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Author Topic: Eric Nara vs Masane Uzumaki  (Read 4368 times)


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Eric Nara vs Masane Uzumaki
« on: January 16, 2015, 02:18:08 AM »

Current Rules as of 09-24-14 Subject to revision

1] ºHow to Challenge a Jinchurikiº
 In order to challenge a Jinchuriki & obtain a Biju, one must extend an invitation to its host; this places you on the list of challengers that each host must update in a publicly accessibly spot. [Either as a post in this thread or on the wikia as a discussion topic on the tailed beasts page. Here]  The two will make all arrangements for when the match will begin and where. Should the Jinchuriki ignore or refuse the invitation(s)-with no reason given- 3 times consecutively, you may report it to other Jinchuriki. Subject for such an event's invitation, for proof & reference of a challenge, must be titled: (Number of tails) - (Name of Jinchuriki); the body of the message may be as you please (though manners & politeness would of course make things much smoother).

2] ºDetermine the Nature of the Challengeº
The host and the challenger, and ONLY the host and challenger, determine the nature of the challenge. BOTH decide if the match will be an IC Challenge or an OOC Challenge. This means that if an IC Challenge is chosen, the challenger has to RP learning the host’s identity and location and maneuvers him into a Match. This does not mean that the RP is used as a means for the Host to forever avoid having to face his challenger. The host must make it possible for the challenger to complete the terms of the RP event. This is not the battle part. You are going to face off with each other. You are just being creative about it.
If the OOC Challenge is chosen, then no RP concerning the challenge is performed. The details are agreed upon and the Match takes place.

3] ºDetermine the Details of the Matchº
The host and challenger, and only the host and challenger, must decide if the battle is to the death. They decide if others are permitted to participate [3v3 max] or if the match is 1v1. Will there be exclusions concerning what powers are to be used? Who will be the judge? Is a time limit proposed in which to complete the challenge?

ºHow to declare a winnerº
The battle commences with the initial post & terminates once either combatant is unable to continue. Such a feat can result in several ways, including knock-outs (concussions, etc.), full paralysis, almost-fatal wounds & so forth. So long both parties declare it plausible & understand the longevity/risk of the claim, it's considered eligible for use. However, things can, of course, become debatable in attempt to reach such a goal & in doing so arguments are bound to commence. If need be, either party can have onlookers & such /dis/agree with the action until a verdict is reached. If desired, either party can have other hosts or officials of sorts represent them for a more "legitimized" (as some have called it) reasoning or "Back-up".

Like any other zone fight, rules are established as support for completing the quarrel without need for troubles to arise. Those basic rules are also adopted into host-challenges. The rules are as follows [unless agreed upon both parties (with proof) to be something otherwise]

ºNo Auto-Hittingº
Auto-Hitting is recognized as being a direct action following through without consent of the opposing party.

ºNo God-Moddingº
God-Modding has been recognized as an incorrect claim of one or more super-powers incapable of one's possession or against what one's character establishes. Several other things have been regarded God-Modding such as dodging every attack, extreme maneuvers & such. If God-Modding should occur, the opposing party will object to it & things can be negotiated from there.

ºHosts are allowed to use their tailsº
There should be no arguments about a host using their Biju's abilities. However, the claim of utilizing all of their tails, if it seems unfit for them, due to period of time with the Biju, can be negotiable [but must be maintained brief]. Furthermore, other rules can be negotiated between both parties. I.E. Rules such as the number of contestants versus the host [? v. the host (1)] can also be negotiated, etc.

ºGrace Periodº
After any challenge (& loss) from a challenger, a week must be given to the host before challenging them to a rematch (the one week grace period is in subject to a single challenger & as such does not signify a host can ignore challenges from all others during the time period). In cases such as obtaining a Biju for oneself, a 2-week grace period is granted In order to “commune” with one’s Biju. If a host shows inactivity for long periods of time (two weeks or more) without prior notice, you can report their missing & conference of a suitable host will take place when possible.

ºTampering with the Bijuº
Tampering with the Biju, meaning: destroying it, editing its affinity, parting its powers into multiple entities, etc. & anything that changes it is prohibited.

ºHosts Must Committ to Active Statusº
Jinchūriki have an obligation to be active, and are stripped of their bijū if they cannot get online and do their round (1 post every week), regardless of the reason. The leader of their clan/organization will inherit the bijū; if the jinchūriki wasn't in a clan/organization, then a tournament/event can be arranged to determine a suitable host.

ºLife and Death Issuesº
Unless a jinchūriki has outstanding life force (from being either an Uzumaki, having Wood Release or from being downright immortal), they will die when stripped of their bijū. Else they will be left in a crippled state.

ºTime Limitationsº
The possessor has a week to decide between sealing the Bijū into someone and making them a Jinchūriki, or imprisoning the Bijū and using genjutsu to control them as a summon. <--- type of genjutsu is in debate at this time.

ºShould the Biju be Host-lessº
Should the Biju be sealed within something not a Jinchuriki, whomsoever is in possession of the tailed beast (for a prolonged period of one week or more) is entitled to assume duties of fighting for possession of the Biju. As such: Biju are not to be set free to roam; they must be sealed and delivered to the kage of their last Jinchuriki.

ºChallenge Limitationsº
You may only challenge the same host for the same bijuu once every three months. This is to say, the host is not obligated to accept your challenge before that time, though may do so if they choose.

ºChallenge Listº
For purposes of verification each host much keep a record of who is next on the challenge list. This avoids misconduct and is an aid to challengers when seeking a host to challenge. It is suggested this be posted on the NarutoProfiles Wikia as a forum discussion thread to the tailed beasts topic.
Bottom of the Tailed Beast page

Current host: Eric Nara

Affiliation: Missing Ninja

Preferred Method: OOC 1v1 match

Special rules

-The match is to be 1v1, though summons and the like are permitted.

-Victory for the challenger is the defeat of the host through any means necessary, and vice versa. Death in the fight does not equate to death IC.

-Skills acquired during an OOC match are not carried over IC.

-If, by some chance, the match should reach a point of true stalemate after a minimum of 12 turns or 30 days (the criteria to be used depending on the progression of the fight) then a judge may be called in to determine a winner based on how the fight has progressed up to this point. Both participants must request this of the judge in person (no he said we could or she said we might, the judge must receive a response from both participants). If this is chosen, then the judge may declare a  winner based on these criteria:

          *Who effectively manipulated the flow of the battle the best? The strategy employed (based on the posts) may have been defensive and attrition-based, but was it effective in the long run in wearing down the opponent?

          *What caused the stalemate? The challenger being unable to defeat the challenged, or vice versa? Is it constant cancellation of jutsu and techniques by both sides, or merely one side taking refuge in a relatively inaccessible area (such as pocket dimension) in order to avoid defeat entirely?

           *Who showed the greatest skill in the fight? This is completely and utterly at the discretion of the judge. Their decision is final on the matter, regardless of accusations of cheating or bribery or otherwise. This should be kept in mind when deciding on a judge for the fight.

If neither side can be conclusively declared the winner, then the fight either proceeds or a draw is declared. In the case of a draw, the challenger may rejoin the queue of challengers after the latest challenger without having to wait for cooldown (this circumvention for the benefit of the challenger for not technically being declared the loser, though by not succeeding the host can be considered a winner in this situation). Note, this is a technical victory for the host, so unless the challenger truly believes that a restart is necessary to increase victory chances, then it is not recommended to settle for a draw without reviewing this process a second time.

-Is willing to fight either at SL or on the SL forum, the latter option most useful for fights where long periods of time may pass between postings (and also serves as a record of the fight's progress for other challengers)

- Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are the preferred days for zoning. Times vary by week, so see host for details.

- In the event that a host is defeated, the new host has the cooldown challenge period timeframe to either accept the special regulations for the tailed beast or completely re-write or alter the special rules. If they do not post their own variant by the beginning of the next challenge, then it is to be assumed that they comply with the previous special regulations.

As this is Machina's first time challenging, she may post first. Additionally, Kayenta is my requested judge for this particular fight.

If all of this is acceptable, then Machina should post compliance and immediately begin her first post of the battle.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2015, 02:25:44 AM by Eric »
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Re: Eric Nara vs Masane Uzumaki
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2015, 05:56:01 AM »

I agree good sir.

The sun would hang directly over the open area that was the plains as the Uchiha ninja stood at the center of the area. Her red/purple hair rested gracefully upon her shoulders as her ever active Sharingan scanned the area in it's three tomoe state. On her arms were seals hidden by the cloak she wore, and in her right hand she held a scroll and on said scroll was a seal. As she waited for her opposition to arrive, she took notice of the area and thought on her battle strategy.  The bracelets left behind by her sister had been used to store Senjutsu chakra. (One bracelet=5 turns sage mode) With these she would be able to enter sage mode instantly if and when it come to that. She could only assume that if her opponent were a sage, he would have something similar to make entering sage mode a bit more convenient. Having devised her first plan of attack, she would ready herself for her opposition.   

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Re: Eric Nara vs Masane Uzumaki
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2015, 05:05:39 PM »

The plains, the grasslands of great expanse. All across the battlefield, green grass could be seen growing without hindrance, and as far as the eye could see. Here and there were a few holes where some beasts had dug their burrows. Noontime, with the sun handing directly overhead, was an interesting choice for battle. A few clouds were in the sky, but other than that, it was an average, sunny, spring-like day.

The warmth did not stop Eric from wearing his Akastuki cloak. Nor did it stop him from having a flak jacket, mesh net armor, and long blue pants underneath his cloak. His weapons pouches were filled with assorted tools of the trade, with two special holsters at his sides for the pair of chakra blade trench knives that he carried, forged in the fires of Neala's forge in Iwagakure.

A wide-brimmed hat, straw in nature and a bit of passive shade for the man, concealed his spiky black hair. The hat extended Eric's shadow more definitely across much of his upper body, his sharp brown eyes keenly looking out. Among the sea of green that came nearly to his waist, spotting the red/purple haired woman was an easy matter simply by the contrasting color of her hair.

With a deep breath, the man walked several paces until he was within twenty meters of his quarry. Shouting distance, if he were to be so inclined as to speak before this fight anyways. If he were a smoker he would probably pull out to have a smoke. But he was not; the great plains had a great hidden layer of shadow, one that his opponent had likely not considered when she had chosen the battlefield. Or perhaps she did, and intended on dealing with the innumerable blades of grass sooner rather than later.

A cool breeze would blow, unhindered by trees or any other such terrain piece, its strength enough to billow at Eric's cloak. Being this close was hazardous to his own health, the man knew, for the odds were great that he was faced with yet another Uchiha. Yet another member of the plague upon his world. But that hair seemed starkly un-Uchiha. But the man digressed in temporarily focusing on that; scanning his opponent, he noticed the scroll in hand, and couldn't help but think to the barrier scroll that he possessed. It was in his weapons pouch, and would have to be reached for, but that should not be a great hindrance.

Seeing as his shadow covered everything inside of his cloak, if all else failed, he could simply use his shadow to retrieve his tools. But the man felt that his shadow was better expended against his quarry, but during all of this, he would remain alert, ready to react as fast as he reasonably could against his quarry.
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Re: Eric Nara vs Masane Uzumaki
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2015, 05:55:39 PM »

As the Akatsuki member entered the are, Masane acted. Since she was a sensor and she had been simply standing there waiting, she would have detected him the moment he arrived. By simply removing the seal upon the scroll, she would erect a barrier over the entire battle field.(Reaching a height of 100 meters)  It would prevent any sort of time space techniques.(Ten turns) As he stood analyzing her, her barrier would be up an she would attack. Her two actions would be simultaneous. As the seal was removed from her scroll, her eyes would shift to their eternal state and she would utilize her long range Kamui(both eyes as always) to deploy a shuriken directly next to his face(left side) that was filled with Bakuton. (This possible for her due to her having the pass for the barrier of course.) The moment it entered the area, it would explode with great force. (Explosion range=20 meters in every direction.) With the use of both her eyes, the Kamui would have been near instant on such a small object.

Seeing as Masane had no clue what her opponent was capable of, she would not have the IC knowledge to account for his shadow manipulation. However that did not mean that she was not ready to deal with it when it came to light. As her tool exploded, she would tuck the scroll into her cloak as her other hand moved to grab yet another scroll. She would wait to see his reaction to the sudden explosion that was capable of leveling a two story apartment. Her cursed Sharingan would allow her to see him and detect his counter and she would act accordingly with her target's movements.   
« Last Edit: January 18, 2015, 07:35:18 PM by Masane »

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Re: Eric Nara vs Masane Uzumaki
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2015, 11:00:38 PM »

Eric would have been alert of course the entire time. The actions of his opponent did not completely go past him; the creation of the Kamui barrier, the unsealing of the scroll, neither of those got past him. Regarding the scroll, he could simply see that, while his sensory connection to his shadow would aide him in detecting Kamui and the subsequent threat that emerged. Because the barrier would open itself within Eric's shadow, the man would have been able to sense it coming thanks to his shadow, which would have been cast over this area thanks to the hat that he wore.

Considering the very short span of time that he possessed to attempt to act on this, using shadow migration was out of the picture (he is not yet aware that he cannot use space-time ninjutsu anyways). The match was already underway and already his opponent was reminding him why he hated fighting Uchiha so much.

Instead, the man taps into his tailed beast's chakra, transforming into his v2 state with five tails. This cloak would not only protect him from being killed by the attack, but also increase almost all of capabilities and augment his jutsu strength. Two long horns would form, directed upwards, from the upper portion of his head (just above the forehead) while three shorter horns would emerge further down towards his forehead's center. His hat would be silhouetted, and would not seem to hinder these chakra-based protrusions in the least.

Despite the rapid creation of the cloak, Eric would still sustain some 1st degree burns along the left side of his body and be temporarily deafened in the left ear by a ringing sensation, as a consequence of the speed and proximity at which the explosion occurred upon his detecting of it. Eric would be propelled to his right by the blast and be temporarily thrown from his feet, though he would only be a few feet up. However, thanks to the shadow expanding nature of the bright explosion, his shadow would have been propelled in a similar direction, and still would be connected to the shadow of the grassy plains.

His foe also would have their shadow within this network for the very same reason (light from the explosion). Not wasting any further time, Eric would use this connection of their shadows to attempt to curse his quarry's shadow along with that of the grass of the field, allowing him to manipulate it at will and sense its presence at a later time. It would only take a surge of his shadow imitation chakra for this to occur. Considering that he had never fought Masane before and shadow imitation was a rare art in the realm, it was unlikely that she would recognize immediately the significance of his actions.

Kagemane no noroi; Shadow Manipulation Curse

Now, from the very start, Eric had been 20 meters away from his opponent; the explosion radius was also 20 meters. That meant that Masane was within the outer limit of her own explosion, meaning that she too would be affected by it. Now, since she had elected to not move in reaction to her own attack, she would likely be thrown off her feet at the very least and likely injured, considering the force of the explosion (it is enough to level a two-story apartment) and her lack of defensive augments.

Though some smoke, dust, and grass would be flung about into the air due to the explosion, Eric could not afford to rely on that alone to hinder his quarry from using Kamui directly. Still in the air due to the blast Eric would move his various tails in a directive fashion, manipulating the shadows he had control over in order to attempt to wrap his shadow around Masane with the intent to blind, bind, and restrict her with shadow tendrils (priority would be on trying to blind her and keep her from using the scroll, so the first targets would be her head, neck, and shoulder areas, all areas very near if not covered by the shadow of her shoulder-length hair).

Kageyose no Jutsu; Shadow Gathering Technique

If Eric cursed Masane's shadow successfully, then Eric could use the shadows on her body (hair, eyelashes, etc.) to very rapidly speed up the process, and make it very unlikely that she could react without further usage of her sharingan (which it was obvious to Eric by now that she had).

If he were to fail in binding her shadow, then the tentacles would have to come from the grass beneath her, giving her more reaction time than if he had been successful in cursing her shadow. If she had been flung in the air by her explosion, the tentacles would have to emerge and practically catch her with this scenario. If she had remained grounded, either being skidded back or simply tanking the explosion (the latter unlikely but accounted for) then she could merely be tripped up by the emergence of the tentacles and wrapped up that way, by location having to go for the feet and legs first in that scenario.

However that would turn out, Eric's primary focus would be to keep himself alive and attempt to put Masane on the defensive. He would make an attempt at and deal with landing later (next post) due to priorities.

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Re: Eric Nara vs Masane Uzumaki
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2015, 12:26:48 AM »

Masane may have been reckless but she was not an idiot. As she watched the explosion rage onward she would simply render her body intangible for the brief flash of the explosion. Her shadow would have been spread behind her and further away from his own since the explosion was in front of her. Seeing the chakra in his Shadow forced her to re-think her second barrier in the scroll she attempted to grab.
She would weave three seals and re-solidify placing her hand to the earth. In that instant the sealing formula for her counter would spread out around her for 15 feet in every direction. This was a short term barrier (3 turns) that would seal away foreign chakra signatures. (Signature not of her own an into the formula on the ground) This would protect her from the attempt to curse her shadow. So long as she remained on the seal that was. Learning of his shadow manipulation, Masane began to think of a way to be rid of it altogether. Though this would take some thought.

While she thought, she watched him and decided not to let the man land in one piece. Again utilizing her sharingan the girl would target Eric's forehead with her Kamui. Though she would only be able to use one eye as her right eye was on cool down due to her use of intangibility. Yet such a small space would be claimed in about 3 seconds. Seeing as Kakashi absorbed  a nail moving at high speeds with one eye, It was safe to say that Eric was not falling faster than she would be able to claim his prefrontal cortex. However this did not mean that he would be unable to evade this. He had enough time to sense the portal and act accordingly. Or so she figured. (Having seen him react to her first usage of Kamui.) Masane did not think that this would land though that did not mean that she was not trying to connect. She figured that this would play into her favor upon his counter (Should he produce one) to her attack.  Again she would slip her hand into her cloak (As she Kamui'd his forehead) with the thought to use her second scroll depending on whether or not she needed it. 
« Last Edit: January 24, 2015, 07:00:49 PM by Masane »

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Re: Eric Nara vs Masane Uzumaki
« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2015, 09:40:23 PM »

Masane's sealing technique would delay the curse technique's usefulness for several reasons. The first, by absorbing the chakra from the technique itself, and secondly by preventing Eric from actually surging chakra into the portions of her shadow where the fuinjutsu affected. Outside of the radius of her seal, however, Eric's shadow curse would still be in effect, and considering the conjoined nature of the shadows of the plains, it would only be a matter of time before Masane would have to once again be concerned with Eric using his shadow directly against her. But time was always something well bought; it would be remained to be seen if it would be well spent.

 Nonetheless, without being able to directly restrain her with his shadow, and beginning to notice a pattern with her fighting style, it was evident that he needed to prevent her from being able to look at him directly before he could consider a plan for going on the offensive. Which was easier said than done.

 Before Eric could put his mind to that, once again, the barrier for Kamui reached his space, except this time, it was going directly for his chakra cloak and body. Swiftly, two of Eric's tails flew directly between himself and Masane, blocking her eye contact with him and sparing him death by space-time beheading. Sure, the Kamui, if she proceeded to focus her eyesight, might would take his two thick tails, but that would allow Eric to perform a set of handsigns without losing his head.

Not to mention the tails would subsequently grow back, since it was only the V2 tails. His handsigns complete, Eric's chakra would once again be at work through the air, shrouding the majority of his immediate area (about a 40m diameter in a spherical shape with himself as the moving epicenter. Thus, it extends 20m upwards at its highest) in darkness. Using his chakra to absorb rather than refract light, he would shroud the aforementioned area in darkness.

Yamigakure no jutsu; Hiding in Darkness Technique

He wouldn't need to have his chakra in every inch of the area afflicted by a decrease in visible light, however, since if he absorbed  the incoming light from above, that darkness would extend downward like a tree branch shading the forest floor. The only place he needed to constantly have chakra would be areas between him and Masane similar to the Hidden Mist Technique, in order to further hinder her ability to use Kamui against him. This artificial shadow, naturally, would have been more useful if he could use his Nara techniques directly on Masane this time, but using his chakra (and the darkness) to prevent Masane from even seeing him was the crucial point of this technique. Additionally, thanks to the broad daylight, once a sufficient amount of heat had accumulated, the technique would require less chakra for Eric to maintain the technique. Since he was in his tailed beast v2 cloak form, the switch from daylight to practical nighttime would be like a flip of the switch, the afflicted areas resembling a starless, moonless night.

Since the affected area was, for all intensive purposes, a giant shadow, almost anywhere within it Eric would be able to detect movement and general disturbances, thus making up for the worsened conditions for eyesight. Were his quarry to remove herself from the affected area, she would only be able to see a shroud of chakra when looking in towards her perceived target (and of course a dome of darkness/shade). Eric would still be able to track her thanks to him cursing the fields from earlier, but at least she would not be nigh blind any longer and within his playing field.

Upon landing on his feet, the man would proceed to attempted to shadow migrate 20 feet behind himself, in an attempt to further disorient his opponent. However, the man did not shadow migrate, but instead, got a DoS sort of response from his gate. Realizing that he was unable to use shadow migration for some reason or another, the man had to conclude that it had to have been something that his opponent had done.

That first non-Kamui scroll did not seem to have any pertinent effects on the surroundings, unless it was the culprit. Recalling this and piecing it together, Eric would assume that the first unsealed scroll had likely been the culprit. He would make a note that at some point he needed to either neutralize that scroll or end the fight.

Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: Eric Nara vs Masane Uzumaki
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2015, 05:45:34 AM »

As expected, she had failed to take his head but as soon as she claimed the two tails she would clap her hands and enter Sage mode. The bracelets on her wrists were previously stored with Senjutsu chakra allowing her to enter Sage mode easier.(Used the left granting 5 turns of Sage mode) Before he could hit the ground, her palms would be placed upon the earth and this would cause a massive stone dome to burst from the ground around them. (55 yards around them) Of course she used senjutsu to create this dome making it much stronger than usual. The point of this was to cut off his light source, eliminating the shadows altogether. The shadows his Chakra occupied was of course still of use to him but she had a plan for that.

Her sealing barrier would last for one more turn. Plenty of time to set up her trap. The Stone wall would sprout at nearly 90 mph and enclose them both in complete darkness. This dome allowed no light to enter thus there was now way for a shadow to exist. Without light there can be no shadows and the complete absence of light (darkness) is not a shadow. Now the wall to her dome sprouted right behind her so she was able to quickly weave three seals and place her hand upon the stone structure. The same sealing formula would form on it and rapidly spread to cover the inside of the dome. Should he touch the walls, his chakra would be sealed within a seal on her left arm. Though she would not be able to see him, she would be able to sense him perfectly. For now she would wait for his next move as she plotted on removing the shadows that he could still manipulate.

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Re: Eric Nara vs Masane Uzumaki
« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2015, 06:25:55 PM »

her bracelets my chakra and I can suck the chakra from his shadows in the dome. I fail to see how he is right when there are no shadows but the ones he created. There is no light in the dome so where are the shadows coming from? He created some by absorbing the light from above and I cut that light off. how can he make shadows with no light?

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Re: Eric Nara vs Masane Uzumaki
« Reply #9 on: January 26, 2015, 11:27:12 PM »

I see and get that but what I dont get is how can he make shadows in the dark. I see the pic I know how light works which is why I am so lost on how he is right. The dome would create darkness. Nara control shadow not dark, but whatever I'm going to end it on my next post. I wanted this fight to drag on but now I'm done with it. So I will accept that he can control darkness. Even though he cant and will keep fighting.

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Re: Eric Nara vs Masane Uzumaki
« Reply #10 on: January 26, 2015, 11:35:53 PM »

Since when did the absence of light become shadows? Light is needed to cast a shadow. No light no shadow...Darkness is not shadows....what in the world? But Okay. SL logic is stupid but I got it I'm over it Eric can post because I'm going all out now this is getting ridiculous

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Re: Eric Nara vs Masane Uzumaki
« Reply #11 on: January 26, 2015, 11:44:45 PM »

Take a book or a box and turn on a light, the light would cast a shadow on the floor. Then turn the light off. Will there be a shadow on the floor still? No. And he dont use dark release he controls shadows. If there is no light to make a shadow, where did the shadow come from?

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Re: Eric Nara vs Masane Uzumaki
« Reply #12 on: January 26, 2015, 11:57:23 PM »

Before this fight continues I am requesting a new judge. I refuse to accept that pure darkness is a shadow. With no light to cast the shadow it cant exist. I do not agree with this and will never accept that he can control darkness and that pure darkness is shadow. Its wrong.

When you smell like you can do anything, there is nothing you smell like you can't do.


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Re: Eric Nara vs Masane Uzumaki
« Reply #13 on: January 27, 2015, 12:07:21 AM »

No to all of that. Light is needed to create a shadow. If there is no light, there will be shadows.

When you smell like you can do anything, there is nothing you smell like you can't do.


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Re: Eric Nara vs Masane Uzumaki
« Reply #14 on: January 27, 2015, 01:57:28 AM »

This thread is only for host, challenger, and judge. At this point, there is no need to continue this debate in this thread, since this thread is primarily for the actual fight, not discussion regarding the fight. If the fight is not going to proceed, then there is no need to continue posting in this thread.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.
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