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Messages - Hitler-Chan

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Bijuu Arena / Re: Updating the Rules or Updating the Fights
« on: August 12, 2015, 10:05:21 PM »
Maybe it is the power sets being used today that are the total joke?

If you chose not to play the Meta, that is your decision. In every competitive game, ever, the meta changes to suit more preferred strategies to ensure a better chance at victory. Those who choose not to follow the meta switch, always fall behind and complain that things are too 'Broken'.

Village Square / Re: Three-Tailed Trials
« on: August 12, 2015, 08:36:52 PM »
It was not even a matter of playing favorites. I don't even know the other guy. I'm only being fair in this regard, because it's a first come first serve AFTER the grace period. If you ask me during my peace and quiet then of course I'm not going to reply because, to me, it's not fair to accept a challenge beforehand when people are waiting till my grace period ends. I thought we resolved the issue but apparently not if you're posting this.

Thank you Athos, though, for seeing my point. I don't see the issue with this. This is fair.

The entirety of what you said has been contradicted with the Pm's I pasted above,
"---Original Message from Deathstroke(2015-08-12 01:46:13)---
Before she was viable to be challenged I know, she counted it anyway. I know you were not on as I always recognize your name on the list due to the similar color scheme. I asked her for no reason if she had any other challengers at the time and she said no. So I would assume it was before you leveled yours."

He challenged you before the grace period was up, and you accepted it, the Proof is in the pudding. If it was about fairness, and he actually waited till the grace period was over, and then sent you a challenge, that'd be cool but the fact of the matter is. I sent you a challenge before the grace period was over, you ignored it, he sent you one before the grace period was over, you accepted.

Village Square / Three-Tailed Trials
« on: August 12, 2015, 06:52:56 PM »
So, as you all know of my ambitions, to have a fair shot at the Sanbi, an endeavor I have taken on since I was stripped nearly a year and a half ago.

 When I returned from a short Hiatus, I challenged Isa under the pretenses described here:,8466.75.html
 (Between pages 5-6)

 Now, if you have taken the time to read through, you will know he declined for reasons that were later found to be false, validating my challenge.

 Shortly there-after I stripped him, the Sanbi went to Kiri, they sealed it, I waited the two weeks. Cool.
 So my question is to you all, being as my challenge didn’t just disappear after Isa just up and declined, it was still on the table, even after he was stripped; Would Eiko have to prioritize my challenge above her other challenger due to the reasons described above.

 TL;DR: Isa declined challenge, wrongfully. I stripped him. Should Eiko have to fight me before all others due to the above.

---Original Message from Kaguya Eiko(2015-08-12 03:26:42)---
You didn't ask me right after my grace period ended, he did. I don't see what's the issue right now with it. I'm pretty sure we don't accept challenges during one's grace period.

I have nothing against you at all, I think you're the one taking this personally.

---Original Message from 預言者, Uzumaki Yūjō(2015-08-12 03:14:26)---
No, technically I did, but you declined it, and then accepted his, even before your Grace period was up.”

So if that is the case, Go ahead and read what is next.

---Original Message from Deathstroke(2015-08-12 01:46:13)---
Before she was viable to be challenged I know, she counted it anyway. I know you were not on as I always recognize your name on the list due to the similar color scheme. I asked her for no reason if she had any other challengers at the time and she said no. So I would assume it was before you leveled yours.
---Original Message from 預言者, Uzumaki Yūjō(2015-08-12 01:43:58)---
I am trying to be as friendly as possible when I say this, cause I am a pit peeved at them xD When did you send that challenge? Do you remember the time?
---Original Message from Deathstroke(2015-08-12 01:43:12)---
Yes I did.
---Original Message from 預言者, Uzumaki Yūjō(2015-08-12 01:42:07)---
You challenged Eiko?”

If this isn’t obvious proof of prejudice in what challenges she accepted under her grace period, then I surely don’t know what to tell you. SO even if you don’t agree with the fact that she should have to take on my challenge to isa, then the proof is here of that she accepted his challenge before the grace period was over, but declined my own.

Village Square / Re: Time for a Revelotion
« on: August 12, 2015, 06:41:00 PM »
I mean, nobody gonna point out that he put, "Revelotion".

Well we could, but there'd be no point in it as we know what he means. Uetto himself says he's not great at English. Soooo, leave it be.

I can just as easily point out "why'd you put a comma after 'put'?"

Revelotion could mean something a bit different and more lewd. Come on, I wasn't tryna be a dick or nothing, just pointing out that revelotion could be misconstrued as a euphemism for masturbation. xD

Village Square / Re: Time for a Revelotion
« on: August 12, 2015, 06:00:15 PM »
I mean, nobody gonna point out that he put, "Revelotion".

Village Square / Re: So.
« on: August 12, 2015, 12:40:34 AM »
I wont be vulger and if they void this, ill sink kiri. There is no reason that this can be voided. Other than the fact that she knows she is gonna lose

How in the heck do I have more negative Karma than you!? >_> I swear it's the boobs or something.

Village Square / Re: So.
« on: August 12, 2015, 12:36:14 AM »
And xia, what other place in the world has chakra infused mist? Its obvious but whatever you kiri kids can keep crying, it  aint gonna save you

Yeah, somehow I bet two things are gonna happen.

The first being, your vulgarity is gonna/keep bite/biting you in the arse.

Second being that they are gonna void that too, since Isaribi did with my challenge right before he got stripped.

Village Square / Re: So.
« on: August 11, 2015, 06:09:20 AM »
Everyone is just throwing semantics at trev, and at this point instead of continuing this trend, how bout we solve the underlying issue and not allow jincks to hide forever and then bitch when someone finds em. Make it possible for the hunter to actually do just that.

Village Square / Re: So.
« on: August 11, 2015, 05:47:33 AM »
You are making the biju have less chakra, which makes it not as powerful, but it's too much to just insta find it.

Way I see it, IC hunts are suppose to be challenging.

Like it shouldn't be so easy that all you do is claim to have the biju's chakra and then use a technique to track it anywhere.

But it also shouldn't be the hunter having to go through hell and months of rp to find host, most of whom use various techniques and other things to stay mostly hidden.

Yeah all the new age jincks turtle behind their village with 12 different barriers and three different types of way to completely fuck you if you try and enter or find them, and then when you try something clever to find them, they immediately jump to the void wagon and give you the middle finger.

Spam / Re: Create a jutsu!
« on: August 06, 2015, 06:45:29 AM »
Impregnation Transmigration Very Dark Lightning Raifudo Sucker Fist no jutsu: Shoots a kicking stealthy gagging Mayfly Raifudo wannabee scimitar explosive diarrhea rasengan delivering insemination geyser squirting sage juices

Spam / Re: Create a jutsu!
« on: August 06, 2015, 06:19:55 AM »
Impregnation Transmigration Very Dark Lightning Raifudo Sucker Fist no jutsu: Shoots a kicking stealthy gagging Mayfly Raifudo wannabee scimitar explosive diarrhea rasengan delivering insemination geyser squirting

Village Square / Re: How Come?
« on: August 05, 2015, 11:44:47 PM »
I haven't used Quinzaki in years. I should take it out of the wood work.

Neala's armor is pretty weak compared to some of those items on the list. Annnd I'm pretty impressed that Kayenta formed an entire list of such.

Even though Riku and Rusaku disagree.

Not saying that it's Super mega strong. My argument from before was that she created an armor based off of Nara techs, not Eric Nara techs. Totally different ballpark. XD But I don't really care anymore, just happy they found resolution.

Spam / Re: Create a jutsu!
« on: August 05, 2015, 11:41:11 PM »
Transmigration Very Dark Lightning Raifudo no jutsu: Shoots a kicking stealthy gagging Mayfly Raifudo wannabee scimitar explosive diarrhea rasengan delivering insemination

Spam / Re: Werewolf-Mafia!
« on: August 05, 2015, 11:36:50 PM »
Him. Do as he says. ^

Village Square / Re: How Come?
« on: August 05, 2015, 10:29:21 PM »
Did you even read the techniques you posted? Like c'mon. I see Trench Knives on there, that is just plain funny cause that isn't even Custom. xDD

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