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Messages - Hitler-Chan

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I don't know about you, but I'm not throwing rules away just for them to be replaced with ones just as bad if not worse, I'm done with rules -_-' like I legit don't don't give a flying frack anymore, I'm so done with people trying to feed me completely illogical BS about what I'm allowed to do and what not that I could throw up. I'm going to keep doing what I have so far, and if judging from lack of basically anything but positive comments outside of eric and the debacle with athos I won't go into, I've been doing a pretty goddamn banging job at it too.

-Hears the distinct tune of blowing one's own horn-

But you chose to accept the bijuu, nobody forced it into you like a cookie at grandma's house. And with that came a set of rules and obligations that simply because they are tying you down, aren't applicable anymore?

I do agree with what Athos says here, and it basically summed up my post, "What pisses me off is people take a Bijuu, knowing full well that someone is going to want to fight them for it, at least ONE person and then they go out their way to try not to defend it. One of the WHOLE points to having a Bijuu is defending it. It literally comes in the job description."

Or keep em, do away with the rules, and go back to our lives with one less headache to deal with.

This is actually a thing people want to do? So that every current host can give everyone else the middle finger, and throw them deuces? Wut.

Yeah, I was thinking the exact same thing. Either get rid of the bijuus or follow the rules. There's no in-betweens. >.>

I'd say get rid of them. Blam! One less headache and pain in the ass we don't have to deal with. All this bickering about it is mainly pointless.

Mainly pointless to those who do not care about the bijuu, and the fun they bring to RP when you aren't dealing with the bitching.

Quite so. Its been amply proven the rules basically don't exist anymore, never really did, outside of a select few who keep trying to use them to force things to go their way to the point some people get physically sick over the level of harassing they have to deal with.

There's effectively zero real merit to keeping them anymore.

So then all matches would have to be IC, which means hosts will hide in their villages, never to be fought for or changed hands, and if anyone, and I mean anyone brings up the fact, that you can go attack a village, I BEG of you to go and attack Kiri. Please tell me how that works for ya. ;P

Unless we go back to the old ways, Bijuu challenges. All challenges must be accepted, regardless, fought on 'equal' grounds with an agreed upon judge.

Or keep em, do away with the rules, and go back to our lives with one less headache to deal with.

This is actually a thing people want to do? So that every current host can give everyone else the middle finger, and throw them deuces? Wut.

We could just give them all to Yujo.

I'd actually want them on my Rusaku account.


Village Square / Re: Strongest Shield?!
« on: September 03, 2015, 02:42:20 AM »
-Licks the carpet Keito was dragged out on-

Tastes like fame. Keito being an Uzumaki, so it'd have to be a red carpet.

Doesn't care.

If you haven't got anything nice to say, or that will contribute to the topic, shush up.

Honestly. With people already abusing and bending the rules to their liking, I've said a million times in the past few months, that major changes and amendments to the rules must be made to not only protect the hosts, but the challengers rights.

Village Square / Re: Strongest Shield?!
« on: September 02, 2015, 11:05:16 PM »
of course it is OOC. It's just the test lab. I will stand as medic for revival and all that. I can do wonders with a tonic like you'd never believe!

please...i wanna see this in action!

I was unaware that some tonic can reassemble scattered molecules. Can I has some plz? xD

Village Square / Re: Strongest Shield?!
« on: September 02, 2015, 10:54:02 PM »
Maybe if everyone were to take some time to get buff and improve themselves, we wouldn't have this issue.

Like, pick up some weights and get huge or something. I literally do this with some of my characters.

Lee and Gai are probably the most hard-working characters in the game. Training almost non-stop and yet THEY did not get all big and buff to the point of Strongest Shield.

And what's surprising is that the 3rd Raikage is still fairly fast without his Lighting Chakra Mode (at that's what I heard in the anime, not sure about manga). >.>

Walk me through this shrugging off the enveloped in fire thing...

While at the same time not claiming invulnerability...

and using the...super duper trained up thick hide alone without raiton a manner that is not OP?

How about we stage a small rp called "best the Strongest shield", and we each take turns one shotting it to demonstrate for me...the painfully slow one it works?

not being a jerk, and am serious.

Yeah, walk us through that again. o.o
You didn't mention what kind of damage you'll take. Any burns? If so, what degree? o.o

I kinda like the idea of playing target practice with Athos as the target! xD I also vote for this solution. I wanna see what he does with some Sage enhanced Dust release.

Oh, wow. I didn't even think about Dust Release! Yeah, Athos do you think you can tank a REGULAR Dust Release jutsu? >.>

He'd turn into really well trained dust xD

Village Square / Re: Strongest Shield?!
« on: September 02, 2015, 10:48:55 PM »
Walk me through this shrugging off the enveloped in fire thing...

While at the same time not claiming invulnerability...

and using the...super duper trained up thick hide alone without raiton a manner that is not OP?

How about we stage a small rp called "best the Strongest shield", and we each take turns one shotting it to demonstrate for me...the painfully slow one it works?

not being a jerk, and am serious.

I kinda like the idea of playing target practice with Athos as the target! xD I also vote for this solution. I wanna see what he does with some Sage enhanced Dust release.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Jinchuuriki, Their Beast, and Their Villages
« on: September 02, 2015, 10:41:01 PM »
@Athos I don't know when your grace period ends or if it's ended but i challenge you to your beast whenever i can.... Just I don't even want to tell you why but i want to fight you for it..

He gon' make you hunt him. Keep the pureness in your heart, and don't involve yourself with the bijuu affairs.

Village Square / Re: Strongest Shield?!
« on: September 02, 2015, 10:34:09 PM »
Little off actually. While the stab in edo tensei form was indeed the hell stab or whatsit called, if memory serves the scar on his chest was from just a minor layer of raiton around his hand (not hell stab levels) and he fell over on top of it.

No, it was the one-finger hell stab.

I'm sorry, but the line, "With that one-finger thrust of his." is killing me xD I know it's childish to laugh at things as phallic as this, but come on.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Jinchuuriki, Their Beast, and Their Villages
« on: September 02, 2015, 10:26:29 PM »
I actually don't want to talk about this too much. After all, it's eating my playing time. x.x
But I want to put a correction that people were killed by 8 tails too. It's safe to say that all bijuu killed at least one person, directly or indirectly (because you have to remember that jink die after bijuu extraction). >.>

Actually what I find interesting is that I don't think any Jink mention what kind of seal was used in the sealing process or is that automatically written into the rules? Too lazy to check now. x.x

I think that it depends on the Bijuu's personality. Like the volatile ones: Kyuubi, Hachibi, Yonbi would be hard to keep down like a load of...Bull...Crap. But there are the docile ones, and I will use the example of the Sanbi since it will make people snicker that, Yujo, talks about the sanbi xD They will hardly fight you for dominance, and stay secluded like a warren in the desert.

Village Square / Re: Strongest Shield?!
« on: September 02, 2015, 10:07:37 PM »
Yeah I don't get the 'false statement' part either. As for using, you don't really, you supposedly just have that durable skin/muscles naturally, or in SL's case I guess by that beyond questionable 'training'.

And I know its a gross dub, but around 0:45 to 1:50, big gaping gashes all over the body.

As for manga page, Mei posted it earlier already but here.

The training is as unbelievable as learning from talking toads how to gather the natural energy of the land around you O.o Or, to me, at least.

And thanks for that! I mean, the anime shows him just getting hit back by the attack with no damage.

But the Manga(which I stick to using) shows him getting cut. And it was by Temari and several others using a combo, no? o.o Even if not, on his wikia with the Physical Prowess, it says that he can take MOST Wind Jutsu. Not all. So, this proof just supports that;
A. It's not all that broken like people think.
B. Well, we can be injured. By wind. Which has the most cutting power, as far as elements go.

I'll be the devils advocate here and ask, what would you do if you were hit with a B-S rank Fire technique. For example lets use, Gōka Mekkyaku as the example, a B rank tech. If the flames washed over anyone really, they'd be incinerated, but because of the strongest shield, would you claim to be any different?

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