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Author Topic: Rematch: Jay v Rusaku - Battle for Mati!  (Read 6299 times)


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Rematch: Jay v Rusaku - Battle for Mati!
« on: July 18, 2018, 02:06:10 AM »

Jay Nara
Battle Method
1 v 1 IC Hunt / OOC Deathmatch

IC Hunt Rules
It's only obvious that a Hunter needs to have IC knowledge of my status as the Nibi Host. At this moment, a few extra people are aware of the status. That would be, Tobias, Athos, Kamui, Tomi, Jestar, Ray... and most likely more.

Places where one could usually find me, Uzushiogakure.

Preferred Medium
SL Forum Only (Better and Easier to manage)

Preferred Judges
Generally anybody willing

Current Challengers
It's general knowledge that challengers must post on this thread, before contacting the Container.


My Rules

Don't be afraid to get hit. I understand that this is a game of words and you're reading what's going to happen at any given time, but you cannot use that knowledge to give your character any sense of a way around it. If it's not IC revealed by a character's words or actions, then you cant IC act upon it.

You can't be aware of something that your character shouldn't be aware of. This ties into the last rule on a much more absolute scale. This means everything, Location, State of Being, Techniques used, Seals used, Sensing concealed Chakra.

If you want to trash talk in the fight, I'm for it, but please keep the cursing down to a minimum. I want an authentic fight, complete with strong emotions if they can be brought out. And leave my mama out of this >.>

If there's a technique or any piece of equipment that either party wants, they can put those on the line as well. Though seeing as how I have a Biju, you can only chose one thing, while I can attempt to get two things from you (If you don't have a Bjiu as well).

If you want to make the fight interesting, you can shoot your idea to me and we can talk about it in private.

Judge(s) Info

Once a judge is agreed upon, either before the fight starts or the first time a decision is needed, they are the judge for the rest of the fight.

The Challenger and Jinchuriki each have a one time ability to boot a judge. If the agreed upon judge makes a decision just so despicable that you need to get a new one you can say that after this decision you are requesting a new judge. Each participant can do this ONCE, and NOT while a decision is being made. Once a new judge is picked they are the set judge for the rest of the fight, or until the remaining boot is used on them.

Resets and Claims

You cannot borrow techniques from your friends like Dust Release or Hirashin. You can only use what abilities and tools you have In-Character during the fight.

I do not enforce you to have in-game kg in order to claim kg in rp. The abilities claim to have must have been in your possession prior to issuing a challenge and must have been verified through RP in some manner.


If you take 7 days to post, the fight will be called off and you will be declared the loser. Note that the timer does not reset if you posted once and then have to repost.

Everyone gets ONE repost only.

Even if you use clones or summons, you still only get 3 actions, this will prevent wood/water/yo mama clones from being spammed.

How to Challenge and Prerequisites

If the challenger has a bijuu(s) they will be putting said beast(s) on the line as well.

Because I'm in a situation where my techniques don't have separate pages, I'm not going to be an A-hole and force a challenger to have a page for their techniques. Even then, as shinobi/kunoichi, I expect aces up one's sleeve, as long as it's within the range of your character and you have a record of at least being able to do whatever it is you're attempting to do.

I would just like it to be known that you've used something before you send a challenge to me, so train up and get stronger, because I like a challenge. While I said I don't care about whether you have links to your techniques, but if you attempt to do something that's completely outlandish, I would like the link sent to my PM either on here or SL so that I can see it.

If you link to a weapon that says you can seal chakra into it that's fine. However if in the fight you try to say it can unseal chakra from it I will void that. It is not my fault you didn't write that into your weapons ability when you sent the link.

If you found a way to bring a technique from out of the Naruto world, I would like to know the logic you're using to claim it. I'm an understanding person, so I'm not going to be an A-hole about it.


Swift Release
Body Revival Technique (If used to survive opening the 8th Gate. That was made before we knew what the 8th Gate does, regeneration does not let you tank disintegrating into ash.)
Hijutsu: Kirisame
Anything that we talked about in Pms that I or you are not allowed to use in the fight.

------------------------------------------------------- MISC -------------------------------------------------------
[|] For those who like to be cheeky [|]

No you cannot run away from the fight. Doing so will result in you being voided.
No you cannot have your chakra touch me and then FTG to me. You MUST emote placing a seal.
Basically keep an archive of everything you claim to have/use and rp in a normal manner. Do not try to bend the rules. The above extras are perfect examples of what not to try.

Subject to change anytime I feel like it

(Had to shamelessly rip off Tobias who ripped off Shadow's template because it was so nice. <3)

Placeholder for the fight, while things are being discussed.

The match will be OOC
No voids, memories of last bout
Judge will be Eric, with Warren as potential backup
Jay will have first post, whenever discussions are finished
New Fighting Arena has been created. Island of Unknown Name nor Origin. 35 miles in size.
Five Fighting Zones inside, styled in a large X with a o in the middle to naturally divide the zones:
North - Plains
South - Lightning Plains
East - Wetlands
West - Green Lands
Center - Empty Town/Arena

Town is 15 miles large, while the rest is controlled by their respective zones.
Action count is 3. A summon makes it 4, two summons being the maximum number. At that point, the additional summon eats at the 4 action limit. Taijutsu and all that it is, counts as one action, as long as they remain close to their opponent. (So 64/128 palms will count as one action, even if chakra isn't involved.)

In the event of Rusaku's victory, he will obtain the Nibi, as well as usable knowledge of the Uzumaki Sealing Chains.
In the event of Jay's victory, he will obtain usable knowledge of Kirin and Inukai Takeru no Mikoto.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2018, 06:06:12 AM by JayJay »

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If they stand against you, SHOW NO MERCY!


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Re: Rematch: Jay v Rusaku - Battle for Mati!
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2018, 06:16:36 AM »

There was a feeling in the air, a feeling of impending climax; essentially the calm before the storm. The Nara knew not how real this feeling was as he walked about the empty town on this mysterious island. His outfit, because of his exploration, would a simple dark shirt with dark gray hoodie over it. The middle would be cut down to the large pocket at his stomach. The opening allowed him to easily reach Cain and Abel in his left and right holsters respectively. His bottoms would consist of a pair of cargo shorts, the inside of his pockets lined with leather. This was to prevent the kunai and shuriken from puncturing through, but aware of the possibility of it happening while he was moving, he would reinforce the pockets with a toughness seal. He had around six pockets in total, hips, thighs and buttocks. Each pocket had five kunai and ten shuriken, 3 of the kunai and 5 of the shuriken, already having Explosive Seals on them, and every one of them definitely having his FTG marker on them. Further down his legs, Argent would be secure around his ankles, just as they were secure under the sleeve over his wrists. His feet, would be bare as always. He was extremely grateful for his FTG Stamping Seal, but the chakra being left behind could be noticed by anybody that was specifically looking for it, even so, his Apex Aura acted like a beacon to sensitive sensors. But, it was something that made him grateful, because it was time for him to explore the world more. Being cooped up in the village was not entertaining him when he wasn’t running it. So, as long as he had that sense of freedom, he should use his skills to his advantage.

Earlier, and the main reason why he was even on the island in the first place, was because of an episode of curiosity had overtaken him as he was journeying above the skies. The weather seemed permanently glued to the island, and because of his love of rain, he hadn’t hesitated to fly inside the storm. His love and resistance to getting sick, allowed him to pretty much act like a child and swoop around in the air, much to Matatabi’s embarrassment. Of course, once the man got high enough, the air currents grew sporadic and comically whipped him out of the air, all in the effort to push the plot along. But, just ignore that part, because the man had landed smack dab inside the town in the very middle of island.

About ten, twenty minutes into wiping himself off and exploring the town he found himself in. [Don’t you think its suspicious that a localized storm forced you to land on this island. And look, not a drop of rain in this town.] The man heard the words in his mind, nodding his head as he looked around. His clothes were still a bit wet, but he’d be mostly dry by now. His body heat was strong, not dangerously so now that he had time to readjust to this cooler world, but he could seamlessly oscillate his energy output from hot to cold at the blink of an eye. All in all, Matatabi had a point, but as he noticed, only the South and East of the island were affected by the storm. While the sky was spotty with clusters of dark clouds, they weren’t dropping water down onto the ground. It was scary how nature had a mind of its own. Ehh, lets just think of it like that Triangle place around Bermuda. It is the best I can do, but this place was definitely inhabited. Not sure when the last time a human was last on this island, but these buildings are amazingly intact for being so ancient.”

Perhaps intact was the wrong word, considering the place was in ruins. From what he could see so far, the ruins weren’t entirely outside the realm of being repaired with some elbow grease and a team of workers. But, thinking of all that only had him in awe at perhaps the largest structure in the town. As he had turned the corner, a literal Colosseum was before him, standing as tall as the Hokage Mountain and practically the same size in diameter as well. He knew he was exaggerating on that part, but damn it was a big place. [I don’t sense any hostility in the area, so I guess you’re safe to explore.] Matatabi told him, excitement in her voice as she wished to explore like the feline she was. The man responded with no hesitation, taking the readied stance and leaping high above the other buildings towards the top of the Colosseum. Performing a flip at the end of his arc, he’d land perfectly atop the large structure to peer inside.

If the outside was impressive, the inside seemed even more so, rows upon rows upon rows of seats circled around the insides several dozen times, if not into the hundreds. He couldn’t even count the amount of seats that was filled inside the place, mostly because most of the seats had been uprooted, destroyed where they were, or were simply covered by large boulders.  In short, despite looking so majestic, the arena was a complete mess. This place has definitely seen better days. But look at it, its definitely still standing proud.” He would leap once again, closing the vast distance between the top of the arena and the ground floor, noticing the wear and tear of the sands up close.  He looked towards the stands, as if he could see, hear, and smell the people that once occupied them. Imagining the roars of the crowd and seeing them cheering in excitement as the rooted for their chosen warrior, was filling him with excitement. He wished he could go back in time, to the point of this stage’s prime and compete in the battles that took place on these sands.

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Re: Rematch: Jay v Rusaku - Battle for Mati!
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2018, 07:09:07 AM »

Unlike Jay, whom seemed all too comfortable in his situation, this shinobi knew of greater steaks on the line. The ROOT commander, and Patriarch to the Otsutsuki Clan, Rusaku Otsutsuki, flew high within the skies upon the back of a clockwork Crow. His marionette summons offered unlimited variations which could be used in diverse situations. This particular one was serving the purpose of transporting the commander while he focused his attention on matters of greater importance. Utilizing his Negative emotion sensing, Rusaku had been tracking the immense levels of evil coming from this direction. Jay of course, being a host to a number of negative-based techniques aptly named Chaos, Dark, or Devil/Seven Sins alongside his harboring of a tailed beast, there was no question that Jay would be a beacon for Rusaku to pursue, while not exactly knowing who it was he happened to be tracking.

As the clouds began to part to reveal his path,  Rusaku noticed the island where Jay’s energy seemed to reside. The swirling storm above offered no intimidation, seeing as Rusaku’s own powers were deeply rooted in the weather itself and manipulating it to his advantage. The Otsutsuki knew that whomever it happened to be down on that island, that a fight was sure to ensue. Thus, he packed accordingly.

For attire, the commander wore his ROOT battle gear, with the added feature of a chest peice that resembled a white wolf. On his back was the only tool he planned to make regular use of; the Dragon blade. Within its hilt was a blue orb. In addition to this blade, he had a number of ninja tools placed in various pouches hidden about his person. His face was covered by a ROOT ANBU mask in order to conceal his identity, with a cloak to hide his armor.

If Jay had the ability to discover such details, he may notice 3 different Hirashin markers on each tool, and on his body.

Commanding his bird, the Otsutsuki flew downward, into the storm. Within minutes, the marionette was being thrashed around by the tremendous wind, but would eventually find its way under the cloud cover. Pinpointing Jay’s location to a ruined structure, Rusaku leapt from his bird and allowed it to be reverse summoned. Standing quietly outside the structure, only 100 yards from Jay’s position, Rusaku began to approach, quietly, but steadily. His hand reached upward and gripped with blade of his sword, but he waited to draw it.
If you can't beat them, eat them.

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Re: Rematch: Jay v Rusaku - Battle for Mati!
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2018, 01:37:09 AM »

The man would have been admiring the structure for multiple minutes, getting himself familiar with the construction. He was thinking of possibly having one built on his own island. We can even line these walls with the Adamantine Chains to create a barrier to protect from stray techniques. And an additional string of formula to give the barrier and Chakra Absorptive quality to pretty much feed into the strength and overall lifespan of the barrier.” The Nara had to pat himself on the back for the ingenious plan, despite how simple it really was. [Yeah, but I doubt you’d actually go through and complete a project like that. Plus, it wouldn’t hold much purpose, what with you already having a Manji Arena, a Manji Dojo and you’re own little Underground Training Facility that is incredibly expansive. And it’s all empty spa-] The feline would cut herself off from further cutting down her container’s hopes and dreams. The both of them would feel a pair of chakra signatures, not in the immediate vicinity, but it was definitely moving towards them.

[Biological Horror Detected] She would inform him as one of the signatures vanished and the other made their way towards the their location.

The man knew he had forgotten some important little details about the Colosseum, the size of the interior of the battlegrounds that the sands covered being one of them. It alone was 100 meters in every direction. There was several entrances/exits in/out of the structure, but only two entrances into the fighting ground. There was several different corridors leading to the stands, but the lot of them would be caved in by boulders.

The man used this knowledge to his advantage to direct his words inwards. Whats that all about. This isnt No Mans Sky. But wouldnt it be cool if there were some actual whispering eggs on the island?’ His thoughts would be turned to the game in question and the videos he saw on YouTube. If he had to admit it, it was definitely looking better than it did when it was launched, much like Unity did. But, he was still apprehensive about buying the both of them. [Forget about that. Just make sure you don’t get the game all willy nilly. At the most, you gotta prepare yourself for playing by yourself, cause you don’t have the same schedule as everyone else.] The feline’s words only made him hurt, saddened that he couldn’t really play multiplayer games as securely as before.

He turned his attention away from her and put it towards the chakra signature and its slow pace. This person sure is moving slowly, probably trying to keep the hostile intent to a minimum.’ He would tell her, only to hear her scoff in his mind. [Don’t change the subject, you lonely bastard. What you need to be doing is to continue waiting patiently for Kingdom Hearts 3 and hope the release date doesn’t change again. It’ll be like, the perfect birthday gift… if anybody reading this wanted to buy that for him.] The feline would shamelessly let the public know the man’s desires, while said man was looking towards the direction of the chakra signature.

Now it was Jay’s turn to groan in embarrassment. It wasn’t a secret that the two of them had developed a strong bond of friendship. It didn’t change that he’d have similar instincts as a cat. Oh, and lets not forget about Spiderman!’ He would exclaim loudly in his mind, only for Matatabi to growl in his mind. [Alright, alright, just focus on this slowly approaching signature.]

The man chuckled lightly at her, simply waiting for this person to reveal themselves. The red in his eyes gleamed brightly, his devilish eyes pulsing in anticipation, while he began to flood the Colosseum with his Evil Killing Intent. Whoever the person was, they’d feel an overwhelming sensation of dread and horror, a crushing weight bearing down on them and the vision of them having their hearts devoured by an impish demon. As quickly as this feeling appeared, it would vanish. Perhaps this would cause the man/woman to falter in their steps, perhaps the EKI would give their brains such a shock that it’ll overload their heart and cause them to fall over and die. Perhaps, it’ll have the exact opposite effect and cause this person to become exponentially aggressive. Either way, the Nara knew that this person just might end up in his belly by the end of this.

The man wondered if he should prepare an attack or a defense, but decided to simply watch his shadow stretch outwards beneath his feet. In the span of a single second, the sands would be painted black, only for the next second for it to vanish. Lying in wait, his shadow would definitely have thinned out to near-complete translucence. Now mimicking the shadows of the clouds above, the stage wouldn’t look any bit differently outside the use of Dōjutsu. He smirked at the sentience of his shadow and decided he couldn’t just lie in wait, but that was what he must do. Instead, he decided to flood the Colosseum with his EKI once again, this time with the bolstering of Matatabi’s Chakra. It would be as if the previous one was a scolding from a parent, while the current one came with the sensation of the Twin-Tails slamming down on them, holding them in place and incinerating them with immensely excruciating flames, while being simultaneously incapable of dying. This time, the feeling would stay much longer, attacking the target’s brain with such force that even the strongest willed person would be hard-pressed to retain their consciousness, let alone their life. If his opponent was still capable of showing themselves, he would treat this more seriously. If not, and they ended up dying or falling unconscious, then he would have a nice meal.


Evil Killing Intent
Hiding Shadow
Matatabi’s Killing Intent

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Re: Rematch: Jay v Rusaku - Battle for Mati!
« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2018, 06:32:50 PM »

Rusaku stopped as the killing intent overwhelmed his senses. This was always the first move for villainous types, trying to flex their malice on those who dared challenge them. Unfortunately, the Otsutsuki was unimpressed. He stood stationary for a moment as the images passed through his mind, but his eyes conveyed boredom. It wasn’t until the second wave of killing intent passed over that his face twitched. It wasn’t Jay that Rusaku wanted, it was his beast. Not only that, but this was the beast that belonged to a friend of his once. Excitement built up within Rusaku’s chest, and the hairs on his arm stood on end.

Releasing the grip he hand on the hilt of his blade, Rusaku allowed his arms to drop to his sides. He now stood outside the arena where Jay reside, but he didn’t move to step inside. Instead he allowed his Byakugan to activate, but of course due to his extensive mastery over the eye, veins no longer protruded from his face to signify it’s activation.

With the Byakugan active, Rusaku had a far greater understanding of the battlefield, and it’s current layout. Even going so far as to notice Jay’s manipulation of his shadow. The effects of this technique have yet to be seen, thus Rusaku would watch for it. Crouching down, the ROOT commander placed both palms upon the ground, before chanting  “Sawarabi no mai!”

From the earth under Jay’s feet, thousands of bone pillars began to arise, moving to impale up into his body. The bone forest rose with incredible speed, quickly converting a majority of the immediate area within only seconds. Approximately a mile all around. While the bone forest was rising, Rusaku utilized the Hirashin to summon forth one of his puppets; Bocchiere.

Iwagakure’s usurper appeared in a flash of white light, garbed in a similar ROOT outfit as his commander; his identity concealed by an ANBU mask. Once upon the battlefield, the puppet clapped its hands together and intoned “Kirigakure no jutsu!” before spitting out a massive stream of mist out into the air. This mist would rapidly expand, moving to cover an equal amount of area as the bone forest intended within the same amount of time. The mist would work for Rusaku on a number of levels, but the most important part was to dampen the vision of anyone who wielded Normal eyes, the Sharingan, or the Rinnegan. Considering how few Byakugan users were actually out and about anymore, it’s safe to assume this would affect his opponent.

If not stopped, the surrounding area would quickly become Rusaku’s playground.

Rusaku's actions:
Sawarabi no mai

Puppet actions:
Kirigakure no jutsu
If you can't beat them, eat them.

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Re: Rematch: Jay v Rusaku - Battle for Mati!
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2018, 08:59:59 AM »

The man was wondering if the opponent had succumbed to his Killing Intent, not sensing a change in heartbeat during the initial wave. It wasn’t until the second wave of Killing Intent that the man was able to sense the change, now fully capable of tracking the man through the very blood pumping through his veins. It wasn’t a technique, just a hypersensitive trait of his that he usually paid little attention to when surrounded by so many people. Now, he was more than capable of focusing on it, but he would not focus on it too heavily, saving that for the spike of chakra being focused on the man’s head, which could only mean a Dojutsu was activated. This also told him that he would be able to treat this seriously, his demeanor changing dramatically. [Shall I make your arena a reality?]

In terms of the hostile technique, his shadow would take care of the entire arena floor that it covered. He knew not where Rusaku intended to appear from, but judging from the man’s words, he had to have been on the ground floor. This helped with the man’s mental picture of how things were progressing. Back to the subject of his shadow, he had intended on it acting like a trap hole into his Shadow Dimension, but the man had stopped himself from walking inside for some reason. He figured it was due to the man being a sensor, taking a note of that. But, again, back to how the shadow protected him. Because it was on the surface of the ground, the bones hoping to rise up from the dirt and sand, would strike against his shadow and be transported into the Shadow Dimension. Because the shadow was an omni-directional construct, it wouldn’t matter which direction a foreign entity would come from, it would work all the same.

My pleasure.’ Due to the Nara being a sensor as well, he would have grown aware of the use of chakra all around him and the arena, also being able to see traces of what it was meant to be in the shadow of the arena exit. His shadow would be used up, but the man wouldn’t wait the full second for it to retreat back to his position. Aware of the man’s excitable nature to Mati-chan, he would use her chakra to fuel the successive trio of techniques of his turn, moving his body as said chakra was bursting out of him in the form of the Adamantine Sealing Chains and another technique. Their purpose would be to stretch outwards in the form of a barrier 300 meters all around him in a solid dome, covering that intended distance in half a second. Mati’s chakra would give it that extra speed, the dome would be much stronger, and it would fully set immediately upon reaching its destination. Having used his own chakra prowess, Pulse Shaping and Hybrid Hand Seals, he would simultaneously incorporate the Space-Time Cancellation barrier into the chain barrier, to keep it from following his position and messing up the battlefield.

He was aware of the special properties of the bone forest technique, so even if the man was to dip into the bones and attempt to leave the arena through them, he would only impact the barrier to keep him inside. And the STC would keep him from escaping through such means. Jay knew that said barrier was not as privately used as once suggested, since others could incorporate similar effects. So, he was not going to mind if the connection to his own Space-Time Network ended up compromised.

Since the man had formed his pair of barriers alongside the rising of the bone forest, his opponent may or may not end up summoning help, of course depending on how fast the opponent's chakra could move. But, since the immediate area, generally about 100 meters in every direction, would rise up with incredible speed, but would take seconds (2-59), the construction of the bone forest would likely move in a wave like manner throughout its mile-wide construction.

With the man’s Byakugan, simply speaking logically and not implying the Nara was aware of the Dojutsu being the Byakugan, he would see the wave of chakra rushing past him around the same time he was attempting the Reverse Summoning via the Flying Thunder God Technique.

The man hadn’t yet moved from his spot, but he had already been in the process of taking out two kunai from his left and right back pockets, one for each hand, while dropping into a readied stance. The both of them would be equipped with the Explosive Seal and he would immediately throw them both towards the dark, enclosed exit his opponent had decided to remain inside. He would take the man’s mind off the barriers with the Ninja Tool Shadow Clone Technique, still using Mati’s chakra and copying the two Kunai by 1000 each to make a total of 2,000 bombs, their groupings so tight that it was like a long horizontal wall of metal that was hastily closing in on the target’s position.

The fastest pitch in MLB was clocked at 105.1 mph (169.1 km/h) and with the man’s immense strength, unaided by chakra, it was safe to say that he was casually capable of throwing it much faster. In fact, the kunai would be thrown with such force that it was only a few (10-15 meters) measurements off from being relative to the speed of sound (in dry air). Regardless of whether or not the Human Puppet was summoned properly or was failed in the attempt, they would be in immediate danger of the explosions that would soon cover the entire side of the Colosseum with the explosions. Blue flames would erupt outwards from the devastating series of explosions, only for the Nara to already be jumping backwards from his readied position with previously displayed strength and agility to once again leap onto the top of the Colosseum, opposite of the explosions. Said Explosions would rock against the back of the Barrier, causing it to tremor from the force, but ultimately remain intact, just to showcase its strength. Any possible blowback from the explosions concussive force would be minimal to the man’s person because of his leap backwards.

As he looked down at the long stretch of blue flames from atop the Colosseum’s opposite wall, their intense heat being trapped within the barrier, the Nara would think about what he wished to do next. Multiple scenarios played through his mind, but they all would be prone to change, depending on how things played out. Until he was sure of this, he would pay close attention, the slit in his red eyes thinning out just a bit more as he peered into the flames below.


Adamantine Sealing Chains
Space-Time Cancellation
Ninja Tool Shadow Clone Technique


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Re: Rematch: Jay v Rusaku - Battle for Mati!
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2018, 02:38:41 AM »

Unfortunately for Jay, there was a measurable amount of time that it would take for his barrier to sprout, and it’s effects to come into play, while the Hiraishin technique didn’t. So the moment Rusaku had the thought of summoning his companion, it was done. So his attempts to circumvent the summoning of Boc was for naught, but it was doubtful that this was the only reason for the barrier. Knowing Uzumaki types, Jay would likely try and channel some other sealing technique through the barrier to try and seal away his chakra or something. This was just what sealing users did now.

With the barrier sprouting Rusaku stopped flowing his energy into the bone forest, knowing his attention was going to be diverted by what came next. Then, Jay began to draw his weapons. With the Byakugan, Rusaku was able to observe the actions with great clarity. So much so that he could distinguish the seals placed on the handles with ease. If he weren’t so short on time, Rusaku might have openly laughed about his idea of recycling a tactic used previously in his last match with Jay. Now having a moment to observe Jay’s features and the like, it was clear this was the man he had defeated for the nine tails some time ago. Man, he’d like to have that thing back. He might be hitting Naruto up soon depending on how this goes.

Right, recycling tactics. As Jay described, he planned on throwing his tools at near the speed of sound, but between here and there, also intended on using the shuriken shadow clone to replicate the tools by 1000 each. Well, if that was the intended effect, in order to have enough time to actually replicate that quickly, the tools would need to start the process the very moment they left the Nara’s grip, which is good for Rusaku.

While he was unaware of Jay’s intent on multiplying his tool, Rusaku made use of a technique that would create quite a situation for Jay. The moment the Tools left his hand, and began to multiply, a purple bolt of lightning manifested mid air, and struck at the original 2 tools, moving to ignite the explosive seals upon their hilts. Seeing as Jay made no mention of the seals being activated remotely, it’s implied they were to detonate on impact. So, as the bolt ignited the first explosions, that would create a chain reaction between the 2000 copies, right in front of Jay’s face. Sure, while the explosions might not have caused him much grief when detonated from a greater distance away, they certainly would when only a few feet from his face. (I say feet because Jay was moving to jump at almost the exact same time he threw the tool, but he also didn’t mention any extraordinary amplification to his movement ability.)

Meanwhile, Bocc had continued the aforementioned action of utilizing the Kirigakure technique to begin covering the area in fog, unaffected by Jay’s last round. Thus, that action successfully resolved. (Does not count towards actions spent) Dense fog flooded the area defined by the barrier, reducing visibility to zero. Jay of course could rely on his other senses to fight this battle, but it would come down to if he could do it effectively.

With his fog established, Bocc then immediately formed a fluid string of hand seals. Upon completion, from outside the barrier, a mist-like rain began to fall. If contact with the barrier itself, or the chains that defined it’s parameters was made, the Mist would eat away at the chakra composing it, creating numerous holes within the barrier’s makeup and absorb the sealing chains. If left unchecked, the rain would completely neutralize the barrier Jay had constructed. If that was allowed to happen, the rain would continue down into the fog, mixing with it and creating an even more deleterious battlefield for Jay to navigate.

As the rain formed above, and the explosions still shook the ground where the pair stood, Rusaku continued his assault. With his palms still on the ground from his Bone forest attempt, the Otsutsuki performed Inukai Takeru no Mikoto, manifesting 5 large snake-like canine avatars that burst from the ground within the coliseums borders and begin their assault on Jay - Sure to avoid damage from the subsiding explosions. 

With speed enough to overwhelm an adult Sasuke Uchiha, these dogs moved to grip Jay within their clutches as he countered or avoided the explosions, wrap around him, and crush his body with immeasurable force. Using the fog to Rusaku’s advantage, Jay would be unaided by the likes of the Sharingan to help track the high speed creatures, instead relying on whatever generic sensing technique he had on disposal. Of course, he made no mention of Mind’s eye either, so he would need to activate that first if he planned to use it’s effects to aid in battle.         

Rusaku's actions:
Weather Manipulation: Lightning
Inukai Takeru no Mikoto

Puppet's actions:
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Re: Rematch: Jay v Rusaku - Battle for Mati!
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2018, 12:05:00 PM »

His opponent would be false to assume he was attempting to circumvent the summoning of the Bocchiere Puppet. He was merely setting in place an arena that was hard to escape from within its confines. His opponent had made a grave mistake in not protecting himself in the event of the explosions, even with his intentions. Because it was as the man said, a thought was all that was needed, not to mention, the addition of another chakra signature had intrigued the Nara. Jay was indeed recycling, ‘twas but a test to see who they were up against... that was a lie, but the Immortal Sage had learned from his past mistake. The appearance of the lightning and the Nara’s increase in response time, along with the rest of the man’s base skills after his long training sabbatical, allowed him to have such a thought. Such masterful situational awareness was paramount in the Nara establishing his desired thought. In fact, the fact that he had such a strong bond with Matatabi, only allowed the man to have an entire conversation of thoughts.

But for real, Kingdom Hearts 3 needs to hurry up. A whole mess load of games need to hurry up and come out. Im not getting any younger, you know.” The Nara said after he had pulled himself into his Mindscape to have a conversation with his feline companion. The field of white roses beneath his rear would show that he was sitting down, the flowers changing color to indicate who was on them in a small meter of influence. The sea of flowers would transition into pink for as far as the eye could see, but beneath Matatabi, the color would be a deep and dark blue. She would rest on her haunches, her twin tails gently swaying behind her as she peered down into her container’s eyes.

”You’re still on those games. You really need to be patient. Quit rushing, you don’t really have the finances to be splurging like that anyway.” She told him, only for the man to grumble in response. Fine, I promise I wont mention them again until after this is finished. Speaking of which, do you remember when I was housing the Kyuubi?” He would ask her, only for her heterochromatic hues to glow brightly in anger for a split second. As she calmed down, her tails brushed against the top of the flowers, momentarily setting them ablaze, only for the flames to be snuffed out a second later as if it never happened. ”I remember.” She merely told him, while the man rubbed the back of his head in a sheepish manner, almost regretting bringing it back up. He cleared his throat as he waved his hand in the air, showing his memories of the fight to her in the night sky. Unfortunately I wouldnt walk away from that battle with the victory. Due to some misunderstandings, the battle wouldnt reach a proper conclusion.” He told the feline, obviously blaming it on a certain cloak the man possessed, watching as the Bijū brought her gaze back to his as the memories died. Despite them already having this conversation, it seemed necessary because of their situation. ”So you believe the outcome would be the same?” She would ask him lowering her frame to fold her paws beneath her fiery body, much like a comfortable housecat.

The man would sputter out a laugh, his blood red eyes showing amusement from her words. What!? Hell no, He already made his mistake. Simply from the last encounter, I could see what he wanted to do. And as you saw, my hands were tied in a significant mannerThe man would lift his hand to stop the Tailed Beast from cutting him off, knowing she had intended to from her resulting grumbling. but, enough of the past. Lets see if he decided to at least protect himself from the resulting explosions.” The Nara would mutter pulling himself from his Mindscape to return to the battle and go through the process of interpreting Rusaku’s post, wondering if the cloak would make a reappearance to protect him from the explosions.

After the Mental Conversation the Nara was able to survey the real world events as they happened. To recap, due to Rusaku’s desire to only target the two original kunai, it wasn’t hard for the Nara to determine the man’s objective. Rusaku should have definitely aimed for a large cluster if he was going to do something like that again. This allowed the size of the bolts to be determined and they had to have been quite small to only attempt the striking of two kunai in a growing, but figurative, sea of manifesting tools. The fact that they weren’t going to, made the Nara’s thought to be all the more easier. Because of said thought , the two kunai would be returned to his hands, as he was leaping away from the inevitable series of explosions, re-pocketing them as he made it to his destination. Sure, the number was not exactly 2,000, but 1,998 wasn’t bad either.

Again, because the man had not attempted to defend himself, the third of a second it would take for the horizontal wall of 1,998 explosive kunai to reach his position would be the last thing he would see, before the resulting explosions rocked his world. The man definitely had the chance to do so, OOCly considering he only used two actions for his turns. Because, even if an early series of explosions were to occur, the shockwave and concussive force from them would still have reached him regardless of their location of exploding.

300 meters was the size of the barrier. The Colosseum’s Battle Arena was 100 meters in every direction, 200 meters from end to end, and the pre-described explosions would have still reached the barrier and hit it with significant force, since it would need to be to cause it to tremor. All in all meaning, that even the act of a premature explosion, would result in the tremendous concussive force still reaching one’s person. (This could be a result of the kunai flying through the exit, but one explosion would set off a chain reaction to the rest in an immediate fashion, so they wouldn’t even get far.) And while this concussive force wasn’t on the scale of Dust Release, it was still an explosion that Rusaku, again, did nothing to protect himself against.

At least, as the Nara now saw, not substantially defensive enough as the technique was geared towards offensive side of the spectrum. He would be unaware of this, but the rather weak composition of the earthen technique would let it be known for him.The Snake- Canine Hybrid Chakra Avatars were ineffective against Sasuke’s Lightning Release Enhanced Sword, sure because of the nature weakness, but it only showed that it wasn’t as durable as Wood Release, which the author was expecting in a defense. Against 1,998 simultaneous explosions, at such quick delivery, would not be enough protection, not even enough time for them to even manifest fully. And since the man hadn’t stated any extraordinary amplification to his chakra molding ability, the Nara could turn the interpretation of events towards his line of thinking.

There was one oversight the Nara had just realized and it was the damage to the ground, but, let’s have it remain unscathed because it wasn’t mentioned beforehand. Because of this oversight, the resulting flames from the explosion would not have a downward position to travel and would only travel forwards, backwards and upwards. Because of his previous thought, the man would not have any grief from the explosions, because of his act of movement to escape it. Thus, it was also safe to say, that the Bocc Puppet wouldn’t have the time to do the originally intended Kirigakure no Jutsu, nor would it not have the time to do the Kirisame, again bringing up the point of their being in immediate danger to the ever present explosions. And even if the Kirigakure no Jutsu had been activated, it would not have a long shelf life as it would immediately be blown away by the force of the explosions, regardless of their position in the Colosseum… afterwards, sure, but there was no estimated afterwards from near point blank explosions with less than significant defenses, with no notable skill in durability outside of when it’s enhanced by the Tenseigan Chakra Cloak and the Toad Sage Mode.

Of course, Rusaku was capable of tanking the explosions, but he made no attempt to do so at all, not before, during, nor after the explosion's lifespan, despite still having that one extra action available. Standing atop the opposite Colosseum Wall, the Nara would use the ever constant source of Natural Energy around him to Ignite his Apex Aura to allow the Senjutsu to fuel his next technique. His Apex Sage Mode, would be similar to his Previous Chaos Sage Mode, with the exception of the cloak of energy surrounding him would not blot out his body. It’d only act as an aura of active energy, an ethereal flame of Senjutsu Chakra. His eyes would change, the golden color of old making a bold return to his irises, said irises dancing like flames around his ever present elongated pupil. His eyelids and some of his eyebrows would gain a golden color as well, a staple of his new Mastered Sage Form.

He would point his finger towards Rusaku’s location, whether he had been defeated or not, his Senjutsu Chakra gathering towards the tip of his finger quite rapidly. The constant condensing of the Senjutsu Chakra would result in it remaining incredibly small throughout its creation, this being around the size of a large marble, or 1 inch in diameter. With the Senjutsu Chakra pushing for the speed of its creation, the overall speed of its charge would take 3 seconds, in comparison to its timed 9 seconds in the .gif of the page. But, the Nara wouldn’t fire the technique, letting the energy throb at his fingertip, its size comparable to that of a needle’s tip after its final condensing process… just in case a change needed to be made. He was ready, keeping his sharp senses on Rusaku’s hopefully fading (deceased) chakra signature. If Rusaku managed to survive, he would be suffering severe injuries and very near close to death from those injuries.


Mental Conversation
Flying Thunder God Technique
Apex Sage Mode
Charged Senjutsu Powered Cero Oscuras

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Re: Rematch: Jay v Rusaku - Battle for Mati!
« Reply #8 on: August 15, 2018, 02:02:51 AM »

So since Eric's gone for a change and I got asked, tada.

Last I checked electricity and raiton are both conductive, so regardless of which one considers the weather stuff to be even if the 2 origin kunai were somehow teleported out of the way in time, the rest of the 'wall' would still get hit and thus detonated. It was stated to be a veritable wall after all, and no particular mention of the kunais being rubber or whatever else non-conductive.

Anything else or was that the only point?


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Re: Rematch: Jay v Rusaku - Battle for Mati!
« Reply #9 on: August 15, 2018, 02:18:27 AM »

So since Eric's gone for a change and I got asked, tada.

Last I checked electricity and raiton are both conductive, so regardless of which one considers the weather stuff to be even if the 2 origin kunai were somehow teleported out of the way in time, the rest of the 'wall' would still get hit and thus detonated. It was stated to be a veritable wall after all, and no particular mention of the kunais being rubber or whatever else non-conductive.

Anything else or was that the only point?

So even if it wasn't stated that no more than two would be hit and their impact were the catalyst of the explosions, without those two being hit, the rest would still explode? Even with Matatabi's Chakra coursing through the kunais?

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Re: Rematch: Jay v Rusaku - Battle for Mati!
« Reply #10 on: August 15, 2018, 11:42:27 PM »

While I'm not a fan of publicly posting a Biju debate, I'll make an exception this time, because this won't be going on for much longer.

Jay is saying that by removing the two kunai, that my attack would miss, which would require a line of thinking that tiptoes the edge of character control.

He would take the man’s mind off the barriers with the Ninja Tool Shadow Clone Technique, still using Mati’s chakra and copying the two Kunai by 1000 each to make a total of 2,000 bombs, their groupings so tight that it was like a long horizontal wall of metal that was hastily closing in on the target’s position.

He has created a wall of 2k kunai so tight that they form a solid wall heading my way. In order for my attack to miss under the circumstances he's created, the bolts of lighting would need to be coming from the front, with a size so perfect they they both thread a needle the size of a knife. If it were anything else, they would strike the various clones produced. Left, Right, above or below, or at any kind of angle aside from perfectly perpendicular with the ground. If they came from behind, they would be basically be manifesting within Jay due to the close proximity to his kunai at the time of counter. So literally any direction that this came from would still result in the desired effect I wanted.

So not only is he directly choosing what size my attack is so they will pass by the other tools harmlessly, but he's also choosing the direction/where it was manifested. That's 2 or 3 layers of character control Jay is trying on me in this post.

Then for the misguided understanding of map awareness. Jay is claiming that I would be caught in the splash damage of his explosion, but somehow he isn't (Or he just tanks it, because he's Jay). I don't agree with that statement. In my post where I use the bone forest technique, I mention stopping outside the arena where Jay resided. Not inside. So there is a Hokage monument sized wall of concrete between Rusaku and the explosion, which would suffice as a barrier, should the tools be detonating at Jay's location, and not my own.

He now stood outside the arena where Jay reside, but he didn’t move to step inside. Instead he allowed his Byakugan to activate, but of course due to his extensive mastery over the eye, veins no longer protruded from his face to signify it’s activation.

He also fails to mention if the explosions would actually destroy the wall of the arena.

would be in immediate danger of the explosions that would soon cover the entire side of the Colosseum with the explosions. Blue flames would erupt outwards from the devastating series of explosions, only for the Nara to already be jumping backwards from his readied position with previously displayed strength and agility to once again leap onto the top of the Colosseum, opposite of the explosions. Said Explosions would rock against the back of the Barrier, causing it to tremor from the force, but ultimately remain intact, just to showcase its strength. Any possible blowback from the explosions concussive force would be minimal to the man’s person because of his leap backwards.

So it's not even for certain if this "Hokage Monument" sized wall would fall apart because of his kunai.
NOT ONLY THIS, but he claims that the backside of his barrier would rattle from the concussive force of his attack, but that doesn't make sense considering the barrier's specs. It's 300 meters all around him. So if the explosion is going to rattle the barrier 250-300 meters away from his location in one direction, it's going to do the same for all directions, because an explosion moves outward ubiquitously, not in just one direction, so he would already be caught within his own explosion from the start. He says that the Arena is the size of the Hokage Monument, but then immediately discredits that analogy by saying it's an exaggeration, but to what degree is entirely unknown. So this whole fight, in regards to measurements is fucked after like...4 or 5 posts? 


Now that my argument is out for the world to see, I am also going to make a point of saying that despite Warren already kind of ruling in my favor for some of this with the whole "Kunai are conductive" thing, I am going to call this fight. Jay, out of character, is an alright dude, but the way he plays this game really get's my panties in a bunch. In my opinion, he has no idea that almost everything he claims or does is in some way god mod, character controlling, meta gaming, or retro posting. It was like this in our last match, and I have no clue why I thought it would be different now. That's my bad I guess. I'm not going to dive into detail, because there isn't a way I can put my thoughts into words and be cordial.

So, I'm going to make a declaration. While I am calling this fight, I don't recognize Jay as a winner. In my opinion, he's cheated, and will continue to cheat for the remainder of the fight, just like he did with the nine tails. With this, I won't give Jay the rights to claim the two techniques he wanted. If Warren decides that because of this proclamation that I'm the "Loser" and Jay get's my moves, then that's on him, but I won't recognize it in personal RP, which shouldn't be an issue. At the same time, I'm not calling myself the winner either. Just an obvious FYI, I'm not gonna try and claim the beast over this.

I'm literally doing this for my health, guys. If i had to read one more call out to Kingdom Hearts I was going to have a stroke.       
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Re: Rematch: Jay v Rusaku - Battle for Mati!
« Reply #11 on: August 15, 2018, 11:51:01 PM »

As Rusaku nicely stated for me, yeah they would go boom. And since he's backing out I'm calling this a draw or just nulled, neither party gains nor loses anything, if time spent isn't counted.

Also for future reference, yes the beast chakra wouldn't have meant a thing. You weren't shaping the chakra itself into 2k kunai, you were just using it as fuel for the technique. Considering that and nature of kage bunshin techniques, it wouldn't have done basically anything towards giving them special properties of any kind.

TL;DR = fights a draw/nulled. Thread can be locked.


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Re: Rematch: Jay v Rusaku - Battle for Mati!
« Reply #12 on: August 16, 2018, 02:47:37 AM »

Before this thread is locked I would like to put it my two cents... or I guess a quarter or something on my claim of god modding and all of that and me and Rus already had the talk and I was willing to continue the fight and have him input agreed upon conditions that wouldn't fly in the context of what he was intending, but didn't put into his post. (Because how I was supposed to know the details of something that he didn't put in. I'm not a mind reader.)

On his first point, he states the lightning is midair and heading to my two kunai. He didn't even say where it was coming from, only that it was in midair, generally anywhere above the ground. So, simply midair is all I have to go by. I didn't really control their direction, their speed, or where they were coming by, I just controlled the size based off of the size of the kunai, if it was only meant to hit two of them. I'm not in the right, sure, but I'm not also in the wrong because its not my fault that the detail was overlooked. If he had said a "LARGE" bolt of lightning, regardless of target, my post would have been just a bit different. And as he stated, the bolt of lightning would hit in the infancy of the technique and the explosions would cascade(effect) the others as the were subsequently created, meaning the number of kunai the lightning would have had to have gone through, if it was directly in front (as he suggested in the previous rant) would be in the low hundreds, but ever growing nonetheless.

So, looking back, I believe I increased the lightning's speed just a bit much. Ah, its something that would have been altered in the discussion if it would have happened.

For the map thing, I have to say that I agree, I was messing up on the measurements of the building, because I didn't want to make it too wide like the HM, but I did want to make it a big deal. And that's my fault in the beginning of the post in not clearing up and focusing on the inside of it, the battle arena, and not the stands. I take the blame for that, because I made it just a bit smaller once I was doing my barriers, believing 300 meters was a big deal, when its not in the size of the overall colosseum I had envisioned in my mind. But, in your own words, you stated that you were approaching the structure, and in your next post you stopped outside the arena and not stepping inside. From my opening description of the colosseum, I gave the size of the stands and how many people it would seat and the jumped into the arena, using the adjective "vast" to roughly map the distance between the top of the colosseum and the arena below. In my next post, since you hadn't stepped into the arena, but had done so the structure, I mentioned that some of the corridors would be blocked off due to the ruin of the building, since you were walking through it. If you weren't, that is again, not my fault. And you stopped outside the arena and used your byakugan and then noted the chakra of my shadow. I believed that you were literally, 101 meter away, (since I was in the middle) and only a few steps from stepping onto the sands of the arena. So, I acted on the belief that you were just in the shadow of the exit, to which you made no refute to in your posts, which would make the claim of the bones moot since we both had differences on where his character was. I believe he was outside the arena, and he believes he's just outside the entire structure. It too, is something that could have been discussed because I was acting on the presumption that he was within range for the attack to mean something and wouldn't have do so if he wasn't, in the logical sense of reasoning.

His point about the splash damage is a good point, that he could have refuted against in his post, since I was so adamant about its power, not even claiming that the explosions were contained. Of course, I would have followed with my Apex Aura being a strong defense against the concussive force, while my Strongest Shield and High Heat Resistance tanking the rest of the properties of the explosion, but I guess that just makes me Jay.

The destruction of the arena is a good point for him to have brought up, and it would have been my fault for not bringing it up, especially since I had brought up not blowing up the ground, that was my bad and it could have been useful, if it wasn't so useless in how I believed where your character was. It is bomb 101 though, mentioning the destructive capabilities of it, but I paid more attention to the fire and force it produced, not on what was actually destroyed. But all in all, something that could have been discussed.

The next point is just him mentioning the specs of the barrier in comparison to the colosseum, which would have been a good cross point in his following posts, but my defenses were still superior to his at their base levels, so he would still have taken the damage I was envisioning. Outside of measurements, the 300 meter radius enclosure was always a constant, with a total of 600 meter diameter, since I was saying all around with me being at the center. Meaning with the kunai exploding at 100 meters in one direction, my jump back would only be hitting the barrier since it was 300 meters and you could have stated as such to detriment my own post, claiming that the stands would be more than big enough and the barrier would stop around the middle of it, to ensure that there was no way for me to jump up onto the top of the opposite side. I would have definitely rolled with that, because it makes sense.

Everything I do isn't what he claims, its merely my character's observation of details and his reactions towards it. I don't understand how its God Modding, or any of the others, to try and interpret events that don't have proper details. This is a word based platform, and you have the opportunity to implement pictures, which I believe you should have done, if you were going to skimp out on the details. I believed it would be just like the last time, because you're so bent on appeasing your own gains. I'm okay with getting hit if there's no conceivable way around it, and even if there is if I'm trying to have a bit more fun in it.

I don't feel like the winner in this case either, because its not a good and steady Vic. I'm not going to claim the techniques, but I just don't feel like its a good quality to get so bent up from the conflict. I have a clear understanding of what I can do, and I do have it stated in my wikia of the capabilities and how they contend with others of similar caliber, only mentioning enhancement techniques to boost the already high base stats. Which was why I mentioned his defensives, seeing no claim to being even acutely durable.

Again, I was down with Warren's statement of their conductivity, despite Rus not initially doing so either. So, if its God Modding to attempt the fill in of gaps because of the lack of details, then not filling in those gaps in the first place should have a name as well... which I guess it does and its called making a Grave Mistake. Just as you had last time with the water bombs and assuming their sealing didn't deplete their weight, or my own agility atop moving trees, you capitalized on those mistakes and I didn't claim you were God Modding, despite it being the same as what I was doing. So, moving forward, I will continue to be as descriptive as I can and I hope that you would provide more descriptions in your own posts.

AND I'VE BEEN WAITING A DECADE FOR KINGDOM HEARTS 3!! I need it, and I barely mentioned it this time and I went back on topic like immediately after. >.> Though I hope this call out doesn't result in a stroke... but I do know a weakness now... so I could just walk around with that shirt... but I'm broke.... anybody wanna buy me that shirt. But, since this is the end, the match concluding in a draw, I'll go ahead and lock the thread.

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