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Author Topic: Fight for the Zero Tails, Student vs. Teacher Part 1  (Read 7619 times)

Iburi Ray

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Fight for the Zero Tails, Student vs. Teacher Part 1
« on: April 25, 2017, 04:53:28 AM »

[Format Stolen From everyone~]
Jinchūriki: Iburi Ray

Tails Mastered: Version 1(Mastered)/Version 2(Mastered)/Reibi Chakūra Mōdo (Mastered)

Affiliation: Uzushigakure

Preferred Method: OOC 1v1 or IC 1v1

Preferred Zone: Empty Town

Preferred Judges: PM for details regarding the selection of a judge (I have no preferred judge and want to come to a choice on equal terms with the challenger)

Preferred Outlet: SL Forum

Special rules

-The match is to be a 1v1 death match, if the preferred method was agreed to be IC. However the match will be defaulted to OOC, if that player doesn't agree to *IC* terms of engagement.

-Victory for the challenger is the defeat of the host through any means necessary, and vice versa. Death in the fight does NOT equate to death IC, unless such a term was agreed upon.

-Skills acquired during an OOC match are not carried over IC. Similarly, knowledge of participants' abilities do NOT carry over to IC RP.

-If, by some chance, the match should reach a point of true stalemate after a minimum of 30 days then a judge may be called in to determine a winner based on how the fight has progressed up to this point. Both participants must request this of the judge in person (I.E. Both fighters MUST send a PM for this option.] If this is chosen, then the judge may declare a  winner based on these criteria:

     • Who effectively manipulated the flow of the battle the best? The strategy employed (based on the posts) may have been defensive and attrition-based, but was it effective in the long run in wearing down the opponent?

     • What caused the stalemate? The challenger being unable to defeat the challenged, or vice versa? Is it constant cancellation of jutsu and techniques by both sides, or merely one side taking refuge in a relatively inaccessible area (such as pocket dimension) in order to avoid defeat entirely?

     • Who showed the greatest skill in the fight? This is completely and utterly at the discretion of the judge. His(her) decision is final on the matter, regardless of accusations of cheating or bribery or otherwise. This should be kept in mind when deciding on a judge for the fight.

-If neither side can be conclusively declared the winner, then the fight either proceeds or a draw is declared. In the case of a draw, the challenger may rejoin the queue of challengers after the latest challenger without having to wait for cool-down (this circumvention for the benefit of the challenger for not technically being declared the loser, though by not succeeding the host can be considered a winner in this situation.)
Note, this is a technical victory for the host, so unless the challenger truly believes that a restart is necessary to increase victory chances, then it is not recommended to settle for a draw without reviewing this process a second time.

-Prefers SL forum, as it is most useful for fights where long periods of time may pass between postings, serves as a record of the fight's progress for other challengers, and for that damned time-out option.

-Must post at least once every seven days. Though if a pattern of postings persists (I.E. If either player stretches their posting to the full seven days each and every post without prior notification to the other), then the challenge will be voided. The cool-down will be initiated to challenger (if challenger is problem) and the host will be stripped (if host's activity is problem).

- A judge *must* be picked before or during the first round of initial entrance posting by both parties, if the chosen judge makes a ruling that is deemed ridiculous by either party, a new judge may be chosen ONCE by either side. If the matter still can't be settled, it must be brought to the forums for a final decision.

-Re-posts are allowed, within reason. (I.E. If either participant has to repeatedly re-post, the match will be concluded. See inactivity clause.) Re-posts are only to fix the issue brought up by the judge. Modifying the entire post to save yourself or completely change your character's strategy is an automatic disqualification from the match. (See inactive clause for consequences.) Edits are NOT allowed. An edited post is an automatic disqualification. A brand new "Reply" must be made so there is a full history of the entire fight for judge and other readers.

-Can only use skills that are known IC at the official start of the match. No borrowing from others. No immediate power ups within the match.

-Discussion of non-allowed techniques will vary by challenger and discussed via PM, only.

-Inflammatory, racial, harassing, or abusive language aimed at each other either in the match or in PM will result in an immediate void of the challenge. If challenger, (s)he loses all rights to ever challenge the current Jinchūriki. If host, he loses the match and Bijū given to the challenger.

-In the event that a host is defeated, the new host has the cool-down challenge period time-frame to either accept the special regulations for the tailed beast or completely re-write or alter the special rules. If they do not post their own variant by the beginning of the next challenge, then it is to be assumed that they comply with the previous special regulations.

-If host defeated, allow host to finish up any roleplay that may involve having the beast. Then a reasonable RP will be concluded as to how the beast transferred hands.

Any questions, PM me please.

(Mostly) Non-Negotiable Voids

* Swift Release
* Senjutsu-enhanced Dust Release techniques
* Rinnegan + Sage Mode or Tenseigan + Sage Mode
* Tenseigan
* Claims of immunity to Ototon
* Liquefying Super Senjutsu Ototon
* Body Revival Technique (when used to survive the Hachimon Tonkō no Jin)
* Demon empowerment, vampirism, etc. Pretty much anything that doesn't make sense in the Naruto lore
* Borrowing resets when you already have resets
* Izanami
* Kotoamatsukami
* If you have Kamui with other MS Jutsu (Such as Amaterasu or Tsukiyomi). It's either Kamui/Susano'o or Tsukiyomi/Amaterasu/Susano'o. Pick one set of techniques or the other.
* Using Izanagi to circumvent the negative effects of the Gate of Death
* Any of the recent Rikudou powered abilities
* Claiming to use an "undodgable/unavoidable/unblockable" attack
* Just happening to have "a seal" that eliminates one or more of your weaknesses
* Non Zetsu Mayfly

**All of this is subject to any change at the host's discretion**
Challenge List:
“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all."

Iburi Ray

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Re: Fight for the Zero Tails, Student vs. Teacher Part 1
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2017, 05:06:40 AM »

Ray sat atop a roof of a deserted house, seemingly being absorbed by the plant life in the surrounding area. Donning his normal attire of a black hoodie and cargo shorts, he left his battle suit at home, his blue eyes scanned the area for the challenger. Inside him Hiru stirred at the excitement to let lose.
"It has been awhile since I got to play, so let me play lots~"
The leech spoke in its dark whisper of a voice, which used to send shivers down his spine, simply made the man grin. Remembering he got a new toy recently from the Otokage, He'd change his eyes from their sapphire blue to the blood red of the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan.
 When he did, he used kamui to bring forth a large sword, taller than him. The sword when it hit the roof, caused it to collapse destroying the entire house with its weight alone. He simply sat down again in the debris and awaited his challenger with his new weapon by his side.
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Re: Fight for the Zero Tails, Student vs. Teacher Part 1
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2017, 03:07:01 AM »

(Notes that Tenseigan was allowed for this fight with no additional nerfs.)

There was a harrowing silence blanketing the abandoned township; clouds dotting the sky, creating patterns on the ground below that warped and contorted as they moved across the top of buildings. A man stood poised, balanced on the corner of a two story building that overlooked the entire area. His black cloak swayed in the brisk winds that blew through the streets, disturbing trash that littered its pavement. From this wind, the gear he wore underneath was revealed, showcasing his custom made battle armor, crafted to withstand intense weather conditions while adding a thin layer of protection from bladed weapons, without sacrificing flexibility. His various ninja pouches contained numerous marked tools for his to use, while also having two Flying Raijin seals on his wrists to summon from the outside. Reaching up with a steady hand, Rusaku touched the mask that rested upon his face; An Oni visage that once represented his old ally. Rusaku now wore the Uzumaki artifact to pay homage to them. With the Shinigami’s mask fitted perfectly, the Otsutsuki was ready. Unfortunately this hunt was not one that could be enjoyed like he wished. This one was personal. It had been some time since he had seen his student, Ray. With the resurgence of his clan, Rusaku had not been making time to train him like he had promised. Despite this it was a sobering reminder of how easily our loved ones can become twisted by the allure of power. To think his own student would stoop so low as to seal such a vile creature within his body in search of it. Oh if only he had done things differently.

Then there was the crash of the building that Ray had been stationed upon, sending a cloud of dust and debris into the air. Turning his head in that direction, the Byakugan surged to life under the cover his new mask to reveal Ray’s position within the rubble. Rusaku didn’t know what exactly that sword could do, so he kept an eye out for anything suspicious. As he lay his gaze upon his student, the Sannin noticed a number of subtle differences from the last time they had seen each other. His chakra was obviously far more mature than before, but heinously tainted by the presence of that leech. All in all his general ambiance had become more ominous. It seemed he truly had acquired some degree of power this way. It was time to see if it was worth the price. Jumping down into the alleyway below, Rusaku began to traverse the maze in silence in attempts to get the jump on Ray. If he remained, Rusaku would stop and crouch in the cover of a shadowed alley 15 meters behind Ray. 
If you can't beat them, eat them.

-Jeffrey dahmer

Iburi Ray

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Re: Fight for the Zero Tails, Student vs. Teacher Part 1
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2017, 04:10:01 AM »

Thanks to Hiru's ability to sense negative emotions he could tell where people are and the like however, this wasn't what turned to Ray to Rusaku's direction. It was the feeling of familiar chakra, one that he had fought before and one he couldn't mistake no matter how little presence he let loose. Standing from his spot he'd lift the sword with ease, despite its weight, would swing it, sheath and all. When he swung the sword in Rusaku's general direction, a large blast of wind followed destroying everything in it's path clearing out several houses including the two story building. The wind blast was primary used to clear the area and easily avoidable. However if one took the fool force of the blast, they'd find themselves a pile of just skin, blood and mashed up organs and bones.

After swinging the sword, he'd lay it down to the side of him, a FTG seal on it's sheathe. As he does so, dark chakra begins to form around his body like a black mist almost. He wasn't going to attack yet He wanted to wait and see what his opponent shall do first.
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Re: Fight for the Zero Tails, Student vs. Teacher Part 1
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2017, 02:56:44 AM »

Rusaku brought his hands together in a seal, manifesting a number of wooden pillars that sprung from his left and right to create a barrier strong enough to withstand the force of Ray’s wind attack. With the Byakugan, Rusaku’s sight was not obscured in any way, clearly observing Raymond as he activated his dark mist technique from behind the wall. Once the wind had subsided, Rusaku reached forward and place his palm upon the wooden barrier. Using it as a medium, the Sannin began to fire hundreds of wooden lances at his student, each about 4 feet long. The lances were each aimed to peirce various Tenketsu all over Ray’s body, limiting his ability to utilize chakra unless properly addressed. Rusaku was relying on his Mokuton’s unique power to absorb chakra in order to counteract the Dark chakra’s identical trait. With the two combating against each other for dominance, the Lances would have more than enough time to bypass the “mist” that coated his form before any absorption could happen. These lances would continue to fire in rapid succession until the wall was destroyed. Any wood lost in creation of this Cutting technique is regenerated through chakra supplied through Rusaku.
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-Jeffrey dahmer

Iburi Ray

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Re: Fight for the Zero Tails, Student vs. Teacher Part 1
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2017, 04:53:52 AM »

hanks to having his EMS in use, he could dodge these spears however quantity proved otherwise. Instead with a simple tap of his foot, a giant earthen dome engulfed him providing shelter from the lances. Since having Hiru meant he could use the arts without handsigns saved valuable time. However the dome wouldn't last forever, so instead of waiting, he would melt into the ground and traverse towards Rukau's location.
 Being he was several meters (20) underground he made sure that should the wood lances change direction they couldn't penetrate fast enough.

Making it to Rusaku's location in only a matter of seconds, he'd cast one last jutsu "Doton: Yomi Numa" in a flash Rusaku's feet would become encased in thick mud, along with the wooden barrier dragging both to it's depths, suffocating Rusaku should he get caught.
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Re: Fight for the Zero Tails, Student vs. Teacher Part 1
« Reply #6 on: April 28, 2017, 05:09:56 AM »

Rusaku watched carefully as Ray merged with the earth and repositioned himself underfoot. With no need to continue using the Cutting technique, he allowed the barrier to cease fire. Through precise chakra control, Rusaku suction cupped his hand to the surface of the blockade, allowing him to vault upward just as the earth turned to mud. Using the wall as a springboard before it sank down, Rusaku leaped to a section of ground that was unaffected by the technique. Contorting his body in the air, the Otsutsuki landed in a low crouch, the tips of his fingers resting upon the street. From his hands and feet, Rusaku quickly began to funnel an immense amount of his own bone structure into the earth. This was the beginning of the Sawarabi no Mai, but instead of a Bone Forest emerging from the depths, it grew downwards, deep into the earth's crust in pursuit of Ray, who was currently swimming just 20 meters below. Thousands of razor sharp bone trees began to spread from the surface downward, changing direction as Rusaku saw fit in order to hit their target. Not only spreading downward, but also across the span of the zone over time. With his hands and feet occupied, Rusaku utilized the Kageyose no Jutsu to manipulate his own shadow into a small tendril. Reaching up the tendril opened a pouch on the Sannin’s leg and drew out a marked kunai. With a twirl the shadow tendril tossed the Kunai into the open window of a nearby home, approximately 25 meters away. 
If you can't beat them, eat them.

-Jeffrey dahmer

Iburi Ray

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Re: Fight for the Zero Tails, Student vs. Teacher Part 1
« Reply #7 on: April 29, 2017, 12:59:18 AM »

Utilizing the FTG move he transported himself to his weapon which was marked before the match ever begun. However before he would utilize the move he'd build chakra and upon using FTG to get to his weapon, he'd spew out a giant wave of fire from his mouth, which,
 would cover the zone in front of him in a matter of 3 seconds unless stopped. This included Rusaku who maybe had less than three seconds before the wave of fire would swallow him and reduce him to ash, of course this also scorched the buildings with the conflagration leaving almost no hiding spots. Ray, when he released the jutsu would also format the black mist to his body making it more like armor, in case, Rusaku would try to and attack him from below.

Katon: Gōka Mekkyaku
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Re: Fight for the Zero Tails, Student vs. Teacher Part 1
« Reply #8 on: April 30, 2017, 08:05:26 AM »

A breathy chuckle escaped from Rusaku’s lips as Ray used the space time technique to escape. It was not one of arrogance, but genuine surprise. In truth he had forgotten that Ray used the flying raijin as well, thus it came as a surprise to see the sudden shift in location. It only goes to show that just because you can perceive everything around you does not mean your brain is going to register every possible detail. All that can be done now is to react to this new information appropriately.

Rusaku was in no short supply of escape methods, but he had one in particular that he wished to utilize. Being directly connected to the Sawarabi no Mai, the Otsutsuki was able to merge with the bone entirely, allowing him to escape into the “forest” that had grown under the earth. Now, the graveyard below acted like a system of highways that allowed Rusaku a versatile and discreet method for escape and travel.

Once outside of harm's way, Rusaku had a moment to think as the fire crashed upon the earth overhead. Ray had a great many ways to avoid damage, so defeating him was going to be tricky. It would need to be something unexpected. Deciding to create some distance, Rusaku traveled as far as his forest allowed and emerged from the earth in a crouched position similar to how he was when first merged with the bone. (75 meters to Ray’s left, masked visually by what remains of the surrounding buildings, outside of the fire’s AOE).

Reaching into a pouch that rest on the back of his hip, Rusaku produced a hand held scroll with the Kanji for “First” on it. If uninterrupted, the Otsutsuki would open the scroll to showcase a complex summoning matrix, before proceeding to flow his chakra into it, causing a medium sized plume of smoke to erupt outward.

In a gust of wind, the smoke was cleared to reveal the Shodaime Hokage standing atop the scroll. Upon immediate observation of his appearance, one would have no issue telling that this was not the real Kamui, but an imitation. A cadaver turned Marionette in service of the Otsutsuki clan. Despite it’s status, the Hokage stood with more dignity than the usual slumped posture of a puppet found in Sunagakure; arms folded over his chest as wooden Sharingan eyes flicked to the left and right in search of his opponent. In addition to this, there was no visible connection between Kamui and Rusaku, unlike the traditional methods used in the past. Almost immediately, Kamui’s eyes locked onto the direction that Ray was located, despite lacking a direct visual. This was because he too could use Negative emotion sensing, and Hiru was probably the largest source of negative emotion, bar none. Was Ray ready to begin kicking things up a notch?
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Re: Fight for the Zero Tails, Student vs. Teacher Part 1
« Reply #9 on: May 01, 2017, 10:44:03 AM »

Upon Rusaku's exit Ray cut the tsunami of fire short letting what already caught fire to burn until it no longer existed. Thanks to having Hiru he was able to pull of such feats with no lag between time and will small costs to his chakra pool overall. Having only used 8 percent so far he would continue into his next move. Building chakra in the throat Ray's let out a loud screech of sorts. This screech was an ototon move allowing Ray two things. First location of Rusaku, second it would be extremely high, high enough to cause trauma to the ears for those who hear it for even a second and extended listening of it would result in loss of hearing permanently and destroying a persons insides a small the sound revberates through their body.

The Ototon attack would hopefully disrupt Rusaku's summoning or delaying it enough for Ray to close distance, which he'd do when he found him through the jutsu. Releasing the gravity seals on his legs, his speed rivaled a third gate user, as he took off to his left, landing atop a building 15 meters away from Rusaku's position.

Ray was ready to get serious but was Rusaku. Ray hadn't displayed even a third of his capabilities yet. 
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Re: Fight for the Zero Tails, Student vs. Teacher Part 1
« Reply #10 on: May 02, 2017, 04:30:31 AM »

Rusaku was quite familiar with Ototon. For example, Kamui was not only the Shodaime Hokage, but the Rokudaime Otokage as well, which gave Rusaku insight on how Ototon is applied in battle. In fact, it’s quite common for an individual using Ototon to apply chakra to their vocal cords in order to amplify whatever sound they are about to produce. A red flag that ray was clearly raising. Without even the need for hand seals, Rusaku allowed vegetation to begin growing in the confines of his ear canal. Moulding the vegetation to the shape of his ear drum, it created a makeshift set of inserts that protected from the incoming attack. Due to the nature of his Mokuton, any chakra from Ray’s attack was absorbed upon entering his ear. Unfortunately this did not hinder the echolocation aspect of the technique, allowing him to locate Rusaku and begin making his way. While this may have slowed Rusaku down a beat, it did not stop him from performing his summoning, allowing that action to resolve from the last turn. 

Kamui eyed Ray, who stood atop the building, with a generally disinterested look ingrained into the bone plating that composed his skin. The Hokage wore the traditional armor of the Senju and Uchiha clan during times of war, stained crimson and branded with the emblems of the Will of Fire. Reaching up with both hands, Kamui formed the Ram hand seal and caused a growth of vegetation to begin emerging from his back. The growth then suddenly, and violently, grew outward to begin serpentining towards Ray. The features of a chinese Dragon began to manifest mid flight, it’s glowing green eyes homing in on Ray as it released a powerful roar. If allowed the chance, the Dragon will swallow Ray whole in order to incapacitate him. The Wood Dragon is powerful enough to bind Kurama, and drain him of chakra. Not only that, but it cancels other chakra absorption techniques, making it a perfect counter for Dark release.

Meanwhile Rusaku brought his palms together and began to utilize his weather manipulation hiden. At first, there was no obvious effect. Though, a cold breeze suddenly blew through carrying the smell of petrichor.
If you can't beat them, eat them.

-Jeffrey dahmer

Iburi Ray

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Re: Fight for the Zero Tails, Student vs. Teacher Part 1
« Reply #11 on: May 02, 2017, 11:15:57 AM »

Stared right back at Kamui, however thanks to the EMS he noticed the small details as well. Like the growth on his back as it started forming into a dragon. Ray scoffed mentally. This still wasn't serious enough. Biting his right thumb, blood trickled out and with a single swipe upon his left forearm across a tattoo, it would glow. Within seconds of being activated, a giant puff of smoke appeared covering the size of what was summoned. It's true face only revealed when the dragon went to try and eat Ray, the tables would be flipped, from the smoke a large head broke the smoke cloud, which dissipated over time, revealing his Tyrannosaurs Rex sage summon. Being that the Rex wait till the dragon would dart down at Ray the Rex would but down at the base of the neck or assumed neck of the wood dragon would enough bite force to crush it in one go. With a bite force capable of cracking even a carbon diamond, the wood dragon would be nothing but a twig. Standing two stories high and weighing 40 tons the beast would smash the house when it moved simply due to the weight. Ray however would land easily upon the land below, where he had begun building chakra.

While the Rex bit the dragon Ray had two things happen. One he built chakra in both arms, the second he would utilize the dark chakra to use the Body Revival Technique in which his body became reborn in the sense that he was now at the pinnacle for human strength and speed and recovery abilities. He could even open the gates with no repercussion if he had the ability to do so. Using the boost in speed he'd appear between kamui and Rusaku, and when he did, released a shockwave of dark chakra that if hit them would destroy their internal organs in a matter of second. The move would be known as revival fist.
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Re: Fight for the Zero Tails, Student vs. Teacher Part 1
« Reply #12 on: May 04, 2017, 04:11:39 AM »

Kamui’s Dragon was not going to be so easily dispatched. With his aforementioned negative emotion sensing Kamui was able to predict at least some sort of attack from the presence that was now hiding in the cloud of smoke. The agile and serpentine body of the Dragon allowed it to coil around the attack of the beast just a second before it’s jaw snapped shut. Unfortunately this would mean the construct could no longer follow Ray as he moved about doing his actions. Instead the Dragon began to battle with Ray’s summon, attempting to wrap around it’s body like a boa constrictor before biting at it’s back and stomach. The short arms of the beast and it’s limited range of motion would be advantageous to the flexible attacker.

Meanwhile Ray underwent his transformation, and began his assault. If it had not been for the Byakugan and it’s somewhat commendable high speed tracking, Rusaku might have been blitzed by Ray now that he had adopted this new form. In response to the surge of Dark chakra being sent his way, Rusaku released a surge of his own chakra from his numerous tenketsu in the form of the one body blow technique. The sheer force of energy that was created as the two chakra collided caused what little space was between them to quake and crack apart. Rusaku was unrelenting, not allowing any of the dark chakra to pass and do damage to his fleshy bits. Though, the youth was in quite the advantageous position. Considering Ray was maybe all of two feet away from Rusaku at this time, the Sannin decided to use the flying thunder god technique. With both his palms already together from previously manipulating the weather, Rusaku summoned a katana between them in a reverse grip, angled upwards at ray (Because Rusaku is crouching). Due to the length of the Katana, and the angle which Rusaku was holding it, the blade’s tip would end about halfway into Ray’s brain matter, appearing instantly despite the clash between the two currently happening. Though it was because of said clash that may increase the lethality of this surprise attack. With the all the energy being displaced, the sword would suddenly be violently rejected from the area, causing it to thrash like a blender within his head before it was finally ejected. While the body revival technique could heal that kind of damage, the sudden violation of his ability to form basic thought via space time Katana would result in the deactivation of at the very least his dark chakra armor and Sharingan.

If you can't beat them, eat them.

-Jeffrey dahmer

Iburi Ray

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Re: Fight for the Zero Tails, Student vs. Teacher Part 1
« Reply #13 on: May 04, 2017, 01:51:58 PM »

Since Kamui did nothing to avoid Ray's attack, since Ray did point his palms at each person, his left to Kamui, his right to Rusaku, Kamui would have his insides destroyed leaving him unable to do anything, but seeing as Ray thought Kamui to be a  edo zombie, the destruction incurred would delay his reconstruction back into a feasible looking being again. Meaning that the wood dragon would disperse as well seeing as its creator would no longer be "alive" at the moment.

Ray, when the two chakras combined, grinned. He was enjoying himself, but was disliking the stalemate and in turn using his speed would jump back and to the right of the man (Approx 15 meters), narrowly dodging the katana that appeared only moments later. In his arms he would gather two sets of chakra in his arms. In his right would raiton chakra, his left Bakuton chakra. While he gathered chakra, his Rex opened her maw and from it spewed a torrent of fire, and since she is a sage summon her chakra would be sennika, in Ruskau's direction. When she released her fire, Ray released the raition chakra in the form of a small ball of light that would blind anyone in a 50 meter radius, himself included however, he negated some of it by closing his eyes. With his eyes closed the bakuton chakra would also be released in the form of a ball mixed with both chakra and his own bodily metals as a catalyst, Opening his eyes, he'd throw the ball of bakuton at Ruskau's last position, before it erupted in an explosion big enough to wipe out half of Uzu. This would of course catch both himself and the Rex in the blast radius, though his Rex would unfortunately be left with just a sliver of life  left, falling over on the ground, and dispersing to prevent further harm.
Ray would survive thanks to body revival technique, and the dark chakra armor which absorbs others chakra. Since Ruskau's last position would be ground zero, even if he tried to escape underground, the bones would be turned to ash. With as big of an impact zone the explosion had it would be neigh impossible to escape without some damage being taken. As for the Kamui that would try and rebuild itself, would also find it's self reduced to ash due to the explosion.
Ray smiled at his work, though he did drain himself a bit now only having a total of 80% chakra left, he would need to eat a chakra pill soon (total of 4). He also thought about the new form Hiru had granted for mastering him, and wondered if maybe he should show Rusaku if he survived.
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Re: Fight for the Zero Tails, Student vs. Teacher Part 1
« Reply #14 on: May 05, 2017, 06:47:06 AM »

(This was intended to happen in the last post, but being a stoner who is easily distracted by meatloaf, I rushed the post and forgot to add what happened to Kamui. His actions were why I posted the gif of Madara. Luckily, he was going to take the attack anyway, so this works out perfectly fine)

Indeed Kamui was violently knocked back by the wave of dark chakra, his organs losing their structure and becoming some unholy sludge of coagulated blood and flesh. Though despite suffering what would normally be considered fatal damage, Kamui was able to contort his body and come to a skidding halt on his feet, kicking up a trail of dirt in his wake. Standing upright one could notice a trail of blood flowing from several orifices as the leaking fluids escaped the puppets shell. Ray might be confused as to how the Hokage was still standing, and his Dragon not dispersed like expected. It was in fact because Kamui was not an Edo Tensei Zombie, but instead a Human Puppet created by Rusaku using the cadaver of what was once Kamui Uchiha, given life again through the Tenseigan Altar. Of course while certain methods of killing a normal human will be ineffective against Kamui, he lacks the ability to heal like a Zombie can. He also lacks a great many other things that Edo Zombies do, but he’s still pretty much worth it.

Though one such thing that can in fact kill a human puppet is a giant explosion large enough to destroy half of an entire village apparently mixed with sage mode fire for some reason, as if somehow those two things are incredibly compatible. 

As Ray and his T-Rex were starting to attack (We will just assume it attacks despite the Dragon still being there, just to keep the flow.) Kamui was forced to prioritize Rusaku’s life over his own; such is the prime directive of all Marionettes. Clapping his palms together in the snake seal, a dome of Mokuton with the visage of an Oni clamped shut over Rusaku’s head, sprouting from his left and right. The Hobi technique was a well known bomb shelter, able to withstand the power of a compressed tailed beast bomb. Though, it was questionable if one single shelter alone would be enough considering the incredible blacklash that’s about to happen here. So in unison with Kamui, Rusaku too opted to protect himself from the attacks coming his way.

With his vision hindered by the sudden flash of light, Rusaku panic mimicked Kamui’s movement’s, and caused a second dome to appear over the first, effectively doubling the effectiveness of the technique just as the wave of sage enhanced fire washed over his position, and Kamui’s, effectively reducing the Hokage to ash while Rusaku remained protected. Then the explosion happened. Rusaku braced himself against the walls of his dome as the earth shook violently, dust and debris skyrocketing into the air that could be seen for miles as the shock wave traveled outward. For the time being, The sannin was safe, but the same could not be said for Ray. While he did in fact have his Dark chakra armor and Body revival technique, he was sorely mistaken about what those two techniques could actually defend him from. A popular misconception about chakra absorption techniques is that they render all aspects of a technique innate, but this is not the case. There are certain phenomenon created through ninjutsu that are not considered chakra based. Some such examples are the heat, or lack thereof, in Fire and Ice release. Thunderclouds that can form as fire is shot into the air. Or the most prevalent example: The shockwaves created by an explosion.

When a bomb detonates, the energy released from the explosion radiates outward in all directions at once at speeds between 3 and 9 km per second. As this sphere of energy expands, it compresses and accelerates the surrounding air molecules into a supersonic blast wave. This overpressure only exists for a few milliseconds, but it is the primary cause of explosive injuries and property damage. The closer you are to the source of the blast, the more severe the compression. With that in mind, Ray’s explosion release acted like the initial application of energy, but the highly compressed and accelerated air that is pushed away because of that explosion is NOT chakra, meaning the Dark chakra armor Ray is wearing will do him no favors while facing a nearly point blank explosion that will wipe out half of a huge village. Because of this massive explosion, and Ray being only 15 meters away, the compressed air sent at him would transfer so much energy that his body would be sent flailing like a ragdoll at freeway speeds, causing huge amounts of damage to not only the outside of his body, but to his organs as well. And not just some of the organs, but all of them as his body skipped across the earth like a stone across a pond. Needless to say the amount of damage Ray would be taking here was enough to kill 10 men several times over, and that’s just the blunt force damage of the air and his face against pavement. We could then look at if there was any heat produced by such a bomb, which if so could probably reduce a body to a charred mummy of it’s former self, once again being an energy source that cannot be absorbed by Dark chakra.

With all of the damage sure to be happening to Ray, it should take some time for his injuries to heal completely; several seconds at the very earliest. Rusaku quickly rubbed the blinding light from his eyes while the explosion occurred, waiting for it to subside before acting. And of course Ray wouldn’t come to a halt until after he was no longer at the mercy of his own explosion which was about the same time Rusaku began to act. With his vision hindered, Rusaku’s sight was not at it’s peak, but he could still make out the blurred image of Ray’s body as he was probably attempting to heal from the damage. Forming a small set of seals, Rusaku caused a number of timbers to sprout from the ground all around Ray in an attempt to create a cage around his person, with shackles that would follow to try and bind his hands and feet. Because of the Chakra absorbing properties of the mokuton, the cage would begin to syphon all of Ray’s energy, preventing him from creating techniques should he actually be caught.

Thunder and lighting cracked overhead as clouds began to gather as a result of of Rusaku's previous weather manipulation and all of the heat produced though the length of this fight. These clouds contained no chakra.
If you can't beat them, eat them.

-Jeffrey dahmer
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