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Author Topic: Village hosts  (Read 7009 times)


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Re: Village hosts
« Reply #15 on: May 30, 2015, 07:24:02 AM »

It's not exactly god mod if I'm just doing some 2 + 2 work here. Just slapping one technique with another together. But hey, at least you're actually getting to fight something, instead of having to deal with some gargantuan barrier or attack that prevents you from leaving or avoiding it, respectfully. Isn't having to fight for a Tailed Beast the whole point though?

But let me elaborate on a few points made that were kinda over-exaggerated.

I feel like I can't post anything without offending SOMEONE. But after reading Rusaku's post, I had to check this for myself.

Having been given life, they are able to gather natural energy and keep themselves composed constantly. And due to this, they are thrice as strong as traditional Complete Susanoo (second form). They also inherit and bear the protection of the Amekage's Takama no Hara, making them even more difficult to deal with.
Woah. And for the Takama no Hara.
This item is rather a constant effect embeded into Kage's Susano'o. It grants resistance against any ethereal, spiritual, other-worldly or divine weapons, powers and effects. This also grants a thicker defense against attacks, making Susano'o harder to break through than normal

When influenced by Susanoo Sage Mode, the effects and powers are of Takama no Hara are amplified. To be more specific, the defense that this normally provides is doubled.

So lemme get this straight. These Susanoo are normally 3x more powerful than a normal Susanoo. On top of that, they're resistant to any 'special' attacks. When they're using sage mode, they're doubled, so they have a 6x more powerful defense than a normal one. Oh, and there isn't just one of these things. There's 24.

That'd be like fighting 24 Emerald Weapons (for FFVII fans)...All at the same time...Now I thought my statues were a bit OP, but that's just out of this world. It's like when you're playing Age of Empires 2, use the 'how do you turn this on' code to get a team of 24 Cobra cars, and just roll around the kingdom destroying everything. Seriously, why would you even need to do anything at that point? Just put your clones in a line and tell them to move foward, they'll wreck everything in their path. Anyone that even lifts a finger against Amegakure, will just get a PM that reads "GG no re" and that's it.

Of course, I mean this all with no offense to anyone.

And as for the topic goes, I agree with the whole 'more people participating = shorter post times' idea. It'll prevent people from sitting around doing nothing and maybe even forgetting that they were in an RP and promote more playing. But I do think that if they miss their post time and they decide that they're going to stay in even though they missed a round, they should be hit with whatever was going towards them. Unless they were just posting that they were there or something. Not having repercussions for missing out on a post kind of promotes bad form, I think.
Of course, exceptions can be made when necessary. Like if you were going to be hit in the head with a flying kunai and missed the post order because you were having a baby or something. The said kunai flinger could retcon their post after talking to you and determining it was a necessary absence. Meaning you get hit in the side of the head and slice an ear or something instead. I dunno.

My idea of Takama no Hara was meant to be a nullification against anything not-Naruto. Like if someone were to be role-playing a demon king or a grand wizard/warlock, they would basically be running into a brick wall. Sage Mode enhances that further for extra measure against anything I might have missed that's not Naruto, and it's also the antithesis to the Rinnegan in the sense of nullifying the effects of the Human and Naraka Paths. I didn't like the idea of immediately losing the moment my opponent would have touched me, so I built something against that.

As for my sentient Susanoo Clones, it's my special Sage Mode's variant of a clone, but with Sage Art: Inorganic Reincarnation combined into them. The latter technique is vague, but it's not far-fetched for someone who has transcended from performing Ninjutsu to Senjutsu can do.

This isn't the first time we've had threads complaining about a village's defenses being too tough for someone to handle. But that's just the reality of it. You're trying to kidnap someone from their village. Loyalty is a big part of mine, so we're going to make a pretty big deal about one of our homeboys getting messed with. You're attacking the entire gang is what you're doing, and we're not going to bend over and spread our butts for you if our boys are being messed with. We aren't going to take it lightly after the ordeal either. Just look at how A reacted after Killer Bee was attacked by Sasuke's gang. He didn't care about Sasuke's Sharingan, Amaterasu or Susanoo.

That's just the whole risk of going up against a village. You're going to be labeled as a criminal, and your own village is going to be in a terrible position in either having to share some blame in trying to defend one of their own that has committed a crime against another village and break some alliances, or they'll just disown you and turn you in once you show your face again.

The issue is more complex than simply trying to avoid getting being skewered by a giant ethereal arrow. Although Keito didn't have much of a problem getting away. If you want to come after the Yonbi, then go ahead. Just know that there are some consequences behind your actions, and some guidelines that have to be followed. For having a Tailed Beast, I do have a bit of leverage in what I'm going to accept or deny. For example, I wouldn't accept someone having Sage Mode + Rinnegan/Tenseigan + Sage Transformation Passive Gathering.


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Re: Village hosts
« Reply #16 on: May 30, 2015, 09:09:31 AM »

It's not exactly god mod if I'm just doing some 2 + 2 work here. Just slapping one technique with another together. But hey, at least you're actually getting to fight something, instead of having to deal with some gargantuan barrier or attack that prevents you from leaving or avoiding it, respectfully. Isn't having to fight for a Tailed Beast the whole point though?

But let me elaborate on a few points made that were kinda over-exaggerated.

As for my sentient Susanoo Clones, it's my special Sage Mode's variant of a clone, but with Sage Art: Inorganic Reincarnation combined into them. The latter technique is vague, but it's not far-fetched for someone who has transcended from performing Ninjutsu to Senjutsu can do.

For example, I wouldn't accept someone having Sage Mode + Rinnegan/Tenseigan + Sage Transformation Passive Gathering.

Kage it's not just basic 2 + 2. Combining 2 bb guns together does not equal combining 2 nukes together. It's vastly different. In this case you're combining 2 nukes.

Now I went and read your bio and your sage susanoo stuff along with the techniques you used...

Madara is the only one shown to have made susanoo clones. While I think it's complete BS a lot of things sure you can make clones of them.

Then you can add senjutsu to them. As juugo did with Sasuke's.

Both of those are possible, yes.

Then you go into Kabuto's sage art move. Where he basically makes the ground move to his will. However it doesn't say it makes the thing you use it on into a 'living' thing moving of it's own accordance. It's not a black zetsu or I'm sure Kabuto would've used it on everything to make it fall under his control. I'm saying you're wrong there. He puts his will into it (briefly) before it returns to normal. It doesn't grant the thing it's own mind.

Now going in further.

Susanoo uses your chakra. From yourself. Madara when he summoned those clones was using his chakra and as an add-on to his person they all were under his command. Controlling 25 at once is possible for him cause he's a god and had unlimited chakra.

You're claiming to have summoned 25 and detached them from yourself. That is not how that works. Then you added they somehow learned to gather senjutsu chakra? The only reason Sasuke's had senjutsu is because Juugo pushed it onto it. It didn't gather it alone. It doesn't have the ability to since it's made of chakra cause inorganic reincarnation doesn't give chakra made things life. It gives life to the ground and plant/trees for a brief period.


He made 25 susanoo's and gave them life independent of each other or him. They somehow learned sage mode and can constantly keep it active. Then you add they inherit Takama no Hara. Most of the stuff it grants is useless except it grants 3x more durability to the clones.

There's a lot wrong here, to me anyway. Unless I interpreted things wrong on my end. [My own opinion]

You cannot make 25 clones which use YOUR CHAKRA TO MAKE. And then use the inorganic sage mode on them. They are your chakra and that technique CANNOT be used on susanno or I'm sure Kabuto would've taken over Itachi's susanoo when they were fighting. Even if you could manifest them to being independent from in the hell do they learn to gather natural energy? Do they have a brain now to do that? That technique says it puts your will into it. I don't think you can claim that susanoo can learn new things now. As for inheriting Takama no Hara. If they inherit it from YOU. Then doesn't that mean they're still connected to you? Meaning constant chakra drain?

You can't make susanoo clones and then use inorganic reincarnation to make them sentient beings capable of learning how to gather natural energy.

Long ass reply. It's late.
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

Something that can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.


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Re: Village hosts
« Reply #17 on: May 30, 2015, 03:31:09 PM »

In this case you're combining 2 nukes.
You wouldn't duct-tape two nukes to each other if you were given the chance?

Though you might as well question why in the world clones made from clones techniques have the knowledge and experiences of their creator. The simple answer is that it's ninja magic. In the case of Senjutsu, super ninja magic.

To make things short, of course I can do this. People haven't really given me any beefs about this until recently. And the fact that it hasn't happened until it's been brought up that somebody wants my village's Tailed Beast doesn't really surprise me. If you want, another thread on my village's defenses can be made. That is, if it's something that is worth bringing up and making a big deal about, to make hunting down my village's Tailed Beast easier for those who really want to come after it on a lower difficulty setting.

Anybody can do the same for any other village trying to defend themselves or a Tailed Beast. I've seen this same ordeal happen with people whining about Kiri's forces pulling out Kirisame. Though if memory serves correct, people would rather drop it than have to accept that Kiri has a home-field advantage. That goes for all other villages as well. It's their village and their defenses that they came up with. You either gotta accept it, or add that village and it's inhabitants to your no-RP list as well. That doesn't mean there is not room for error or opportunity in a village's defenses. You just gotta be smart enough to find some holes. I do remember that Zen countered Kirisame with a large tree sprouting from the ground via Wood Release.

But now that I think about Kirisame, it does fit very nicely with my village's theme being rain. Maybe with a few tweaks and adjustments, it can be made to have varying degrees of the intensity of it's effects. It could also have a change in affecting it's radius to a wide range or an isolated area. I might as well call it Secreter Technique: Mist Rain.


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Re: Village hosts
« Reply #18 on: May 30, 2015, 04:36:16 PM »

Me thinks you misunderstood Shadow's post.

No comment on the 3x durability, susanoo are retardedly sturdy as is so that doesn't really change anything, but immunity to any and all non-naruto things without question is basically godmod. It doesn't really matter where you say its power comes from, you're still claiming you will be stronger and invulnerable to them no matter what, in short a god. Some might consider this insulting since not all such things are acad level bullshit but well written instead, if not a bit hypocritical too, because technically this thing of yours is not canon at all either. By interacting with them you're basically acknowledging their stuff exists, so what I fail to see is if you dislike non-naruto things so much then why don't you just steer clear of them instead of resorting to stuff like this.

As for the susanoo themselves, in theory a sufficiently powerful clone could make a susanoo around itself as Madara's clones did, even put senjutsu in it if they took the time to gather it and managed to synchronize the two powers. Its your execution of it however where the problems come in.

First off susanoo never act independently from the user, it always requires either the main or a clone body inside to keep it together and control it, because its just a mass of chakra without a will of its own and without the controller body inside it just disperses, simple as that. You claim to get around this by using Kabuto's inorganic reincarnation to turn the susanoo themselves alive, going past the original because senjutsu hax? Can't agree with you there, because for one you seem to forget Kabuto himself was already in broken level of sage mode himself, in fact its debatable he'd be able to use it all without it, and even then he never actually brought the environment alive, he just animated it according to his own will as if it was.

I could maybe see that if you had some way to keep a susanoo together away from your body, you could technically remote control it or something through Kabuto's trick, but considering its size and all it'd still be a considerable chakra drain, especially with as absurd a number as 25 or what was it. I dunno about others but I don't see how'd any normal human ever have the chakra for that, even I myself am not that crazy.

Regardless, this wouldn't really leave much choice besides to just copy Madara and make actual clones to control and stroll around with those susanoo. While a kage- or mokuton bunshin could in theory persist around a while like this, they by no means would last infinitely. Naruto never could keep any significant number around for long before they'd forcibly disperse and he'd collapse from exhaustion, not to mention kage bunshin also divides your chakra between all of them so the main you would never be anywhere near your full power either, if keeping that many around had the power for susanoo anyway. Mokuton bunshins drain in turn was never truly shown as Yamato never made more than one, and Hashirama was an edo tensei. Hashirama did however pretty clearly state the freshly juubi-hosting Obito would still be stronger even if he dispersed all his wood clones, so at least to me that's pretty clear proof mokuton bunshin also divide your chakra away between yourself and the clones.

So, long story short, I don't particularly care of ame, nor if you pull the 'nobody ever complained before' card or someone else the 'stomping on creativity' one on me. However I would advise you to look in the mirror first next time, before you get on someone elses case while trying to justify your rather absurd jutsu.

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Re: Village hosts
« Reply #19 on: May 30, 2015, 05:42:18 PM »

Ehh, my only problem was already mentioned. That being how in the world could each of these operate on their own without heavily taxing Kage. I honestly wouldn't mind them, given, I dunno you'd be forced to undergo a Nagato-like state from the series. Severely crippled and drained of his energies, but still living enough to enforce his power. I was never interested in the Sharingan life-style so I never did care about researching it all that much to utilize it. But from my own knowledge on Naruto I think its pretty far fetched to say that these susanoo operate on their own and what not. Then again village's are entitled to operate how they please, given you aren't exactly forced to RP with said village or persons any time. I can honestly say, after Machina's craziness the susanoo were indeed a force that made me want to run away. >>; Especially with me being fresh into battle-mode and them already in Sage Mode Enhanced state and multiples of them. I agree, I was not properly equipped and was not planning for such a defense, hence my failed assault for the Yonbi, but its not like its the end of the world. I just think there aren't any downsides to this defensive system like there should be. I just know susanoo alone is annoying to deal with so the defensive system such as that, is intolerable. lol If we look at how Nagato became crippled after gaining 'godly' powers so something similar must have to happen in order for them to continually roam around. Of course then you can 'shut them off' which would save your chakra reserves a heap ton but my understanding of susanoo is it's very painful from just how much chakra it spends and to have more than one is unimaginable.


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Re: Village hosts
« Reply #20 on: May 30, 2015, 06:51:07 PM »

Guys, this is getting way off topic. Village hosts have to make it possible for the challengers to get their challenge (be it 1v1 or whatever). Period. No ifs, ands, or buts. What defenses do not matter as long as the host gives the opportunity for the challenger that can actually be feasibly done. This has already been pointed out at least once. If we are going to discuss specifically Kage's defenses, move it to another thread specifically designed for that.

2] ºDetermine the Nature of the Challengeº
The host and the challenger, and ONLY the host and challenger, determine the nature of the challenge. BOTH decide if the match will be an IC Challenge or an OOC Challenge. This means that if an IC Challenge is chosen, the challenger has to RP learning the host’s identity and location and maneuvers him into a Match. This does not mean that the RP is used as a means for the Host to forever avoid having to face his challenger. The host must make it possible for the challenger to complete the terms of the RP event. This is not the battle part. You are going to face off with each other. You are just being creative about it.
If the OOC Challenge is chosen, then no RP concerning the challenge is performed. The details are agreed upon and the Match takes place.

The original question can be answered just by reading the bolded part of the above, taken directly from the biju guidelines stickied on this very board:,8016.0.html

If the argument is whether or not Kage has given challengers a chance to complete the RP obligation portion, then that too is better put in a different thread. This one though was focusing on whether there were guidelines on IC biju fights, which there are.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2015, 06:52:07 PM by Eric »
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.

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Re: Village hosts
« Reply #21 on: May 30, 2015, 08:56:19 PM »

The way I see it is this:

If someone is bold enough to attack a village head-on and is able to competently out-maneuver and survive the village's defenses/defenders, then he/she are most worthy of the jinchūriki to engage. If the assailant is gaining the upper hand, then the target (jinchūriki) should step up and volunteer to take out the assailant as he/she are the intended target. In which case, both combatants are then maneuvered into the type of match agreed upon.

Seeing as how most of the jinchūriki are higher ranking members of the village, then they should already be at the defense of their village. Which would make it easier to isolate them into a 1v1 scenario.

Should the assailant fail in their assault of the village, then that means he/she must find a more cunning way of getting at the jinchūriki. Blackmail, ego stroking, etc. something that would rile up the jinchūriki enough to leave the sanctuary of the village and engage in combat. That "something" would be part of the information gathering process of the jinchūriki's identity.

The IC route is MEANT to promote RP and is MEANT to be more difficult. Which makes the rewards that much sweeter should the challenger succeed.

Keito Uzumaki

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Re: Village hosts
« Reply #22 on: May 30, 2015, 09:50:30 PM »

The way I see it is this:

If someone is bold enough to attack a village head-on and is able to competently out-maneuver and survive the village's defenses/defenders, then he/she are most worthy of the jinchūriki to engage. If the assailant is gaining the upper hand, then the target (jinchūriki) should step up and volunteer to take out the assailant as he/she are the intended target. In which case, both combatants are then maneuvered into the type of match agreed upon.

Seeing as how most of the jinchūriki are higher ranking members of the village, then they should already be at the defense of their village. Which would make it easier to isolate them into a 1v1 scenario.

Should the assailant fail in their assault of the village, then that means he/she must find a more cunning way of getting at the jinchūriki. Blackmail, ego stroking, etc. something that would rile up the jinchūriki enough to leave the sanctuary of the village and engage in combat. That "something" would be part of the information gathering process of the jinchūriki's identity.

The IC route is MEANT to promote RP and is MEANT to be more difficult. Which makes the rewards that much sweeter should the challenger succeed.

Hit the nail in the coffin. I stand by this 100%. I'm an outsider in the biju realm simply because I never liked the fact that biju can change villages so easily simply from a 1v1. IC that makes drastic changes to lifestyle since biju are used as a power for the village defense as well. Well thats how I thought of it. I'm in favor for IC hunts, so long as they are legitimate and the host offers a chance for the challenger to somehow get him face to face. If the challenger fails to get that face to face challenge, well that doesn't mean he's shit outta luck. They just gotta try harder. I mean from the series alone we see members of the Akatsuki passing sensing barriers and weaseling through defenses in order to get to Naruto or whomever they wanted, until attracting attention with their assaults. So it shouldn't have to be a challenger against the village entirely, thats only if the challenger decided to get the jinchuriki's attention in such a manner. Then again it is up to the host to provide a small chance for the challenger to get to them, but shouldn't just stand out in an open field waiting to be assaulted, that makes absolutely no sense. No one is willingly offering their beast up for grabs, IC you have to TAKE it. Biju are treated like some custom technique/item trade-able back and forth to whomever can outsmart someone in a zone fight. That shouldn't be the case at all. xD Even for the 'style' SL has become. They are sacred beasts granting tremendous powers and should be treated with such care that no joe shmoe could walk up and simply take it.


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Re: Village hosts
« Reply #23 on: May 30, 2015, 10:46:46 PM »

You shouldn't have to fight a village for a biju. At least, not until village battles are better handled, cause most end in void.

Back when there were not challenges, the jinchurikki had to leave their home and go somewhere else every two weeks, to avoid a village wide assault and give people the opportunity to fight them a little bit easier. I only say a little bit, cause jinchurikki were allowed to bring other people when they went out, or I use to go to my fortified Mugen Castle. Still better than a village though imo
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Re: Village hosts
« Reply #24 on: May 31, 2015, 02:16:56 AM »

The way I see it is this:

If someone is bold enough to attack a village head-on and is able to competently out-maneuver and survive the village's defenses/defenders, then he/she are most worthy of the jinchūriki to engage. If the assailant is gaining the upper hand, then the target (jinchūriki) should step up and volunteer to take out the assailant as he/she are the intended target. In which case, both combatants are then maneuvered into the type of match agreed upon.

Seeing as how most of the jinchūriki are higher ranking members of the village, then they should already be at the defense of their village. Which would make it easier to isolate them into a 1v1 scenario.

Should the assailant fail in their assault of the village, then that means he/she must find a more cunning way of getting at the jinchūriki. Blackmail, ego stroking, etc. something that would rile up the jinchūriki enough to leave the sanctuary of the village and engage in combat. That "something" would be part of the information gathering process of the jinchūriki's identity.

The IC route is MEANT to promote RP and is MEANT to be more difficult. Which makes the rewards that much sweeter should the challenger succeed.

2] ºDetermine the Nature of the Challengeº
The host and the challenger, and ONLY the host and challenger, determine the nature of the challenge. BOTH decide if the match will be an IC Challenge or an OOC Challenge. This means that if an IC Challenge is chosen, the challenger has to RP learning the host’s identity and location and maneuvers him into a Match. This does not mean that the RP is used as a means for the Host to forever avoid having to face his challenger. The host must make it possible for the challenger to complete the terms of the RP event. This is not the battle part. You are going to face off with each other. You are just being creative about it.
If the OOC Challenge is chosen, then no RP concerning the challenge is performed. The details are agreed upon and the Match takes place.

The regulations are written the way they were written for a reason. They were meant to discourage large-scale village battles, but also to make due with the idea that the host has to leave the village uncharacteristically every 2 weeks simply because of time.

Again, it cannot be used as a means to avoid the challenge itself. If you have your buddy kill the challenger when the challenger hasn't even gotten to you yet, or worse, it's a 1v1 and the challenger has to fight both of you just to get to the *host*, it can be argued that the host is just outright breaking the rules they agreed to when they took up the beast.

If there is enough desire, this can be changed, but as it is now, village defenses (including aiding shinobi) that completely surpass the abilities of the challenger to the point in which it is nigh impossible to get that 1v1 (or however large the host may decide to make the match) then the guidelines have not been followed, plain and simple.

The only loophole I see for having more manpower is to permit a 5v1 or otherwise a group battle as part of the challenge, and even then, what challenger would sign up to fight that kind of outnumbered? Might as well not bother with the challenge system; you would be better off getting together everyone on the challenge list, make it a mission to kill off the jinchurikii so that it will respawn, and then have all of them and others fight for it in some tournament style competition.

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« Last Edit: May 31, 2015, 02:36:15 AM by Eric »
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: Village hosts
« Reply #25 on: May 31, 2015, 02:33:10 AM »

"The host and the challenger, and ONLY the host and challenger, determine the nature of the challenge."

So basically the village has no right to interfere with a challenger so long as they don't attack the village.
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

Something that can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.


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Re: Village hosts
« Reply #26 on: May 31, 2015, 06:32:26 AM »

"The host and the challenger, and ONLY the host and challenger, determine the nature of the challenge."

So basically the village has no right to interfere with a challenger so long as they don't attack the village.
Unless of course the Jinchuriki has subjected themselves to the orders of their kage. Then in a sense, the Jinchuriki becomes a proxy for the real person behind it all. At least that's what I've done with Ichirou. I provide him protection, rank, authority, access to techniques for further growth and the guarantee that he gets his Tailed Beast back in the case of prolonged absence. And in turn he's proved his loyalty.

But the fact of the matter is, if you attack him, you're basically going to have a whole village come down upon you since he is a part of the village.

This brings up an interesting conundrum though with rule two and the challenge preferences. The challenge preferences are what the hosts set, and what challengers have to follow. But rule two states that BOTH parties determine what's going to go or not in the challenge. But if a village is one of the parties, then they must have a say in how it goes, right?


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Re: Village hosts
« Reply #27 on: May 31, 2015, 06:54:05 AM »

"The host and the challenger, and ONLY the host and challenger, determine the nature of the challenge."

So basically the village has no right to interfere with a challenger so long as they don't attack the village.
Unless of course the Jinchuriki has subjected themselves to the orders of their kage. Then in a sense, the Jinchuriki becomes a proxy for the real person behind it all. At least that's what I've done with Ichirou. I provide him protection, rank, authority, access to techniques for further growth and the guarantee that he gets his Tailed Beast back in the case of prolonged absence. And in turn he's proved his loyalty.

But the fact of the matter is, if you attack him, you're basically going to have a whole village come down upon you since he is a part of the village.

This brings up an interesting conundrum though with rule two and the challenge preferences. The challenge preferences are what the hosts set, and what challengers have to follow. But rule two states that BOTH parties determine what's going to go or not in the challenge. But if a village is one of the parties, then they must have a say in how it goes, right?

Lolz. The village being one of the parties? Wat.

Have you not read the rules? It's 3 v 3 MAX in a bijuu fight. No more, ever. Involving the whole village is violation of bijuu rules.

"The host and the challenger, and ONLY the host and challenger, determine the nature of the challenge. BOTH decide if the match will be an IC Challenge or an OOC Challenge. This means that if an IC Challenge is chosen, the challenger has to RP learning the host’s identity and location and maneuvers him into a Match. This does not mean that the RP is used as a means for the Host to forever avoid having to face his challenger. The host must make it possible for the challenger to complete the terms of the RP event. This is not the battle part. You are going to face off with each other. You are just being creative about it. "

Ichirou demands IC rp.

Someone learns about Ichirou and goes to Amegakure and then challenges him.

At that point they talk about the match. Who's in it and how it happens. He cannot just be like 'well you're in ame so LOL I'mma set the whole village on you. Dawg you don messed up. I found a loophole to where I ain't ever gotta leave Ame and I can keep it forever lolz. #swagbijuuhost' Remember 3 v 3 MAX. It doesn't matter if you're in your own homeland, you can't break the rules.
So no, Ame can't gangbang a challenger like you want to.
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

Something that can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.


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Re: Village hosts
« Reply #28 on: May 31, 2015, 07:02:58 AM »

"The host and the challenger, and ONLY the host and challenger, determine the nature of the challenge."

So basically the village has no right to interfere with a challenger so long as they don't attack the village.
Unless of course the Jinchuriki has subjected themselves to the orders of their kage. Then in a sense, the Jinchuriki becomes a proxy for the real person behind it all. At least that's what I've done with Ichirou. I provide him protection, rank, authority, access to techniques for further growth and the guarantee that he gets his Tailed Beast back in the case of prolonged absence. And in turn he's proved his loyalty.

But the fact of the matter is, if you attack him, you're basically going to have a whole village come down upon you since he is a part of the village.

This brings up an interesting conundrum though with rule two and the challenge preferences. The challenge preferences are what the hosts set, and what challengers have to follow. But rule two states that BOTH parties determine what's going to go or not in the challenge. But if a village is one of the parties, then they must have a say in how it goes, right?

Lolz. The village being one of the parties? Wat.

Have you not read the rules? It's 3 v 3 MAX in a bijuu fight. No more, ever. Involving the whole village is violation of bijuu rules.

"The host and the challenger, and ONLY the host and challenger, determine the nature of the challenge. BOTH decide if the match will be an IC Challenge or an OOC Challenge. This means that if an IC Challenge is chosen, the challenger has to RP learning the host’s identity and location and maneuvers him into a Match. This does not mean that the RP is used as a means for the Host to forever avoid having to face his challenger. The host must make it possible for the challenger to complete the terms of the RP event. This is not the battle part. You are going to face off with each other. You are just being creative about it. "

Ichirou demands IC rp.

Someone learns about Ichirou and goes to Amegakure and then challenges him.

At that point they talk about the match. Who's in it and how it happens. He cannot just be like 'well you're in ame so LOL I'mma set the whole village on you. Dawg you don messed up. I found a loophole to where I ain't ever gotta leave Ame and I can keep it forever lolz. #swagbijuuhost' Remember 3 v 3 MAX. It doesn't matter if you're in your own homeland, you can't break the rules.
So no, Ame can't gangbang a challenger like you want to.
This is what I meant by the village being a part of the other party. The leader more specifically.


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Re: Village hosts
« Reply #29 on: May 31, 2015, 07:09:37 AM »

"The host and the challenger, and ONLY the host and challenger, determine the nature of the challenge."

So basically the village has no right to interfere with a challenger so long as they don't attack the village.
Unless of course the Jinchuriki has subjected themselves to the orders of their kage. Then in a sense, the Jinchuriki becomes a proxy for the real person behind it all. At least that's what I've done with Ichirou. I provide him protection, rank, authority, access to techniques for further growth and the guarantee that he gets his Tailed Beast back in the case of prolonged absence. And in turn he's proved his loyalty.

But the fact of the matter is, if you attack him, you're basically going to have a whole village come down upon you since he is a part of the village.

This brings up an interesting conundrum though with rule two and the challenge preferences. The challenge preferences are what the hosts set, and what challengers have to follow. But rule two states that BOTH parties determine what's going to go or not in the challenge. But if a village is one of the parties, then they must have a say in how it goes, right?

Lolz. The village being one of the parties? Wat.

Have you not read the rules? It's 3 v 3 MAX in a bijuu fight. No more, ever. Involving the whole village is violation of bijuu rules.

"The host and the challenger, and ONLY the host and challenger, determine the nature of the challenge. BOTH decide if the match will be an IC Challenge or an OOC Challenge. This means that if an IC Challenge is chosen, the challenger has to RP learning the host’s identity and location and maneuvers him into a Match. This does not mean that the RP is used as a means for the Host to forever avoid having to face his challenger. The host must make it possible for the challenger to complete the terms of the RP event. This is not the battle part. You are going to face off with each other. You are just being creative about it. "

Ichirou demands IC rp.

Someone learns about Ichirou and goes to Amegakure and then challenges him.

At that point they talk about the match. Who's in it and how it happens. He cannot just be like 'well you're in ame so LOL I'mma set the whole village on you. Dawg you don messed up. I found a loophole to where I ain't ever gotta leave Ame and I can keep it forever lolz. #swagbijuuhost' Remember 3 v 3 MAX. It doesn't matter if you're in your own homeland, you can't break the rules.
So no, Ame can't gangbang a challenger like you want to.
This is what I meant by the village being a part of the other party. The leader more specifically.

It's up to Ichi and the challenger at that point. He can add 2 more if the challenger agrees to it.
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

Something that can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

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