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Messages - Reimu Hakurei

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Village Square / Re: Village Barriers
« on: January 08, 2013, 10:21:22 AM »
I would have to agree.

If the village is full of normally active nin, like Konoha, then reducing the barrier won't mean too much. But there are villages that do not have a sheer abundance of nin available 24/7... in a few causes, 1/7 a day. I mean - Iwagakure was destroyed, Zenaku wants to take a momentary break, Raijin is busy with who knows what, I haven't really paid attention to Otogakure. Rakudo and Yumei are the only true active kages on hand at the presentary moment.

Small villages like that... Or villages will present-issues around that, should be allowed to use the barriers they believe, and the other kages accept, for their village as they see fit. Especially when we have point-and-destroy moves like Peine's Super Push Of Doom, or the Tailed Beast Ball.

Village Square / Re: Village Barriers
« on: January 07, 2013, 06:40:39 PM »
It is not in my place to enforce a rule, but I do have rights to request it. Please stay on topic.

Discussions / Re: Who trained you in SL? [If you had anyone]
« on: December 30, 2012, 01:31:48 PM »
Gyururu, Varu and... I want to say Ace.

Three people long-since gone.

Village Square / Re: Challenging for canon items
« on: December 29, 2012, 03:20:34 PM »
I'm surprised no one has acted like a troll and mentioned the sheer ambiguity of what a canon item is.

Seiya, I challenge you for your forehead protector. If you deny me, I shall take your protector, wait until you get another, and challenge again! All for the wicked plan of creating the Village Hidden In The Forehead Protectors!

Or potentially more chaotic, challenging for Chakra Disruption Blades. They -are- canon items. Just because it's not legendary and unique doesn't mean the items aren't canon and unaffected by the ruling.

Just saying; surprised no one's trolled like that yet.

Naruto / Re: Naruto 615
« on: December 29, 2012, 10:34:35 AM »
No Edo Tensei, Rinnegan or Juubi can counter or withstand the might of the Lovesengan.

Village Square / Re: Challenging for canon items
« on: December 28, 2012, 09:45:04 PM »
Nathan told me to post the Edo Tensei forum post in Kumogakure, if that is what you are referring to. 

But seeing as you enjoy to 'pick fights' as it were when I'm trying to simply talk to Raifudo, very well. I'll be a good girl and keep quiet.

Village Square / Re: Challenging for canon items
« on: December 28, 2012, 09:40:18 PM »
I'm talking to Raifudo at the moment Bocchiere, if you don't mind.

Village Square / Re: Challenging for canon items
« on: December 28, 2012, 09:33:00 PM »
If you want to go through that case Raifudo, you'd have to acknowledge that the rules in general restrict freedom, thus adding more continues to break what freedom we have.

Nay, I'm not after items. I never said I was and never will desire them, nor do I want a bijuu, eyes and so forth. Not everyone who roleplays that wants canon items are 'the kings of creativity'. There -are- people, who are simple shinobi/kunoichi and have a canon item. Kayenta, for the most of her characters, are normal kunoichi, save for her demon children that spawned from one of her husbands in the past. To which, you don't see said character holding a canon item, hm?

My milkshake is a milkshake but your milkshake is also a milkshake. I want two milkshakes so give me your milkshake. Refusal will be war.

Village Square / Re: Challenging for canon items
« on: December 28, 2012, 07:07:40 PM »
The reason she won't RP with Bocchiere is the same reason as Suna and Konoha have made votes regarding voiding Bocchiere entirely. Though I won't get into that; sticky business and the sort.

As principle yes; the improving of one's self is a basic thing in roleplay. If a character exists a character must grow. If a character grows then the character becomes stronger. To become stronger takes form in a multitude of manners, from Uetto's training sessions, to Eric sparring with Alucard, to Bocchiere's hunting and gathering of rare and powerful artifacts and weaponry. That in itself has nothing wrong with it. If X is defeated and X had said weapon or item on his person, it is free pickings and spoils for the winner.

It's the very same concept we use when it comes to the eyes we pluck out of people's head, yet at this point one has to question how many times someone has to pluck an eye out of someone before it's actually gone - I've seen regenerating eyes.

I do understand what you're saying Raifudo, and my disputes against them are not in spite or just being a jerk. It's more of... adding the unneccesary.

Canon items did not need a ruleset in my view, simply guidelines - whoops, I said that word. If someone has a canon item, they -should- have it involved sometimes at least. They should use it in battle, why wouldn't they? If you have a strong weapon why would you not use it? Kisame would use Samehada, even against someone that turned Samehada against him simply for the fact he had better chakra than Kisame.

The issue becomes 'gorging', as I call it. To become strong you learn jutsus, you sign a contract, you do X and Y and Z. But there becomes an issue of limitation.

A shinobi cannot gain past three natural elements without Rinnegan eyes. They can pretend to have it by copying techniques they otherwise can't use by sharingan, but ultimately you can, as a normal shinobi, only learn three of the five.

One does not expect someone to enfuse themselves with two bijuu either. They would simply explode, as it were. The body cannot take two tailed demons at once.

But there is no such kind of limitation when it comes to 'gorging'. When someone recklessly rushes people, issues a challenge, if they win takes their item(s), and goes on immediately to the next one. Bocchiere, Kage, Seiya and such could gain every single canon item in Naruto if they never lost. And with each of these weapons they always have something for a battle, in a sense.

This ruling consists to keep the inactive from hoarding weapons, such as Mioku with the whatever sword he has. If he's inactive then give the person who has the -real- calling, the Mizukage, to strip that weapon off of him and give it to the next Mist kunoichi or shinobi qualified to be a Seven Swordsman member.

But, I'm not going to go into that. That's also sticky business I'd rather not be in.

It's stupid when you say it outloud. If you have a canon item, you are under the influence of these rules. This means you do not have the freedom to own canon items unless you abide these rules that Game Masters did not create. Game Masters, who are the head of roleplay, as it were. Going to democratic talk, it's these people that have the final decision on things like this. Zenaku, Tracey, Enishi and Kayenta. I can understand suggesting things but it should be them talking it out.

At least, if you're talking about server power that's how it should be.

Like you, I stopped roleplaying Raifudo. Namely, I quit because I cannot willingly accept this many rules. I could understand the bijuu ruling because that is basically how it goes. People are power hungry and they hunt the jinchuuriki for their bijuu. The Akatsuki did this very thing.

Suigetsu hunts the Seven Swordsman swords himself, and the Seven Swordsman made their own website and rulings regarding that. That's what they, as Kirigakure, have the right to do. And if the kages - and more importantly Game Masters see this as just then there it is.

But the canon items ruling already clashes with -their- ruling. You took away their freedom through this, if this goes through.

Yes, the imagination works in mysterious ways. Just because Person A wants a canon item doesn't mean Person B wants it, Person B can make their own item if they truly wish. But what of those that claimed canon items already? Do they now have no choice but to either get rid of their item, or accept a rule that came up that they either didn't abide, or didn't know about?

Or what about those people that just don't want to -deal- with some people. Kayenta for example, doesn't like Bocchiere. But at least one of her characters has a canon item. If Bocchiere challenges for the item, Kayenta has to roleplay with him. Something she doesn't want to do. This, breaks a -server- rule. When you harm someone's freedom, that's breaking a rule that Neji himself made. The entire SL Roleplay rule system breaks the rules of the game itself, in fact.

Or to cookie cutter what I just said.

Someone can challenge for the items all they want, as many items as they want, and no one can say no because they had canon items thus they have no freedom on their own to decide if they want to defend their item or not, only the freedom of giving up their weapon to avoid fighting that person. Someone who doesn't roleplay with someone else for personal reasons can't avoid them because they have X item.

You have a milkshake but I say if you have milkshake you must defend your milkshake or give it up because I want a milkshake too.

Village Square / Re: Challenging for canon items
« on: December 28, 2012, 04:22:45 PM »
I suppose I could ask something now that bothers me, after reading Kayenta's post.

We are free to roleplay as we wish; we do not have to obey your rules, as you say Raifudo. However you also say if we claim a canon item, then we have no choice but to obey your rules. If I'm wrong, feel free to correct me.

But the way I see that, it tells me 'You are free to roleplay as I wish'.

Village Square / Re: Challenging for canon items
« on: December 28, 2012, 09:04:56 AM »
But Raifudo rules some how create anarchy! D: Though it kinda does defeat the point of the rules if people who don't want to follow them can choose not to. Very few people are gonna want to field challenges for their items so it kinda makes it pointless. People will just continue to hoard their stuff.

I'm still on these forums, Bocchiere. Please don't say things that mock me for what I said before, or use said things to ridicule others that agreed with me. We had a deal.

Village Square / Re: Solider Pills
« on: December 24, 2012, 11:06:26 AM »
Don't quote me on this, but I believe Kiba had only three on hand during the chuunin exams.

Mainly, three is a safety number for most things.

Three Sannin.

Three genin per Jounin.

Three Colored Pills.

Village Square / Re: Solider Pills
« on: December 22, 2012, 08:10:44 PM »
One would question if the body can grow tolerant to the pills and thereby, avoid the side effects and backlashes - if they exist, of taking too many or taking them in general.

Well, then the question becomes the point of the pills in the first place; a healthy number of people roleplaying on SL, though not all, already consider themselves so much superior to those in the manga. What purpose would the measly soldier pills have on SL, besides benefitting those that aren't on that level, such as Genin-Chuunin, and some Jounin.

Like I said; three on one person at a time. Potential backlashes coming from soreness, to exhaustion, to sluggish movements based on how many are taken and time coming after taking said pills.

Village Square / Re: Solider Pills
« on: December 22, 2012, 06:59:58 PM »
Kiba's puppy Akamaru ate Soldier Pills/Chakra Pills all the time when it was just a puppy.

Don't think these pills are as big of a deal as you're making them out to be. If they were.

Pretty sure Naruto or B, or the Kages would be packing these in oh.

A giant war against Edo Tensei Madara, Obito, and the freakin' Juubi.

Naruto / Re: Naruto 614
« on: December 22, 2012, 02:31:47 PM »
The next one ti die will be Madara Uchiha.

Oh wait.

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