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Messages - Hitler-Chan

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Hunter's Guild / Re: Hunters Guild: War in a Snowstorm
« on: August 16, 2015, 09:28:29 PM »
As if within his subconscious, Yujo stood completely still, and gathered his chakra, his eyes being blinded momentarily did not hinder him in the slightest as it was his ears that were the most keen of his senses. As the beast came forward, the snow around them being used as catalysts as two bijuu sizes hands came forth to make an attempt to grab the beast, on by it's abdomen and the other where ever he could have latched on, and hold it's position. This was done to accomplish two things, the first, was to hopefully protect his fellow hunters from the impending attack, and the second, if he was successful in capturing it, if only momentarily, giving his comrades an opening to attack.

As he strained to gather the amount of snow and ice necessary to hold a beast of this size, he called out behind him as if he was squeezing from his lower abdomen,

"While I'm YOUNG!!"

If he wasn't successful and he understated the power of this beast, he would form a mirror of ice beneath himself, and possibly Murci if he allowed it, so that if the moment came to pass and neither of them could get out of the way in time, he would allow them both to sink into the ice and port out to the ice door he had created much earlier in the day. Although this would put himself and Murci out of the fight, it was well away from the fight, it was better than the alternative.

Village Square / Re: Three-Tailed Trials
« on: August 15, 2015, 06:29:18 PM »
The proof is in the pudding. Not a definite challenge, so can we drop this?

2015-07-28 21:51:47
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I really hate to do this to ya, honestly, but we all knew this would happen.

While you don't have to accept any challenges from me till the grace period is over, I would like to know your preferences for a fight, considering I will be sending a challenge as soon as the grace period is over.

Would you like me to have to hunt you down IC, or are you simply going to accept a formal Bijuu challenge OOC; Things like that really, any further information would be very much appreciated.

Thank you.
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Actually this is what I sent:

"I really hate to do this to ya, honestly, but we all knew this would happen.

While you don't have to accept any challenges from me till the grace period is over, I would like to know your preferences for a fight, considering I will be sending a challenge as soon as the grace period is over.

Would you like me to have to hunt you down IC, or are you simply going to accept a formal Bijuu challenge OOC; Things like that really, any further information would be very much appreciated.

If you wish to, think of this as a staggered challenge, my last message as well."

Also, here are the Timestamps: Sent: 2015-08-04 14:44:03

Hunter's Guild / Re: Hunters Guild: War in a Snowstorm
« on: August 14, 2015, 05:05:13 PM »
As the beast jumped from it's cave, Yujo's ice box (it's where his heart used to be) melted into an amalgam of sweet love juices and well, water. His eyes sparkling in delight at the beast, it's icy mane re-freezing his heart, and at that moment, Yujo fell in love.

As the ice shards came forth, Yujo sighed as the decision came to his mind, this glorious beast, the last of his kind, or the fellow hunters, a dead guy, his summoner, and another random guy. At this point Yujo turned on a heel and flared his chakra,

"Alright, new plan, whoever hits his beau---"

At the middle of his double-crossing he was struck in the back by a giant Spike of Ice, which would turn the rest of his "save the animals" speech into something that sounded like gargling. It would send him flying back towards Murci, the Ice spike nearly wide enough to fill a cavity from the base of his pelvis to nearly his neck. He began skidding along the ground, soon to crash into a stop. He would melt the ice with a bit of Katon infused chakra and soon stood to his feet, shaking the snow from him. At which point the hole in his chest began sewing itself shut with the threads that made up his body, soon to find that two of the five hearts in his chest were destroyed.

He turned around back to face the monster and yelled out, "It's fugging pelt is MINE!"

Hunter's Guild / Re: Hunters Guild: War in a Snowstorm
« on: August 14, 2015, 04:28:15 AM »
Skipped along, happily like the little snowman guy from Frozen, basking and bathing in the glow of this wasteland.

"Oh how I love the snow~!"

Once the roar came forth, a grand smile grew to bloom on Yujo's face, and immediately he gave zero fuggs and ran head first towards the sound. As the spikes came forth and Ichi flew above and left the team he figured his trend was right as rain; So he would simply phase through the giant Spikes and continue in stride.

"Daddy's coming! No need to be scared!"

Hunter's Guild / Re: Hunters Guild: War in a Snowstorm
« on: August 14, 2015, 02:43:29 AM »
As Ichirou made an attempt to kick his throne, Yujo's hand would extend outwards to catch his foot, and immediately pull him into the chair, traveling back to the door he had created outside. Once he kicked Ichirou through the door up above, he would peek through the ice chair in the case that anyone didn't care to make the walk back through the underground base. If not, then he would stand with Ichirou on the icy tundra, not at all phased by the storm, in all honesty he actually loved this type of weather, and started to become jaded by his love for snow.

Hunter's Guild / Re: Hunters Guild: War in a Snowstorm
« on: August 14, 2015, 01:51:40 AM »
With another groan the Uzumaki took a seat in a manifested throne of Ice, crossed one leg over the other and waited. Within his mind he chuckled at the misinterpretation of his words, likely due to his lacking social skills. Though was he the type of ninja to leave out a rather important detail from his fellow comrades? Of course he was! The hilarity that would ensue could finally break through the boring life of a ninja in a world at peace.

"I am ready whenever you all are, just make sure not to overexert yourselves, sweating out here could mean death."

He said with a solemnity of his voice, that was made to mask the fact that he wished so desperately to fall into a fit of laughter over the ensuing fun. He began scoping out the world above their feet in hopes of finding a proper opening for him to escape this confinement and back out into the freezing temperatures that he loved. Soon finding it, he would materialize another Ice structure above, this one quite literally being a door, and soon after it was made, he would sink into the ice that made up his chair, popping out onto the tundra above, at the door he had manifested.

"Just jump into the Ice chair, I assure you, you will totally phase through just as I did."

This time he could barely hold back his laughter at this rouse.

Kay so the link apparently doesn't work, but I played through FFXII and the hunt system there was really great.

You start small, taking on small creatures that are terrorizing little villages, then you move up to larger beasts, until eventually you take on the fabled beasts of old, the beasts that are so crazy powerful it would take maybe an entire alliance of hunters...I dunno where we'd find one of them though.

Hunter's Guild / Re: Hunters Guild: War in a Snowstorm
« on: August 14, 2015, 12:59:44 AM »
Upon hearing the goal of the group, the Uzumaki let loose a long winded groan, "I doubt any of you are as accustomed to the temperature as me, but I will say, I can sense this damn thing, and something tells me his lair is gonna be cold enough to pop your little toes right off. So before we start talking about how we are going to combat this beast, we should begin with how you are all going to deal with the temperature."

The Uzumaki began pacing around the room, his mind racing through ideas, to no avail. Soon after he would sort of shrug, figuring someone more resourceful would step up and offer something.

Village Square / Re: Trek to the East [Setup]
« on: August 14, 2015, 12:08:30 AM »
Obviously I will be attending. I'd like to be the first person to hold a map on SL xD

Hunter's Guild / Re: Hunters Guild: War in a Snowstorm
« on: August 13, 2015, 11:47:50 PM »
Phasing through the reinforced southern wall of the bases interior would the Uzumaki enter. His crimson eyes now gazing upon the Zombie that stood a few meters to the north of where Yujo now stood. It was quite obvious why he was brought here, though it was a mystery to him as to why the location of the beast wasn't sent to him so that he could deal with the issue himself.

"Well isn't this place quaint..."

He said sarcastically as he moved across the room to stand before Ichirou.

Village Square / Re: Three-Tailed Trials
« on: August 13, 2015, 04:57:33 PM »
ºGrace Periodº
After any challenge (& loss) from a challenger, a week must be given to the host before challenging them to a rematch (the one week grace period is in subject to a single challenger & as such does not signify a host can ignore challenges from all others during the time period). In cases such as obtaining a Biju for oneself, a 2-week grace period is granted In order to “commune” with one’s Biju. If a host shows inactivity for long periods of time (two weeks or more) without prior notice, you can report their missing & conference of a suitable host will take place when possible.

Where are people reading that the host does not have to accept challenges (in general) during the grace period? I am reading that you don't have to fight during the grace period if anything else.

Challenge lists were at one time inherited, but it was never made an explicit rule, which caused it to fall out of practice with some. Traditionally the list would be inherited for fairness' sake, but again, the rules did not have it written in since things like tradition have been felt in the past not something that needed to be written down.

But yeah, that's why there is confusion going on there.

I wrote that rule to say that hosts cannot ignore challenges during the one week break they get after a challenge is concluded by another. That's the only limitation there was. As far as the two week period, you had rights to say no to people during then since you're (IC) busy adjusting to your new life and power. For a long while did we do it like this. That is what we did traditionally, not inherit a list of challengers. I remember the talk of list inheritance and I remember we never set it in stone because it was much too controversial to implement.

Honestly, the whole list inheritance is a bit much to try and make people participate in. People are forgetting that bijuu fight challenges are simply chances to get the bijuu, that's it. If someone else gets it, there goes your chance. You now have to challenge the new person for that chance.

It's like buying a house. Just because you submit an application and someone else's application gets approved first and they get the house, doesn't mean you're next in line for other houses offered around the area (or even that same house). Gotta reapply to each.

What is the point of these rules written down here if every single rule has some implied meaning or power that is given, that only the people who played the game before bijuu were a thing remember >_>

The rules might as well go as followed:
Grace period: Sorta kinda like after 12 days you gotta maybe start fighting, unless..."

If the rules aren't going to be followed as they are, and every time there is an issue regarding them, someone from the past comes out of the woodwork and proclaims that 'These' are actually what the rules mean, why don't we get to work revising them?

Hunter's Guild / Re: The Monster Hunters!
« on: August 13, 2015, 04:04:45 PM »
I can smell the Shadow of Colossus sorrow. -Raises picket signs- Save the monsters! They are gods creation!

Spam / Re: Weirdest Dream
« on: August 13, 2015, 03:57:58 PM »
Definitely a god damned Nightmare.

Village Square / Re: So.
« on: August 13, 2015, 02:21:25 AM »
So can Kri defend their beast yet? The RP was done every which way just to appease them. At the end of the day if you want to have a beast, you need to defend it. It's part of the game.

Not saying i'm defending the beast. I'm saying that there was so many wrongs I saw in that RP. How can you even get Nibi chakra from the Senju Grand Tree anyway? I saw no mention of bijuu chakra in the wiki profile for it.

I want to know if they are going to defend that beast. We have done like 3 different rps. Is she gonna fight?

She will fight because rules are rules. Don't meta game or anything like that.... That is all i'm asking for.

-Slow Claps- Know what, even I can applaud a guy defending his villagers. You may dislike me, but kudos to you pal.

Village Square / Re: Three-Tailed Trials
« on: August 13, 2015, 02:18:24 AM »
I thought we decided that that new host had to take on the previous host challenge list?

It's why myself and the Kurama jinch are in discussion for a possible battle since I was on Camel's list.

So which is it? Is it more of an honor bound system? Like you don't have to, but can.

I was under the assumption that you sort of *had* to take on the list from the previous host and work your way until that previous list is done. Then after that you can start a new list or take a brief grace period (two weeks), before taking on another new list of challengers.

So I am just as confused as Trev is. What kind of system do we have here anyway?

When did you ever have to take the other challengers? O.o One of the biggest things people would fight for it getting first place on a New Jincks list when they just beat the old one.

If anything, it's more honor bound. There are no rules stating it and if there are, why? O.o Two different people, two different lists.

I didn't take Eric's challengers. All three of them had to re-challenge me and none of them did. So, what? If I was forced to take on his list, then I may be fighting people who aren't even interested in fighting me or the beast anymore? o.o

I dunno, I just didn't even know people took lists >> I heard about it but it just seemed off and silly. But what do I know?

Do you honestly think ANYTHING on these forums would be Honor bound?

"I didn't take Eric's challengers. All three of them had to re-challenge me and none of them did. So, what? If I was forced to take on his list, then I may be fighting people who aren't even interested in fighting me or the beast anymore? o.o"

And this...You didn't have to take on Eric's list, not because you were not supposed to, but because as you stated, none of them had any interest, they didn't care enough to go out and enforce this. I mean I am not sure what you were trying to convey with that, but that is all that there is to it.

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