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Messages - Jestar

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Spam / Re: Funny Naruto memes
« on: June 09, 2017, 05:23:05 PM »

Game Related Discussions / Re: Longest time on escaping Oro Hideout!
« on: June 09, 2017, 04:57:44 PM »
There's 1 or 2 mazes where you can basically pass through a wall, only to have a dead-end behind you, thus endless circle if you aren't paying attention.

Nightmare fuel. How did you get out?

Bijuu Arena / Re: Athos vs Jestar, Tank vs Magician!
« on: June 01, 2017, 07:53:12 PM »
The most appropriate way is sometimes he simplest. Athos had decieved himself into thinking that he had won; that would only work in Jesyar's favor. Of course as he stated, with that spacetime barrier up, Jestar would not be appearing right next to him to talk about the fight, not that Athos was in the talking mood no doubt.

Recovery might be a stretch for Athos, but what about Jestar? He had been non-fatally cut in near half, keeping himself from bleeding out at once by retreating to the Nara pocket dimension. The fight would only end upon concession or upon death, and neither word player was interested in surrender! But one character was nearly immortal and the other not, the cards stacked since the very beginning considering the win conditions.

As Athos would likely find it hard to breath from blood filling various bits of his chest cavity and growing weaker by the moment, Jestar's plan had sort of worked. Sort of. But it had not been enough to seal the win, and Jestar had not previously considered fighting Athos straight up instead of using trickery. After all, after his display, could he trick him again?

Likely lulled into a sense of security, given his situation it would likely be a matter of time before he either lowered the barrier or sheathed the sword, at which point the Nara could strike again. Athos no longer cared about Jestar, probably even dismissed him as dead, there would be no reason for him to indefinitely keep his guard up.

But to the devil should Jestar be sitting idle till then; Jestar would have to decide the most effective means of permanently keeping himself from croaking that did not involve shadows. Why? Well obviously that Oken would probably be drawn the moment Jestar made his move again, so stitching himself with shadows alone would be begging for defeat. Using a mixture of Raiton and Katon, Jestar screamed through the abyss as he cauterized his wound with intense heat. The ANBU did it bits at a time, his pain tolerance high, but not wanting to push it and pass himself out. Instead of the pain, he thought hard on his next move and the materials needed, and on monitoring "the shadow" for when his next opening would be.

He had materials placed here in the Nara dimension that would be helpful, mostly basic ninja tools that prior to now would have served as mostly nuisances to the hard nut that was Athos. Busting it would have been better served with the hand gestures of dust release rather than that of the release gesture.

Instead of a foe, time had now become a friend, and surrender was not an option. This fight would not end until Jestar, or Athos, was finished in some manner or another. Despite their respective claims, the longer the fight went on in stalemate, the more likely it was one of them would mess up again. And as Athos' character no longer even cared about his opponent, it was more likely he would slip first.

Village Square / Re: Using juts without a heart
« on: June 01, 2017, 05:14:50 AM »
Okay, thanks allot guys, my question has been answered.

Village Square / Re: Using juts without a heart
« on: May 31, 2017, 03:50:36 PM »
My question is if jutsu can still be used and if he can heal. And having a pierced heart is way different than having it removed altogether. 9-tails not entirely mastered, of the seal breaks then he no longer has that to use, and if he doesn't surrender after all that, to be able to come back and in some form finish him off should not be the chore.

Village Square / Using juts without a heart
« on: May 30, 2017, 01:17:58 PM »
I will not pretend that this is not related to the bike battle for the 7 tails, because frankly it is. Can a ninja still use ordinary   techniques without a heart?

I ask because despite having no heart, Athos is claiming to be able to use a space-time barrier and claiming to be on the road to recovery, odd since even Kakuzu  was left quite vulnerable without any hearts.

Shinobis Chakra nature is tied to their heart as seen by the Earth grudge fear. Bijou cloak I see, but healing vital organs and regular jutsu?

Just for the record  my post was intended to be Jestar getting over the shock of his straits and begin working on a way to get back into the fight. But then I read over the post again  and since our judge hadn't gotten back to me on a different topic, no point asking just him this.

Village Square / Re: Alternate Energy Sources
« on: May 27, 2017, 01:47:12 AM »
Isn't all chakra demon chakra since chakra first came from a demon tree?

Bijuu Arena / Re: Athos vs Jestar, Tank vs Magician!
« on: May 17, 2017, 06:34:34 PM »
For the grand record, Athos reqiested the 1 week extension. 7 days started on the 15th and itll go till the 22nd.

Rules/Foundation / Re: Can the summons Biju rules be looked at?
« on: May 12, 2017, 03:23:18 AM »
If the biju summons are treated similar to Edo Tenseis, then I think we got a working plan on making them more viable. I mean, the tailed beasts dont just regenerate indefinitely and can be killed sure, but as far as power goes is it really more dangerous to fight a tailed beast than it is to fight an Edo?

Rules/Foundation / Re: Can the summons Biju rules be looked at?
« on: May 11, 2017, 06:43:47 PM »
That indeed might be a bit much. Perhaps the normal 3 actions for summoner & summon combined, check the previous discussion. Threads

I dont think the summon rules have been touched much since. Cant find much on their talk except for a few red letter stuff they couldnt agree on early on.

Rules/Foundation / Re: Can the summons Biju rules be looked at?
« on: May 11, 2017, 06:05:48 PM »
As much as Tomi is seal happy, to suppress an active tailed beast with the methods available to him still will drain a good portion of his chakra, due to the extensive amounts such techniques employ/a summoner isn't going to just let Tomi attempt his tailed beast suppression methods unmolested.

If Im reading the rules right, the summoner only has 1 action to use, to attack or defend. Multiple attacks are hard to deal with with only 1 action to counter with.

Rules/Foundation / Re: Can the summons Biju rules be looked at?
« on: May 11, 2017, 12:34:49 PM »
Concerning those who are into getting bijuu; most already have infinite chakra.

Infinite chakra minus 1/4 of a chakra tax is still infinite. >>

But if infinite is 100%, you use 20% off the bat, and then you have a 5% tax while using it, constantly. Yeah, that's 16 whole turns of having a tailed beast out, if you dont have to also use any other chakra intensive technique the entire fight or have not already done so, basically the beginning of the fight. Bear in mind most tailed beasts have little or no self-defense against fuinjutsu other than massive chakra to try to overwhelm the technique. Tomi is not revealing his real strat, because there is no way he would ineffeciently try to use susanoo to defeat a tailed beast when he would use a barrage of fuinjutsu instead, especially since chakra transfer between summoner and beast is forbidden, but not beast and attacker. You throw in a powerful 20% genjutsu for non-chakra rod control of a beast for your opponent, who has unlimited chakra as Shadow puts it, and you lose control of your beast within 3 turns max. Since it will want to kill you immediately above all else, then you gotta fight the beast and your opponent who are now practically on the same side. If this was a non-issue then I am sure someone like Athos would use summon beasts more often than he does in OOC fights.

Rules/Foundation / Can the summons Biju rules be looked at?
« on: May 11, 2017, 02:49:38 AM »
I mean, most people become jinchurikii, and I wondered why, then I really read over and digested the summoning rules. I mean, they are so restrictive that there is hardly any advantage to summoning a biju over just using an ordinary summon with the same destructive power. Not to mention how relatively easy it is to dispel the jutsu. I say something be done to make summoning biju a little less troublesome by easing off the restrictions, like the one action per post while the biju is summoned and the chakra taxing and the chakra cost to summon.

The biju are powerful, but really, it is more efficient to just use a custom summon with similar abilities at this point, or just be a jinchurikii if you want to make any use of the beast power. Whats the point in even having that as an option but a way to have extra tailed beast slots with these rules?

Bijuu Arena / Re: Athos vs Jestar, Tank vs Magician!
« on: May 08, 2017, 10:12:15 PM »
It, worked? Jestar had been banking on this working or else, and as he went through the steps he found himself almost happy. Then, unwittingly, he had executed both a great play and a great mistake at the same time. He took his heart away, causing him great pain and releasing him from the genjutsu.


Jestar would have no time to articulate such a thing, however, because in the follow-up as Jestar returned to his own form was a light so blinding and so great that one would think that they had stared into the rays of the sun for several minutes. Forced to his senses and the realization that his plan had been flawed, Jestar's only chance at this point was to attempt to flee to the shadow dimension.

But, how would this attempt play out? After all, Athos' sword of revealing light clearly removed the shadows from the surroundings, he could not just merge into them. Not that merging into them would be optimal, but still. Well, as Athos had correctly guessed in assuming that the light alone would not prevent him from escaping to the shadow dimension, the man had likely not assumed why, the reason being the very same one that took his heart away. The presence of shadows inside of the body.

What, you say? How can there be shadows inside of the body? Well, if you have ever looked into a dog's mouth, or your own mouth for that matter, you will notice that the light extends only to a certain point, before anything further than a certain point is shrouded in shade. This shade, this shadow, is what makes Pop's shadow imitation curse so difficult to break (unless upon someone trying to use that you literally disconnected their mind and body via the shadow connection, but so much for that surprise now) as truly eliminating all shadow in the body was impossible using conventional methods, and still difficult using the supernatural ones that ninja were typically afforded.

If Jestar indeed would not be prevented from entering the shadow dimension, then surely Oken's light only affected the shadows outside of objects and not within them, at least on this stage? Poetic licence aside for a moment, what good would it do for Jestar to still have access to the shadows inside of his body? Wouldn't he still be cut in half no matter how he slices it?

Well, as Athos had hinted at, at this point, it was not a matter of who died and who lived, but a matter of who died first and who lived last; Jestar was at an advantage in that up until Athos decided that bisecting and setting him on fire was the best way to go. The French of the 100 years war would only disapprove because Jestar was a man and not a woman, and not thier personal war hero against the English. Jestar was an ANBU, a shadow in the night, not a heroine defying the gender steroetypes of her day. I mean, look where that got her! At least Jestar would not be burned by his people!

Athos is a Nara? Oh, well, err, he is also an Uzumaki, so there is like, just enough... Jestar's a Hyuuga so what does that have to do with anything? Okay so MAYBE he is technically also getting burned by one his own people. Fine, just ruin a good analogy while youre at it. Back to the fight then.

Oh if only he had used an ordinary blade, how simple it would be to have his internal shadows have the blade slip right through him! But it was no ordinary cutting object, it was, effectively, the Borderlands version of the lightsaber, complete with incendiary damage for extra damage against Warriors and giant toothed orifices alike. Handsome Jack would probably go after Athos for his banditry though.

So while using shadow migration Jestar could save, say, his head, and his chest cavity from both the laser and the fire damage, he would still be missing a large portion of his midsection and his legs, that much left behind and burning to a crisp. Time constraints you see, prioritizing what's important, having children if some horny maiden were to come by and be into necrophilia not being high on the list; again, going back to the original premise of this stage of the fight, it was not who lived and who died, but who died the quickest that would separate winner and loser.

Athos had cut Jestar's advantage to size, roughly in half to be logical here. The absolute vitals, the heart, the lungs, the brain, they remained connected and intact, for the most part. As a diagram of the body would generally show, the heart and lungs are not directly in front of or on top of the stomach, so regardless of Athos' idea of "stomach" being that of the superficial belly or the organ itself, the slash itself would not also cut through his heart and lungs.

Shadow Migration

But where would this leave Jestar?

Assuming he succeeded with his, admittedly, desperate plan, then Jestar would appear in the shadow dimension with a portion of his midsection gone Darth Maul style; at least he would not have to worry about extended visits to the porcelain throne, nor about having to pay child support, because there went any aspirations for that too.

With half his body sacrificed, then, Jestar would appear in the shadow dimension, with his howl of pain the last thing to be heard before his retreat, presuming he was successful at his retreat attempt. Suspended there, his eyesight gone and only the sense of eternal shadow around him, the young man would try to fight death off with a shadowy stick, using the all surrounding shadow to keep his remaining contents (blood and all that) from spilling out like a horror victim in a not so typical jumpscare movie. A few meters in front of him would be Athos' heart, seemingly frozen in whatever beat it had been in when it had been filched.

So, what now, the question would have came up again. If that didnt kill him then what would? Not us he might would say, but he would need to know for sure. This is all presuming he survived.


Of course, if Jestar's attempt failed, for reasons being the most likely of his shadow imitation not working or something more nefarious, I have also written out his death as well. I mean, what kind of fight is without its ending post eh? I am not that sort of poet, no, I am the sort that gives finality dignity to his characters!

If his plan were to fail, then as Athos predicted, Jestar would be severed and emit a large amount of static eletricity. Even his sword cut in two, you would think this a pointless thing, to charge up his Blade of Thunder. The sparks would emit, but they would be hardly visible what with the Oken in play, and would only be audible. As Jestar's dismembered top would fall towards the ground, the sparks would become more and more aggressive until his top hit the ground, still burning.

A large boom would emit from the sword, akin to a roar, that might would startle Athos, but mostly served to give a resounding final canon's blast as Jestar's life faded into the nethers. Shinigami would scoff at Jestar's quick end, but Jestar would reiterate that a double power move + poison = death even for the best of the fighters of the realm. The sparks faded, the sword no longer gleaming with life; the burning corpse lay motionless, convulsing one last time as if one last futile effort to make a handsign, before finally laying to rest, for good. Now for Athos to hobble on home and maybe die, well, that would call it a draw, but there was no victory for Jestar in even that scenario.

In the afterlife, meanwhile, Jestar would find himself in a famaliar scene; the Graveyard. Picking up his ethereal form from his supposed location, the red eyes and snarling growls of monsters reached his ghostly ears.

"Welp, I'm not going to get favor just standing around here!" And so, Jestar would float from his entry point to the Graveyard and set out to restrain rebellious and monstrous souls, all in the effort of winning favor from the lord of death, Shinigami, so as to have what remained of his body stitched back up by the black magic of that demon. It was as if he had gone through this task a dozen times before, and knew he might would have to go through it a dozen times more; it was a part of living life in the realm, dying, and he was not one to shirk. He missed being able to haunt his foes, but that worked both ways, and there were others who haunted far more deviously than Jestar could even imagine; he was a genjutsu user, so of course he has a very vivid imagination on his own!

The details of all of that, however, are a different story entirely, and may not even need to be told if Jestar succeeds with his shadow migration escape attempt.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Athos vs Jestar, Tank vs Magician!
« on: May 05, 2017, 08:54:56 PM »
There he was! The man himself, standing at some great height, walking through the forest barefoot as if he owned the place; and maybe he did, Jestar knew not and cared not. Instinct told him to strike now, to unleash his intended ace card right here and now, as a dragged fight was not to his advantage. But what if that failed, then? He would have no further tricks up his sleeve, and it was deathly apparent that he would have to trick such a man with the kyuubi's chakra flowing through him.

He was a jinchurikii, Jestar could see with his byakugan. He was definitely the target then, and standing only a meter away, with no trees or anything of the sort between them, the question now would become who would get the decisive blow in first. Even if he succeeded in his plan, he still had one little problem, and that being he was not sure whether his opponent could both counter his move and attack him at the same time. Sure he could do a last minute ditch effort jutsu to try to stave off the attack, but what after that?

He had considered it, but now, seeing the shinobi and his various seals and tools for himself using the byakugan, Jestar knew even moreso than before that any battle lasting more than a few moves would not be to his advantage, and at this close of range, it was necessary to get it right on the first go or call it an evening.

Like a duel, Jestar would make the first move by using shadow imitation to attempt to connect his shadow to that of Athos'. A predictable first move, one done just by thought thanks to the Shadow Seal, and one that his opponent might would smirk at whether caught or not. He had considered trying a different route, but that route would have to be his reserve, his backup Jestar reasoned.

This had to be first, his relative best foot forward; Yin release.

If the connection was successful, facilitated by the shadow of the canopy that Jestar had purposely chosen for a battlefield, Jestar would do something less expected and follow up not with an attempt at something less expectable: genjutsu.

But you see, this was no ordinary genjutsu, for had his quarry started the motion of a smirk upon learning of Jestar's first move, it would likely either be frozen in place or stopped cold. If successful with execution, the connection of shadows reminiscent to eye contact for Tsykyoumi, the genjutsu would activate, severing Athos' and even the Nine-tails' conscious connection to the vessel that they called a body. To put it in clearer terms, their very minds would be separated from their bodies, and the sensation would be akin to an out of body experience, breakable only with the breaking of the shadow connection or the death of either contestant, the former unlikely in this terrain given the circumstances. While something like mental blockages was designed to protect the user from having their mind hacked into, Jestar was not after memories or knowledge, only after removing his foe's control over their body.

Shadow Imitation Illusion: Mind Body Disturbance

At this point it would proceed that Jestar would have control over Athos' body in his stead, similar to the namesake inspired technique the mind body disturbance technique, including his shadow, his seals, etc. Of course, Jestar did not know how to use the seals nor the scroll, so rather than waste his effort in trying to use those, he would attempt to use the conjoined shadows to teleport Athos' heart into the Nara pocket dimension.

Shadow Hell Technique

If all of this was successful, then without a heart Athos would be severely hampered in a future engagement, however, he would not be killed instantly by such a move, and later Jestar could retreat from the jutsu with his mind intact from the engagement. But that is later, not this post, as this post would be all about the attack.


The above is the optimal outcome. If he connects shadows, successfully executes the jutsu, and manages to get his target of the heart, then the match would all but be concluded at that point. However, Athos had seals on his body, most of which Jestar IC has no idea as to function, and obviously the man had gotten this far as a result of craftiness. The element of surprise was Jestar's strength here, for who previously had thought of combining genjutsu and shadow imitation?

Well, maybe Athos actually, which is why Jestar had his backup plan on hand. If Athos were to stop him at the 2nd stage (the mind body disturbance part), which was the most likely place to be stopped, then Jestar would, having already suffered through the most chakra draining attack in his arsenal, would be too disoriented to attempt to use another chakra-intensive, high focus attack or defense, and would instead attempt to retreat into the shadow pocket dimension, something he could do more instinctively. This would likely be near instant because he was covered in shadow. Once in his pocket dimension... Well, that would be 3 actions so what he would do then would have to wait.

If Athos were to stop him at step 1, somehow, then Jestar would have more options available to him, having only lost one of his actions. If he failed to connect shadows, then it would have to either be a change of lighting or a shadow imitation move Jestar had never witnessed before; it would follow that his best reactionary course would be to surge Raiton to his palms and thrust outward, sending a 360 degree wave of Raiton outwards in a hemisphere with a radius of only 2 meters.

Zeus Wave

The wave moved outwards akin to chidori nagashi rather than in bands, Jestar's intentions for the electricity being the reason for this. After all, this was not intended to merely shock Athos if he were to try to tank it as someone of his caliber might naturally do (since Jestar didnt reveal his special shadow imitation Athos would have no reason to be wary of a trick on that caliber), but to extend the range of Jestar's lightning release. If contact was made with the lightning release jutsu, Jestar would direct the electricity to Athos' nervous system, with the intent on confusing the various signals to the point where he would have trouble moving his body efficiently.

Lightning Release: Body Pathway Derangement

Wait, is Jestar still trying to basically do the same thing he had intended the first time? Kind of, but while his first attempt, in a sense, was at what was likely a weakspot for the Tank of seals, this one used Raiton to try to do the job of deranging Athos' control of his body and leaving an opening. That being an elemental technique from an element as common as Raiton, it was less liable to work perfectly, but also not something the 9-tails could really help with. It would be very difficult to reorient his body in time, especially in the time it would take for Jestar to attempt to follow-up with an attack while he was whittled (albeit, he would have to wait a turn).

But what if Athos stopped him at the 3rd stage of the plan, the shadow hell part? As unlikely as that was, if Jestar had already gotten to that point in his plan, he would be out of actions if that was countered; he would be defenseless for a brief moment in time, which would most likely still lead to a  quick end to the fight.

With a single post, all his cards were on the table. His trap cards flipped face up, his dark magician buffed, and his backup spells shown. What now, then, would the legend do? Simply using genjutsu release would not work, and even with a connection with the 9-tails, Jestar had went after both of them with this jutsu; one would have to first free themselves before going to aide the other or, perhaps more strategically, directly engaging in a mental battle with the primary aggressor.

Why not just use the attack twice in a row if it were broken by some chance? Well, while physically possible (Jestar would have enough chakra to hit just Athos or just the 9-tails, but not enough to again go after both) similar to Itachi when his grand genjutsu was broken by Sasuke, the lost investment would backlash Jestar to the point where he would be compelled to temporarily withdraw from the fight to get his wits back about him.

He had to make his attack(s) count, and he had been planning this particular combination for some time now. If all failed, then he was left without any trump cards.

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