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Author Topic: Hyuuga upgrades  (Read 6832 times)

Old Man Xia

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Re: Hyuuga upgrades
« Reply #30 on: December 01, 2010, 03:21:21 PM »

Thats true.... I just read through it and there is nothing stating that they could keep it active or use it for a certain period of time. I mean Neji during the battle with one of the sound five(Yes I forgot...) was able to keep it active for a long period of time, though for Hinata, I don't know if she could keep it active for as long as Neji.
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Re: Hyuuga upgrades
« Reply #31 on: December 01, 2010, 04:45:51 PM »

It may not state that they could keep it active for a certain amount of time, or indefinately, however we must also look at the inverse of the situation, that it did not disprove of the possibility that the Byakugan could be active indefinately or for an extended length of time. If you are trying to disprove the possibility, or even probability of an idea then you need to look closely at your information and realize that it neither proves nor disproves what is being discussed.

And also Mike, it was against Kidomaru, the spider-guy.


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Re: Hyuuga upgrades
« Reply #32 on: December 01, 2010, 06:15:47 PM »

@Sharakkar: What you said is true if the info was ONLY based on the databooks since it didnt say such a thing for the Sharingan either. But this is where the manga/anime comes into play.
Itachi has been shown through the series to have his Sharingan active and the only time he didnt was when he was severely low on chakra to sustain it. Hinata/Neji, if you pay attention to their fights closely, you will notice that in a middle of a fight when it comes to discussion, they would deactivate their Byakugan during a talk. Now why would someone do that in a fight? That's almost like letting your guard down imo.

Also let's take a look at Kakashi's Sharingan. Why is it that Kakashi's Sharingan stays active whereas Ao's Byukagan can be activated and deactivated at will? >.>
It's possible that the Byakugan uses up more chakra and/or more quickly than the Sharingan. But based on what we have seen, not even ONE byakugan user has his/her byakugan active after a battle. >.>


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Re: Hyuuga upgrades
« Reply #33 on: December 01, 2010, 08:15:50 PM »

Mei, I won't argue that it appears that the Byakugan does in fact draw more chakra from use than the Sharingan, but you also have to look at other circumstances. Itachi was able to sustain his Sharingan almost indefinately because he trained to reach that point. The Byakugan could be trained the same way, by using it more often its user would become more proficient in it. For example, at the start of the manga/anime or Naruto in general, Neji was only able to use the Byakugan for limited amounts of time as well as only being able to see out to 50m with it, but after more experience with it he was able to keep it active for a greater amount of time as well as being able to see out to 800m.

As for the deactivation of the Byakugan during conversation, that could be contributed to several factors, but you must look at the fact that the Byakugan can be activated at a moments notice without the need of handsigns, so why not deactivate the Byakugan when you are talking and then the moment you feel threatened just reactivate it.

Now as for the Kakashi and Ao situation, remember that the Sharingan and Byakugan are different Doujutsu and therefore react differently to a similar situation. It is possible that it is in the nature for the Sharingan to remain active once it has been removed from its original host, as seen in Kakashi and Danzo, however the Byakugan could be different which would also explain why the Hyuuga go to such great lengths to protect their Doujutsu.

Onto your last part about not ONE Byakugan user has his/her Byakugan active after a battle, well my thoughts on this is, that if you had several Byakugan user's running around the village with their Byakugan active then it would be almost impossible for anyone suspicious to enter the village and then much of the events that occured over the course of Naruto could have been avoided, making for a hella of a boring story. It's called dramatic effect.


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Re: Hyuuga upgrades
« Reply #34 on: December 01, 2010, 09:44:57 PM »

Sharakkar, your very first post is not only based on assumption but is also contradicting itself.

Mei, I won't argue that it appears that the Byakugan does in fact draw more chakra from use than the Sharingan, but you also have to look at other circumstances. Itachi was able to sustain his Sharingan almost indefinately because he trained to reach that point. The Byakugan could be trained the same way, by using it more often its user would become more proficient in it.

Only Naruto Wikia mentioned that he trained to keep his Sharingan active but isnt just possible that chakra drain of the Sharingan at his age was just simply so small (and insignificant) that he just left his Sharingan on.
I mean, I read through the Itachi's databook profile and it doesnt mention him training his Sharingan to remain active.

Itachi's Databook 2 profile:
Itachi's Databook 3 profile:

Yeah, if you train the Byakugan, I'm sure its abilities will improve but what does that have to do with keeping it active? >.>
And, I see no proof that his time limit on byakugan was improved either. >.>

"For example, at the start of the manga/anime or Naruto in general, Neji was only able to use the Byakugan for limited amounts of time as well as only being able to see out to 50m with it, but after more experience with it he was able to keep it active for a greater amount of time as well as being able to see out to 800m."

Yeah and yet we still dont see Neji keeping his Byakugan 24/7 active after that Kisame fight either even though he improved so much. >.>

As for the deactivation of the Byakugan during conversation, that could be contributed to several factors, but you must look at the fact that the Byakugan can be activated at a moments notice without the need of handsigns, so why not deactivate the Byakugan when you are talking and then the moment you feel threatened just reactivate it.

If that was the case, why not Itachi deactivate the Sharingan in a conversation? >.>

For your 3rd paragraph, that could be true. However for your 4th paragraph, your reasoning is kinda weak imo. I mean they should (or may) have Hyuuga members as lookout to begin with. >.>

I believe Neji (the admin) isnt going to make Byakugan a permanent buff bcuz there's no evidence that proves it can last 24/7. I mean if Neji (the Naruto character) is considered a genius by practically everyone in the village, by all means, why hasnt he reach a level where he can keep his byakugan active?
And if the reason is chakra drain, then there's your answer. Fair enough, considering you guys are still using chakra ingame to keep the byakugan active, right? >.>


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Re: Hyuuga upgrades
« Reply #35 on: December 01, 2010, 11:02:08 PM »

Mei, I have neither looked at the Databooks nor do I watch the anime, the only thing I do is read the manga. My words come from what I have inferred from reading just that. If you feel that I speak in contridactions then that is your belief and I hold you in no less regard for it. The only point I am trying to get across is that while there is no evidence supporting the fact that the Byakugan could be active indefinately, there is also no evidence truelly supporting the opposite. True, the user's of it may have deactivated during a battle, but that is no clear cut evidence that they had to because of the inability to keep it active.

It should also be noted that ShinobiLegends is a Naruto-based game, it doesn't necesarilly follow the series exactly. Afterall, we have hundreds of Uchiha's running around with the Sharingan and Magneyko Sharingan, none of which I might add have suffered any drawbacks from using the Magneyko repetively which is quite easily seen in the series, we also have numerous Kaguya running amouck when the last died off, Orochimaru is still alive, the ability to have several Kekkai Genkais, plus numerous other dissimilarities.

Is it possible that the Byakugan is not kept active indefinately because the chakra drain is simply to great? Completely so. Is it also possible that the Byakugan is not kept active for some other reason that only Kishimoto knows and the rest of us are left to speculate at? Of course. Is it plausible that Oliver could change the code to give Hyuuga's the ability to keep the Byakugan active indefinately or even elongate the period of turns it is active? Well, that is of course entirely up to him.


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Re: Hyuuga upgrades
« Reply #36 on: December 01, 2010, 11:16:42 PM »

Thinking more about, and reading all this, I'm kind of against a permanent Byakugan now.

There is nothing to support it, plus it is just trying to make it like a Sharingan in game, if you want a permanent buff, reset as a Uchiha.


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Re: Hyuuga upgrades
« Reply #37 on: December 02, 2010, 02:57:59 PM »

Well Ice, let me ask you this, if you are against a permanent Byakugan than why aren't you against the Magneyko being permanent? I know in the manga and I'm fairly sure in the anime also that both Sasuke and Itachi had to deactivate their Magneyko because the strain it put on their body was too great. Sounds like what the Byakugan is being made out to be, no? Also Magneyko users can use it repeatedly with absolutely no drawbacks, something which has been stated time and time again in the series.

So my question is this, if Magneyko users can keep it active indefinately in game, with absolutely no drawbacks, then why can't Byakugan users keep that active indefinately also, or at the very least increase it past ten turns?


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Re: Hyuuga upgrades
« Reply #38 on: December 02, 2010, 04:34:04 PM »

Correction: The MS doesnt have any drawbacks involving physical damage, how does one express partial blindness ingame? Also, in the Sasuke vs Itachi fight, Itachi was able to use a Tsukiyumi, 2 Amaterasu's AND a perfect Susanoo before he was forced to deactivate his MS due to lack of chakra. Same with Sasuke's fight the Kages. He used Amaterasu three times and Susanoo like three times, only deactivating the MS briefly between battles. This is only to show how long Itachi and Sasuke used their MS. Honestly, they can probably use it for as long as they have the chakra to use the techs.

But of course the main reason would be the fact that there's the "Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan", which would make sense to have at Master/Grandmaster level. It would be silly to add another option under MS (after selecting it) stating "Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan". That is mostly why the Mangekyō Sharingan is also a permanent buff.

In addition, I was talking to a friend about the Sharingan/Byakugan and she made a good point. If the byakugan was a permanent buff, it would make it godly, far greater than Sharingan/MS. You know why? Cuz all of the Hyuuga moves cost only ONE chakra to use compared to the 10 chakra we have use just to use Tsukiyuma and Amaterasu. And everyone knows that Neji (the admin) doesnt like giving ppl godly moves/buffs or a more easier time leveling/dking.



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Re: Hyuuga upgrades
« Reply #39 on: December 02, 2010, 06:16:29 PM »

Mei, if you wish to continue this arguement then you are more than welcome to find me on SL on either Joker, Finishline, Sharakkar, or a number of other accounts that I'm sure someone can point you to. However it is neither completely constructive to the whole point of this topic nor even necessary.

"The MS doesnt have any drawbacks involving physical damage, how does one express partial blindness ingame?" While off topic, this is actually a good question, but one that could be solved by a simple debuff that increases in its power based on either the number of Magyneko activations and technique uses or the length of activation. Also, as Mei stated, "Honestly, they can probably use it for as long as they have chakra to use the techs." This brings me to my next idea, that the Magyneko should automatically deactived once the user reaches 0 chakra, the same would of course go for the Byakugan, which leads me into my next thought.

Since, everyone is quite obviously against an indefinately active Byakugan, I have a different idea. Completely scratch my previous perma-active Byakugan, but keep the move that I suggested. Then instead of having the Byakugan perma-active the length of the initial activation could be based on the number of reborns into the Hyuuga, i.e. 1=10, 2=20, 3=30, and 4=40, of course they could be adjusted to an increase of five per reborn. Then in order to keep the Byakugan active for a long period of time it could cost 1 chakra point to keep it active for some where around half of the full activation to the length of the full activation, i.e. 2 reborn Hyuuga, initial activation cost 2 chakra for 20 turns, after 20 turns 1 more chakra is lost and the Byakugan is extened for another 10-20 turns. And of course upon the user reaching 0 chakra the Byakugan would be immediately deactivated similiar to the Magneyko Sharingan.


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Re: Hyuuga upgrades
« Reply #40 on: December 02, 2010, 10:24:22 PM »

"The MS doesnt have any drawbacks involving physical damage, how does one express partial blindness ingame?" While off topic, this is actually a good question, but one that could be solved by a simple debuff that increases in its power based on either the number of Magyneko activations and technique uses or the length of activation. Also, as Mei stated, "Honestly, they can probably use it for as long as they have chakra to use the techs." This brings me to my next idea, that the Magyneko should automatically deactived once the user reaches 0 chakra, the same would of course go for the Byakugan, which leads me into my next thought.

I mentioned a few of these ideas in my Topic about Sharingan updates, which spawned this one.
I agree the Mangekyo could possibly be made to only last x rounds, and also the a debuff for overuse of the Mangekyo Jutsus.
But that's off topic.

I like this new Idea of the Byakugan increasing in length each reset, but maybe only an increase of 5 rounds each reset, as again, we don't want it to last too long, and become awesomely over powered.
But, there is a problem with the keeping it active, at the present time, there isn't really a way for a buff when it runs out to reapply itself and take off more chakra, so you'd have to keep reactivating manually.
Also having the buff run out when chakra hits zero, again difficult coding wise, there isn't really anyway for the system to go, oh I've hit zero chakra, I'll deactivate this buff now.


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Re: Hyuuga upgrades
« Reply #41 on: December 02, 2010, 10:36:11 PM »

Well Ice, what about this, 1st reset you get the original 10, 2nd gives another 10, and then the third and forth give 5 each for a total of 30. I only say this because I prefer even numbers and I like 3, but besides that I see no other reason to do it that way over just doing five more rounds each reset for a total of 25 rounds. It's really all up to Oliver in the end anyways.

As for the other stuff, I have a very limited knowledge of code, and I do emphasize very, so I will just have to defer to your judgement on the coding problems. And I think that is about it for now.


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Re: Hyuuga upgrades
« Reply #42 on: December 02, 2010, 11:35:15 PM »

Yes you are right, it is all up to Oliver.

So we just have to wait to see if he makes any comment, I don't think he will, I think he is happy with how the KG's are already.


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Re: Hyuuga upgrades
« Reply #43 on: December 03, 2010, 12:22:56 AM »

I figured he would be, but it never hurts to try.
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