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Topics - Gyu~ru~ru

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Feature Requests / Anko's Workshop Expanded
« on: July 14, 2017, 07:57:29 AM »

New Feature: Reinforcing Ninja Tools (excluding food items)
- Reinforced version of any Ninja Tools will not get destroyed upon death, or when killing Orochimaru.
- Reinforcing an item does not require a recipe. only a Metal Ore.
- Metal Ores are randomly dropped by forest enemies, and can also be found in mines.
- Reinforced items will have "Reinforced" added to the front of their name (example: Shuriken > Reinforced Shuriken). Their stats (damage) however, will remain unchanged.
- Reinforced items cannot be used in forging.
- Forged items can be reinforced (excluding food items).

I'll try to do the coding if the idea is green-lit.

Feature Requests / Treasure Room
« on: July 07, 2017, 04:51:24 AM »
You know what every castle needs? A TREASURE ROOM!

Function: Anyone who has access to the dwelling can deposit gold and gems into the treasure room, but no withdraw.
Unique Display: Upon entering the castle, how much gold & gems the treasure room has will be displayed on the top of the page.
Important Note: All loot in the treasure room will be lost when the castle is sold, or no longer has an owner (character expired).

Not too sure if should be included ideas:
Plunder: If Treasure Room has gold in it, plunderers will steal from it instead of the coffers. Even if the Treasure Room has 1,000,000 gold, it will be treated as if it has 75,000 gold when plundered to avoid giving plunderers a ridiculous amount of gold. If gems is deposited, there is a very low chance that the plunder might manage to still one from plundering the castle's treasure room.

Game Related Discussions / EMS "2nd Stage"
« on: July 05, 2017, 09:43:21 AM »
Well, since players have started approaching me about it, I might as well give everyone a few hints.
1) Check my character's activity log for hints.

2) It's similar to getting Curse Seal Level 2.

3) The event is so obvious that you can't miss it if you read the text. You can see my name; Sensatsu no Gyururu on it the moment you encounter it.

4) It take several successful training to advance your EMS.

5) When your EMS gets stronger, it is reflected in your bio.

6) The chances of encountering the event will keep going up the longer you have EMS. It will not get reset to default from what I was told.

Feature Requests / RP Commands & Learn About RP Commands
« on: June 06, 2017, 08:21:39 AM »
I believe there are a few of these commands already implemented into the game. Unfortunately, I do not remember them. It would be helpful if Baa-san's curry house has an option to "Learn about RP Commands", just like how you can learn about color codes.

As for the commands, here is a list of them that I would like added to the game for RP purposes;
/weather - Display a random weather forecast.
/roll_#-# - Roll a dice which picks a number from X to Y. Example: If you enter "/roll_1-9", the result will be any number from 1 to 9.
/event - Random unforeseen events. Anything from a child suddenly appears in the path of two clashing Shinobi, to earthquakes and being struck by lightning.
/chance_a - Hit or miss.
/chance_b - Success or fail.

Rules/Foundation / Limiting Bijuu Ownership (Vote)
« on: May 02, 2017, 03:14:04 PM »
Rules on limiting Bijuu ownership as discussed in the link below. Please vote Yay or Nay.,9401.0.html

1) The maximum number of Bijuu a player is allowed to capture and hold onto is no more than 3.

2) When planning an event which involves gathering/capturing a number of Bijuu beyond what is allowed, please discuss it with a Gamemaster and make an official thread on the forum to inform others sbout it, so that they may participate. The event must be carried out within two weeks after the thread is made.

Ratify (Yay): 15

Reject (Nah): 1

This vote topic will be open until May 8th 2017.

Rules/Foundation / Limiting Bijuu Ownership (Discussion)
« on: April 28, 2017, 07:21:57 AM »
Let's start by making it clear that this topic will not be taking in votes to determine if a "1 Bijuu per player" limit should or shouldn't be enforced, but a discussion on the matter. So please tell state your current view on the matter instead of bring up the thread where everyone simply voted "yes" or "no".

I believe that no player should be allowed to hold onto more than 1 Bijuu unless it is for a event which later redistribute them to new owners. Anyone who manages to monopolize something gets corrupted, whether they admit it or not. Is there any reason why a player should be allowed to hold onto multiple Bijuu? How does that situation benefits RP?

If anyone find themselves in possession of more than one Bijuu due to RP reasons, they should be urged to let go of one within a time frame of let's say 3 months tops.

Rules/Foundation / Vote me as president of the council!
« on: April 27, 2017, 04:55:44 PM »
So what is this? Well, I'll be the moderator to oversee the whole Bijuu thingy. My judgement will be considered final with the other council members acting as my advisors. Here are a few condition that I must follow;

1) I'm not allowed to choose a successor when I step down or retire from this position.

2) My position will be revoked if I am inactive for over 30 days without reason, and I may not be on hiatus for over 90 days regardless of my reasons.

3) I am not allowed to be in possession of any Bijuu nor challenge someone for their Bijuu. If a Bijuu is given to me so that I may find a new owner for it, I must choose someone within 7 days, and that person must not be a Jinchuuriki nor a summoner. If I failed to do so, whomever claim the Bijuu 1st after the 7 days period, will be its new owner.

4) I may not change these rules once I am elected president of the Bijuu council.

p/s: Tomi is not allowed to vote because he is my husband ^_~*

Feature Requests / Sound Ninja
« on: December 03, 2009, 05:00:19 PM »
Leaf got their Clans, Mist got their swordsmen, Sand got their puppets, but what about sound ninjas?! Well, I guess I can think of something...

Race Restriction: Sound Ninja
Rank Restriction: Genin (3 Oro kills)
The same catch again: You cannot change your race or else you will lose your specialty.

Choose your Physical Modification
Hollow air tubes
Allows you to perform Zankūha and Zankūkyokuha.

"Melody Arm"
The thing on Dosu's arm. Sound wave attacks that weaken your foes and does extra damage.

Fuuma Clan
They are well-known for their skill with a Fuuma Shuriken. So their specialty will be the ability to throw a Fuuma Shuriken at the cost of 1 chakra point. Damage of Fuuma Shuriken (skill) increase slightly as you gain more Oro kills.

Feature Requests / Swordsmen of the Mist
« on: December 03, 2009, 04:34:20 PM »
Yes, I know there are only suppose to be 7 swordsmen of the Mist. Anyway...

Race Restriction: Mist Ninja
Rank Restriction: Genin (3 Oro kills)
Here's the catch as usual: You will lose your weapon (and the custom name) if you change your race.
So what's so great about this: You get to name your weapon for free. You don't need to buy a weapon. Your weapon's attack can go up to 16 and it has a specialty.
Note: I have no idea how to code this. But it should be something similar to the Shikai thingy that Neji has coded for LOB.

About being a Swordsmen of the Mist
1) You get a custom weapon which you can strengthen at the training grounds.

2) Your weapon gives you a special ability or attack. But using it will cause your weapon's attack to go down. You may not use it if your wepon's attack is 0 (max is 16).

Feature Requests / Sand Ninja Specialty
« on: December 03, 2009, 04:02:00 PM »
Race Restriction: Sand Ninja
Rank Restriction: Genin (3 Oro kills)
Same catch as before: You may not switch your race. If you do, you will no longer be able to use Suna Ninjutsu or Kugutsu no Jutsu. You will also lose your mount if you happen to have a puppet as a mount!
Why be a sand: Either you love Gaara or puppets.
Cool thing about Kugutsu no Jutsu: You get a different set of skills with different puppets.

Suna Ninjutsu
Yes, you will no longer be able to select Suna ninjutsu unless you are a Sand Ninja. The good news is, you will not require to have 6 Oro kills and 16 Constitution to unlock Suna ninjutsu.

Kugutsu no Jutsu
Jutsu which require the player to have a puppet as a mount to use. Different Puppet gives you different list of Jutsu. Yes, you will have to buy them like mounts. No, you may not own Karasu, Kuroari, and Sanshōuo at the same time; or perform Karasu + Kuroari combo killer move.

List of Puppets
Karasu (Crow)
Known for having tons of hidden weapons, which are what its attacks will be. I can code this if I can code the specialty for Inuzuka.

Kuroari (Black Ant)
Attacks that binds and damages your opponent slowly. I can code this if I can code the specialty for Inuzuka.

Sanshōuo (Salamander)
It's only good for 1 thing, defense. I can code this if I can code the specialty for Inuzuka.

I am sure all of you guys know what this guy can do. I can code this if I can code the specialty for Inuzuka.

Haha, Chichi (Mother and Father)
Good for both attack & defense. I can code this if I can code the specialty for Inuzuka.

Sandaime Kazekage (Third Kazekage)
You are going to want this more than Kyuubi, and you can bet that it's going to be rare as well as expensive. This guy have insane offense ability. I can code this if I can code the specialty for Inuzuka.

Jukki Chikamatsu no Shū (Ten Puppet Collection of Chikamatsu)
This is going to be rare & expensive like Kyuubi. They cover everything; offense, defense, even support, with their 10 different commands (jutsu). I can code this if I can code the specialty for Inuzuka.

Hyakki no Sōen (Performance of a Hundred Puppets)
Overkill, will not be available.

Feature Requests / Clan Specialty
« on: December 03, 2009, 03:14:58 PM »
Race Restriction: Leaf Ninja
Rank Restriction: Genin (3 Oro kills)
Here's the catch: You cannot switch races unless you give up your clan specialty.
Here's the 2nd catch: Switching to another race or clan specialty can only be done with a reset (reborn). You will lose all your Kabuto/Orochimaru/Player kills, as well as your extra maxHP/gold/gems/mount.
Here's the last catch: You cannot choose a clan specialty if you already have Kekkei Genkai. Getting a kekkei Genkai would mean loosing your clan specialty.
Why bother with this when we already have KG: It doesn't require multiple resets to master a clan specialty. And you unlock it much ealier in the game. Something to play with until you get Kekkei Genkai.
Note: I am also thinking of a "switch Clan Specialty without reset" for 1000 Donation Points. You still can't switch your race thou. Because I've other stuff planned for other races =)

List of clans
Jutsu that involve attacking with bugs. This I can easily code.

Jutsu that increase their attack/defense or does incredible damage with just one hit. This I can easily code.

Well, Kiba doesn't depend on Akamaru for all his attacks. So I was thinking maybe as an Inuzuka, you have several attacks, especially the powerful ones, which require you to have a dog type mount (Akamaru, Kuromaru, Pakkun). I think it should be something similar to Shishi Rendan (which requires Kage Buyo).

Jutsu that involve attacking or binding enemies with shadow. This I can easily code.

Jutsu that allows you to take control of the enemy? I don't see how this can be done on SL.

Spam / Battlegroundz First Shinobi Grand Tournament
« on: October 15, 2009, 02:31:24 PM »
The tournament will be divided into 3 groups; Light Weight, Middle Weight, and Heavy Weight. The winner of each group will be determine by the most number of wins. Yes, you heard me, MOST number of WINS. This mean that just because you lost one match, doesn't mean that you are out of the game!

Light Weight
No Kekkei Genkai (Bloodline Limit), no Jinchuuriki, no Sennin Mode, no 8 Gates, no clan specialties (techniques that only your clan can use), and no summoning gigantic creatures (but anything below human size is allow). Just average ninjas that use Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Taijutsu, and ninja tools.

Middle Weight
You may use Curse Seal (limited to stage 1 only), Kekkei Genkai (limited to one only), 8 Gates and clan specialties. Jinchuuriki, Sennin Mode and giant summons are still forbidden.

Heavy Weight
You may use Curse Seal (stage 2), more than 1 Kekkei Genkai (like a certain Kage in the manga), Jinchuuriki powers, Sennin Mode, and summons giant creatures to aid you in your battles.

1) Humans only.
2) You may join all 3 groups, but make sure you adjust your fighting style. Example, you are not allowed to use Sharingan even if you are an Uchiha when you are fighting in the Light Weight group.
3) You win when your opponent is KO, killed, or surrender.
4) When you are killed, you automatically lose the remaining battles. But you will still crowned the Champion if you have the most wins at the end of the tournament.
5) Injuries stays! If you lose a limb or an eye in a match, you will start the next match handicapped (this applies to summoned creatures as well)! Cuts, bleeding, internal injuries however, will be completely healed. Chakra, ninja tools, and weapons will also be healed, resupplied, and repaired.
6) New entries in the middle of the tournament are accepted, unless I've already closed the registration.
7) All your skills and ability must be based on the Naruto manga or TV series (not including fillers and movies). So don't give me the "They showed highly advance weapon/machinery in the movies!" crap.  
8) You may auto-hit (assume that your opponent is hit by your attack) if your opponent does not reply after 24 hours has passed since your last posted. There will be no exception. If you got sick, internet went down, PC crash, or any other unfortunate incident was to happen to you, I can only offer my condolences.

Please note that the rules may change if there are many petitions about certain rules, or the number of participants exceed my expectation.

300 Donation Points (given to your Shinobi Legends account) to the Champion of each group. Yes, you will receive more than one prize if you emerge as Champion in more than one group. You are also allowed to give the Donation Points to any character even if the character is a friend's.

Please note that the number of prizes (as well as the amount) given out may change if there are sponsors *cough* Neji *cough*, or the number of participants exceed my expectation.

*When there are 2 participants with the highest score, then the participant with the least loses (whose character is still alive) will be crowned the Champion. If they both have the same number of wins/loses/draws then they will have to fight each other for a second time to determine who is the Champion.

To register for the tournament, please visit

Note: You will need to register a forum account there.

New Features / Feedback on Forest Creatures
« on: September 30, 2009, 04:33:51 PM »
Please tell me about your experience in the forest, especially when you fight against level 16 enemies.

Spam / Battlegroundz (Forum fighting zone)
« on: July 28, 2009, 03:21:10 PM »
Any zone fighters out there who are willing to join?

Here's the link,

Feature Requests / New Bounty System
« on: May 05, 2009, 02:24:37 AM »
The current bounty hunting doesn't draw much interest from the players. That's why I thought of something new.

1) Only player who are Jounin (or ANBU to make the requirement higher) can place a bounty on someone's head.

2) The fee will be 3 gems (5, or even 10 if a higher price is prefered) for placing a bounty on someone's head.

3) The bounty will start at 1000 gold and steadily rises with each passing month. If no bounty hunter is able to claim the bounty within a month, it will increase by another 1000 gold.

4) Players who have a bounty on their head will have a wanted message in their bio. That way, bounty hunters can check if a player has a bounty on their head or not by viewing their bio before attacking them. Wanted message,

`4Wanted! `@Reward: `^1000 Gold`0

5) Anyone with a bounty of over 10,000 gold will have their names displayed in every country. (that would mean surviving being hunted for over 9 months. Halloween is when those bounties will most likely be claimed)

6) There will also be a ranking in the Hall of Fame. Not of the players with the highest bounty on his or her head, but for the players who has claimed the most bounties (in gold).

7) Players who has claimed 50,000 gold (or 100,000 gold to make it harder) or more bounties will recieve a custom rank `2B`@ounty `2H`@un`2t`@e`2r`0 (Bounty Hunter) as well as title. To put it simple, something like the Big Bad Meanie.

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