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Topics - Camel

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 [8]
Bugreports / Database connection
« on: March 26, 2007, 08:07:40 PM »
SELECT value FROM module_objprefs WHERE modulename='cities' AND objtype='mounts' AND setting='extratravel' AND objid='12'

Lost connection to MySQL server during query
Call Stack:
1: db_query("SELECT value FROM module_...") called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/modules.php on line 663
2: get_module_objpref("mounts", "12", "extratravel") called from /var/www/html/naruto/modules/cities.php on line 68
3: cities_dohook("count-travels", Array(

    "available"=>0, "used"=>0

)) called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/modules.php on line 512
4: modulehook("count-travels", Array(

    "available"=>0, "used"=>0

)) called from /var/www/html/naruto/modules/cities.php on line 171
5: cities_dohook("charstats", Array()) called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/modules.php on line 512
6: modulehook("charstats") called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/pageparts.php on line 663
7: charstats() called from /var/www/html/naruto/lib/pageparts.php on line 118
8: page_footer() called from /var/www/html/naruto/modules/marriage/loveshack.php on line 158
9: require("/var/www/html/naruto/modu...") called from /var/www/html/naruto/modules/marriage.php on line 134
10: marriage_run() called from /var/www/html/naruto/runmodule.php on line 35

I got this a few times then a lost connection to the database now Oliver, I can't access the petitions,local dwelling,PvP's and among other things.

Spam / Orochimaru dead?
« on: March 14, 2007, 11:54:04 PM »

"Who are you?" Kabuto asks bewildered. Sasuke shows him what happened inside the spirit world with the Sharingan.

サスケの意思は精神世界を侵食して支配。「大蛇丸 お前の如何なる術もこの眼の前では・・・」
Sasuke's will dissolved the spirit world. "Orochimaru, no matter what jutsu you have, before eyes such as these..."

"-Well, you should get the point by now." Orochimaru is shown in the throes of agony, after which Sasuke completely overtakes him.

The scene changes to Tsunade's group performing an autopsy on Kakuzu. Due to the effects of the new jutsu such as cells being completely destroyed and damage to his tenketsu, Naruto is prohibited from using the jutsu. And everything ends with a new character called "Suigetsu"* coming out from Orochimaru's hideout with Sasuke.

Image 1
Image 2
Image 3

Spam / The God Of Ketchup...Art.
« on: March 11, 2007, 10:33:23 AM »

I remember when Baluski posted a MS paint user that was godly...but take a look at this.
It's a featured video on Youtube that became very popular with a artist using ketchup and fries as a art tool.
The video will speak for itself.
I was amazed at the skill of the artist myself and I still am.

Spam / Dark History Of The Uchiha..A Theory?
« on: March 10, 2007, 01:17:45 AM »
Hyuuga clan is one of the oldest clans in Konoha. They have been there ever since the establishment of the hidden village. Many years ago there was a girl from Hyuuga clan who fell in love with an outsider that didn’t belong to the village. She decided to marry herself to the young man despite the strong protests from her own clan. But this man was no ordinary human. In fact, this man was not a human at all. His name was Sojobo. He was the King of Tengu.

There were two types of tengus, Karasu tengu (a crow-like creature with beak and wings) and Konoha tengu (also known as Yamabushi tengu). Sojobo was a Konoha tengu. He had long nose and white hair with a pair of black wings on his back. As the King of Tengu, Sojobo possessed some very mystical powers. He carried a fan made of Fatsia leaf that could create a storm (therefore people sometimes call this type of leaf as Tengu no Uchiwa or Tengu’s fan). He could teleport himself or any other things from one place to another. He could also communicate with people telepathically or even invade their minds and drive them to madness. Besides, Sojobo was also known for his shapeshifting ability. He sometimes transformed himself into human to interact with people.

Anyway, this girl from Hyuuga was in love with Sojobo taking the human form without knowing his true identity. She married him shortly after they met each other. A year or two later, she was pregnant and gave birth to their first son. Sojobo named this son Uchiha, Uchiha Madara, after Uchiwa which means fan. And of course as we know, fan also later became the symbol of this new clan.

Everything was good. Uchiha Madara soon grew up to become a very powerful shinobi. He not only inherited the Kekkei Genkai from his mother but with the Tengu blood inside him the Byakugan had evolved into an even more dreadful form—the Sharingan! This new bloodline had 2 levels: Normal Sharingan and Mangekyou Sharingan. Like his tengu father, Madara possessed some incredible magical powers. He was able to use telepathy to invade people’s minds, or even teleport himself across a short distance. When he turned on the Mangekyou Sharingan (he had the normal Sharingan on 24/7 just like his Hyuuga kin), the eyes would further intensify his powers and bring him even closer to a tengu form. He had developed 3 jutsus under this state, namely Tsukiyomi (to control people’s minds and drive them insane), Amaterasu (to teleport objects into another dimension)* and Susanoo (to create a storm like the one created by the Tengu’s fan).

Because of his bravery and almost unparalleled powers, Madara soon became a hero in his people’s eyes despite the fact that he was just a teenager at that time. He became very close friends with Shodaime and together they took up the responsibility to protect the village. Madara founded the first police force in Konoha and swore to protect his people with his own life.

But good things do not last long. As Madara was about to reach his adulthood, Sojobo began to reveal his true intention. Sojobo didn’t marry the girl from Hyuuga out of love. He was only looking for a perfect body, a container (probably to achieve greater powers), and he figured the best way was to create one with his own blood. He was planning on taking over Madara’s body once he reached his adulthood. It didn’t take Uchiha Madara long to find out this appalling truth. He felt a mixture of shock and anger. He felt he was being used but he wasn’t going to give in such easily, at least not without a fight. But Madara knew only too well that no matter how strong he was he stood no chance against the King of Tengu. Out of desperation he sought for the legendary Bijuu—Kyuubi (the God of Fire).

Kyuubi was very impressed by Madara’s abilities. A secret pact was made and Kyuubi agreed to lend his power and chakra to Uchiha Madara. Soon Madara mastered the katon and he could even cast a dark fire that would burn for 7 days and 7 nights after performing the Amaterasu. But even with these newly gained powers and a huge supply of chakra from the Kyuubi, Uchiha Madara was only able to beat his demon father by a hair's breadth. He couldn’t finish him once and for all but only managed to seal him up. However, the seal he used was a very special one. To break the seal it requires the Kyuubi's chakra and also not one but 3 Uchiha members who can wield the Mangekyou Sharingan. Each MS user has to cast a different MS jutsu at the same time and when the 3 jutsus--Tsukiyomi, Amaterasu and Susanoo--combine, the great evil will be unleashed. It's a tall order and Madara thought it would be enough to seal up the demon for eternity. But what Madara didn’t anticipate was that this seal itself would bring a bloody massacre upon his own clan many decades later…

Here I will derail a bit and talk about the friendship between Shodaime and Madara. When Shodai found out about the secret pact between Madara and Kyuubi he was enraged. He thought it was hunger for greater power that led his best friend to the Kyuubi. Madara didn’t explain to him either because he didn’t want anyone to know he was a half-demon. Conflicts began to appear between the two who were once close to each other. The intense hostility eventually resulted in a great battle at the Valley of the End. (You might thought that I depicted Madara as too strong a character and therefore be skeptical that Shodai could rival both MS and Kyuubi’s power at the same time. Well you better not forget that Shodai had the ability to suppress Kyuubi’s chakra and his darkness jutsu and suiton might be very good counter-moves to Madara's Sharingan and katon respectively as well.)

Many years had come into past since Sojobo was sealed. The tengu’s blood in Uchiha clan was now no longer as pure as it once was. It was gradually being “diluted” by constant marriages with non-Uchihas over the generations. Now even the Normal Sharingan was possessed by only the elite few among Uchihas, let alone the Mangekyou Sharingan. But the dark history of the clan was anything but forgotten. A tengu shrine was built underneath the Nakano temple by some of the early Uchihas to keep all the secrets of the clan inside (including killing your loved one to gain MS which was discovered by some later Uchiha). Once an Uchiha member was thought to be reliable enough he would be informed about the secret meeting place and it would then become his life-long obligation to keep these secrets from outsiders. The Uchihas considered this dark history as a huge disgrace and swore to protect the glory and dignity of their clan with their lives no matter what happened.

20 years ago, a new member was born into an Uchiha family. He soon proved himself to be a very special one, even by the high standards of the Uchiha. He graduated at the top of his class at age 7, mastered the Sharingan at 8, became a Chunin at 10 and an ANBU squad leader at 13. His name was Uchiha Itachi. As Itachi was selected to become an ANBU his father Fugaku felt that it was the right time to tell him everything. Itachi learned about the Mangekyou Sharingan and the origin of his clan from his father. Deep inside his mind, something evil was taking shape…

One night, when all men of Uchiha were supposed to gather at the secret meeting place two of them were absent. Itachi lured his best friend Uchiha Shisui to the Nakano river and started his horrendous plan. He killed Shisui on that night and obtained the accursed eye powers—Mangekyou Sharingan. The next day when people found Uchiha Shisui’s body they also found a suicide note grabbed in his hand. But of course this note wasn’t really written by Shisui. Itachi forged his handwriting with the Sharingan to make it looked like a suicide. What was written on the note is important because it reflected Itachi's feeling at that time

Always living with fear—fear that people may find out the secrets of their clan, fear that people may know Uchihas are actually descendants of demon—they all swore to take the secrets with them to the graveyard. This was the miserable life of every Uchiha member. Itachi was tired of all these. He could see no future for his clan. He didn’t understand why his people felt ashamed of their own past. He didn’t understand why his people didn’t see their superiority to the normal human beings. He didn’t understand why his people decided to seal up such a great power and not to use it. Itachi had lost all his hope for the Uchiha clan because of the pathetic “path” they had chosen.

From the moment Itachi heard about the origin of his clan he felt a weird sense of pleasure and superiority. He felt he was somehow more special than the others. Then his sick and twisted mind had gone even further. He wanted to set the tengu free. He was willing to sacrifice his body in exchange for probably the strongest power the world had ever seen. He was ready to offer his body to the Tengu King.

Soon Itachi had put his thoughts into action. When he learned about the Akatsuki’s plan to capture the Bijuus he decided to join them. He needed their help to get the Kyuubi’s chakra. But that’s not all. Itachi still had to find another 2 MS users. After awhile, he came across a second MS user who agreed to help him carry out his plan. Now all he needed was the third and last MS user.

Itachi knew his clan members would never kill their loved ones to get MS. He despised them. They were a bunch of cowards, useless …oh wait, Itachi suddenly came up with an idea—he could still use them to achieve his purpose. He could use them to make his little brother the third MS user…

On a full-moon night, the ancient blood inside Itachi finally awakened and he had completely lost his mind. He killed his entire clan including his parents. Then he waited for his little brother Sasuke to come home. He wanted him to know he was the one who did it. He used Tsukiyomi on his brother to make sure such a traumatic picture would stay with him for the rest of his life. He wanted Sasuke to hate him. He wanted Sasuke to hate him enough to kill his own friend and activate the Mangekyou Sharingan. He told him about the secret meeting place so that he would find out everything. He wanted Sasuke to take the path he had paved for him—the path of an avenger...

So what do you think of this theory? Plausible? Give me your insight.


Spam / Naruto 345 (spoilers)
« on: March 08, 2007, 01:48:14 AM »

Look at the image above before reading the translated text.

五行バレ(簡易バレ ニューVER.)
Five Line Spoiler (Quick Spoiler)

*Orochimaru is cut up.  The battle is over pretty quickly.  Sasuke transforms back to his normal self but this was all a part of Orochimaru’s trap.  Sasuke’s body goes numb and unable to move because of Orochimaru’s now likely vaporized and airborne fluids. Sasuke gets sucked up into Orochimaru’s mental world.

Orochimaru begins the ritual for the body transfer technique in the mental world.  Orochimaru has a flashback of his days with Akatsuki where he uses the same technique on Itachi but his abilities are disabled and he is held down by Itachi’s powerful eye techniques.  In the mental world Sasuke is being held down while trying to resist Orochimaru.

The scene changes to where Kabuto rushes over to see what’s going on.  As Sasuke passes by him Kabuto asks, “Just which one are you?”

Picture translation:

Kabuto: "Just are you?"

Sidetext: Sasuke and Orochimaru--one is gone and one remains.  But the one in that body is...!?

Bugreports / Bug in the Battle Arena
« on: March 01, 2007, 10:44:00 PM »
I died in the battle arena again but I noticed Neji it only happened when I had 1 hp left, I lost 10 points then I came to a screen where I didn't have a choice.
Clicked continue, since I thought I was gonna get healed but I didn't.
My talisman activated though...but it's strange that I died with only one hp.
Also their is no record of me dying to him in my bio.

Spam / Naruto Chapter 344 (Spoiler Warning)
« on: February 28, 2007, 05:53:02 AM »
I came across this and I have to say...WOW.
Read the script before clicking the image.

Sasuke pushes the chakra blade further in.
the sword goes through his arms and smashes into the wall
サスケ「大蛇丸 アンタはオレより弱い」
Sasuke (take note Sasuke fans-BL) Orochimaru, you are wekaer than me.
Sasuke: It's pointless for me to give you my body now.

Orochimaru: big talk, little uchiha runt.

Sasuke: If I weren't a runt you wouldn't have come near me, right?
We see the two from above, Oro is thinking
Sasuke: Itachi was too much for you, so you chose a runt, right?
   「そうだろ? ”三忍”と謳われた天才さんよ」
SAsuke: I'm right, aren't I? oh great sannin, Mr. genius!
Sasuke: but in truth you were just *called* a genius

Sasuke:You'll never reach the heights of the uchiha clan

Sasuke: Any genius appears average before an uchiha.

Sasuke: for someone with my name, your actions, anointing your body with medicine and waiting until the day you can change bodies and gain the power of the uchiha's, are laughably obscene.

  Sasuke: I also not fond of your way of doing things. What the hell is your goal anyway?

「この世の道理を解き明かすだの何だのと 下らない利己的な理由で他人を
Sasuke: continuing to sacrifice people for the sake of your pathetic egotistical logic,a logic of understanding everything.

Sasuke flashback//itachi: to measure my own ability. that's is crucial.

Sasuke: You make me sick.

Sasuke advances on Oro. something comes shooting out of oro's mouth. That thing flies past sasuke. Sasuke turns and checks it out.

Sasuke: A white scaled snake...Who'd have thought that was your true form!

from behind sasuke a scaled small snake appears. .That is orochimaru!

from the picture
Sasuke: To move from one body to continued your experiments
Sasuke: and ended up in that state!

Oro: Now then...Sasuke-kun, your body../
   「私 に ち ょ う だ ぁぁ イ!!!」
Oro: Give it to meeeeeeee!!!

Oro goes after sasuke. Sasuke dodges. He stops small snakes from attacking with his sword.
Sasuke stands by the wall. He holds off oro with 1 arm. He starts to go CS stage 2.

サスケ「地を這いずる蛇が空を飛びたいと夢見たところで しょせん無理な話・・」
Sasuke: little snake squirming on the ground dreaming about flying up into the sky. An impossible dream for you.

Orochimaru's small snakes wrap around sasuke [slither slither slither]

SAsuke: regardless of that, you went after the runt of the litter, but now you find yourself as the prey.

大蛇丸「!」 蛇たちが爆発する
Orochimaru: ! his snakes explode

サスケ「これから空高く飛び立つ ・・鷹の目にな」
Sasuke: I'm going to soar into the the eye of a falcon*
Sasuke goes stage 2 and his wings stretch out.

大蛇丸「・・」(かなり焦っている)「サ ス ケ ェェェ !!」(飛びかかる)
Orochimaru: ... (impatient) SAAASSUUUKKKKKEEE!!!! (flies toward him)

Scene changes, standing before a grave.
The grave is oro's parents. A young or and a young 3rd

大蛇丸「! 何だろコレ?」
Oro: What on earth is this?
三代目「おおそれは白蛇の脱皮した皮だ よく見つけたな」
3rd: Ohhhh that's the skin of a white snake! You found something nice there!
3rd: You rarely get to see a unusual thing like that!
Oro: Why is it white?
3rd: I'm not really sure why. no one can really stop it.
3rd: But, from olden ties a white snake is a sign of good luck and rebirth.
Oro: good luck and rebirth
3rd: ...
三代目「この墓で見つけたのも何かの因縁 お前の両親もどこかで生まれ  
3rd: There must be a reason you found it on this grave. Maybe your parents were reborn somewhere
3rd: When you get older, maybe you can meet them again someday
Oro: When...when do you think that will be?
3rd: Hmmm, That, I don't know.
Orochimaru looks at the the snake skin with a strange smile

Spam / Zune or Apple's ipod?
« on: January 26, 2007, 10:52:00 PM »
I made this to find out other people's opinions, besides my own on these amazing devices mankind created. >>
I personally like the ipod for it's storage.

Spam / Happy Birthday to me. >>;
« on: January 08, 2007, 08:25:46 AM »
The topic says it all.
I had a pretty good b-day.
Got a new t-shirt,finally got my Wii on the internet.
I'm getting something Friday, I don't know what it is though. >>;

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