event a host/summoner is stripped outside of a match, the beast goes to the first challenger on their challenge list.
  • In the event that a host/summoner is stripped, and no challenger exists, the bijuu council determines how to handle the reassignment of the beast in question.
  • When the Bijuu Council is called upon to assign a new host, the Bijuu Council can handle the reassigning of the bijuu in any manner they agree upon. Some ways they might to choose, for example, might be: Assigning to a new host they all agree upon, Asking for volunteers, Calling for a GM to host an RP for a wild bijuu hunt, Host a lottery of applicants [meeting in a paid zone and using the random die generators], or a tourney[not to exceed 2 months from start to finish]. However, judging the tourney matches will default to judge rules. Council members may not serve as judges.
  • A GM rp led event must begin no later than 2 weeks after it is called for and be concluded within 2 months of its beginning. Additionally, any SL GM staff who are trying to be hosts may not participate in aspects of a wild bijuu hunt but rather must confine themselves to being a contestant.

8] General Information
  • There is no limit to the number of bijuu one person can own.
  • Using Telescope Technique to circumvent the quest of seeking out *any* Jinchuuriki is not permitted.
  • The challenger list of the former host/owner is inherited by the new host/owner of a bijuu. You may still take the 14 day grace period before beginning discussions on setting up your first match even though your new bijuu comes with challengers.

Bijuu Council Rules and Guidelines

1] The Bijuu Council will consist of 5 members.
2] Council Members elections will occur every 6 months.
3] Council Members cannot be judges for Bijuu matches.
4] Council Members can be Current/Active Kages or Bijuu Host/Owners.
5] Hosts who have been stripped are eligible to run for a council seat.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2016, 03:40:11 PM by KayentaMoenkopi »


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Re: Rough Draft of Adopted Rules
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2016, 05:05:47 AM »

*Consequences for going over mastery set:,9106.0.html Auto-Forfeit overwhelmingly won the vote.

* IC Hunt Section for the future IC hunt rules.

*Restriction on Council Membership changed:,9108.0.html  Restrictions removed.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.

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