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Messages - Darkshinobi

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Village Square / Re: Hiraishin (Flying Thunder God)
« on: April 17, 2015, 02:05:03 AM »
I'm responding late to this as I was never notified.

There have long been rules in place that the Hiraishin cannot be replicated or copied on this website in particular to prevent it from being spread thin. This was to protect it from everyone and their uncles owning the skill; it's long been accepted.
Hiraishin cannot be copied on Shinobi Legends; that's the precedent.   The decision was that it was a seal that couldn't be reverse-engineered; that it was acceptable in this case due to the potential dangers Hiraishin has.

Village Square / Re: Now Damage
« on: October 30, 2014, 11:06:05 PM »
Were the needle pricks done to the back? Pricks to the eyes would only hurt his eyes; damage done to your back would translate to the same spot on him.

Village Square / Re: Now Damage
« on: October 30, 2014, 08:51:53 PM »
Timed techniques don't translate well to the SLverse.
This has long been known. Time is something extremely hard to calculate in a fight on SL; the duration of abilities should always be in terms of posts. This is one of the few acceptable breaks from reality made to minimize headaches just like this.

To that end, I've to agree with Trev's explanation above(which I'm gonna quote in case posts have been made before I finish this):
I'm still not very found of that comparison. I see what you're getting at with the lightning armor, however lightning armor is not a time expiring technique. You wouldn't have to state you kept it going, since it's implied with the technique. Unlike Inzangi which is timed.

A better comparison might be Kamui, which can last like 5 minutes I believe. It'd be like saying you used Kamui to avoid something, then ran around a little bit and when you get caught like five posts later say you never stated Kamui ending and are thus still intangible and it's only been 3 minutes. That's a no go for me.

You're right, Eikan did not address the Izangi, but why would he? You made no note in your post that it was still active, how long it would last in your original post, or the duration of time between posts. If you had clearly done those things, then yes it would be his responsibility to address it.

I'll have to hold firm in my stance here. I think you would have a better counter with regards to using the incineration technique (I still don't think it would work, but it's a better argument, one that doesn't rely on time, something impossible to calculate since nobody posted how long each posts took, etc)

I personally believe that Izanagi shouldn't last longer than one post, and many of your fights have won technicalities due to things not being stated -- such as with that Genjutsu against Trev. I believe that's the argument Alek's trying to give: if it was that way for you before, why should it not be now?
Regardless of whether or not Izanagi needs be stated, my opinion is that it shouldn't be active for longer than one turn; it's the most powerful genjutsu in the world, period.

To that end,  I vote that the damage be inferred based on Bocchiere's incineration technique, not on Izanagi itself.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Biju Battle: Eric Nara vs The Elemental Seraph
« on: October 30, 2014, 12:12:51 AM »
I accept this default by timeout and acknowledge that I cannot request another replacement on the challenge list for at least a week.
This topic can be locked and unstickied.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Biju Battle: Eric Nara vs The Elemental Seraph
« on: October 14, 2014, 11:38:55 AM »
The world was in an uproar immediately following Seraph's assault.

As the cloud of grass prohibited their view of the other, the demon didn't see Eric's energy manifest; he did, however, feel the force of the manifestation and the sudden disappearance of the demonic doves immediately after -- it didn't take a genius to understand the implication. To underestimate the Sannin's skills would be a costly mistake; this defense could either be Fuinjutsu or Jikukan...Or both. Seraph, of course, knew not the exact details regarding Eric's abilities, but at this stage it was folly to write anything out.
And as the Nara's power permeated forth from him, the rogue pivoted, turning towards his next tactic.

The grass itself was wrested under the creature's control; he was rather obviously attempting to attain control over the area -- if the assassin allowed him to sew his shadows over the entire battlefield, there'd be no place for him to hide; he'd have no means or manner of defense.
But a Katon attack was almost too straightforward; the obvious answer was rarely the best one. A veteran such as he had seen so many zealous shinobi charge to their deaths at the hands of a cunning fox -- and Eric was, at least, that.
So instead of attacking, the rogue unopened his eyes; his senses sang, and power poured forth from him.
Trees formed from the earth, growing from a sapling into an ancient, tough bulwark in an instant; they expanded further outwards, a forest blooming from nothingness in a matter of moments. The trees both rose above the growing grass storm and burrowed their roots deep into the earth; a vast, living network of interconnected trees soon stood in what had before been the clearing.

((Mokuton: Yangotonai Kyuuketsu; Wood Release: Esteemed Palace)

As the entire network contained his chakra signature, this defense prevented the Nara from obtaining ubiquity. Despite their seeming origins, Mokuton wasn't exceptionally flammable and indeed served as one of the greater defenses in the realms.
This alone, however, wasn't Seraph's goal. Before the shadows overcame him, he stepped back and melded into one of his own trees. With his power, he could flow freely through its network -- and couldn't be pinpointed by any such sensing prowess.
In an instant, he was gone from his former location, having disappeared into the grid itself. 

(Mokuton: Yangotonai Shisha; Wood Release: Esteemed Emissary)

The trees continued to expand for the moment; due to the sheer speed of this technique, it wouldn't take long for them to reach Eric's position. If they did, the branches sought not only to extend past him but ensnare and encapsulate the entity from all sides, such as before. Meanwhile, Seraph's own senses expanded through the trees themselves, allowing him greater insight into the immediate area.

Village Square / Re: Posting in a timely Fashion
« on: October 08, 2014, 05:51:16 AM »

It's more of a heads up than anything.

Had enough, not taking it anymore. I will CC people out of my way so that I can continue on with my life if I am put in an RP lock situation.

There is no sense in it, and I am not permitting it to happen to my characters any longer.
so...there it is.

I apologize for my delays; my life's been hectic for awhile, and it's common knowledge that I'm not available to post every night.
Eric has accepted this, as do most that I actually involve myself with. I do have a very hectic life, but I'm able to get on within the time limits.
I'll be sure to avoid any roleplay with you in the future so that you're not caught up, but if you involve yourself in a plot that I govern, you'll have to wait.
I apologize again for upsetting you, but I don't appreciate being called out when those I roleplay with understand and accept that I have problems of my own.
Take care.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Biju Battle: Eric Nara vs The Elemental Seraph
« on: October 01, 2014, 07:35:08 AM »
Seraph's eyes unclosed to reveal crimson irises staring implacably at his fellow rogue; the hexagram that  evidenced an eternal power spun slowly in its circuit, and to the warrior the world was suddenly an open book:
He could calculate the breeze with a glance, the brush blowing gently in the wind, and knew the impact nature would have on any particular projectile. He saw the assassin's armament; Seraph's suspicious eyes paused for a moment both at his hood and at the pouches on his side -- they were an unknown quantity.
Seraph was not an unskilled sensor; he had served directly under two Otokage, and indirectly under another. The wise knew that knowledge was the most important asset of any war, and Seraph was a warrior. The residual energy residing in Eric's possessions didn't go unnoticed; he retained the information for further use.
The younger Akatsuki held more than a few curious accessories on his body; his cloak was imprinted in what seemed to be a seal of some sort, and two twin pouches at his waist contained strange, glowing marbles and what seemed to be seeds, respectively -- though neither were visible to the naked eye. An additional pouch rested on his lower leg, containing several scrolls of his own. Beneath the traveler's cloak and sealed from view was simple leather armor; it wouldn't protect against such heavy attacks as he was sure to face here, but minor kunai to the chest were no more than an inconvenience to he.
Lastly and perhaps most peculiarly, a flute sat, nestled comfortably in his back pocket.

He had gathered as much intelligence as he could before the fight; the two were of a kind: Eric Nara was a Sannin who turned traitor to his village; Seraph was the same. His foe was a tricky, clever creature whose greatest gift was in outsmarting others; he wasn't the leader of the Nara without reason. The grass itself could be a threat here.
Seraph stood, facing perhaps one of the most dangerous men he'd ever meet in mortal combat...And smiled.

It was time to get started.

With a flash of fingers, the rogue burst into action: chakra exploded into his esophagus, and an instant later he released an extremity of ice from his lips. The object exploded into two dozen frozen birds, which shot towards the awaiting rogue with fervor.
(Hyōton: Tsubame Fubuki)

The birds arranged in an arc, spreading out as they flew; four darted straight towards the warrior, their exceptionally-sharp blades slicing through the grass as easily as if it didn't exist and sending the stuff flying everywhere behind them; the additional twenty arced so that they fell from above, the side, and a few even from the rear -- the strike was timed so that there was no room to dodge, and an attack aiming forward couldn't possibly hit all the swallows in time. They moved at nearly sixty miles per hour -- at a distance of roughly ninety-eight feet, they took just over a second to reach their target; the birds aimed to eviscerate him from all directions simultaneously.

Meanwhile, the cloud of grass that had been catapulted into the air served to separate the two from sight; Seraph took the moment to strafe rapidly to his left-- staying in one place was tantamount to suicide --  and relied instead on his exceptional ears and Eric's own chakra signature to paint a perfect picture of what was happening. The former Sannin of Otogakure could comprehend sound even more powerfully than his eyes could light; though he had no view of Eric in this moment, he knew exactly what was happening.

Fixed a few grammar errors; probably a few more I missed.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Biju Battle: Eric Nara vs The Elemental Seraph
« on: September 22, 2014, 01:56:41 AM »
The sun stood high above the battlefield, glaring down like the eye of a judgmental god.
It was midsummer, and temperatures had climbed to an agonizing triple digits in fahrenheit; birds squawked lazily, too tired to leave their nests until night fell. The star, some several million miles away, would not be denied its wrath: the world waited, hoping that relief came, and soon.
But for now, it didn't. The only blessing were the short squalls of wind that tore through the area aimlessly, as though they too had nowhere to be and nothing to do. The shade of far trees provided some solace for those critters in the forests beyond the great plains, but here in the open there was nowhere to hide from the heat.
Seraph, of course, neglected it entirely.
He stood staring across the plains, his six senses thrown into concentration; the warrior felt with his soul a great presence approaching -- an entity that chance alone allowed him to wander across.
He knew the Kokuo's presence anywhere.
Its owner was another Akatsuki member, of course -- most Jinchuuriki were, these days. Seraph had once crossed blades with his son, though the Sound Sannin had been under a different name then.  Bocchiere's presence prevented him from striking out against the owner of the great Gobi; the rogue had goals that needed to be accomplished.
But the leader of the Akatsuki wasn't here.
Seraph stopped some several hundred meters from the edge of the forest, his back to the trees. Where, exactly, was Eric now? He closed his eyes in preparation, his traveler's cloak billowing in the breeze; he silently sought out the man's sheer spirit...

Bijuu Arena / Re: Biju Battle: Eric Nara vs The Elemental Seraph
« on: September 16, 2014, 03:13:26 AM »
I do hereby accept all above terms.
Since we're speaking now on the forums, I have two further questions:
1. Is there an absolute time limit for each person to post -- i.e. two weeks?
2. To which setting would you most prefer? I'd appreciate something that provides no elemental advantage for either of us, such as the plains. I'll go into further detail with my first post, of course.

Village Square / Re: 9 tails too
« on: September 15, 2014, 03:19:21 AM »
I disagree with this because Zenaku twisted the rules for Bocchiere; the same should be extended to him.
Bocchiere got a repost when one wasn't necessary to be given; this was a change in rules that didn't officially exist.  I think that the same should be extended to Zenaku.
Otherwise, if we're going strictly by the rules as they stand, Bocchiere's already lost.

My apologies if this is blunt -- difficult to post in detail from an iPod.

@Dark: I knew that I was going to see this but it's disappointing to see it from you. There is no real argument that Zen shouldn't be stripped. The rule is 14 days with no post and you are stripped, I was willing to wait 21. I've already stretched the rule for him, I should not have to stretch it further. Considering how strict you are with people acting IC with their posts I find this a little silly. <<

This is my argument.
And I believe I messed up the formatting. >_<;

Village Square / Re: 9 tails too
« on: September 13, 2014, 09:37:24 AM »
I actually personally protest this one.
Zenaku *did* ask for additional time; he *is* going through several real-life situations and has spoken of these. You were willing to give him time before; I personally suggest that an exception be made for this one and he should be messaged in indication that his time is nearing an end otherwise. At the very least, he should be messaged and given another chance to post.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Kokuo Challenge List (Eric Nara)
« on: September 11, 2014, 09:14:58 AM »
I'd like to officially challenge you for the Gobi with the character known as Elemental Seraph.

I do agree with all requested rules and prefer to post on the forums if at all possible.  I do, however, have two questions and/or requests of my own:

Firstly, that we decide on a mutual and impartial judge beforehand; this will obviously be someone who holds no personal attachment to either of us or has shown their ability to be impartial to an extent that we both feel they can be trusted;
Secondly, I'd like to reiterate how exactly canonical skills are handled in this match. Seraph possesses several powers that have canonically been unlocked, but he doesn't yet have the rebirths to justify them; are they still deemed acceptable?

Bijuu Arena / Re: Reibi
« on: August 21, 2014, 09:15:14 AM »
As long as you're willing to abide by the other bijū rules, I'd also so roll with it.

I likewise agree with this and am willing to accept an addition of one more artificial bijū to those contested.

Village Square / Re: Zakamaru vs Bocchiere
« on: August 21, 2014, 08:38:12 AM »
As the official judge for this fight, it's my responsibility to explain my reasoning and the judgments given.
Warning: this post is extremely long and detailed; a summation of the summation will be available either below or in the next post.

Here's a concise explanation of what's happened in the fight thus far:

Scenario: Zone 4, Fire Valley
Turn 1:

Zakamaru appears within the area.  (Entrance post)
Bocchiere lulls about. (Entrance post.)

Turn 2:
Zakamaru thinks about leaving.
Bocchiere sends a tree-sized tendril of lava at Zakamaru. (Actions: 1)

Turn 3:
Zakamaru releases from his mouth a lake-sized level of water aimed at Bocc, intent both on clashing with the lava and washing Bocchiere himself away. He rides on the waves and sends a large, lasting electrical current through the entire lake, before creating a clone that stands on the waves with him. (Actions: 3)
Bocchiere sinks into the ground via mayfly and travels some 100 meters away from his starting point, arising on a cliff that overlooks the now watery-area. Bocchiere summons a Hiraishin-marked kunai to his hand and taunts Zakamaru. (Actions: 2)

Turn 4:
Zakamaru analyzes Bocchiere and taunts him back. (Actions: 0)
Bocchiere creates a tremendous chasm in the vicinity with this technique to drain the water; he then creates four wood clones and indicates their chakra levels with this:
Following this up would be another kata, this one for a Moku Bunshin jutsu. Four copies of Bocch would rise up from the ground at various points in the area, all within 100 meters of Zak, but surrounding him on all sides. Since Bocchiere had long ago applied Jiongu to himself and assimilated four hearts of four Kage level shinobi he had their collective chakra pool. Making four clones like this would divide his total pool into fifths, one for each Bocch, however it would essentially mean that each clone had the entire chakra pool of a powerful shinobi at their disposal. Not one of the clones had any less chakra than Zak, especially after upchucking a lake.

(Actions: 2)

Turn 5: Zakamaru and his clone run towards Bocchiere, transitioning into a Shunshin for even greater speed; lightning arcs between their hands and they attempt to tear him in half. (Actions: 2)
Bocchiere throws the kunai precisely at the forehead of the Zakamaru on the right and creates a fast-flowing river of mud beneath his opponents with this technique. (Actions: 2)

Turn 6: Zakamaru nimbly dodges the kunai and causes chakra-absorbing mist to fall with what is presumably this ability; his clone sends beams of an unnamed Ranton skill both at Bocchiere and the kunai.
(Original's actions: 1
Clone's actions: 1)
This is where the problems begin.
Bocchiere teleports to his farthest Mokuton clone which is branded with a Hiraishin seal; another Mokuton clone utilizes this jutsu to create a vast forest of trees around the area. The roots from these trees sprouted from beneath and around Zakamaru in an attempt to wrap around and bind him. Bocchiere did state here that he covered the entire zone, which will be touched on later.
(Original's actions: 1
Clone's actions: 1)

Turn 7:
Both Zakamarus create a thick stream of high-pressure water to cut the roots that sprout around them as they grow, and taunts Bocchiere  after finishing the technique by his own admission.
(Original's actions: 1
Clone's actions: 1)
Bocchiere's clone sustained the technique and even the felled roots continued to grow in an attempt to ensnare and bind Zakamaru. These roots are stated to possess the same chakra-draining qualities that other wood techniques have been known to possess.  Another of Bocchiere's clones uses this technique to create several flowers around Zakamaru that release pollen and attempt to drive him unconscious.
(Clone 1's actions: 1
Clone 2's actions: 1)

Turn 8:
Both Zakamarus pause to tie a piece of cloth around their face and then begin a large and unnamed Ranton technique to cut through the roots and trees and head for Bocchiere. (Actions each: 2)
Bocchiere argues that since Zakamaru paused to tie the cloth around his face, he was caught and bound by the roots around him.
Zakamaru's argument was that Bocchiere shouldn't have enough chakra to sustain this technique and that he should be exhausted by now.
My response will be available in full below, but my judgment was that Bocchiere could at least create this ability in the short term with the chakra at his disposal -- it's true that even he can't control an entire zone of trees for long, but for the moments such as this it was acceptable. Zakamaru's argument didn't argue against his being bound, and my final judgment was that Bocchiere's roots could indeed bind Zakamaru while he took the time to stop and tie his roots.
However, Bocchiere has previously requested in other fights that each poster is allowed one free repost; Zakamaru was extended this option and accepted it, voiding his above response for another.

Turn 8 (repost):
Zakamaru utilizes the apparent storm created by his Kirisame and the natural heat of the zone to manifest an ability known as Kirin while his clone creates a sphere of energy around them with an unnamed Ranton technique, allowing an opening for them to watch Bocchiere as his attack hits. Zakamaru claims that due to the speed and destructive power of the technique, there is no way for Bocchiere to dodge.
Bocchiere argues that, by his own admission, Zakamaru left an opening in the Ranton sphere -- an opening through which the pollen of his earlier flowers would traverse and render Zakamaru unconscious.

These posts discuss it:

> (3h37m) <暁> 真 Bocchiere notes you switched blocking the pollen and not the roots to blocking the roots and not the pollen. "You made a sphere of Ranton that you specifically stated was never closed completely and did nothing to avoid breathing the pollen in."

> (3h31m) <|桜|> Anbu Captain Zakamaru notes when he dropped the Jutsu upon Bocch he was obviously holding his breath but forgot to add anymore detail into his post considering he had just woken up. You're done for, I'm going to post now.

For those that don't wish to read the entirety of the summation, the problems may be traced to turn six.

Zakamaru has expressed a concern that I'm not being a fair and impartial judge due to the fact that Bocchiere and I converse on Skype -- this is incorrect. As I have yet to be officially pardoned from my role by both parties, I'll give my preliminary judgment on this most recent matter:

Zakamaru neglected completely to mention holding his breath at all; this is indeed a fatal flaw on his behalf. The point of role-playing is to ensure that one doesn't leave out details such as this; failure to incorporate them is the same as saying they haven't happened.  Zakamaru blatantly stated in his post that his sphere held an opening: Before fully closing the sphere he left an opening for him to see Bocch which by this point, a giant dragon had formed within the sky unknowing to Bocch since the sound of thunder had been going on for some time now.
His clone would then close the opening so that they would stay within the barrier untouched by the man's weak attempts.

If it also needs to be stated, there has been neither a hunt nor indication in advance of any gathering storm; it's true that the zones do inherently hold some measure of heat, this isn't the same as causing artificial heat with Fire Release techniques. That Kirin is even acceptable with no prior indication can be argued, but isn't a matter until the first issue of whether or not Zakamaru should be struck by the pollen is decided -- if he is, the argument ends there.
My preliminary judgment, if it still matters before the server, is that he should be struck by the pollen for the reasons indicated above: that he specifically stated he left an opening in his sphere of energy and neglected to mention holding his breath.

As always, both Zakamaru and Bocchiere are allowed to either accept this ruling or calmly contest it with rational and logical thoughts. At the end of their response -- be it either affirmation or reasonable argument -- I will give my final judgment, which is how the fight will go.

Unless, of course, both participants should wish for me to retire or the community deems my judgment wholly inadequate.

Village Square / Re: A Shoutout To All SL Roleplayers
« on: August 17, 2014, 11:43:18 PM »
None of us are perfect, Kay. We all have those unspoken earlier days; I do, Ranketsu does, you do; I remember the earlier days of Bocc, of Tomi and Nathan and Kamui. Almost everyone that joined when they were young made mistakes.

It's bad enough that this topic has already gone off-topic. (I thought this was shout-out thread not a debate thread)

It was titled as a shoutout, but this is actually meant to be a suggestion thread; it's still extremely off-topic, though. Lili's point of this topic was to come up with suggestions that will help the community as a whole from the point-of-view of a hardcore role-player.
You people need to realize you have no right to rule over other people's characters or roleplay-style.

If they got something you discourage, then simply ignore them and don't bother roleplaying with them. You don't complain, you don't make a circlejerk thread about stuff you don't like, you ignore. It's that simple.

There is some truth in this, but it also causes complications. If I acknowledge Bocc but 95% of the rest of Konoha doesn't -- this happened not long ago -- then I'll be in trouble if he decides to attack.

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