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 on: January 14, 2020, 12:39:50 AM 
Started by Eric - Last post by JayJay
[That's quite alright, no worries.]

Jay continued to watch the reaction of the eight dragons in the Strategic Room. Part of him wanted to let loose and fight, but another part of him wanted to see if he could successfully finesse the situation into his favor. The wheels in his head continued to spin, but couldn't find a scenario that would allow him to.. Wait... A sudden thought clicked in his mind of a possible course of action and the progress of filling the room with his Explosive Chakra and siphoning the scrolls were each around 40%. He wouldn't finish at the pace he was going, so it seemed like the only course he could follow for what he had in mind.

"That's exactly why I'm doing it!" He yelled back to the Dragon Commander, keeping his hand on the wall to continue feeding it his Explosive Chakra. His EMS would sense the minute little details in the eyes of two of the dragons, making him aware of their added wariness. He wouldn't be wholly aware of their knowledge of his ExC, but he didn't dismiss that possibility. He thrust his free hand forward, as if to preemptively stop the dragons from acting before he could explain himself, 55% "What I mean is, this place is on the verge of being overrun with the enemy. This single room is bound to be targeted by the smarter dragons. Cut the head off the snake and the body will die, that's war 101." He wouldn't stop sinking the scrolls into his shadow, remembering that he wouldn't be able to FTG out because of the mass barrier. At least, not to his home, but maybe the marker he put on the big boi? He searched for that marker, though he was aware that it was a long shot and continued to speak in the meantime.

"Valuable information such as this needs to preserved and kept out of enemy hands. And if we were to get overrun, that would spell the end for us all." He had a feeling that he wouldn't be allowed to hit the 100% mark, so he decided to spread his chakra out in a fashion more akin to a spider web. If he designed it right, it would still be just as effective, perhaps even more so. As long as he spread it out he could blow it at 75%, just a minute or so would be all that he would need to gather most of it around Reibi's location. If his plans were set to fail, Matatabi, feed your chakra into the shadow to swallow up scrolls and I'll body flicker out. He made sure to tell his partner the plan to get out of this sticky situation.

 on: January 11, 2020, 04:04:53 PM 
Started by Eric - Last post by Eric
[Apologies for the long long long delay in posting.]

Jay would be able to move his shadows into position with relative ease, for most of the dragons in the room seemed less concerned with him and more concerned with the battle raging on outside. Roars and shouts were hardly muffled by the location of the strategic room. Initial panic had begun to give way to organized resistance, and the different sides began to become more clearly defined as battle lines were drawn. Draco's forces, the aggressors here, had been forced to remain in the air above, with the ground fortifications and the raised dragon corpse of Ignitus, still covered in the earthen exterior, the focal point for most of the defending dragons under Reibi's command.

A circle of the defending dragons had gathered about the corpse, hissing out a chant in a tongue very different than before, their chakras flared and beginning to interact with the centerpiece. Natural energy was being funnelled towards it, and almost as if in response, the horns of the massive dragon also began to glow, the remainder of the skeleton becoming riddled with tendrils of chakra.

Back to the metaphorical Situation Room, these activities seemed to consume much of Reibi's attention, until he noticed the scrolls beginning to slip from their resting place and into Jay's shadow. They would not be taken immediately in this fashion, as standard space-time travel was limited in this area (see Reply 16. I didn't explicitly marker a point where it would be impossible to use space-time to leave so entering things into the pocket dimension is still reasonable), giving enough time for Reibi to spin towards Jay with a mixture of surprise and anger, wings flaring outward and chakra raging.

"What do you think you are doing?! Those scrolls contain information vital to to the defense of Mons! Release them at once!"

At this point the other dragons still in the Strategic Room (totaling about 7 excluding Reibi) would momentarily stop, their own alarm prompting them to pay more attention to Jay. For the first time their impression that Jay was on their side began to waver. Commander Reibi drawing attention to the fact that Jay was trying to make off with one of the scrolls factored in greatly to their wavering trust, in addition to this, by this point 2 of them (being chakra sensors) had also noticed explosive release chakra forming in the wall behind Jay.

The stunned but free from Pyro's clutches dragon's put two and two together in Eric's appearance and the worsened condition of its comrades.

"You are going to pay for that!"

As the words spilled from his mouth and his breath collected in preparation for releasing a stream of fire, Eric already had begun collecting chakra in his own body, mixing it with his special "sticky spit" and expelling it in the form of a bright, adhesive, and senjutsu-enhanced bullet of liquid fire. (Ryūkan: Nento Endan; Dragon Fire Release: Sticking Spit Fire Bullet)

When the burst of fire and the bullet of liquid fire clashed, the bullet of liquid fire would preveal, splattering all over the dragon and knocking the dragon off of its feet. While the dragon howled in surprise and some pain as it was literally on fire, Eric physically returned to a more human look, his sage mode inconveniently peetering out at this point. The side-effect of leaving sage mode, the tiredness that accompanied, disrupted Eric's maintaining of the walking on shadow technique, causing him to make true connection with the floor. His feet pierced by the sharp glass-like floor he had taken note of earlier, Eric howled in pain and reflexively jumped backwards, only to find that he was simply jumping onto more sharps.

Pyro slashed open the neck of the dragon he had managed to get into his claw; the other that had been bashed by his tail rolled along the ground away from Pyro, slightly cutting itself along the way back to its feet. Enraged at Pyro's mortal wounding of the other dragon, this dragon howled in anger and, for the time being ignoring Eric, lunged towards Pyro. Pyro might would have gotten in another tail strike, but the swiftly bleeding out dragon, in a final act, clamped its jaws in a death grip onto one of Pyro's arms, immobilizing him just enough to allow him to be pinned. As light began to fade from one dragon's eyes, another made a final lunge towards Pyro's neck, intending on retaliating in a fairly karmic fashion.

*Edit, Reibi doesn't have wings

 on: December 28, 2019, 06:55:10 AM 
Started by Rusaku - Last post by Timothy
I check once a week or so myself

 on: December 24, 2019, 09:23:22 AM 
Started by Rusaku - Last post by Warren
Nah. Do remember its currently xmas break so.

 on: December 24, 2019, 03:11:38 AM 
Started by Rusaku - Last post by Rusaku
Yo, is this game dead now or what?

 on: October 22, 2019, 01:44:21 AM 
Started by Warren - Last post by Timothy
Roger Doger~

 on: October 16, 2019, 08:52:14 PM 
Started by Warren - Last post by Warren
Dart has relinquished the 7 tails, so it shall be from now on at least for the time being a summon of Harue.

 on: August 24, 2019, 07:42:36 PM 
Started by Eric - Last post by Eric

Recently coming back and playing a bit, I remember healing in the forest and getting a "you're now better" (paraphrasing) page with an image of a medical ninja on it. Now, I instead get the page for if I had clicked heal option when I"m at full health.


1) Go to the forest anywhere in SL. In this particular case I was in the Kirigakure forest.
2) Fight a creature and lose any amount of HP
3) In the left menu, choose any of the heal options. In this case I chose the full heal one
4) Instead of a page with a medical ninja picture, you instead just get the text that "healing servies aren't required" (again, paraphrasing)

 on: August 24, 2019, 05:54:29 PM 
Started by Warren - Last post by Eric
So dwelling RPs count now? Was the rule below modified, because if it is, I will have to update the one in the wiki... and someone else should update the one here in the forum...

No, dwelling RP's do not count towards public posting activity. Discussion/execution of the activity clause is a useful resource for coming to the conclusion that dwelling RP's do not count, outside of the fact that dwellings are not inherently "public".

In one instance I even referenced the rather difficult to find via search function (I tried before posting, though to be fair I could just be rusty) set of discussions regarding the activity rule itself in the Biju Rules Workshop, and activity rules in general.44,9500.msg237214.html#msg237214

 on: August 22, 2019, 03:28:45 AM 
Started by Warren - Last post by Timothy
Guess not, then. Just I remember them telling me something like that in one of their former disputes over activity.

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