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Author Topic: Nine Tails Fight: Synthesis Vs. Kaze Daizaemon  (Read 3011 times)


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Nine Tails Fight: Synthesis Vs. Kaze Daizaemon
« on: January 05, 2017, 01:41:52 AM »

The Following Match is OOC
The Setting is Midday in Zone Six.


-Swift Release
- Izanami
- Body Revival Technique (If used to survive opening the 8th Gate. That was made before we knew what the 8th Gate does, regeneration does not let you tank disintegrating into ash.)
- Uchiha Return
- Hijutsu: Kirisame and anything that is a rip off of it
- Tenseigan

As the Challenger, I'll take first post.
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: Nine Tails Fight: Synthesis Vs. Kaze Daizaemon
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2017, 01:48:07 AM »

Kaze stalked into the windy plains, his wooden geta shoes clomping solidly across the dirt. He'd take watch in the center of the field, standing there awaiting his opponent. Veins would bulge around his pale white eyes as he activated his Byakugan and he'd set down the satchel he had slung over his back.

Once on the ground the satchel would stir as a Hercules Beetle the size of a small dog wriggled it's way out from its burlap enclosure. "Ayy what's the big idea Muscle Head? What are we doing here?" the bug named Kyojin would chirp out.

Kaze lifted one gloved hand to the tattered sleeveless cloak he wore on his back. He'd toss the garment into the air with a flourish, revealing the seal for his Hikari no Chōetsu-Shin no Jutsu on his back as well as the Fuinjutsu that sealed the Seven Tails within him. "Someone's coming, someone strong. Hold on tight."

The insect would reply by quickly scuttling onto Kaze's back as his cloak struck the ground with a resounding crash. The weighted training clothing would cause a ten foot wide crater to form behind Kaze, just out of the way of him. It was weighted down with super dense pieces of metal stitched into it, created by Kaze's Steel Release, and also marked for his Hikari no Chōetsu-Shin no Jutsu, though they were hidden inside the cloth. The sun bore down from on high but Kaze did not sweat, though his fists were clenched at his side. 
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: Nine Tails Fight: Synthesis Vs. Kaze Daizaemon
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2017, 12:42:17 AM »

The fight is OOC
The agreed upon Judge is Trev


-Anything to survive 8 gates
-Swift Release

-Anything else agreed upon both competitors which include(s):
Steel Release: Monomolecular Wire

« Last Edit: January 13, 2017, 12:43:22 AM by Genesis »


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Re: Nine Tails Fight: Synthesis Vs. Kaze Daizaemon
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2017, 03:39:09 AM »

Drip Drop
Drop Top
Synthesis is here to put these shirtless hippies to a stop stop.

Appearing 50 meters behind not Athos via spiraling vortex, Synthesis was dressed in his sickest threads; a black leather(ish) morphsuit for that sick flexibility, a matching belt with an obnoxiously large buckle, and finally a tattered white cloak to show he was a real shinobi that went on perilous missions and stuff. All S ranks of course. His luscious locks appeared to wave majestically in a wind that didn’t exist, but the most important detail yet were his calves. They didn’t hide any mysterious or fantastic seals, but they sure did look good in this outfit.

Kaze was lucky Synth was so easy on the eyes, otherwise the fight may have been over the moment the Uzumaki rested his piercing gaze upon on that steroid ridden bod. Placing his hand upon the miraculous Phantom Blade, Synthesis used the other to gesture towards the lug head, giving him an astounding thumbs down. It’s time to duel.       

(all of Synths stuff is marked with a genuine Hirashin marker.)


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Re: Nine Tails Fight: Synthesis Vs. Kaze Daizaemon
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2017, 09:52:52 PM »

Kaze would of course see Synthesis appear in the area, he did have his Byakugan active. Since his appearance was only described with the word vortex Kaze assumes that he entered the area with some sort of Wind Release Body Flicker Technique, appearing in a small tornado or the like.

Kyojin’s several legs would blend seamlessly with Kaze’s back, an insectile version of the Amphibian Technique. He’d begin to gather natural energy into his body which would flow in Kaze’s entering him into his Hercules Beetle Sage Mode.

At the same time Kaze would immediately activate his Lightning Release Chakra Mode, his hair spiking straight up from using it at 100% output as well as tap into the chakra of the Seven Tails, entering the Initial Bijuu Mode. His eyes would change into a compound state and small mandibles would form alongside his own mouth. He would not be surrounded by any visible chakra. His back was still to Synthesis.

His form would then fade away because it was only an afterimage left by his high speed movement. The Raikage was able to move like that just with the chakra mode and Kaze was physically empowered even further by his bijuu chaka and sage mode.

Since Synthesis made no mention of having any Doujutsu or chakra sensory abilities active he’d have no realistic way to react to the movement, he would be physically unable to follow it with his eyes. Kaze would extend both of his hands to the left as he dashed past Synthesis’ left side, from each of his fingertips would come a thin beam of light, ten in all, and angled one over the other to form a lattice-work of laser beams with the destructive power of Dust Release. Kaze would simply run past Synthesis and pass this “net” over his body, cutting him into pieces. The net would be 25 meters long and about twice as tall as Synthesis when it passed over him.

Senpo: Kōton: Kōshi Bīmu
Sage Art: Photon Release: Photon Beam

Since Synthesis did not have his Sharingan active at all he would not be able to ascend to his Mangekyo in time to Kamui through it. His Byakugan may not have predictive capabilities but it did allow him to track high speed movement and with his own speed he would be able to react to any effort Synthesis might make to try and avoid his impending death, and Kaze should be able to move the net accordingly. With any luck this would quickly end the fight.

Amphibian Technique
Gather Natural Energy and flow it into Kaze

Lightning Release Chakra Mode
Initial Bijuu Mode
Photon Release: Photon Beam
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.

Keito Uzumaki

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Re: Nine Tails Fight: Synthesis Vs. Kaze Daizaemon
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2017, 06:39:17 AM »

So given some new rules, Trev was removed as judge and here I am wiping off the dust of my keyboard and letting my fingers rock. Anyways, I was pretty interested to even hear this fight was happening only to be disappointed as to where it is in it's length that a judge decision was called in. With that in mind, I took into consideration what both sides have said to me as well as Trev's own input as I read along the few lines that started this dispute. To me it seemed like one party was overly prepared for the fight as the other was quite underprepared. Regardless I'd like to see some motion in the current stalemate and am here to make it happen.

What I saw to be the initial problem was the usage of the Amphibian tech in order to gain access to sage mode, while also doubling up on the buffs by tapping into one's own biju chakra as well, only to unnecessarily juice one's self up in a single post. Although crafty with its execution the notion that unmastered biju aren't comfortable in sharing their host would prevent the amphibian process to take place, ultimately preventing the initial sage mode activation overall. I was sent this wiki bit; "Fukasaku and Shima were not able to fuse with Naruto Uzumaki because Kurama rejected them.[2]". So with that being stated, I would move forward with eliminating any mention of sage activation from the post as it would be ineffective due to the current circumstances. Yet, that truly wouldn't hamper the rest of the post as it would be expected to play out. Only other input I would add in was if it were to be allowed, then yes it may have exceeded the amount of actions that were allowed in such a time span; on top of trying to state the incredible feats of quickness the enhancements took to be in effect. But it did not.

Without a repost needed, Genesis, played as Synthesis may continue to post with the knowledge that the sage enhancements couldn't have taken place and said perks were not granted, leaving Kaze to only be powered up by the other mode's initiated; Biju and Lightning Mode. This should now continue with Synthesis' actions in regards to the current assault, however method he would approach it with.

TL;DR Sage Mode nulled, match to continue without such mentioned. (Kyojin can still stick around just no fusion)


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Re: Nine Tails Fight: Synthesis Vs. Kaze Daizaemon
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2017, 07:25:11 PM »

Synthesis might have been in a lot of trouble, but he was far more crafty (and sexy) than Kaze was willing to give him credit for.

Being a Sage, and Jinchuruki himself, Synthesis was aware that one cannot fuse with their summons when the beast is not fully mastered. Thus, a dazzling smile spread as the beetle was rejected violently away from Kaze as its version of the amphibian technique failed.

What’s more is Kaze’s mention of having no visible chakra coming from his body. One may assume he was attempting to imply that it was sage empowered so it could not be seen, but that notion would be preposterous considering most, if not all sage related techniques and abilities outside of raw natural energy are still very visible to even those without doujutsu. Much in how Kaze assumed Synthesis had entered via wind shunshin, Synthesis is going to assume that he just deactivated his lightning chakra mode immediately after it’s activation, leaving him with only his initial form enhancement to attempt his attack. Having cited no reason for its invisibility, or technique in his list that could suggest such, it’s a viable assumption. 

As Kaze attempted to move forward and attack, he would suddenly be caught within a powerful and annoying genjutsu; Ephemeral. This was due to Kaze mentioning that he witnessed Synthesis whom was performing a thumbs down motion. That gesture was now acting as the trigger for this genjutsu, and Kaze openly stated that he saw the Uzumaki. Just to stomp out the potential argument that the genjutsu would be broken by the influence of the 7 tails chakra, it was shown that Naruto, while in a far more unstable and volatile form, was affected by Sasuke’s genjutsu during their encounter at Orochimaru’s hideout. Not only that, but the 7 tails would have no reason to willingly break Kaze free from the genjutsu, considering his lack of mastery, thus lack of friendship with the beast.

Once the genjutsu was in effect, Kaze would remain motionless, unable to move or comprehend the real world as he was trapped within his own mind. Probably juicing, or using steroids or something. The Byakugan can certainly determine when a genjutsu is being used, but it cannot see through them like the Sharingan. Synthesis made sure there were no obvious details in this genjutsu that would lead the other Jink to assume that he were under the effect of such.   

Elevating his eyes into the Eternal Mangekyo state, Synthesis immediately utilized a nice chunk of chakra to activate the long range Kamui variant through both of his eyes, allowing him to warp away matter in nearly an instant, doubling the speed if it had been used through one eye alone. Focusing on Kaze’s center of mass, the attack would instantly expand to approximately the size of the demonic statue’s head during the 4th ninja war when Kakashi did it. In making the portal so large, it would encompass not only Kaze, but his summon and the weighted coat that bore his bootleg hiraishin seal, warping them into Synthesis’s pocket dimension, ending the fight.

Technique list (Synthesis):
Sharingan activation
Kamui (Long range)

Keito Uzumaki

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Re: Nine Tails Fight: Synthesis Vs. Kaze Daizaemon
« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2017, 09:32:53 AM »

 <_< Alright, so as per requested I'm here for another decision. Back to back so it seems.
*cracks knuckles*
Well I usually just make these decisions as I'm typing now right this very second, which is why they tend to be lengthy; since as a judge, I would have reviewed both sides and your 'statements' as to why you'd believe your actions are justified. Basic things to help this fight balance out with all the timeouts and commercial breaks. And without a jury I like to explain the reasoning of my decision as I go along. Also for the last time, I can do my own research and read the wikia, no need to copy and paste as if this were an actual trial. I review the matches from the fight posts themselves and apply 'Naruto logic' from then on. Its a wikipedia not a how to win a biju match study book. So after hearing both sides, I'll leave it at this:

Typically in fights you should be nit picky with how you read and interpret your opponents responses; but in another sense the information you gather and use to plot against said opponent may be borderline meta-gaming and even to an extent, with this case, retro posting. It should be common sense that if something was brought into the battle field, that unless interrupted, it would remain at play.
i.e. Multiple hiraishin marked kunai were launched at an opponent, yet he evaded them. Unless somewhere down the line of the fight those kunai were tampered with, it is fair game to still utilize them if forgotten.

So in this case, it would simply come down to neglect in regards to assuming Kaze deactivated his lightning release; which would have allowed Synth's attack to gain an edge on him.

Although, there were other disputes with the post. Prior to engagement in combat, both characters didn't even do as much as a Seal of Confrontation than even look at each other. As I say this, being a Byakugan user myself, when one spies through said eyes it is not direct contact that the Byakugan is displaying. It isn't as if the person being stalked by a Byakugan feels eyes on them. So for another assumption to be made that simply because one was looking through their Byakugan at them, such material is plausible for an eye-locking or gesture-locking genjutsu to fall into place wouldn't go by me. I like to provide examples though so here's another one.
i.e. A Byakugan user was stalking a fight in the near distance and getting up close and personal. Within the fight a flashbomb was set off which then blinded both fighters. Unless they are physically present and engaged, the Byakugan wouldn't be affected as much as simply noticing the flash bomb go off; not receiving its stunning effects.

In this instance, there would need to be a physical interaction like eye contact for the Ephemeral to have been executed as Synth expected. Regardless the Byakugan should still be able to disfigure and tell when the genjutsu was beginning to activate.

Lastly, my own personal review of the post was to note that the ending seemed a bit like an auto-hit. Almost securing the 'fact' that Kaze wouldn't have enough time to react to Synth's assault due to lack of lightning release armor(which he has) and locking in a gestured based genjutsu without an actual gesture made towards said trigger. With such said, Kaze should still be able to respond and defend himself properly; altering the expected outcome of Synthesis's response. It also dips into retro posting, having made the gesture before hand without clarifying that it was to initiate a genjutsu. Especially since its bad taste to attack on first post as well. One last example because you guys got me riled up for this decision.
i.e.The most classic example would be when throwing a basic kunai or shuriken and having the opponent believe they are some expert and catch the thrown projectile to be used back 'atcha. Only in the next post would it be revealed that it was an explosive tagged projectile. Of course without any previous mention the opponent wouldn't have known and had they, they probably wouldn't touch the projectile.

At this point I would request a repost for fair play and to see if there is more to this fight than just calling myself in for a decision. Unless of course, Genesis/Synthesis feels as if a repost is not needed than he and I should be okay to let this lead into the next events at play; which is the failure to defend against the previous assault done by Kaze. Given the post was more assault without a pinch of defense, as well as the ass-u-m'e'-ptions made and their false bearings this would leave Synthesis exposed for Kaze's assault to be a success and in the next post 'hit' as one would properly do. Since attacking and sealing the deal in one post usually never was allowed, nor happened. This is SL after all.

As per the repost, now I don't want an epiphany to happen to your character for him to 'learn from his mistakes' and do everything the opposite of what was just posted. But if in a way you can reorganize your actions and fit them accordingly for a proper post then it is acceptable. Meaning Synthesis still tries Ephemeral and such, only; if you'd like you have a slap on the wrist and a chance to prove your worth, not just slander a prior post as if it were a debate and not a fight. Otherwise the scene would lead with Kaze's advantage and I'm fine with either outcome, it isn't my match.

TL;DR Either repost to enhance Ephemeral technique or take the L

P.S. I had my own trial today for my college due to a mishap so I'm just in this judicial, orderly mode today. On top of having driven miles and such with no sleep. This post was also delayed a couple days back so I had to make sure I didn't miss out on any factors regarding my decision and posted it immediately because it is of course the nine tails. Duh. Anyways this is TMI but y'all wanted my opinion so ya got it.


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Re: Nine Tails Fight: Synthesis Vs. Kaze Daizaemon
« Reply #8 on: February 04, 2017, 02:46:47 PM »

Thanks for giving me the option to repost, but as seeing as this fight is starting to creep into February not even after 4 posts, I respectfully bow out.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2017, 02:50:52 PM by Genesis »


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Re: Nine Tails Fight: Synthesis Vs. Kaze Daizaemon
« Reply #9 on: February 04, 2017, 06:31:23 PM »

...Locked and un-pinned.
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

Something that can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.


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